The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, March 20, 1934 PAGE NINE is Unrest Unsettling vf U u re I t ' 'ST" I.,' Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per Una 10c Threw Insertions per line .......20e Six Insertions er Hn..30e Ons month per tins.. 11.00 Minimum chare . . . . ..25c Copy lor this p'age ac cepted on til 6:30 the even lag before publication for classification. Copy re vived after this time will be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes do financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear In advertisements pub lished in its columns, and ia cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising, tt fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED MALE Mtnrx"'-ruiiiii" -------- Wood cutter. A Chrlstenson. Lee, 157 Solicitor at once. Harry W. Scott. HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted- strong-, capable woman, ex perienced fa care ot sick, ana nouse work. Give references, age, phone no. Box 88. Statesman. Woman who does only housework. 5J N. 14th St SALESMEN WANTED Onrtortunitv to build a paying bus! tiess. Must nave car and $200 capital. Only persons with neat appearance considered. Box 43 care statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Saw rummlm and sharpening mils E. Four Corners. Tel. 4180 Kn 1 hat rut sreen. No weeds. Mrs. 3. IL Wright. AVt miles Wallace road. Beicrcst lots, at cost Tel. 4017. T-jx-fsrrij-)j-wui - -i--- l section Belcrest lota Sacrifice for Immediate sale. Tel. . Fertilizer, sand. dirt. TeL 860 j. Wood range with reservoir, excel lent condition, 123.80. ius . 1 For sale. pigs. Call 6524, evenings. Route 7. Hox 4. JLrLiUVXnjJuinrniii ..--..a Bantams and eggs. S3 N. 15th. 4AJ"iAAAnriri-i- -...-...... K!artv Brttlsli Queen seed potatoes TSC nunfltrea. A. scmeinan near rt ei . Old manure delivered. TeL 8088. - - - -- -- -- ------ Tmnroved Ore. and Triple X Mar shall strawberry plants. Also good oat pay ana norse raaian roota. -u air i. WANTED Miscellaneous OLD GOLD highest prices paid. Star Exchange. Cor. Cheroeketa N, Com'L St. iruruuLnj-i.r r r -i - -- -- -- - . rh paid for used furniture, ranges and tools ana iarm macninery. eu 4S5S. Wood range, best that $3.00 will bny. Tel. 9373, MISCELLANEOUS Haircuts 13O-20& 103 S. Winter. Free. We pick up dead worthies horses, cows, sheep, itu ses. Comnlete high school at home. Stan dard text, diploma. Information free. American School. Portland. Olrl Interested in learning labor torv analysis, ineruire 618 First Na ttooai Bank Bldg. Opening for stu dent. - . .: : FOR RENT ROOMS Nice room, -doge In. Tel. 4fi15 ROOM AND BOARD jf)j-i.ri-in i" --" -"-- -- -"-- -- - Board, room, table board. 754 Ferti . Tel. 7895. Board-room, 138 Court TeL 8878. XAj ' " H WMWV"H.".'" ' Board and room. 7e N. Church. Board, room, near F.O. Tel. 6483. FOR RENT APARTMENTS - Fan. apt, 2281 BaseL 7864. Small turn, apt, 889 Union. Furnished apt, Edgewatar Court Garage. TeL ilS4. ixru'i nrirw"-i- - -- - - - - - - - -- -- -' - Cocy 4 room furn. apt-, 1S. Xtis Hirer St ; . Mod. 8-room furn. apt Attractive location. 1820 State. TeL 8784. S room mod. furn. apt Close In. TeL C230. 8 room furn. apt 181 S. Church St llri.rxnjuui 'JM-MyMT"""--- - - "---- 3 and room furnished, heated arjartrnentMSMar FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and nnfurn, houses. R. A. FORKNER . 1110 N. Cottage TeL 80SL 3-rm. furn. bouse, adults. Anderson Court 440 Water St ! - For Rent Modern S room house, famished. Call 4855, 4 room modern house, rurnianea. 8tegner, 203 U. 8. Nat l Ban. I rooms furn. TeL 8840. , 8 furnished homes, one 830.00, the other $32.50. Small cottage wun acre for $10.00. s . P. H. BELL, 208 Oregon Btdg. WANTED TO RENT $5.00. Box 484 care Statesman. "FOR SALE-rReal Estate AAJ"'-rLnn.iTnOfinrrii rY - - -- -- - 1 nra af pherries. room cottage. driven well, garage and ben housa, $300.00 down, balance 8 terms to suit 1. M. Jo nil. 1 1, zwi vregon jhox. 2 A. S mL out good rd. Nice newly fin. house, S mn. and bath rm. Bis cement basement 2 big porches, dandy ' well, chicken house, perries, ciear, 1200, owner Fergie, tu. , uox s jjaaiem. FOR SALE Real Estate iaMMWNarfMAAMAAAAAMAMfiMAA FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE In North Salem. English type shin gled bungalow, 6 rooms, built ins, good plumbing, fireplace, full basement, fur nace, double garage, east iront tot with several choice fruit trees. Price $3000, part terms or will accept 4 or 6 room cottage near woolen mills not over $2000 as part. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street TeL 8703. GOOD BUTS IN REASONABLY PRICED HOMES 3 room cottage In North Salem, lot 40x127 ft. A RKAL SNAP for $550. cash $100, bal. lUce rent. North ISth street home in Engie- wood district, S room cottage, two lots each 43x137 ft., plenty of fruit and shade trees, shrubs and lawn. One street paved, garage. Real value lor $1700, cash $400. bal. liberal terms. Forced to sell to pay delinquent taxes. Four beautiful, east front lots in North Salem, each 50x159 ft, 8 room residence, barn, garage, fruit trees. If you want a real buy. let us show you this for only $2100, part terms. Large corner lot 90x10$ ft, some cherry trees. 7 room comfortable house, double garage. Distant owner will sacrifice price for quick sale. $850, C HI I. US MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Tel. S708. 4 A. adjoining the city limits of Sa lem, $450. 5 A. 1 ml. east of Salem on paved road, excellent soil, $I0flO. 10 A. Shi ml. N.E. of Salem, 5 room house, electric lights, all in crop, fine soil. 119 00. 30 A. 15 ml. from Salem. 18 A. In cultivation, 4 A. orchard, 500 cords of wood, creek, 6 room house, stock and Implements, $3350. 40 A. 30 in cultivation, sandy loam soil, fenced, well, creek, 500 cords of wood, crop, stock and equipment, In cluding 10 cows. 2 horse, $5500. Trade for small tract close to Salem. Melvin Johnson, 275 State. Tel. 6798 FOR SALE OR TRADE Stock of used and new furniture and second hand goods of all description. also coal business, equipped with scales and bins. Brick and steel building. 30x100 ft., v, of it 2 stories, and 4 lots. Will trade for income property or land. What have you? I must change climate on account of my health. Adflress K. w. Fhntnick. Gerintr. Neb. EXCHANGE Real Estate Will trade for acreage or Salem pro perty 133 acre farm. 12 A. prunes, 5 A. walnuts. 8 A. berries, 20 A. timber, good house, prune drier. Good creek on this place, several sprincs. Joins city limits small town. 1903 Maple Ave. 13 ncre in garden and berries, S room house. South Seattle. Value J1.000. Even trade for Salem. C. O. Johnson. 9615-16th S. W. Seattle, Wash. FARM WANTED Will trade 20 acres, new 5 room house, electric lights, basement, plumb ing, new barn, 3 poultry houses, also a 5 acre tract with full set of build ings, both clear of debt, for a farm of equal value. 50 or more acres. See HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC. For Real Estates Trades Hop farms are money makers. 100 A., lovely home, city conveniences, pavement, clear, for clear city proper ty, some cash. Kufuer Farm, Garden road. Box 1SS. Country home 2 3-4 A., garden and fruit, water, electricity, etc., for house in Salem. W. G. Grant, I. J. Critten den, Masonic Bldg. Tel. 6161. FOR SALE OR TRADE 13000. Good house, 8 rooms, good location. $50 down, $20 month or will trade equity for a smaller house. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Strx?t What have youf FOR SALE FARMS RIVER BOTTOM 78 acres, family orchard, running water and crops. Price 82500. $1000 down, balance terms. See HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC For Real Estate Trades 100 A., nice 8 rm. house, running water In house and bam, 2 barns, 2 silos, mod. milk house, fine dark soil, stream, 6 A. prunes, 85 walnuts, $5000 fed. loan. Price $10,000. 35 A. fine soli, 6 rm. house, barn, chicken house, $6000. Will take house in Salem. 10 A., 4 rm. house, nice bam, chicken house, gar., close to Salem, paved rd., tine soil, $3500 ; terms. 22 A. 2 mi. of town: 20 A. In cult., new house, barn, silo, chicken house, nice stream, on paved road a banrain. Take some trade. 83 A. Howell Prairie. 