The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Satarday Mernlng. Fetmtary 10, 1934 PAGE SEVEN ' tr I ) I I 1 . s 1 f . '" u . . I i. i THEY PULL Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Adverti-tog Single insertion per lino 10c Three-insertions per lis ..20e Six Insertions : er line.. 30c One month per line.. $1.00 Minimum charge ......25c Copy tor ttis page ac cepted until 1:30 the even ing before publication tor classification. Copy re reived after this time will be run under the beading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility "for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished In its columns, and ia cases where this paper is at fanlt ""will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical : mistake occurs. The statesman reserves :tne right to reject objeo tional advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. HELP WANTELV FEMALE Wnmin between 2a and 45 lor tjousekeeplng on- small farm, reason able wages. Must be rood cook, neat, ar.d have reliable local references. Call t SU N. 2 1st St. between 9 snd 12 a. tn. Sat. SITUATIONS WANTED i Elderly lady will car for sick per- a . i l ..1. tt C S.I son r no um tuuKui, Ciiurfcb Bt. Cart ef children, prac. nursing, i Whole r part time. Exp. Tel. 5830. FOR SALE Miscellaneous V-a4s--t-s-W -i.P-a.Bai------i Trustee's Sale Must dispose of large quantity of Id growth fir and cedar posts. Deliver ny amount, iricea tor quic- aaie. 1713, 1 to 6 p. m. w I 00m 0 0m00 I 040 000 0t W Saw gu mining and sharpening tr.Ile E. Four Corners. TeL 4210. Genuine Me-Ican tamales. TeL 4777. 0t MX lM 00km FOB SALE! Trtple-X-Ma rsliall and Oregon strawberry plants, ueu iri. Wood range 19, tester 4. Fine con- ditioo. TeL Z0F3. Atwater-Kent good -condition, dence J1F2. . Haircut,- AOc elec 30. radio cabinet. TeL Indepen- 1814 N. Com'L Good clover hay for sale. Routs 7, Bot 97; John Sohefie. ,1 rij-jirun-wn, i, ii ---- - ItertMire slants. I- E. Blerce, r.iokrealL. taWWaWMMW--M rwcar Tel-ohona seed peas. 15c perl lb. Quantities less. Also Burbank seed I potatoes. B. Cunningham. TeL 8474,1 230 8. commercial. I i Whiskers amDutated. ISc Prescott's a -oommodaUon barber shop, 1064 Oak'l St. Lata service. MISCELLANEOUS Haircuts 15c-J0a 101 8. Wnter. Free. We pick up dead worthiest torses, cows, sheep. TeL 486t Ilalr cut 25c. Joe's Barber Shop. WANTED Miscellaneous Lf IriAAAA nVWWWWHMi" i - - WANTED 19 hlses bees. Italians preferred. Must b in good condition. I'tLlZTi fonl5eaSe- An" I FOR RENT ROOMS Room and board with laundry. $20. F .'xm heat, rood nome, Z3 g. msn ROOM AND BOARD r- rnnn sal Prairt TeL t71 Board and nico large heated front Vf-om. nrepia. v..u,t... TOR RENT APARTMENTS .. . . . . Furnished pt, Edgewater Court. Carage. TeL 5154, Fura. 1R. apt, 245 S. Winter. jfin rxrss--r)ii - Fttm. spt- IIP- 191 S- cnurcn. FOR RENT HOUSES ajiruinfi-irii , " " Fern, and unfum. housea- R. rorknsr. 111! M. Cottage. TeL 2021. Pam. house, close in. S rooms snl Book. $12.50. 20 Hill St. mj in juuxn nnrrivr S room modern home, close in, . 100.00 terms. 1 0-arrea almost new 5 room mod- An hnniL Lblah diet. S5500 terms. " room house, 1 A. ground. Only 11800.00. Easy terms. - 3. F. TTLRICH CO. It! Stats Street TeL 8871. 13 turn, bouses, others, Torrens, SIS Court. FOR RENT 7 room, unfurn.-house It North Salem. See Mrs. Cadwell, Srtenan office. FOR RENT ftmtrfl4KtAit'--A Close In. business lot suitabls for carats, storage, etc vvui puna to suit rellable tenant. PHTI.IIS A MILLKK. KMIrAni I 2 14 State Rf Tel. 7o - FOR SALE Real Estate aayaaiaaaaaaaaaaajaaaaiaafcaaa Beautiful I A. mod. - f urn. house. Route 4. Bx. 123. Past Texaco Re finery. SPECIAL 1 acre equipped Rabbltry. neat 4 room house, close to city limits. Bar sala 1376. i4 st-te St t Tel. T0Slltli day of January, 1934 EXCHANGE Real EsUtr EXCHANGE -1IH acres 1 miles from Salem, stock ed snd equipped. Will trade for home ta Salem. Must be clear. CHILD3 MILLER, Realtors 3lt Stats St . TeL 73 Highly lmproTcd 10-A. tract near Salem.