I t 4 he OREGON STATESMAN; saiem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, Apni ity nxi PAGE ELEVEN , f . 4 i : f ' A i 4 y I J t - T VTiiEYlfl rO T7 A CCR I". V'.--VJ 3t - - !- ' - . . Statesman Classified Ads r Call 9101 Classified Adfertlsing Single inserti on per line lOe Three Insertions per lino 20c Six insertions er line.. 30c One month per line.. 91. 00 Minimum charge 25c Copy tor this page ac cepted until 6:30 the even lns before publication for classification. Copy re tired after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear In advertisements pub lished In its columns, and In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that .part of an advertisement in which t h e typographical mistake occurs. ' The statesman reserves the right to ' reject objec tionat advertising, ft far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising an der the proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED MALE KXTU WELIi RATED CORP. es tablishing Branch Office In this vicin ity ; has opening for reliable financial ly responsible man as local manager : position offers Immediate substantial Income and advancement. Experience 'in our work unnec. a man selected will be thoroughly trained. Write '(PRESIDENT'S OFFICE. T5 Trans portation Bldg.. Chicago. IFTOtT WANT A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY to make $8.50 a day nd get a new Ford Sedan as bonus i jtwgiitea, send me your name tmmediate 1 ily. No contest or lottery. Particulars free. Albert Mills, 6435 Monmoutti, Cin- , clnnatl. O. Kxecutive to employ saleswomen to Teell the most unusual product evrr narketed for women. KllmlnatPS pnds, twits, packing. Money back guarantee. .Write at once for exclusive territory ind a permanent connection. Dept. M, 2373 Filbert St., San Francisco. HELP WANTED FEMALE Salesladies wanted to sell Maison ette dresses old line. Good prices and 'erood pay. Box 461, care Statesman. Experienced girl for gen. housework, On lallas highway. Box 464 care (Statesman. SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT for mar .yled women. $15 weekly and your own Presses FREE representing nationally known Fashion Frocks. No canvassinsc. YHo investment. Send dress size. Fa shion Frocks, Dept F-940, Cincinnati, Ohio. Earn extra money copying Name?. '.Addresses for mail order firms. Home pare time, experience unnecessary. Write for Information. Circle Adver tising, 401 Broadway, New York. FOR SALE Miscellaneous fi fif' gumming and sharpening nils E Four Corners, TeL tltu. ' Fertiliser, sand, dirt TeLSCOS. - Light breed cockerels, $2 per hun dred. Tel. 133F2, Lee's Hatchery. Com pliance certificate No. 2839. - Haby chicks. Warmer Hatchery. 160 N. Fifth St.. at Highland. Com pliance certificate No. 1000. Wood range, good baker. $3.00. 1805 fc ISUt. - . Awnings, 454 Ferry. Tel. 4724. . Iatge office desk, good condition, bait price. A. N. Moores. For Sale 1000 shares of Axurite Gold Stock, or any part Make offer. Address Box 47 Oregon Statesman. " Oregon Dent seed corn. Tel. 51K13. Ladles Beautiful Silk Hose, slightly Imperfect 6 pairs, $1.00, postpaid. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Economy Hosiery ' Co., Asheboro, N. C. TRADE Miscellaneous Enameled gas range with garbage burner and coil for car. 1803 S. 12th. For Sale Three Guernsey cows to freshen soon. Will take beef In trade. Fourth house on right past Salem cheese factory. Shotgun, rifle, Blsley Colts or cash for light outboard motor. Box li2 Cor vallis. WANTED Miscellaneous OLD GOLD highest prices paid. Star Exchange. Cor. Chemjjceta & N. ComX St. .....,.,,., Poultry wanted, Salem Poultry Co., 32$ N. Tront. Tel. 4794. Up to $20.00 each paUl for Indian head cents: half-cents $125.00: large copper cents $500.00, etc. Send dime for list ROMANOCOINSHOP. Spring field, Mass. Wanted good barn yard fertiliser. Must be reasonable. 