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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1934)
PAGE TWO Tg OnEGQH STATESMAN. Cafasl Oregon Sanday Morning. September 23, 1S3I I ft LI,I TO FLY . EAST TD HELP Some Officia!s Put Strong- : Emphasis on Story of s i; Convict in Ohio (Continued iro pc J) - hiring becu siren the opportunity to hear a coherent statement from either aim or myself . . , H The district attorney announ ced Lindbergh would - testify be. foro the grand Jury Wednesday when erideaee Is presented to sub stantiate the charges that Haupt mann extorted the 160,000 ran som paid fruitlessly for the Lind bergh baby.. "We haTe," Foley declared, "an airtight extortion case against Hauptmann." . f . ; Department of justice agents expressed , keen - interest in the statement ol George Panllin, in mate of the Ohio state prison In ' Columbus, who gave the warden . Preston Thomas the coded letter which contained this Information: "Wilt kidnap Lindy baby. Hope ;v"v for . me." -v . U: Gavo Information -y. Early, Says Warden - In relating the convict's story, tte warden said Paullia volun . teered the information soon after - the kidnaping, on March 1, 1932, Ja the hope ot saying the baby; Aat Paullln knew Haaptmann at Perth Amboy, New Jersey; .that they were both in the same gang of pick-pockets and petty racket eers. : ! : '.k, ? : t " " The warden said he, a - guard and Panllin went to. Hopewell to ,. tell New Jersey authorities about the convict's letter; but that the ' officials did not appear much in terested. - . : While the . letter Paullln said Hauptmann wrote him. at the time It was seen by ' the warden. had no signature on it, the con tlct declared he had torn off the signature. - - This was corroborated by the warden's daughter," Miss Amanda Thomas, the prison censor, who said she remembered the signa ture of "Bruno ' and also remem bered seeing the. name "Haupt mann" on letters sent to Paullin. .With interest shown la this de velopment by federal agents, it was learned that Paullin, may be brought east to confront Haupt- mano. f - . , District Attorney ,. Foley, how- over, paid little heed to the con vict's story. Haaptmann Wanted Access to Strongbox ; -It's a bust," he said. In Trenton. Major Charles H. Seboeffel, assistant superintend ent of the Jersey police, -said the code message' was "never produc - ed hero and the information flv- . en to ns was that it was un signed." As the investigation was rush ed tn an effort to apprehend any possible accomplices, including a mysterious woman who has fig ured In the case from' the 'start, police disclosed, that Hauptmann had tried In vain to gain entrance to the safety deposit box of Isa dora Flscb, a friend of Hauptmann who went to Germany two' years ago and died there. - Hauptmann said he found the 113,750 in ransom bills discovered in his garage,, and also the bills he passed, in belongings of Fisch left at his home. ' Police also disclosed that Fisch paid for his passage to Germany with some gold certificates. The ransom bills - were . gold eertifi- cates. ; : The safety deposit box incident was told to police by Louis Blltz er, an attorney retained by Fisch 's relatives to clear up hU estate ; shortly after he died suddenly In rALeipzlg. ., """ Blltzer said Hauptmann came to him, asked for permission to look into the box and was denied such. - While District Attorney Foley termed; Fisch only a "friend ' of Hauptmann as tar as he was con cerned, Dr. John F. Condon, the 'Jafsie" who as intermediary paid ever the ransom; urged officials to order Flseh's body exhumed and an . autopsy performed to deter mine If,. his was a violent death. - Flack -obtained his passport for . the German trip on May 11, 13 J ' the jday