The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, March 23, 1934 PAGE THIRTEEN THEY PULL Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 '. i. Classified Advertising Single insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per line j XOc Six Insertions ;er line.. 30c One month per tine.. $1.09 Minimum charge . ..... .15e Copy for this pace ac cepted until 6:30 the even lns before publication for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished In Jts columns, and in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The statesman reserves the right to reject objec tional advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED MALE Wood cotters. A Cbrlstenson. 1597 Lee. W ANTED Married man for gen eral farm work. Must be good milker and understand taking care of live stock. Reference! required. Address 4J7. Statesman. Exp. fountain and card room man. Apply at Commercial Clear store, mornings, HELP WANTED FEMALE Woman or girl for housework and tare of two small children at Mon mouth. Apply SIS N. Summer, Salem. SITUATIONS WANTED Trained - practical nurse, wishes work. Tel. $103. ask for Mrs. Luti. Exp. hop grower wants proposition Understand Irrigation and drying. Box .440. care Statesman. FOR SALE! Miscellaneous Saw gumming and' sharpening U mile & Four Corners. Tel. 4380. ixrirjTJXfuxpjv"sr . Belcreat lot at cost. Tel. 4017, XAAJXrjTJLTlJUl aa aa mm 1 section Belerest lots. Sacrifice for Immediate sale. TeL 6387. Fertilizer, sand. dirt. Tel. 8C0S. Bantams and eggs. 634 N. 15th- ' jLn.Tj-i.Vlr J" - - - m m m m fJJ Early British Queen seed potatoes 15c hundred. A Scnieman near West Btayton, tmivwiniiiviv - ii- -i -- ." Old manure delivered. Tel. 8088. FOR SALE Gray, white and red eats, also wheat end baled clover and grain hay. E. 8. Perrine, TeL 5351 or MM. J Wood range, $12.50. Good condition. 1805 & 12th. tmnruwynii- - " - Home grown evergreen shrubs, trees, etc Many kinds. 2069 Neb. Ave. Geo. Schreiber. jftj-ij-Lnjrwu-irnTi-i-mi-ii-i- "i-i ----- - -- ' Two electric shoe shlae machines and four oak chairs, and platform complete. Cheap. J. W. Farley, New berg. Ore. . Light breed cockerels. $Z per hun dred. Tel. 1J5F2. Lee's Hatchery. Com pliance certificate No. 2899. Clover and gram hay, also straw. T. P. Phlppe. Route 7. Box 95 P. Cows fresh and coming fresh. S6 ; Richmond Ave., evenings. AUCTION SALE r 135 N. Com'L. Oregon Trading Post. "Sat.. 2 P- m. One tractor plow, two 14 in. Wallay plows, one 8 fn. Chil plow. I one horse cultivators. $ rolling dirks; 4-f and 7 foot : one spring tooth harrow ; 2 one-horse corn and bean planters; one Osborne 5-foot More 12 horse riding cultivator; 1 platform scales, and other things too numerous to mention. 332 N. Com'L H. C. Hage dorn. Auctioneer. , TRADE Miscellaneous Oldsmoblle la No. 1 shape to trade for davenport set, wood range, etc Rt. S, Box 165B, West of Salem Heights ssehool. WANTED Miscellaneous OLD GOLD highest prices paid. Star Exchange. Cor. Chemeketa tc N. Com'L St. MISCELLANEOUS Haircuts 15o-2fr& 208 & WlaUr. Complete high school at home. Stan-' dard text, diploma. Information free. American School, Portland. ROOM AND BOARD Board, room, table board. 754 Ferry, TeL 7835. Board-room. 1st Court. Tel. 1871 Board, room, near P. Q. TeL S482. Board and room. 790 N. Church. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Furn. apt, 2261 HaseL 7864. Small turn, apt., 890 Union. Furnished apt, Edgewater Court Oarage. TeL 8154. , S room furn. apt 191 8. Church St Housekeeping apts. for rent; 1 or Z rms. 13 N. Fourth. . 2-room torn, apt, $18 mo.. 412 N. tlst 1 FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and unfurn. houses. - . R. A. FORKNER lilt 1. Cottage . TeL 3031. Modern rooms, sleeping; porch, South 14th. Inquire 1290 Fir. State property. S room boose. 2009 & Church, $22.88. See 2. Irwin, 463 Ferry. Tel. 4663. WANTED TO RENT Wanted Houses to rent Insurance. - rentals, trade. j. r. uLRicH ca REALTORS . 