1 The OREGON STATiANfiaLdregoiy Simtef Mbrniitg, April 1934 PAGE "NINE Rye Leaps 5 Cents Higher ..f p i "7 V ' - . .... ' HStatesman Classified Ads Call 9101 to Classified Advertising Single insertion per line 10c Three insertions per line 20c Six insertions ; er line. .30e One month per line.. $1.00 Minimum charge 25c Copy for this page ac cepted until 6:30 the even ing before publication for classification. C o p 7 re ceived after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished in Us columns, and in cases where this paper is at tault will reprint that part o an adrertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The statesman reserves the right to reject objec tional advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED AJiAJLruLnn.n.n. . n.n.r i ------- XTfl .ruftor and erocerr clerk. Ex perienced. Starr's Groc., KtU and Mar ket. HELP WANTED MALE OWN A BIO PAYING GROCERY ROUTE BUSINESS. Make up to $42.50 a week while learning: get Ford car as extra bonus. Beats owning a store. No capital required : no risk. Write quick. Albert Mills, TBt34 Mon trtwith. Cincinnati, O. HELP WANTED FEMALE Earn extra money copying names, addresses for mail order firms. Home spare time, experience unnecessary. Write for information. Circle Adver tising. 401 Broadway. New York. LADIES Copy names and address es, spare time, for mall order firms. Good pay. Experience unnecessary. 8 Lamp brings details. Holt Service, Nichols. New York. $15 weekly and your own dresses FREE for demonstrating latest lovely Fashion Frocks. No canvassing. No in vestment. Write fully. Give size and color preference. Fashion Frocks, Dept. P-682. Cincinnati. Ohio. LADIES Address cards for us. Good pay. No selling, no experience. Stamped addressed envelope brings details. Zabel Insurance Dept. M. D. Box 27, Arlington, Calif. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesman with car. Good proposition to right man. Call r.61 Che tneketa between 8 and 9 Monday morn ing. Nelson Bros. MAKE BIO INCOME demonstrat ing advertising coveralls, sliopcoat. Exper. nnnec. Outfit FREE. No can vassing. Steady repeats. Nationally known company. WEAREVA. 1120 SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Truck work, any kind. Reasonable- prices or trade work for anvthta I can use. Tel. "234. v FOR SALE Miscellaneous Saw gumming and sharpening V mile E. Four Corner. TeL 4280. Fertiliser, sand. dirt. Tel. 8605. Light breed cockerels, 11 per hun dred. Tet 133F2, Lee's Hatchery. Com pliance certificate No. 2899. Old manure delivered. Tel. SOS 8. Triple X Marshall strawberry plants and good old hay. Tel. -51F13. Baled oats hay, $8 ton. 1 mi. N. Central Howell school. Silverton-Sa-lem road. Ernest Werner. Babr chicks. Warlner Hatchery, 160 N. Fifth St. at Highland. Com pliance certificate No. 10007. Wood range, good baker, $9.00. 1803 B. 12th. - Awnings. 454 Ferry. Tel. Wakefield baby buggy. Reversible body. $10. TeL 5884. Registered white collie r.upples Curtis C Cole. Rt. 8, Box 7S. Pasture for cattle. $1.00 per month. Alton Kufner. Box 188, garden Road. FOR SALE Logan tips, also Ital ian bus. 685 Piedmont St.. W. Satern. Real bargain, ladifts' beautiful full fashioned pure thread silk hose, good Imperfects. 3 pairs $1.05. postpaid, satisfaction guaranteed. Economy Hos iery Co.. Aslwhoro. N. C. TRADE Miscellaneous Two -ply 19x4.50 21 tires, run 00 miles. Will trade tor lowboy radio. Franklin St.. West Salem. WANTED Miscellaneous OLD GOLD highest price paid. Btar Exchange. Cor. Chcmeketa ft N. ComX St, J u"ii - mm Poultry wanted, dressed to order Salem Poultry Co.. S28 N. Front. fMxoniiLaiyi.nr-g-n-i-i' Will pay cash for creeper type trsetor. small six. Joe Williams, Tel. B1ISCELLANEOUS Haircuts lSe-IOo. $0$ a Winter. ttv We Dick, up dead worthless horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4869. tiAK-ti? MONTH START. Gov ..mn 1h Men women. 18-50. Onalifr now. Sample coach lng and list Jobs FREE. Apply today sure. PoT I it. care fumrwimi FOR RENT ROOMS sjSBMsaas i "kV - rvr-ij" Room, kitchen privilege. Tel. 4493. Room for rent, to companionable person. Use or gitcnen u ueireu. m V. 12th. TeL 4Jtl. Furrt. rooms. t0 Center. ROOM AND BOARD ItoMd-roonv Court. TeL T$. Board, room, near P. O. Tel. 6bj. ji--Lxan.nj-u-i-i Rnftrrt nd room. 7 K. Church. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Furnished opt, Bdgewater Court. Oarage, Tel. 1154. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Desirable S room ant. close in. In quire 6'J5 N. Liberty. Tel. 559. 3 rm. front apt. fum., adults: prlv. oath. 690 N. Summer. Tel. 4494. First floor. 292 N. Summer. Nice furnished 590 Union. J-roorn apartment. 3 room ap:s., steam heat. Frlgidalre. furnished $22. unfurnished $18. 2380 Fairground. Tel. 7532. Furn. apt., also room. C43 Union. Attractive 3 room furnished apt.. Frigid., garage. Tel. 444 8. 3 room furnished apt. Stratton Apartments. Tel. 3842, Olympic, 730 N. Liberty. Furn. and unfurn. 2 and 3 room apts. 3 R. furn. apt., $10 month. 1130 Oak Street. FOR RENT HOUSES Turn.' and unfurn. houses. R. A. FORXNER 1610 N. Cottage Tel. 3031. 3 R. furn. house. Inquire 1603 N. Com'l. after S p. m. Tel. 7803. 569 N. 23rd St. $25.00 1700 N. 17th St. 20.00 2275 N. Front St. 12.50 P. H. BELL, 202 Oregon BIdg. FOR RENT 10 A. Irrigated land to rent, on shares, 2 ml. from Turner. A. M, Brotighton, 2140 S. University, Salem. FOR SALE Real Estate If you are looking for a suburban home that you can buy on terms easier than you can rent see me. It's reason able, it s strictly modern. It s well lo cated it will suit you. H. a SHIELDS Oregon BIdg. TeL 8902. REAL BUYS $750. 3 rooms, garage, paving paid, fine location. $50 down. $1450. 5 rooms, full basement, fur nace, garage, large lot. Terms. $1800. 6 rooms, basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, fruit, fine location, terms. $1500. 5 rooms, modern. In N. Salem. Just cut $500. $2950. Living room, dining room kitchen. 3 bedrooms, full basement furnace, fireplace, paving paid. Terms. K. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage Tel. 3031. CAN YOU BEAT THIS ""Nodown payment, no Interest. You pay $18.00 per month for 100 months and we give you warranty deed for nice 5 room house with paved streets, 24 acres, 13 acres prunes. 2 acres fil berts, 30 large cherrv trees. Prune drier. 2 houses. Price $3300.00. Easy terms. 10 acres. Hnsrl Green district. New house, fine crop. $2200.00. Easy terms. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Tel. 8632. 5 nice acres in logans. cherries, etc.. 5 room nearly new house, hardwood floors, elec. Hants, a baranin nt 13K50 $350.00 down, balance can be arranged monthly. Very good 5 room house In Enele- wood district, mortgage $1000.00 and 80 acres of rough land. Clear to trade for small acreage close to Salem. 7 room strictly modem house close in and good location : will exchange ror 1(1 to 40 acres of land Improved. Grocery store in good location, small rent, stock and fixtures : total price $350.00. S. M". EARLE E. E. RORTCRTS 208 No. High Tel. 9678. SUBURBAN SNAP $100.00 down and balance $13.00 per month takes a fine 5 acres close In. bulldines, good road, electric l!ghts. good road, close to high wav. Price tisno.no. W., H. GR RENHORST & CO., REALTORS 13 1 South Liberty Street REAL HOME BARGAINS $lS0O. Will huv a good modern 4 room home with cement basement, fur nace, firenlace, paved st east ! front. $200. down, bat. $20 per mo. to Include int.. at 6. $2100. Iate built modern 4 room home with two beilrooms. oak floors, basement, furnace, fireplace, paved St.. garage, cood district. Onlv $210. down, bal. $21. per mo. to Include Int. $3600. Will buy a late built modern 7 room home, corner lot. near school, this nroperty Is offered nt a real sacrifice, must be all cash. $2730. Close In S room modern home. cor. lot, j .-. down, bal. $30. per mo. to include Int. $4200. M'wlern 5 room home, hollow tile construction, cor. lot. paved allev. near Parrish, school, $1500 down, bal. terms. Io00. S room modem home well To cated on S. High St.. hardwood floors, basement, furnace, fire place, enrage, nice yard, east front. $2"00. down, h.nl terms $3930. Eng. stvle, 6 rooms, good lo cation with east front, located near Leslie school, bearing cher ries and wilnuts. In excellent con dition. $14 "0. down. bal. terms. $3300. View property, seven nice rooms, built about 1 yrs. ago, modern In every respect, large lot, wonderful iew overlooking the citv. offered below the mortgage, INVESTIGATE THIS BARGAIN. $7000. CREEK HOME, modern In ev ery wav, six nice rooms, well lo cated, late built, paved St. A real nice home that Is worth the mnnev. SEE US FOR BAROATNS W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 6468. JUST THE PLACE YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR 4 A., very close to Salem, on good road, SE CLUDED, fine stream, some timber. Only $1800. ALSO 8 A. well improved, fine stream. SOCOLOFSKY & SON First National Bnnk BIdg. -$1300 BUYS 4 ROOM HOME Large nook, bath. 2 large porches. large gnrnge. lot 52x140, pavement SOCOLOFSKY ft SON First National Bank BIdg. GOOD HOME NORTH SALEM $ R, bath and nook, basement, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floor, lot 14S feet deen. pavement nald. Onlv $3250. SOCOIX)FSKY & SON, First National Bank B!dg. 