The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon, Thursday Morning, March 22, 1934 PAGE NINE P A"u 1 FIRST: HOME 'GRASS STOCKS' DBS' r I t f . . s f i 0 0- r' '7 V (.1 - c J -i Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Sins! Insertion per line 10c Tbr Insertions per i line- ......... l0c Six insertion! er litis.. 10c On month per line.. $1.00 Minimum chare ...... 25o 1 Copy for this page ac cepted until 1:30 the even tag before publication for classification. Co p y re ceived a-fter this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. : 1 The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and In eases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. ' The statesman reserves the right to reject tional advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED MALE ifinnnnn ni.-ii - Wood cutters. A Chrlstenson. 1597 Lee.- n "r ------- - WANTED Married man for gen eral tana work. Must be good milker and understand taking care of live stock. References required. Address 437. Statesman. mxn ruxruxn irLn.".rirLrjxrtinn.riivri"M-i Exn. fountain and card room., man. Apply at -Commercial Cigar store, mornings. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Wanted strong, capable woman, ex perienced in care or sick, ana nouse worfc Give references, age, phone no. Box SC. Statesman? Woman who does only housework. CSS N. 14th St. Woman or girl for housework and care of two small children at Mon mouth, Apply 615 N. Summer, Salem. SITUATIONS WANTED Trained practical nurse, wishes work. Tel. 2402. ask for Mrs. Lutx i FOR SALE Miscellaneous Saw gumming sad sharpening soil & Four Corners. TeL 4210. Belcrest lots, at cost Tel. 4917. 1 section Belcrest lota Sacrifice for ' tm mediate sale. TeL 637. FertlMser. sand. dirt. TeL 3405. yijTj-UTJXrunjirs'"i i " - -- " For sale. pigs. Call 6524. evenings. Route 7. Bow4. jjxruLruin n --------.- , Bants ma and eggs. S34 N. lath. Early British Queen seed potatoes I TSe hundred. A Schieman near Stay ton. I Old manure delivered. TeL I vnn fiALHUGrar. white and red eats, also wht snd baled c wvera nd grain bay. E. B. Perrlne, TeL 6358 or (4. Wood range, $12.50. Good condition. 1396 8. 11th. Pony for sale, or trad for cow, pigs, chickena Art Schaefer, RL 2, woodburn, 1 ml. iN. w. oi -narquam. Home grown evergreen shrubs, trees. etc. Many Kinds, zote JNeo. Ave. ueo. Schrelber. Two electric shoe shine machines nd four oak chairs, and platform complete. Cheap. J. W. rarley, Mew- berg, Itrm. TRADE Miscellaneous fUnJlrlrVI'Sl'lf'll'l"ll"l'' l' I I 1 Oldsraobils in No. 1 shape to trade for davenport set, wood range, etc. Rt. 3, Box 185B, West of Salem HeighU chooL T fresh milk goats, trade for bay. WANTED -Miscellaneous OLD GOLD highest prices paid. ! Star Exchange. Cor. Chemeketa A N. Com'l. fit. MISCEIXANEOUS Haircuts 15O-20C. 103 S. WlntsT. Comoleta hlah school at home. Stan- , 4Urd text, diploma. Information free. American School, Portland. FOR RENT-R00M3 Nice) room, elowe In. Tel. 4518. ROOM AND BOARD Board, room, tabic board. TS4 Ferry. TeL 7335. Bottra-riotruiti Court. TeL 37t Board, room, near P. O. TeL 3432. FOR RENT APARTMENTS ; 3VVMMwVVMwwVMwwWArwWAAAaa Font. apt. 2231 HaseL 7CI4. Small turn, apt. t3 Union. Fnrnlshed apt. Edgewater Court Garage. TeL 3134. - - 2 room ram, apt. Ill a Church Bt FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and unfum. bouses. R. A. FORKNER 1310 N. Cottage TeL 30SL If odetn f rooms, steeping porch. Smith 14th. Inquire 1290 Fir. WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT MODERN FUR- N1SHKD HOUSE, THREE! OR MORE ROOMS. PREFER SUBURBAN. 4. U. BOX 372, SALEM-. FOR SALE Real Estate TO CLOSE AN ESTATE . Will accept 32003 for t room bung : tow la A-l condition If sold In next 18 days, 1509 down, baX easy pay- nentsv S - - . CHILD 3 Jk MILLER, Realtors ,144 Bta te Street Tct 3708. If you ar looking for av suburban ' toms that you can buy on terms easier tnan you can rent see me, it's reeson ' axble. It's strlcUy modern, It's well lo- . rated it will suit you. H. C SHIELDS n Drvtrott Bids. ' Tel tlOS, tuuj, t hah ui hiHiiK is II J addcide w imiuvct ? nninn nniiii nnuiRi WHT RENT? lias down. bad. SIS Dcr tnomth win buy alee S room cottage on tare lot. line soil, Deauurui oak trees, eirec. paved and paid. Price onlr 11200. i 344 SUt Street Tel. 0708. 