- Trade tor Idaho er Neb. If you have property la either .place see '' ; ' ' E C IHIELDS Oregon Bids. Tel till. Business Opportunities 8 pomp gaoollny station. 454 Center. MONEY TO LOAN S $ SALARY LOAN'S $ $ to SO DO CLASS ON TOCB PLAIN NOTE No Interest deductions, you receive full amount applied for. One to months time. All loana confidential. STATE LOAN CO., 212 Oregon Bids. Telephone 7783. Lie by Stste S-185. Automobile and Chattel Loans i to It months to repaj at low-at posv Ibla rates. CENKRAt, FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Nat'L Bank Bids, Phone S5SI Licensed -y Stat 'f Are You Short of Cash? Borrow f 1C4-S 1I0-S20 or MORB from us! Repay in from 1 to 20 months, ac- cordtiis to yonr present Income. Com tnl . Writs t 'Phone I BENEFICIAL t.OAN SOCIETT OF SALEM Member et NRA Room II. New Bitch Bids. 2nd floor LICENSED No. S-1Z1 br STATE IIS Stat St Tel. 1740 .w ia0 Funds for farm loans now available : ; long term. Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Bldg.. Tel. 410. FOR SALE WOOD Pfaons Tracy's. tiSt for dry wood. CaU 4im. All wood. Smith ft Rubens. GUARANTEED DST wood eosJ Tal 00 Salem Fuel Co. Trade A Cottage. J JMMMMMrftfWMMV Secoad rrowth and old fir wood. Prompt delivery. Fred El Wells. Shed Dry Old Fir Contract hauling. Tel. (748. Cheap wood. TeU 4527. Dry wood. 125 "D" St TeL 4574. Dry. wood tliat is dry. Call 11SF23. Robert Framm. Dry old fir and oak. TeL 8769. Woodsawlnsr ahd wood. Dial 5734. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Brief case. Initials C A. G. R-ward. Iave at Statesman office. FOR SALE USED CARS Repossessed Cars at Borrego's Car Market We have a good assortment of Model T Fords and other low priced transportation. 240 N. Liberty TeL 3S8 We have 13 used cars to choose from. If It's a used car you want see us before you buy. SAIEM AUTO -COMPANY 435 N. Com'L TeL 4673. McKay's Used Cars Star Tourin 1 ' t 85.00 Ford Roadster "5.00 Willys-Knight Sedan 65.00 29 Ford Sedan 195.00 v-nev. seaan reconaitionea zbs.uu 39 Essex Sedan 285.00 29 Bulck Sedan a real buv 285.00 J2 Chev. Coupe low mileage 445.00 32 Nash Straight 8 Sedan 595.00 Trucks 2t Chev. long w. b. 4 speed trans. 265.00 30 Chev. factory body : 285.00 31 Ford long w. b. duals 425.00 4-29 Chev. with 4 speed trans and bodies for only SU'5.00 each. Take your choice. TERMS TRADES Open evenings and Sundavs McKay Chevrolet Co. 312 Center Tel. 3189 430 N. Com'l. NOTICE OR SHERIFF'S SALE Bv virtne Of Mnrrern?A fnro. cIosure execution issued by the WUik VL 4, Lie? 0iaiO UL JL C I son for the County of Marion, in Suit No. 23488, the State Sav ings & Loan Association, a cor poration, plaintiff, vs A. M. Foll ric and Ruth Follrich. husband and wife, defendants, therein pending ahd to me directed. I shall on Wednesday the 28 day of r JtsrtKU ah i , 1934, at ten o'clock in the forenoon thereof, at the front door of the Marion County , pn.ii,A,. Salem. Oregon, coll at public auction for cash, all right, title and interest had and i possessea Dy saia aerenaants, on I or sjnCe the date of execution of plaintiff;s mortgage, m and to the following described real prop erty: Lot numbered Ten (10) in Block numbered Twenty-one (21) In Pleasant Home Ad dition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, ac cording to the duly recorded plat on file and of record in the office of the County Re corder for said County and State. A. C. BURK Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. 1st Publication: January 27. 1934 Last Publication: February 24. 