70 A. in cult. 6 rm. house, lights, water, a fine place with lots of fruit-w-a bargain. Have several calls for small acre ages list with us. R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage Tel. 8031 ACREAGE 80 A. homestead, attractive cabin, will relinquish write Box 433, States man. Business Opportunities $300 will start you In a clean pro fitable business including month rent and merchandise. Box 43s care States man. Have cash buyer for Karase or fill ing station proposition. Let me know what you have. H. C. Shields, Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. I have cash buyers for garage busi ness or service station, cut-over land; also highly Improved farms if can trade In some property outside the state. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8902 MONEY TO LOAN $5000 to loan on farm property. Must be good security. CHILDS ft MILLER. Mtge. Loans 844 State St TeL 6708. Bells of Harmony A nightly feature over Radio KOIN Announces A NEW DEAL In Ixans TJP TO 8300 AUTO-ENDORSED NOTE FURNITURE No fees, deductions or discounts, and only lawful rates charged. See us If you need money. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM Member of NRA Room 119, New BHgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-122 by STATE 518 State St TeL 8 7 4 0 Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest poa- tiDie rates. GENERAL VI.NANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Katl. Bank Bldg. Phone 8SS2 Licensed -r State -- - -- - -i-i-r--iiii-inj-inruu-i.TLnjLf Funds for farm leans now available 14; long term. Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Bldg., TeL 4 Its. nrLrL 8 $ EASTER MONET $ $ " To salaried men and women $5.00 to $36.001 te 0 months time. No security All loans confidential. STATE LOAN CO. 2 12-Oregon Bldg. Phone 7788 Lie. State B-IS5, LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Baby chicks. Warlners Hatchery. SIM N. Hft St at Highland avenue. i Mmmmmmmmmmm. I a 11 M MIi . V I Ik 7VM V ft Interesting Facts . . - Japanese manufacture electric light globes at a cost of 2c each. Fountain pens at 7ceach. o The average wage In Japan Is J from 26c to 81c for skilled labor. O Japan exports 60 per cent of what they manufacture. Twenty-1 eignt per cent oi cms to xsorm u o Children in Japan are allowed to wora, aiier iney icacu mo i of ten years. They receiTe about yci n The population of Japan is 6$ munon. An increase or. ten minion I in the last ten years. I n ! . 7 y , , I iijngiana DiocKaaea u. s. ports 121 years ago today. -O- Roy Stewart told us yesterday that Saturday was the biggest day in sales at the Salem liquor store. O The local office of the Union Oil company believe in tieing-in their pnone numner witn tneir i advertising They feature Union fH n tht ottrarHelnir an4 their 1 phone number is 7676. FOR SALE WOOD Second growth and old fir wood. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells. GUARANTEED ORT wood coal Tel S00Q Salem Fuel Co. Trad ft Cottage. Phone Tracy's, 39S8 tor dry wood. Call 4SF14. All wood. Smith A Rubens, Dry wood priced right TeL 7983. Old fir 16 in. $4.75. TeL 8590. MWwVwrWrWrWrrVrWrrr)rrrV Dry wood Tel. 8254. Dry wood. 1295 D SU TeL 4574. Dry old fir, oak, TeL 9769. Sawdust $4 unit TeL 9373. 4 ft oak wood for sale TeL $688. LOST AND FOUND LOST Sack flax seed on Salem-Sll- verton highway on March 17. Reward. Notify A. M. Hougen, Sllverton, Ore.. Rt 1. PERSONAL Partner wanted. Brunette. Age 8$. Must like Calif. P. O. Box 893. FOR SALE USED CARS We have 15 used cars to choose from, lr it t a usea car you want a us before you buy. SALEM AUTO COMPANT 435 N. Com'L TeL 4678. BORREGO'S BETTER BUTS 1930 Chev. Sedan $325 1928 Essex Coach (overhauled) 125 1927 Dodge Sedan 95 1929 Ford ton truck 175 TeL 3688. 240 Na Liberty Valley Motor Co. USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1933 Ford Std. Coupe $535 1931 Ford victoria 325 1932 Ford Std. Coach 475 475 1332 Ford Spt Coupe 1930 Ford Coach 275 225 1929 Ford Sedan 1929 Ford Pickup 195 895 450 535 165 1931 Pontlac Sedan 1931 Reo Sedan 1931 Bulck Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Studebaker Coupe 300 (0 40 19Z7 wnippet Sedan 1923 Essex 4 Coach 1926 Bulck 7 Pass. Sedan 150 Trucks 1931 Ford L. W. Base 400 1929 Reo Chassis .. 140 1928 Dodge Panel 200 185 1929 Chevrolet Marion and Liberty Phone 9910 WANTED USED CARS ' - ..-.... irin-.-i-uuT. Cash for car. Ph. $549 any time. Radi P rogram TUESDAY. March 80 SOW POETLAHD 620Ee. 7:00 Edward MacHnca. 