Rains Won I . 1 - ' - Statesman ' Classified Ads ; Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line lOe Tbeee insertions per .Ine - .20c Six insertions jer line.. 30c One month per line. .11.00 Minimum charge ...... 25e Copy for this pate ac cepted until 6: SO the even ins before publication for classification. Copy re served after, this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify The Statesm an assu mes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear In adTertlsements pub lished in its columns, and In eases where this' paper is at fanlt will reprint that part of an adTertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. ' ' The statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED MALE Wanted reliable elderly, middle aged yr young man. Prefer ainrfe to aelp on farm, care for stock. Will provide place ta live, vegetable and milk. Box 413. statesman. HELP.WANTED--FEMALE . WANTED Bookkeeper, stenograph er. Sopse experience necessary. Give full faxtlcilars in first letter. Box 447, eve "Statesman. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Good home for 14-yr. girl, good with children, to work for board, room, spending money. Prefer near. fairish school. TeL 74ZS. Trained, - practical nurse wishes work. Tel. 3403. ask for Mrs. Lota. FOR S ALE Miscellaneous Graoo hoe. practically new. W. H. Card, Route 1, Box 27 L r"h nnld for Blows, harrows, and all kinds of farm machinery. Oregon Trad Ing Pout. 333 N. Commercial. For aale nsed ranges, $5.00 up. Ore gon trading Post. 333 N. Commercial. Must sacrifice for quick sale 1500 AZUEUTE GOLD at 0c a share. Box 441. care Statesman. luxnjynrij-Liifxntfi i riinnfirrnnrii FOR SALE 600 Rhode Island Red hick, t Cottage Street. James Fry, '-JlxixriTLru-u-in.riiii i --..........-. Saw gumming and sfcrpcnt-s mil E. Four Corners. T-L 4- 1 seetlon Bel ere at lota. SacrUice tor Immediate sale. TeL 3T. ' ; Fertilizer, sand, dirt Tel. 1(03. Wood range. $13.60. Good condition. 1105 8. 12th. -LnjLrm.ri.nn i Hmw a-ro-ra evergreen shrubs, trees. etc Many kinds. 20(0 Neb. Ave. Geo. Schrelber. Two electrio shoe shine machines and fonr oak chairs, and platform complete. Cheap. J. W. Farley, New berg. Ore. Light breed cockerels. $2 per hun dred. Tel. 133F3. Lee's Hatchery. Com pliance certificate No. 2899. Bunnies for Easter: real live ones; two months old ; white, 50c each ; spot ted and Mack, 35c each. 2525 South Commercial. Extra good Oat and Vetch Hay. In quire, Lighthouse Service Station, 433 Center st. Salem. FOR SALE or TRADE Oats, Vetch Hay, for cattle. Fourth bouse on right past Salem cheese factory. ' Dining table, chairs, rug, davenport Ron not-able priced. Dial 571 S. TRADE Miscellaneous TRADE Building lot. Hollywood district, for closed car. Box 4t(, care Statesman. - WANTED Miscellaneous OLD GOLD highest prices paid. Star Exchange. Cor. Chemeketa & St. Com't St Cash tvald for used ranges and turn. Oregon Trading Post, 332 N. Coral. "WANTED Baby Calf. State breed and sex. H. Storebo, Rt 2, Box 125B, Palem. Oro- MISCELLANEOUS Hfttmttd 1Se-30. SOS a Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS Room; Kitchen prlTfleire. Tel 4498. ROOM AND BOARD Large, light rooms, good meals, gar age. TeL 4308. xrxr -ijruxnjxnrr'irtn 1" -r- s- sf Itoairoorn, M Court TeL Sf 7l Board, room, near P. O. TeL 5482. Board n! room, T9 K. Chnrch. FOR RENT APARTMENTS jwfwwwir -i-i-B-i-i -i- - -n-i- -i-i-ir- Furn. apt, 3281 HazeL 7464. f Furnished apt, - Edgewater Court, Garage. TeL 14. 3 -room furn, apt, $10 mo. 413 N. Cleaa 2-room apt. 484 N. Liberty. Attractive 1st floor. 21 N. 14th. FOR RENT HOUSES Modcrv I room eottagre, sleeping porch, well furnished. 735 .N. 20th. R. mod. rooming, boarding- boose. partly turn. 1144 Center. TeL 4277. - Furn.' and nnfurn. houses, ' ' R. A. FORKNER 1 1 ti. CnttHW Tel. 8681. FOR RENT ' i .11 nnnppj-n-wiDrii-irir,-M-ir i- - -i-i-i- 1 -)- - - Twenty acre mixed fruit farm In Liberty district Rt 3. Box 148. FOR SALE Real Estate its oa down: 810.00 monthly buys S- om house; large lot; desirable loca tion. Owner. 