1 A. I ml. out. good rd. Nice newly fin. house, S rmi and bath im. Bis cement basement. S big- porches, dandy well, chicken house, berries, clear. 11200, owner Forgie, kl s, vox , Salem. SPECIAL Neat 5 room, modern bungalow In fine residential district north. For quick sale $3000. Worth much more CHJtiDS, realtors 344 State Street Tel. 4708. FOR SALE OR TRADE Stock of used and new furniture and second hand goods of all description. also coal business, equipped with scales and bins. Brick and steel building. 10x100 ft.. of it 2 stories, and 4 lota Will trade for income property or land. What have you? I must change climate on account or my health. i Address E. O. ShattucK. Gerlng, Neb. EXCHANGE Real Estate Hop farms sre money makers. 100 j A-, lovely home, city conveniences, pavement, clear, for clear city proper ty, some cash, Kulner t arm, uarden road. Box 188. FOR SALE FARMS FARM BARGAIN 1S2-A. 90-A. cultivated, balance timber and pasture. Very good house and barn, gravity water system. Price 340.00 per acre, easy terms to good party. See HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC. For Farm Bargains 3140021 ACRE FARM 31400 WORTH DOUBLE Few miles out on good road, build ings need some repair. 2 wells, beau tiful shade trees, small grove of ttm ber, mixed orchard, balance In culti vation. A real buv in a small farm. CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street TeL 8708. Basiness Opportunities Have cash buyer for garage or fill tng station proposition. Let me"" know what you have. H. C. Shields, Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8902. ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY 4-pump service station complete. with modern 5 -room house, lots of fruit, room for tourist cabins. This place is a bargain at 37500. SEE HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. For Real Estate Bargains - a.. .....-.. -,..--i,..i. ,-,,-. SHOE repair business, modern, com plete equipment, in medium size Ore 1 Ron town. Low rent, living rooms, fur nished. Will sacrifice for cash. Box 439, care Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN 35000 to loan on farm property. Must be good security. CHILDS & MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St TeL (70S. "Bells of Harmony" i nightly feature over Radio KOIN Announces A NEW DEAL In Loans UP TO 3309 AUTO-ENDORSED NOTTS FURNITURE . iawi -h.--., c, ... ,r you need money. BENEFICIAL LOAN OF SALEM m I?!,i?Li. .. LICENSED NO. S-122 by STATE 518 suto 8L " TeL J 74 " yr.v-j,v-r's-riLrsj-i. uxtxtlp Automobile and Chattel Loans t te 23 months to rsoar si lowest no. sibls rates. GENERAL V1SANCK CORP. A local cerporation 1st NatL Bank Bids. Phone 3SS3 Licensed iy State Funds for farm leans now available 5 : long term. Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Bldg. TeL 4139. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY '-..- -" i-rrr.'WiniVLfm.arui Baby chicks. Wariner's Hatcherv. 2160 N. Fifth St at Highland avenue. mmmm , - -- -- --- -nvirn-u-i.rLrxrul.n FREE Heifer calf: i Guernsev: H, Jersey; 3 days old. 2525 S. Com'L FOR SALE WOOD -i-ii-nmriiinnfui Second growth and old fir woad. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells. QUARANTKKD MIT i TeL tSOS Salcoa rntl Ca. Tnula a CotUg. Phone Tracy's. S3SS for dry wood. Can 4SF14. All wood. Smith Rattans, Dry wood priced right TeL 73S3. ---" "i-nnrvinjTjvxn Old fir IS In. 34.75. TeL 3590. Dry wood TeL S254. Dry wood. 1295 D St. TeL 4574. Dry old fir, oak. TeL 9749. Sawdust 14 nnlt TeL 3373. 4 ft oak wood for sale TeL 3688. LOST AND FOUND LOST Man's Elgin watch. Call zs. Reward. FOUND License plate. Owner call at Statesman office and pay for ad. FOR SALE USED CARS We hare It used cars to choose from. If It's a used car you want see ns before you buy. SALEM AUTO COMPANT 43S N. Com'L TeL 437S. BORREGCS BETTER BUTS 1938 Cher. Sedan 3825 1928 Essex Coach (overhauled) 125 1927 uodge sedan 95 1929 Ford ton truck 175 148 No. Liberty TeL 3683. McKay's used cars chevrolet gives more I Dodfce Couoe cickuo box t 35.08 I '27 Oakland Sedan 125.83 I '! Cnev. Sedan 195.00 30 Essex Sedan 285.00 2 S Olds Sedan 16,009 miles 295.00 '31 Ford Sedan new motor 375.00 376.00 473.00 473.00 625.00 695.00 '31 