1934. J. 27-F. 3-10-17-24. ADMINISTn ATOTVS vnTtrir rvp iDDniMTupx-T Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned baa been duly ap pointed by the County Court of ty of Marion, as Administrator of i tn estate of Annie B. Bolter, de- I ceased, and that he has dnlT I qualified as such administrator: all persons baring claims against the estate of said decedent are no tified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. GloTer, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this C A. KUKtiE, Administrator of the Es tate of Annie B. Bolter, Deceased., RONALD C. GLOVER ' Attorney for Administrator, Salem. Oregon. J. 20-27 F. S 19-17. V Texas aas established labora tories at Carrizo Springs, Fort Worth, and lion ton In its cam paign against typaas ferex. Interesting Facte xt . P. J. Stadelman, the new sec retary of state was born at Hemp stead, N. T. in 1875. He came to Oregon In 1878. He was mayor of The Dalles, Oregon. 1918 to 1928. He is listed in Who's Who in Oregon as a banker, a member of the B. P. O. E., golf club and Catholic church. O Railroads have recetred over $200,000,000 in loans from the public works. O In 1933 there were only 20 in the United States with a million dollar income. Threes before that there were some 513. O January 1, 1932, there were 19,650,000 phones in United States. This was 5 per cent of the phones in the world. Radio Program Saturdiy, rebmiry 10 KOW POKTLAKl 620 Xc. 7:00 Skip, Step and Bappisna, KBO, 7:15 Moraing Parade, NBC. 8:00 Organ Concert, NEC. 8:45 Studio. 8:15 Cooking School. 10:30 Woman's Magnine, KBO, 2:05 Ward and Muny, NBC. 2:15 Babes ia Hollywood, NBC. 2 :33 i'riendly Chat. 8:00 Al Pearce and Hi Gang, NBO. 6:00 The Weaker Sex. NBC. 7:00 Saturday Night Dancing Party, 8:00 National Earn Dance, NBO. 9:30 Carefree Carnival, NBC. 10:30 Jack Bain's orchestra. 11:00 Ambassador orchestra. 11:30-12:00 Slumber Hour, NBO. KEX POETLAJO) 1180 Kc. 7:15 Band Muiic 7:45 Organ Concert, NBC. 8:00 Orchestra. 8:45 Crosscut from the t-or, KBO. 9:30 National farm and Home Hour, NBC. 12:00 Weatier Report. 12:00 Organ Concert, NEC. 13:15 Louis Armstrong's orchestra. 1:00 Boy Scoots. 1:30 Better English. - 2:05 gymphony Hour. 3:00 World Bookman. 3:30 Kits Carlton Hotel Orchestra, NBO. 3:45 Ted Black's orchestra. 4:15 Religion in the News, NBC. 4:30 John McCormack. 8 :00 News Fla&hes. 8:15 Music Counter, NBC. 9:00 Souvenirs. 9:30 Irama. 10:00 Opportunity hoor. " KOAC OOEVALLIS 550 Kc 9:00 J i minis Whippo'a orchestra. 9:45 Familiar Pieces from MeGuffy. 11:00 Anecdotes of the Old Pioneers. 11:20 Who'a Who on the Faculties. 11:30 American Legion organ recital. 12:00 Farm hour. 1:30 British Itles Travelogue. 1:45 Old Familiar Songs and Oregon Songs Harold witcralt. 2:00 The Junior Historian. 2:15 Parade of Melodies. 4:00 Humor, Old snd New Don KllPKRL 4:30 Oregon Stories for Boys and Girla. 5:54 Vespers College T. M. 0. A. 6:30 Farm hour. 7:00 Future Farmers ef America Si Wert on chapter. 8:15 Eook review. 8:45 Oregon News of the Week. LARSON IS SPEAKER SILVERTON, Feb. 9. ReT Ernest Larson spoke over KOAC durinz vesper hour Friday at 5:45 o'clock and Miss Frances Nelson of Silverton sang. ReT. Larson was scheduled to- speak at a later date and ReT. C. L. Foss was to have spoke Friday night, but Mrs. Foss was taken to a Port land hospital Wednesday to un dergo a major operation and ReT. Foss was unable to keep the en gagement. NOTICE OP FINNAL SETTLEMENT Notice i3 hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, her duly verified final account, as the administratrix of the estate o f Fred Wintermantel, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tues day, the 13th day of February, 1934, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room In the County Court House at Salem. In Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final ac count and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 13th day of January, 1934. WILMA E. WINTERMANTEL. Administratrix of the Estate of Fred Wintermantel, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. J-13-20-27-F-3-10. - NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Marion, her duly verified final account, as Administratrix of the estate of Emery M. Bailey, deceased, and that said ' Court has fixed Tuesday, the 6th day of March, 