The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1934, Page 8, Image 8

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salen, Oregon. Tuesday Morning, February 13, 1934
17. S. Embassy in Path oi Paris Rioters
HhHrKflHK Mrr rTll U UJULlVtl ITi UUiilHUL mUbHAIVI w iiikbi 11 j m n ii ii I ;v rr -a i i
-Growers i Urged to Handle
: Crop More Carefully
r for Better Price
SILVERTON. Feb. 12. At the
annual election -of officers of the
Silverton Hop Growers' assocla
rtion, Saturday, these were elect-
ed: President, John Morley; Tice-
. president, John Moe; secretary-
' treasurer, John steelhammer;
delegate, Fred Kaser. v
The group discussed various
- phases of the present bop condi
"tions. The price, according to Mr.
Morley, Is not at present looking
' any too good. The foreign eompe-
tition is very strong. More hops
' are being Imported all of the time.
' This Is because, the man explain-
ed, foreign hops are picked clean
er and cured better. Often times,
' "hopmen wonder why their hops
do not bring as" good a price as
' they think, they should, said Mr.
Morley, but it is because their
hops are only half cured.
The blie mold Is effecting the
present storage ot hops, it was re
' ported. Many ot last autumn's
- harrest were being completely
; spoiled by this mold, which is due
to the great amount of moisture
'during past two months. It was
'suggested that all hops in storage
'should be gone over and if the
cloth alone was effected by blue
'mold this should be brushed off.
In some cases it would be neces
"aary to remove the cloth and take
.off the outside hops from the bale.
The bales should then be given an
opportunity for free air circula
tion. In many cases, members re
ported, whole bales were perish
ing. According to Mr. Morley "plen
. ty of downey mildew can be look
ed for this spring."
But, the conclusion reached
was that the growers who do not
have their hops picked clean, who
do not have them cured properly
and who do not watch them after
they are cured, will as usual even,
tually drop out ot the growing.
A great many hops are being set
out, too many the hopmen agreed,
but this will take care ot itself
they added; only the real hop
men will survive.
Japanese Flower
Arrangement Topic
for Garden Group
WOODBDRN. Feb. 12. The
Woodburn Garden club will meet
in the club rooms of the library
Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. J. Vin
ton Scott of Salem will talk on
Japanese flower arrangements.
She hasJtraveled extensively and
has been ""across the water and
back several times. Everyone . is
Invited to attend.
"LI. Stevens Relief corps meet
ing at the I. O. O. F. hall Thurs
day, elected these delegates to the
state . convention in Astoria in
June: Miss Mary Hershberger,
Mrs. Ida Harper and Mrs. Alice
Guyer. Mrs, Mabel Nendel was
elected and installed as chaplain
to take the place of Mrs. Guyer
who declined to serve.
The J. U. G. club of rural teach
ers were entertained at the home
of Miss Carrie Water bury Thurs
day night with Miss Iva Harris.
Miss Helen Cooke and Mrs. Lizzie
Hastle as hostesses. The evening
was spent in practicing a harmon
lea program which will be given
at - the teachers institute to be
held An March. Miss Johnson
county nurse, and Miss Harris of
Salem were guests of club.
Organization of
Farmers Union is
Object tof Meeting
.LINCOLN, Feb. 12. A meet
ing which will be of Interest to
farmers of the foar adjacent dis
iricts of Lincoln. Zena. Soring
Valley and Brush College is to be
held at the Lincoln sckoolhouse.
Thursday at 8 p. m. by represen
tatives of the Polk county Farm
ers union with the object in view
of organizing a unit In these joint
R.;W. Hogg, buyer for the Polk
county1 Farm unions will be prin
eipal speaker.
SILVERTON. Feb. 12. The
Her. JL, J. Bergsaker, genera!
field superintendent of the Lu
theran churches of America, who
Is touring the west from Minne
apolis,- and-who was scheduled
to appear here 1 Monday night.
-had to change his plans late Sat
urday and spoke Sunday Instead
of Monday. Among the out-of-
-town people; who attended the
Sunday night talk were the Rev,
and Mrs. O. Salyeson of Canby,
Rev. and Mrs. H. Rogen of Moni
tor and Rev. -and Mrs. A. Kraa
bel of Portland. The meeting
was wen attended.
SWEGLE, Feb. 12. The 4-H
sewing club met at. the home ot
Laura and Dorothy Dalke Friday
afternoon. The first assignment
of projects Is well under way and
the next meeting will be held at
the home of Norma Kroeplin next
Friday afternoon. Ernest Wells
has returned - to school' after an
absence of nearly two months on
account of poor health. New su
pile to enroll were: Wayne and
uscar Shrackmann, upper room
iiauae Munker, lower room.