7:15 Orgsa concert NBC. 7:30 Ronald Bock. 8:15 Your Child. NBC. 8:80 U. S. Marine bsad, NBC. 9:15 Cookinr school. 10:30 Womw'i Macaxise, NBO. 11:30 Smsckont NBC. 12:00 Johnny O'Brien, NBC, 12:15 Farm and Home, NEC. ueuy Marlowe, SoO, 8:00 Abe Bereovitt, violin. 8:45 Sheerio Mniel Mosaics, NBC 4:00 Soloist NBC 4:13 Ye mad Your Government NBO 4:45 Mary's Garden, NBC. o:ie aptaia trrtn. 8:00 Amos V Aodr. NBO. 10:30 Mark Hopkins orchestra. NBO. :vu Ainnatsaaor Hotel excbestra, 11:30 Bal Tabarin orchestra, NBO. XXX PORTLAND Ugo XS. T:45 Tango Time. 8:00 Breakfast elnb. 9:00 U. 8. Marine band, NBO. 9 :30 IHnee Eiythxm. 9:45--WiH Aubrey, NBO. 10:00 New Service, NBO. 10:07 Orcaa concert, NBO. 10:30 Ronald Beck. 13:05 Hill Billies. 12:15 INews. 12:35 Guy Lombado's ereBcitra. 12:48 Victor Saloa orchestra, 1:00 Ramon. 1:15 Same Trails. NBC 1:80 Ein f Crosby. 1:45 Duke Ellington' a ereatetra. S:00 World Bookman. 9:05 Maaical Genu. 8:45 Orebeatra. v .' 8:00 Mat, Frasees Aids, SnO. -4 3:80 Mid-Week Federation Hymn Sing, I Uten opened, foe- eonatrnetlon of ware NBC. 1 house, infirmary, bath end latrine build 8:45 -Initrumental soloist. . . lings, tent fieera sad eleetrie light ars 4:00 Three Pour Time. I tarn: siiatinc bnildinra and reoairiac ice 4:15 Green Bros. Marimbs band. 4:80 Orehetr, 4:45 Hawaiian flere-edexa. . Business Directory Cards la this directory nus oa a monthly basis only. Rate: l.QO per line pest month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek, 375 South Commercial. BARBERS Haircut 35c, Joe's Barber Shop. CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. Tel. $753. Hulda Helps Hostesses. TeL 4943. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Northnesa. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a u SCOTT, FSC, Chiropractor. 5 n. High. TeLRes. 8753. FLORISTS ---- nowers. wedding bouquets, fun- eral wreaths, decorations, c w. Brett haupt, florist. 677 Court. Tet S904. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor- ist, ieth ft Market TeL 0582. INSURANCE BECKB A HENDRICKS 189 N. High Tel. 4947. LAUNDRIES the new salem laundrt THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 263 S. High TeL 9131. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRT First in Quality and Service Telephone 3165 1264 Broadway, LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired, traded. We de liver. Harry w. Scott. TeL SlB. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069, NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sizing ; fluff rue weaving. Salem fluff Kug Mat tress Factory, a 13th ft Wilbur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est. 1911. MIRROR RESILVERLNG Spauldlng Lumber Co. Tel. 4116. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 431 State Street i Salem. PAINTING B. Benson. 8224 N. Lib. Tel. SS78. PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician L GL Altman. M. D. Homeopathtst Office and residence S07 Center St. TeL 5838. Treats both acute and I chronic diseases. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department 21S B. Commercial. Teie- RADIO SERVICE CERTIFIED RADIO SERVICE Tel. 3773 Court at Church REAL.ESTATE BECKE ft HENDRICKS, TeL 4947 STOVES STOVES and store repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, hooks, Iogan hooka Salem Fence and Stove works, zsz Chemeketa. Tel. 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call S13L Larzner Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 224 State St TeL 7771. Distributing for warding and storage our specialty, Get our rates WELL DRILLING R, A. West 10 years experience, RFD 7. Box 108. TeL llOFs. WINDOW CLEANING New deal window cleaners. TeL 9337, 5:00 Popular concert. 0 :80 Orebeatra. 8:80 Cirena Conrt of tba Air. 9:00 Balladettea, NBC. 0:30 Heats. 10:45 Pacific Beransders, N20. 10:00 Kawi Service, NBC. 10:55 New Servlee, NBO. XOAO OOBVAXXIS 600 Xs. 11:00 Hod era Poetry. iz :uo irara sour. 1:15 General Science for Higb Schools The liife of the aeney Bee" H. A. Bcollea. 1:45 Old Familiar Sosga Harold Witcraft. 3 SO Famooa People end Other Topic. 3:45 Famous Oregon Collection. 3:00 Mra. Vera Brandon "Adjuit- ing te the Big raraily Society." 4:80 Oregon Stone for Boys end Girls. 