1960 N. Capitol. MISCELLANEOUS . Haircuts 1Se-20a S01 & Winter. Fr. - We nick on dead worthless horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4869. Will store furniture In private home for use of same. Good cere guaran teed. Call 1980 S. Cottage. iac-1i?k MONTH START. Go-ern men t-Jobs. Men-women, 18-50. Steady. Qualify now. Sample coaching and list Jobs FREE. Apply today sure. Box H$8Q care Statesman. ROOM AND BOARD Itnard-roor. 195 Court Tl C7$ !nard amt room. 79 N. Church. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Desirable 1st floor. 210 N- 11th. Apt. tower floor. 191 S. Church. 1 R furn. apt, 1328 "T" St. mn m "i Beautiful 3-room fumlshea court bungalow, garage, etc. TeL 6154. Furn. lower floor, 392 N.. Summer. rt Li-.-u'-"-'"'l"'1"1" -" Modern t-rootn flat extra well furn., furnace b-at, light, water, phone, sew ing machine, washer, garage, etc. 965 N. Fifth, ' ' ' ' Two room furnished apt 2381 Haxel Ave. TeL ' " 4 room furn. heated apt. eleeptag porch, esi w.-iwg. . Mm furnished apartment private FOR' RENT HOUSES Furn. and anf urn. 'houses. R. A. FORKNER 1(10 N. Cottag-e Tel. I0S1. Modern home. Inquire If IS W St. House on State. $10 mo. Tel 3211. 669 N. 23rd Street, S bedrooms, mod ern, $25.00: 1700 N. 17th Street, S rooms, modern, $20.00; 4 rooms, mod ern, furnished, 115 Court St.. $20.00; 3 room house. 1 acre, $10.00. P. H. Bell, Tel. 8181 or 3127. For Rent Houses and apartments, furnished or unfurnished. Call 7807. Socolofsky ft Son. Modern 5-an. furnished. Key 431 So. Cottage. House, also apt 636 N. Cottage, 7-room house, 2 lots, north. Inquire 415 S. Cottage. FOR RENT FOR RENT FURNISHED Beautiful 3-rm. furnished apartment, frigldalre, close In. 3-rm. bungalows, 4-rm. bunfrnlow, homes up to 9 rooms. See Mr. Torrens with Socolofsky & Son, 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. 3 room apt., furnished, water, lights, heat, private bath, $18.00, east. 5 room unfurnished house, 385 N. 24th, $14.00. C. J. Jackson, 341 State St FOR SALE Real Estate No nicer home can be found than the 3 A. in fruit trees. Mod. 6 r. house,, chicken house, 1 ml. from Salem. Price $4000. terms. Might trade for larger place. Tel. 6970. 16S N. 21st St. If you would like a comfortable, convenient, semi-modern 7-room home with beautiful shaded grounds with fine Royal Ann and Lambert cherries, Bartlett pears, walnuts, grapes and other fruits, also roses and ornamental shrubs, garaee. on two large lots near schools ; swimming pool and tennis courts near by, located in South Sa lem, see owner, 765 Rural Ave. Tel. SS j4. Priced low and terms easy. Also two large shaded lots suitable for lo cation for expensive home, for sale, easy terms. T.OTS LOTS Lots I 3 choice view lots, beautiful fir trees. Price onlv $lt00. See this. CHILD:-. & MILLER, Realtors "44 State Street Tel. 6708. $850 5-rm. plastered house, lot 5x 12S, nice lawn, paving pd., good loca t ion. $930 4-rm. plastered house, bsmt, garage. Will take late car and give terms. j6no 5-rm. lnlwd. firs., bsmt., fur nace, fine lot, gooj location. $3'2T.O Strictly mod. li nic. A very exceptional buv. R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. CottaKe Tel. 3031 SKRVJCE Station, living quarters, Roosevelt highway. Doing good busi ness. One-half Its value $2.".n0.00. 10 acres. Hazel Green district. New house, fine crop. $22ftn.fMl. Knsv terms. Rich L. Reimann, 167 S. High. Tel. SPECIAL HOME BARGAIN'S $3500 Late home. WONDERFUL VIEW, complete in every detail, douhle garagp, large lot, in first class condi tion, terms. A REAL HOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE. $12.500 One of the best homes In Salem,, 9 large rooms, oil burner, double garage, located on nice corner. Must be seen to be appreciated, late con struction. $4000 Good modern 9 room home, tile drain board, oak floors, large lot. with plenty of bearing cherries and walnuts, east front, near Leslie school. $1500 down. A REAL BARGAIN. SEE US FOR BARGAINS. W. 1L GRABESHORST & CO. Realtors 134 South Liberty Street SUBURBAN TRACTS $1S00 5 acres, all good land, small buildings, good location. $30 down, $15 per mo. $2000 7 acres. aH In bearing prune orchard. 