The' OREGON CTA1IAN SaleeC OiiW Scaday MQgMaixh 18 1931 PAGE SEVEN sSell at . t mm il i VdlleuHob 'M'Uents'ii THEY PULL QUICK HEDULT5 r I I; ? - ; V v t -1 V 4 t - -4 I 4 f Statesman Classified Ads " Call 91-1 : Classified Advev-tist-g1 ' Single insertion per line 10c Threo Insertion! per line .... .20c Sis insertions : er Uno. .30c One month per Una.. $1.00 Minimum charg .......25c ' Copy for this - page ac cepted until f:30 the even ing before publication for classification- Copy re ceived after this Urn will be ran . under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished lh its columns, and in cases where this paper is at, fault will reprint thatr part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The statesman reserves the right to reject objec tional - advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. HELP WANTED MALE ru-L-i--1ri"--'"'."'n''i Wood cutters.1 A Christenaon. 1597 Ue. i Solicitor at once. Harry W. Scott. njLruin-ririi"B tei KT rflFTEE ROUTE MEN Bl reliable national company needs Mrim. nniuMRiflrv mir musx. oe uny- ' aically able and -willing to service 200 steady consumers on protected route and work 8 hours a day. Route par up te J3T.50 week. Write Albert Mills, Routs Mgr., 6494 Monmouth, Cincin nati. O. ' HELP WANTED -FEMALE faJxrtiLLrijij irir" i r- i-r - T " " LADIES List names and addresses pare time for mall order firms. Good pay. -i Experience unnecessary. Stamp brings details, Holt Servioe, Nichols, N. Y. - Earn extra money copying; Names. Addrea im tar mail order firms. Home para time, experience unnecessary. Write for information. Circle Advertis ing, 401 Broadway. New York. PERMANENT ' Position open April 2 for woman with good education and common . sense, who can work full time and travel when necessary. State are and .qualification In application. Box 13 care Statesman. TEACHERS WANTED We bare several good-paying sales positions open now and during vaca tion for men and. women between 25 and 40, With Normal school or Col lege training; and three years' teach ing experience. Oire age. education, experience in letter asking for per sonal Interview. Address F. E. COMP TON CO.. 1301 Northern Life Tower. Seattle, Wash. -' SALESMEN WANTED - Opportunity to build a paving busi ness. Must have car and $300 capital. Only persona with neat appearance considered. Box 424 care Statesman. SALESMEN Earn $100 weekly: framed, com. $ SO 0,000 punchboard firm lias new plans. No Invest Ik A. stork. Write Factory Rep., K. A 8. Sales Co., See H. Kohler St., Los Angeles. SITUATIONS WANTED Toung lady, college graduate, desires clerical or other suitable work. Tel. S5I2. SIS N. Liberty St Toang lady is tn need of office work, bookkeeping, typing, etc. References furnished. Tel. S9SS. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Saw gumming and sharpening anile E. Four Comers. TeL 4280. " Ko. 1 hay cut green. No weeds. Mra . J. HL Wright, 4 hi miles Wallace road. , Belcrest lots, at cost. TeL 4017. : 1 section Belcrest lota Sacrifice for Immediate sale.. TeL 6367. FerUlixerrsand. dirt TeL 8605, ' arinnnoi-irM-irw-irwririnri i i-i-i-i i- - - Sheep ready to lamb. Mrs. J. H. Wright, K mL on Wallace Road. Wood range with reservoir, excel- - Trimmed Oregon and Corv. No. 12 strawberries cheap. Inquire 10 N. gammer. For sale, pigs. Call 5514, evenings. Route t. Box 4. , Rantams and eggs. 534 N. 15th. Early British Queen seedT potatoes T5c hundred. A Schiemaa near West 8 lay ton. t Old taanure delivered. TeL 8088. Improved Ore. and Triple X Mar shall strawberry plants. Also good oat bay and bora radish roots. TeL 61F15. Ladles beautiful Silk Hose, slightly imperfect-S pairs, $1.09, postpaid. Sat lrf action guaranteed. Economy Hosiery Co. Aaheboro, N. C For Sale Logan plants, 1 cent Italian bees, IS colonies. 585 Pied tnont St. W. Sahm. WANTED MLscelLaneons - OLD GOLD- highest prices paid. Star Exchange. Cor. Chemeketa A N. CoraT. 8t - ' Cash paid for used furniture, ranges and tools and farm machinery. TeL 4 SOS. -- ; . Wood range, best that $5.00 will buv. Tel. 937i. ailSCELLANEOUS . Haircuts ISc-tOo. $03 8 WlaUr. fcf ? Free. We pick op dead worthies ' norses, cows, sneep. -iei. ib. - WANTED Names men. 18-35. Ash ing, become V. 8. Government Railway Postal Clerks, Start $158.00 month. Apply today sure for particulars and ltt government positions. IS coached f REE. ox 1293F care Statesman. Complete high school at home. Stan dard: text, diploma. Information tree. American Sictwt, Prtrtland. - FOR RENT R003IS Nlee room, clowe In. Tel. 4515. ROOM AND BOARD Neat cosy room, including breakfast nd washing, $3.51 week. SOt & Win ter. TeL 77$. - Board, room, table board. Tie Ferry. 