The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 13, 1934, Page 6, Image 6

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Women of Salem
Cu6 Gather
for Golf .
TrryOMEN of. the Salem: Golt
club assembled Friday
morning for a round - of
play and luncheon. Mrs, W. P.
Watkins won the- Class - A prize
and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn the Class B
prize. .-.,. .. -
: Next Friday will be "white ele
' phant" day. Those wishing lunch
eon reservations are to call Mrs.
M. B. McKInsey by Wednesday
.Bight. : :
4 Present yesterday were Mrs.
Robin Day. Mrs. Fred Bernardl.
Mrs. A. -D. ' Woodmansee, Mrs.
E. A. Skelley, Hrs. B. F. Found,
Mrs. P. ' W. Byrd. Mrs, Sam
-Adolph, Mrs.; A. S.r Hnssey, Mrs.
Roy Byrd, Mrs.' M. B. Donaldson,
j JJrs.'.'R' IL -Savage, Mrs. G. P,
. Sharker Mrs. Max -Flanery, Mrs,
Harry -Weld mer Mrs. Ed Baker
. Mrs. Ed Gllling ham, Mrs. 'George
-: FlaggMrs. H.'-.U. dinger, Mrs.;.
J. N. Bishop. ;Mrs. Oliver ; Locked
'Mrsi YiXir Bell-Miss Dorothy
. Bell, ' Miss Moll' Schwabbauer.
Mrs. Guy Smith, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn.
. Mrs. W. A. Johnson, . Mrs. Ercel
Kay, Mrs. W. P. Watkins, ; Mrs.
Van Welder and Mrs, M. B. Mc-
SilTerton The Silverton high
' school stndent body enjoyed one
of Its loTely dances at the Eugene
field building- here this evening.'
Decorations added much to the
: festiTities and were carried "oat
. by Emogene Wood, Ardltb. Olsen,
Letter Rue, Earn Wilson. Janet
Eallantyne was general chairman
- of the affalrl Don McCall and Har
old Houck were in charge of the
orchestra Invitations were an
der Jean and Jane Bowman- and
, Alice Miles. In charge of the pro
gram was Marrin Jensen.'
. - Inritatlons Were" Issued ' to Mr.
and Mrs. L I. Stewart Mr. 'and
Mrs. Mae Houck, Mr.: and Mrs.
Paul Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Goetx, Mr. and Mrs. John
- Moe, Mr, and -Mrs. M. L. Hatte
berg, Mr, and Mrs. G. B. Bentson,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Alfred, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Riches, jy Delay, Mr.
and Mrs Harold Davis, Mr. and
Mrs. ' Herman s- Kramer, Estora
Ricks, Esther Burch, Mr. and
Mrs, Wallace Cochran, Roth El
liot, Mr. and Mrs. William Gates.
Mr. ' and : Mrs. - Claude Hampton.
Ethel Hardle, Lacy. Howe, Calrtn
. Storey, Rath Vance, 'Esther Wil
cox, end Mr. and Mrs. Warren E.
Crabtree.- v " "...
Monmouth-Mrs. F. R. Bow
ersox and Mrs., Agnes Lofting
were hostesses . to the Baptist
women's . missionary society
Thursday afternoon at the Bow-ersox-
home. A large number ot
' members and guests were pres
" ent. Mrs. Osterholm, a missionary'
- la Africa for several years, gave
an Interesting discussion of life
lit a mission field
'.- Mrs. J. C. Wilson conducted the
lesson, topic, f Prayer and Work."
- Mrs; John Scott led part of the
lesson, assisting Mrs.' Wilson. The
society's program for the ensuing
half year; November, leader, Mrs.
8. Williamson: December, leader,
Mrs. Fred Aebt; January," leader,
lira. A. B. Morlan; February,
leader, Mr. Gas Cleischman;
March, leader, Mrs." Lee Peyton.
; - - . .
Woodburn Miss - Leota Mae
Hawley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
D. IL Hawley of Woodburn, and
. Willis -A, Lingle of -Damascus,
were ' married. at vKelao, XWash..
' Saturday, .October 6. Rev. Charles
: E. Miller of Kelso officiated. The
couple - were attended .by Miss
Mildred Ulston brJortlahd. and
Victor. Love ot Damascus.- They
will reside - at Damascus " where
Mr. Lingle has a position as me
ehanic. Mrs; Lingle ', was gradu
ated ; from Woodburn " high",' in
1928. She has made her home In
Portland the past few years where
she has been employed as a
" nurse. . . : , ' - ,
.: The bride was honored with a
shower given for her at the home
of Mrs. Walter Tooze in Portland
. last Thursday."