3 room house, good garage, electricity, S, miles out $250 down, bal. terms. $2000 Five acres on main Pacific highway, 3, miles out, all In bearing orchard, small house, good drilled well. $100 down, bal. $20 per mo. $1500 5 acres, nil good land, locat ed about 2 miles from city limits, or. garden road, near Swegle school, small shack, gas and electricity available. $25 down, $10 per mo. NO TNT. FOR 2 YRS. SEE US FOR BARGAIN'S. W. 1L GRABENIIORST & CO. Realtors 124 S. Liberty St. Tel. 6J6S 10 acres, good soil. ml. from high way. Price $650. $250 down, bal. mort gage. Owner, 354 N. 21st St., Salem. We have 4 houses prices $600 to $1500. Good terms, well located. Grant or Crittenden. Masonic Bldg. Good 5-rm. home, close In, basement. furnace, nice location. Only $2250, terms. Socolofsky & Son, 1st Nat'I Bank Bldg. Good 7 -room plastered semi-modern house with fireplace, basement, plumb ing, etc., South Salem. Beautiful grounds with fruit, nuts and ornamen tal trees, roses, slinins. grapes and ber ries. Garage, poultry house, garden, on paved street near schools. Two lots 60x135, or will sell four or eight lots. Priced low with easy terms, uwner, 765 Rural Ave.. Tel. 8SJ4. DANDY HOME SACRIFICED Modern 7-rm. home, basement, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, gar age. Dandy lot. Flowers and shrubbery, paved street. North Salem. A snap for $3000.00. $600 down. Renting for $23 per month to a good renter. See - j AS. it. SfciAtta, neatior 132 S. High St SPECIAL One of Salem's latest built homes. modern in every detail- fine residence district. Priced for few days at only $5S00. Must be seen to be appreciated. CHILDS & MILLER, Keaitors 344 State Street Tel. 670S. TWO Bit J? 1ft A tilmu XL rtllt beat of garden land, comfortable 5 room house, 2 room house, barn, chick en house. Ail year creek, best of fences, electricity, potatoes, garden planted, oats and veatch hay, wood lor home use. near santlam nignway, right In town. This place is clear and taxes paid. First one to see this will hnv nm T nm imlnff to eetl St 9 hnTfatn. Come and see It for yourself. Ask for Unas, warner, uenanu, ure. Several modern houses In good res idence district for the mortgage against them. 8 rm. modern home, two nne view lots. 2 fireplaces, double plumbing. cost over $10,000, now $6700, terms. 7, nr.s. modern, north, $2800. 5 rms. near Leslie Jr. high, a buy at $1700. Have client with $1000 to lend on good security. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 519 Court Street Six room house, all Improvements, furnished or unfurnished. Two acres of garden and orchard land near Salem for sale cheap. Owner must sacrifice. Write for particulars. Box 459. States man. FOR SALE FARMS 80 ACRE BARGAIN 70 acres in crop, ten acres pasture, buildings, on good road, 3 miles from rood valler town. Priced for QUICK SALE. $2250. See Geo. F. Vick with W. li- UKAKKNHUHST Realtors 134 S. Liberty St TeL 8468 XI ACRES walnuts, cherries, filberts. Sears fillers, good location, $4009. $500 own. Socolofsky & Son, 1st Natl Bank mag. mm ltas VSis Interesting Facts . . . Merle Gwynn, Salem barber, tells us that James Cook told him that he caught 27 fish on a re cent fishing trip over at Mack's landing. The final story brought the number down to four for two days' fishing. A fish story is cot supposed to be accurate. o Yon Just can't drive a nail with a sponge no matter how hard you hit, o Let us remind you Salem has a population of 26,266 (1930 cen sus). This number is perhaps con siderably more now. There are but few desirable houses to rent in the city. 0 Salem business streets are 99 feet wide. Its altitude is 171 feet and the average rainfall is 37 inches. o We dropped in to the Burrell auto electrician place of business on North Liberty street and Mr. Burrell spent some time showing us his equipment and explaining its uses. In time gone by the me chanic had to hunt for motor trouble. Now with all the modern equipment the location of the trouble may be traced easily. O During 1933 there were about 29,900 persons killed and about 850,700 injured non-fatally In au tomobile accidents within the United States. The deaths, exclu sive of fatalities from motorcycle accidents, exceeded by 2.5 per cent the 29,196 recorded for 1932. O Six years ago in 1927 motor vehicles in use in this country to taled approximately 23,209,000 as against 23.S00.000 in 1933, a gain of 2.6 per cent. In 1927 there were 25,533 persons killed in automo bile accidents, exclusive ot motor cycle mishaps, as against 29,900 for last year, an increase of 17 per cent. ACREAGE 1 A. 2 mi. west on paved road, $300. Terms. 