Chev. Cotjd 31 tjneT. coach '33 Pontine Snort Coune. '33 Cher. Special Sedan '32 Nash "8" Sedan 'S3 Cher. Standard Coach 495.00 '33 Cher. Master Sedan 6000 miles , 396.00 TERMS TRADES, McKAT CHEVROLET CO. 33 f Center TeL 3189 430 N. Com'L WANTED USED CARS Caa for car. Ph. 8541 any Unva, VwvaLi Interesting Facts . . . The Chicago Tribune, a morn ing newspaper showed the largest gain in advertising of any Chicago newspaper in 1932 and 1933. The Tribune showed a gain of 4.1 per cent; the News a gain of 1.1 per cent and the other four dallies all showed losses from 2 per cent to 100 per cent. O : The chamber of commerce luncheon next Monday noon will be held on board the river boat Northwestern. We will hear some Interesting tacts about river nav lgation at that time. O The Northwestern Is 149 feet long, has a 30 foot beam, equip ped with two engines of 6 foot stroke, 14 inch' bore. Capable' of developing 600 horse power. o Friday's Statesman will carry its usual amount of local food ad vertising, also some Interesting national food copy. Watch for this paper and use it as your buy ing guide. Former Resident Aurora Gets High Post at Hospital AURORA, March 21. Word has been received that Dr. Edwin Gardner Robinson, a former Aur ora boy, who is an Interne at the Fifth Avenue hospital, New York city, has recently signed a contract, giving him the position of resident surgeon in that in stitution, beginning January 1, 1934, when he will have finished his internesbip. Robinson who is the son Of Mr. and Mrs. E..G. Robinson of Portland, graduated at Lincoln high school, Portland, and Stan ford university where he took pre-medlcs, finishing his medical course at Northwestern Medical school, Chicago. Mrs. Robinson, with her small daughter DIanne, maintains a residence at East 31st Btreet, Portland, but spends a part of the year with her hus band. No. 18 Syaoptii e( Annual Statement of the National Keaerre Insurance Company of ccueago, in the state ot lllinoia, on tea thirty-lint day ox December, IV A3, suae to tae insurance liommusioner oi lae State of Oregon, purraaat te lav: JAJflTAJ) Amount of eapital stock paid up, 3250, ooo. yo. INCOME Net premiums received during the year, S762.237.S8. interest, dividenaa ana rants receives during the year, f93.u90.63. Income from ether sources reeeivea during- the year S258.108.4S. Total income l, 108,436. 4. DISBURSEMENTS Net loanes paid during the year ineldd inr adjustment expenses. 3513,720.20. Dividends paid oa capital stock doriof the year, none. Commissions and salaries paid annul the yesr, 3277.0S3.4L Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year. 350.276.ifl. Amount of all other expenditure, i30,380.54. Total expenditure. 3971,325.31. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market Taint). S181.236.75. Value of stocks aad bonds owned (mar ket value). Si.407.588.82. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc-. 3199.7CI.1S. Cask ia banks aad oa band, ll3 215.80. Premiums la course et collection writ ten since September SO. 1983, 3118, 015.33. Interest aad rents due aad scented. 325.517.70. Total admitted assets, 32,120,305.44. LIABILITIES Gross claims tor losses unpaid, 3131. 72S.15. Amount of unearned premiums oa : all outstanding risks. 81,142,441.27. Due tor commission and brokerage, 5 OUU.uu. AH other lUbiliUta. 3193.84l.60. Total liabilities, except capital, L Capital paid up. 3250.000.00. Burplua over all liabilities, $407, 794.42. Surplus as regards policyholder, (357, 7V4.4U. Total, 32,120.805.44. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOB THE TEAR Net premiums received during the year. BB.BSy.SU. Losses paid during the year, 35,013.45. Losses incurred during the year. 32 363.48. Name of Company National Keaerre insurance Company. Name of President -0. J. Schrepj Name of Seeretarr S. V. Weiser. Statutory resident attorney for isrT.ce -v n. ATeniu Radio Program TErf-SfiA L March 22 SOW PORTLAND 620 Kc 7:00 Edward HacHugh. 7:15 Orgaa Concert, NBC. 7:80 Ronald Back. 8:30 Eddie King. 8:45 Abe Eereovits, Violinist. 9:15 Cooking SehooL 10:00 Wnu'an's tagas f the Air, NBC. 11:00 Standard School Broadeaat, KBO. 11:45 Words aad ACasie, KBO, 12:0f, Soloist. NBC. 12:15 Farm and Boms, NBC. 8:00 Mark Daniels, Earitone. 