162 State Street Telephone 8672 WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT MODERN FUR NISHED HOUSE. THREE OR MORE ROOMS. PREFER SUBURBAN. P.O. BOX 3 7 J. SALEM. FOR SALE Real Estate WHY RENT? $106 down, baL $15 per month will buy nice 6 room cottage on large lot, fine soil, beautiful oak trees, street paved and paid. Price only $1200. CHILDS MILLER, Realtor 344 Stat Street Tel. 6708. SPECIAL. Neat S room, modern bungalow In fine residential district north. For quick sale $3000. Worth much more. CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 314 State Street Tel. (70S. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Will accept $2000 for 5 room bunga low In A-l condition if sold In next 10 days. $500 down, baL easy pay ments. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Tel. 6708. If you are looking for a suburban home that you can buy on terms easier than you can rent see me, it's reason able, it's strictly modem, it's well lo cated it will suit vou. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bid. Tel. 8903. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 room modern home, in South Sa lem. Beautiful plae, plenty of fruit. Will trade for Portland property, $4750. Lot 50x100 nice B room plnstered house, South Salem. Only $2000.00. 6 A. fruit and garden farm. Fair bidgs., Fruitland district. Only $2625. J. F. ULRICH CO. 362 State Street Telephone 8672 FOR SALE 20 A. prunes, filberts, togans, hay, bidgs.. electricltv, water system. i mL S. W. of Liberty, $4500. $2000 will handle. Route 3. Box 187. EXCHANGE Real Estate Hop farms are money makers. 100 A., lovely home, city conveniences, pavement, clear, for clear city proper ty, some cash. Kufner Farm, Garden road. Box 188. 38 acres, good buildings, excellent soil, paved road, near ractfle high way, north, for acreage near Salem. Rich L. Relmann, 167 S. High. Tel. 3?. FOR SALE FARMS FARM BARGAIN 1S5-A. 90-A. cultivated, balance timber and pasture. Very good house and harn, gravity water system. Price $10.00 per acre, easy terms to good Party. See HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC. For Farm Bargains $140021 ACRE FARM $1400 Few miles out on good road, build inn flAtl uvna remain 9 V ' " " irenu" tiful shade trees, small grove of tim ber, mixed orchard, balance fn culti vation, a real buy in a small farm. v CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 StfUe Street Tel. 70. WANTED REAL ESTATE West Salem, not nvr 1 1 AAA ri fnn down. Sooolofsky L Son, First Nat'L na.nn niUK. Business Opportunities Hurt rnh hnvt- rri ra ni Ing station proposition. Let me know what you have. H. C. Shields, Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. --- -' -.- i i v-.--.-i.-i (-.nnjjxruxTLrLW ON PAHIKir? HIRHWAV 4-pump service station complete, with modern S.rivim lintiA ntm fruit room for tourist cabina This place U a bargain at $7fr0. acua HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. For Real Estate Bargains SHOE repair business, modern, com plete equipment In medium size Ore gon town. Low rent, living rooms, fur nished. Will sacrifice for cash. Box 439, rare Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN $5000 to loan on farm property. Must be good security. CHILDS & MILLER. Mtge. Loans - -Stat nriJ., jrwJji-? "Bells of Harmony . A nightly feature over Radio KOIN Announces A NEW DEAL in Loans UP TO $300 AUTO-ENDORSED NOTE FURNITURE - -. v u.owuiiv, auu only lawful rates charged. See us If juu ucuu money. BENEKICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM Room 119. New BII?h Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-122 by STATE al State St. TeL 3 7 4 0 ...... II. ,,,,. ............ Automobile and Chattel Loans l to 80 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st NatT. Bank Bldg. Phone SSS3 Licensed -y State ssiwsBweeia. miii r" rt ssj Flindat for fAT-m lAsinsi ntw awellakU! 5 : long term. Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Bldg, TeL 4109. GOOD FARM OR CITT PROPERTT. 