11. ?. - " r ROOM AND BOARD Board and room. 790 N. Church. Board, room, near P. O. TeL 6481, Room, board, $4 wk. Tel. 7313. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Furn. apt, 2361 HazeL 7664. Small furn. apt, 630 Union. Furnished apt., Eds-ew ater Court. Garage. TeL 5154. First floor, -92 K. Summer. , Coxy 4 room furn. apt, 116. 105 River St. Mod. J-room turn, apt Attractive location. 1320 State. TeL 8754. S room mod. furn. apt. Close in. Tel. 2S0. 2 room furn. apt 191 S. Church St wwim furaleihoil. heat fed apartments, zta iianoa ou FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. cottage. 696 N. Cottage. Furn. and iinfurn. houses. R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage Tel. 3031 3-rm. furn. house, adults. Anderson Court. 440 Water St. For Rent Modern 6 room bouse. furnished. Call 48o5. 4 room modern house, furnished. Stegner, 202 U. S. Nat l Bank. 2 rooms furn. Tel. 8840. FOR RENT For Rent Houses and apartments. furnished and unfurnished. See Mr. To rens with Socolofsky Son. TeL 7807. For Rent 35 acre farm. Lease for 3 years, share rent. Now in crop. 15 A. grain. 8 A. strawberries, some fruit fair Wdga. Takes $50 cash to get lease and crop share- See Bechtel or inoma son, 341 State St. WANTED TO RENT Unfurn. house or apartment, close in. 35.00. Box 434 care Statenan. FOR SALE Real Estate TOWTDPPORTUNITY, DON'T WAIT 8 acres, close In, on paved road. Close to bus line. Fine soil. Mostly in nuts, cherries, apples and berries. Dandy 6-rm. house, bath and toilet downstairs and toilet upstairs. Plaster ed house. Also bam, poultry house. If sold at once, only $4850. $1500 down. DANDY MODERN SUBURBAN Modern 5-rm. house, basement, elec tric lights and water system. Modern bath room, built-in kitchen, everything new and modern. Garage. On paved street close to school. Only $2950. J AS. D. SEARS, Realtor 112 S. High St FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE In North Salem. English type shin gled bungalow, rooms, built Ins, good plumbing, fireplace, full basement, fur nace, double garage, east front lot with several choice fruit trees. Price $3000, part terms or will accept 4 or 5 room cottage near woolen mills not over $2009 aa part CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street TeL 6708. "Two large lots, Brerman St Cheap for cash. Inquire S44 N. 12th. GOOD BTJTS IN REASONABLY PRICED HOMES S room cottage in North Salem, lot 40x127 ft. A REAL SNAP for $550. cash $100, bat like rent. North IStli street home In Engle wood district, 8 room cottage, two lota each 45x137 ft. plenty of fruit and shade trees, shrubs and lawn. One street paved, garage. Real value for $1706. cash $100, bal. liberal terms. . Forced to sell to pay delinquent taxes. Four beautiful, east front lots In North Salem, each 60x150 ft., 8 room residence, barn, garage, fruit trees. If you want a real buy, let us show you this for only $2100, part terms. Large comer lot 90x108 ft., some cherry trees, ? room comfortable house, double garage. Distant owner will sacrifice price for quick sale. 3850. CHILDS & MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street TeL 4708. HOME BUYS $800 will buy two good lots and 5-rm. house on paved street Take $400 down. A snap. ANOTHER ONE , $2500 buya a strictly modern B-rm. house on paved street, good location. wortn iiuuo more? 8oe JAi D. SEARS, Realtor 132 S. High St. 2Vi acres 1 mL north, 35 walnuts S yrs. old. Good gravel road, 200 feet off pavement $50. $100 down. W. G. Grant, I. J. Crittenden, Masonic bldg., TeL 4181. CLOSE TO WOOLEN MILL 4 and 5 room houses, $1400 each, terms. Socolofsky ft Son. SPECIAL HOME BARGAINS $3950 will buy a good modern six room home located near Leslie school, large lot, east front, late construction, $14S0 down, bal. terms. A REAL BAR GAIN. $2750 Five room plastered home with basement furnace, fireplace, large attic, double garage, fruit trees, located In E. Salem. Easy terms. A" W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 134 & Liberty St TeL HtS 24 acres, 13 acre in prunes, 2 acres filberts, 30 big cherry trees. Family orchard. Prune drier. 