The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Blonting, April 22, 1934 PAGE ELEVEN - f v 1 THEY PULL Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per tins 10c Three insertions per line 20c Six insertions er llne..30e One month per iln..$1.00 Minimum charge 25c Copy tor , this page ac cepted until 6:30 the even ing before publication for classification. Copy re tired after this time will be run under - the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished in its columns, and in cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The statesman reserves the right to reject objec tlonal advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED MALE Wanted married man for general Tarmlns;, u. A. Moover, 4 mues is. t ; Brooks. TEA AND COFFEE ROUTE MEN Bis reliable national compnny neeils 3 more men immediately. Previous ex perience unnecessary but must be phv sically able and willing to service 200 steady consumers on protected route and work 8 hours a rlav. Routes pav up to S37.50 a week. Write Albert Mill, Route Mgr., C43S Monmouth, Cincin nati, O. GOVERNMENT STOREKEEPER OAUGER examination at Salem nbout May 16: commence $2000 to $2500 yearly. Men, 23 to SO. No experience required. Common education. We can help you qualify. Particulars free. Write Immediately, INSTRUCTION BUREAU. 325-S, St. Louis, Mo. HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted, housekeeper for farm. Tel. 948. . LADIES: Make good money. Rpare time, furnishing names-addresses, for mail order firms, experience unneces sary. Stamp bring: details. Holt Ser vice, Nichols, N. T. $15 weekly and your own dresses FREE for demonstrating lovely fash Ion frocks. No canvassing. No Invest ment. Write fully. Give size and color preference. Fashion Frocks, Dept. P-1761. Cincinnati. Ohio. LADIES wanting pleasant, easy home work, no selling, write enclos ing stamped addressed envelope De partment ZABEL, Box J7. Arlington. Calif. Christian man and wife for a noma and small wages. 990 Trade St. SALESMEN WANTED SALESME N Earn $100 wkly. ; immed. com. $500,000 punchboardf1rm has new plan. No invest. L. A. stock. K. S. Sales Co., 800 S. Kohler St., Tjttst Aneele. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Tractor work of all kinds. Reasonable prices. Write J. R. Schlegel. Rt. 3. Albany. Apartment house or hotel manage ment desired. Exp. Ref. Salem or out side. Rot 472, Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Girl's bicycle, 1805 S. 12th. Saw gumming and sharpening 1 nil E. Four Corners, Tel 410 Fertilizer, sand. dirt. Tet 8605. Baby chicks. Warlner Hatchery. 21 SO N. Fifth St, at Highland. Com pliance certificate No. 10007. Awnings. 454 Ferry. Tel. 4724. Extra good oats and vetch hay: In quire LlKhthouae Service suulon. 456 Center St.. Salem. - ? ,- Buz saw cheap, 197S-N. Com'LSt "Ulii rLrutfi rf . mm Netted Gem, Burba nk potatoes, tor seed or eating, 35c hundred, field run. Bring sacks. P. BIsctmff, Route . Box 288. Strawberry plants, red heart variety, strong vigorous plants. Indian Hill Farm. Tel. 3157. ; CROSSLET RADIO FOR 8ALK 10-tabe. long and abort wave. 1934 Crossiey Console. Repossessed. Bal. due, $52.40. Terms. $5 down and ta monthly. Sea Mr. -Janz, Wills Music Store. -u-trmj-u-ij-i-M- -- -"---"- ---"' ' ' Gateleg table and 1 chairs, full sis bed, spring and mattress, walnut fin ish breakfast table and chairs. Tel. 9589. Light breed cockerels $2 per hun dred. TeL 11SF2. Compliance certifi cate No. 2899. Lee's Hatchery. Ladles' beautiful silk hose, alujht ly Imperfect 6 pairs, $1.00 postpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Economy Hosier- Co.. Anhehoro. N. O. TRADE: Miscellaneous juTjtnn.rirLnri-inni-inr'i-i--i- Trade wood saw on Ford truck for wood. 1185 Second St.. West Salem. WANTED Miscellaneous Pressmkg. 12.28 per day. Dial 7M4. OLD GOLD hlrhest prices paid. Star exchange. Cor. Chemeketa K. Com'L St. Vinnftnmivi-i'rrrr - - - -- -- PnnltrT wanted. Salem Poultry Co.. ?8 N. Front. Tel. 4T94. MISCELLANEOUS f i 'i n n.ik im w -.n ' I,. i an txrint- rujrevi - Free. We pick up dead worthless torses, cows, sheep. Tel. 488. Hay ferer, asthma, sinus, catarrah, to Ida, quick permanent relief. (Oc. Tested 43 years. No humbuir. Aft wanted. A. Bruton. Drain. Ore. SlS5-tl7S MONTH START. Govern ment jobs. Men women, 18-50. 