8 :15 Friendly Chat. 8:45 Grandmother a Trnak, XBC 4:00 The Supper Clnb, VBC. , 8:oo Amos 'a' Andy, NBC 9:20 Stadia. : 0:30 Mniieal ICaanequtna. 1KOMO. 10:15 Jack Bain and His OrehestraJ 11:15 Ambaasador Hotel Orchestra, NBC 11:80-12 Bal Tabaria Orchestra, NBC, rax iotTZJurz-iiso xs. 6:80 Male Quartet. 8:00 Paul Whitenaa's Orchaatra. 8:15 Three Foar Tine. 8:30 Morin Bieters. NBC. 8:45 Piano Duo, KBO. 9:00 Sas Appeal, NBC. 9:15 Wendell Hall, NBC. 9:30 Concert fronp. 9:45 News Service, NBC. 9:50 Will Asbrey, KIMJ. 10:03 lit 8cUpe. Business Directory Jou&iiie&5 iniimLAiuiiiuiii HrroinauiiHiHnftLi unAbD bnHiri-UUVVIi rn n;4.-T ir inv nrnnrinr Cards la this directory run on s monthly basis only. Ritte: 3)1.00 per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek. 17S South Commercial. BARBERS Haircut 25c, Joe's Barber Shop. CATERING Burt Crary, the caterer. TeL 6768. Hulda Helps Hostesses. TeL 6943. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Nor-hnsa CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L, SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor, Bf N. High. Tel. Kes. 78. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets, fun eral wreaths, decorations. C F. Brslt haupt. florist. 677 Court. TeL 6804. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor 1st. 18th ft Market TeL 9592. INSURANCE BECKS 4k HENDRICKS 189 N. Hlirh TeL 4947. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 2(3 & High TeL 8125. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY, First in Quality and Service Telephone 3165 1264 Broadway, LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired, traded. We de liver. Harry w. scott. TeL 4S1B. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4089. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, sizing; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug A Mat tress Factory. & 13th A Wilbur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZW1CKER. Est. 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 433 State Street, Salem. PAINTING B. Benson. 2224 N. Lib. Tel. 89T8. PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician L. O. Altman, M. D. Homeopathlat. Office and residence 607 Center fit, TeL 6883. Treats beta acute and chronic dl-eases. PRINTING FOR ST ATI ONERT, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. 31i 8. Commercial. Taie- iB-------ma RADIO SERVICE CERTIFIED RADIO SERVICE- TeL 3773 Court at Church REAL ESTATE BECKE A HENDRICKS, TeL 46IT. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hep baskets, nooks, logaa nooks. Salem Fence and Stove Work-, 363 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. EL Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storag, call 3131, Lamer Trans. or Co. True a to Portland dally. CAPITAL, CITT Transfer Co. 226 State EC TeL 7773. Distributing for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, 30 years exrieoce, RJTD 7, BOX 303. TSL IHF6. WINDOW CLEANING New deal window cleaners. TeL 8337, 10:15 Waring' i Pennsyl-aniaai. 10:80 Ronald Back, i'laziit. 12:05 Hill Billiea. 13:15 New. 12 :35 Claaiical Sololat. 12:45 Progresaive Basinets Ken's Club. 1:80 Green Bros, Band, 1:45 Jobs -.cCormack. 2:00 World Bookman. 2:05 Moieal Gnu. 2:45 Orchestra. 8:00 Rita Carlton Orcheatra, NBQL 8:80 John B. Kennedy. NBC. 8:45 Inetrumental Soloiat. 4:00 Or cm a Melodies. 4:15 Tango Time. 4:30 Orchestra. 4:45 Dance Kiiythmi. 5:00 Hawaiian Serenaders. 6:15 Symphony. 8:00 Book Chat. :15 Hollywood ea the Air. KBO. 10:00 7th Infantry Band. 10:65 News Service. 11-13 Daaee frolic KOAC COBVAI II1 B60 Ka. 10:00 ilasie Appreciatioa for Elemen tary Schools. 11:00 Mod era Poetry. 11:20 Who's Who on the Faculties. 12:0O Nooa Farm Hour. 1:15 General for High Schools "The Study of Oregon Birds" Rt B. Hseatit. 1:45 Old Familiar Songs Harold Wit eraft, 2:15 Famous People and Other Topi en. 2:45 Pamoea Oregoniaas. 8:00 Elsis Jscebsea "Balancing Stunt for Good Posture." 8:30 Great Composer aad Why Their Musis Cans to Be as It Is L41- lisa Jeffreya Petri. 4:00 Hnmor, Old sad New Dos JC nea it. 4:80 Orrroa Stories for Boys aad Girla. 5:00 H tire's to Tear Health. 5:45 Vespers Led by Dr. John 8. Bums. 6:30 Evening Fans Hovr. 7 :30 American Tgioa Program. 8:15 Contemporary Literature 8igmrd H. Petersen. "Jamae Breach Cabell." 