DALLAS, Feb. 1 2. The i Ply
mouta Guaranty Savings bank
filed a complaint here ". Saturday
against W. H.: Erwin, et ux. In
wucii me plaintiff seeks to eollec
on a note given by the defendants.
The plaintiff asks a judgment for
a total ot J57:.71 with Interest,
ss.oe for continuing the abstract.
and 30 0.00 attorney fees. The
plaintiff also asks that the mort
gage given as security be fore
closed . and the property sold to
satisfy their claims.
1-1: v , i vv v - - . v v
r7-A- tl l Pill -
tr . ; - ?.
The American Embassy in Paris (left), which was Ition since the World War. -In background ia the Hotel
struck by stray bullets in the disorders teat convulsed j Crillon, rendezvous of vismn Americans, which also
the French capital, bringing about the worst situa-1 was struck .when troops fired upon rioting throng.
SILVERTON, Feb. 10. Sliver
Falls Timber company Is making.
preparations to resume logging
peratlons In their holdings
southeast of Silverton in the near
future. If the present spring
weather- continues an advance
crew will go into the woods early
in the week and additional men
will follow 10 days later. Logging
camps have been dowu tor the
past two months.
CWA courses have opened at
the Eugene Field school and will
be held Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday evenings beginning at
30 o'clock. Anna Meyers will
teach public speaking and sales
manship; David Hay will conduct
recreational games, and Robert
Goeti, Jr., is to teach business
arithmetic and accounting. Shop
work, home economics, typing and
shorthand will likely also be
"Company I unit of the Oregon
national guard, was to undergo
federal inspection Tuesday night.
Captain Louis D. Fa rns worth of
Salem will be among the officers
present for the event. The public
is welcome to attend.
Scott Moves in
From Heights to
Open New Store
Harry Scott, former groceryman
6 ere wbo recently sold out his
business to Carrol Robinson, has
moved his family to Salem and
will conduct a new grocery bus
iness at 2360 State street. Scott
has been a resident of the Heights
for several years and formerly
managed the Purity store here.
The community meeting at the
hall Friday night had a fair at
tejidance despite the disagree
able .weather. Miss Barbara
Barnes of the Barbara Barnes
dancing school of Salem furnish
ed the evening's program. The
tap dances, acrobatics and hu
morous dance numbers were
greatly appreciated by the audi
"Business Picks Up"
Cast is Entertained
HOPEWELL. Feb. 12. A din
ner-party was given at the J. W
Versteeg home Friday night, for
the cast of the play, "Business
Picks Up," which was presented
at Fairview. The entire cast was
present: Matt Pumala. Dave Olke
Frits Kiminki, John Puntio, Phil-
more Heinonen, viola Pumala,
Mrs. Matt Pumala, Slgrld and
Ruth Heinonen, Mrs. J. W. Ver
steeg, Mrs. Ralph Timm, Elsie
Pumala and Win Versteeg, the
coach; also Elna Setala and Dave
Brutka. The play will be given at
the Amity gymnasium auditorium
Friday, February 23. Proceeds
will go to the city library.
Soles . . . . . . . $1
Leather Heels . 50c
Robber Heels . . . 25c
Children's Soles
Boys' Soles
... X s mi mm fiLff
TURNER. Feb. 12. -Surprise
grange had a big day Saturday
with Senator Zimmerman speak
ing on the proposed sales tax. Sil
verton grange was represented by
29 members, with their officers
filling the chairs. A short pro
gram was put on by the visitors:
duet, Mrs.' Johnson ami Mrs. Dul
lum, reading, "Tribute to Lin
coln," Mrs. Loe Perfect; skit by
Silverton children; piano solo, Ar
dis Aarhus.
Surprise grange voted to oppose
the proposed sales tax. J. G. Mc
Cune, Mrs. A. H. Bradford, W.
Bradford and Mrs. Thomas Cole
man of Turner were initiated into
the third and fourth degree.. Sur
prise grange will visit Ankeny
grange February 17.
LIBERTY, Feb. 12. The Red
Hills grange will meet Tuesday,
February 13, beginning with a
potluck dinner at 6:30.
Morton Tompkins, of the state
grange agriculture committee will
speak on "Agriculture Financing.
through the Farm Credit Admin-
is tration."