8teady. Qualify now. Sample coaching and" list lobs FREE. Apply today sure. Box 1288 0. car Statesman. cl.n, MMMntMt m 1 ri t Inn s al loboi gaugert storekeeper. Applica tions close May 1. Experience unneces sary. $Z0t-$250 year. Full partic ulars FREE. Write today. Franklin Institute. Dept. 87, & G. Rochester, N. Y. u FOR RENT ROOMS Steep, rm., kitchen, prlr. Tel. 4491 i., R Partly furn. 1141 MM, 88. ROOM AND BOARD Board-room. (95 Court. TeL 8678. TM hnaril 191 S. Church. Board, room, near P. o. Tel. 64SZ. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Beautiful 3-room furnished court bungalow, garage, etc. Tel. 5154. Two room furnished apt. 2261 Hazel Ave. Tel. 7661. Attractive duplex apt. furn. or unfurn. Close in. 660 Union. Mod. 3 Ti. 1ft floor, 210 N. 14 th. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn . and unfurn. houses. R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage Tel. 3031. A neat modern 5-room unfurnished home. N. K. 1 blk. to city bus. Tel. 7772, 955 Belmont St. Furn. small cottage, with garage, three blocks from business section. Couple only. Must be reliable. 837 N. Oom'l. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE An up-to-date house oi North 18th St. Just finished. Beautfiully decor oted, built-ins. tile drainbaard. A small down payment, bal. like rent, will buy this house. See owner, 1435 N. 18th. Tel. 4277. 10 A. dairy ranch for sale. Log cabin, barn, milk house, good spring, elec tricity and water piped to house and barn, 75 quart milk route with cows and complete grade A equipment. $2300 cash, 5 miles So. of Salem. Tel. 137F2. 1'ou can't beat our listings for prices. See us before von buy. Cottage Realty Co. 262-264 N. Cottase. MR. RENTER Toil can buy a nice 5 acre tract with fair set of buildings, variety of fruit and berries for only $700. Will accent good car as part. CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street TeL 6708. SUBURBAN HOME Not far out on paved road. 3 room shingled cottaxe. nook, bath nnd clos ets, good plumbing, electric lights, wa ter system, garage and woodshed. One acre of good land all cultivated and ready for planting. Pr!c $1650. cash 8100, bal. $15 per month, 6 int. CHILDS 4 MILLER, Realtors 314 State Street TeL 6708. SPECIAL HOME BARGAINS' $2100.00 will buy a good, late built, modern home, located In a new district. 4 rooms, two bedrooms, basement, fur nace, fireplace, oak floor., only $210 down. bal. $21. per mo. to Include int. $2750. Modern 4 room home with large attic and nook, good location, hardwood floor, tile drainboard, east front, terms. $2!ri0. Six room modern home lo cated In N. Salem, nice shade trees, east front, in fine condition, 8300 down, hnl. $30 per mo. to tnrlude int. SEE I'S FOR RARCJATNS W. H. GR A RENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 48. $600. 5 R.. good lot, fruit, close to school and store, north, terms. $950. 4 R. and nook, bsmt., furnace, term $1909. 5 R.. bsmt.. furnace, good lot, paving pd.. terms. $2500. Mod., hdwd. floors, living room and dlninir rm., 2 bedroom", at tic, full bsmt.. furnace, fireplace, grar ae, paving pd. ; $"ftO down. R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage Tel. S031. 40 acres, river bottom. Good build ings $5500.00. Terms. 30 acres. North Pacific highway, fair buildings, excellent soil. Stocked and equipped. $5300.00. Terms. 60 acres. North Pacific highway. Dalrv farm, fulh stocked and equip ped. $10,000.00. Terms. 83 acres, close to Aurora, excellent soil, fullv stocked and equipped. $10, 000.00. Terms. RICH L. P.EIMAXN 167 S. High Tel. 863?. Close In suburban home, modern 5 rooms, flowers, fruit, a dandy place to raise chickens or rabbits, must sell, leavine- city. R 3, Box 18. Falrvlew Ave, 6 room plastered house and 4 Iargr lots facing two streets, all paved and paid, no mortgages r will exchange for 4 or 5 room house and one lot to same value. 5 nice acres and new 7 room mod ern house, all In filberts, cherries, and family orchard, on pavement at city limits, mortgage. $1600.00. Will ex change for 20 acres, no buildings and must be clear. 6 room plastered bouse, close to Mc Kinlev school, mortgage around $1600. can be paid at $20.00 a month : will exchange equity for car, might assume some navments. S. M. TCARLE E. E. ROBERTS 208 N. High TeL 9678. EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE Have S clear lots, paving In and paid. Will trade for 2 bedroom house and give small difference In cash. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Tel. 6708. Have roast cottages and apartment to eitchange clear for farm or city, clear. A. C BOH RN ST EDT, No. 19, Ladd II Bush BIdg. 6 room semi-modern house, trade for S room modern ; will pay up to $1000 difference. GRANT ft CRITTENDEN Masonic BIdg Tel. 6161. FOR SALE FARMS FARM BARGAINS 10 A. $2750. This Is a coast farm. Ideal for live stock, very good barn, fair house, sravlty water, some timber snd family fruit See HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC. SALE SPECIAL It acres S miles from Salem on paved highway, large walnut and Roy al Anne cherry trees, few prunes. Price cut to $5H. See It. CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Tel. 8708. GOOD RANCH BUYS 18-acres, close to Salem, all n cul tivation, 6-R. plast. house, electric lights and water system, family or chard, price 88400. 8600 down; a real buy. 40 Acres Stocked and Equipped All good sandy loam soil and crop in, 4-A. timber, running water. 5-R. houae. barn. silo. 10 cowa. bull, poul try anfl good team and an Implement s- only $5600. Take $2000 down, or a small place as part HOWELL PRAIRIE 33-acrea, all in cult, and crop. Nice 6-R. bungalow, good barn and etc. Will take a small acreage close In, as part 80-ACRE3 $4000 38-A. crop, some timber, running water, stood C-R. house, barn, garage, p. b. and etc 81000 down. 112-ACRES $3000 Good 6-R. bouse, barn and etc. 45-A. cult 1S-A. good timber. 45-A. cult, trad for house in Salem. These are all rood buys. SEE J AS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High Street ACREAGE TOUR OPPORTUNITY $500.00 win soy 10 acres of fin land located close to Salem on paved highway, buildings. 65 acres plow land. timber, running water. Thla place Is worth more money. $1050.00 down, balance 6 percent No trade. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS I$4 South Liberty Street Interesting Facts ... Friday evening William McGil ehrist Jr., spoke before the Prin gle community club. At the close of his remarks "Bill" said, "I have ofCen sat in the same seats you are sitting in and listened to some fool like me talk." o "Bill" also told these farmers something that we think ought to be corrected. He told them that they received their morning pa per just as early as he does In the city. We find that "Bill's" paper is delivered before six each morn ing and that the earliest rural subscriber gets his paper about 8. Perhaps "Bill" Is not a Tery early riser and does not know what time his paper really comes. O War with Spain of 1898 started 36 years ago today. O At present the commercial ves sel record is held by the Italian liner Rex which made the passage from Gibraltar to Ambrose Light, 3,180 miles, in four days 13 hours and 58 minutes in 1933. The pre vious record had been made by the German liner Europa from Cherbourg to New York, 3,149 miles, in four days 16 hours and 48 minutes. O Some animals of the same spe cies have more ribs than others. O We had some of these Chris-' tian Endeavor delegates out to our place this week and found that they were very nice young people. There were four at the ta ble for dinner and with our four they got away with six quarts of milk. Only one milking for the boys COW. ACREAGE SUBURBAN TRACT To close an estate. 10 acres, nicely located, north and east Especially priced $1900. CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State St TeL 670$. LAND SACRIFICE 200 acres, all level land, good road, price $25. per acre, must be all cash. See ua at once. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 a Liberty Street SPECIAL ACREAGE BARGAINS 30 A. Pacific highway, north. Im proved, best of soil, all under cultiva tion, fir grove surrounding buildings, price only $4500.00. Will consider Sa lem home as part payment 4 3 A. East of Woodburn, nearly all river bottom land, good buildings, a real farm for $5500.00. Will consider small acreage as part payment See Geo. Vlck with W. H. GRABENHORST & CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Tel. 6468. 1 A. very close In, 6 R. mod. house, will trade for larger acreage. 20 A. very close to Salem, east, fine soil and excellent location, cut to $150 per acre. 47 A., 6 R. mod. home. elec. lights and water system, fine soil, $5500. R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage Tel. 3031. 