5Hll. Relmannj 17 S. High. i PI. 8633. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Baby chicks. WHn rr.v, 8180N. Fifth St at Highland avenue.' No. 1 W. L. and R. I. Red chicks, $8 per hundred. Ruby L. Woodward. RL Bk 69 B. Tel. 44FS1. FOR SALE WOOD siririrVVWX0-h n n n - Second growth and old fir woed. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells. r ?UNJEED DRT wood-eoal rL (008 Salem Fuel Co Trade Cottaga Phone Tracya, 8988 for dry wood. Call 48F14. All wood. Smith a Robena Dry wood priced right. TeL 7983. Old flr If In. 14.75. TeL 8590. Dry wood TeL 8254. Dry wood. 1295 D St. TeL 4574. Dry old fir, oak. Tel. 9789. ' LOST AND FOUND LOST Man's Elgin watib. Call Reward. . FOUXDLlcense plate. Owner call at Statesman office and pay for ad. FOR SALE USED CARS Wa have II used ears to rhnmm from. If it's a used car yon want see us before you buy. SALEM AUTO COMPANT 485 N. ConVL TeL 4878. i ' i '- Interesting Facts . . . Eric Butler told us Wednesday that his wrist was so sore be could hardly move it from send ing out so many messages giving the results of the state basketball tourney. Mr. Butler is manager of the Salem office of the- West ern Union. He spent Wednesday operating the key installed at the press desk at the tournament. O One hundred forty-four basket ball players representing schools in Oregon with an enrollment of around 20,000 are Salem guests this week. O Had a three day old calf we didn't want to keep out at our place. We put a little ad In the classified columns of yesterday's Statesman and someone was on hand early in the morning to get it. Now we don't dare go home be cause the wife was bothered all day with people wanting said calf. Our advice is not to advertise in The Statesman if you don't want lots of results. They read these ads, we know. O Sheldon Sackett, managing ed itor of The Statesman, had his car stolen two nights in a row. Both times police officers found it. Perhaps the third time gome one will really get away with it We find it quite eonvenient to have a car that no one likes to drive. O Sunday is Palm Sunday. Shearing Under Way Silverton Hills in SILVERTON HILLS. March . Ira Loron, well known goat shearer of this district has been spending the early part of the wees snearing m the valley View district. Mr. Loron worked at the H. Foarue and the Hugh Small ranches this week. Later he will shear in the local district before the sheep shearing commences. Radio Program PKIDAT. Marc 33 KOW FOBTLA1TO 620 Xe. 7:00 Breen sod DeRnse. NBC. 7:15 Organ Concert, NBC. 7:30 Ronald Buck. 8:00 Masio Appreciation Hoar, NBC :30 Cooking SchooL 10:30 Woman's Mapaiine, NBC. 11:30 Smaekoot, NBC. 12:00 Melody Mixen, NBC. 12:15 Farm and Home Hour, NBO. 12:43 O. M. Plommer. 3:05 Eddie Kins, Pianiit. 8:45 Trio Romantiqoe, NBCL 4:00 Studio Chatter, NEC. 4:30 Mary's Garden, NBO. 5 :00 Studio. 8:00 Amoi 'n Andy, NBC. 9:15 Hotel Hark Hopkins Oreneltrs. 9:30 Old Mamory Box, NBO. 8:45 Orchestra, NBC. 10:20 Jack Bain and Hit Orchestra. 11:00 Cole McElroy'a Orchestra. 11:30-12 Eal Tabarin Orchestra, NBO. KEX POBTLAND 1180 X. :30 Male tjuartet. 8:00 Four Square Cathedral 8:30 Victor Salon Orchestra. 8:45 Mischa Elaaa. 9:00 Soloist, NBC. 8:15 Dance Rhythmi. 9:30 National Farm and Home Hour. 10:00 Neva Serriee, NBC. 10:07 Army Band Concert, NBO. 10:30 Hawaiian Serenadera. 13:15 Nrwa. 12 :35 Inatromental Sololat. 12:45 Leo Reismaa's Orchestra. 1:00 Women's Organization' Program. 1:15 Soloist, NBC 1:30 Dance Antiques. 1:45 Paul Whiteman'i Orchestra, 2:00 World Bookman. 2:05 Musical Gems. 2 :45 Popalar Piano. 3:00 Waldorf-Aitoria Orcheitra, NBC 8:30 Irish Minstrels, NBC. 4:00 Concert Group. ' 4:15 Talk on Parks. 4:30 Duke Ellinfton's Orchestra. 5:00 Mindwaya, NBC. 5:15 Melody Mixers. NBC 5:30 Renee Chemet. 8:00 Eddie King-, Piano. 10:00 Billy's Hawaiiana. 10:15 Out of the East, NBC 10:45 Northwest Bible School 11:00 Ambassador Hotel Orchestra, NEC. 11:30 12 Dane Frolic. KOAC C0BVALLIS 650 Ke. 10:30 Lesson la Spanish Melissa M. Martin. 