The Fraternls club will be boat
for its first Informal dance of the
season October r 27 at Hlabee
eountry club. Boot Grant and
his band will play 'and 'members
; are privileged to bring guests. .
Cosmos Forms
A T ' ! k's
The cosmos, that feathery flow
of Fall, is -caught in all its
auty in this quilt. Cosmos. Too
n carry out -the blocks in ac-
colors or ia any other colors
at fit., In your bedroom.'. The
lock i3 especially easy to put to
tier and -wrill make a Quilt ot
Ac cny QuIItn-.aker iDay.",be
0U J. " " .
Pittern SiJ comes to you with
r:;!te, siraf'e instructions for
ITS? 'hSi-
News and Glub
i Jessie Steele
. Saturday, October IS , ;
Reception tor cradle roll and beginner's departments
of First Presbyterian church, 2 to 6 p. mM in prayer
meeting- room ot church.
.v ::'; Salem Woman'! club, board at J p. m., business
meeting, 2:30 p. m. at clubhouse.
A. U. W. with Mrs. CUudlus Thayer,: 255 N.
Capitol, z.p.,m. -
, - Monday, October 15 '
Opening night of second annual Statesman .contract
bridge tcurnament, "Marion hotel, S p. m. ' -
Baked Ham
:L j D i'sh for;
"Baking a lain. Is. an "arfwhlch
ew cooks can. boast oL-H Is not
the.sinfple; fl6 r. fcnd pop In ' the
oteh . process.- tjiat, beef andL.pork
Involves. But' .; carefully prepar
ed ham roast is- truly a - regal
dish, and when served with swe t
potatoes and: a '.tart salad it
tempts the palates - of ; the " most
discriminating. '.;- - ,
Any kind ' of '' ham recipe la
eligible tt the Round Table thl
week. Even If Just a little : ham
is called tor to add flavor.- the
recipe- win . be , considered In the
Judging. ;Three.i cash V prises ! to
taling S will be announced next
Friday . - morning, : Tl-ursday noon
la the deadline for bringing con
tributions to the office.
Yesterday's second - prize win
ner called for trdled cranber
ries. In case you don't know how
to make them, here Is a rule:
' - Candied Cranberries . r
yVl, 1 IK4ewWnrics - '
, caps cars
:," 9 evpl mtrr ''-"1 -
Select large, firm perfect cranberries.-wash'
and drain. Make i
or ' 3 small slits in each berry
with a J point of a knife. Boil
sugar and ' water together ' until
clear. Cool syrup. Add berries
and bring" very slowly to- the
boiling point. Remove from fire
and let stand over night. Sauce
pan should be large enough to
permit all the berries to float on
top of the syrup' during the cook
Ing. If berries are -; heated too
quickly the skins will burst be
fore tbey absorbs the syrup.: Next
day drain syrup from - berrk.
boil until it is thick, allow , o
cool, add berries an i heat slow
ly. Cook gently for 3 or 4 min
utes and allow to stand J houvs
or more. ; Then cook slowly a
third : time for 6 minutes Allow
berries to stand in thick syrup
over night. Warm once more so
the syrup will be thin enough
to pour easily, and drain berries
from; the syrup. Spread on a rack
covered with cheesecloth to dry.
Ittyiboil d" be bright, ' firm,
plump and i "ienil - transparent.
Store in a - tightly f covered Ajar
and :use as a sweet meat or as
a garnish. The yrnp left, over
after berries are candled may be
used as a pudding sauce, or Jn
fruit punch. The method of pre
paring see-as like a lot of work
but' the finished product Is worti
It. . , . -v. . - -
Mrs. F- K. Atchison
118X Sixth Street
. . . West Salem -..
Cranberry Mint lee ,
1 quart rrmnlrrJei .-. ;
. 9 p water: '
1 tab!etpea gelstlS
3 tablrspoooa ol4 irtter,' ' ; v
.9 tvp snrsr - - -', . ,
inlf ot 2 ' lemon -
S drm oil f Bnr(at
, Cook berries until they stop
poppirg. 'Rub hrough. a sieve or
wire strrlner. Reheat t to boiling
point and add gelatin which has
been soaked in the 2 tablespoons
of cold.: water. Stir ..until, gelatin
has : dissolved. ; Then -add lemon
iuice, ' saga x aud 4 peppermint.
When cool put -in freezer i tray.