48 A. ml. from Woodburn on paved road, fully equipped including 18 fine Guernsey cows, 3 horses, crop and all, a real farm $6250. 156 A. timber about 28 mi. from Sa lem, been cruised at 4,800,000 ft. saw timber, lots of white fir, some yew and cedar, $22 per A. 170 A. 27 ml. from Salem, 25 A. In cultivation, water piped to house, livable bldgs., estimated 7.000 cords of wood, $25 per A. Trade for smaller tract MELVIN JOHNSON, 725 COURT ST. Telephone 3723 Business Opportunities FOR SALE OR TRADE Equipped beer parlor doing good business. Two 50x100 lots, living quar ters. Good hunting, fishing. Best pay roll In state. $1000.00, or will trade for house and lot in Salem valued at $1500. Must be close. Burl Davis, De troit. Ore. Have cash buyer for garage or fit!' Ing station proposition. Let me know what you have. H. C Shields. Oregon P.ldg. Tel. 8302, MONEY TO LOAN "Bells of Harmony" A nightly feature over "Radio KOIN Announce A NEW DEAL In Ioan UP TO $300 AUTO-ENDORSED NOTE FURNITURE No fees, deductions or discounts, and only lawful rates charged. See us If you need money. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM Member of NRA Room 118, New Bllgh BIdg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. 8-122 by STATE 518 State St TeL 8740 Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 80 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. GENERAL 3TXANCB CORP. A local corporation tt Natl. Bank BIdg, Phone 8553 Urenaed T Stat Funds for farm loans now availably V4 ; long term, Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Bids. TeL 4108. 8 $ NOTICE $ Do you need money? Unsecured loans. No red tape. Two hour Berries. All loans confidential. State Loan Co. 813 Ore. BIdg. Phone 7783 Lie No. S-165. MONET for farm, acreage and city loans. Prompt service. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State Street Tel. T08. LOANS WANTED Wanted to borrow 8700. or first mortgage. Box 471. care Statesman. Want to borrow $1500 or new home tn desirable location in city. Box 409, care Statesman. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FOR SALE Toung horses. C G. Buckmasterf Brooks, Ore, LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FOR SALE Good 1200 lb. work horse with double harness and collar. Guaranteed to be O. K. and gentle. Ask at 240 No. Liberty or TeL 3688. FOR SALE WOOD Second growth and old fir woed. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wella. GUARANTEED ORT wood osJ f.L 1000 Salem Fuel Co Trade A Cottage. All kinds dry wood. Tel. 8088. Dry planer and second growth fir. Prompt delivery. Tel. 39S6 Dry wood. Tel. 8254. Old fir, 16 In.. $4.75. Tel. 7983. LOST AND FOUND LOST Dark blue purse, glasses and brown shaving kit Reward, 1055 N. 15th. PERSONAL For adoption, 5 year old motherless girl. Want Christian home. Box 470, care Statesman. Partner wanted. Brunette. Age 36 Must like Calif. P. O. Box 3J3. -- -i i -i-ii',vrYiniuuvmAftA' Complete high school in 3 years, at home, standard text, credit, diploma, Box 458, care Statesman. FOR SALE USED CARS Valley Motor Co. 1932 Ford Spt Coupe $475 1932 Ford Std. Coupe '33 motor 475 1932 Ford Std. Coach 475 1931 Ford Victoria 325 1931 Ford Spt Coupe 315 1931 Ford Coach 325 1930 Ford Coach 275 1929 Ford Touring 125 1926 Ford Coupe 60 1925 Ford Coupe 35 1933 Chevrolet Master 6 Sedan Radio and heater, 13,000 mL'625 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 375 1929 Reo Sedan 340 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan 265 Trucks 1929 Dodge Graham 3-ton 1929 Studebaker 1-ton 1929 Chevrolet 1931 Ford L. W. base 1932 Ford L. W. base B motor . 4 25 . 300 . 185 385 500 275 1929 Chevrolet with trailer Marion and Liberty Open Sundays Telephone 7910 McKay's Used Cars Ford Model T Roadster . Buick Touring Reo Sedan J931 Chev. Coupe 1932 Chev. Coach 1932 Chev. Spec. Sedan . 1932 Tontlac Spt. Coupe 1932 Pontiao Sedan ..$ 15 . S5 . 245 . 375 . 475 525 535 550 575 595 695 1932 Nash 8 Sedan . 1933 Chev. Coach 1933 Chev. Sedan Model T Ford. Dump body, out side brakes, extra trans. $ 75 1929 Chev. 125 1931 Chev. L. W. Dual 350 1929 Reo L. W. Dual 425 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center 430 N. ComT. Telephone 3189 -,-i rir-innj-LTucn USED CARS AND TRUCKS Two 1929 Nash light six sedans 1929 Dodge three ton truck with gra vel body and hoist 1330 International six speed long wheel base. Dual tires 1929 Fargo panel delivery Two ton Federal, long wheel base JAMES II. MADEN CO., Tel. 8590 235 S. Commercial St Nash A Laffayette International Motor Trucks 1927 Star Coach. 