2 houses. Join ing small valley town. Price $3500. Easy terms. Owner once refused $17, 000. Rich I Reimann, 167 S. High, TeL 8632. 4 A. adjoining the city limits of Sa lem, $150. "i A. 1 mL east of Salem on paved road, excellent soiL $1000. . 10 A. 6 ml. N.E. of Salem. S room house, electric lights, all in crop, fine solL $1900. 30 A. 15 ml. from Salem. 18 A. In cultivation, 4 A. orchard, (00 cords of wood, creek, 6 room house, stock and implementa, $3250. '40 A. 30 in cultivation, sandy loam soli, fenced; well, creek, S00 cords of wood, crop, stock and equipment In cluding 10 cows, t horse. 65500. Trade for mall tract dose to Salem. Melvln Johnson, 275 State. Tel. 6796 EXCHANGE Real Estate Win trade for acreage or Salem pro perty 133 acre farm, ISA prunes, 6 A. walnuts, S A. berries, 20 A. timber, good bouse, prune drier. Good ereekr on this place, several springs. Joins city limits small town. 1905 Maple Ave. r 18 acre in garden end berries, 8 room house. South Seattle. Value $1,000. Even trade for Salem C O. Johnson, $61 5-1 6th & W. Seattle, Waab. . FARM WANTED Will trade 20 acres, new I room bouse, electric lights, basement plumb ing, new bars, 3 poultry bouses, also a. 5 acre tract with full set of build ings, both dear of debt, for a farm of equal value, 60 or more acres. See HAWKINS ROBERTS, INC. For i Real Estates Trades Hop farm are money makers. 100 A, lovely heme, city conveniences, pavement,: dear, for clear city proper ty, some cash. Kufner Farm, Garden road, box: i ss. Interesting Facts... About" 13,541 of the nation's 17,600 banks were re-opened a year ago today after the bank holiday. O Blossom Day next Sunday. Only three times In the past 20 years has Blossom Day occurred in March, in 1915 the date being March 24, the earliest on record, followed by March 28 In 1926 and March 29 in 1914. Last year, due to a late season, the event was observed April 23., Blossom Day celebrations have been held on the following dates: March. '29, 1914; March 24, 1915; April 4, 1916; May 1. 1917; April 10, 1918; April 19, 1919; April 23, 1920; April 4, 1921; May 7, 1922; May 6, 1923; April 13, 1924; April 12, 1925; March 28, 192 ; April 24, 1927; April 15, 1928; April 28, 1929; April 13, 1930; April 12, 1931: April 17, 1932, and April 23, 1933. O Easter comes on Sunday, April 1st. -O- Fishing season opens April 5th. O Next week is "Financial Inde pendence week." 0 They used to say the bootleg gers could not be controlled on account of prohibition. Now the liquor commission admits they can't control them and that they are only selling a small percent of the total liquor being used. O We suggest that the best thing to do is to move the state police in on the bootleggers. We believe they could clean them out. O Someone told us that the secret of good health was to eat lots of onions. We can't figure out Just how we could keep it a secret. EXCHANGE Real Estate Beach cottages and store, close m. hnlnait- Take farm or city property to $10,000, A. care Statesman. GOOD TRADES Farms for houses or acreage. S2000 farm. 21 A., eoulty for house. $4000 choice 5 A., mod. bungalow. for house or acreage lesa value. $6500 fine 102 A. well Improved farm for small acreage or service sta tion. $150 MONTH INCOME PROPERTY $18,000, trade for a good farm. $3000 semi-business property. Equity for cheaper house. See Bechtel or Thomason, 311 State FOR SALE FARMS RTVTER TWTTOM 78 acres, family orchard, running water and crops. Price $2500. $1000 down, balance terms. See HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. For Real Estate Trades BEST ft CHEAPEST RANCH Never such bargain again ! 302 acres, 280 acres cult, and most ly crop. 20 acres timber and lots of good pasture for sheep or cattle, plenty water and good fences. Dandy 7-rm. house, bath, toilet. 2 barns, poultry house, machine shed, sheT shed, 4 A. R. A. cherries. Only 10 miles of Salem, at only $38 per acre. $2500 down will handle. Bal. easy. Don't pass this up. JAS. D. SEARS, Realtor 132 S. High St 100 A., nice 6 rm. house, running water In house and barn, Z bams. 3 silos, mod. milk hous, fine dark soil. stream, 6 A. prunes, 85 walnuts, $3000 red. loan. Price J1Q.00O. 35 A. fine soil. 5 rm. house, barn. chicken house, $6000. Will take house in salem. 