5:45 Veapert Dr. James E. Hilli gaa. 6:00 Line on Life Jamas . Mor- - rls. 8:80 Harm hour. T:0 The Oitien and His Sckool "fitting the Misfit H. B. Leelett. ; 8 :00 Maaieale Marie Orlando pianiit. 8:18 J, R, Jewell Deea and director ef education, Oregon state ay item of blgber edmeatlos. S:t0 "Viawal Aids te Instraetloa TJ. 8.- Bart. BIOS TOB COKSTBtrcnON-Offlee of the United States Property end Dla buriing Officar for Oregon, 413 State Of fice Building. Salens, Oregon. Seeled pro posals in triplicate will be receired her until 2:00 P. If. Here. 21, 1934, sad I boxes st Camp Clatsop, Oregon. Farther " information oa applicstioa. M. 1-2-3 4 - 18 SO, STILL INCREflSiriB State Not k Jug in Egg Situation; Lamb Bids Below Expectations PORTLAND, March Ontpnt of butter continued to in crease locally and all through the immediate Portland territory. Re ceipts of butterfat hare been greater for fully a week but prices paid remained steady. With the state of Oregon still doing nothing materially to aid the situation, the market for eggs was still badly jammed here with resulting loss to operators. Strong demand was suggested all through the chicken trade with the exception of light and medium hens which were inclined to rule dull eren though the marketing movement was small. While the country still has vis ions of extreme prices for lamb- as well as for old stuff, trade in the spring stuff was rather slow with buyers unwilling to bid up for their normal needs Late receipts in all lines of country meats have been small. This has been considerable aid to the demand for veal and hogs, es pecially the former. Prices were firmly held all around. Market for cauliflower-broccoli was firmer, and higher in spots with sales of Is to 90c to $1 crate and 2s moving as high as 75c. Receipts from both Roseburg and local points were comparatively light. Some field grown rhubarb was being offered 70c for 15s. New potatoes were temporarily short and firmer priced. A small supply of Mosler aspar agus was offered $1.80 dozen. EARLY LIB CHOP HIGHER THIN 1933 The early spring lamb crop of 1934 in the principal early lamb ins states as a whole is a little larger than the early crop of 1933, according to reports received by the United States department of agriculture as of March 1. The condition ot early lambs about March 1 this year averaged some what better than did the 1933 lambs. There is considerable dif ference in the relative situations In the different early lambing areas this year from that of the preceding two years. In Oregon and Washington and other far western states, weather and feed conditions the past winter have been exceptionally good and much above either 1933 or 1932. In the southeastern states the early lambing season this year was much less favorable than for some years. Unusually cold weather in February cut oft the supply of green feed and checked the growth of lambs. Pastures will be late. In Texas, old feed has been very short and new teed is late in starting. In general, the market movement of early lambs from the west will be somewhat earlier than last year, and from other sections somewhat later. The California early Iamb-crop this year Is probably a little larger than that of 1933, the decrease in ewes being more than offset by an increase in lambs saved. The South San Joaquin valley, how ever, failed to get the early rains that covered most of the state; feed conditions there have been very poor, and the early Iambs there have not done well. Eastern shipments will probably start the latter part of March and the aver age date of the eastward move ment will be earlier than last year, with more shipped in April and less in June. The proportion of feeder lambs In the eastern shipments is expected to be much smaller than last year and the quality of the slaughter lambs higher than for some years. In Texas, although the winter was mild in the principal sheep territory, old feed was very short and new feed will be late. Early lambing considerably reduced and early lambs have not done well. Sheep are in poor condition, and the marketing of gress fat yearl ings and wethers will bo late and probably in much smaller volume than last year. Weather conditions in Idaho, Washington