404 N. litb st Phone FOR SALE Real Estate WHY BENT? ties downl-baL SIS per month Will bur nice S room Utage on tirse lot. fine soil, Jjieautiful oak treea, street paved anffnpald. JTice only iizuo. CHILDS k. MILLER, Realtor 344 State Street Tel. (70S. REAL VALUE ( rood lots on N. Corn! st, $100 each. Why pay more? Phone 4728. W. O. Krueser, 147 N. CoraX SPECIAL Neat I room, modem buniralow In fine residential district north. For Quick sale $3000. Worth much more. CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 244 State Street TaL S708. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Will accept $3009 for S room bunga low in A-l condition If sold In next IS days. $500 down, bal easy pay ments. CHILDS MILLER, Renltors 344 State Street TeL. 6703. Good semi-modern, two-storr. 7 -room home, basement, plumbing, fireplace, large lot 110x135, fine shrubbery, cherry and nut trees, nice view, paved street, one block from brick junior high school, near two grammar schools, large garage. Bargain, terms. 745 Rural Avenue, TeL 8854, owner. If you "are looking for a suburban home that you can buy on terms easier than you can rent see me. It's reason able. It's strictly modern, It's well lo cated u win suit you. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8902. HOME-SITES 3 and 5 acre tracts, small hew house. Kara ire. welL Small pay down, easy terms. Owner, 63! isortn ztn Street ALFALFA A Xi:TOP LAN tT 3C0-A. mostly river bottom, 250-A. cultivated, aorae fine timber, river wa ter. This place sold for $110.00 per acre, our price now 140.00 per acre. See HAWKINS A: ROBERTS, INC. SPECIAL HOME BAROATX $1000. Will buy a six room house with large corner lot, located in S. Sa lem, oota sts. paved, a real BAR GAIN. nnst be all cash. $2500. Good flve room modern home located at IO&S Highland Ave., has full cement b&aement, furnace, garage, east front, paved st Only $250. down, baL $25 per mo. to tncluAe int. $ 850. WUl buy a good four room plastered borne all plastered, with basement garage, hearing fruit, must oe an cash, it s a buy. $2100. Late ' built modern 4 rooms, oak floors, fireplace, basement, furnace, paved St., garage, nice location, in first class condition. 3219 down. bal. 521 per mo. $2750. Late built English style home, 5 rooms, tile drain board, oak floors, basement, furnace, fire place, well located in E. Salem, terms, WORTH MORE MONET. BUT NOW AND SAVE W. H. GRABENHORST & CO., REALTORS 134 F. Llhertv St. Tel. 8163 EXCHANGE Real Estate "y-uuu'vTjLrijv'ii rVBryi!i rn i TRADE FOR SALEM HOUSE SO-A. north on Pacific highway, all In cultivation. (-R. house, electric lights, barn. etc. Stock, crop and tools Included. Prica JuaUO.uu, terms or trade. See HAWKINS t ROBERTS, INC. For Bargains FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE 10 acres, fine soil. room house, electric lights and water system, barn. Alt In crop. Plenty fruit mile southeast of Swegie school. Price $3300. $500 down. bal. very easy terms. Come In and aeeC W. HAT- 1J1 L, KL B, JtfOX 113. 154 A. virgin timber, about 28 miles from Salem, estimated 6,000,000 ft saw timber, l.wou.ooo it white rir, $5000. Kelvin Johnson, 2T5 State St. Tel. 679$ FARM BARGAIN 132-A. 90-A. cultivated, balance timber and pasture. Very good bouse and barn, gravity water system. Price 340.00 per acre, easy terms to good party. See HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC For Farm Bargains $140021 ACRE FARM $1400 WORTH DOUBLE Few miles out on good road, build ings need some repair, 2 wells, beau tiful shade trees, small grove of tim ber, mixed orchard, balance In culti vation. A real buy In a small farm. CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Tel. 6708. 44 A. 25 A. In cult., spring, orchard, 1300 cds wood. 12 mi. of Salem, $1300. 68 A. on Howell Prairie, 63 A. In cult., stream. 6 R. house, basement barn, 2 silos, $5100 federal loan. $135 per acre. Ideal home site, very close to Salem. 4 A. trees, 1 A. losans. fine soil, with creek. See this and you will not look farther. R. A. FORKNER lfilO N. Cottaee Tel. 3051 ACREAGE SNAP IN GOOD PRUNE ORCHARD 33 acres all in good bearing Italian prunes, about IS yrs. old, well located, good land, price 32200. 