10 A.. 4 rm. bouse, nice barn, chicken house, gar... close to Salem, paved rd., fine soiL $3500 : term a 32 A. 2 hi mL of town: 20 A. In cult,-- new house, barn, silo, chicken nouse, nice stream, on paved road a bargain. Take some trade. 83 A. Howell Prairie. 70 A. In cult rm. house, lights, water, a fine place with lots of fruit a bargain. Have several calls for small acre ages list with us. R. A. FORKNER 110 V. Cottage TH. 3031 ACREAGE TTSTPV Tn TUIO 11 acres on main Pacific highway, close In. 7 acres in bearing fruit, small house, well. Worth more money. Owner says sell for $2200. $200 down, Mlance iTawnnon terras at a percent. Jr you are looking for a real bargain, let us show you. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. . Real ton 134 South Liberty Street 80 A. homestead, attractive cabin, will relinquish write Box 433, States man. SAOTtrtrrnr: rat.v $0 down and balance $15 per month takes this fine 8 2-3 acre tract. cul tivated, balance fine timber and pas ture, 3 room house, good barn, chicken house, well, close In. An exceptional buy at $1400. Int. 6 percent See this before buying! W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 134 South Liberty Street 10 A 4 R. hnna tiin, hum ol.utr.n house, gar., close to Salem, paved rd., fine toll, $3500; terms, 23 A. I hi mL of town: 20 A. to cult, new house, barn, silo, chicken house, nice stream, on paved rd. a bargain. Take some trade. 83 A. Hon ell Prairie, 70 A. In cult. R. house, lights, water, a fine place With Jots of fruit a bargain. Have several calls for small acre ages list with us. R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage Tel. 303L NEAR KEIZER SCHOOL 1100 down and balance $10 per month buys ff acres located close to Keiaer school on mam pavement. This is an exceptional bargain at $1000. lot percent This will not last long. See It at once. - - -- W, It GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 134 South Liberty Street - COUNTKT HOME " ' : S A, 36 A. cleared, some timber, good view, on pavement, close in, fine rm. house with fireplace, basement furnace, garage, barn, gravity water system. $4350. SOCOLOFSKT A SON 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. TeL 7S07 ACREAGE I ACRE BARGAIN 835 down and balance $10 per month will handle this fine 6 acres located on good road, just off main Pacific high way, all cultivated, close In. a real bargain at 9U0. int. percent. W. H. GRABENHORST c CO. Realtors 134 South Liberty Street Business Opportunities $300 will start you In a clean pro fitable business Including month rent and merchandise. Box 435 care States man. Have cash buyer for garage or fill ing station proposition. Let me know what you have. H. C Shields, Oregon Bldg. TeL 8903. .1 have cash buyers for garage busi ness or service station, cut-over land : also highly Improved farms If can trade in some property outside the state. H. a SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902 Small grocery store, good living for ngni party, close in. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St TeL 646S MONEY TO LOAN- $5000 to loan on farm property. Must be good security. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans 314 State St TeL 6708. ( Bells of Harmony" A nightly feature over Radio KOIN Announces A NEW DEAL in Loans TJP TO $300 ATJTO-ENDORSED NOTE VIIWMITIIDP , , ' : . v uii.o, auu only lawful rates charged. See us if ?uu uecu money. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM Ro?7lM?s.JS?w B1,h Bldg. 2nd floor ,FE'NSED NO- S-122 by STATE 518 State St Tel. 3740 Automobile and Chattel Loans I to $0 months to repay at lowest pos sible ratea GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st NatX Bank Bldg. Phone 8553 Licensed .y 6tate Funds for farm tnana maw -- vw sua uauiw 5 ; long term. Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Bide.. TeL 41 OS. $ $ EASTER MONET $ $ To salaried men and women $5.00 to $30.001 to 6 months time. No !MUnrltv All STATE LO AN CO. 212-Oregon Bldg. muu iim lic a Late 8-165 LIVESTOCK and POULTRY tjm - - -1-,-,-in.n.rLnjwuxrui Baby chicks, Wariner's Hatchery 2160 N. Fifth St at Highland avenue. FOR SALE Good work horses and mares, well broken and gentle, 1150 to 1600. White's Ranch. Turner. Rt. 1. No. 1 White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red chicks, $8 per hundred. Ruby L. Woodward, Rt , Bx. 68 B, TeL 44F3L FOR SALE WOOD i iiiiki n I Second erowth and nM fir mmA Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells. GUARANTEED DRT wood coal TeL 6008 Salem Vul rw T. a uottage. Phone Tracy's, 8946 for dry wood. sat Sj4swp Call 4SF14. AU wood. Smith A Rubens. Dry wood priced right. TeL 7983. Old fir 16 In. $4.75. Tel. 8590. irsrr,vvvvrer'svrkv Dry wood TeL 8254. Dry wood. 1295 D St. TeL 4574. Dry old fir. oak, TeL 9769. Sawdust $4 unit. TeL 9373. 4 ft oak wood for sale TeL 3688. LOST AND FOUND Lost, Piccolo, In case. Reward. 73F3. wjssssaesseeaw, LOST Key No. 1006. Reward. TeL 6404. PERSONAL Partner wanted. Brunette. Age 36 Must like Calif. P. O. Box 393. FOR SALE USED CARS We have 15 used ears to choose from. If It's a used car you want see us before you buy. SALEM AUTO COMPANY 435 N. Com'L TeL 4673 BORREGO'S BETTER BUYS 1930 Chev. Sedan $325 1928 Essex Coach (overhauled) 125 1927 Dodge Sedan 95 1929 Ford ton truck 175 240 No. Liberty Tel. 3688. McKay's Used Cars CHEVROLET GIVES MORE 1927 Oakland Sedan $125 1928 Buick Sport Coupe 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 235 165 265 275 350 375 375 475 525 575 595 1930 Chevrolet Pick-up 19S0 Essex Sedan 1929 Buick Sedan 1931 Ford Town Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1932 Chevrolet Coach - 1932 Chevrolet Sedan 1933 Chevrolet Coach 1932 Nash Sedan TERMS Trades 333 Center Ph. 3189430 N. Com't Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. Valley Motor Co. USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1933 Ford Std. Coupe $535 1931 Ford Victoria 325 1933 Ford Std. Coach 1932 Ford Spt. Coupe 1930 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Sedan -. 1929 Ford Pickup 131 Pontlac Sedan 1931 Reo Sedan 475 475 2T5 225 195 395 450 535 165 300 60 40 15 1931 Buick Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1129 Studebaker Coupe 1927 Whippet Sedan 11Z3 Essex 4 Coach 1926 Buick T Pass. Sedan Trucks 1931 Ford L. W. Base 1939 Reo Chassis- 1928 Dodge Panel 404 140 200 18S 1329 Chevrolet Marion and Liberty Phone 9910 WANTED USED CARS Cash for car. Ph. $54$ any time. Business Directory Cards In this directory run on a monthly basts only. Rate: fl.OO per lino per rjnonth. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek. 276 South CommerciaL BARBERS Haircut 25c, Joe's Barber Shop. CATERING Burt Crary, the caterer. TeL 6753. Hulda Helps Hostessea TeL 6943. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. B. Northnesa, CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor, Z56 N. High. TeL Res, 8753. ENGRAVING Salem Photo Engraving 147 N. Commercial. Tel. 5887. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets, fun eral wreaths, decorations. C F. Brett haupt florist. 577 Court TeL 6904. ALL kinds of floral work. Iits Flor 1st 16th A Market TeL 9592. INSURANCE BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 N. High TeL 4947. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 263 a High TeL 9125. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 3165 1264 Broadway. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired, traded. We de llver. Harry W. Scott Tel. 4516. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40C9. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sizing ; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug A Mat tress Factory, a 13th A Wilbur. TeL 8441. OTTO r . Z WICKER. Est. 111. MIRROR RESILVERING Spaulding Lumber Co. Tel. 4114. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stu diea Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 433 State Street Salem. PAINTING B. Benson. 2224 N. Lib. Tel. 3976. PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician L O. Altman. M. D. Homeopathlst Office and residence 507 Center St TeL 5832. Treats both acute and chronic diseases. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department 315 & CommerciaL Tele- JjhonJ iiii RADIO SERVICE CERTIFIED RADIO SERVICE Tel. 3773 Court at Church REAL ESTATE BECKE A HENDRICKS, TeL 4947. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, books, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 262 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming, TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call 3131, Lartner Transfer Co. Trucns to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 226 State St. TeL 7773. Distributing for warding and storage our specially. Get our ratea WELL DRILLING R. A, West SO years experience, Rb'D 7. Bos 303. TeL 110F6. WINDOW CLEANING New deal window cleaners. TeL 9337. Tompkins Out for Represe n t a t i v e Yamhill County GRAND ISLAND, March 17. J. H. Tompkins and sons have been busily engaged transplant ing approximately 6000 tomato plants from flats to berry boxes in their greenhouse. The plants are of the Bonnie Best variety. A comparatively large acreage of flax is being sown in the Island district thisspring by several of the local farmers. ' Morton Tompkins, local farmer, has recently announced his candi dacy for the republican nomina tion for state representative from this, district, Mr. Tomkins has previously served in the state leg islature from Yamhill county. BIDS Ton COSgTRHCTlOS: OffW of the United Ststes Property end &is bersing Officer for Orefea. 412 Btste Of fice Building.- Salew, Oregon. 6m led pro posals is tripUrate will be received bare aatil 2:00 P. M-. March ZL 134. sad tbea. opened, for eoMtrartion of ware house, infirmary, btth. sad latrine build, iocs, teet fleers sad electric light sys tem; painting beiUtags and repairing ice at. fa wp Clataep. Ovegee. Farther inforaMttaa application. M. 1-2-J-4-18 20. 3 OF HOPS MOVE AT 29C W Pacific coast hop markets, par ticularly in California, developed increased activity daring the week ended March 14, as the result of an improved domestic inquiry for the moderate offerings by grow ers, according to the Weekly Hop Market Review of the U. S. Bu reau of Agricultural Economics. Growers' sales' in the three coast states totaled several hundred bales, and were the highest for any single week in recent months. Prices held practically unehangsd from those which have prevailed for the past several weeks. While no new foreign sales of U. 3. hops were reported during the period, an increased Interest on the part of foreign buyers was noted. The increased domestic demand was attributed to heavier seasonal re quirements on the part of brew ers and other consumers. In Oregon markets, growers sales totaling 378 bales were re ported during the week, of which 100 bales prime to choice qual ity netted grower 29c per pound. 125 bales of good primes brought 27 Vic, while 153 bales of fair primes were sold at 26c per pound, net to grower, all 1933 crop clusters. Current prices in Oregon continued to cover the rather wide range of 25c to 35c per pound, net to grower, with the variation depending upon the quality. Remaining stocks of strictly choice hops in Oregon aro reported very light, and are be ing firmly held for at least 35c per pound. The continued lack of selling pressure on the part of Oregon growers for their remain ing stocks tended to maintain a steady market situation. In Washington hop markets. moderate sales by growers were reported during the week. In the Yakima district, 23 bales of choice clusters netted growers 29 cents per pound and 130 bales of me dium to prime quality brought 25 cents per pound. Growers in that aismei nowever, were generally asking prices slightly above cur rent bids by dealers. In the Puy allup valley 25 bales of prime quality were sold at 25 cents per pound, net to grower. This lot came from one of the best crops in that district, and which had been least affected by downy mil dew, which was so prevalent in that area last year. California hop markets were somewhat more active with a slightly stronger undertone, large ly reflecting an Improved interest on the part of domestic buyers. Sales totaled about 750 bales of 1933 hops and were the heaviest in several months. These trans actions consisted of 35S bales sold early in the period which netted the Sonoma county grower 25c a pound while Sacramento valley growers disposed of 390 bales at 23-23 e a pound. General Markets PKOD0CE XCCVGB PORTLAND, Ore., Harea 17. (S.P) Produce Exchange, act price : Bottar Extrai, 23c; atandards, 23 Vie; prims firsts. 23Hc: first , 22 He. Ejfga U. 8. special, 16e; U. 6. e- tcaa, 14e; U. 8. medioma, lie. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. March 17. (AP) Wheat Opea High Low Cloae May 72H 73 7214 73 July '..72 hi 72 H 72 4 72 Cas: Big Bend bluet! rm 74; dark hard winter 12 per cent 78 hi, do 11 per eent 73 hi; soft white, western white, hard winter, northern spring and western red. 72. Oats No. 3 white $20.50. Corn No. 2E yellow $23.25. Millrun Standard $13.00. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. March 17. (AP) Batter Prints, extras 25 Vac; atandarda 25 hie. Butterfat Portland delivery t A grade 23-24c pound; Farmer's door delivery, 20 21c pound. Eggs Pacifio poultry producer' sell ing prices: Fresh extras, 15c; atandards, 13c; medioma, 13c doxen (cartons la high er). Buying price to wholesalers: Fresh extras. 16c; firsts, 14e; mdiams, 14c; pul lets, 12c; undergrade, 10c doxen. Cheese 92 score, Oregon Triplets, 12 He; loaf, 13s pound. Brokers will pay hie below quotations. Milk Contract price, 4 per cant, Portland delivery, $1.95 ewt. B grade cream, 37 He pound. Country meats 8elling price to re tailers : Country-killed hogs, best botch ers, nnder 50 pounds, 9-9 He. Vesvlcrs, 90 to 100 pounds, 10c; light and thin. 8-Se pound. Heavy calves, 5-6c. Yearling lamba 15c. spring 25c. Ewes 4-9c. Caa aer cows, 2H-3Hc pound. Bulla 5-5 He pooad. Mohair 194 bnying price, 25e pound. Casesra bark Buying price, 1933 peel, 2 He pound. Hops 1932 clustera, 24-28e pound. Lira poultry Portland delivery, bay ing prices: Colored fowla, ander 5H pounds 14c, over 6M pounds 13c; Leg horn fowls. 1011c. Broilers 1H to 2 pounds. 17e. Stags, 6c Boostera, 6c. Pakra ducks, 12c; colored, 10c. Oeeae, lOe pound. Potatoes Local white sad red, $1.15 1:25 cental; Vakima, $1.55; Deschutes, $1.60; Bakers, $1.85. New potatoes Florida Triumphs. $2.50-2.60 per 50 pounds, 7e pound ; Ha waii. $1.60-1.70 per 21 pound box. Strawberries Nominal, Imperial val ley 12s, $3 50-S.75 crate. Wool A 1934 clip, nominal: Willamette ealley, 20 25e pound; eastern Oregon, 25 2Cc pound. Hay Baying price from producers: Alfalfa No. 1. now crop, $14-15. Vetch. $14. Willamette valley timothy $15. Eattera Oregon timothy. $17. Timothy passes, blended, $15. Oat. $37.50 too. Stocks and Bonds Copyright, 1034. Standard BUtlitlca Co. Ksxeh 17 STOCK AVXXAOEf SO 20 20 India. BR'a. Gta. 00 Total 84.9 85.9 85.5 52.7 139.6 110.2 93.8 77 Today S5.1 4. 76.6 Previous day 50.4 T7.8 Week afo . Tear aso t years ago T years are 49.5 75.5 28. S 76.0 4.9 199.3 111.9 107.2 54.3 90.3 41.8 64.8 High 13 Low 1934 BOSS ATXSAGES 20 0 60 Ota. Total 88.5 85.5 Hit's. 87.0 7.S 86.7 61.9 Today rrevtona day S8.4 S7.1 78.5 100.9 68.5 77.2 85.6 84.6 67.5 7.0 85.8 74.8 Week ago Year ago S ysara are Hick IBS 87.8 102.4 81. 87.8 72.6 74.1 Lear 1984 11925 avertfe equals 100) . 96.4 , ru.i 52.2 134.2 112.6 105 O 89.1 30 India 81.1 . SI. , an 9 62.2 oaiem Markets Urade-8 raw A xniUc" co-op pool price,"- $1.50 per hnsidred. fc 55' a MBd-meotaly satterfa average.) Distributor price 92. lo. Butterfat Top 23c, prints 24jc, cubes 28Hc friees paid to mwri by Salsa borers Mare 17 (The prices below, supplied by s local grocer, are Udieatife ef the daily market, bat ere not cuaraatced hr The Statauaaa 1 FKXTIT8 ASD VEOSTA&kSS Aaparagaa, lb, .08 Caalif lower, crate .40 and .05 Leek. dci. bnr.chcs ah Paraaips. boa log .so Tararpa. hex log .80 Ratabagsa, boa tag .50 Brunei sprovta, lug .60 T-Zt pisaL local ... , .05 Cabbage, ewt 90 to 1.1S Spokane, ewt. ? Green peppers, Calif lb, , .30 Onions, doi. bunches ,,. , js Potatoes, local .75 to 1.00 "kieie 1.15 to 1.65 Deschutes .1.10 to 1.45 Lettnc California, dry pack 2.25 to 2.50 -2.65 to 2.85 MUUTBH, J CCU - Onions, LabLfh Celery, do. ,, , Celery Hearts - Applies Rome Beauty Oraag-rs, choice Ksrslt. fancy Beat, local, doa. Car-ota. local, doa. 1.S 5 .00 1.00 .63 2.00 to 2.25 -.2.65 to $.10 .20 ".. .35 1.00 1.70 .05 .05 hi 5.75 1.00 . California Spinach, local crate xexsa Bananas, lb. oa stalk Hands Lemons Limes, fraah Aracadoa, erate Tomatoes, California, esse Sweet potatoes, lb. Grapefruit, Florida a.7$ .2.65 - -03 -S.75 2.25 .07 (Jaurnrnia feeaa. Califc. lb. New potatoes lb. .06 ttnuDaro 50 and .65 HOPS Cluster. 1933. lb. (on .30 .16 .20 HOTS Filberts. In iu Walnuts, lb. 3 !l2H to Baying Prices Extras Medium .11 .00 .15 .13 Jl .09 .05 .05 MTTT.TRW Colored hens, 8 lbs. Colored hens Colored medium hens Light hens Stan Old roosters -teat 1934 sDrina? lambs, lb. . 10 ..6.50-7.00 lamos. tot Hoks. 160 to 200 lbs. . 