CIRCULATION Average Dally and Sunday - for January, 1934 ' XMstribution 7412 ;- "Net Paid 701S ' Member of A. B. C ; t THE WEATHER Clondy and unsettled with rains today and Saturday; " Max. Temp. Thursday 65, Mln. 5, river 1 foot, cloudy, southwest wind. . . FOUND EP 1651 f - ?. - - EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, February 16, 1934 No. 2S9 KTIOl U M 1 Ul II F-i l5CS&g iM -V1 III! II IT l I MM f xi in ' r k i x X t If . n7- J. a p i i! . . nil i ir i v i 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w uizf mi i u if : ii mmm if w rm ir Vl,tt AMI Hi VUIIHV AAVMAWM Plants Are Extensive Committee Will Point Out All-Community Status of Plan Swimming Pool, Also Tennis Courts are Well Under Way- Strennous efforts to insure re ceipt of additional CWA funds to enable completion of the public playground projects at dinger and Leslie fields are being made by the Salem Recreational Pro motion committee, of . which Dr. B. F. Pound is chairman, it was announced last night. The committee, it was said, be lieves the necessary allotment will be approved by the state CWA boat-d if it is understood that, while the sites of the two projects are owned by the school district, both recreational devel opments will be run on an abso lutely all-community basis the year around. Salem has never had public recreation grounds offering a variety of healthful, outdoor amusements to the general pub lic, it was pointed out. A survey of both projects yes terday revealed that much work remains to be done before they can be used for the benefit of per sons of all ages and tastes in re sard to recreation. The school board, anxious to further the pro gram as far as it c,an afford, has already appropriated a consider able amount for the work and .only this week approved an extra expenditure along that line. Completion of Two Swimming Pools Urged Completion of the two swim ming pools is pointed" to by the committee as most imperative. Around them will center the su pervised recreational program. It is estimated that 1000 persons daily may use each pool in hot weather. The Olinger pool is to be 45 by 110 and the Leslie pool 50 by 110 feet in size, allowing races on the metric scale; spoon shaped, with nine-foot depth for diving, and 85 linear feet of wa ter of not over five-foot depth for swimmers. , Minimum depth is three, feet. Modern bath houses, to have concrete floors, are now under construction. Concrete can be poured for the pool walls on both projects as soon as the labor expense is granted by the CWA, members of the commit tee stated. Work on the-pool floor and surrounding walkways could follow Immediately thereafter. The pools will have a ten-foot concrete platform at the deep end two and one-half foot walks around the remainder. Ten-foot fences will surround the pools 90 that swimmers will, have to enter through the bathhouses, taking required showers and foot baths. Sanitary Conditions W ill be Guarded Strictly sanitary conditions will prevail in the pools, since the water, taken from Mill creek at Olinger and probably from a well at Leslie, will be filtered and chlorinated. The proposed water heating system should make near ly year-around swimming feasible. The proposed tennis courts at both fields the first public courts the city has had also remain to be completed. Work ended yester day on four of the six all-concrete doubles courts planned at Olinger. Leslie has two courts finished out (Turn to page 2, col. 2) PHD, DALLAS DALLAS, Feb. 15. (Special) Plans for constructing a second mill her were anounced today by Erie Fulgham, manager of the Willamette Valley Lumber com pany mill here. The new plant will be a small log mill with a capacity of 10,000 feet per hour and Is expected to be In operation about March 20. The plan for the new plant has been nnder consid eration for some time - and the plans and specifications have now been comnleted. The new mill, will be located Just north of the main mill and will be in a new building, 165 feet lonr bv 35 feet wide. It will be equipped with a band head tig. an eight inch edger and a 40 foot automatic trimmer. Practically all the equipment hair been purchased and Dart of it is on "the gronnd now. Work will be provided for about 15 men for a period of 40 days in constructing the new slant. . . . The purpose of the new plant will be to handle small logs wnicn cannot be pot through the main mill economically. The losa will be sorted -In the pond, the larger being sent to the old 'mill