'CREErTRplERr7W Unusual opportunity to buy good 7 room house on large creeJc lot. shallow beach. Best buy of Its kind In Salem. Price $4000 with $1000 down. Discount for nil cash. CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 314 State Street Tel. 6708. GARDEN TIME IS HERE We have several choice suburban homes, 1 to 6 acres ea?h. close m. paveo roaas, with neat 3 and 4 room cottages. plumbing, electric lights. Priced reasonable with terms. CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street TeL 6708. - lrij-triiLruij'L-rLrL -i jsnr GOOD 89 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE OR RENT. CLEAR 40 ACRES CHOICB BOTTOM land about Ii acres good upland, all In cultlva tton. balance pasture. STOCK. WA TER. HANDY. GOOD BUILDINGS. NICELY LOCATED. Land all fenced and cross fenced. Price $6000. Owner wHl consider other good real estate for part with some cash. Give good terms on balance. For this ar.d other good farm and city property for sale ana trade skb WELLS TALLMAIi 31 Stnte Street. Salem EXCHANGE Real Estate 70 A. good clear timber for house In Salem. Grant or Crittenden, Mason ic Bids. Dial 6151. I as a m ifu) (u Interesting Facts . . . We heard yesterday that Sears Roebuck are considering a lease on the Oregon building. O . Met a young lady on the street the other day who was selling safety razor blades. Saw her go into a barber shop on Commer cial street. We suppose the made a Bale there. O- A Statesman carrier thinks the meanest man in town is the man who subscribes for the paper and fails to pay. O One-cent pieces weigh 48 grains and contain 95 per cent copper and five per cent tin and zinc Five-cent pieces weigh 77.16 grains and consist ot 75 per cent copper and 25 per cent nickel Among the subsidiary silver coins are 10, 25 and 50-cent pieces which weigh 385.8 grains to the dollar, 900-l,000tha fine. Silver dollars weigh 412.5 grains, 900-lOOOths fine. All silver coins have a certain amount of alloy for purposes of durability. O Home Owners' Loan corpora tion reveals that applications re ceived for mortgage refinancing would exceed a total of 13,000,- 000,000 while the agency has only $2,000,000,000 in four per cent bonds and $200,000,000 in cash assets, all of which is nearly ex hausted. O A meteor fell in broad daylight and struck and burned a house in the village of Rinconada, Spain. It is the only case known in his tory where a meteor has hit and destroyed a dwelling, though there are eight or 10 other in stances of their striking houses. EXCHANGE Real Estate Exchange Los Angeles income for Improved acreage. Owners only. E. J. Taylor, 3917i Halldale Ave- Log An geles, Calif. SALE OR TRADE 9 A. poultry farm: 5000 capacity : 7 ml. Riverside, Calif., $10,000. Want rarm within 10 mi. Salem, Ore. F. W. Rahn. care Moreno Stace. Riverside. Calif. A. equipped fine soil, modern home. Trade for apt. or store bldg. In alem. R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage Tel. 3031. Will trade $500 equity in 10 acres near Salem for closed car. Write Box 4o7, Statesman. FOR SALE FARMS GAIN AND STOCK 310-A. near Salem on paved high way, running water, some timber and good buildings. Price $18,500.00. Ten percent down, balance crop basis See HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. For Farms 50 ACRE BARGAIN Located south, close to Liberty school, good road, 4 acres Bartlett pears, 10 acres prunes, buildings, prune dryer, timber, this place sold some years bark at $15,000.00 with pay ment of $10,000.00 down. Will be of fered at $5000.00 for a short time. If you are looking for an exceptional buy, let us show vou. W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street SALE One of the flne-st farms In the valley, house with electricity and bath, large barn, 6 unit chicken house, variety of fruit and nut trees, 50 acres in culti vation, 20 acres timber, baL pasture. 