1934, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Boom In the County Court House 'at Sa lem, In Marlon County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 3rd day of February, 1934. SARAH M. BAILET, Administratrix of the Es tate of Emery M. Bailey, Deceased. RONALD C GLOTER, Attorney for Administratrix. Salem, Oregon F. 3-10-17-14, U. 3 Business Directory Cards in this directory ran on a monthly basis only. Rate: $1.00 per lino per month. AUTO BRAKES Mika Panels, 275 South Commercial. BICYCLES New and used. Tires, Repairing. HARRY W. SCOTT, 147 & ComX St. CATERING Burt Crsxy, the caterer. Tel. 475S. Hulda Helps Hostesses. Tel. (943. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 44S0. R. E. Korthness. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. It. SCOTT, P9C, Chiropractor, 2S N. High. TeL Res. B7&Z. DRESSMAKING Mrs. Snelsrove. dressmaking and re modeling, hemstitching, tsreyman uiag. over Pay n Taklt. Phone 7466. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets, fun eral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Brelt haupt, florist. 577 Court. TeL 6904. ALL. kinds of floral work. I.uts Flor ist. 16th Market Tel. 9592. INSURANCE BECKE & HENDRICKS 189 K HiKh TeL 494T. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 2GS S. High TeL 9125. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality snd Service Telephone 81 S5 1264 Broadway. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069. New mattress made to order, old re made; carpet cleaning, sizing: fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug ft Mat tress Factory, a ISth 4 Wllbnr. TeL S441. Otto F. Zwleker. Est. 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 431 State Street, Salem. PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician L. O. Altman. M. D. Hdmeopathlst Office and residence 607 Center St. TeL 5832. Treats both acute and chronic diseases. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, 215 S. Commercial. Tele phone 9101. RADIO SERVICE Central Radio Service. TeL 1747. Guaranteed repairs. 225 N. High. MOORE RADIO SERVICE Telephone 3797 At Hollywood Radio REAL ESTATE BECKE A HENDRICKS, Tel. 4947. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, hooks, logan hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 262 Chemrketa. Tel. 4774. R. B. Fleming. TAXIDERMIST E. E. WlgKlns, 1 ml. N. Pacific Hwy. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call 3131, Larmer Transfer Co. TrucKs to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 228 State St. TeL 7773. Distributing for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. Tmok for hire. Tel. 6278. WELL DRILLING R. A. West. SO years experience, RFD 7. Bqt 203. Tel. 110F5. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY No. 8281 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT In the Matter of the Estate of FRANCES HERREN JEWETT, Deceased Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as Executor of the estate of Frances Herren Jewett, deceased, has filed his final ac count in the County Court for the State of Oregon for Marion Coun ty, and that Monday the 19th day of February, 1934, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the Courtroom of said Court has been fixed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto, and the settlement thereof, at which time any person interested In such estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. Dated this 20th day of Janu ary, 1934. O. W. JEWETT Executor of the Estate of Frances Herren Jewett, de ceased. Date of first publication January : 20, 1934. Date of last publication, February 17, 134. BERT T. FORD Attorney for Executor. J. 20-27 F. 3-10-17. QUICK RESULTS BUTTER SHE SURPRISES TRADE PORTLAND. Feb. 9.