and tne smaller ones going through the new mm. - 'No statement was available re- Cardinr the number of men who will be employed In the new plant SECOND SAWMILL put an lacreue will be necessary. The Washington Spotlight (By the Associated Press) Walter F. Brown, Hoover post master general, agreed to testify In the air mail investigation that sent L. H. Brittin to Jail. President Roosevelt met rail road proposals for wage cuts with request present rates be contin ued six months. Senate investigators produced evidence to support governmental regulation of stock exchanges. President Roosevelt submitted legislation for extension of the temporary deposit insurance plan one year. Details of public works projects and policies were request ed by the senate. The president. Secretary Mor genthau and Governor Black of the Federal Reserve board dis cussed credit needs of small busi ness. Publicity for Income tax returns was demanded in the house. Jefferson Caffery was con firmed as Ambassador to Cuba af ter delay caused by Senator Long. The senate voted S32.382.429 for interior department expenses during the next fiscal year. The house authorized investiga tion of old-age pension, systems. President Roosevelt signed the $950,000,000 relief-CWA bill. The farm administration com pleted a tentative marketing agreement for meat packers. No General Instruction on Future Work Received; Payroll Made Out A general order to halt civil works projects here until next Monday" was received by Adminis trator Glenn C. Niles early last night from E. R. Goudy, state ad ministrator. G 0 u d y ' s telegram read: "No instructions received as to CWA. Discontinue all work until Monday, February 19. Full in structions will follow as soon as possible." Anticipating an order autnorjz- ing distribution of the CWA pay roll for the past week, Nlles and his staff busied themselves In making out the checks. On all Sa lem projects, he said, the checks will be held at the local CWA of fice and probably be distributed from there. He estimated this week's payroll would approximate that of last, which aggregated 122.504. Mom sneeri In notlfvinsr men to appear on project locations will i be possible for the next Jobs than at the start of the CWA program, Manager E. T. Barnes of the na- (Turn to page 2, col. 2) fegqn SESSIONS OPEN TODAY PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 15- -Portlanders interested in atoms, static, baume scales, and perhaps the snecific Intensity of the next door neighbor's falsetto, will be given an opportunity tomorrow to pursue their studies runner. Oregon's section of the Ameri can association of physics teach ers will hold a session here. The instructors who attempt to ex plain what make's the world go round have organized to solve problems encountered in teaching physics. The session will be held at Columbia university with Dr. Marcus O'Day of Reed college, secretary, presiding. 100,000 POUNDS BOUGHT TtftSEBURG. Ore.. Feb. 15-W1 -The larsest Individual prune hoi din r In Douglas county was sold today when A. J. Young of Roseburg disposed of 100,000 pounds of Italian ana peine prunes to Rosenberg brothers, California buyers. Young, who had been holding the pmnea for speculative pur poses, said he received K cents f.o.b. Roseburg for 4 0-4 5s on the Italian prunes and 4 cents for 75-80s for the petit es. PROBE WILLIAMS DEATH KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Feb. ISHTJ-Facts of a second mystery slaying were laid Itefore Dr. O. E. Helnrich, Berkeley criminolo gist here today CWA PROJECTS HALT M IN PLANS ARE UNGERTAIN Whittling Down of Employe List to Start; Rules are Formulated Gradual Demobilization by May 1 Planned Though Policy May Change WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.-vP)-President Roosevelt late today signed the bill providing '1950, 000,000 for continuation of the civil works administration and maintenance of direct federal re lief. The last payday for more than 200,000 civil works employes found Harry L. Hopkins trying to shape the organization's uncertain future should it be found neces sary to retain some of the present force of 4,000,000 employees be yond the May 1 demobilization date. Coincidentally, the civil works administrator and his aides were drafting new rules and regula tions for the relief unit. These may set forth the policy already decided upon that those remain ing on the payrolls after tonight are to be dismissed at the rate of 10 per cent a week until demobil ization