the Lindbergh baby's body was found in the Bourland mountain woods a few miles from the Hopewell home. HOW I LOST 62 POUNDS Without Harmful Dieting, Salts or Drugs , "; 7 MARGARET GEORGE . SIXTY-TWO pounds ot fat was the welcome loss in weight I reg istered without taking any harm- ful drugs or salts without vio lent exercising and without go ' ing hungry for a single minute, because I ate as much as I wanted excepting , much starchy food. A Drinking t enpfula a day t de licious Cermania Herb Tea, ob tainable at food, department "and drug stores, I hold largely respon sible for the loss of all my. ugly - rfctftitri the returnJome of a morel v ft - Part 0 Y X Heaped en a table before the fascinated eyes ot these four New York City police; more than 918,000 of the ill-fated Lindbergh kidnaping ransom money is guarded after it bad been scooped out ot the floor of a Bronx, New York, garage, where Bruno Richard Hanptman, II fit ILL CH mm moiiy (CeatiancS freta par 1) part that "we have now gained every substantial thing that we asked In this strike." The union leaders declared that they would show no discrim ination as far as non-union work ers were concerned. All "scab banners ere ordered scrapped and all features of the strike aband oned. Ercel Kay, director of the plant, stated that 160 workers were expected to report back to their Jobs Monday. I do not know how long we will be able to operate," he said. "That will depend on whether or not orders on file. have, been cancelled be cause of delay. At the beginning of the strike, we had at least a month's work lined up, but the situation now Is uncertain." He added that wc have made no arrangements with the local union othert han the general agreement announced by Gorman in his telegram. So tar as I know we will continue to run on the pre-strike basis ' until the national arbitration group settles the strike issues." Bonus Board to Pay no. Mileage It. Is not necessary for the state bonus commission to pay fees tor sheriffs or other peace officers for service or mileage in Serving papers in connection with mortgage foreclosures. Attorney General Van Winkle held In an opinion handed down Friday. -The attorney general . further held that the bonus commission was not liable tor payment of fees to clerks of the courts for fil ing papers or for trial' of the cases. BURCH APPEALS Kenneth Darrel Burch, found guilty ot driving an automobile while under the influence of in toxicating liquor, was fined f It 0 by Justice ot the Peace Miller Hayden and sentenced to to days in the county Jail. Burch then filed notice of appeal to the clr- youthful and more attractive, fig ure. ' Delicious, I found It, and many .women and; men write and tell me the same, ; . Will You Blake This Test? Test Germania Ten under our poa ittve guarantee that you most be delighted with the wonderful re sults or we ' will pay back your money and no questions will be asked. A . single package ' lasts three weeks and the $1.50 size now costs only 79c Go to your nearest food, drug or department store today and get a package of Germania Tea, or write Germania Tea Co., 60S 1st are., Minne apolis, Minn. Offers wonderful relief to those suffering with Gas, Rheumatism, Indigestion, Nervousness" or other disorders related to constipation or intestinal poisoning. CONSULT KEPKESEN." . . . TATIVE ON GERMANIA HERB TEA at Fred Meyer Store also for sale at all leading , drug and department stores $L50 Size Germania Herb Tea, For r?Q . one week only I nC tAeTtecom if" . ... ".v.. . " ........ : .: cult court. He was arrested after a grocery truck which he was drivlnr collided with a ear carry ing Mr. and Mrs. James J)- Carey, both ot whom were Injured. - The accident happened September S on the River road south ot Salem. Audits of Liquor Stores Point to Increased Sales Recent audits ot the state li enor commission stores were "un usually clean", George Flagg, de puty secretary of. state declared Saturday. 