-V-Con- tinued shortage in the output both here and generally along the Pa cific alope has created strength in the batter trade and surprise to creamery operators. No changes in the price li&t were shown tor butter on the open market during the day but bolter- fat was firmer and in spots an additional premium of lc pound was suggested. Trading in the egg market showed little change for the day. Market for liTe chickens re mained firm. Prices while stoutly held, were practically unchanged for the day although more were paying the extreme ralnes. Movement of turkeys into con suming channels was continued on a seasonably liberal bails with de mand even in excess of current supply while price was firmly held at the recent advance. All country killed meats were now In favor with buyers, even beef moving well. Late in the day the price of veal reached to 10c pound for country killed offerings here. This was the highest marks for more than two years. At the same time hogs moved to 9-9 He pound for top light blockers. Extreme dullness continued in the potato and onion trade local ly and through the country as a result of filled up condition of speculators. The extreme cold weather in the east may be some aid. STUDENTS ELECT PAPER VICTOR POINT, Feb. 9. The school is issuing a newspaper Marvin Darby is editor and the other students are reporters. A party the afternoon of Valentine's day will be given at the school house. The committee in charge is Helen Larson, Donald Jaquet and Laurel Krenz. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MARION COUNTY. Hawkins & Roberts. Inc., a cor poration. PLAINTIFF, vs. Ed ward Jerman, Jr., Lela Jerman; the unknown devisees under the last will and testament of Isaac Durbin, deceased; the unknown heirs of Isaac Durbin, deceased; also, all other parties and per sons unknown having or claim ing any right, title, estate. Hen or interest in possession or in ex pectancy in and to the real prop erty described in the Complaint herein, DEFENDANTS. TO THE UNKNOWN DEVISEES UNDER THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF ISAAC DUR BIN. Deceased; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ISAAC DURBIN. De ceased: ALSO. ALL OTHER PARTIES AND PERSONS UN KNOWN HAVING OR CLAIMING ANY RIGHT. TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN POSSES SION OR IN EXPECTANCY IN AND TO THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COM PLAINT HEREIN, DEFEND ANTS ABOVE NAMED: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you ia the above entitled Court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons; and if you fail so to appear and an swer, for want thereof, plaintiff will take a Decree against you that it is the owner in fee simple and in possession of the follow ing described premises, to-wlt: Beginning at a point 7.52 chains North 6 East from the North west corner of the Donation Land Claim of Davis Shannon, same be ing Claim No. 39 in Township 6 South of Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian in Marion County, Oregon, and from thence running North 5 46 East along the middle of the County Road 19.48 chains; thence South 83 18' East 41.94 chains to an Iron Pipe on the East boundary of Sec tion 36 in said Township and Range which Iron Pipe is 7.82 chains South of the Northeast corner of said Section 36; thence North 7.82 chains to the North east corner of said Section 36; thence North 27 11" East 76.22 chains to an Iron Pipe set in the middle of the County Road; thence" South 65 40 West 26.31 chains to an Iron Bar set at the Southeast corner of the Donation Land Claim of Isaac Headrick and wife; thence North 88 37' West along the South boundary of said Headrick Donation Land Claim 10.85 chains to an Iron Red; thence South 39.85 chains to an Iron Pipe thence North 89 45' West 83.01 chains to the East boundary, of the Donation Land Claim of George F. McCorkle and wife, being Claim No. 41 in said Township and Range; thence South 8 West 16.18 chains to a point 8.22 chains North 8 East from the re-entrant corner In the East boundary of said Claim No. 41; thence South 81 14' East 20.45 chains to an