is completed. The president apparently has adhered to his determination to liquidate the hastily assembled employment organization by the end of April. It has been Indica ted, however, that thousands may be retained on the payrolls should the revival in industry looked for by the administration not mater ialize. In that event, civil works might form the nucleus for the work insurance advocated by Hop kins and carefully prepared pro jects would be chosen for comple tion. CWA directors admit frank ly that its primary aim has been to put men to work and that to do that any number of projects were undertaken which had little economic value. Hopkins, who also Is federal re lief director, visualizes work in surance support as a supplement to unemployment Insurance sim ilar to the British system which levies a tax on both employer and employe. The government sup plies in addition approximately one-third of the necessary funds. T THREAT OF KIDUAP DES MOINES. Feb. 15. -(instate police tonight guarded Jay N. Darling, nationally known newspaper cartoonist and sports man, following reports that he was next on gangdom's list of in tended kidnap victimB. In their effort to provide every safeguard, the officers kept the cartoonist's whereabouts secret. The purported plot was discov ered while Darling was returning from Washington where he at tended a conference of President Roosevelt's wild life conservation committee. A telegram, signed with an al legedly fictitious name, asked Darling when he would arrive in Chicago and where he would stay. CARTOONS FICES Science Group to Meet Big: Prune Holding Sold Second Mystery Noted Knocks at Wrong Door District Attorney Guy Cordon of Douglas county conferred with Helnrich about the violent death at Rice valley of D. M. Williams, 75ryear-old farmer. Helnrich was called to Klam ath Falls to sift evidence in the slaying of State Representative Ralph Horan. Exhibits of the Williams case were brought here and presented to Helnrich. FUNERAL SET TODAY BAKER. Ore., Feb. 15-jPY- Edward A. Van Sicklin of Boise and Portland, prominent Idaho stockman and banker who died of a heart attack late yesterday, will be laii to rest here tomorrow af ternoon. CWA FUNDS DENTED PORTLAND. Ore.. Fob. 15-J1 -Oregon went to the wrong Bource to secure speedy flood re lief funds, a letter received today from Senator Charles L. McNary revealed. Southwestern Washington re ceived prompt response from the CWA which cooperates in emer gency projects, McNary stated. Oregon's petition to army engin eers would be for permanent flood control, but provides no quick relief such as the CWA could afford. Manager Walter W. R. May of the Portland chamber of com merce said he would cooperate with the recently flooded areas In applyingtor immediate relief. Ashley Aiiiix Spoils Hopes of Doug-Mary Reconciliation, Word : - V -A J! ? 5- 5 v", s X V1 1 -X ir . X . Word from London Thursday hinted that Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pkkford were just about ready to patch up their marital differences when Lord Ashley threw a monkey wrench Into the machinery by naming "Dong" in his dlvorco action against Lady Ashley, former actress. n n MEET LA Change in Uniform Talked; Committee on Blossom Day Announced The Salem Cherrlans voted last night to lend their support to the racing meet proposed to be held at the state fairgrounds here this summer. Dr. H. H. Olinger, who presented the idea, stated that the dates for the track program would be set according to other race dates, probably In June or July. Considerable comment was pass ed in favor of the meet. If a report by a special uniform committee is finally adopted, the Cherrians this year will give up their present all-white outfits in favor of uniforms consisting of red coat, white trousers, straw hat and white shoes. A larger committee was named to report back at the next meeting. At the suggestion that the Cher rians aid In the drive to raise funds to pay Interest owed by Sa lem General hospital, King Bing George Arbuckle announced he (Turn to page 2, col. 1) SACRILEGE CLAIM IT DENVER; Feb. 15.