The OREGON STATESMAN, Safoa, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, March 21, 1934 - - PAGE SEVEN k - k i . ' .'' t ; L 1 Statesman , Classified Ads I Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per Una lOe Three Insertions per , Hoe e Six lnsertioDa er lioa..S0e One month per Una.. 11.00 Jtlnlmuxn chares 25e Copy (or this pa ac cepted until 6:S0 the even 1ns before publication for classification. Copy re setved after this time will be ran under tbe beadinc Too Late to Classify. Tbe Statesman assumes bo financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear In adTertlsementa pub lished In Its columns, and is cases where tbia paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In wblcb t b typographical mistake occurs. , Tbe atatesman reserves the . right to reject objec tlonal adrertlsing. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising; an der the proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED MALE Wood cutter. A Chrlstenson. 1S87 Lee. Solicitor at one. Harry W. Scott WANTED Married man for gen era! farm work. Must oe gooa muier .1 .. ,- tfe1n rari of. live- stock. .References required. Address 4Zi, statesman. HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted stroneT. capable woman, ex- i . . Af mnA tintlfle- work. Olve references, age, phone no. Box St. Statesman. rLTLrm.iru"u-i- ' Wnman who does only housework. f2 N. 14th BL WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply isss M. c om - Vmmm a wi fni fwmiipwnrlt and care ci two emau cniiaren at mod- mouth Apply 61 1. summer, oaiem. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Saw laantni aad sharpening mile S roar cornorn, xe isu- Beterest lots, st cost. TeL 4017 XfUTjj-iX''xnj-h nirir-i - - -..-. f - ab In st 6atif Li for tmnw.t wal. TeL w. FertniMn sand. dirt. TeL 1605. ssaaarfajsaaaaaasSWaasaas Wood ranee with reservoir, excel lent eoadition, tzz.60. no- a. m. For sale, pigs. Call 1524. evening. Koute v. box 4. jwuMivnvnri Bantams and eggs. ES4 N. 15th. Early British Queen. seed potatoes 75c hundred. A Bcbieman near West Stayton. Old manure delivered. TeL S0S8. auirxnim.n.ririrwninii-.-ii-i"i --.--..---- t . s rtrm mn Trtola X Mar shall strawberry plants. Also good oat hay and borne raoisir roots. ieu si' aji.nru iuin.nrir.-iPi wtn hat. it set. arnool warrants. Jennie Bigurason, fc-uem. h-.-.t oirp f2.-av whit anil red f -a. t ..., ------- at,, wheat and baled clover and grain hay. E. B. Perrlne, TeL 65J or eCt TRADE Miscellaneous CHdsmobila in No. 1 shape to trade for ihwniwrt set. wood range, etc Rti t; Box 105B, West of Salem Heights school . , WANTED Miscellaneous OLD GOLD highest prices paid. Star Exchange. Cor. Chemeketa N. ComX St. Cash paid for used furniture, ranges and tools and farm machinery. TeL 4358. Wood range, best that $5.00 will twiy. TeL 9373. MISCELLANEOUS Haircuts 15c-20& SO) 8. Winter. Complete high school at home. Stan dard text, diploma. Information free. Americas School. Portland. juruuinnr. 'Vb i-i-i - ,---- - -- - WANTED: Names men. 18-25, wish ing become U. a government railway postal clerks. Start $158.00 month. Ap ply today sure for particulars and list government positiona 25 coached FREE. Box 1293 F. care Statesman. - FOR RENT ROOMS t(JVlAJVv.l1l1lnrrll, Nice room, clom tit. Tel. 4Sli. ROOM AND BOARD 0jjtjAfVryrirw'rwr'ri1' Board, room, table board, 7(4 Ferry. TeL T885. Board-room. J5-Court. TeL 1878. Board and room. 790 N. Cburch. Board, room, nr P. O. Tel. 4V FOR RENT APARTMENTS IMniw apt, ttei HaxeL 74. Small furn. apt. 880 Union. Furnished spt, Edgewater Court Garage, xei. room mod. furn. apt, Close in. TeL $230. 2 room furn. apt 181 8. Church St. Clnrninriiii i 1 2 and 8 room furnished, heated apartments 248 Marlon St. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and unfurn. houses. R. A. FORKNER ltlt N. Cottage TeL 2081. 4 room modern house, furnished. Stegner. 