31200 down baL terms, WORTH TWICE THE PRICE. INVESTIGATE AT ONCE A REAL CHANCE TO MAKE SOME MONET. SEE. W. II. GRABENHORST & CO, 134 South Liberty Street ACREAGE 2 acres, city water, electric lights. Your own terms. Price 31009. 11 acre tract near vista Springs. southwest of Salem, t room house. $200 cash. Price $800. s acre tract I mile south of Salem. Family orchard. Easy terms. Price 11509. Phone 4723. W. G. Krueger 147 N. comi WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUT 4 room house in North Salem: close In; no agents. box 445, care Statesman. Business Opportunities Have cash buyer for garage or fill ing station proposition. Let me know what you have. H, C Shields, Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. SHOE repair business, modern, com plete equipment in medium size Ore gon tewn. Low rent, living- rooms, fur nished. Will sacrifice for cash. Box 439, care Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN Bells of Harmony' A. nightly feature over Radio KOIN Announces a NEW DEAL In Loans TJPTO $109 AUTO-ENDORSED NOTE FURNITURE Na fees, deductions or discounts, and only lawful rates charged. See us if you aeed money. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETT OF SALEM Member of NRA Room 119. New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. 8-122 by STATE SIS Stat St TeL 27 4- $t00S to loan oa farm property. Host Do good security. CHILDS A MILLER. Mtse. Loans S44 Stat Sf TeL 701 9 t EA8TER MOVET $ $ ' To salaried men and women 15.09 to $30.901 to months time. No security -AH loans confidential. STATE LOAN CO. 2 It-Oregon Bldg. Phone 7783 " I4o 6tat S-J45, till Interesting Facts . . . Three Salem lads went through the new Union 'Pacific Train 25 times -while It was here Saturday. Each, time they received one of the lucky piece aluminum coins. O The Salem Navigation company carried 55,000 tons of freight on their boat from Salem during 1933. The company entertained the members of the Salem Cham ber of Commerce, at luncheon on board the S. S. Northwestern yes terday noon. The attendance was about double that of the regular meeting. We don't know whether it was the Idea of a free meal or the novelty of eating on the boat. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans t to 30 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Natl. Bank Bids. Phone S55S Licensed ly Stat rir ni i -inj-t-Lnn n.nr Funds for farm leans now available ; 8 Vi ; long term. Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Bldg., TeL 4109. LOANS WANTED $1500.00 private loan wanted on $9000 income property. Box 412, care Statesman. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Baby chicks, Wariners Hatchery. 2160 N. Firth Re. at Highland avenue. FOR SALE WOOD Second growth and old fir wood, Prompt delivery. Fred EL Wells. GUARANTEED DRT TeL 00 Salem Fuel Co. Trade Const. Phone Tracy's. $9$$ for dry wood, Dry wood priced right TeL 7983. Old fir IS In. $4.75. TeL $590. Dry wood TeL 8254. Dry wood, 1295 D SU TeL 4574. Dry old fir, oak, TeL 9749. LOST AND FOUND LOST March IS to 17, 2 cans en amel paint 1 can egg preserver, other articles. Front St Inquire 2277 N. Liberty St. FOR SALE USED CARS We have IS used cars to choose from. If it's a used car you want see us before you buy. SALEM AUTO COMPANT 433 N. Com'l TeL 4673. HERE'S AN ATTRACTIVE BUT 1933 Master Chev. Coach. Low mile age with a real guarantee, 3550. BORREUO S CAR MARKET 340 No. Liberty TeL 3683. VALLEY MOTOR CO. USED CARS TRUCKS 1931 Buick Std. 8 Sedan 3533 . 375 1929 Buick 6 Sedan 1931 Graham Paige S Sedan 365 1931 Reo Flying Cloud Sedan 450 1929 Studebaker 8 Coupe 300 1933. ford -8 Coupe E3S 475 475 323 1931 Ford v-s coach 1932 Ford V-8 Spt Coupe 1931 Ford Victoria 1929 Ford Sedan with trunk 1930 Ford Coach 200 275 60 195 63 33 1927 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Pickup 1927 Whippet Sedan 19Z3 Essex 4 Coach TRUCKS 4 1931 Fords, L. W. Base at .1100 . 300 . 175 . 185 13J ford U w. Base 1929 Ford L. W. Base 2 1929 Reos. one 140, and 2 1929 Chevrolets at ; . 183 1328 Oodge Panel . 185 Marlon A Llbertr Telephone 7910. ' 1, ri , un i- hi ii i n 1 1. 