PI a e e cold control to high t
point and, freeze for about 1
bour, After; it -.Is frozen.- turn
control back : to .. normal. Serves
6 or people. ; r , -.-w "
Grace Miller u
. . I , Route S, Box 4
Cranberry Relish .
1 lh. cranberries ' . -
, 4 tart applet, red eaet best . .
cap safar T
': Wash cranberries, apples and
oranges. Quarter and core ap-
Graceful Quilt
A - l' I k v
. -
cutting, sewing and finishing, to
gether with yardage chart; dia
gram, of quilt to help arrange the
blocks -for single and double bed
size, and a. diagram of block
which serves as a guide for plac
ing the patches and suggests con
trasting materials: . .
Send 10 cents in stamps or coin
(cola preferred) for this pattern
to The Statesman, Meedlecraft
Sociefy Editor
A ppelizing
Rec ipe Entry,
pies, but "do not peel, Force all
ingredients t h r o u'g h the flue
knife ot a food, chopper or grinU-i
er.'add sugar d stir well. Chill
and..serve,:Wfll:?V:btter if: It
standt several hours. It will keep
a long time in a. cool place and
Is good . with meats - or fowl. '
. Mrs. F. L.. Wotd
-1S95 Broadway
" ' Cranberry TOip -
; V 9 "ft tUli, ,..v' - -''' -y
H claw cTmaWrrr leBr ;
Beat egg white stiff, add Jelly
gradually and beat until It stands
alone." Pile In ' high ' glasses, ; top
with whipped cream and chop
ped nuts. Or ft can . he used
a pudding rauce.
Mrs. -Mabel Davis
' ' , Route 1 '
- r. . " Gerrais, Ore,
- . ' - , y
, Cranberry Sauce ,
- piat water . f .; . . N
. '. taapea seas ,
. -.. new amet'ef aaeanrai
Wash and sort berries. Put on
to simmer with the cold water,
which should be enough to bare
ly -Cover. When the-first herry
pops,' "add soda and drain oft all
the -water quteklyv Return to fire.
adding; Just ; halt the amounts of
water used the. fLst time. Sim
mer until' berries are tender.
Measure the sauce,' add ' the
amount ot suar... Return : to the
fire and : remove as soon as It
boils. Sieve or not. as Ton wlah
and pour Into a mold, which has
been dipped in cold water.
For - a delicious holiday salad.
add to the sauce, l.eup cut cel
ery. H cup cut filberts, 2 table
spoons gelatin. ' '
This " sauce - Is . always - firm.
never bitter and well worth the
little extra care .needed lor pre
paration. . .
Mrs. 5. M. Laws
' ' 1680 State Street
Talbot. Miss Elda Wlnterman
tel was the Inspiration of a love
ly bridal shower Thursday after
noon at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Ray Reeves, with Mrs. D. E.
Blinston, Mrs. Eti Wlnteraahtel
and Mrs. WUma Wintermantel as
hostesses. - Miss ? Wintennantera
marriage to John 1 Potts will be
an event of the last of this month.
Contests were enjoyed throughout
the ; afternoon. Prizes won - by
Mrs.Xoyd Morllott Vnd Airs. D. E.
Turnidge. '-K'--i
Guests from Salem were Mrs. Barry
Roland, Mr a Frank Reeves,' Mrs. Arch
Shurrmker. Mrs. " Carrie Krents -and
Miss Helen Tlnslestsd. From Sulphur
Springs, - Montana, Mrs. Rirth Potter
and Mrs: Gladys pnelton, Mrs, BL- F.
Nve. Mra Jark Tumbull of RoaedaJe:
Mra:Ralph Dent, -Mnt, ReX Hartley,
Mrs F - B. Simpson, Mrs ucorjre
Pott; Mrs.- Charles Meier, Mrs. C F.
Johnston. Mrs. Nelson Gilrnour, Mrs.
Claud Johnson. ' Mra D. EL Turnidce.
Mrs. J. M. Calavan, Mr Delmer Da
vidson. Mrs. A. E. Cole. Mra .-Addle
Pnvidson, Mrs. O. M. Belknap, . Mrs.
William Wiederkebr.- Mrs. Mary Nye.
Mrs. Ola Jerganaon. Mrs. Otto Mitch
ell, Mrs. George Msrlatt. Miss Clara
Mtttmeli; Mrs. E, J. Freeman, Mra.