6:55-9:00 Oregon Flsaiag Cwa41Us State Qaaw CwS-siiss-aa. The Index of exports of farm products dropped to S for Jan uary, compared with 109 In De cember, 97 In January. X93J, and 111 in January, 1932, according to the Bureau of Agricultural Ec onomics. The 1909-1914 period equals 100. Eipopta of all prod ucts except dairy "products, eggs. and fruit decreased in January. Cotton exports durins the ser- en months ended January 31 to taled 5,929,000 bales rained at $296,768,000 against 5,808,000 bales Yalued at $212,060,000 dur ing the corresponding: period of 1932-33. This represented a gain of two per cent in volume, and 40 per cent In value. Exports of wheat and flour during the seven months, July 1933 to January 1934, totaled 18,608.000 bushels rained at $13,797,000 compared with 31,- 950,000 bushels rained at $19, 261,000 . during the preceding; corresponding period. This repre sented a decrease of 42 per cent in quantity and 28 per cent in value. Exports of leaf tobacco during the seven months ended January 31 totaled 286,715.000 pounds valued at $63,733,000 compared with 246,049,009 pounds valued at $42,745,000 during the pre ceding corresponding period. This was a gain of 17 per cent in volume, and 49 per cent in value. January Indexes by groups of commodities were: grain and pro ducts 45; animal products 68; dairy products and eggs 91; fruit 346; cotton fiber and linters 109; wheat and flour 51; tobacco 82; hams and bacon 17; and lard 130. No. 18 Sjnopgis of Annual Statement of the U. 3. Branch London Ouarantee and Ac cident Company, Ltd., .of New York, in the State of N. Y., on the thirtv-fint day of December, 1933, made to the In surance Commisiioner ot the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL, Amount of capital deposit, $800, 000.00. INCOME Ket preminms received durinr the Tear. 37,330.537.95. Interest, dividends and rents received during the year, 36.0,190.68. Income from other aourcea received during the year, $12,536.64. loUl income, ST.963,271..7. DISBURSEMENTS Net loaaee paid durinr the year includ ing adjustment expenses, 34,702,001.74. Dividends paid oa eapital stock during the year, 0. Commissions and salaries Paid during the year. 82.330.638.29. Taxes. and fees paid dunar the year, 3179,944.47. Amount of all other expenditures. 3627,750.38. Total expenditures. 87,840,334.88. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). 8189,083.43. Value of atocka and bonda owaed (amortised etc.), 811,998,535.87. Loaaa oa mortgagee and collateraL etc.. 0. Cash ia banks and oa hand. 8789.- 454.20. Preminms in eonrae of- collection, writ ten ainca September 80, 1933, 31,504, 109.91. Interest and rentf due and seemed. 1167,705.72. All other assets. 3166.617.28. Total admitted asaeta, 314,815,508.41. LIABILITIES Orota claims for loaaes unpaid. 36.- 608.212.35. Amount of unearned preminms oa all outstanding risks. 83.297,960.61. Dae for coanuMioa aad brokerare. 8380,210.60. All other UabiliUea. 8211.858.87. Beserve for difference between amor tized and market values, 91,053,795.04. Total liabilities, except capital, gll, 522.037.47. Statutory deposit. $800,000.00. Surplus ever all UabiliUea, 82,463,' 468.94. Surplus as regardi policyholders, 33, 263,468.94. Total. $14,815,506.41. BU8INE88 IN OREGON FOB THE TEAR Net premiuma received during the year, $ 13,079.84. iiosaes paid daring the year, $10, 015.80. Liosaea incurred daring ths year, 9, 8 S3. 30. Name of Company London Ouarantee aad Accident Company. Ltd. Name ot U. 8. Mauarer J. M. Haines. Name of Assistant Manager, H. Lloyd Jonea. Statutory resident attorney for service Jo tin B. uoae, Portland, uregoa. ' No. 14 Syaopaia of Aaanal Statement of the national Casualty Company of Detroit, ia the State of Michigan, en the thirty first day of December, 1983, made to the Insaranee Commiasioaer of the State of Oregoa pursuant te law: CAPITAL Amount of eapital stock paid vp, 1750,' 000.00. INCOME Net premiums received daring the year, 81.731.768.03. Interest dividends' and rents reeelved durinr the year. 670.894.17. Ineoene from other aoarcea received during the year, 845,145.87. Total Income, $1,847,807.57. DISBURSEMENTS Ket loaaea paid during the year laelud Inr adjustment expenses. 