1 A. lJ4 ml. east of Salem, good well, all in crop, $400. 2Vi A. about 1 mL from Salem, small barn, good well. $250 per A. 4 2 A. 12 ml. from Salem, fenced, dark soil, 2 springs, 3 room house,, good barn, chicken house, $3500. Trade for smaller tract. Melvln Johnson. 725 Court Street Tel. 3723 14 acres. 6-rm. mod. home, very close In. Will take acreage. 10 acres. 5-rm. house, barn, very best of soil. $3400. terms. 22 acres, paved jd., new bldgs. Will take house In' Salem. 47 acres, mod. bldgs., electricity, paved rd., fine soil. $5500, terms. R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage Tel. 3031 YES! THESE ARE BARGAINS 10 acres, close to Salem, -rm. house, barn, P.IL electric light and water sys tem, all in cult. Family orchard. Price $3400. $600 down. BEST 27-ACRE BUT 20 acres cult., 8 acres prunes, S acres strawberries. 7 acres timber and pas ture, mnninff water piped to bldgs. Good road, 2 horses, cow, poultry, farm machinery. Only $3500. 160 ACRES $2200 4-rm. house, large hip roof barn, on highway to coast. A dandy place for the money. For Bargains See JAS. D. SEARS, Realtor 132 S. High St Business Opportunities Have cash buyer for garage or fill ing station proposition. Let me know what you have. IL C. Shields, Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. MONEY TO LOAN 41 BelSs of Harmony A nightly feature over Radio KOIN Announces A NEW DEAL In Loans UP TO $300 AUTO-ENDORSED NOTES FURNITURE No fees, deductions or discounts, and only lawful rates charged. See us If you need money. UEISEFICIAL. UUAM SOCIETY OF SALEM Member of NRA Room 119, New Bilgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-IZ2 by STATE 518 State St. Tel. 3 7 4 0 Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to : months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. GENERAL WIN A NCR CORF. A local corporation 1st NatT. Bank Bids. Phone $553 Licensed -y State Funds for farm loans now available $H : long term. Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Bldg.. TeL 4109. $ $ NOTICE $ $ Do you need- money? Unsecured loans. No red tape. Two bour service. All loans confidential. Stat Loan Co. 212 Ore. Bldg. . Phone 77S3 Lie. No. 8-l5. LOANS WANTED Wanted A loan of $3000 for 3 years at 7 annually. Secured by mortgage on 160 acre farm easily worth $10,000. Building Insured for $6000. Write Bo 463 care Statesman. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Auction sale Wed.. April 18. 1 p. m. sharp, 34 head T.B. and abortion tested fresh young dairy cows. Sale at my ranch In town of Hopewell. John HalL FOR SALEWOOD 2nd growth fir. A. R. Barnes. 12 miles south Salem. Inquire Farmen's service Station. Second growth and old fir wood. rrompi aeuvery. rea K. wells. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRY wood cosJ TeL 100$ Salem fuel Co. Trade Cottage. Dry old fir. oak. TeL 9769 All kinds dry wood. TeL $0!t Dry planer and second growth fir. Prompt delivery. Tel. 3986. Dry wood. TeL S2S4. Old fir, 16 In., $4.76. Tel. 7982. LOST AND FOUND LOST White gold wedding ring. Five diamonds; will pay substantial reward. Bx 462, Statesman. LOST Grey and black checked tra vel crepe suit coat in S.W. part" of town. Call 6096. - - - i i- ,-, w . if. iM-i-wuX'-u''uLrLr FOUND Dark - rimmed clniea Owner pay for ad at Statesman. PERSONAL Complete high school in 2 years at home. Standard text, credits, diploma. Box 458 care Statesman. FOR SALE USED CARS McKay's Used Cars Whippet Sedan $ 50.00 z nymoutn coupe "30 Chev. Pickup 225.00 265.00 345.00 285.00 360.00 375.00 426.00 475.00 B25 no zs iteo sedan '31 Ford Pickun . '31 Chev. Coupe '31 Chev. Panel Delivery "31 Chev. Special Sedan '32 Pontiac Sport Coupe , '32 Chev. Special Sedan '32 Pontiac Sedan '33 Nash Sedan 550.00 595.00 333 Center Tel. 31811 430 N ComX Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. Valley Motor Co. Used Cars and Trucks 1933 Chevrolet Master Sedan .. Radio and hot water heater. 