100 acres In all. Price only $15,000. Will accept good house In Salem as part. CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 34 4 State Street Tel. 6708. 13 A. Terms offered only 30 days, on highway, large stream, timber, live- ables buildings, fine location, golf course 16 mile. 184 S. Com'l. ACREAGE STOCK OR SHEEP RANCH S30-A. In Benton county. 2 20-A. val ley land In cultivation, balance tim ber and pasture, 50-A. of this place ran be irrigated with gravity water. t-rice 4U.u per acre. 10 Si down, bal ance crop basis. See HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. For Farm Bargains RANCH BARGAINS ISO0 down. 9 '4 -acres, good soil, out by Cheroawa, 7-R. house, electricity. gange, poultry house, price S42OO. 5ti down, 10-acres 4 miles east. nil in cult., 6-R. house, barn, electric lights and water syatem, mile to school. A snap for 13400. 40-ACRES $1500.00 4-R. house, P. H. and woodshed, 3 cows, horse, poultry and H. 1L goods. HOP RANCH 12-acres. 10V4 A. good bearing hops. 4-R house, good location, at a bar gain. Take house In Salem. ISO-ACRE SNAP 2 sets bldgs.. 25 A. filberts. 120-A. cult., price 112.600. 14 miles N. E. You will like this place.. SEE JAs. I. SEARS, REALTOR 135 South High Street THREE TEARS WITHOUT INTEREST 125.00 down and balance J10.00 per month takes 10 acres of fine soil, east of Salem, good drainage, all plow land, no buildings, price J 1250.00. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO., REALTORS 1 34 South Liberty Street 10 A. 12 ml. north on caved road. small house. In crop, clear, $1500. Trade for larger tract and assume. 36 A. 2 mi. a of Sheridan. 30 A. In crop, 3 or 4 A. timber, 4 room house. barn, good well. $1350. 42 A. 12 Vi ml. S. of Salem. 10 In cultivation, fenced. 2 springs, 3 room house, good barn, chicken bouse, 3500. Trade for smaller tract 43 A. S mL from Wood Hum on paved road. EXTRA GOOD SOIL. 40 in cul tivation, fenced, good bldgs..:- stocked and equipped. Including 23 head of fine Guernsey cattle, grain, feed, crop, $6300. . .1A4A- t,mher- ml. from Salem, 4.800,000 ft saw timber, lots of white fir, cedar, yew. etc., $22 per A. MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 COURT ST. Phone 372S WANTED REAL ESTATE I acres. Box 454, care Statesman. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT 4 or 6 R. home, good lo cation, buyer will pay $2000 to $3000 spot cash. BOCOiX3r'SK.r ft SUN, r lrSt National Bank: fcildg. HAVE BUTER who wants to pay $1000 to $1500 spot cash for house. See SOCOLOFSKY ft SON, First Na tional Bank Bldg., at once. Business Opportunities Have cash buyer for garage or fill ing station proposition. Let me know what you have. U. C Shields. Oregon BIdg. Tel. 8902. Small cash business In Salem, good for man and wife, also 10 acres land, county road. Price for all $1000. As sume $400 mortgage on land, balance cash and trade. Owner. Box 455, Statesman. 14-apartments, all furnished, $1000, good income for someone. Rent reas onable. GAS STATION 2-pumps, good living quarters, re pair garage. Pacific highway, price $3250.00 : some terms. SEE JAS. D, SEARS. REALTOR 132 South High Street MONEY TO LOAN MONEY: Want to loan several thou sand dollars on farm, city or acreage properties. Must be best of security. CHILDS & MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State Street TeL 6703. (t Bells of Harmony" A nightly feature over Radio KOIN Announces A NEW DEAL in Loans TIP TO $309 AUTO-ENDORSED NOTB FURNITURE No fees, deductions or discounts, and only lawful rates charged. See us If you need money. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM Member of NRA Room 119. New Bllgh BIdg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-12J by STATE 518 State St Tel. I 7 40 Automobile and Chattel Loans l to 20 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Nat'L Bank Bids. Phone tISS Licensed 'r State Funds for farm loans now available ; 5 : long term. Hawkins & Roberts Guardian BIdg.. TeL 4109. $ $ NOTICE $ $ Do you need money? Unsecured loans. No red tape. Two hour service. All loans confidential. State Loan Co. 212 Ore. BIdg. Phone 77 S3 Lie. No. S-165. MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD FARM OR CITY PROPERTY. RICH L. REIMANN 187 S. High Phone 8632. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY WANTED Orutle Tel. FOR SALE WOOD Second growth and old fir wood. Prompt delivery. Fred R Wells. GUARANTEED DRT wood coal TeL 4009 Salem Fuel Co. Trade Cottaga. Dry wood priced right. TeL 7983. Dry old fir. onk. Tel. 9769. All kinds dry wood. Tel. 8088. Dry planer and second growth fir. Prompt delivery. TeL 3986. Dry wood. TeL 8254. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gray Scotch tweed topcoat Martin brand. Finder please advise Sackett. Statesman. LOST Yellow agate ring valued as keepsake. Return Statesman. Reward. LOST At 2075 Berry street, cream colored Persian cat, reward. Phone 4458. LOST Friday, small sipper purse. Tel. 8730. Complete high school In 2 years, at home. Standard text, credits diploma, Box 45S, care Statesman. FOR SALE USED CARS McKay's Used Cars '29 Plymouth Coupe 2:".00 28 Reo Sedan . 245.00 "30 Chev. Pickup 265.00 "30 Ford Standard Coupe 275.00 "31 Ford Pickup 285.00 "29 Bulck Sedan 375.00 '31 Chev. Panel Delivery 375.00 31 Chev. Special Sedan 425.00 '32 Pontiac Sport Coupe 475.00 32 Chev. Special Sedan 525.00 '.!2 Pontine Sedan 550.00 '32 Nash "R" Sedan 595.00 '33 Chev. Coach 575.00 '33 Chev. DeLuxe Sport Coupe- 625.00 '33 Chev. Sedan 695.00 TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKay ChevroSet Co. 333 Center Tel. 3189 4 30 N. Com'l. USED TRUCKS 1931 International full floating axle 1929 Chevrolet 1-ton screen 1930 Ford Panel Del. 1929 Fargo Panel Del. Two-ton Federal, long wheel base. Make us an offer. Yellow Cab Truck, one ton. New tires Ford Pickup, $30.00. Come In and See Them JAMES H. MADEN CO. Tel. 8590 235S. Commercial St. Private party will trade '30 Chev. Coach for '30 or $1 Ford or Chev. Coupe. Tel. 8549. '29 Ponttic Sedan, fins cond., new tires; will take lighter car as part. 2090 No. CapitoL Valley Motor Co. Used Cars and Trucks 1933 Ford Coupe .$535 . 475 1933 Ford Spt. Coupe 1933 Ford Coach 1931 Ford Coach 475 325 275 175 60 35 125 535 34ft 325 840 300 175 1930 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Spt. Coupe 1926 Ford Coach 1925 Ford Pick-up Coupe 129 Ford Touring . 1931 Buick Std. 8 Sedan .. 1929 Reo 6 Sedan 1929 Chrysler 65 Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Stud baker 8 Coupe 1928 Chevrolet 4 Sedan 1926 Dodge 4 Sedan 90 We have 1 8 Trucks to choose from Marion and Liberty Open Sundays Phone 7910 $545 SPECIAL 1931 Ford Deluxe) Sedan, tip top throughout. A real buy. BORREGOS CAR MARKET 240 No. Liberty St. TeL 3688. TRADE 1926 Jewett Paige Sedan, good rub ber: trade for livestock. Tel. 431 1599 State WANTED USED CARS Will pay cash for light sedan around szou.uu. Address, Box at, States 'man. Business Directory Cards in this directory ran on a monthly basis only. Rate: $l.QO per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek. 275 South Commercial. CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. TeL 76J. CHIMNEY' SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Northness. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor, 256 N. High. TeL Res. 8762. DRESSMAKING Swagger suits a specialty dress making, remodeling, hemstitching. Mrs. Snelgrove. 180 N. Com 1. Tel. 7466. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets, fun eral wreaths, decorations. C F. Breit- haupt. florist. 677 Court TeL 6904. ALL kinds ot floral work. Lut Flor ist, 16th ft Market TeL 9592. INSURANCE BECKS ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High TeL 497. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 263 & High TeL 9121. , CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY first in Quality and Service Telephone SI 65 124 Broadway. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired, traded. We de liver. Harry W. Scott TeL 451. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 409, NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sizing ; fluff rue weaving. Salem luff Rug ft Mat' tress Factory, a 13th ft Wilbur. TeL S441. OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 432 State Street, Salem. PAINTING R Benson. 2224 N. Lib. Tel. 397. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving. 147 N.. Com mercial. Tel. 6887. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call rne statesman irinting Department, Zl S. LommerclaL leie phone 9101. RADIO SERVICE CERTIFIED RADIO SERVICES Tel. 3773 Court at Church REAL ESTATE BECKE ft HENDRICKS, TeL 4947 STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stovis for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, hooks, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 262 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call 3131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 228 State St. TeL 7773. Distributing for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WELL DRILLING R. A. West. 30 years experience. Rt u 7. Box 208. Tel. 110FS. Cloudless Skies Bring Resumption Labors on Bridge EAST WOODBURN, April 7 Wednesday evening the Wood burn Lodge No. 102 I. O. O. F. held its regular session after which the lodge went in a body to Monitor where they visited Monitor Lodge No. 242 I. O. O. F. The Initiatory Degree was con ferred upon two candidates after which refreshments were served. There were visitors from Wood burn, Silverton and Needy and everyono thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Cecelia Fessler, who has been seriously ill some time, is slowly recovering. She has returned home from the hospital and Is convelescing at home. Work has again been resumed at Pudding river bridge after hav ing been held up for more than a week due to the heavy rains. "Sun Bonnet Sue" School Benefit PERRYDALE, April 7. Sun Bonnet Sue, an operetta was pre sented last night at the auditor ium to a full house. The cast embraced the entire school and was under the direction of Helen McMlllian. Leading parts were taken by Lorrain White as Son Bonnet Sue. and other leading parts were taken by Marie Houk, Estella Wirfs, Ruth Wildt. Jake Van Staavern, Earl Wyatt. Eugene Morrison and Allan Wagner. Proceeds from the program will be used for school equipment. POUUIID SHIPMENTS STATUS QUESTIONED CHICAGO, April 7. - (JP) - Fire works in the rye market today gave quotations for that grain an npward whirl to almost 5 cenl3 a bushel higher than yesterday's bottom figures. The apex today for rye values followed orders from Washington that seven big shipments of rye from Poland be shut out from I landing in the United States, pen 1- ing investigation to determine whether the grain was subject to added duties under the anti-dump ing clause of the United States tariff act. Further impetus to rye market upturns came from an au thoritative estimate that the con dition of the 1934 domestic crop of rye is only 65.1, breaking the low point record. Rye closed unsettled at a frac tion under the top prices reached but 1- above yesterday's fin ish, wheat unchanged to Vi high er, corn up, oats -U ad vanced, and provisions varying from 20 cents decline to a rise of 2 cents. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May, 86-; July, 86-; September, 87-. Corn May, . 48 - : July. September, 534-H. Oats May, 32; July, 33; September, 33. General Markets PRODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND, Ore.. April 7. (AP) Produce excitant", net prices: Butter Extras 21c. standard 20e, prime firsts 20c. first 18 Vie. Eggs C. 8. specials 17c, U. 8. extra 15 He. U. 6. mediums 14c. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. April 7. (AP) UWheat Open High Low Close Msy 72 72 72 72 July 73 72 72 72 September 72 72 72 72 Cash: Big Beud bluestem, 73 He; dark hard winter, 12 pet., 78c; 11 pet., 73c; oft white, western uhite. hard winter, northern spring and western red, 72 Vie. Oata: No. 2 white. SI 9.00. Corn: Ko. 3 E yellow, 22.75. Millrun standard 115.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. April 7. (AP) Butter Extra 23c pound, itaudard 22c pound. Butterfat Portland delirery: A grad 20 21c pound; farmer' door delivery, 17 19e pound. Egg Pacific poultry producer Bell ing price: Overall 18c, fresh extra 16c, standard 15c, mediums 15c dozen (carton le higher). Buying price ot wholesalers: Fresh extras 16c, firata 11c, medium 14c, pullet 10c, undergrade 10c dozen. Cheesa 92 score. Oreeon triplet 11 He pound; loaf 12c pound. Broker will pay ic below quotation. Milk Contract price. 4 per cent. Portland delivery SI. 95 ewt. ; B grade cream 37 He pound. Country meat Selling price to re tailer: Country killed hog, best butch ers, under 50 pound 8Vi-9c Vealar. 90 to 100 pound fl lOc ib. ; light and thin 0-8c pound. Heavy calves 5-Cc pound. Yearling lambs 1014c; spring lamb 13 20c piund. Ewes 3-5e pound. Canner cow 3 4c pound; cutter cow 5 6c pound. Bulls 5-6c pound. .Mohair 1S34 bnying price 25c pound. C as car bark Buying price, 1934 peels, 2 -3c pound. Hops 1933 clusters 24 28c pound. Live poultry Portland delivery, col ored fowls 1314c Leghorn fowls ll-12e. Broilers 14c. Stara 9c. Roosters 5c. Pekin duck 12c; colored 10c. Oeese 10c pound. Onion Oregon, $1-1.15. Potatoes Local white and red $1.10 1.15 cental: Takima $1,25 1.35; De rhutes $1,301.35; Bakers $1,65 1.70. New Florida Triumph $2-2.15 per 50 pounds, 6c pound; Hawaii. SI. 30-1. 