202 U. a Natl Bank. . sMtMita fnrn Ts1 ft 81 A Modern. - rooma, sleeping porch, goiitb 14tb. Inquire t90 Ffr. FOR SALE Real Estate - Brno BITS np trrrWAKflK -i- la North Salem. English type shin gled bungalow, a rooms, built ins, good plumbing, fireplace, full basement. I ur- . naee, double garage, east front lot with several choice fruit trees. Price 300t. part terms or will accept 4 or f room cottage near woolen mills not ver $3009 as part. , - CI OLDS MILLER, Realtors I4 State Street TeL $708. MMsismM iii : iiig&i FOR SALE Real Estate -uij-Linjru. rvT"ryii"irr.i -i-i-p I a. I mi out. good rd. Nice newly 1. kvim C ma anil hath rm. Bla cement basement, S big porches, dandy well, cnicxen noose, uemea, -'. $1100, owner Forgie, Rt. E, Box 65, aawrm. rtnuir.a v Tt nnn. lot 75x120. savement paid, on bus line. $1000 terms. H., garage, very eiose in, pave ment paid. $1226 terma. Socolofsky Son, First Nat'L Bank Blag. If yon are looking for a suburban home that you can buy on terms easier than you can rent see me. It's reason able, if s strictly modern, it's well lo cated It will suit you. H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8901. GOOD BUYS IN REASONABLY PRICED HOMES 2 room cottaee In North Salem, lot 40x127 ft. A REAL SNAP for $550, cash flOO, baL like rent. North 15th street home In Engie- wood district, 8 room cottage, two lots each 45x127 ft. plenty of fruit and shade trees, shrubs and lawn. One street paved, garage. Real value for 11700. cash 8400, baL liberal terma Forced to sell to pay delinquent taxes. Four beautiful, east iront lots in North Salem, each 50x150 ft S room residence, bam, garage, fruit trees. If you want a real buy, let us show you this for only $2100, part terms. Large corner lot 90x108 ft., some cherry trees, 7 room comfortable house, double garage. Distant owner will sacrifice price for Quick sale, 8850. CHILDS MILLER. REALTORS 844 State Street TeL C708. 4 A. adjoining the city limits of Sa lem. 8450. 5 A. 1 mi. east of Salem on paved road, excellent sou, $1000. 10 A. 5 ml. N.E. of Salem, E room house, electric lights, all in crop, fine soil, XI 900. 30 A. 15 ml. from Salem, 18 A. In cultivation, 4 A. orchard, 600 cords of wood, creek, 6 room house, stock and Implements, 83250. 40 A. so in cultivation, sandy loam soil, fenced, well, creek, 500 cords of wood, crop, stock and equipment. In cluding 10 cows, 2 horse, $5500. Trade for small tract close to Salem. Melvln Johnson, 275 State. Tel. 879t FOR SALE OR TRADE Stock of used end new furniture and second hand goods of all description also coal business, equipped with scales and bin. Brick and steel building, 30x100 ft., Vi of It 2 stories, and 4 lots. Will trade for Income property or land. What have you? I must change climate on account of my health. Address E. G. Shattuck. Gering. Neb. EXCHANGE Real Estate Will trade for acreage or Salem pro perty 133 acre farm, 12 A. prunes. 5 A. walnuts. 8 A. berries, 20 A timber, good house, prune drier. Good creek on this place, several springs. Joins city limits smalltown. 1905 Maple Ave. 13 acre in garden and berries, 8 room house. South Seattle. Value $1,000. Even trade for Salem. C. O. Johnson, 9815-lSth & W. Seattle. Wash. Hop farm are money makers. 100 A., lovely home, city conveniences, pavement, clear, for clear city proper ty, some cash. Kufner Farm, Garden road. Box 18S. Country home 2 8-4 A., garden and fruit, water, electricity, etc, for house m Salem. W. G. Grant, I. J. Critten den, Masonic Bldg. TeL 81 (L FOR SALE FARMS SPECIAL Biggest farm snap in the valley 118 acres, only $35 per acre. Prac tically all cultivated land, mostly all in crop and buyer gets one third of crop. Almost adjoins Pacific highway and city limits of a real good valley town; the land is good, hull dings poor. No better buy in the valley. For sale only by BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Street (No Trade) FARM BARGAIN 1JJ-A. 90-A. cultivated, balance timber and pasture. Very good house and barn, gravity water system. Price $40.00 per acre, easy terms to good party. See HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. For Farm Bargains ACREAGE ACREAGE BARGAINS 17 A., all in cultivation, 6 miles Ladd ft Bush, good deep soli, nice view, good nut land. $1000 easy terms, balance 5. 