1931 Buick Std. 8 Sedan . 1929 Reo 6 Sedan 1933 Ford DeLuxe Coup 1932 Ford Sport Coupe 1932 Ford Coach 1931 Ford Coach 1930 Ford Coach $625 53 340 565 4TS 475 325 275 30 1924 Ford Roadster 1929 Ford Touring 1926 Oldsmobile Coach 1 50 1926 Chevrolet Sedan 35 Trucks and Panels 1930 Durant 4 screen side St 85 1928 Dodge 4 panel 18.". 1926 Ford panel ., 65 ia.12 Ford L.W. base BOO 1931 Ford L.W. base 375 1929 Dodge Graham 3-ton 425 1929 Studebaker L.W. base 300 1929 Reo 6 chassis 140 Lot at Marion and Open Sundays .Phone 7910 Soeelal on '?fi fhetr Tn.r.v .ih dump body, very good mechanically, 9 Od.U'J. BORREGOS CAR MARKET 240 North Libert v Street Telephone 3688 Nearly New 1933 Chevrolet Coach, all new tires black finish. Run only 12.000 miles $393.00 1933 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sport Coupe o wneeis spares mounted In fender wells metal covers green finish Duco fenders $$25 00 1933 Chevrolet Sedan dark finish nne ures oniy z3,uuo miles. Runs perfectly ..$675.00 1933 Chev. Sedan. 8.000 miles tan duco finish maroon wheels, sport light mirror clock $695.00 1933 Chevrolet Sedan. Not a scratch on mis one run less than 2000 miles tan finish, new car, guaran tee $713.00 933 Chevrolet Special Sedan, fender wells. Karl-Keen trunk, spot light green finish, duco fenders, low mlle aee ? aa G. M. A. C. Terms Trades 123 Center TeL 31S.1 430 N. Com'L Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. WANTED USED CARS WANTED Used car. 2142 N. Com l. Will nn V rmh fro lirht t ,,rt.t , j - . - . 'o 1 ' . vn. 1 1 in 1 n rA condition. '30 or later. Must be reason able. No dealers. Box 4 68 Statesman. Wanted light used car. Good run ning condition. Reasonable. Cash. Box 248 Statesman. MAYOR SETS CLEAN-UP SILVERTON, April 14 Sil- verton has set Its Clean-up cam paign for an entire week this year. Mayor Garver announced April 23 to April 27 as the time to "clean up" at Silrerton. She Lost Her Blue Bird Jr JZ- f ': ACl : -: v XM!JxfUyft2 --v If h -l - sf Ju II Irs ' - Iff Warned that her use of the NBA Bine Eagle waa'In riolation of tha law. Miss Bath Brannon. Democrat seeking nomination to Congress in the eleventh Illinois District, Chicago, clips the bird from her campaign fosters. Hr nmwmsiit for the nomination brought the corns Lain t. QUICK RESULTS Business Directory Cards In this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rate $1.00 per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panefc, 375 South Commercial. CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. TeL (753. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R K. Northnesa. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor. 2 1 N. High. TeL Rem. 3753. DRESSMAKING Swagger suite a specialty dress making, remodeling, hemstitching. Mrs. Snelgrove, 180 N. Com'L Tel. 746$. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets, fun eral wreaths, decorations. C F. Brelt haupt, florist ill Court. TeL $904. ALL kinds of floral work. Luta Flor ist, ISth MarkrL T1. 9592. INSURANCE BECKS HSNDRICKS 189 N. High Tel. 4947. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 263 & Hi' , i TeL 9125. CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT First In Quality and Service Telephone 8165 1264 Broadway. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired, traded. We de liver. Harry W. Scott TeL 4 5 1 C. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40C9. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade: carpet cleaning, sizing; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug St Mat tress Factory. S. 13th 4 Wilbur. TeL S441. OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 433 State Street, Salem. PAINTING B. Benson. 2214 N. Lib. Tel. S97. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving. 147 N. Com mercial. Tel. 5887. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, earda, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. 215 S. Commercial. Tele phone 910L RADIO SERVICE CERTIFIED RADIO SERVICE Tel. S773 Court at Church REAL ESTATE BECKB HENDRICK3, TeL 4147. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, lancy ana plain, hop baskets, hooka, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, III Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 1131, Latrmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 22 State St. TeL 7773. Distributing for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, 39 years experience, Rf'D 7, Box 293. TeL 110F6. Grains Head .DqidhAhih. LIQUIDATION, W 1 Salem Markits SHM SJLES MT T COtmCTS, RENEWS s&' li LOW VOLUME POIWT V - At . . . I . - t- .f CHICAGO. Aurll 14.-iPl-lrrwh downturns of grain prices today followed by a renewal ot liquida tion by holders of Mar deliTerr contracts. Stop-loss selling of oats espe cially was an outstanding feature, with September oats tumbling to the bottom-most figures since this season's trading In that delirerr was begun. Would-be purchasers of wheat and other grain futures adopted a waiting attitude pend ing clearer Ideas as to nrob- able developements at Washington about measures affecting security and grata exchanges. Wheat closed at almost the day's bottom lerel, - under yesterday's finish, corn - down, oats off, and provi sions unchanged to a decline of 2 cents. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May 84s-; July 84-; September 85-. Corn May 46 - ; July 49-: September 61. Oats May 29; July 30 20; September 30. General Markets FSODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND, Ore, April u.-(AP) Produce exchange, net prices: Batter Extras 18 He, atsndard 17 Vic, prim frit 17 Vie, first 17c Eggs U. S. pe eisls 17c, U. 8. extrs 15 Vic, U. 8. me diums 14c. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. April 14. (AP) Wheat Opea Open Low Close My 70Vi 70Vi 70V4 70Vi July 71Vi 71V4 71Vi 71V4 September 71 71 71 71 Caah Big Bend bluestem 72e; dark hard winter 12 per cent 78 Vie, do 11 per eent 71Vie; oft white, western white, hard witner, northern apring and weitera red 70c. OaU No 3 white $19. Corn So. A E. yellow 22.75. Mullrun Standard $19.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. April 14. (AP) Butter Extras 20 Vic pound, ttandards 19 He pound. Butterfat Portland deliTerr: A trade 16-18e pound; farmer's door delivery 14c pound. Eggs Parifie poultry producers sell ing prices: Oversize 18c, fresh extras 16e standards 15c, mediums lie dozen (car tona le higher). Buying prica ot whole salers: Fre&h extras 17c, firsts 14c. me diums 15c, pullets 12c, undergrade 10c dosen. Cheese 92 score, Oregon triplets 11c; loaf 12c pound. Brokers will pay Vic below quotations. Milk Contract price. 4 per eent, Portland delivery $1.95 est; B grade cream 37 Vic pound. Country meats Selling price to re tailers: Country killed bogs, best butch er, under 50 pounds 8Vi'6c. Vealers, 10 to 100 pounds 9-9 Vi pounde light and thla O-tSe pound. Heavy calves, 5 Be, Yearling lambs 1014c; spring Iambs 16' 18c ponnd. Csnner cows 3-4c pound; cut ter cows 5-6c pound, mills 5Vi-6e pounrt Mohair 1934 buying price, 25c pound. Caseara bark Buying price, 1934 peels Zft-ae pmina. Bops 1933 clusters 24 23c pound; fuggles. 40c. Ponltry Portland delivery, colored fowls 13-14c. Leghorn 10-12c. Broilers 1416c. Stags 9 c. Roosters 5 c. Pekin ducks 12c; colored 10c Gees lOe pound. Onions Oregon $1-1:15. Potatoes Local white and red $1.10 1.15 cental. Yakima $1,25 1.35: Des chutes $1.30-1.35; Bakers $1.65-1.70. New potatoes Hawaii. $1.25-1.35. 21- pound box; Texas Triumphs $2-2-25, 50 pound sack. btrawberries Fresno 20s. 82 erata: Sscramento 24s, $2.25 crate. Wool 1934 clip, nominal; Willam ette vailey 25 2 Be pound. Hsy Buylor pnci from producer: Alfalfa No. 1 new rrop $14-15; eastern Oregon timothy $17; timothy grasses, blended $15; oats $17.50: vetch $14; Willamette valley timothy $15 ton. Stocks and Bonds April 14 (Copyright. 