W. I Wash, Mra. Mae- Van Buakirk,
Mra. E. B. Cochran, Mrs. Ray Reevea,
Miss Ilene Blinston and Misa Ida Bel
knap and the hostesses, Mra Blinston,
Mra. Eva- - Wintermantel and Mra.
wiima wmtermantaL -it-.
. ... ..-. - . . .' : . . --
Staytoh. Eleven ! t a b 1 e s of
bridge were in play at the first
benefit eard tarty given by the
Women's club. Frizes for high
score going to Mrs. W. N. PIntler
and Willis Brown, ? These parties
will be given once each month."
Main Floor
' ' '
Alumnae Feted at
Volcott Bur en
opened her home In Orchard
Heights to alumnae mem
bers of PI Eeta Phi sorority
Thursday" night, h Mrs. Raymond
Eonesteele was the assisting host
ess. After a short business session
bridge was enjoyed and a late
supper served. .
Mrs." Dwight Qnlsenberry and
Mrs. Yera Miller will entertain
the group next month.
Members Invited were Hiss Lil
lian Davis, Miss Ethel Frazier,
Miss Margaret King, ' Mies Ruth
Holmes, Mrs. Frank Deckebach,
Jr., Mrs. Walter Tuhrer, Mrs. Ed
win Keech. Mrs. Don Prltchett.
Mrs. Carl Ramseyer, Mrs. Edward
Soxj Mrs James; R. Humphreys,
Mrs, -Vern MJiierv Mrsvipwight
Quisenberry, - Mrs. - Marlon Mil
ker,Mrs. Ererett May, and the
hostesses -Mrs.;- WolcOtt Buren."
ana Mrs.-Raymond sonesteele.
, ; . - T ' t i,'
Bridge Glub Honored
in' Afternoon , ,r
. a . -'- " -1,'- - ,
Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp was host
ess to the VQueen ot Clubs" Wed
nesday afternoon for -bridge and
a late luncheon. Mrs. -Anna Kert
son and Mrs.-Eliza Albright won.
honors at . cards. V , . .
Present were Jf rs. Anna Kert
son. Mrs. Millicent Kfrchdff. Mrs.
Mabel Hauser, Mrs. Millie O'Neill,
Mrs. i Isabella Rutherford, . Mrs.
Eliza Albrlghtv Mrs. Eunice Beck
man and the hostess, Mrs. JLtmk
Schaupp. .'-. ' ,
e - e
Molall Miss Laura Ramsay
andtHarold . Wolfer, - both ' of Mol
aUa7 were married at the Methd
dist Episcopal; church Wednesday
afternoon. The Rev. Harold Miles
read the simple ring service. Miss
Ramsay is the daughter of Mrs.
Cora Ramsay, of MoUlla, and Mr.
Wolfer is the third son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. G. Wolfer, of Sheri
dan formerly." of Molalla. The
ceremony and the reception' that
followed " were attended by ' SO
guests.- - - - - -
- The bride was attended by Free
da Buroker, s Earl 'Ramsay was
best man. The wedding inarch was
played by Roberta Miles. Marie
Steininger sang : "At Bawnlng'
and -X Love Yon Truly. Miss
Ramsay wore a blue taffeta wed.
ding dress. She also wore a cameo
u nao belonged to her great
grandmother and ia nrosBntAd
the eldest daughter in each gen
eration at the time of her mar
riage. ' '-.-v,; , . t ..;
After t ihort wnliliiir trtn Hi
young people will live in Molalla.
nolo, are lormer high school stu
dents here and - active members
ot the Methodist church and Ep-
wortn league. .
- XTf e , ;,e .
- Stayton. The birthday ot Mrs.
C. A. Beauchamp was the incen
tive for a group of friends to sur
prise her at her home, r Bridge
was played and the prises went to
Mrs. C P. : Neibert and Dr. Oi
F. Kortnek. 4 others enjoying the
occasion were Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bnseh.
Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Tuel, Dr. and
Mrs. Korinek," Dr. and Mrs. Beau
champ, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Knight,
Mrs. Ellen Reynolds, ; Mrs. C. P.
Neibert and Mrs. June Bartow of
Seattle.; . ..-.- '
Talbot Mrs. Delmer Davidson
was" .hostess to the Talbot Wom
ens club at her, home Wednesday
afternoon at the first meeting of
the fall.v Mrs. Delmer Davidson Is
club president; appointed '.to aV
tend the Marion-county federation
of women's clubs to: bo held at
Gates October 2S, were Mrs.. Del
mer Davidson, Mrs. D.-E. Blins
ton, Mrs. E. J. Freeman. Mrs., van
Busklrk and Mrs. Eva Winter-
manteL ; , . , - - .