60 A., cleared, creek bottom, old buildings, good road, close to Salem. $3500 terms. Socolofsky ft Son, First Bank Bide Tel. 7807 Business Opportunities Have cash buyer for garage or fill ing station proposition. Let me know what you have. H. C Shields, Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY 4-pump service station complete, with modern 6-room house, lots of fruit, room for tourist cabins This place is a bargain at $7500. SEK HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC For Real Kstnte Barratni MONEY TO LOAN $5000 to loan on farm property. Must be good security. CHILDS ft MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St TeL (708. "Bells of Harmony" A nightly feature over Radio KOIN Announces A NEW DEAL in Loans UP TO $300 AUTO-ENDORSED NOTE FURNITURE No fees, deductions or discounts, and only lawful rates charged. See us if you need money. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF 8ALKM Member of NRA Room 119, New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-122 by STATE 618 State St TeL 3740 Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Phone 8153 Licensed l State Funds for farm loans now available ; 5 & ; long term. Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Bldg.. TeL 4109. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY . Baby chicks. Warmer's Hatchery. 210 N. Fifth St. at Highland avenue. FOR SALE WOOD Second growth and old fir wood. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wella GUARANTEED DRT wood ooal TeL t00t Salem Foal Co. Trade ft Cottage. Phone Tracy's. 8988 for dry wood. Call 48F14. All wood. Smith A Robeaa Dry wood priced right TeL 7982. Old fir 18 tn. $4.78. TeL 8590. Interesting Facts ... Spring arrived at 2.28 this morning. O We think that it bas been here for some time but lost officially announced at this time. O The territory of Alaska was purchased 67 years ago. , O Frnit trees should be In fall bloom for blossom day next Sun day. o The state basketball tourna ment starts in Salem today. Sa lem should support this event as it brings considerable extra money here. O T. R. Conway, manager of the Orego- State Motor association will be the speaker at the regular meeting of the chamber of com merce Monday, April 2. He will givs some very interesting facts about the tourist trade. Too should hear him. FOR SALE WOOD Dry wood Tel. S254. Dry wood. 1295 D SU TeL 4574. Dry old fir, oak, TeL 9769. Sawdust $4 unit TeL 9373. 4 ft. oak wood for sale TeL 3688. LOST AND FOUND LOST Man's Elgin watch. Call 9528. Reward, FOR SALE USED CARS We have 15 used ears to choose from. If it's a used car you want see us before you buy. SALEM AUTO COMPANY 435 N. Com! TeL 4(78. BORREGO'S BETTER BUYS 1930 Chev. Sedan $325 1928 Essex Coach (overhauled) 125 1927 Dodce Sedan 95 1929 Ford ton truck - 175 240 No. Liberty TeL 8(88. WANTED USED CARS Cash for car. Ph. 1549 any time. Radio Program WEDNESDAY, Marc It SI XQW POXTLAHD 620 Xe. 7:00 Breen and DeRose, NBC. 7 :15 Organ eoncert, NBO. 7:30 Ronald Bock. 8:15 CrouenU. NBC. 8:54 Abe Bereoviti. 9:30 Cooking school. 10:15 Books for Children, NBC. 10:30 Woman's Magazine. NBC. 11:30 Sroackout, NEC. 11:45 Words and Mnie, NBO. 12:15 Farm and Home, NBO. 1:45 Michael Arenstein, cellist, 3 :05 Eddie King, pianiat. 3:15 Friendly Chat 3:45 Soloiit, KBC. 4:15 Oriental oreheatra, NBO. 4:30 Abe Bercoviti, violin. 8:00 Amos 'n' And, NBC. 9:20 St. Regia Hotel oreheatra, NBO. 10:15 Jack Bain end His oreheatra. 10:45 Studio. 11:30 Bal Tabarin orchestra, NBO. EXX 70BTLAITD 1180 Xc 6:30 Male quartet. 8:00 Four-Square CathedraL 8:30 Victor Salon oreheatra. 8:45 Crosscnts from the Log of the Day, NBC. 9:15 Glen Gray's orchestra. 9:80 Arion trio, NBC. 10:00 News Serriee, NBC. 10:07 Sarah Kreindler. NEC. 10:15 Howard Mnck, pianist. 10:30 Hawaiian Serenadera. 12:16 News. 11:00 Oregonian Newa Review. 11:45 Jnlia Hajrea. 13 :45 Popular concert ' 12:35 Ted Weems' oreheatra. 1:15 Soloist, NBC. 1:80 Concert Group. 1:45 John and Ned, NBC. 2:00 World Bookman. 2 :05 Musical Gems. 2:45 Dance Rhythms. 8:00 Hawaiian Serenadera. 8:30 Waldorf Aatoria oreheatra, NBC. 8:45 Soloist, NBC. 4:00 Pickena Siatera. 4:145 Classical soloist. 4:50 Mary's Garden, NEC. 6:15 Orchestra. 5:30 Band music. 8:30 Sports talk. 8:45 Hans, Kate aad Fritx. 