680 Center St Tel. 9538. WANTED USED CARS FOR SALE BY OWNER 1930 Pon tlac Sport Coupe, excellent condition, new tires, priced right Tel. 3883. Private party wants to buy from private party for cash 28 to '31 Ford or Chev. Box 601. Statesman. MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 1930 Indian 4 motor cycle in good condition, $135.00. C. Oppen, 796 N. 15th. Prices Firm for Western Wool at Boston, Reported BOSTON, April 21-()-(U. S. Dept. Agr.)-Trade in the Boeton wool market remained unusually dull with most houses during the past week. Occasionally better feeling was sensed In tho latter days of the week, but It did not develop Into an active demand. Quotations were weak on medium fleeces and fairly firm on western grown wools. Indicative of the firmness of prices on western grown wools was the sals late this week of a sizeable quantity of choice 12-months Texas wool at 84-85 cents scoured basis. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of the undersigned for furnishing the following semi annual requirements to the var ious State Departments: Groceries Tobacco ) Grocery sundries Paper ) To be opened: 2:00 P. M., May 9, 1934 Drygoods Shoes Leather To be opened: 17, 134. Leather- ) findings ) ) 2:00 P. If., May and schfidnlaa Specifications will be furnished npon applica tion. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified chock representing ten percent of the total amount of the bid, made payable to Wil liam Einiig, Secretary Oregon State Board of Control or where the ten percents amount to 1500.00 or more, a surety bond from some company authorized to do business In Oregon will be accepted In place of the check. The same shall be held as a guar anty of tho faithful performance of the contract. The board reserves the tight to reject any or all bids or any por tion of a bid. William Einiig, Secretary Oregon State Board of Control Capitol Building Salem, Oregon A-22-26-M-4-11. QUICK RESULTS Business Directory Cards in this directory ran on a 'monthly basis only. Kate: $1.00 per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Pa nek, 275 South Commercial. CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. Tel. 8751 CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. & Northnesa. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, 258 N. High. TeL Rea. 8752. DRESSMAKING Swagger suits a specialty dress making, remodeling, hemstitching. Mrs. Snelirrove, 180 N. Com'l. Tel. 7468. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets, fun eral wreaths, decorations. C F. Brelt haupt florist 577 Court TeL 6904. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor 1st 16th A Market Tel 8592. INSURANCE BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High TeL 4947. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 268 a High TeL 9125. CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service Telephone 8165 1264 Broadway. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired, traded. We de llver. Harry W. Scott TeL 4516. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, sizing; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug Mat tress Factory. S. 13th 4 Wilbur. TeL 844 1. OTTO P. ZW1CKER. Est 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonograph and sewing machines, 422 State Street. Salem. PAINTING R Benson. 2224 N. Lib. Tel. 3976. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving. 147 N. Com mercial. Tel. 5887. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, 215 & Commercial Tels- phone 9101. RADIO SERVICE CERTIFIED RADIO SERVICE Tel. 3773 Court at Church REAL ESTATE BECKE HENDRICKS, TeL 4847. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, hooka, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 262 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R R Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 3131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 226 State St TeL 7778. Distributing for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WELL DRILLING R, A. West, SO years experience, Rfc'D 7. Box 803. TeL 110F5. STARTS PRACTICE WOODBURN, April 21. Prac tice for tho Junior Legion base ball team Is being held each Sun day afternoon at the Legion park. Twenty boys hare thus far been selected and from this group 15 will be chosen for the regular squad. Included In the group of 20 are Hlggenbotham, Gant, Mc Kee, Spagle, Dimtck, Stanffer and Kocher from Hubbard; Shell and Knhn of Gerrais; Battleson, Ken dall and Lucke of Canby; John son, Bonney, Sklller and Voreis of Woodburn; Banman, Bourbonals and Bally of ML Angel, and Land som of Monitor. Gant and Bon ney are tho only players named who were on last year's champ ionship team. The first practice game will be with Mt. Angel high school, Sunday, April 29. Tho coif classes for women be ing conducted by George C. Beechler are progressing. A large number of enthusiasts taking ad Yantage of the knowledge to be gained. Next week the class will bo held on Tuesday afternoon in stead of Wednesday. "Women's Day" was also well attended on Thursday with Miss Dorothy Aus tin receiving the prize in the blind bogey contest which was held. Hostesses for the after noon were Mrs. Harold Austin, Mrs. Al. Beck, Miss Dorothy Aus tin and Mrs. George C. Beechler. The committee for next Thurs day will be Mrs. Wayne B. Gill, Mrs. A. E. Austin and Mrs. Fred G. Erenden. Butter, CENT MORE OFFERED ON ALL BUT FIRSTS PORTLAND, April 21. -(")-Further advance of lc lb. with the exception of firsts which rose lb., during the weekend ses sion of the Produce exchange, re flected increasing strength through the butter trade with re sulting shortage of output. Decreasing make at California points was taking out practically every pound of surplus that can be spared in the Pacific northwest sector. In the home territory pro duction continued to gain gener ally but dealers' floors were cleaned before night and orders were not completely filled. The fact that all grades ad vanced lc except firsts suggested that the action of the state in putting its new grades into effect, has curtailed demand for the low est grades, which had previously been considerd top grade by the unthinking buyers. Butterfat buying price advanced lc pound along with butter. Market for eggs was holding much the same as during the last few days. Little change in either buying or selling prices has been shown during the week. The de mand for storage remained favor able. Chicken prices were well held locally with a shortage of most lines continued here and along the coast. Demand from Ttte south was not being filled here on ac count of the short supply. Indicating a somewhat better cheese situation was the an nouncement of Swift & Co. of an advance of He lb. in the selling price on Coquille valley offerings of both triplets and loaf. Oregon Swiss demand was reported above supply. At the weekend there was a well held price on strawberries with Californian generally con tinued around $1.25 crate for 24s while Oregon was $2 for the beat. Quality better all around. Higher prices have been forced on asparagus as a result of the liberal carload demand from the east which Mid-Columbia shippers are making a desperate effort to fill. First arrival of new white po tatoes of the season was reported in from Shatter, Calif., somewhat earlier than usual. First of the 1934 crops of im mediate Portland grown strawber ries were offered during the week end session ef the East Side Farm ers' Wholesale market. Initial supply of gold dollars was brought in from Milwaukee and were of extremely good quality, Initially priced $2 crate for 24s. Calif ornia berries were firmer but again sold $1.25 crate. PBODOCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND, Ore., April 21. (AP) Produce ichange, net prices: Batter Extras 21c, standards 20 He. prime firsts 20c, firsts 18 He. Eggs U. S. specials 17c, U. S. extras 16c, V. 8. mediums 14c Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore., April 21. (AP) Wheat: Open Hi(h Low Close May 64 65 64 65 July 64 65 64 65 September 64 65 64 V4 65 Cash: Big Hnd bluestem, 67c; dark hard winter, 12 pet., 71 Vic; 11 per cent, 66c; toft white, western white, hard winter, northern sprint" d western red, 65c. Oats: No. 2 whit $18.00. Corn: No. 2 E Yellow, 2 3.00. Millrun Standard, 15.