Endorse Batter Standi
Seventeen Salem grange members
drove through the heavy fog Fri
day evening to the North Howell
grange hall where they ably filled
the official chairs; presented a
fine program and draped the
charter in memory of the late El
lis Stevens, faithful and beloved
North Howell grange member.
The old church building which
now is owned by this grange was
reported to be in bad condition
and much in need of repairs. The
executive committee -were re
quested to take care of it. The
Isaak Walton Unit
Favors Retention
of Present Ruling
SILVERTON, Feb. 12 The
Isaak Walton league, at its Fri
day night meeting, went on rec
ord as favoring retention of the
trout laws in the Silverton district
as they were last year. This closes
Abiqua, Silver creek and Butte
creek to trout fishing excepting
from April 15 to September 15,
the only open season.
A good turnout of members
was present and various phases
of sports were discussed but ' no
other action taken. Edwin Over
land Is president of. the group and
Rex Albright is the secretary.
DAYTON. Feb. 12. More than
100 people attended the past no
ble grands' carnival Friday, night
at the Odd Fellows hall. Proceeds
were S26. Four Llnfield college
students presented a skit and
numbers were given by the local
members. Lunches were sold, and
there was a fishpond where pack'
ages were purchased, and a for
tune-telling booth, in charge ot
Mrs. Clark Foster.
i? IHIeello
Soles . 75c
Leather Heels . . . 2?c
Rubber Heels . . . 25c
. 50c to 65c"
75c to 1.00
10c to 25c
home ' economic chairman, Daisy
Bump, reported that a new beau
tiful quilt was furnished..
A resolution endorsing the ac
tion of Max Gehlhar regarding the
butter code was passed. Everyone
enjoyed the talk given by S. B.
Laughlin of Willamette university
and the music and games offered
by the Salem grange lecturer,
Mrs. Arthur Brown.
A pie social and dancing will be
features of the social evening,
February 23.
Favor Gehlhar Stand
RICKREALL, Feb. 12. The
ocal grange met Friday night
with a good attendance. The
grange Is Jubilant over the win
ning ot the silver plaque for the
second consecutive year and is
making plans for next year's
This plaque is awarded by the
Dallas chamber of commerce and
was won by - Brush College
grange for two years straight pre
vious to RIckreall. The grange
women served the annual ban
quet of the Polk County Rod and
Gun club tonight.
Sam H. Brown of Gervais, can
didate for governor, outlined
some of the highlights of his plat
form. The grange went on record
as favoring the stand that Max
Gehlhar is taking upon the but
ter code.
Glen Adams, Pomona master.
announced that the grange school
of Instruction would be held at
Suver, February. 27, and RIckre
all and Monmouth granges were
to attend there; at Buell Febru
ary 28 with Fort Hill arid Dallas
granges to go there; Oak Grove
March 1: MeCov and Brush Col-
lege to attend there.
A history 0L Rickreall was giv
en by W. W. Rowell. The Juven
iles held a Valentine party in
connection with their meeting.
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MOLALLA, Feb. 12. Molalla
fraternal organisations .nave
spent a busy week entertaining
guests and preparing for future
Tuesday evening, - the Eastern
Star celebrated the tenth anni
versary of the f ounding- of the
local chapter. - Guests of - honor
were Mrs Naomi "Masterton, the
first worthy matron; Ora Sly
ter. the first worthy patron; Mrs.
Jean Eatchel, .worthy matron of
Portland Mt. Scott chapter, ana
Herbert Dilley, worthy patron of
Mt. Scott chapter. Fifty guests
from Mt. Scott chapter, Silver
ton and Canby were present.
After the meeting bridge, and
"500" were played. High score
in bridge went to Mrs. Alfred
Shaver and low score went to
Sam Chapin, Portland. The high
score in "500? went to H. R.
Leech, Portland, and the low
score to A. E. Eggeman, Port
land. Wednesday evening the Odd
Fellows Initiated C. W. Kendall
and entertained 30 guests from
Scotts Mills, Rock Creek and
Canby. Oyster stew was served
after the meeting.
The Masons were hosts Thurs
day evening to 125 guests when
the traveling trowel was in Mo
lalla. Oysters were served after
the meeting.
The annual homecoming of the
Rebekahs will be next Tuesday
evening. A program and refresh
ments -will follow the meeting.
Many Enjoy
Early Trip,
State Park
SILVERTON, Feb. 12. Silver
Falls state park is coming in early
for its share of visitors this year.
Because of the lack ot frost dur
ing the past winter the roads have
remained In excellent condition
and travelers are enjdying the 20
minute spin up from Silverton.