-p)-The "Horsefeathers and Applesauce Scientific society" it's a church is going to law to determine whether there is anything about sacrilegiousness In the Colorado statutes. Bishop Frank Rice of the Lib eral church sought today to in corporate the society and was told by Charles M. Armstrong, secre tary of state, that he was com pelled to reject the papers because they were sacrilegious. "Bah!" snorted the bishop. "Sacrilegious your Aunt Fanny. It's Just religious animosity that's why you won't accept these papers." The bisUop said he would file suit to compel acceptance of the papers. "The purposes of this here so ciety are to debunk the theologi cal gold brlckers who play with sacred holy dice and holy marked cards and to prevent illegal di vine revelations." Joe Brown Sees All He Desires Oi Big Mouths EL MONTE, CaL, Feb.-(V E. Brown, the film eomenian with the wide grin, has seen all of the big mouths he wants to see for some time to come. A trained lion, working In a picture with the actor, opened his mouth sud denly as Joe walked np to him and snapped at the actor, biting him on the side of the nose and ear. The lion's attack on Brown, which also included a swipe with the paw, was recorded by the cameras. The comedian was not badly in jured and resumed work after iiaTlnf his wounds treated. 1 5E ' ?.,- "'j 4 - 'f V '1 Done and Mary before the break AFTER FATAL RIOT wm K. iritf Tfght Add Trouble rog for Guards; Convicts Confined to Cells WALLA WALLA. Wash., Feb 15.-UP)-Settling fog and a fight between two convicts, which ru mor soon enlarged to another out break, added today to the tension which has prevailed at the Wash ington state penitentiary since the bloody riot Monday in which nine men were shot and knifed to death. The fight only' Involved two men working in the steward's de partment, who had some differ ence to settle and no weapons were used. . The fog was feared because It r e q u I red stationing additional guards on the wall. Continuation of a rigid search through the prison failed also to reveal two pair of tailor shears and a leather knife, still uaac counted for. It was the belief of officers that the weapons might have been thrown into a sewer. Men were released from their cells only to do the most neces sary work, and some trusties were turned out to take care of the animals. While Prosecuting Attorney Bernard 7. Lehrer and Warden J. M. McCauley continued to inves tigate the Lincoln's birthday break, the last three of the In jured guards left a local hospital They were Tom S; Hubbard, Mai colm Burnett and Frank W. Guet- zen. REMODELING STATE PORTLAND, Feb. 15.-(JP)-The state advisory board today ap proved two more state PWA pro jects and forwarded them to Washington. Remodeling the capltol build ing at Salem by putting in bal conies at a cost of 190,000 was one, and the other called for $264,000 addition to the eastern Oregon state hospital at Pendle ton. Both are part of the $1,500,' 000 building and improvement program approved by the state board of control. Bay City's application for a new $40,000 water system was receiv ed and forwarded, as was Jack sonville's application for $13,000 for replacing piping, of the city water plant. State PWA Engineer C. C. Hockley said Willamette valley county engineers and other repre sentatives would probably present a plan of flood and erosion con trol at the northwest regional planning conference here March S to 7. O. S. C POLOISTS WIN CORVALLIS, Feb. 15. -3V Captain Joe Hedgpeth did some spectacular riding acid stick wielding here tonight as he scor ed 10 points in leading Oregon State In a 23 to lOHrlctory over the University of California polo team in an Indoor game. rm APPROVED DAIRY Gil IS ANNOUNCED BV INSPECTOR Little Change in Number of Plants Falling Under 5 Classifications Extent of Milk Industry in Salem Shed is Shown by Blmkhorn's Report Announcement of milk grades for the last grading period of 1933, which lapped over into the forepart of 1934, is made today by J. E. Blinkhorn, city-county dairy inspector, for all dairies supplying milk to Salem con sumers. The inspector's report shows little change in the num ber of dairies falling under the five classifications. The plants, In alphabetical or der, are graded as follows: Grade "A" pasteurized milk plants Capitol dairies, Curley's dairy, Dave's Independent dairy, Hazel Dell dairy, Meadow Grove dairy, Pleasant Home dairy. Pro ducers' Milk company, Salem San itary Milk company and Waldo Hills Guernsey dairy. Distributors of Grade "A" milk. pasteurized in other plants Economy dairy by Dave's Inde pendent dairy, Foshay dairy by Capitol dairies, -and O. K. dairy by Salem Sanitary Milk company Grade "A" raw milk, producer distrlbutor s Cooley dairy, Creamland dairy, Bruce Fox dairy,- Goode's dairy, Hazel Dell dairy, Holder's dairy, Hurley's dairy, Jersey Farm dairy, Keizer View dairy, Linndale