1935 ord. 1H ton truck, dual wheels, good mechanical condition. or cau 419 Mew Bllgh build Ing. nnjn-L '32 CheV. Coach A-l. PrintAlv nwn. ed. Some trade. 2045 N. CapltoL Radio P rogram EEX Portland 1180 Ke. 6:30 Msle Quartet 7:45 Tich Time. 8:0 Breakfast clab. ;00 International Bros (least from Po und. 9:30 Dance Rhythms. 9:45 Will Aubrey, NBO. 10:07 Organ Concert, KBC. 10:80 Ronald Buck. 13:00 Johnny O'Brien, NBC 13:15 Hill BilUea. 13:85 Gny Lombardo's Orchettra. 13:45 Victor Sales Orchestra, 1:15 Green Bros. 1:80 Bin j Crosby. 1 :45 Doke Ellington's Oreheitrs. 3 :45 Orchestra. 8:00 Mme. Fraaeet Aids, NBG. 8:30 Xid-week Federation Hymn Sing. 8:45 Instrumental Boleiat 4:00 Three Foot Time. 4:15 Ton sad Sour Government, NBC. 4:45 D. A. B. program. 5:0O Popular Concert 5 :30 Orchestra, 8:30 Cireas Court of the Air. 9:30 Fights. 10:45 Pacific Serenader. NBG. 10:00 News Service, NEC. 10:55 Neva Service, NBO. 11:00 Blue Danube Garden. XOAC COaVAUS 650 Ke. 10:00 Hands Pratt Smith. 1 1 -.00 Mod era Poetry. 12:00 Nooa ram Hoar. 12:20 Arthur Kin; "More About Ir rigation Wells." 12:85 Market sad crop reports sad weather foreraat 1:15 General Science for High Schools "Insects sad Humaa Welfare" W. J. Chambrlain. 1:45 Old Familiar Song Harold Wil- rait. Business Directory CJards la this directory ru on m monthly basis only. Rate: f 1.00 per lino- per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek, 375 South Commercial. BARBERS Haircut 2Sc Joe's Barber Shop. CATERING Burt Crary, the caterer. TeL 4753. Hulda Helps Hostesses. TeL 4943. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4480. R. E. Northnsss. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, 254 N. High. TeL Res. 87 S 2. DRESSMAKING 1 Swagger suits a specialty dress making, remodeling, hemstitching. Mrs. Snelgrove, 180 1. Com'l. Tel. 7464. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets, fun eral wreaths, decorations. C F. Breit haupt, florist 677 Court TeL $904. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor 1st 14th A Market TeL 0693. INSURANCE BECKE HENDRICKS 183 N. High x TeL 4947. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE W EIDER LAUNDRT 2C3 S. High TeL 9123, CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 3165 1244 Broadway, LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired, traded. Wede- liver. Harry W. Scott Tel. 4 516. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069, NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, sizing; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug A Mat tress Factory. & 13th A Wilbur. TeL 8441. OTTO FZWICKER Est 19U MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and Sewing machines, 432 State Street, Salem. PAINTING B. Benson. 2254 N. Lib. Tel. 8974. PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician L. O. Altman. M. D. Homeopathtst Office and residence 607 Center St TeL 6832. Treats both acute and chronic diseases. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, card, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, 215 S. Commercial. Tele- phone 9101. RADIO SERVICE CERTIFIED RADIO SERVICE Tel. 3773 Court at Church REAL ESTATE BECKE ft HENDRICKS, TeL 4947 STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves tor sale, rebuilt and repaired. .. AU kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, hooks, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works. 262 Chemeketa. Tel. 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call 3131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 226 State St TeL 7773. Distributing for warding and storage our specialty. uet our rates. 'W ELL DRILLING R. A. West, 30 years experience, RFD 7. BOJt ZOS. Tel. 1I0FS. - WINDOW CLEANING New deal window cleaners. TeL SS37, 2 :20 Fsmont People and Other Topics. 3:45 Famous Oregon Collections, S:00 Prof. E. W. Warrington "Which: Directed Experiences or Jdoralisinf I 4:30 Oregoa Stories for Boys and Girls. 6:45 Vespers Dr. frank B. Matthew. 6:00 Lines on Life Jamea M. Morris. 6:30 Evening Farm Hour. 7:30 The Citizen and Hi School "Vocational Training for High School Girls" Miss Maxine Lamb. 8:00 Musicale Maria Orlando, pian ist. 8:15 K. Ii. Packard Dean and Di rector ef Science, Oregon State System ef Higher Education. 