. Hayesville Miss' Madeleine
Saucy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Saucy. : will - become the
bride of Samuel Merger at a auiet
wedding to be solemnised Sunday
morning at 9:30 o'clock at the Im
manuel Baptist church in Salem
After a honeymoon trip, they will
reside on the Mark Saucy place
here. t v -
Pld TclUtasli
Orev Saturday Ucttatt,
Billie CarotKers Has
Birthday Party .
BilUe Carothers celebrated his
12th birthday last weekend with
a party. Games and refreshments
were enjoyed and the boner guest
received- many gifts. Fay Scott
danced and sang accompanied at
the piano by Hazel Magnus. "
Present ; were Leonard Shaw.
Carrol, Allean. Calvin and Mary
Annette . Conrtnier, Delma and
Lowell . Jensen, Har el Magnus,
Fay Scott, Donna Mae Gruchow,
NellieMnd Douglas Flood, Patri-clsr-andCarlos
Kenney, Mayetta
and Richard , Gessner, Bobbie
Shaffer, Leonard Shaw, - Edward
and John Burten, Lloyd. Crabb,
BilUe i Clearwater, August , and
Bobbie . Mahrts, Robert Fulton,
Francis Waser, : BilUe, Johnny,
Virginia, Jean . and Frits Caroth
ers. and the hostess, Mrs. W. F.
Carothers. - - ' :
- . , . , e e e
Mrs. ' Ray Entertains ;
for Mother
Mrs. William Ray compliment
ed- her mother, pa her 8 5th birth
day Thursday. - -The lltin room
was decorated with . bright" au
tumn - flowers rand the , hostess
sery e4 lnncheonV 4 Mrs. tAnslng;
thee honor guest,- received many
gifts' -from' friends, in Hayes TiUe
: TThose: invited were Mrs. John
Lephart, Mrs. Gus ' lloren, Mrs.
Brown, Mrs. Sam Lucas,' Mrs.8 Boh
McClay," Mrs. Zeller, . Mrs. Moby
Zeller.rrMrs. Gene Riser, Mrs.
Ward V- Prescott,' . Mrs. George
Chrlstoff erson, , Miss -Ruth -Starr
and - the hostess, . Mrs. William
Ray. - -
- MT. ANGEL, "OcCl 2 -A teach
era club was organized here Tues
day in , Mt' Angel . for local and
nearby teachers to . pursue a
course of study, for a reading clr.
de credit. The- dub was organ-.
IsedaX a meeting at St. Mary's
school, Tuesday night, The fol
lowing officers were -elected: Til
tie Beyer, president; Grace Smith,
vice-president: .Florence Walker,
secretary; Dorothy: Schwab, treas-
- The study of the harmonica was
selected forf this year's r work.
Florens Dehler will be leader.' The
first meeting will be held Mon
day, October It. At the present
writing the . following teachers
have Joined: .Paulino , Saatf eld.
Theresa Dehler, Helen - Keber,
Grace Smith. Florence Walker,
Florens Dehler, Christine Schulte,
Tlllie Beyer, Geraldine Fry,' Doro
thy schwan, ana Eustene sauman.
A number ot others .have asked
to join but did not attend the pre
liminary meeting. ,. - . -
W.U. Students to
Skate Saturday
'.-(v . . 'i i - - -
Willamette university's student
body will hold its first general so
cial affair of the season Saturday
night in the form ot a skating
party at the Dreamland rink. It is
expected 300 will participate. Dick
Laeke is In charge.
OAKDALE. Oct. 13. A tim
ber tire . that was started in the
..,J. .. Aace n
jN i ;r chiffons
. V nown
1 . -J
r'. . j A J .y; priced
i i i
' - V . 'AKEt 1 i
AUTUMN LEAF ei rfcK medium
wiMirttwuwu-a versatile
:' ; s. .'.-f ... -a, " -5 .f aw" " " ' '"- - -
4- V '
I :
CARAMEL a deep wnbrome - -Catlfle4 Qaeltiy
: EOTTERSCOTCH cj stecfium ivmion;' especially ' . sin
for evenind
October 13, 1S34
Schoolgirls T nowadays ; are . a
knowing ' lotl This Uf the sort ot
style they likeand older women
might -do well to - emulate their
chie simplicity. Inr fact we are so
enthusiastic -about this mod er that
we have mada it in sizes sp to for-,
ty-i-aad you only sve to xive one
glance at an older .woman wearing
it to realize that we are right. The
long, slim raglan sleeves are flat
tering to all. ages and everybody
looks well in a neat, round collar,
while. the skirt molds the hips in
avery attractive. manner.- .It Is
a model which you can make of
silk or wool with equal success.