Jersey dairy. Maple dairy, McMillin dairy, Mea dow Grove dairy, Middle Grove dairy, Radiant dairy, A. C, Spranger dairy, B. B. S q u 1 e r dairy, Sunshine dairy and Waldo Hills Guernsey dairy. Grade "A" raw milk, produced and bottled on farm for distribut ors Curley's dairy by F. J. Woelke & Son, Foshay dairy by S. H. Robison, and Producers' Milk company by R. H. Clark. Grade "A" raw milk, bottled by distributor but produced by another Capitol dairies by E. H. Tarpley, Dave's Independent dairy by Fulmer & Flndley, Economy dairy by Fulmer & Flndley, O. K. dairy by Triangle ranch, Salem Sanitary Milk company by Tri angle ranch, and Sunnybrook dairy by M. E. Hammer. In the July, 1933, grading an nouncement there was one less Grade "A" pasteurized milk (Turn to page 2, col. 1) WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.--A flat Increase of 7 cents an hour in the minimum wage scale of the lumber industry and rep resentation on the lumber code authority was demanded here to day by W. C. Ruegnitz, Portland, rOre., president of the Royal Le gion of Loggers and Lumbermen. Ruegnitz explained to the au thority that although the mini mum wage of 42 cents an hour now provided for the west coast logging and lumbering division in the code, had been increased to 45 cents through collective bar gaining by 60 per cent of the in dustry of the region, attainment of "decent living standards" could- not be possible without a blanket increase to 50 cents. Under the 4-L proposal wages in the southern pine region would be 31 y cents an hour. Ruegnitz said competitive conditions within the Industry made it impossible for workers in the Pacific north west to obtain the demanded in crease without corresponding in creases in other producing areas. FOUR-L ASKS RISE . Ill LUMBER WAGES Sabs idy to A id Passenger Branch of Aviation Talked (Copyright, 1934, by the Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. Serious thought was being given tonight by the administration to providing direct financial aid to aviation so as to encourage the continued development of the passenger carrying branch of the industry. Those familiar with the plans that are taking shape said the adoption of such a policy, similar In a way to that President Roose velt favors for dealing with ocean carriers, would answer charges that the government's abrogation of mall contracts was a blow at the progress of an Industry into which millions of government and private capital and scores of lives had gone. The direct subsidy plan still was In a tentative state, however, with much study and detail work remaining to be done before the administration members who fav or it would be ready to make any recommendations. , Generally, howeTer, the plan they were working on followed the line of European "bounty" SEES NEW CRISIS Gunfire Ceases but Political Scenery Begins Shift, Commander of Heimwehr Declares Premier's Aides are Responsible for' Fighting; Reconvening of AtstriarT' Parliament Being Demanded Guerilla Warfare Considered by Socialists, Crushed by Government's Martial Force; Home Guard Faced With Necessity for Losing its Objective or Ousting the Chancellor by Force (Copyright, 1934, by the Associated Press) . VIENNA, Feb. 16 (Friday) (AP) Bloody confusion of socialist insurrection gave way to shifting of politi cal scenery in Austria early today, and a new crisis con fronted the Dollfusd government. Gunfire ceased in Vienna and the city spent a raiet night. Up to 6 a.m. there had been no shooting. Socialist insurrectionists, crushed by the government offensive, Were reported contemplating a lapse into guerilla warfare against the fascist heimwehr. But the commander of the heimwehr publicly accused politicians of Dollfuss' own party last night of the real re sponsibility for the four-day socialist rebellion. Leaders of Dollfuss' own political party, the Christian party, petitioned the chancellor to reconvene the Austrian World News at a Glance (By the Associated Press) , Domestic: WASHINGTON. Administra tion considers direct aid to avia tion to encourage passenger carry ing. NEW YORK. Former Post master General Brown says no justification for charge of collu sion in awarding air mail con tracts; asks to testify before sen ate committee. DES MOINES. Jay N. Dar ling, noted cartoonist, guarded after reports of kidnap threats. CHICAGO. Railroads pro pose 15 per cent pay reduction effective July 1; Roosevelt asks extension of present 10 per cent cat. Forgeign: VIENNA. Rebellion appar ently put down; reconvening of parliament asked. PARIS. Chamber of deputies gives Doumergue cabinet over whelming vote of confidence. LONDON. Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., and Mary Pickford reported ready to end divorce action until former named as corespondent by Lord Ashley. ROME. Foreign office spokes man says Italy wants rigid "hands off policy In Austrian situation. Sam Insull May Remain, Decided ATHENS, Feb. ls--samuei Insull will remain in Greece in definitely. This was decided by the cabin et after a two-hour meeting to day when the 74-year-old fugitive from American Justice, termed a "very sick man," was given per mission to stay here until his health Improves. system, through wihch both ocean and air service of foreign powers have been built up. A bounty sys tem provides for payment of pub lic funds to carriers even though they render no particular service to the government. It has no re lation to the contract system of mail subsidy but would be a sub stitute for that method of federal aid. ' Those studying its application to the aviation industry of this country say it should take into consideration such factors as the public service rendered by the particular company, its field of operation in the Instance of pass enger carrying service, rate dif ferentials and other economic fac tors, linking this to the generaj objective of constant development and the final goal of an air and ocean fleet of military value In event of war. President Roosevelt in discuss ing ocean carriers a few days ago said ' federal aid to shipping should be given and called by the nam of subsidy rather than nn der the guise of an ocean mail contract, parliament wnicn ne sneivea & year ago so he could rule by de cree. The four-day rebellion seemed to have been put down. All mai cipal apartment blocks, where the socialists made their most tena cious stands against troopers' bombardments, were this even- ' ing in the hands of the army or police. Reports, of the situation in pro vincial districts were conflicting but nevertheless seemed to Indi cate the government was nearing an end In its efforts to curb the civil war. The home guard leader, Prince Ernst Rudiger von Starhemberg, declared in a funeral oration for a fallen comrade that "the blame that so much blood had to be spilled rests with democratic cor ruptionist politicians. . . who be trayed the native population of this country with their shameless bickerings with the reds." Never since the Fascist Heim wehr entered the Dollfuss cabinet has the tension between home guard and the Christian social wings of the government come to -such a critical stage. "Back to the parliament!" was the cry of deputies of Dellfass'' own party. It was a flat negation of everything the Heimwehr has been fighting for. If Dollfuss listens to his party colleagues and resurrects parlia ment the home guard would be faced with the choice of ousting the chancellor by a putsch or of meekly taking a smashing defeat to its prestige. KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Feb. 15. - (JP) - Officers tonight were still looking for the motive of the slaying of State Representa tive Ralph Horan, but reported progress on building a case in connection with the first degree murder charge filed against Hor ace M. Manning. It was announced late today that O. E. Helnrich. special in vestigator from Berkeley, Calif., would remain here at least an other week to ferret out evidence for the state. District Attorney Theodore Git lenwaters said the murder charge was based on the following evi dence and statements showing that: Manning had telephoned Horan at 10:30 Monday morning and when Horan called back between 5:30 and o'clock that Manning asked him to come to his office. Both guns used belonged to Manning. Difficulty Horan obrtonsly would have had obtaining a. gun from a drawer on Manning's sido of the desk. Horan was right-handed while the gun was in his left. Investigators said ezperiseeBts convinced them Horan covld not have fired the shots from the gn found in his hand, i Horan went unarmed to Mann ing's office. Persons nearby heard shots which came in interrupted velley of two each. CAR RECOVERED QUICKLY J. Gardner Knapp, 1625 Cbe meketa street, last night had his automobile back in his possession 45 minutes after he reported te city police that it had been stolen. The machine was stolen from iti South 23rd street and feud fej poUce on South 14th street. MOTIVE IN llllll CASE IS MYH