8927.301.02. Dividends paid oa capital stock daring the year, 0. Commissions and salaries paid daring the yesr, 3626.447.12. Taxes, licenses and fees paid daring tne year, f77.0S7.4Z. Amount of all other expesditares, $152,745.37. Adjustment of claims, 877,712.74. Total expenditures, $1,881,294.37. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value), 816,114.88. Value of stocks aad bonds owned (mar ket value). 31.815,696.00. Ioana oa mortgagee and collateraL eta.. 1183,861.89. Cash ia banka and on hand, 8198, 319.11. Premiums in coarse of collection writ tea since September 80, 1933, $330, 896.47. Interest and rente doe and accrued, $17,556.36. Other asaeta. 880,853.16. Total admitted assets, 33,594,297.87. LIABILITIES Cross claims for loaaes unpaid, $398, 971.82. Amount of unearned preminms oa all outstanding risks. 8408,006.69. Due for eommiasion and brokerage, 879.590.91. All other -abilities, fl98.263.95. Voluntary reserve, 8174,464.50. Total liabilities, except capital, $1,344, 287.87. Capital paid up, $150,000.00. Surplus aver ail liabilities, $500,000.00. Surplus sa regards policyholders, $1, 250.000.00. Total. 82.594.297.87. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOB THE YEAR Net premiums received during the year, $9,020.72. Loaaea pail daring the yesr, $1,934.90. Losses .scarred oaring the year, $4, 530.22. Name of Ooenpany Katloaal Casually Company. Name of Fre-ideat W. 8. Cartis. Name ef Secretary K. A. Grant. ' Statutory resident sttoraey for service H. H, Pass. PORTLAND. March il.-VPH Market for eggs continued - to show shaded or unstable prices despite the announcements of ad vances made from several sources, checkup of sales to retailers dis closed. General cut of Ke lb. In the price on all butter cube scores ex cept 92 was made at the last ses sion of the produce exchange, con firming recent forecasts of a low er market. Butterfat was .un changed. As a result of the general cut ting of cheese prices, a slower trade was suggested at wholesale but retail business was reported as somewhat Improved in many spots. First home grown asparagus of the season offered in the whole sale trade was reported with sale at $1.50 dozen bunches to a Port land Heights grocery. Easier prices were suggested for California asparagus here with continued Increase in sun- plies. Quality shows considerable mixture with resulting erratic asking price by wholesalers. Best around 7c lb. Market for cauliflower-broccoli continued firm with an occasional truck load from Roseburg and limited local offerings. Sales were being made up to 1.25 crate for Is. There was an extreme demand here for country killed calves and recent higher values were being maintained. Demand was good for all meats except mutton, which were more moderately sought. Potatoes and onions remained dull, especially the former. Rhubarb market demand good for both field and hothouse stock. General Markets PRODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND. Ore.. March 21. fAP) Produce exchange, net prices: Butter J-xtrsa 29 He, standards 23c, prims firsts 23e, firsts 22c Eggs TJ. 8. specials 16c. U. B. extraa 14e. U. S. mediums 18e. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore Msreh 21. (API- Wheat Open High Low Close May 72H 72 72 72 July 72 72 72 72 Cash Big Bend bluestem 73 He: dark hard winter 12 per cent 78c. do 11 per cent 73c; aoft white, western white, hard winter, northern spring and western red 71 e. Oeta No. 2 white $20.50. Corn No. 2E yellow $23.25. Millrnn Standard $13. . Portland Produce 1 PORTLAND. Ore.. March 21. (API- Butter Extras 25 c etandarda 25c pound. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade -3-240 pound: farmer a door delivery 20-21e pound. Uzi Pacific poultry producers' Sell ing prices: Freah extraa 15c, etandarda 14e. mediums 14c doxea (cartons le higher). Buying price ef wholesalera Fresh Extras 16c dozen, firsts 14c. me diums 14c, pallets I.e. andergrsdes 10c. Cheese 92 leore, Oregoa triplets 12e; loaf 18e pound. Brokers will pay He below quotations. Milk Contract price, 4 per cent, Portland delivery $1.95 cwt. B grade cream 97 e pound. C entry meets Selling price to re tailers: Country killed hors, beat batch' ers. snder 50 pounds 9-9 He. Veslers 90 to 100 ponnds 10-10 e pound; light and thin S-6e pound. Heavy calves 6 Be