8:15 Orchestra. NBC. 9:45 Seven 8caa, NBC. 10:00 Marshall's Mavericks, NBC. 10:55 Newa Service, NBC. KOAO COBWAXXJS 66 Xs. 0:00 Home Economics Observer. 10:30 lesson in Spanish Mslissa M. Martin, 11 :00 Modern Poetry. 12:00 Farm hour. 1 :00 Rhyth-Melodles. 1:45 Old Familiar Soogs Harold Witcraft 8:00 Mrs. E. B. Robinson "Cook ins; Potatoes This Way and That." 4:00 Humor, Old and New Boa Kneass. 4:10 Something About Everything. 4:30 Oregon Storiea for Boys sod Girla. 5:45 Vespera Rev. Paul P. Pettl- eord. 6:30 Farm hour. 7:30 Dr. Victor P. Morris - "The World ia Review." 8:15 Bear.on Lights in Pacific Rela tions Dr. H. J. Noble. 8:45 PhTsica in Everyday life "Earthquakes' W. Wenlger, head of department ef physics. TO COMPLETE COURTS MOLALLA, March 20. A prof It of $53 was made at the- St. Pat rick's day dance given by the civ ic club Saturday Insures the com pletion of the tennia conrt in the city park. This money will J pay for the lumber, wire, netting and sand needed. Use of the court will be free but regulations regarding use will be made. Business Directory Cards la this directory raa on a monthly basis only. Rate: $1.00 per Una per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek, 27$ South Commercial. BARBERS Haircut 25c, Joe's Barber Shop. CATERING Burt Crmry. the caterer. TeL 8788. Hulda Helps Hostesses TeL 8948. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Northness. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. 258 N. Hlrh. TeL Res. 8752. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets, fun eral wreaths, decorations C F. Brelt haupt florist 577 Court TeL 8904. ALL kinds of floral work. Lata Flor ist. 18th a Market TeL 0592. INSURANCE BECKB A HENDRICKS 189 N. High TeL 4947. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 282 S. Hifh TeL 9125. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 3145 1344 Broadway. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired, traded. We de liver. Harry W. Scott. Tel. 4518 MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40S3, NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning;, sizing; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug a Mat tress Factory, a 13th a Wilbur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZWICKER Est. 1911 MIRROR RESILVERING Spauldlng Lumber Co. Tel. 4118. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 422 Stats Street. Salem. PAINTING B. Benson. 2224 N. Lib. Tel. 5978. PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician L a Altman. M. IX Homeopathltt Office and residence S07 Center 8t TeL 5822. Treats both acuta and chronic diseases. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call Tbe Statesman ranting Department, lit 8. Commercial Tela- phone 9101. RADIO SERVICE CKRTIFIED RADIO SERVICE Tel. 3773 Court at Church REAL ESTATE BECKE HENDRICKS, TeL 4947, STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired, All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, hooks, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 282 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. R Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 8121. Larmer Transfer Co. TrucKs to Portland daily. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 228 State St. TeL 7TT8. Distributing for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, 20 years experience, RJTD 7. Box 203. TeL 110F5. WINDOW CLEANING New deal window cleaners, TeL 8331. CHICAGO, March 20. LlTely upturns of prices In the last few minutes of trading today more than offset earlier waver ing of the grain markets. End-of-the-day buying which brought about higher prices for wheat was associated both with increased likelihood of a settle ment of automotive labor troubles and with satisfaction expressed by market trade leaders regard ing Roosevelt's approval of the new national coda for grain ex change dealings. Wheat closed firm at the day's top . level, - above yester day's finish, corn unchanged to higher, oats BP. nd provisions uncharge- to a rise of 17 cents. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May 8T-5: July 87- : September 88-. Corn May 61-51; July 53-58; September 55. Oats May 34; July 14; September 84. GRAIN EXCHANGES CODE SATISFYING E HELD TiDT LIKELY 29 Bales Sell This Week at 26c; Oregon Carryover 26,700 Bales, Word The slight flurry In the Oregon hop market portends no advance in price, judging from tbe price situation In the past two weeks. So far this week only 29 bales have been reported sold, these at 26 cents from Tom Reiling at Sil- verton to Horst. Last week, 561 bales were sold at prices running about a cent un der the prices which prevailed the previous week. The S61 total broughtt 24 bales of babies at 20 cents; 171 bales at 24 cents; 163 bales at 26 cents, 21S bales at the top figure of . the week, 28 cents. Bales last week were about double those of the previous week. Growers are reported more will ing to let loose their remaining hops now, due la part to need for cash on the spring cultivation and upkeep of the yards, and possibly due also to the fact that the de mand from buyers is a bit more brisk than It has been for some time. Growers who still have 1933 and earlier hops on hand are like ly also taking, into consideration the fact that the holdover In grow er hands now Is 10,000 more bales than at this time last year. Yes terday, Oregon's carryover stood at 26,700 bales. California and Washington have a similar situa tion on carryover. In view of this heavy holdover. there is some prediction that the market will have no chance to go higher than it now is. Added further is the fact of many new yards coming into production next year and the year following. Spring contracting on clusters has not opened up at all, and on the fuggle8 only a small amount of business has been done recent ly. Achievement Day for Hazel Green Club is Thursday HAZEL GREEN. March 20.- The 4-H clothing club's achieve ment day program will be given at the 8cbooIhouse Thursday af ternoon. March 22. The nroeram will include demonstration and style show, the girls of the two groups showing their model dresses. The mothers will be hon or guests. An invitation is ex tended to all Interested. Mrs. Ju lius Slattum is leader. George Thatch's house can eh t fire In the roof early Tuesday morning but the fire was con trolled before much damage was done, the neighbors coming at once. Mrs. Thatch recently re turned from Deaconess hosnital where she underwent a major operation. Airlie Homes Open for Many Visitors; R. Chaffin Returns AIRLIE, March 20. Guests at various homes Sundsv wer Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Herron, Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Calkins. Mrs Ivan Calkins of Sheridan at the William Herrons: Mr. and Mrs James Welch of Beaverton at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooter: Mr. and Mrs. Perle Hedges and Mr. and Mrs. Barce Rose of Independence visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hastings. Ralph Chaffin has returned from the CCC camp and will cut wood soon on a contract he has No. 13 Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Norwich Union Indemnity Company of New York, in the State of New liork, on foe thirty-first day of December, 1938, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid np, 2500, 000.00. INCOME Net premiums received during the year, $2,848,132.10. Interest, dividends and rents received daring the year, $163,828.89. Income from other sources received dar ing the year, $271,627.75. Total income, $3,283,088.74. DISBURSEMENTS Net loaaea paid daring the year includ ing adjustment expenses. $1,866,648.08. Dividends paid on capital stock during the year, 0. Commissions and salaries paid daring the year, 8812,182.96. Taxes, lieensea and fees paid during the year, $55,019.16. is nt of all other expenditures, $508,474.25. Total expenditures. $3,342,819.40. ASSETS Value . of real- estate owned (market valne). 0. Value of stocks and bands owned (mar ket value), $3,039,041.25. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc, 0. Cash in banks and oa haad, $165,- 138.90. Premiums in coarse of collection writ ten since September 80, 1983, $678,- 782.25. Interext and rents due and accrued, $4 1,812.92. Other assets, $438,870.52. Total admitted assets, $4,363,145.84. LIABILITIES G roiis claims for losses unpaid, $1,837, 248.92. Amount of unearned premiums oa all outstanding risks, $1,861,667.79. Dne for commission and brokerage, $181,698.00. Ail other liabilities, 8518.883.71. Total liabilities, except capital. $8. 