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., April 21. (AP) Butter Prints, "A" grade 23c pound parchment wrappers, cartons, 24c; quan tity purchases Vic pound less. "B" grade, parchment wrappers 21c cartons, 23c pound. Kutterfat Portland delivery : A grade delivered mt least twice weekly 20c, coun try routes, 17c pound B grade or de livery fewer than twice weekly, Portland 19c, country routea 16c pound. C grade at market. Egga Pacific poultry producers' fell ing prices: Oversize 19c, fresh extras 17c, standards 15c, mediums 15e dosen (cartons lc higher). Buying price of wholesaler: Fresh specials 17c, extras 14c, firsts 14c, mediums 15e, pullets 12e, aitdergradea 10c doien. Cheese VI score, Oregoo triplets 10 He; loaf 11 He pound. Brokers will p7 He below quotations. Milk Contract pries 4 per cent, Portland delivery $1.95 cwt.; B grade cream 37 He pound. Country meats Selling pries to rs tsilers: Country kilted hogs, best butch ers, nnder 50 pounds 8H 9c. Veslers, SO to 100 pounds 8H-t pound; light snd thin 6-8e pound. Hesvy calves S-6e pound. Yearling lambs 1416c; spring lambs 14 16c Ewes 3-5c Csnner cows 3 4c; cot tar eows 5 -6c pound. Bulls 6-5 He pound. Mohair 1934 buying price 18c pound. Csscara bark Buying price, 1934 peel 3c pound. Hops 1933 clusters 20 23e pound; fugglss 40c pound. Live poultry Portland delivery, est. ered (owls 14-15. Leghorn 1112c. Broil ers 14-lc Stags 9c, Roosters 5e. Pekin ducks 12e; colored 10c. Gees 10c pound. Onions $1.25-1.50 cental t Potatoes Local whit and red $1.10 1.15 cental; Yakima $1.35-1.35; D chutes 91.SO-1.S5; Bakers $1.60. Mew potatoes Hawaii 125-1.SS 21 pound box; Texas Triumphs $1.75-2.2i 50 pound sack. California Garnet 5c pound. Strawberries Fresno 20s $1.00 crate; Sacramento 24s, $1.25; Oregon $2 crate. Wool 1934 clip, nominal; Willamette valley 25-2&C pound; sa stern Oregon 10 21c pound. Stocks and Bonds April 21 April 30 (Copyright. 1934. Standard Statistics Co.) STOCX AVEBAQES SO 20 20 Indls. 100.1 100.S 98.4 62.4 119.3 KR'i 51.4 51.9 50.9 80.0 Oti. 77.1 7T.0 TS.t T1.9 Totsl 88.5 88.6 86.9 59.1 Today Previous day Week ago Tsar ago S years ago . 7 years ago High 1934 Low 1934 06.2 171.3 123.4 115.6 114.5 109.3 112.9 105.0 54.3 90.S 93..S 89.1 41.S S4.3 77.5 BOJTD AVERAGES General Markets 20 2U 20 CO Indl. KK lit Total Today 83.8 90.0 90.S 88.1 Previous day 83.9 90.0 90.4 8S.1 Week ago 83.2 69.3 9.7 87.4 Year ago , C2.0 58.S 74.8 S4.9 S years ago 85.0 99.7 100.6 95.1 High 1934 83.9 90.0 90.S 88.1 Low 1031 72.8 74.1 7T.3 74.8 (1920 average equals 100.) 3ew 1934 high. Grain Prices Salem Markets- tirade D raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, fl.73 per banditti. . (Milk based en Mml-monthlv butterfat average.) Distributor price $2.10. Butterfat Top 18 & 18c, A grade prints 23c, cubes 23c; B grade prints 22c, cubes) 24c. Prices paid to p'ri by Salem buye-s April 21 (The prices trion. supplied by a locsl frocer. art indicative of the daily market "u hoi guaraaieea oy The Statesman I FRUITS ABQ VXQETAHLKA Strawberries 1.35 Asparagus, local, doi Z. iL.,1.00 California isDnrainii 1 a Cauliflower, Calif. - , l'so Partmns. Lai in tn Turnips, box lug ,,, so KutaDagas. !ox lug .50 Egg plant, local .03 Cabbage, cwt . 90 to 1.15 California cwt. Green Dennr f!lif IK " n Onions, doi bunches js rotators, locat .40 to .65 iklm 1.15 to 1 05 Deschntea 1 ia . 1 ji lettuce California, dry pack 2,23 to 2.50 Califftrnta if 4 ak . ok " - .in .w .VJ .o, Onions. Lbifth Celery hearts, Calif., H craTe ls!75 wrasse, cnoice 7 "f) to 2.25 Javels, fancy 2.65 to 8.10 Bevtv local i(iu Carrots, local. do7 .20 .20 .33 .60 .05 .05 H 5 75 1 00 3.73 034 4.25 -2.2S .06 H .08 .02 H California Spinach, local crat -ananas, lb. oa stalk Hsnds Lemons Limes, fresh Avacadot. ernte Tomatoes. California, ess Sweet potatoes. Ib. , Grapefruit, Florida Caiirnrnia ... .. Peas, California, lb. New potato, lb. Rhubarb, local. Ih. HOPS Cluster. 1933, lb. top EGOS .80 Extras 14 Standards ,13 Medium 13 WUUL AND MOHAIR Mohair. 1934 elin Medium wool, 1934 , , ,, L. ,, .28 Coars wool. 1934 .25 POuXTKT Colored hens 5 Ih. 1a Colored medium hens 12 Light t med. Leghorns .09 to .11 Stscs .. .05 05 Old roosters MT AT 1934 spring lamb. Ib. 07 Lambs, top ; 6-fi.50 Hogs, 1G0 to 200 lbs. 3 40 ZUO to 225 Ibl. 3.15 225 to 250 lbs. 2 Pigs 2 90 65 25 Sows 2.00 to 2 Steer Cows Built Heifer VeaL top 03 Vl to .05 .01 H to 02 H 02 to .024 02 H to 03 H 5.00 .07H Dressed veal ton Dressed hogs .... riBATH AWTt RAW .08H mheatf western red .52 White, No. 1 .54 Barley, feed. No. 1 ton 13.00 Oats. feed, ton nun Esrley, malting, ton 15.00 Oats, milling, ton 15.00 Hav. buvinr nnr, Uiortr hay 11.00 11.00 -12.00 Oats snd vetch, ton " Alfalfa, valley, first ent Pupils