3:80 Visnal Aid to Instruction -U. 8. Burt. 8:35 Ann Shannon Monroe's "Walk With Me, Lad" tribute to late Dr. John B. Homer presentd by Maude Pratt Smith. KOW POETXA1TD 620 Ka. T:00 Kdward MaeHugh. 7:15 Orgaa concert, NBO. 7:30 Ronald Back. 7:45 Captain Dobbsie, KBO. 8:15 Tour Child. KBC 8:80 U. 8. Marine Baud. NBO. 9:15 Coofcin; ' SehooL "- 10:30 Woman's Magazine, KBO. 11:30 Smsckout, NBC. 11:45 NBO program. 12:15 -Farm and Home, KBO. - 1:45 Betty Marlowe, KBO. 8:00 Abe Eereovits, violin. 8:45 Cheerio Musical Mosaics, NBO. 4:00 Soloist, MBO. 4:45 Mary's Garden. KBO. 5:00 Balladettea, KBO. 8:00 Antes 'a' Andy. KBC. 10 :30 Mark Hopkins orchestra, NEC. 10:80 i. HaatiaeBtie. HBO. 11:00 Ambassador Hotel Oreh., KBO. . 11;30 B4 Tabaria Orchestra, KftjL. en OUT HE MICH Rental and benefit payments distributed nnder Agricultural gd- ustment administration programs up to March 1 totalled 1173, 570,549, it is shown by sum maries announced by the admin istration. The distribution was made among; 1,774,431 farmers in 46 states. Oregon's only participation was a tne wneat control program, which brought 31,684,709.03 Into the state. Washington received 33,616,484.33 nnder the wheat allotments and California got 865.9J7.01 on wheat and 1163.- 291.67. o cotton. In addition to these payments. the adnihii8tration had expended 8J79.933.on that date for ad ministrative expense, and 149.- 841,684 for removal of surplus products. The $173,570,549 rental and benefit payments made up to March 1 were distributed as fol lows; ril2,349,176 to 1,030.536 cotton growers; 359,635,216 to 712,354 wheat farmers, and 31,- 586,156 to 31,541 tobacco grow ers. Distribution of rental and benefits during the month of February Increased by $14,576, 037. The number of farmers to whom payments were made dur ing the month increased by 183,- 732. E I PORTLAND, March 2G. -(JP) Weakness was general In cheese with a lower price range during the week. At practically all lead ing points throughout the coun try there was general reaction in values as a result of increasing output with some additional ac cumulations suggested. Market for butter indicated a generally weaker tone but on the open market thre were no vis ible changes for cubes during the day aside from some secret cut ting reported hy a west side Wil lamette valley interest. Advanced price named by the Pacific co-ops for eggs and one also named by the produce ex change recently were being main tained along with the prices just as high previously set by the Ore gon Laid organization. In general there was a lack of change In the market for country killed meats Monday. Veal and hogs were steady as were lambs. both old and sew. Sacramento strawberries In quite fair supply arrived dur ing the day. The stock was pack ed in 24s and was of rather fair quality. Prices for initial moving around 4.25 crate. CHICAGO. March 26-;P)-Sell ers outnumbered buyers In the grain markets today and prices went lower, largely becanse of timely snow and rain over domes tic wheat territory southwest. As much as 21 Inches of snow was reported at Amarillo. Tex., the heaviest fall since 1903. Ow ing to crop benefits expected from the moisture, grain traders almost Ignored the settlement of automo tive labor troubles, and likewise made no immediate response to a fresh decrease of the United State? wheat visible supply total. Wheat closed weak at about the day's bottom prices, 1-1 under Saturday's finish, corn - down, oats - off, and provi sions unchanged to a rise of 5 cents. Todays' closing quotations: Wheat: May, 86-T; July, 36-; September, 87. Corn: May, 50U-; 524; September, 54. July, Oats: May 33-; July 34; September, 34. WALDO HILLS, March 2G. Pegr Pound, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pound, operators of the A. A. Geer farm, fell from the hay fork rope In the barn last Sunday. At first her parents thought' no Injury had resulted and ehettended school at Cen ter ViewAlonday and Wednesday hut haa'.Jlot been able to attend since.' It Jias not been decided just what Injury