414.498.42. Capital paid up. $500,000.00. Surplus over all liabilities, $448, 647.42. 8urplns as regards policyholders, $948, 647.42. Total. 84.363,145.84. EUSINESS IN OREGON FOB THE TEAR Net premiams received daring the year, $36,842.07. Losaas paid daring the year, $18, 597.85. Losses incurred daring the year.glB,- 017.85. Name of Company Norwich Union In demnity Company. Name of President S. t Callanaa. Name of Secretary H. L. Kidder. Statutory resident attorney for service W. H. Kagoire, w OS mace Prospects Encourage UPTURNS I K M0MD1L5 NEW YORK. March 20. - () -Moves toward Industrial peace were accompanied by a Quick re vision of stock prices today as the market, with characteristic vigor, rallied during the last hour after a rather dismal performance in previous trading. Bonds also firmed and commodity quotations hardened. Presidential intervention in the automobile dispute following the White House warning to the rail road men found the market try ing to recover from an abrupt slump just before noon. Shorts scurried to cover when it appear ed the labor skies might be clear ing, and their repurchases, . to gether with other buying, brought a rapid upturn. They established general net gains of 1 to 2 points or more. There was some late profit taking but final prices were near the highs In a tarn over of 1,586,640 'shares. The av erage Improvement of 1.7 points almost erased yesterday's loss. Motor Issues responded briskly. Chrysler and General Motors ris ing about 2 points each and Nash and Hudson more than a point. Rails had early moments of sogginess but strengthened with other groups. The market waa closed when it became known that the .carrier manageme nts had agreed to a continuation of the present wage scale. Wool Trade Eying Business Status BOSTON. March 10.-4JP-(V. S. DeDt. Aarr.l The wool marker wna very quiet. Members of the wool trade were maintaining a waiting attitude and were meanwhile watching closely the general bus iness situation. A few inquiries for wool were received, but there was apparently little real effort neing made in this market to buy any Bizeable quantities of wool. General Markeb PRODUCE ZXCHAKOE PORTLAND. Ore.. March 20. AP Prodnco exchange, net price: Butter r-itras Zdfte, standards 23c, prima firsts 23c, firsts 22c. Eggs U. 8. specials 16c. U. 8. extras lie. U. 8. mediants 13c. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Or March 20. (AP) Wheat Open High Low Close May 72 H 73 72 H 72 July 72 7214 72 72 Cash Big Bend blnestem 73 c; dsrk hard winter 12 per cent 78e. do 11 per cent 73c; aoft white, western white, hard winter, northern spring and western red 71 Vie. Oats No. 2 white 820.50. Corn No. 2E yellow 823.25. Hillrsn Standard 818. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., March 20. (API Batter Extras 25V&C, standards 25 He pound. Bntterfat Portland delivery: A grade 23-24e pound; farmer's door delivery 20-21e pound. Eggs Pacific poultry producers' sell ing; prices: Fresh extras 15e, standards 14c, mediums 18c dozen (cartons le higher). Buying price of wholesalers: Fresh Extras 16c dosen, firsts 14c, me dinxsa 14c, pullets 12c, undergrade 10c Cheese 92 score, Oreson triplets 12c; loaf 18c pound. Brokers wiU pay He below quotations. Milk Contract price, 4 per cent, Portland delivery fl.95 cwt. B rrade cream 87 He pound. Country meats Selling pries to re tailers: Country killed hogs, beat butch ers, under 50 pounds 9-9 He. Vealers 90 to 100 pounds 11-11 He pound; light and thin 6-8c pound. Heavy calves 5-6e pound. Yearling lambs 15c. Spring Iambi 19-20c pound. Ewes 4-7c pound. Canner cows 2H-3He pound. Bulls 5 -6c pound. Mohair 1934 buying price 25c. pound. Cascara bark Buying price 1934 peel 2H-3e pound. Hopa 1932 clusters, 24-28c pound. Live poultry Portland delivery, col ored fowla 1214c. Leghorn fowls 10 11c Broilers 1417c Stags 6c. Boosters 6e. Pe kin ducks 12c; colored 10c. Geese lOe ponnd. Onions Yakima $1.40-1.50 ; -'Oregon $1.40-1.50. Potatoea Local white and red $1.15 1.25 cental; Yakima $1.85-1.40; Des chutes $1.45-1.50; Bakers $1.65-1.70. New Potatoea Florida Triumphs $2.50-2.60 per 50 pounds, 7e pound; Hawaii $1.65-1.75 per 21-pound box. Strawberries Nominal. Wool 1934 clip, nominal; Willam ette valley 20-25c pound; eastern Oregon 25-260 pound. Hay Buying pries from producer: Alfalfa No. 1 new crop, $14-15. Eastern Oregon timothy $17. Timothy grasses, blended $15. Oats $37.50 ton. Vetch $14. Willamette vallay timothy $15. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore., March 20. (AP) Cattle Receipts 100, cales 25; steady, unchanged. Steers, good, common aad medium $3.65-6. Heifers, common and medium $3.25-5.25. Cowa, good, common and me dium $3-4.50; low cutter sad cutter $1.50-8. Balls, cotter, common and me dium $2.50-8.25. Vealers, good and choice $6.50-8; eolL common and medium $8 6.50. Calvea, good and choice $5-6; com mon and medium $2.50-5. Hogs Receipts 100; steady, unchang ed. Lightweight, good and choice $3.75 4.50; medinm weight, good and choice $4-4.50; heavyweight, good and choice $3.65-4.15. Packing sows, good $2.85 3.50. feeder and atocker pigs, good and choies $8.25-8.75. Sheep Receipta 600; choice wool Iambs 10-15e lower. Lambs, good and choice $8-9; com mon and medinm $6-8.25. Yearling weth ers $5-7. Ewes, good and choice $3.50 4.50; common and medinm $2-8.75. Copyright, 1934. Standard Statistics Co. March 20 STOCK AVERAGES i 50 20 20 SO India. BR'a. Uts. Total Today 95.0 49.5 76.2 84.T Previous dsy 93.0 43.6 75.0 83.0 Week age - 97.7. 60.9 78 4 87a Year ago , , 7. 51.4 28.8 72.7 51.6 3Yearaago 138.6 95.8 203.6 143.4 7 years ago 111.7 111.0 105.2 109.0 High 1934 105.0 54.8 90.8 93.8 Low 1934 89.1 41.8 64.8 77J BOND AVERAGES 20 20 20 India. RR's. Uts. 60 Total 85.1 85.1 85.1 67.1 97J 8501 74.$ Today 80.T 86.8 88.8 Previous day 80.8 80.5 61.7 8S.4 87.2 88.8 88.0 77.9 101.0 88.5 wee ago Year age 3 years age High 1934 . 62.1 88.6 102.1 81.8 87J ?$. T4.1 Low 1934 7TJ (1928 average equals 100.) Stocks and Bonds . - - i Salem Markets t!mde B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, flJSS per hundred. latllk feese. sa end-saentSly ktter!s average.) Distributor prka f 2.10. Batterfs Top 23c, frviats 24 He, cabesj20Hc Prlees psi4 ! growers bv Salsa borrrs March 80 CThe prices below, supplied by m local Kbcst. are Indicative ef tbe daily saarktt. t ore not soaraateed bv Tba Statesman ) rXTTXTg AJTD VXGETAIIlZS AlDsrsna lb. .06 Cauliflower. rraU Lwk. dca. benches Parsnips, ho a lag Turnips, box log Rutabagas, boa lug Brussels sprouts, lug Egg plant, local .40 and .05 .40 .60 - JO .50 .60 .05 90 to 1.15 Uabbage. ewt 8.25 Oreea peppers, Calif, Onions, doa. bunches Potatoes, local , Yakima Deschutes lb. .30 .15 . .75 to 1.00 -1.15 to 1.65 -1.10 to 1.45 Lena California, dry pack -2.-5 to S.50 -2.65 to 2.85 uamorata, 1 re union a, Labiaa Colon . dax. I.S5 i .60 1.00 Celery Hearts -ppuc .65 3.00 to 2.25 -3.65 to S.10 .20 20 .85 1.00 1.70 .05 Oranges, choice , Kavals, fancy Beeta, Joesi. doa. Carrots, local, -doa. uauxoroia Spinach, local crate . Texas Bananas, lb. on atallc Hands . Lonona ; .05 V. 5.75 J.00 Limes, fresh Avaosdoa. erota -2.75 -2.63 - 03 -8.75 2.25 .07 .06 .65 Tomatoes, California, ease Sweet potatoes, lb. . Grapefruit, Florida California Rese. Califc. lb. New potatoes. Ib. i , , Rhubarb -50 and ROM Cluster. 1988, Ib. top . 8TDTS Filberts. Ih . .80 .16 .20 J2H .12 H Walnnta. lbl Buying Prices Extras .. Mediums .11 .09 .15 .13 .11 .09 .05 .05 POXJLTET Colored hens, S lbs. Colored hens Colored medinm hens - Light hens Stsgs Old roosters '. MEAT 1934 spring Iambs, lb. Lambs, top Hoga, 160 to 200 lbs. , 200 to 225 lbs. 225 to 250 lbs. Pia - .10 6.50-7.00 4.35 4.10 3.85 8.60 .2.25 to 2.75 .03 H to .05 Sows . Steers Cows .01 H to .02 to .02 H to 5.00 to .02 H .024 .03 H .50 Bulla Heifera Veal, ton Ires&ed vm! tny .08 H Dressed hogs .08 UKAIfl AjiD Wheat, western red . hay' .57 w bite is . i .59 -14.00 -14.00 ..16.00 -16.00 Barley, feed. No. 1 ton Osts, feed, ton Parley, malting, top -Oats, milling, ton Hay, baying prices Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER Trf t m i' I- r - p i : w 22 22 , iH 25 vl U 27 26 """" H3 He Z HI W M? " """" 59 777 5. 