11:00 Modern Poetry. 11 :20 Who's Who on the Faculties. 12:00 Noon Farm Hour. 1:15 Applied Physics (Adapted for high schools) James M. Morris. 1:45 rOM Familiar 8onga Harold WiteTsft. 3:00 Cecils MeAHiter "Studyiaf as Age Old Craft." 4:00 Humor, Old and Hew Don Eneas. 4:30 Oregon Stories for Boys sad Girls. ,5:45 Veapert Ber. William Schoeler. 6:30 Evening Farm Hour. 8:45 9:00 Physics in Everyday Life "Earthquakes" W. Weniger, heaofhepartmmB FOR SALE USED CARS BORREGO S BETTER BUYS 1930 Chev. Sedan $325 1928 Essex Coach (overhauled) 125 1927 Dodge Sedan 95 192f Ford ton truck 175 240 No. Liberty TeL JI88. McKATS USED CARS CHEVROLET GIVES MORB Dodss Coupe pickup box 15.00 27 Oakland Sedan 125.00 29 Che-. Sedan 198.00 '30 Essex Sedan - 285,00 '28 Olds Sedan 16,000 miles 293.00 '31 Ford Sedan cew motor J75.00 '31 Cher. Coupa 375.00 476.00 47S.00 S25.09 595.00 495.00 a I cnev. 1 '22 Pontiac Sport Conpe . '32 Cher. Special Sedan 32 Nash- -e"' Sedan '33 Chev. Standard Coach '33 Chev. Master Sedan S009 milfs C95.00 TERMS TRADES McKAT CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center TeL 3189 430 N. ComT. Business Directory Cards In thla directory ran on m monthly basis only. Rate: 91.0O per line per month. .AUTO BRAKES Mika Panek. 27 Sonth Commercial. BARBERS Haircut 25c, Joe'a Barber Shop. CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. TeL C7S3. Hulda Helps Hostesaos. Tel. 94J. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. North ness. CHIROPRACTORS DR. Ot L. SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, 256 N. Ulffh. TeL Rea 8752. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets, fun eral wreaths, decorations. C F. Brett, haupt, florist. 677 Court. TeL 5904. ALL. klnda of floral work. Luts Flor. 1st. lth ft Market TeL 9592. INSURANCE BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High Tel. 4947. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 2(3 & High TeL 9125. CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT First In Quality and Service Telephone 315 1244 Broadway. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired, traded. We da liver. Harry W. Scott. Tel. 4518. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40C3. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade : carpet cleaning, sizing: : fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug ft Mat tress Factory, S. 13th 4 Wilbur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 432 Stats Street, Salem. PAINTING B. Benson. 2224 N. Llh. TeL 3974. PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician L. O. Altman, M. D. Homeopathlst Office and residence 507 Center St TeL 5832. Treats both acuta and chronic diseases. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department 215 S. CommerdaL Tele phone 101. RADIO SERVICE CERTIFIED RADIO SERVICE Tel. 3773 Court at Church REAL ESTATE BECKE ft HENDRICKS, TeL 44T, STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, nop baskets, nooks, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 2(2 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 1131, Larmer Iranafer Co. Truces to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 221 State St TeL 7773. Distributing for. warding ana storage our specialty. yet our rates. WELL DRILLING R. A. West 30 years experience, RFD 1. tsos zus. Tel. 11 or . WINDOW CLEANING New deal window cleaners. TeL 1337. Sunnyside Horses Get Turn at Tooth Clinic STAYTON, March 22. A den tal clinic for horses was inaug urated by a group of members of the community club in the Sunny side district south of Salem. Those who had horses whose teeth need ed working on signed up with a committee, who engaged Dr. O. P. Kofinek of this place to come to that section Wednesday and do the dental work. The doctor re ports that about SO head of horses were looked oyer. Getting the work all done at one time, re duced expense for the farmer. Stocks and Bonds Copyright, 1934. Standard Statistics