has resulted. Fascist Head 1- llareel Bucard, bead of the newly organized French Fascists, pictured at his desk in Paris. He recently announced his party "will not hesi tate to resort to arms'' to attain it S ID IS SELLEDS DOMINATE Gill Nil TREND -. .. ' vf V" Li SHDOIMR WOULD BE SERIOUS Gentle rains, such as the drops that fell Monday, will hare no dis astrous effect open the now "rosy prune situation, H. S. Glle of the Willameta Valley Prune -association, said yesterday. Orchardists generally hold that the prime crop was already pretty veell set, and that only A severe, cold downfall will be detrimental at this stage. About the cherry trees, there is lees unanimity of opinion. Prunes blossomed earlier than cherries In the main this year, and so there is some feeling that cherries have not reached the safe stage of the prune bloom. Recent reports of frost damages .to cher ries in mifl-west sections Bare giv en valley orchardists hopes for a good market and price this sum mer. The prune situation, bath as to markets, price : and production, has not looked so encouraging as now in many years. Chief of the, booms to the prune outlook is the fact that the entire 1933 crop has now been cleaned up. General Markets PSODTJCE XSCHAHCFB PORTLAND. Ore.. March 26 (API Prodace exchange, net prices : Batter, extras, 22; standards, 22; prime first. 22; firtti, 21; eggs: 8- special. 16; U. & extrai, 15 ; U. S. mediums 13. Portland Grain PORTLAND. March 26 (API Grains Wheat Open Hieh Low Close May 73 73 72 72 July , 72 i 72 U 72 72 Cash: Bir Brnd bloeatem 73: dark hard winter 12 pet 77, 1 11 pet 7-; oft white, western white, hard winter, northern spring and western red. 71. Oats: No. 2 white $20.00. Corn: No. 2 K. T. S23.25. MilLron aiandard. 314.00. Today's car receipts: Wheat 54: Ear- ley 1; flonr 21; corn 1; oats 1; hay 2. 1 Portland Produce PORTLAND. March 26 CAP) Butter extras, 24c; standard. 24c pound. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade, 22-23c lb.; farmer's door delivery, l-20e. Kggs Pacific poultry producers' sell ing prices: Oversise, 18c; fresh extras. Hie; atandards 15c; mediums 15c doxea (eartona lc higher). Buying price of wholesalers: Fresh extras 16c; firsts lie; mediums 14c; pullets 12c; undergrade 10c dozen. Cheese 2 score, Oregon triplet 12c; loaf. 13c lb. Brokers WinToph 9c below quotations. Milk Contract price, 4 pet, Portland delivery, $1.05 cwt; B grade cream, 37 o lb. Country meats sailing price to retail ers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, undr 60 lba.. Be; vealera 90-100 lbs, 10 10 e lb; light and thin, 6-So lb; heavy calves, 5-6c lb; yearling lamb, 1315c; spring lambs, IS-20c lb; ewes, 3-6c lb; cannercows. 2-3e lb; bulla 5-6e lb. Mokmir 19X buying price, 2Sc lb. Casesra bark baying price, 1934 peel 2-3e lb. Hop, 1933 clusters, 2 4-2 8c lb. Live poultry PortlMd delivery, color ed fowls, 13-14e; leghorn 10c; broilers 14-17c; stags, 6c roosters, 6c; Pekia ducks, 12c; colored, 10c; geese, 10c lb. Onions r-Oregen, $1.00-1.25. Potatoes local white and red, $145 1.25 cental; Yakima, $1.35-1.40; De schutes. $1.45-1.50; Bakers, $1.65-1.70. New Florida triumphs, $2.50-2.60 per 50 lba, 7e lb; Hawaii, $1.60-1.65 per 2 l ib box. strawberries Sacramento, $4.25 per Z4-ox crate. Wool 1934 clip, nominal; Willamette valley, 20-25c lb; eastern Oregon, 25-26e lb. Hay Saying price from producer: Al falfa No. 1. new crop. $14-15: eastern Oregon Timothy, $17; Timothy (raises. blended $15; oats $37.50 ton; vetch, $14; Willamette valley timothy, $15. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Msrch 26 (AP) Cat tle: 1000; calves 200; slow, steady; steers, good, common and medium 3.C5 6.00; heifers, common and medium, 3.25- 5.25; cowa, Rood, common and medium 3.00-4.50; low cutter and cutter, 1.50- 3.00; bnlH, entter, common and medium, 2.50-3.25: veal ers, good and choice, 6.50 8.00; call.' common and medium 3.00- (i.r.O; cmlves, good and choice, 5.00 6.00; common and medium 2.50-5.00. Hoga: 2900; active; 25c up for hogs, 1015c higher for pig and packing iowi; lightweight, good and choice, 4.00 4.75; medium weight, good and choice. 4.2.