Pattern 2031 Is available only
In sizes 13, 14. If, 18, 30, 30, 33.
34. SI, 38 and 40. Size 10 takes
3 yards 64 Inch fabric. : Illus
trated step-hy-step sewing: instruc
tions included."
Ssa fiftm cents (15e) la eotas
Or ataaps coins erafamd) far tals
Aaae Adaau eattant Writs plainly
nam, address aaa style ernmbax. BB
8asA for tba naw Fall aad wtBtatt
Saaaa at the Anas Adams Patters
Soak sad knew what la aaw la aaurt
cldthaa. a takea yee tareagh tee
waste mt tuhloa rrea Hasaria ta eat.
srearmaats t -. as variaakiac aaata
atlariag aaw Sanaa frocks . . , aaa
bsariag U ailad Ua seeds ef ths
TooBftt g nerttla. ; Prlea t feoek
ftftaws cast. Uok aa4 -eattaza a-.
gatbar twany-fia eanta. -
Adaraas erSara U a Utagoa '
Stateamae Pattara Dept. SIS Soots
. CoBunarcial street, Balast. - Make see-,
eaaarr aaelesnraa Taet - etSar wiU
be pranptly ttaada4 to. '
Ordus caatoaarilr aaa mad wttaim
foar 4ays fzaa Ska ttaae racaJvee ay '
: Tke gtotewisa,
Sibly -woods caused quite a bit
of excitement Wednesday. It was
burning- toward the Walter Bird
place In the Liberty district.
a new way, lhasa Holeproof -:
are. exquisite In their filmy per- J
... WflVW, VIA VI W4 f JIWI JHHiy. t -.
in.correa newsnaaes to nar- -
...j.L M. . - . I
fp "offer" ottractiveT volue at
If r - hi ,r we
SHADES -. Xtter w
broym . ,
TTnvrTt. Oct. 12. Mr. and
Mrs. F. Chamberlain who have
hPn caraned on the oid;RODLlns
place and cutting white fir have
winl tn the Watson nlaee where
Mr. and Mrs. Willis have been
i. '
m '!
r. , . 12 Momme Silk Pongee!
Here's a brand new bar rain yon cannot af -
Xora to pass up. seaunrni Quality snrousn
oat; these silk pongee pajamas come to yen" v. ' :,
In the latest pa Jama mode, All are trimmed "
. .with -briKht -Coral ponsee. AIT sixes. 'Oner i 4
" piece with short or wins; sleeve.
V See Theie
On Main Floor Today
Shuggler pajamas are that routh, pop
corn" knit in rayon tnat
'undies for fall and winter
.with . crew and; Peter-Pan .collars, wing
sleeves, etc 'Sky blue, tea rose,
All elses. -
Main Floor
New washable silk dresses,
: shades,' floral patterns are
' special price. Z to C years,
. Same as above, but for larger flrls from . Ap.'
7. to 1& years. , These are splendid "for .;Y J,
C'4ressy wear. t.i.1'; -1 'Qmi
, -Thelarffe sixes 10 to Is are fashioned dif- q m Qf
terently and represent the newest plaids, r yJ aO v
brirht shades, etc. 'The new NATTTirAL a-V ,
;. navy blue with anchor trims
' TOUps. V:.", . ' 1
The new all-wool hip skirts are here C afl QQ
in all the wanted shades tor this season. 1 V i JO'
Siiea 10 to II years. -
a... -
New, plaid blouses in silk, also the smart- i QQ
est.of plaid sweaters are here to go with y 50
:-these new skirts. , Priced " ... " . - - ' ' I
v, dressy wear." "Priced - : V . "- -
- - V " 1
.Vv . . ; ' with Interior reflectotof alumln--
- i- f r
living. Mr. Chamberlain has rriny
cords cf pulp wood which he is
hauling to Ealera from here.
There re several others ia the
neighborhood who are dealing Jn.
the pulp wood. Willis are mov
ing to the John Martin place. . .
you '
for .
tie :l-v-:
; ve.- . '.-.-. .v j
120 Pairs of Fine Quality
Pajamas Blade ef '
' . ; v'i
Snakier Knit - Cozy V Warm
at rourh. -pop- y? ; , 0
la so popular ia V. rTI L V
wear. Two-piece AJ ,: I I .
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