8ales at the Eugene, store dur ing the period from its inception to August 12 aggregated S38, 615.10. A total of 1504 resident permits were issued. Purchases totalled 4S,514.71, with a JJ51 mark down in stocks. Virtually all of the atores have shown a steady Increase in sales. MINISTER FOTJXD DEAD NEWPORT, Ore.. Sept. 22.-OP1 -The Rer. M. Anderson. First Presbyterian church pastor - and well known citizen of Newport, was found dead at his residence here tonight. an -in - charged with its possession. Is alleged to have buried it. Dr. John F. (Jafsie) Condon, - Lindbergh's contact num. picked Hanptman ent ot police line as the mysterione man to whom he had paid over tae V3o,ooo tn SDPWini PROTESTS inniiMi i mini II (Costiasas fraat par 1) Una one minute, 15 seconds ahead of Endeavonr, the second straight victory for Rainbow aft er losing the first two races. While Committee members aft er the race claimed not to have noticed any infraction of the rules, the question of a foul arose in stantly among the experts aboard the eoast guard cutter Argo, clos est to the situation, shortly after the sloops started on the second leg, a broad reach with the wind blowing smartly from the east. Report Is Made On Inoculations Inoculations tor diphtheria giv en by the Marion county health office daring August totaled 28, bringing the total for the year ending September 1 to 7S7 as compared with a total of S7 in the previous year. Tuberculin, inoculations during mil HATWARD THOMPSON "You know, I've done a lot of trav eling and have clone a lot of meet ing people but, I want to tell you here and now that I met more REAL FOLKS at the Basket Gro cery than at any place I've ever .. been - AND HERE'S THE REASON; You cch figure this out for yourself. There's Nebergall Hams baked in wine Bohemian Club Beer, and boy-.;. . the people these quality products attract!! That's the plain and simple reason folks try the Basket Grocery and ... "judge for ' yourself.! , HAYWARD THOMPSON. 835 South Commercial PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE! WILLIAM (BILL) LA ROCHE, Manager -' id August were 83, vaccinations tO. babies examined in baby clinics were 41 and children ot pre school age examined 38. Milk samples examined during the last month totaled 81. Fine Sequel of Crash into City Flushing Truck Ralph W. Schneider. 4S5 Jef ferson street, whose sedan crash ed into the city street flushing truck early yesterday morning, later pleaded guilty in municipal court to a charge of reckless driving and paid the $5 fine im posed by Judge Mark Poulsen. Schneider told police he did not see the water tank truck. The truck was not damaged bat the radiator and headlights on the sedan were bashed in. No one was injured. CONTENTIONS HERE Two convention invitations Is sued by the chamber of commerce have been accepted for next year. One of these will be the sixth dis trict Zonta International and the other the Pacific Coast Associa tion of Nurserymen. HIDDEN LODGE And ft yon care to drive out of town now and then, for n good time, be swre to go to the HID DEN LODGE, AM miles sooth of Monmouth on Oorvallls highway, across road from Helndck Park. The same food and refreshments as at the Basket Grocery. Try it I HARRY SIMS, Mgr. Always on the Job FMB IS BIPED SICKS Rain - Prevents Parade! fc ut Silverton Show Draws -, ; ! Crowds Saturday i SILVERTON, Sept. IX. The rain rather ' put a damper on a part of, Silverton's ..tail , opening this afternoon and evening. How ever, 'it did not put a damper on the majority, of people