--4.7n ; heavyweight, good and choice, 3.75-4.35; packing sown, good, 2.85-3.60; feeder and stocker pigs, good and choice. 3.25-3.7.1. Sheep: 2000; strong to 15c higher; irpring lambs, good and choice, 9.50' 10.50; medium 8.00-9.50; lambs, good and choice. 8.00-9.25; common and me dium, 6.00-8.25; yearling wethers, 5.00- 7.00; ewes, good and choice, 8.50-4.50; common and medium t. 00-3. 75. NOTICE OF HEARING OP OBJECTIONS TO FINAL -ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that ALBERT HUNT, as the duly appointed, qualified and acting administrator of the estate of HOWARD M. HUNT, deceased, has duly rendered and presented for settlement and filed in the County Court of the County of Marion, State of Oregon, a final account of his administration of said estate, and that Tuesday, the third day ot April, 1934, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore noon of said day, at the court room of said court in the Marion County Courthouse, in the City ot Salem, County of Marion, State ot Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by Bald court as the time and the place for the hearing of objections to said final Account and the settlement thereof Dated and first published the twenty-seventh day of February, 1934. ALBERT HUNT, as Ad ministrator of the Estate ot HOWARD M. HUNT. Deceased. CARSON & CARSON, Attorneys for Administrator. F. 27; M. 6-13-20-27. P re-Easter Services Slated for Jefferson JEFFERSON, Mareh 26. Pre Easter services are being held at the Evangelical chnrch during this --eek. Rev. Carl Wacker barth, pastor, will have charge of the services every night at 8 o'clock. Friday night will bring a candle light service. Easter Sun day's program will include the Union Sunrise prayer meeting In the church from 6 to 7 o'clock with the fellowship breakfast fol lowing, the Methodist church Join ing for these. The Easter program beginning at 10:45 will Include sermon by the pastor. Salem Markets" tirade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, 91.59 per hnndrod. j fSfUk kaeec em atad-sieatsiy batterta average.) ; Distributor price f2.lO. Batterfat Top, 22c prists, 23Xc; cubes, 25Hc Prices paia to growers hy Salem layers March 38 (The prices below.. aappHed by a local grocer, are indieatrve of the 4a0y saarket. bat are not rasranteed hy The Statesman.) fEtnig AlTD VZGETABJUM Aaparago. loeaL tes. 125 Cauliflower, crate . .55 ta .80 Leek. dea. baaehes ,40 Pennine, bei lag .50 T-TDipe, box tug .80 Katahaaaa, Lex lor sn urnsaeia apronta. lug . Egg Plant, local . Cabbage, cwt 8pokaae. ewt, Oreea peppers. Calif.. Onion a. dea. bunches Potatoes, local - Yakima . Descbutft Lettaee .60 - ,-, , .05 BO to 1.15 2.25 lb. JO . .15 1.00 1.65 1.45 . .75 re -1.15 to .1.10 to California, dry pack Calilornim, iced , Omoos, Labi, a Celerjr. dos. Celery Hearts -Applies Kerne- Beauty Oranges, eheiee - KsTals. rantr - , .2.25 to 3.50 -2.65 to X.85 1J5 ZZZZZi.'oo .S3 .3.00 te 2.25 -3.65 te 8-10 20 .20 .33 1.00 X.70 .05 .05 S.75 L00 3.73 2.65 .03 !4 S.75 1.25 .07 -. .08 .03 Beets, local, do. Carrots. locsL do. Uaulornia Spinach, local crate . Texas Bananas, lb. oa stalk Hand Lemon Lunes, fresh . Avaeadoa. erate , Tomatoes, California. Sweet potato, lb. Grapefruit, Florida California . Reas, CaliL. lb. New potatoes, lb. Khubaib. local, lb. Hors Cluster. 1933, lb. top BUTS Filberts, lb. .12 -12 .16 .20 Walnnts. lb. Baying Prices bogs Exsrts .12 .11 .10 .13 .12 .10 .09 .05 .05 Standard Small POULTRY Colored hens, 5 lbs Colored bens. 5 to 6 lbs. Colored medium hen Light hen Stsg Old roosters MEAT 1934 sprinr lamb. lb. 09 6. 