and Oregon during the past winter were exception ally good, and prospects are favor able for early range feed. Early lambing conditions were very good and much above last year. 5 E HAZEL GREEN, March 19. The neighborhood is engaged In planting strawberries. Alex Sharp has a crew of 12 busy. B. C. Zlel inskl is to plant two acres of Etterburgs on the Frank Ware farm now owned by Hawkins Roberts of Salem. Mr. Zlellnskl cleared loganberries and cherry trees from the plot. Charles Ziei Jnski, Jr., will plant 15,000 Mr shalls soon. Others planting this variety are Perry Saunders, four acres; C. A. Kobon, three; Guy Allen and Glen Looney, 11 acres. The Looney's are using a plant er constructed by Ben Clemens. With the planter three men plant ed five and one - half acres in a day and a half, 21,000 plants. A team is osed for power. One man drives, the ether two plant. The machine is doing as good work as an expensive planter used lnn nft f R Williamson farm - . . : last year, PHI Mil I SM its wtimm HEAVIEST DECLiHE NEW TOR1C. March 1I-V Decllnes preyalled la the financial markets today, stock kuto op roughly one to three points and domestic corporation bonds, which late last week developed signs of easiness, . were more- definitely lower. Commodities also faTored the downside, thoogh cotton, af ter passage of the Bankhead bill by the house, reduced earlier losses. Labor matters loomed large in the day's news, and specula tire Quarters expressed their uncer tainty by moderate offerings in the security markets. Stocks had a rather active dip around noon. but most ot the day their decline was sluggish. Transfers totaled 1,539,060 shares. Industrial stocks had the larg est artrage decline of the three major groups, motors and steels being especially heavy. U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, General Motors, Chrysler, Nash and National Steel were down one to more than two points. Metals weakened when the market heard that house action on the Fieseinger bill for silver purchases had been halted at the request of the White House. Sil ver Metal also slumped again, thou.'h not as sharply as last Thursday. TJ. S. Smelting lost 3H net. General Markets PBODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND. Ore, Marc- 19. (AP) Produce exchange, net price: Butter Extrai 23 He. atandards 23 He, prime lint 23 c. firata 22 He. Egga U. S. apeciala 16-. U. 8. extra 14c, V. U. mediuma 13e. Portland Grain POBTLAXD, Ore, March 19. ( AP) Wheat Open High Low Cloa May 73 73 12 72tt July ..72H 72 72 72 Caut Big Bend blueatem lifte; dark hard winter 12 per cent 78c. do 11 per cent 73c; aoft white, western white, hard winter, northern spring and western red 71 Vie. Oat No. 2 white $20.50. Corn No. 2 yellow $23.25. Millrus Standard SIB. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore, March 19. ( AP) Batter Extra 25 He, atandard 25 He pound. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade 23-24c pound; farmer'a door delivery 20-21e pound. Eggs Pacific poultry producer' aell ing price: Freah extra 15c. itandarda 13c, mediums 13c doien (cartons le higher). Buying price ot wholesalers: Fresh Extras 16c doxen, firsts 14c, me diuma 14c, pulleta 12c, undergrade 10c. Cheeae 92 score, Oregon tripleta 12 Vic; loaf 13 Vac pound. Brokera will pay He below quotations. Milk Contract price, 4 per cent, Portland delivery 01.95 cwt. B grade cream 87Vc pound. Country meats Selling price to re tailers : Country killed hogs, beat batch' era, under 50 pounda V-SVc. Vealera 00 to 100 ponnds lOe pound; light and thin 6-8e pound. Heavy calves 5-Se Dound. Yearling lambs 15c. Spring lamba 25e pound. Ewe 4-8e pound. Csnner Cow 2V4-3V4e pound. Bulla 5-5 Vie pound. Mohair 1934 buying price a&e ponna. Cascars bark Buying price, 1938 neel 2 Via pound. Hop 1932 cmatert, z-zt)c poune. Live poultry Portland delivery, col ored fowl 12-14c. Leghorn fowl 10-1 lc Broiler 14-17& Staca 6c. Rooster Be. re- kin ducks 12c; colored 10c. Oeeae 10 pound. Onions Takima $1.40-1.50; Oregon 1 1.40-1.50. Potatoes Local white and red $1.15 1.25 cental; Takima, $140-1.45; Dea chutea $1.45-1.50; baker $1.65-1.70. New Potstoe Florida Triumphs $2.50-2.60 per 50 ponnds, 7e pound; Hawaii $1.50-1.75 per 21-pound box. Strawberriea Nominal. Wool 1984 clip, nominal; Willam ette valley 2.0-2 5e pound; eastern Oregon 25-26c pound. Hay Buying price from producer: Alfalfa No. 1 new crop, $14-15. Xaitern Oregon timothy $17. Timothy grasses, blended $15. Oats $37.50 ton. Vetch $14. Willamette valley timothy $15. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., March 19. (AP) Cattle Receipts 1700; some cow 25e higher. . Steer, good, common and medium $8.65-6. Heifers, common and medians $3.25-5.25. Cows, good, common end me dium $3-4.50; low cotter end cutter $1.50-8. Ball, eatter, common and me dium $2.50-8.25. Vealera, good and choice $6.50-8; call, common end medium $S 6.50. Calves, good and choice $5-6; com mon and medium $2.50-5. Hogs Beceipts 8000; 10-15e lowar for killers. Lightweight, good and choice $S.7S 4.50; medium weight, good and choice $4-4.50; heavyweight, good and eboiee $3.65-4.15. Packing aowa, good $2.85 3.50. Feeder end ateeker pigs, good end choice $3.25-8.75. Sheep Receipt 2300; ateady te weak Lamb, good and eboiee $8-9.15; com mon end medium $6-6.25. Yearling weth er $5-7. Ewe, good and eboiee $3.50 4.50; common end medium $2-3.75. NOTICE OF HEARING OF OBJECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that ALBERT HUNT, as the duly appointed, qualified and acting administrator of the estate ot HOWARD M. HUNT, deceased, has duly rendered and presented for settlement and tiled in the County Court of the County' of Marion, State of Oregon, a final account of his administration of said estate, and that Tuesday, the third day ot April, 1934, at the honr of ten o'clock in the tore noon of said day, at the court room of said conrt In the Marion County Courthouse, in the City of Salem, County of Marion, State of Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by said court as the time and the place for the hearing ot objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published the twenty-seventh day of February, 1934. ALBERT HUNT, as Ad ministrator of the Estate of HOWARD M. HUNT, Deceased.' CARSON & CARSON, Attorneys for Administrator. F. 27; M. -l$-20-27. CLINIC IS TOMORROW ' LIBERTY, March 19. An all day clinic will be held at Liberty hall Wednesday for pre-school children in this vicinity, with the county health department In charge. Doors open at 9:30 a. m. Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, 1JS0 per huadred. fJOni ftesea ei eend-mostUy battuf at aventej " Distributor price 92.10, Batterf at Tep 23c, prlau 24Hc, cwbee SSHc Prlees ei41 te ameer t Balsa kayere . M,T 1 tTke arleee e4o. eppnea by a loeal freeae. are lwiierr at tin daHy aaarket. "tE-SSJ 1W1 by The MMnag ) raUXa ABO TBOEZABLBJ Aipsruas. lb. .08 Caaliflwirer, erste .AO and .03 Leeic, dca. boiicbea jta Panaipa, bos la a Turnips, bos tag .30 Rntabstaa, boa lug Jo Bra teU sprout a. lug .60 Ect plant, toed -.OS Cahbafe. cwt . 90 to 1.15 Spokant, ewt 2.25 uraaa pepper, oalif, lb. 10 Onlona. doa. bnncbaa - .15 routees. local . .75 to 1.00 -1.15 te 1.65 .1.10 te 1.45 Yaklata Desebntes Lett or California, dry peck . L25 te 2.50 uauiornik. ice- . .3.65 te 8.85 Omoos, La bah Celery, dax. . Celery Hearts Applies Home Beaaty Oranges, eholc r, , Ksrslt, fancy ,,. Beats, iocal. dox. Carrot, ioeml. dox. 1.35 .SO 1.00 63 .2.00 to J. 2 5 2.5 te 8.10 - .20 . JtO . .85 .1.00 -1.70 . X5 - .05 Vi -5.75 .1.00 .2.75 .2.65 - 03V4 .8.75 .2.25 . .07 . .08 .65 Cauiornia Spinach, loeal crate Texas Bananas, lb. en stalk Hands Lemona Limes, freah Avacado. crate Tomatoes. California, eaa Sweet potatoes, lb. ' Grapefruit, Florida California Re ax, Calif., lb. new potatoes, lb. una barb .50 and BOPS Clatter, 1988, lb. top .80 HOTS Filberta. Ib. .12 to .16 Walnuta. lb. .12 V. to .20 Baying Price EGOS Extra it Mediums .09 POTTZiTBT Colored hens, 5 lbs. .15 .13 .11 .09 .05 .05 Colored hen Colored medium ben Light hen btag Old rooster MEAT 1934 spring Iambs, lb. Lambs, top Hoga, 160 to 200 lb. 200 to 225 11. . 