pound. Yearling lamba 15e. Spring lambs 19-20e pound. Ewes 4-7e pound. Csnner cows 2 -3 e pound. Bolls 5 -6 poand. Mohair 1994 buying price 25c pound Cascara bark Baying price 1934 peel 2-8e pound. Hope 1932 clusters, 24-28e pound, Live poultry Portland delivery, col ored fowls 12-14e. Leghora fowls 10c. Broilers 14-1 7c Stars 6c. Roostera 6c Pe- kin ducka 12e; colored lOe. Oeeae 10a pound. Onions Yakima $1.40-1.50; Oregoa Sl.40-l.SO. Potatoes Local white aad red $1.15- 1.25 cental; Takima 31.85-1.40; Des chutes $1.45-1.50: Bakers $1.65-1.70. New Petstoes Florida Triumphs $3.50-2.60 per 50 pounds, 7e pound ; iawau $1.65 per Zl -pound box. Strawberriea Nominal Wool 1934 clip, nominal: Wlllam ette valley 20 25c pound; aaatern Oregoa 23-Z6e pound. Hay Buying price from producer Alfalfa No. 1 new crop, $14-15. E astern Oregon timothy $17. Timothy grasssc, blended $15. Oata $37.50 ton. Vetch $14. WUlamette valley simotny $15. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, March 11. (AP) Cattle Beceipts 100. sales 10; steady, unchanged. Steers, good, eoaamoa sad medium 83.65-6. Heifers,, common and medium 33.25-5.25. Cows, good, common and me dium 83-4.50; low cutter end cutter 31.50-3. Bells, cotter, common and me dium 82.50-3.25. Veslers, good and choice 86.50-8; cull, common end medio I 38 6.50. Calves, good and choice 85-S; com mon and medium 82.50-5. Hog Receipts 800; light and me diue weifhta lower. Lightweicht. good and choice $3.75. 4.50; medium weight, good and choice $4-4.50; heavyweight, good and choice 33.65-4.15. PaeUng sows, good 32.83 3.50. Feeder and ttoeksr pigs, good sad choice 33.25-3.75. Sheep Beceipts 100; steady, ua changed. Lambs, good snd choice 88-8; com mon and medium 36-8.25. Yearling weth ers 85-7. Ewes, good aad choice gS.SO 4.50; common and medium 12-8.75. Stocks and Bonds Copyright, 1934. 8tandard Statistics Co. March 21 STOCK. AVERAGES 50 30 20 80 ladle. EE's. Uta. Total Today S3.3 48.8 74.S 83.0 Prevteos day 05.0 49.5 76. 84.7 Week ago S7.S S1.8 78.8 87.1 Year ago 49.3 27.4 68.3 49.8 3 years eg 137.1 05.8 201.8 142.1 7 yeara ago 111.9 111.6 106.3 109.S 105.0 54.8 90S 98.8 High 1934 Low 1934 89.1 41.S 64.8 77.5 (19M average equate 100) BOBD AVEXAOES 20 20 20 60 India. BB's. Uta. Total . 80 6 86.0 83.S 84.9 Today Previous day 80.7 88.8 88.8 85.1 85.T 66.S 7.8 85.8 74.8 Week age 81.0 87.0 88.4 Year ago 61.4 61.6 77.4 S yeara ago 8S.S 108.3 101.1 High 1984 81.8 87.8 88.5 Low 1934 . 78.8 T4.1 77.1 (1920 average ereels 100) SNYDER IN HOSPITAL SILVERTON, March II. Aaron Snyder ot ths Conrad wholesale department, was takes suddenly 111 while at work Mon day afternoon and rushed to ths hospital. (MUk based es bafcterfs averwe.1 Distributor price f 2.10. Butterfat Top 2Sc, prints 24tte. cubes 28 He. Prices paid te grower by galea buyers (Tae prleaa belew. supplied by a local FIfc-IF. Ul Inrfii..-, ,1. -. -t-:t l . bat are net gnaraateed by The Statesmaa.) nuiTa avrt VT.r.trr k -mt. r a AsparafBS, lb. ; Caaliflowar. eraU Leek, dca. bsacbes . Paraaips, bos log Tnraipe, bes lag BoUbaiaa,. bea lug , Braaseia aproata. lug . Esc plant, local AO aad .65 .40 JO .80 .60 ' .60 .05 .90 te 1.15 2.25 .30 caoMge. ewl Ssokana. wt Green peppers. Calif., lb. Onions, do, bnaebes J5 Fotsteea. local . .75 to 1.00 xakitna ' to 1 65 Desehotes Lettaee California, try pack California, iced Oniona, Labiab Celery, doa. ' Celery Beartt - Applies Koase Beoty . Oraagea, choice Kavali, fancy Beeta, local, dot. Carrota. local, doa. .1.10 te 1.45 2.25 to 2.50 -2.65 to 2.85 1.85 .60 .1.00 .65 -2.00 to 2.25 -3.65 to 8.10 .20 .20 - .85 1 " Cauiornia Spinach, local crate .exas -1.70 Bananas, lb. on stalk - .05 .05 nuu Lenoas - 5.75 -.1.00 2.75 2.65 - .034 -..3.75 -2.23 . .07 .08 - .03 Ltmea. freah Toiaatoea, California, ease Sweet potatoea. lb. Grapefruit, Florida California Real, Calif.. Ib. New potatoea Ib. Rhubarb, local, lb. HOPS Cluster, 1988, lb. top .30 .IS .20 WOTS Filberts, lb. .12 H to .12 H to Walnuts, lb. Baring Prices EGOS Extrss , ,11 Mediums :.. .09 POOXTBT Colored hens, 5 lbs. .15 .13 .11 t-olored hens Colored medium hens . Light hens .09 .05 .05 MEAT Stage Old roosters 1934 sprint lambs. Ib. 10 Lambs, top 6.50-7.00 Hors, 160 to 200 lbs. 4.85 200 to 225 lbs. 4.10 225 to 250 lbs. 8 85 Pigs 3.60 Sows .2.25 to 