Ce. March zz STOCK. AVXBAOES 50 90 29 India SB's. Dts. Total Today 94.0 49.8 78.S 84.5 Previous day 93.3 48. S 74.S 83.0 week aJjro . . ,, D6.0 60. a 77. S S5.T Tear ago 48.9 28.7 66.9 48.S 8 years afo 137.1 95.9 201.8 142.1 7 years ago 110.1 110.9 104.S 108.0 Higa 1934 105.0 54. S SO.S S3.8 Low 1034 80.1 41.8 64.S 1U (1926 aTerage equali 100) i BOSS AVERAGES SO 20 SO 60 India KS'l Cta. Total Today 80.6 85.7 88.3 84.8 Prerioaf day 80.6 88.0 88.8 84.9 Week aco 81.1 87.8 88.5 85.8 Tear ago , , 61.0 C0.8 77.S 66.9 s years ago 88.5 102.2 101.1 97.3 High 1934 81.3 87.8 88.3 83.8 Low 1934, 72.6 74.1 77.3 74.8 11026 areraxa eouaia loot QUICK RBGULTS BUTTER STOCK CUT Butter stocks In storage In the United States on March 1, as re ported by the federal bureau of agricultural economics, amount ed to 36,842,000 pounds as com pared with 75,995,000 pounds February 1, 1934, and a 5-year (1929-1933) average for March 1 of 23,187,000 pounds. Stocks removed from storage In February, 1934, amounted to 39,153,000 pounds, which were slightly greater reductions than occurred in January, 1934. Of these total removals In February, 22,022,545 pounds represent gov ernment reductions from storage for relief purposes, and 17,150, 435 pounds represent the amount removed by commercial agencies. The net commercial removals In February, 1934, of 17,150,455 pounds compare with 6,253,000 pounds net commercial reductions dur;ag February, 1933, and a February net commercial reduc tion for the 5-year average of 11,235,000 pounds. During Feb ruary of this year the govern ment removals of butter ' from storage Increased and commmer cial removals declined compared with January of this year. Of the 36,842,000 pounds of butter in storage as of March 1, a total of 4,114,404 pounds be longed to the United States gov ernment. This butter is rapidly being distributed by the Federal Surplus Relief corporation to the needy and unemDloved. TTn to. March 1, government purchases for relief purposes totalled 50, 131,437 pounds, of which 2,072, 000 pounds remained to be deliv ered on March 1. Of the total Quantity purchased, 43,945,033 pounds had been distribute through relief channels up to xaarcn l. COMPLAINTS RAISES ill WBB PORTLAND, March 22. (Jf) Local egg prices were still some what apart with suggestion of as many grade of "extras'" as there were prices. Loud complaints of wholesale, retailers and producers have resulted with everyone dis satisfied. Further Increase In the local butter surplus was shown with re ports suggesting undersales being made of surplus from Washington as a result of the operation of the code there. Butterfat price was steady. With" a complete famine of broiler stuff, the market for chickens was generally steady with the continued exception of light weight hens which were In surplus from western Washing ton. In all lines of country killed meats there was a fairly steady tone for the day with the possi ble exception of spring lambs. These were In limited offer ings but even more nominal de mand. L AGAIN ID RALLY NKW YORK. March 22. (JPj Stocks looked more cheerful to day, contributIng--Iiitet rally to the general iafprovement noted in speculative markets. Turnover, however, was not much more than a million shares. Bonds lagged a bit, but numer ous commodities closed with small gain. In stocks leading issues were up fractions to more than two points net in the last hour. Mining shares bad little t o work on that was definite. TJ. 8. Smelting, still the leader, got as sistance from a $1 extra dividend and the report on earnings. Last year netted (8.68 a common share, contrasted with one cent a year ago. The stock gained nearly 5 net. Alaska Juneau, which retained the customary 15- cent extra disbursement, gained slightly, but Dome, Mclntyre, Am erican Smelting; and Cerro De Pas co rose 1 to 2. The market's average gain was 1.5 points In a volume ot 1,054,' 250 shares; In the fourth hour only 90,004 shares changed hands NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of -SARILDA SMITH, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Jthat the undersigned have been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon lor Marion County, Joint Executor and Exe piitrix of the Estate of Sarilda Smith, deceased, and have quali fied as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to nresent the same, duly verified as required by law. to tne unaersignea at too office of Page and Page, their at torneys, Ladd & Bush Bank Build Ing, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. The date of the first publication of this notice is the 9th day ef March. 1934 and the last the 6th day of April, 1934. W. M. SMITH ALFA B. HUBBS Joint Executor and Execu trix of the Estate of Sarilda Smith. Deceased. PAGE and PAGE Attorneys for said Estate Salem. Oregon. M. 9-16-23-30. A. 8 CURING FEBRUARY STOCKS Local A&piir&g8. immw EHIS D FIRST GROWER First Salem-grown asparagus of the season was received on the local market yesterday, with the grower getting $1.25 per dozen bunches. Only one grower was re ported to have brought home grown 'grass to the market yes terday, though some growers have been moving small lots to the can nery. Local rhubarb was also received this week, with around 3 cents per pound the prevailing price. Livestock and grain markets were unchanged here yesterday. PORTLAND, March 22.-Jf)-First Canby grown asparagus of the season as arrived from the W. H. Thompson place, and was sold at 12C lb. California stock was steady. Potato trade was very sluggish everywhere. Little demand for seed. INSECTS HADING FIELDS, IS REPORT BRUSH CREEK, March 22. Farmers in this district and ad Joining districts are complaining of the serious invasion of insects in the fields this spring. Aphis and the spittle bug, both of which usually make their invasion con siderable later In the season, are doing a great deal of damage at the present time. Clover and vetch, both crops of which are atlvanced for the time of the season are so heavily in fested by the aphis that growers report that unless something hap pens to stop their progress, crops will fall far short of what they should be. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR MARION COUNTY, OREGON In the matter of the estate ) of ) JACK KISSEL, Deceased. ) NOTICE OF FIXAL 8KTTLE3IEXT Notice is hereby given that the final account of Eda Kissel, ad ministratrix of the estate of Jack Kissel, deceased, has been filed in the County Court of Marion Coun ty, Oregon, and that the 24th day of April, 1934, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. thereof, at the Court House at Salem, has been set as the time and place for n earing any and all objections to said final account. EDA KISSEL Administratrix of the estate of Jack Kissel, Deceased. W. C. WINSLOW, Attorney for Administratrix. M- 16-23-30-A-6-13. General Markets PKODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAKD, Ore, March 22. (AP) Produce exchange, net prices: Batter Extras 23 He, standards 23c, prime firsts 23e, firsts 22c Eg-ga U. 8. specials 18c, 0. B. extras He, U. & mediums 13c Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, March 22. (AP) Wheat Opea Hifh Low Close May . 72 72 tt 72 H 72 V July 724 72 72 72 Cash Big Bend blueatem 73 He; dark hard winter 12 per cent 78e. do 11 per cent 73c; soft white, western white, hard winter, northern spring and western rea 71 He. Oets No. 2 white $20.00. Con Ne. 2B yellow S23.25. Mill run Standard Sis. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., March 22. (AP) Butter Extras 25 He, standards 2Se pound. Butterfat Portland delirery: A grade zs-zee pound; larmer a door dearer? 