35 21-pound box; Texas Triumphs $2.60 per 50 pound aack. Strawberries Fresno 12c, $1.60-1.63; 20c. $2.65 -2.75 crate. Wool 1934 clip, nominal; Willam ette valley 25-28c pound. Hay Buying price from prodncer: Alfalfa No. 1 new crop. $14-15. Eastern Oregon timothy $17. Timothy grasses, blended $15. Oata $37.50. Vetch $14. Willamette valley timothy $15 ton. Stocks and Bonds April 7 STOCK AVERAGES 50 20 20 90 Indl. RR's. Ut. Total Today 98.2 50.7 75 1 86.7 Previou day 98.5 50.6 75.5 87.0 Week ago 96.5 49.5 75.2 85.4 Year ago 50.6 2 4.5 62.2 48.6 3 year ago 124 5 Bl.l 183.2 129.3 7 years aRo 113.4 113 9 107.5 111.1 High 1934 105.0 54.3 90.3 93.8 Low 1934 89.1 41.8 64.3 77.5 (1926 average equals 100.) BOND AVERAGES 20 20 20 60 Indl. RIT. ITt. Total Todav 81.9 87.8 S9.1 88.S Previou day 81.7 87.6 88.8 86.1 Week ago 80.7 85.8 88.3 64.9 Year ago , 59.6 57.3 74 3 68.7 3 year ago 86.9 100 1 100.7 95.9 High 1934 81.9 87.8 89.1 86.8 Low 1934 72.4? 74.1 77.2 74.S (1926 average equal 100.) New 1934 high. School' Play Draws Crowd at St. Louis ST. LOUIS, April 7. A large crowd gathered at the St. Louis hall Thursday night to witness a three-act comedy. "The District School." The play was a por trayal of olden school days with Dave Moses acting as teacher. The cast Included Joe Schomus, Jim Mahoney, Robert Horning, Ray mond Seguin, Jack Allenback, Melvln Forcier, Harry Horning, Felix Seguin, Otto Bittler, Vard Lundy. Mike Mahoney, Clarence Grossman. Jack Sussee and Dave Moses. The play was followed by a dance. A quilt was raffled and won by Barbara Paul! of Mt. An gel. The proceeds will be used for church funds. The next dance is being given on Thursday, April 19. Colorado Family to Locate Here LIBERTY, April 7. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Borsberry and a son came here Friday from Briggsdale, Colorado, visited Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thompson, old friends, and began looking for a permanent location. They plan to rent un til they can find a suitable piece of land and house, then they will purchase. A daughter and her family are to come to Oregon also as soon as the schools in Colorado close for the summer. Salem Markets Urade B raw milk, co-op pool price, fl.59 per hundred. (Milk based ea oeml-montaiy batterfu average.) Distributor price $2.1 o. Butterfat Top 10c, prints 23c, cubes 24c Prices pa;d to grower by 8tem buyer April 7 (The price beio. supplied by local grocer, are iudicatit of tbe daily market, but are not rusranteed b Ti Stntetmaa ) PBU1TS AND VEGETABi.ES Asparagus, local, dox. 1.23 California asparagm, crate L95 Cauliflower, Calif. 1.50 Paranipa. Lot lug .50 Turnip, box lug ,, .30 Rutabagas, Loi lug So r.gg piant. local .. .05 Calbage. cwt ... California, cwt Green peppvr. Calif. Onions, dnz buncbea Potatoes, local Yakima , ,, Deschutes , 90 to 1.15 2.25 .30 lb 15 .40 to .65 1.15 to 1 65 -.1.10 to 1.45 Lettuce California, dry pack 2.25 to 2.50 2 65 tn 9 S uaiiloroia, iced Oniona, Labish 40 to 1.25 Celery hearts, Calif., Oranges, choice Navsls, fancy Beets. locaL do; Carrots, local, do. crate 3.75 -2.00 to 2.25 -2.65 to 8.10 20 - .20 '..all forma . .85 .60 . .05 - .05 M -5.75 .1 00 -2!75 .3.65 . .osu -4.25 .2.25 - .05 Spinach, local crate Hananas. lb. on stalk Hinds Lemons Limes, fresh Avicsdoa, erste torn toe. California. es Sweet potatoes, lb. .. Grapefruit, Florida California Pest, California, New potatoea. Ib. lb. .OS .03 .80 .14 .20 Rhubarb, local, lb. hops Clutter. 1933. lb. top . HUTS Filbert. Ib Walnuts, lb. .12 H to .12 H to EOOS Extra .15 ntanaardi i Medium ' WOOL AND MOHAIS Mohair, 1934 clip .. . .2J Medium wool, 1934 .28 Coarse wool, 1934 .25 POULTBV Colored hens, 5 lb Colored hens, 5 to 6 lbs. Colored medium hens Lifbt hen .15 .12 .10 .09 .05 .05 btaf Old rooster MEAT 1934 spring Iamb, lb. .08 Lamb, top 6.50-7.00 Hoes. 160-200 lb. 4 10 200 to 225 lb. 1385 225 to 250 lb. 3.60 Pijs 3.35 Sow ; 2.10 to 2.35 Steer .03 to .05 Cow to .02 4 Bull - .03 to .024 Heifer .0214 to .03 eal, top 5.00 Dressed veal, top .08 V4 urtjsea nogs .og GRAIN AKTJ HAY Wheat, western red White No. 1 Barley, feed. No, 1 ton .56 .58 -14.00 -.14.00 Oat, feed, ton Parley, malting, top ...16.00 vi is. mining, ton Hay. buying; pnrea- .16.00 C'lover hay .11.00 11.00 ..12.00 Oats and fetch, ton Alfalfa. Talley. fir eut CALL FOR BIDS The stock of paint, kalsomlne, varnishes, wall paper and paint brushes located at 245 Court street, Salem. Oregon, will be of fered for sale at 1:30 p. m. on Friday, April 20th. Stock Invoices at $818.56. Rights reserved to re ject any or all bids. Subject to approval of referee in bankruptcy. 