2.75 Steers OSU to 01 to .05 Cows Bolls .02 V4 .024 .02 to .02 to Heifers .03, Veal, top 5.00 to 5.50 Drested veal, top .08 freased nogs .03 GKAI9 AH I) HAT wheat, western red .87 White Ns. 1 .59 .14.00 14.00 16.00 -16.0O .11.00 11.00 -12.00 Barley, feed No. 1 ton Oats, feed, ton Barley, malting, top us is. nulling, ton May. buying prices uiover bsy Oats and vetch, ton Aiiaila, valley, first cut WOO-. Wool, medium .25 .28 JZ0 Course Mohair NOTICE The state treasurer will pay all general fund warrants endorsed "Not paid for want of funds" on February 6 to 28, 1934 inclusive. Interest on such warrants ceases on this date. March 22, 1934. Ra tal C. Holjpan, State Treasurer. M-22. Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER 1 r r w r r r r n. i n ia I jo 57735 " Hi hZ&hS 777 To TT 777 iT" "" "" 777 IT" " "1 l-lM 11 1 w 1 HORIZONTAL 1 -doctrine 4 domesti cates fi-mart blow 12 also 13 fat 14 highest tone in Guido's scale 15 killfully devised 17 areless perso 19 aziery 21 recline 22 large bundle bound vp for storage 24 pig pen 26 young, sheep 29 authorized SI bronze la . Boman i antiquity J game at cards 34 not of ths seals 55 delved wit-i a spade S7-sailor , 29 makt 40-sick V 42 at tils time 44 states 4fii look for iS-beetle 60 part of a suit SI obscure 53 nominated 55 seal S8 arranged in a single 61 kind of poem 62 sources of pain 64 beak of a bird 65 established value 66 pays atten tion to 67 nall flap ' Herewith is the , solution to yes terday's Puzzle. KK AfNIG t CaayiltM, 1934, Stag CHICAGO, March 21.-)-Dragged down by heaviness of the New York stock market and of cotton, wheat prices ranged lower today, dipping at times Its cents a bushel. Uncertainty over labor difficul ties and as to proposed stock market restrictions did much to make grain trade sentiment pes simistic, and dealings in wheat were of meager volume. Reports of adverse crop conditions, south west and northwest both, tailed to act as a stimulus to buyers. Wheat closed unsettled. under yesterday's finish, corn un changed to down, oats Vg-Vi off, and provisions unchanged to 5 cents decline. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May, 87-; July, 87-ts; Sept., 88-. Corn May, 50 -51; July, 5i Sept.. 54. Oats May, 33 -3 4; July, 34 tf; Sept, J 4 v.. MEMBERSHIP PRICE t NEW YORK, March 21.-W-Markets resumed their downward trend today after yesterday's ef forts toward recovery. Stocks drifted off quietly. The bond market finished Irregularly lower, with U. S. government loans among the losers. Commod ities yielded ground, too. Commission house circles also learned that the price of stock exchange memberships had tum bled $85,000 Eince the last sale which was made before the pres ent proposal for market regula tion had been formulated, and this severe slump doubtless had some thing to do with the lowering of spirits. However, sales totaled only 1,097,050 shares, the small est since March 5. Closing moderately above the lows, the market showed net losses of about 1 to 2 points for General Motors, Chrysler, Nash, Hudson Motors, Case, Allied Chemical, Du Pont. New York Central, Pennsylvania, Santa Fe, Union Pacific, U. S. Steel and Be thlehem. Alcohols resisted better than other groups. Metals were not very active, nor were Util ities. Terms of 3 Council Members Expire Soon SILVERTON, March 21. At the primary election in May soma interest will also be taken at Sll verton in local election. The terms of three councilmen expire at this time and whether or not they will run to succeed themselves Is not yet known. The three whose terms expire are OttcT Legard, Hugh Range and W. L. McGln nis. Range is an appointee of Mayor , E. W. Carver. VERTICAL 1 possessive pronoun 2 French coin 8 character ized by movement 4 a weight for gold and silver 8 helps 6 myself 7 worm 8 to market 9 disclose 10 beverage HI 11 cooking utensil 16 -direction 18 lubricate 20 Greek letter 22 foundation 23 nimbi 25 still 27 fashions 28 p ush or lift from behind SO cask 82 sink in ths middle 86 deity 53 black bird 41 ccount book 43 was vic torious 45 one who overrates mere knowledge 47 relatives 1 collectively 49 laid level with the ground ! 52 network 54 peat bog 55 -morsel dipped in liquid 68 girl's turns 67-digit , 59 beverage 60- .Miii "j 65 otrninf J MSL W E IR1 -