1934. Stanford StstUtlct Co.) BTOCA AVSAQ3 SO 20 20 BO India. RR'a. Uts. Total Today 98.4 50.9 75.3 86.9 Previous day 98.6 50.8 75.0 87.0 Week ago 98.2 50.7 75.1 8ft.7 Year ago 54.8 26.4 89.4 52.9 3 years ago 126.5 88.3 184.7 131.1 7 vears ago 114.1 113.9 109.2 112.1 High 34 105.1 54.3 90.3 98.8 Low 1934 89.1 41.8 64.3 77.5 BOOT) AVXJtAOES 20 20 20 60 Total 87.4 87.3 86.3 64.5 95.5 87.4 74.8 India. '83.2 83.1 81.9 60.9 86.0 83.2 72.6 RR'a. Uts. 89.S 89.7 Today Previous dsy . Week ago Year ago - , 3 yean ago High 1934 Low 1984 (1926 average 89.S 87.8 58.3 99.8 89.6 89.1 74.5 100.9 89.8 74.1 89.7 77.3 equals 100.) Family Gathers to Honor Birthday STAYTON. April 14. The 81st bidthday of E. Roy was the Inspir ation for a gathering at his home of his children and their families, Mr. and 'Mrs. A. E. Roy and son Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Smith and children of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Mack and family of Salem, Mrs. G. C. Watson and children of Vancou ver, B. C, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Taylor and son, who make their home with Mr. Roy. A native of France, Mr. Roy came to Stayton abont 40 years ago and entered the jewelry business, later taking up optometry. He has done as much or more than any other resi dent of the town towards Its im provement, haring built both busi ness and residence properties. Pioneer Reports Good Prune Outlook PIONEER, April 14. The prune crop seems quite promis ing In this locality. Some or chards hare a fall crop, however some are spotted. Bat all or chards hare some prunes at pres ent. Hans Popp has been bnsy the past few days setting out a 10 acre strawberry patch for com mercial use. Several people have been helping him recently. He has leased the land from John Kel ler for the natch. (kilk based a utUrfat a vara k Distributor price $2.10. Butterfat - Top 16c, print 19c, cubes 21c. Prices pa:d to growers by Salsa buyers April 14 (The nrfoea hiA ..nn.j t . grocer, are indicative of the dsily market ..icu uj i nm o talesman ntTlTS ASD VZGETA&LEB Strawberries. 12s 75 Strawberries, 20a . '23 Asparagus, local, dos. ' CaUforBia asparagus; crate l!5 Cauliflower. Calif. ; 1 "o Parsnrp. bos lag ;50 Turnips, box lug ,, 8() KUMOagss, !mis luf .50 Egg pisut locat - 05 Cf5- ", 90 t l-l wsb peppers. ualiL. la. .80 uaMMit. dot banches -. Potatoes, local YakiSia Deschutes .40 to .65 .1.15 to 1.85 -1.10 to 1.45 Lettuce Cslifornla. dry peek CalifApnU mA 3.25 to 2.50 2.65 to 2.85 40 to 1.25 crat,S.75 .-.2.00 to 2.25 2.65 te S.10 .20 - .20 - .85 .60 .05 .05 H ; 8.75 1 00 Onions, Labish Clerr hart& Cml u. Oranges, choice , avals, fancy Bewts. local . dm Carrots, local, dot. t.siiiorma Spinach, local erata Ksnsnss. lb. en stalk Hand -'- Lemons (.lines, frash Aracadoa. cmfs Toms toes. California, ease Sweet nntstns IK 2.T5 -2.65 - .03 H 4.25 Grspefroit, -Florida uaufnrnia . Peas, California, lb. 2.25 .05 . .OS - .02 Vr New potatoes, lb. Rhubarb, local, lb. HOPS Cluster. 1933. lb. top .80 .IS .12 .11 .22 .29 .25 .13 .12 .10 .09 .05 05 EGO 9 Extras Standard - , ,, Medium WnAT. awn unv v5T" Mohair, 1934 clip Medinm can! 193 Coam wool. 1934 POUXTBT Colored hens. 5 lbs. Colored hiins S a A 1K: Colored medium bens Light bens .. Stsrs Old roosters MEAT 1934 snrinr lmh lh 08 -6-6.50 4.00 Lambs, top Hogs, 160-200 lbs. 200 to 225 lbs. 225 to S50 IV,. -3.75 3.50 Pies S.25 Sows .. Steers . Cows Bulls . Heifers ..2.00 to 2.25 .03 4 te .05 .0H4 to .02 .02 ta .02 i .02 H ta 03 V, 5.50 to 6.00 -. .08 Veal, ton Dressed veal top Dressed hops GRAIH Alii Wheat, western red ... . White No. 1 Barley, feed. No. X ton Oats, feed, ton . Earley, malting, top Oats, milling, ton Hsy. buying prices .09 HAT . .58 .... .60 -14.00 -14.00 -16.00 -16.00 11.00 -11.00 -12.00 Clover hav Oats and vetch, ton Alfalfa, valley, first cut TAKE MOTOR TRIP ORCHARD HEIGHTS, April 14. Mr. and Mrs. William Knower, their daughter Irene and son. Lyle, have returned from a motor trip to southern Oregon. They were guests at Marshfleld at the home of Mrs. Knower's sister whose husband. Raymond Archi bald, is the engineer in charge of construction of the new coast bridge at that place. Gross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER li zi IS H 20 2 7 y 22 2 - 35 34 37 7 38 31 HO 11" z " 11" lll HORIZONTAL 1 equals ' 6 checkered cloth 11 ruler of a state 12 list 14 printer's measure 15 astound 17 brave man 18 iHnm inated 20 blemishes 22 tear i 23 land i measari 25 jeer i 27 prefix: down . 