Iron Pipe; thence South 11 15' West 15.2S chains to the middle of the Coun ty Road; thence South 76 07' East 25.24 chains to the place of beginning and containing 331.65 acres of land; and quieting its title thereto, and that yon and each of you be for ever restrained from asserting any title to or Interest In said premises adverse to plaintiff. Service of this Summons ' Upon you, by publication thereof. Is made by order of the Honorable ;Lv H. McMahan, Circuit Judge, at Salem, Oregon, the 26 th day of January, 1934, and the date of the first publication of this Sum mons Is January 27th, 1934. CUSTER E. ROSS, Attorney for Plaintiff, First Natl. Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon. J. 27- F. 3-10-17-24. Stack Regulation SIlflRES SLUMP AT I Salem Markets nnrn nnmn mtnirr i : r UUI-SIIIMJI S llHIIlJl. 1 Grade B I IlLUIUUII U IKIUILI NEW" YORK, Feb. 9. -OP - I Stocks went down today aa traders anticipated the regulatory legisla tion prepared at Washington. Texts of the president's mes sage and the first bill were not made public "until markets here had closed, but Wall Street had a good idea of what the congres sional measures contained and ap parently Tiewed the whole pro gram as one that would meet the whole program of restricting "naked speculation." Shares had extreme losses of 1 to 5 points; this range was reduced to about 1 to 3 net, although prices on Pa cific coast exchanges went some what under those here, markets there having had opportunity to study the actual proposals. Stocks showed general de clines, though some of the larger losses were in shares which had enjoyed the strongest markets during the recent boom. U. S. Smelting, Case, Allied Chemicals and Union Pacific were down 4 to 5 before finding new buyers. 'Aircrafts again found heavy weather, while rails and leading industrials finished with numer ous losses of 1 to around 3. Chrys ler, which earned $2.78 a share last year agains ta deficit in 1932. yielded more than a point. The 25 cents quarterly dividend declared by this company's directors after the close compared with two pay ments of 50 cents each in the last six months, neither of which, however, had been designated as a "regular." General Markets PRODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 9. (AP) Produce exchange, net prices: Butter Extras 23 Me, standards 23c, prime firsts 23c, firsts 22c. Egps Fresh extras 15e, fresh mediums 13e. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 9. (AP) Wheat Open High Low Close May 74 74 74 July . 74'J 74H 74 74H Cash Big Bend bluestem 73He: dark hard winter 12 pet 79c, 11 pet 73 He; soft white, western white, bard winter, northern spring and western red 70 He. Oati No. 2 white $23. Corn No. 2E yellow $22.75. Millrun Standard 13. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 9. (AP) Butter Prints extras. 25 He: standards. 25e pound. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade 22-23c pound; farmer's door delirery is sue pound, sweet cream 5c Higher. EgS Pacific poultry producers' selling prices: Fresh extras 17e, ttsnd- ards 16c, medium 15c dozen. Buving price by wholesalers: Fresh extras 16c, firsts 14c. mediums 12c, undergrade 10c, pullets 10c doxen. Country meats Selling price to re tailers: Country killed hogs, best butch ers, under 150 pounds 9-9 He. Yealers 90 to 100 pounds 9H-10; light and thin ft-7c HeaTjr calres 5-6c pound. Lambs 1415c pound. Heavy ewes 4-7e pound. Medium cows 3-5e pound; canner cows 2H-3o pound. Bulls 4 -5c pound. Cheese 92 score Oregon triplets 10H : loaf 12e pound. Brokers will py He below quotations. Milk " Contrsct price 4 per cent, Portland delivery S1.95 cwt. B grade ercsm 37 He pound. Mohair Buying price, nominal. Cascsra bark Buying price, 1933 peel. 2 He pound. Hops 1933 clusters, 25-30e pound. Eire poultry Portland delivery, buy ing prices: Colored fowls, under SH pounds 1213c, over 6H pounds ll-12e. Spring pullets, 2 to 2 H pounds, 1314c. Roasters, ever 8H pounds 13-14. Leg horn fowls, over 3H pounds 9-10c, under 3 pounds, 8 9c. Broilers, 1 H to 2 pounds, 13-14e. Stags, 6c. Roosters, Se. Pekin ducks. 