tor, with the exception of a very tew whose hop harvest waa not entirely com pleted, everyone was glad to hear the patter on the roofs again. But the parade, which had been plan ned for tonight in connection with the tall opening, did not material ize. ; However, membersj of Sa lem's kiltie band proved they were true Oregonlans and appeared In various parts ot town, giving sev eral selections. All afternoon peo ple milled about on streets look ing at the windows which merch ants had specially .decorated for the occasion . ' j While tht garden and flower show was -not as large this year as last still there were a large number, of,-, entries. .Warren E. Crabtree and Darold Davis judged vegetables, 9 Miss . Estora Ricks, Agnes Torrend -and Louise Holm Judged the-canned goods and pas tries. Harvey Hallett, Mrs. P. L. Brown and Mrs. .8. Ames judged the flowers. Bouquets ' ot beautiful large dahlias were exhibited, non-com-petitlvely, ty Robert Goetx, sn- perintendent of Silverton schools. A. K. Brenden had an interesting exhibit of peanut plants and Eth el Dunn had splendid exhibit ot handmade tea towels. Winners In the show were: - Vegetable Department ' Potatoes 1, Jacob Amstnts. Squash, 1, Jean McCleary; 2, Mar garet Scarth. Field, pumpkin 1, Richard Nelson. Rhnbar b 1, Ri shard Nelson. Yellow tomatoes l, Nellie Hayse; red tomatoes 1. Glenn Cross; 2, Lewis Hayse. Sugar beets 1, Glenn. Cross. Green peppers, Glenn Cross. White beans 1, Glenn Cross: 2. Arthur Amstuta. Radish, 1, Glenn Cross. Sweet potatoes Glenn Cross. Carrots 1, Donald Mcintosh. Lemmon cucumber 1, Kenneth Rankin; 2, Nellie Hayse. Squash 1, Kenneth Rankin. Oyster plant Kenneth Rankin. Cabbage, cantaloupes and Danish squash, Marlon WaJker. Pie pumpkin 1, Janet Hallet; 2, Haroldlne Lamb: 2, Marjorie Lamb. Hubbard squash 1, Marjorie Lamb; 2, Marjorie Lamb. Beets 1, Arthur Amstutx; 2, Janet Hallet. Mixed dry beans 1, Arthur Amstuts. String beans 1, Glenn Cross. Yellow airing beans 1, Marjorie Lamb; 2, Haroldlne Lamb. White beans 1, Jacob Am stnts. Field corn 1, Kenneth Rankin.. Seed onions 1, Jacob Amstuts. Koli-rabl 1, Jacob Am stuts; onion sets, garlic, lima beans, red beans, Jacom Amstutx. Red beans 2, Arthur Amstuts. On Ions, 1 and 2," Arthur Amstuts. Red peppers, 1, Janet Hallett, Canned Good Department - Peas 1, Jacob Amstnts, Toma toes 1, Jacob Amstuts; 2, Vir ginia Schierman. Spinach 1. Ja heob Amstuts. Corn 1, Marjorie Lamb. Green pimentos 2, Muriel "lf you went to get a red thrill and really enjoy a Sandwich cid a glass of Beer, drive over to Tom Hill's confectionery end just teU them I sent you HAYWARD THOMPSON Stamey. Red peppers 1, Muriel Stamey. If ized vegetables -1, II jordis Traatm, . Dili pickles- 2, Virginia Schierman.' Green "toma to relish 1, Jean OreroBS. Black berry Jelly J, HJordia Traaen.' Apple Jelly 2, : Virginia Schler- man.Plum Jelly 1, Jean Oter- Strawberry Jelly J." Jean Over- osa. Loganberry Jam r, Jean Oveross. Blackberries 1, Marjor ie Lamb. Pears 2. Muriel7 Sta mey. Blackcaps 2. Jacob - Am" stuts. Cherries 1, Muriel ' . Sta mey. Peaches 2. Muriel Stamey. Apricots 1, Muriel Stamey. Raspberries 1, Haroldlne- Lamb. 2 Muriel Stamey. Strawberries 1, Muriel Stamey. Tomato "soup- it Marjorie Lamb. Tomato juice. 