28 listens SO penetrated 82 edible sub stance from an East Indian seaweed 34 bird of the pigeon family . 35 one who furnishes food ' 33 beverage containing wine and nutmeg 41 part of ''lobe" 42 rescued 44 narrow road ; 45 measure of length 47 centra part 49 recline 60 eager 62 blotch 64 supposed hypnotic force 65 one who rents land 57 -h eating utensils 59 populace 60 prophets VERTICAL 1 glass used as an abrasive 2 Hebrew name for . God Herewith is the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. CswrlcM. lilt. NEW YORK, April 14. (jp) For a majority of stocks price changes were- Inconsequential to day. Still hesitant and very dull, the market tilled out Its two hoars in perfunctory fashion, only 501, 160 shares changing hands, the smallest Saturday since early Jan nary. There was a fairly firm under tone to the share list but bidders were unaggressive and net chang es were mostly email fractions, the average showing a nominal de cline. U. S. Smelting, Pathe Ex change "A", Cerro De Pasco Cop per, Norfolk Western, Eastman and Du Pont gained major frac tions to nearly 2 points, but In dustrial Rayon, Curtl3 Publishing. American Tobacco "B" and the Allegheny corp. preferreds had losses of similar- scope. The Armour of Illinois "A" and "B" stocks eased slightly while the preferred firmed; the compa ny's reorganization plan is under stood to be nearing completion, although It has not yet been nor mally submitted to the board. Steels were quiet and steady, to gether with utilities and rails. Packard yielded halt a point us der rather persistent offerings. Wool Prices Weak. Sales Very Light BOSTON. April 14. () (U. S. Dept. Agr.) Sales of wool were very light during the Past week. Scattered lots of various grades of fleece and territory wool were moved, but the aggregate volume of business continued to be lim ited. Prices weakened. The per sistent quietness has influenced an increasing number of holders to accept bids that they were not inclined to consider a few weeks ago. Many on Sick List at Silverton SILVERTON, April 14. Har old Solie, who underwent a ma jor operation at the Silverton hospital this past week, is report ed as getting along very well. Mrs. J. P. A. Hanson, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, was reported late Friday after noon to be improving and good hope was being held out for her recovery. Mrs. Hanson is also at the Silverton hospital. Lorenz Bjerke, who was injured in an automobile accident a week ago and was at the local hospital, has been moved to the William Stirber home where he is conval escing. Mrs. A. A. Grinde who has been seriously ill is also reported to be improving at her home where 6he is being cared for by her daughters, Mrs. J. J. Seeley and Mrs. J. D. Odell of Portland: Mrs. Roscoe Ames of Albany and Ella Grinde ot Silverton. The United States supplied nearly two-thirds of the railroad ties imported into China last year. 3 Greek letter 4 engines of war 5 seizes sud denly with the teeth 6 make believe 7 behold! 8 kind of tree 9 passage in the brain 10 mock 11 word of unknown meaning appearing rathe Psalms 13 lassoed 16 encircling band 19 deal with . or handle 21 hairs intrc duced be neath the skin 24 borders 26 riotous festivity 29 feminine name 31 royal 33 reinstates 35 unit of weight for precious stones S6 removed from office 37 quantity of paper - 39 workers 40 sources of being 43 attire 46 sup 48 narrow woven fillet or band 61 barrier to Srevent owof water S3 fish egg 66 negative 68 eorrelatfvo Of cither . bath. 4 coon be r t: i