50-7.00 4.50 4.25 Lambs, top Hogs, 160-200 lbs. 200 to 225 lbs. 225 W 250 lbs. .4.00 .3.75 2.75 .05 .02 .02 S .03 5.50 . .08 . .08 Pi Its Sows Steer Cow .2.50 to .0314 to .01 to .02 to .62 te 5.00 to Bull Heifer Veal, top Dressed veal, too uressea hogs GRAIN AID BAT Wheat, westers red .57 .59 .14.00 -14.00 16.00 16.00 -11.00 11.00 ..12.00 White No. 1 Barley, feed. No. 1 ton Oat, feed, ton Barley, malting, top Oats, milling, ten Hay. buying price plover nay Oat and vetch, ton LAlfaUa, valley, tint cut 4-H Clubs Present Doolittle Players TURNER, March 26. Turner 4-H clubs and their leaders gave a benefit entertainment and bas ket social Friday night at the school auditorium. Hobert Smith was master of ceremonies. Intro ducing the Doolittle entertainers. The main feature was a mock broadcast. A young boy, Joe Chambers, was soloist. At the- .close c the program the five 4 - Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER IB H 20" 7 PI1"LLIII LIlIILll 17 75 " 31 32 31 -------- r WrWr J,l 1 1 Wr I WTTT7 HORIZONTAL Istate of in sensibility S creamy, opaque matter S cause of lasting injury 12 inland sea of Russia 13 insect 14 always 16 tropical plant 15 children's text books IS steal away 20 metric unit of area 21 fish eggs 22 end of a railroad line - 25 hie lin guistic stock of Indo China - 27 help - 28 melody 82 email tree 34 myth 26 beverage 87 obtain 88 also 89 placet where liquor Is sold 13 river fat 46 born 47 cory retreats 60 occupied the place of authority 63 enticement 54 locatjpn 65 one spot 66 allowance for waste 67 paradise 68 novel 69 observes VERTICAL 1 domestic animals Herewith is the solution to Sat nrday's Pnzsle. . : II IT HIM -i II OaniiiK " I F b cEfn an Spriftg lambs droned a cent lo cally Monday to a top ot sine cents a pound. Hogs. lire, made a 15 cent sain, to top of 1 4. SO. Other prices re mained unchanged. Local aspara gus, but a small Quantity of which is as yet finding; its way to stores here, is still brinsing the produc er (1.25 per dozen bunches. NEW YORK, March 2.-(ff)-Re-moral of the automobile strike threat from the industrial picture failed to generate noteworthy bullishness in the stock market today. Prices rallied at and just after the opening when trade was at a brisk pace, but demand soon slackened and the later hours found the list hack in a humdrum routine of small' buying and sell ing. The early rally looked like coh ering by shorts who had not com pleted their repurchases last week. Motors were particularly responsive for a time and later mining issues strengthened, how ever, advancing tendencies lacked durability and by the close the averages were only one tenth point net higher. Sales totaled 1,296,330 shares. A rise in domes tic corporation bonds through the mid-day period was succeeded by quiet reactions from the highs. Wheat weakened. General Motors, Chrysler, Nash and several other auto issues rose more than a point during the early flurry. Motors closed un- rchanged, while Chrysler held an advance of nearly a point. U. S. Steel, Westinghouse, Du Pont, Montgomery Ward and Bforth Am erican were fractional losers. In ternational Nickel, U. S. Smelting, American Smelting. Mclntyre and Dome finished steady to firm. Mc Lellan Stores and the McCrory issues turned soggy. Aircrafts al so eased. STOCKS A XT) BOXDS MARKET Copyright. 134. Standard Statistics Ce. Starch 26 STOCK AVERAGES 50 20 20 90 Indl. RR's. Cts. Total Today 95.7 49.4 76.4 85.1 Previous day 95.6 49.4 7S.S 85.0 Week ago S3.0 48.6 75.0 83.0 Year a so 49.5 27.5 6S.1 49.4 3 year ago 133.7 95.0 198.5 139.8 7 year ago 111.7 111.8 105.8 109.4 High 194 105.0 54.3 90.3 93.8 Low 1934 89.1 41.6 64.3 77.6 BOND AVXXAGES 20 20 Indl. RR's. ... ann 86.1 20 60 Uts. Total 88.5 85.1 Today Previous day Week ago . Tear ago 3 years age 80.5 66.4 88.4 80.8 86.4 88.S 61.1 61.7 76.9 88.1 102.1 100.9 81.2 87.8 88.5 85.0 85.1 66.5 97.0 85.8 74.8 High 1934 Low 1934 2.6 74.1 77.2 (1926 average equal 100) clubs took their places on the stage and each member was in troduced. Carl Booth auctioned H the baskets off. 2 verbal 8 nautical 4 unaccom panied 6 dance step 6 still owing 7 strict 8 Babylonian deity 9 declare 10 Roman tyrant 11 Gaelic 17 meadow 19 monetary unit of Persia 23 having a central position 24 fall behind 25 email flap 26 beverage 2Jr restore . confidence to 80 tavern 81 find the sum 83 sphere 84 man's name 85 famous English public . school 87 European country 40 bird of the cuckoo . family 41 a work with two para- pets 42 dissolves 43 projecting fart of a uildinj: -Hiry ... 45 network 48 woody plant , 49 plaees : 51 Japanese - copper coll. 52 moisture -. appearing -on plant s i I lllflKI SP1GUM HI HOT OF 1 TO PIES . 7 Stocks and Bonds