20-21c pound. Es(8 Pacific poultry producers' tell ing prices: Fresh extras 15c, standards He. Dsaismt 14c doien (cartons le higher). Baying Dries of wholesalers: Fresh Extras 16e doien, firsts 14c, me diums 14c, pallets 12c, vndergrades 10c. Cheese 82 score. Oregon triplets 12e; loaf lSe ponad. Brokers will pay He below quotations. Milk Contract price, 4 per cent, Portland delirery $1.95 ewt. B trade cream 87 He pound. Country sseats Selling price to re tailers: Country killed hogs, best batch ers, ander 60 pounds 9-9 He. Testers 90 te 100 pounds 10-10He ponad; light sad this B-8s pound. Heavy ealrea 5-e ponnd. Yearling lambs 15c. Spring iambs 19-20e vonnd. Ewes 4-7 e ponnd. Canner cows 2H-He pound. Balls 5H-Se pound. Mobair 1934 buying price 25e pound. Casrare hark Baying price 1934 peel 3H-3e pound. Hope 1933 elastert, 24-28c pound. Lire poultry Portland delivery, eol ored fowls 1214c. Leghora fowls 10c Broilers 14-17c Stags 6c Roosters 6c Pe kla ducks 12e; colored lOe. Geese 10c ponnd. Onions Yakima $1.40-1.50; Oregon fl-1.15. Potatoes Local white sad red f 1.15 1.35 cental; Yakima $1,35 1.40; Dee- ehates $1.45-1.50; Baker $1.65-1.70. New Potatoea - Florida Triumphs $1.50-2.60 per 50 pounds, 7e ponad; Hawaii $1.80-1.65 per 21-poaad box. Strawberries nominal. Wool 1934 clip, nominal: Willam ette valley SO-25e pound; eastern Oregon 25-2 Ce pound. Hay Buying prlee from producer: Alfalfa No. X new crop. $14-15. Eastern Oregon timothy $17. Timothy grasses; blended $15. Oats $37.50 ton. Vetch $14. Willamette valley timothy $15. Portland Livestock POBTLAND. Ore.. Marea M.-(AP) Cattle Receipts 125. salea 50: steady. unchanged. Steers, good, common and medium $3.65-0. Heifers, common and medium $3.25-5.2$. Cows, good, common and me dium $3-4.50; low cutter and cutter 1.50-B. Bulla, cutter, coaunoai and me dium $1.50-8.25. Tealers, good and choice fo.50-8; call, coniBoa and medium 3 6.50. Calves, rood and choice $5-6; com mon and medium $2.50-5. Hogs Beceipta 200; about steady, unchanged. Ligotweigbt toad 4nd choice 13.75- 4.50; medium weight, good sad choice $4-4.50; besTyweight, good and choice $8.65-4.15. Packing sows, good $3.85 8.50. Feeder and atockei pita, food aad eboiee $3.25 3.75. Sheeny Seeetpts 600; steady, is Lambs, rood snd choice $8-9; com mon and medium $6-8.23. Yearling weth ers $3-7. Ewes, rood aad choice $3.50 4.50; commoa aad medium $2-3.75. Pil SalcmiMarkcti? Grade b raw 4 toOk, tMp pool price, f US9 per hundred. (Milk based sa Mmi-aoatolj kutsedat averaga.) Distributor price 92.10. Butterfat Top 23c, Print 34 ttc, cubes) 26 He. Prices paid te grower by Ealsm buyers (The prices betow. supplied by a local trocar, are indicative of the daily market, but are aot aaaraateed by The 8tatetmaa.) " FBTT1TS AJT0 VEGETABLES Asparagus, local, dot. 1.25 Cauliflower, crate ; .40 and .65 i-ees. Oca. benches . Parsnips, box lug Turnips, box Ing Rutabagas, boa lug Brussels sprouts, lug Egg plant, local Cabbare. ewt . .4U . .50 . JB0 . .50 . .60 . .05 1.15 .90 to B poles ne, ewt. 2.25 .80 .15 .75 to 1.00 Green peppers. Calif., lb. Onions, doi. bunches Potatoea. local Yakima . J. 15 to 1.65 Deschutes -.1.10 to 1.45 Lettuce California Ar-m canioroia, iced I" 2.25 to 8.50 .2.65 to 2.85 Onions, Labish Celery, dos. Celery Hearts Applies Borne Beauty Oranges, choice Xsrals fanev 1.35 .60 1.00 -2.00 to 2.25 2.5 to 8.10 .20 .20 .85 Beets, local, dm. Carrots, local, dos. Dali form Spinach, local crate . Texas Banaaas, lb. en stalk Hands , , ,, Lemons 1.00 1.70 .05 .05 H 5.75 1.00 .2.75 2.65 - .034 8.75 2.25 .07 .Ofl .03 Limes, fresh Aracados, entte Tomatoes. California. Sweet potatoes, lb. Grapefruit, Florida California . fceas. Califs lb. New potatoes, lb. Bhubarb, local, lb HOPS Cluster, 1933, lb. top .30 .16 .20 HUTS Filberts, lb Walnuts, lb. .12 H to .12 H te Buying Prices eittus r.xtraa .- n Mediums 'no. PflTTTTUT l oiored neas, 5 lbs. .15 J3 .11 .09 .05 Colored hens Colored medium hens Ijight bens Staes Old roosters .05 MEAT 1934 snrtnr lamhn lh in Lambs, top 6.5b7!oo Hos-s. 160 to 200 lbs 4.35 200 to 225 lbs. 4 10 225 to 250 lh i m PiffS " """"a'.so owi 2.25 to 2.75 tcer .03 U to .05 Cows .oiH to .02 V4 nuns .02 to .02i Heifers Veal, ton .02 H to .03 Vi ....5.00 to 5.50 .08 H HAT .57 - .59 Dressed real, top uressed boss . GBAiS AND Wheat, western red White No. 1 Barley, feed. No. 1 ton . Oats. feed, ton Barley, malting, top -14.00 -14.00 ..16.00 -16.00 uais. mining, ton Hay. buying prices- Clover hay VI no Oets end vetch, ton 11 nn Alfalfa, valley, first cut 12.00 Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER w " 777 757 sr 2, v& sr- 1 Pp?