1, Jeaa Oveross. .s,i: Flower Department, Mixed bouauet 1. Margaret Scarth. Petunias 1. Maurice Sta mey. Delphiniums 1, Qlesa Cross; 2, Maurice Stamey. Glad ioli 1, Bonnie Hallett; 2, Glenn Cross; 3, Maurice Stamey; French marigolds--I, Jamea Ekman. Cos mos 1. James Ekman; dahlias 1, Kenneth Rankin. Zinnias 1, James Ekman; 2, Kenneth Ran kin; t, Maurice Stamey. Pansles 1, Bill Kramer: Asters 1, Nel lie Hayse; 2, Lewis Hayse. Nas turtiums 1, George Kramer. Ro ses 2, Don Mcintosh. - Pastries Cake: spice 1. Ethel Dunn: 2. Jacob . Amstuts. Mahogany 1, Marjory Lam b. Chocolate I, Donald Mcintosh; 2, Glenn Baker Applesauce cake 1, Shirley 01- sen; . sponge 1, Shirley h Olsen. Coffee cake 2, Jacob Amstutx. Cookies 1, Shirley Olen; 2, Haroldlne Lamb; S, Shirley Olsen. Cookies J, Jacob Amstuts. Mac aroons 1, Marjorie Baker. Tea ring 1, Jacob Amstutx. Dough nuts 1, Jacob Amstuts. Bread 1. Jacob Amstuts. Muffins 1, Mary Elizabeth McNeai. , Baking powder bteCulU Neal McNeal. Pie I, Juno Baker. Candy 1, Lola Gunderson; X, Margaret An derson. Hauptmann Case Films Shown at Theatres Today Motion pictures In connection with the -cracking" ot the Lind bergh kidnaping and murder mystery, will be shown today and Monday at both the Elsinora and Capitol theatres, It was announced Saturday night by Carl Porter, manager. These pictures, rushed to Sa lem from the east by airplane, show Hauptmann, the ransom money, the scene where ho was caught and the garage where the money was found, as well as some other angles of the famous Lind bergh case. Double Yolk Egg Epidemic Grows Only little less of a sur prise package than tho dozen eggs broken by Mrs. E. B. Per rine, 775 North Cottage street, was the dozen Mrs. A. B Brown, route three, purchased at a Sa lem store. Mr. Brown's dozen contained sins eggs with double yolks, she reported yesterday. The dozen Mrs. Perrine reported on Thursday produced 11 double- yolked eggs. there. 9t Just as our place pleased this fastidious young man Thompson, it will please you, too. Give us a trial that's all we ask the rest is up to us, and you won't find us lacking Breakfast t - Luncheon Dinner impy'! endlfther Sandwiches cni mm mw U Wild . ; mm far: .697 North IHI'S LUCK (Coatin4 trcm pit 1)' ady that prevented her-functioning as normal children should. Helen, on Saturday "morning was unable to walk, so her .father asked ' Thompson to come to see her; Thompson did and he did not only that, he took Helen for a ride, while he was blindfolded and after the rids Helen walked unassisted up the stairs of the porch and Into her home and sbe is forever a friend of Hay ward Thompson. ' .Thompson completed his drive successfully and ended up In the salesroom of the Douglas McKay Chevrolet company, where a huge crowd greeted him on his final public exhibition. Thompson wishes to announce that through the courtesy 'of Al Flynn and the Capital Post No. 9 of the Ameri can Legion that his exhibition in Salem has been passible and h e wishes to pay his compliments .to At Flynn, a well known resident of Salem, insurance underwriter, who assisted to marked degree in the success of his exhibition. MED FORD HAS RAIN I MEDFORD, Sept. 1 2. - (Jf) - A drizzling rain, was falling over the Rogue river valley tonight, follow, ing a chilly afternoon that brought out overcoats and caused furnaces to-be lighted. It was the first rain fall since last June. PERFORMANCE NOT PROMISES, at This Office SI 19 xears rracuce When you want highly skill ed, scientific dentistry, see Dr. Higgins. He has the skill, the knowledge and a sincere desire to giro you the best obtainable In dentistry. If you want Inlays, fillings, bridgework or extrac tions, consult Dr. Higgins. If your teeth are gone beyond re pair and it should be necessary to bare them removed, he will do this by tho use of modern anaesthesia to your greet satis faction; then be will place in jour mouth artificial teeth that will be a revelation in satisfac tion to you and to your friends. Prices That Toa Can Afford to Pay Dr. Higgins THE CAKEFUL DENTIST Over J. C. Penney Store Telephone 0834 f 1 L HAYWARD THOMPSON LLclV'J o Capitol J i t 1 ' -' ' "t , . , y. .. I li ii. JmswmMmmmmmmmmtmmimmmm .1 111J.1.111 mji I . i L .11 ui 1 1. 11 11 11 ill m. 1 111. 1 1