Many visitors from various parts
of the state and out of state as
well, have driven to the falls dur
ing the past two weeks.
Sunday proved a particularly
popular day at the park. Visitors
are reporting much Improvement
over last season. The road on the
east side of Silver Creek is re
ported in the best condition, al
though the west side road is said
to be quite good with the excep
tion of two or three miles Just
Derore the park Is reached.
Sunday visitors reported seeing
25 varieties of flowers in bloom
as they drove to the falls. Some
of the flowers were native blooms
at the roadsides and others were
In the gardens of homes they
Lorene Funrue has Just returned
from a 10-day visit with relatives
and friends at Portland. While
she was gone she Joined a group
of friends who made a motor trip
into eastern Oregon, Into the Des
chutes country and returning via
Mt. Hood and Government camp
She saw very little snow and that
the weather was extremely en
the .cigarette that's MILDEIC
A capacity honse greeted the jjro-.
gram given at the meeting ot me
Spring VaHey conunnnity club
Friday night, which was composed
of the following numbers given by
students - of the Oregon state
school for the blind: "Minuet in
G," by Beethoven, "Musette," by
Bach, by "the rhythm nana; play
let, "Alice in Wonderland," by
three girls: "Two Nursery.
Rhvmes." "Airplane Song,' by
Junior chorus; demonstration ot
reading and writing hrauie; piano
solos, "Tumbleweed." by Bliss,
Maiurka," by Chopin; vocal
solos, "All for Yeu," "Alice in
Wonderland"; boys quartet, "Old
Spinning Wheel," How Can I
Leave Thee ; boys' orchestra.
"Make Hay While the Sun
Shines," "Easter Parad e,"
Dream Walking," "Big Bad
LIBERTY, Feb. 12. The com
munity club met Friday night
with good attendance. The annual
club play cast announced. The
play will be given in a few weeks
to benefit the treasury.
Harold Pruitt tendered his re
signation as club president, due
to lack of time to devote to- the
office. Mrs. E. C. Free was elected
to serve out the term.
In observance of national scout
week the Liberty scout troop No.
16 was given charge of the eve
ning's entertainment. John Dasch,
of the- troop committees, was
master of ceremonies. Introducing
the newly reorganized and en
larged personnel of the scout com
mittee and new scout master,
King Bartlett.
Several troop patrols gave dem
onstrations. Acting scout master
tor Cascade area, Howard Zlnser,
was present and addressed the
gathering on scouting.
Mrs. W. W. Westenhouse gave
a short talk on "What Scouting
Means to a Mother"; Mr. Rolland
Jory on. "What Scouting Means to
a Father." Star Scout Ballantyne
who has eight merit badges to
his credit, was asked to explain
earning of such badges.
Victor Bayllantyne gave two
guitar solos; harmonica duet.
Glen Leek and James Rose; trum
pet duet. Scout Ballantyne and
Lansing. A hilarious burlesque
operation on ar patient was also
staged by the boys.
A large, lovely birthday cake
donated the troop was on display
and sold to benefit the scout fund
The local troop has planned to
enter into all phases of the Sa
lem observance of the 24 th birth
day celebration ot scouting in
The women of the community
club put on an unusually good
program Friday night at the hall.
The program Included a piano
solo by Ardls Aarhus; vocal solo
by Mrs. Jasper Dullum of Silver
ton; song and tap dance by the
Leslie Sisters; vocal quartet num
bers, Mrs. Arthur Dahl, Mrs.
Jasper Dullum of Silverton and
Mrs. Conrad Johnson and Mrs.
Stanley Swanson; reading, Mrs,
Oscar Loe; playlett; tap dance,
Margery Carpenter: reading, Mrs.
Edwin Holden of Silverton.
DAYTON, Feb. 12. About
75 patrons and friends attended
the Webfoot community club pro-
gram at the Webfoot sehoolhouse
Friday. The first act of a three-
aet comedy was given by seven
members, the other acts to oe giv
en one act at a time at succeeding
meetings. ,
PIONEER. Feb. 12. The
Pioneer community club met at
the clubhouse Friday for Its regu
lar meeting. Mrs. Johnnie Keller
bad charge ot the program: Read
ings by Mrs. D. Inmann, Mrs.
Mark Blodgett; duets by Mrs. T.