57 5 777 5 40 r 2 2 YA I t I I VA I VA I HORIZONTAL I The sun 4 Part of "to be" 6 Pertaining to punishment II .What province of the Uniea ef South Africa was foande- by Dutch settlers from Capet Col ony! i Free State? 13 What Lord Protector of Eg bad refused the title of Kistf offered hint he 16S7t - Cromwell? 15 Have existence 16 Pertaining- to a rock having small round grains 18 Depart 19 One of the United States (abbr.) 21 Deities 22 Dutch cheese 24 Who was commander-in-chief of the Allied force at the close of the World War? 26 Warm weather drink 28 Greek letter 29 Negative ion 31 Shortening 33 Upon 34 Judgment 36 Thing aimed at 38 River in Siberia 40 Sketched 42 Free from confinement 45 Hiatus 47 One of the continents 49 Scheme 50 Pen name of Charles Lamb 62 Treat with neglect 54 Man's nickname 55 Hebrew name for God 56 Who preceded John Masefield a poet laureate of England? 59 Behold I 61 Fabric with a satiny finish 63 What inventor patented a process for obtaining rubber from goldearod shortly before his death? 65 Alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river 66 Concerning 67 Be indebted to VERTICAL 1 Weep convulsively 2 Of what state is Portland the principal commercial city? S Note of the teal 4 In eager desire 5 On what island ef the Cvclades was fantous statae of Veaus found? egg sim II PORTLAND, March 20.-iJP Egg market prices appeared bet ter In spots here because of th increasing call for storage ac count. The advance In the selling price on standards and mediums by the co-ops suggested this. Cheese market was showing a loss of le lb here with a cut of that amount reported by the Til lamook Creamery association. On the local exchange a fractional cut was forced. Weaker prices were suggested in the market for butter here with increasing make and soma gain in accumulations on dealers' floors. While lower values were suggested, 'none Is shown as yet Western Washington was wrecking the local light hen mar ket by flooding the trade her with more than its requirements. Heavy hemr and broilers were in call and at full prices. Aged lambs, wethers and ewea were not so firm for country kill ed along the wholesale way with some shading of prices except for yearling lambs. Spring lambs were weaker to lower and not la active call. Much additional weakness was reflected for old potatoes as tha season moves on. There was prac tically no speculative interest ia. country and many pits were stiff unopened. Anna C. Ditter is Laid to Rest From Sublimity Church STAYTON, March 20. Mrs. Anna C. Ditter. 80, died at her home in Sublimity March 18 She was born in Wisconsin January 19, 18 54. Her husband, John A. Dit ter, was a pioneer merchant of Sublimity, having come to that section in 1879. He passed away in November, 19 29. Mr. and Mrs. Ditter had no children. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Mary Ditter, of Sublimity, and several nephews and nieces. Funeral services were held at the Catholic church in Sublimity Tuesday, March 20. at 9 a. mM conducted by Rev. Francis Scher bring, with interment in the Cath olic cemetery there. Clover hay .. Oats and vetch, ton Alfalfa, valley, firt cut wool. Wool, medinm Course Mohair .11.00 -11.00 -12.00 .25 .23 .20 C What town on an bland ia the Havel waa, until 1918, a fa vorite residence of the German enporora? 7 High priest of Israel 8 Fine 9 Avenue (abbr.) 10 In music, connected without breaks 12 Negative 14 Citizen of Rome 17 Object of worship 20 Bitter 23 Prefix: down 24 Note of the scale 25 Covering for the head 27 Inland sea of Russia 80 Feminine name 32 Let fall 35 What is the capital of Sicily T 37 Brown bitter nut 38 Moldings with S-chaped pro files 39 Simple song of any kind 41 Coil i3 Of rtale. aiVltle mla ! 4 4 Half an em 1 46 Jumbled type j 48 Tool for boxing holes 1 51 Brother of Cain ! S3 What early English historian waa knowa as " VeneraCV ? 57 Steep in moisture 58 Note of the scale 60 Unit 62 Symbol for tellurium ' 64 Therefore. Herewith is the solution to yes terday's Puzrle. e- ' 0. I T E HA LKCOQRI NIG T LHT T t Hf 1U:R t U Nl E Rl mimmm 1 Cwrtfkt, III. Kiss raatess fcadieste, bat. i en the