1. M. DOUGHTOX, Trustee, 355 Court St. A. 7-8. Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER 1 12 15 13 19 I 22 21 27 2& 31 32 35 3 3 MO H2 Hi HI 52 33 'A 55 16 HORIZONTAL l--small portion 4 box scien tifically 8 perforated sphere to be strung on a thread 12 period of time 13 be con cerned 14 importune 15 nothing 16 active con sciousness 18 claw 20 object of worship 21 indefinite article 22 worm 23 means of egress 27 compact mass 29 stout club 30 common place 31 -conjunction 32 track worn by a wheel 33 twice; is music 34 printer! measure 35 send, as money due 37 small cake ' 38 Prussian - resort S9 smear or spot 4ft assist 41 chopping tool 42 scorch or scald 44 chemical compound 47 significant 51 Anglo Saxon money of account 52 midday 53 English public school 54 equip - - 55 short sleeps 66 mythologi cal figure loved by Zens 57 golf mound II V77 ?7 1 Herewith is the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. eaayrlgat lilt. KUC conssin MINE EXCiK NEW YORK, April 7. -)-The sigh t-seeing congressmen who spent halt an hour in the stock exchange visitors' gallery today saw a quiet, routine market Final changes for stocks, mostly of the fractional variety, averaged Into a small net loss, while transac tions, amounting to only 549,020 shares, represented the smallest Saturday business la three months. A few stocks escaped from the narrow groove which bounded movements of the usual leaders. American Telephone ran into some selling, presumably a reflec tion of the Splawn report's recom mendation of a thorough inquiry into communication company af fairs; at the worst it was oft a point and a half. Allied Chemical sagged 2. Otherwise the larger changes were mostly made by in active. Cluett Peabody, Curtis Publish ing, Devoe & Raynold "A." Her shey Chocolate and United Dye wood rose a point or more In small transfers. Noranda and Howe Sound were firm metals, the form er being fairly active. Chesapeake Corp., worked a little higher in furtherance of yesterday's efforts, but shares of the. railway com panies were quiet though firm. Light and power Issues accomp lished little. DN CYCLAMEN MITE A new circular of information regarding a dangerous strawberry pest, the cyclamen mite, has just been issued by the Oregon Experi ment station in which Dr. Don C. Mote, entomologist, requests growers who suspect the presence of this pest to sent a plant to the station for examination. Such a plant may be cut below the crown, wrapped in waxed paper and mail ed to the callege at Corvallis. Little is yet known about this pest, but it has been identified in scattered sections of all coast states. The exceedingly small mites are often found in enor mous numbers at the base of the leaf stems around the crown, where they puncture the tissues and cause dwarfing, and sometime a crinkled discoloration. A close ly related pest in England is checked by a hot water treat ment applied to new plants, Dr. Mote reports. OLD CLUB GATHERS MISSION BOTTOM, April 7 Cora Marie Parks entertained re cently for members of the 1933 4-H cooking club of Mission Bot tom school. Those present: Arley Parks, Ernest Butler, Henrietta Fleni ming. Evelyn Cain, James But ler, Hollis Becker, James Brooks and the hostess, Cora Marie Parks. a IH 17 70 23 2 25 24 30 21 33 rVi 37 30 24 Ml Hi Hi SO St 54 57 VERTICAL 1 slight depression 2 melody 3 simple popular song 4 read metrically 5 strike lightly 6 an adept in a fine art 7 ehepherds pipes 8 male servants 9 Biblical name 10 past 11 lair 17 negative 19 upon 22 take food 24 Greek letter 25 separate article or entry 26 number (Pi.) 27 brief remark 28 an open space 29 conjunction 80 metal 32 strips of silk 33 begin to grow S6 Greek letter 37 double 38 obtain by threats 40 Russian union of laborers 41 like 43 birthplace of Abraham 44 apparatus for heating liquid 45 one of the Great Lakes 46 storm 47 tavern . 48 extinct bird . of New 1 Zealand 49 flavored drink 50 Incline the head IMam sss fc2 777X i VA VA 3 41 4 r 1 ml i vim t t