Keller and daughter Elsie, and
Mrs. J. Keller and Howard Coy;
play, "Lincoln's Birthday Party,"
by Margie Inmann, Chesley Con-
ley, Fay Keller, Vincent Thiess,
Virginia McCarter and Alice and
Truman Rabbins, and a Washing
ton song by school children. Miss
Lily Rybnich had charge ot the
BRUSH COLLEGE, Feb. 12. -r
A patriotic program was given by
pupils of the Brush College school
at the community club Friday
night as follows: Piano solos,
George Meier; the history of the
flag. Hazel Rivet and Ruby John
son; the Oregon state song -ny
boys; "When and How to Display
the Flag," Corydon Blodgett and
Robert Ewlng; a play, "The First
American Flag," by the primary
class: "How to Show the Proper
Respect for the Flag," Maxlne Ol
sen and Ruth Munson; song by
primary room; flag salute and
song- by entire school; readings
by Miss Skinner of Willamette
university; cowboy song in cos
tume"by Marvin Rock, accompani
ed by Corydon Blodgett guitar,
an.d Mrs. C. L. Blodgett, piano; a
play, "The Old Flag," primary
RICKEY, Feb. 12. At the
meeting Friday night the com
munity club voted to accept the
invitation of the Bethel communi
ty to exchange programs in April.
Plans were made for the fifth
birthday anniversary of the culb
which will be held In March. B. B.
Gesner, 84 in March, the oldest
member of the community will
cut the birthday cake. All who
have lived in Rickey 25 years will
be special guests.
The program Friday night In
cluded a parliamentary law drill,
an address on Hawaii by Anna
uanae, a juvenile lecture on
varieties and uses of willow, Mrs.
M. M. Magee; vocal solo, Nita
Taylol, accompanied by Mrs. W.
D. Horner: vocal duet, Inez and
Ilota Miller, accompanied by Mrs.
Chester Horner; readings by Ruth
Berry and Mike Fitzpatrick, and
a skit, "Pa Gets His Picture
Took," Inei Miller, Ilota Miller,
Roy Taylor and Willis Horner.
SILVERTON, Feb. 12. Fun
eral services for Jeff Scriber,
who died at his Waldo Hills
home Friday afternoon were held
from the Ekman chapel Sunday
afternoon at 2 p. m. and the body
was sent to La Grande for inter
ment. Spa Candy
EAUTIFUL boxes pack
ed In the exclusive Spa
way . . tor Valentines.
. . . people know it!
the cigarette- that TASTES BETTER
.HUBBARD, Feb, 12. The
corn-hog program began to op
erate in Hubbard territory Fri
day; with a meeting at the city
hall which was largely attended
with William Teutsch, , assistan t
state county agent leader, and
Harry L. Riches, Marlon county
agent, explaining the plan in de
tail. Seventy-five names of those
who wish to take advantage of
the, program were turned In.
George Grimps was appointed
temporary chairman of the Hub
bard territory with Waldo Brown
and Otto Berning serving with.
him , on the investigating, com
mittee. The Hubbard territory in
cludes part of Gervais on tho
south and all territory northeast
to Clackamas county line includ
ing Aurora.
Friday night Mr. and Mrs.
George Grimps, Mr. and Mrs.
Waldo Brown and 'Frank Grimps
attended a meeting at Gervais
where 45 names were turned in
of those who wish to sign up.
The sign-up meeting will be
held at the city hall at Hubi
bard Monday, February 19, at 9
a. m. It will be an all-day meet
ing. A permanent advisory and
allotment committee will be cho
sen by the farmers from their
own group on that day.
More Hops Planted
In Silverton Area
Hop planting was started In this
district the past week. Fred Krug,
a hop grower of some years stand
ing, is increasing his acreage. Lud
vig Meyer is setting out six acres
on his father, L. H. Meyer's, farm.
Mr. Meyer grow hops for several
years but took out his yard dur
ing the general hop slump of some
years ago.
SILVERTON, Feb. 12. Mem
bers of the Eastern Star and Ma
sonic orders and their families
will enjoy a St. Valentine party
Wednesday night at their hall. As
one of the program attractions,
the Kiltie band of Salem will be
present. -
it Uts thi
Scrnas aU Ancric. fblt mt ema
briagj atricu FIX5T CLASS trral
lower rmtcs ikta ocfccf TUrd Ckn"
San Francisco f 0.73 f 17.55
Loe Angeles . 15.85 S0.7O
Portland .... 1.05 l.OO
New Senator Hotel Phone 4151
Same thing with a good
cigarette or a good wood-fire
All you need is a light.
And all you want is a ciga
rette that keeps tasting right
whether you smoke one or a
dozen. 1
That's what people like .
about Chesterfields. You can
count on them. They're milder
and they taste better.
In two words, they satisfy
That says it.
& , :