10 .6.50-7.00 4.25 4.00 225 to 250 lbs. Pifts -. Sows ; Steer - Cowa Bulla ...3.75 3.50 -.2.25 to 2.75 .03 Vi to .05 .01 Vi to .02 Vi .02 to .02 .02 U to OSli Heifer Veal, top 5.00 to 5.50 Wrested veal, top .08 V4 Dressed hoira .08 OBAXH AND BAT Wheat, western red .57 White No. 1 .59 Barley, feed. No. 1 ton Oat, feed, ton Barley, malting, top Oat, milling, ton ; Hay. bavins pnrei .14.00 14.0 16.00 -16.00 .11.00 -11.00 ..12.00 Clover hay Oafs and vetch, ton . Alfalfa, valley, first cut wooi. Wool, medium Coura Mohair .25 .28 JO NOTICE The state treasurer will pay all general fund warrants endorsed "Not paid for want of funds" on February 2 to 6, 1934 inclusive. Interest on such warrants ceases on this date. March 20, 1934. Rufus C. Holman, State Treas urer. M-20. Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER ti ia 777 rj 2r- .. . V 777 23 23 - PP v- ? R" zr2 777X1 n jKii-io 777.-1 --j l I 1 I vm I I I 1 J HORIZONTAL 1 a large bundle 6 implement resembling shovel 9 constructed 13 similar 16 consumed 18 confined 17 following the exact words 19 confining in a narrow compass 53 untruth 64 rash 55 under ground , parts of plants 57 to rippla 89 having small eleva tion 60 uphold 62 pasture 64 impenetra bly hard 66 marking the com mencement 21 assembled 68 worth B-J0UX ei-wing of a 24 to score house equally 25 snare 27 escape from cleverly 28 eccentric portion of a wheel 30 waste piece of cloth 32 sheep &Z to place 35 one who gives con fidence 38 most - precious 41 m that manner 42 no 43 social insect 44 that man 45 stammer 48 visionary 50 born 51 lyric poem 71 part 72 emitted blood Herewith is nrday's Puzzle.'i i mEmmPkssm OfrtM lilt DRESSED VEAL UP OH LOCJU. MARKET Local market prices took few changes yesterday. Dressed veal was quoted higher to S8.S0 a hundred. Hogs, live, were down 25 cents per hundred, to top of 14.25. This year's crop of lambs was still Quoted at 10 cents a pound. Veal, live, was quoted at from f 5 to $5.50 a hnndred. Federal estimates on the 1934 barle yacreage shows a 17.6 per cent increase over 1933. with 11,818,000 acres estimated te go in the fields this year. The great est increase in acreages is . re ported in the Dakotas, where drought damage last season was severe and abandonment unusu ally heavy. Oregon acreage will be 10 per cent below last year, It is estimated. 1EAT DEPRESSED; cn GETS I CHICAGO, Mar. ls.-fjFHMisgiv- ings about labor unrest did much to unsettle the wheat market to day and bring about lower prices. A maximum setback of 1, cents a bushel for wheat took place, but much of this loss was overcome later, owing In consid erable degree to cotton market rallies that accompanied house adoption of the Bankhead cotton control bill. In some quarters. enactment of a similar measure to govern wheat production has been forecast. Wheat closed nervous, M to 5-8 under Saturday's finish, corn unchanged to U lower, oats 1-S to down, and provisions vary ing from 20 cents decline) to an advance of 2 cents. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May 87-87; July 87V4-U; Sept. 88-88 Vs. Corn May 50-51 July 52: Sept. 54. Oats May 33-; July 34; Sept. 34tf-. Stocks and Bonds Copyright. 1034. Standard Statistic Co. March 1 STOCK. AVEEAGES 50 20 20 SO IndU. KR'a. Utt. Total Today 93.0 48.6 75.0 8S.0 Previouiday 95. 1 49.9 76.6 84. Week ago 97.9 50.5 77.S 87.0 Year age 52.1 28.7 75 J 67.S S years age 2-138.1 95.0 203.9 1 43.0 7 years ago 111.7 111.0 105.2 109.0 High 1934 105.0 54.S 90.3 93.S Lew 1934 89.1 41.8 S4.S 77.S BOND AVERAGES 20 20 20 CO India. ER'a. TJts. Total 80.8 86.4 88.8 85.1 Teday Previous dsy 81.1 87.0 88.5 85.$ Week ago 80.8 87.0 87.7 85.0 Year ago 62.1 61.9 78.4 67J S year eg 88.7 102.0 101.1 97.$ Higb 1934 81.2 87.8 88.5 85.S Low 1934 T2.6 T4.1 77.2 74.$ (1926 average equals 100.) 73 coarse 74 large plant VERTICAL 1 Anything that miti- gates pain 2 foreigner 8 scatters 16 tooth en a wheel for motion 18 exist 20 undivided 23 a cutting tool 26 jeered at articles 28 shorten 4 augment by 29 to rope scanty 31 frame for holding fuel while burn ing 33 compart ment ef door 34 austere 36 drunkard 37 organ of ' eight 89 spike of : addition 6 idle talk 7, near 8 settled 9 chart 10 perturb 11 cotton drilling 12 rim 14 before corn the solution to Sat- iiSl 46 notnoticina 47 T- cock 48 particulars 49 more like meal ; 62 speck . 64 pattern ' 65 operate 56 wickednesi 58 concord j E9- Vfln m inK - iM i23Kitfrr sheep, 60 vested -. 61 pinch ' 63 opposite of faweather 65 -diddle ' 67 smalt bird 1 70-beholdl 1 Kkw Kate tra-ae la.