Rate High In Reading Test NORTH HOWELL, April 21. A reading test, conducted by Mrs. Fulkerson last week for the third grade in the North Howell school, gave the members a fifth grade rating. Mrs. Suzanne Pruitt of Salem has been in charge of this class for the past three years and her Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER ' I2 P lM YZX I I7 Is YX V I" m m L lr It III!73-" W" 3 " 51 tT 777 53 777 - 7 p p" J? 707 - HORIZONTAL 1 tart 6 brother of Cain rehicle 12 solitary 13 sport 14 hasten 15 indefinite article 16 masculine asie lft owing 20 note of the scale -2 feminine name 24 sensitive mental perception 27 nautical balf-hour-29 nobleman SI jagged cliff 32 pertaining, to osmium 54 expires 345 concerning 37 declare 89 behind vessel 41 note of the scale 42 embark 44 imparted character to 45 pull along after 47 trappings 49 is affected . .with pain 60 seize suddenly with the teeth 52 desolation 64- deposit account (abbr.) 55 long narrow inlet 57 judgment 69 towards 61 insrire with reverential fear 63 Tersifier 65 Hebrew measure Herewith is the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. kWMyLlAIAi;u!f 3S m gg m asgm Di pro Tta7 p- fn fc f a f I Rise SPECULATIVE GALL CHICAGO, April 21-(;p)-En-Jarged speculative demands, al though chiefly for small lots, lift ed prices of all grains today, wheat a maximum of nearly 2 cents a bushel. For the most part, buying was associated with possibilities that monetary developments at Wash ington would prove to be of a stim ulating character as to grain val ues. The day's trade In grain, however, was at an end before re sults of an apparently inconclu sive parley between President Roosevelt and senate advocates of mandatory legislation regarding silver could be associated. Wheat closed nervous at frac tional setbacks from the day's top but 1 to IVi cents above yester day's finish, corn 3-4 to 1 3-8 up, oats 1-4 to 1-2 advanced, and pro visions varying from 5 cents de cline to 5 cents gain. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: May 77 to 77 1-8; July 76 7-8 to 77; Sept. 78 1-8 to 1-4. Corn: May 45 1-2 to 5-8; July 47 3-4 to 7-8; Sept. 49 3-4. Oats: May 28 1-8; July 28 5-S to 3-4; Sept. 29 3-8. NEW YORK. April 2 1 .-ffySe-curity markets . were somewhat hesitant today while grains ral lied and gold currency exchange rates worked against the dollar. Stock trading was the most act ive for a Saturday in several weeks, totaling 902,720 shares, but profit taking made for some irregularity. Dollar weakness ap peared to nave been less of a mar ket factor; perhaps it was offset by the uncertainty, during bus iness hours, as to what success the silver bloc would have with its de mands for mandatory legislation. Silver prices, both spot and fu tures, reacted and some of the white metal shares eased. Dollar weakness was most read ily explained by rumors circulat ing in Europe to the effect that further dollar devaluation loom ed, but there was no surface de velopments to support such, gos sip. French francs, it was pointed out, were probably reflecting the stronger gold position of the bank of France as well as the newly balanced budget. The franc closed at 6.681. cents, up 1 points, after touching 6.69 , which com pared with the gold export level of 6.69 cents. As a matter of faet the rate remained above that mark for only a short time. work has been Mr. and Mrs. Marie Berry man B. Wiesner and successful. , W. H. Stevens. , Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. Martha Vin nion Hill grange ing where several ton drove to IT Wednesday even of the members assisted in con- ferring the fifth evening session county Pomona degree during the of the Marion grange. 67 bronze ia Roman antiquity 68 concludes 69 alternate rising and falling of the ocean's surface VERTICAL 1 winged part 2 admission of guilt 8 within 4 river in England 5 liTeiy 6 simple song 7 printer's measora 8 guided 9 swindle 10 three-toed sloth 11 have existence 17 myself 19 first note in Goido'B scale 21 charity 23 melody 25 connected by dis closure of mutual relation 26 tendencies 27 brags 28 recline 30 for fear that S3 broken cliff 35 portico 38 row f seats 40 feminine name 43 praised 46 merchan dise 48 tumults 51 Greek letter 53 negative 6& imitate 68 brief strain, of a boffe 60 native compound 1 lava 62 plural . 64 noon 66 note of the. seal CA1ES1HT P SATURDAY S STOCK 1WIR IS HEM (21(16 Z