4.50 4.25 4.00 3 75 ..2.50 to" 3.00 .03 hi. to .05 ZOO to 225 Iba. 225 to 250 Iba. Pies Sows - Steera Cowa .01 H to .02 H .02 Bnlle : .02 to Heifers .02 hi to 03 H VeaL top -.5.50 to 6.00 .08 Dressed veal, top ureased nora .03 OS-ATM SNn HAT Wheat, western red .57 .59 White No. 1 Barter, feed Ko. i ti.n -14.00 14.00 16.00 ...18.00 -11.00 11.00 -12.00 Oats. feed, ton Barlev. maltine. tan - Oats, milling, ton fftv. hnvin nni Cloeer hay Oats and -etch, ton -alalia, vaUey, first rut nuuk Wool, median) Course Mohair 5 .23 .20 Pastor to Give Lecture Series WOODBURN, March 17. Rev. Conley D. Silsby, pastor of the local Christian church, will give a series of lectures, beginning Mon day night, March 19, at 7:30 o'clock on the subject of the "Jewish Tabernacle." A model of the ancent structure made accord- Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER 12 13 15 16 10 It 21 22 2 27 'A 21 30 35 3t 39 3t HO 3 Hi 1S7 4ft 3T 53 54 3 HORIZONTAL 1 force 6 weight of India Jr call of the crow 12 wear away 13 artificial elevation 14 constella tion 15 rove at will 16 changed 18 retard 20 overjoy 21 raised 23 article of furniture 25 passage kt the brain 26 ventilate 27 pertaining to the cod family 29 hollow . . utensils SI garland 85 chaperon 37 sound mad by th cow 38 iLrama tra Testyinr scenes from life 4M observe. 42 7 out ia contempt 43 rnonntaia nymph 45 masculine name 47 reunited 49 audibly 52 poem 63 sooner than 54 small rodent 65 born 56 depressed 67 city in Rhine Province VERTICAL 1 through 2 Anglo Saxon money of account I Herewith is the solution to yet terday's Puxxla. CawMctiC III 4. ' T UNABLE TO CHICAGO, March 11-VP)-Wheat rose about a cent a bushel today, bat gains failed to hold in the face of late setbacks both of securities and' of cotton., Accelerating the transient up turn of the wheat market wer severe dust storms In the, south' west and west. witbA a sudden sharp drop of temperatures to far below f reeling. 'Subsequently, wheat values were bearishly af fected by snowfalls and sleet over the dust areas and by an unoffi cial estimate suggesting possibil ity that the United States this season would have a total wheat supply of 950,000.000 bushels compared with 913,000,000 last year. Wheat closed nervous at the same as yesterday's finish to M higher, corn 1-3 to 3-8 up, oats 1-8 to 3-8 advanced, and provi sions unchanged to 12 cents down. Today's closing quotations: Wheat-r-Jfay 87 July Sept. Corn - May 51-51; July 52-53;'J3ept. 54. Oats May 33; July 34 H; Sept. 34. PORTLAND, March 17-(JP)-Thjaale of a carload of hops at 24wents a pound at a Willamette valley point is the latest activity in the Oregon hop market. Cur rent prices are ranging from 24 cents to 28 cents a pound, with the bulk of business being done between 24 and 25 cents. Lack of activity in the coast markets is laid to two factors. First is the enormous Importation of hops from foreign countries, especially from Germany. The other is the acknowledged de crease In beer consumption. Usu ally, at "this period of the year, tbe hop market Is active. One local dealer said nearly every ship coming into New York carries hops from foreign coun tries. Trading Broader In Finer Wools BOSTON. March 17.-P)-(U. S. Dept. Agr.)-Slightly broader trad ing in the finer Quality western grown wools gave the Boston mar ket a little more cheerful under tone the past week. Some sales In clothing and French combing 64s and finer territory wool were of good sized quantities. Moderate quantities of 58s, 60s, blood and 56s. blood territory wool were sold. Prices were mostly un changed compared with the pre vious week. Ing to scale, will be on display by Rev. Silsby. All are Invited to attend. a IO ii 20 24 25 2a 26 31 3a 33, 34 37 21 42 44 21 HI SO 51 34 5F 3 marvels 4 bordered 5 lively dance 6 remained 7 elongated fish 8 network 9 unit of weight for precious stones 10 rugged crest of a ,. mountain range- 11 long-legged in m hi e IMPORTS HMS BEER USE FALLING 2 L I 1 bird aecoa tomed to water 17 cut off the final syl lable . 19 degrade 21 tit le given to the founder A Babism 22 long narrow inlet 24 overthrew 27 African antelope 28- -man's namo 30 perfect 32- loving 83- -also 34 warm 36 required 38 person of arrested in- ' teUeetual growth 39 decree of the sultan ' - 40 fray 42 circle of 'light but- . i . rounding t luminous bodies r 44 expires 46 sport 43 period of time , 4 60 utiliz , ' - j wBSm 61 lair jj t