- -1 I 1 1 y- rrH-- HORIZONTAL 1 What American president was tarried to Mary Todd? 6 Degrade . 11 Not at home 12 What Socialist soviet republic f Soviet Russia is the great careal-growtBg couatry mi Ros si a? 14 Have existence 16 Cavity in the earth 18 Greek letter 19 Hebrew name for God 20 Waste piece of cloth 22 Embraces the opinions of one faction 24 Thing (Law) 25 Greek god of war 27 Color 23 Impede 29 What archipelago ia southeast era Asia is tha largest of iaUuad - froupa? 31 What motion picture actress starred ia "Farewell to ArW aad "Tha Whit. Sister"? 33 Pertaining to 35 Human beings 36 Dressed pelt 37 Egyptian sun god 38 Mechanical man 40 Stringed instruments 42 Long narrow inlet 43 Thigh of a hog 44 Headquarters 46 Printer's measures 47 Wire enclosures 49 High priest of Israel 60 Make 61 Male child 52 Toothed instrument . 64 Note of the scale 55 Bodies of land surrounded by water 58 Smart blow 60 Appendages 91 Tha source of what river was located by the Diclty expedi te. La 1931? VERTICAL 1 What peninsula forms the Best easterly portioa of the saaia land of North America? 2 Negative 3 prinking vessel ' 4 What Axsarlcaa laveato per fected a safety device fee pre venting the fall of aa elevator ? 5 Greek letter Offered irastt A BUSHEL CHICAGO CHICAGO, Marcu , 22.-(rP)-Up-tunu of more than a cent a bush el late today from earlier low levels for wheat accompanied talk of possible - quick adjustment of the automobile industrial crisis. , A stimulus to wbeat price ral- lies was biso losno in s rv asmug- ton announcement that the senate finance committee had adopted an agricultural department recom mendation to reduce from 5 cents to 1 cent per ,100 ralue the tax on commodity exchange transfers of produce. Reports of. wide spread need of soaking rains orer the wheat belt were also lTenat tention. Top quotations on wheat, how ever, failed to hold, and the close was unsettled at the same as yes-, terday's finish to V cent higher, corn oft to up, oats un changed to advance, and pro visions unchanged to 10 cents de cline. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May, 8 7 - ; July, 87-; Sept.. 88-. Corn May, 51-51; July, 52 : Sept., 54. Oats-rMay, 34; July, 24; Sept., 34-. , , , m . ... Business in Wool Is af Standstill BOSTON', March 22. (adT. S. Dept. Agr.) The wool market in Boston was very quiet. Thers was not enough business transact ed to establish a market. Nomin ally, quotations were unchanged from last week. Some houses were willing to make slight con cessions from recent askin? prices on odd lots and inferior wools. Most holders of substantial quan tities of good wool were inclined to wait for a demand to develop, meanwhile firmly adhering to ask ing prices. , Farmers' Grain Warehouse Liberty at Trade Sts. GRAIN DEALERS Egg Producer, 100s ..$1.75 Egg Mash, 100s $1.45. Dairy Feed, 90a $1.15 Chick Mash, 100s $1.95 6 Divisions of learning 7 Sound made by sheep 8 Three-toed sloth 9 One who ieers 10 Elongated fish 13 Sharp 15 Sense organ 17 Primeval deity 21 Precious stone 23 Period of time 24 Beam 26 What important island group b also kaowa aa the Navigator'i Islands? 28 Uncovers 30 Permit 31 Rude dwelling 3Z What ia tha capital of Chile 7 34 What island off the coast ef China, ceded to Japaa la 1895, is the so area of the greater part of the world's sapply of caannKor ? 36 Rages 39 Twice; In music 40 Fall behind 41 Observe 43 Terminal Dart of the arm ( nl.V 45 Everything 46 Prepare for publication 4 jtegaros studiously 48 Principal garment of a Hind woman 51 Salt 53 Pale 36 Chinese measure ' 57 Therefore 59 River in Italy Herewith is the solution to yes terday's Puzxle, fwiits, ISM, stats