15e. Geese.'lOe pound. Onions Yakima $1.40-1.50; Oregon fz-z.35 rents 1. Potatoes Local white 'and red $1.25' 1.35 cental; Yakima $1.45; Deschutes fl. 75; Bakers 12. Wool 1934 clip, nominal: WiUatn ette valley 22 25o pound; easetrn Ore gon zo-Z6e pound; southern Idaho 10 20c pound. Hay Burin price from orodueer: Alfalfa. No. 1. new crop $15. Vetch $15. Willamette ralley timothy $15. Eastern Oregon timothy $17. Timothy grasses. blended $15. Oats $12.50 ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 9. (AP) Cattle Keceipts 60, eslres 50;" Testers 50e higher. Steers, good, common and medium $3.25-6. Heifers, common and medium $3-4.75. Cows. Eood. common and me dium $2.50-3.75; low cutter and cutter $1.50-2.50. Bulls, cutter, common and medium $2.25-3. Vealers, good and choice $3-7.50; cull, common and medium $3 6. Calves, rood snd choice $4.50-5.50: common snd medium $2-4.50. Hogs Receipts 400: 50c lower tor butcher hogs. Light weirht, rood and choice 14-5: medium weight, good and choice $4.65- o; hesvTweicht. rood and choice 4- 4.75. Pscking sows, good $2.90- 8.35. Slaughter pigs, medium $3.50-3.90. Feeder and stocker pigs, good and choice' $350-4. Sheep Receipt 800; steady. Lambs, rood and choice $7.50-8.25: common and medium $5.50-7.50. Searling wethers $3.75-5.75. Ewes, good sad choice $2.75-3.50; eonmon sad medium $1.75-3. Stocks and Bonds STOCK AVXKAQZS (Copyright 1934, Standard Statistics Co.) February 9 60 20 SO 90 RR's. Uts. Total 51.4 83.3 88.8 52.6 B8.J 91.4 53.5 81.7 90.9 -9.7 85.1 63.T India. Today 98.9 Previous dsr 101.7 Week ago 102.2 Tear aeo 51.0 3 years ago 7 year g Higk 1934 . Low 1934 . 1S0.7 103.5 177.5 134.7 108.7 109.0 102.3 106.2 105.0 54.3 90.3 93.8 89.1 41.8 64.3 77.5 XOHD AVERAGES 20 20 20 60 India. RWs. Cts. Total BOYD AVERAGES Today 79.3 85.0 88.1 83.4 83.6 83.8 70.5 97.9 84.4 Previous day Week age ear ago 3 years age , High 1934 79.4 85.1 79.3 85.0 63.3 65.6 89.7 104.8 86.8 85.7 82.7 99.8 86.9 80.1 86.1 72.6 74.1 Lew 1934 T7.3 74.8 (1926 average equals 100.) George Hessler is Telephone President DAYTON, Feb. . The annual election of officers of the Dayton Mutual Telephone company, held Wednesday, resulted as follows: President, George Hessler; vice president; W. S. TJ'Ren; secre-tarr-treasarer, Mrs. Ella John son; manager, R. D. Johnson. The directors held over and the ones elected recently are D. A. Snyder, B. A. Feiton, Harry Sherman and J. W. LoretL raw 4 milk. co-op pool price, 9UI3 per hundred. Surplus 91.15. fcaaet aa eeml-saeataly batterias average.) ' Distributor price $2.10. Butt erf at Top 21c, prints 2414c, robes 264". Prices paid to growers by SaUm bajen February 9 (The prices below, supplied by local Crocer, art indicative-ef the oeily market, at are notraarantvea I.t tTm Stst-smaa.) rauiTa jlhd vgetabis Leek. dca. fcasahe , .40 Broccoli. Jtesebnrg. Ko. 1 .90 Crsnherries. .btiL 2 .as Parsnips, box tar .50 Turnips, box lug . .so KuUbacaa, lpx lug .60 Brussels sprouts, iug ,, .so Egg pJaot. local .05 Cahbafe, cwt . 00 to 1.15 Spokane, cwt L J. 75 Greea peppers. Calif, lb. - .20 Onions, doz. bunches . .15 Potatoes, local .75 to 1.00 .1.15 to l.5 -1.10 to J.45 .2.00 to 2.25 ...2.75 to 8.25 1.75 .60 .90 .2.65 Yakima Deschutes - Lettuce California, dry pack California, iced Onions, Labish Celej-r. Hni Celery Hearts California. VI Applies Spits .50 te .65 Reme Beauty Oranges, choice - Navels, fancy Beeta, local, dox. Carrots, local, dox. . . .65 -2.75 to 3.25 -3.25 to 4.00 .20 .20 50 .85 - . .05 H .06H 6.00 1.00 9 Ti csufornis Spinach, local crate Bananas, lb. on stalk Hands Lemons Limes, fresh Avacados, crate bqnash, Danish, dox. . .20 Hubbard .75 to 1.00 Tomatoes. California, case ,, 3,RS Sweet potatoes, lb. , .0314 Grapefruit, Florida ; 4.00 California 2.25 Cluster, 1938, lb., top .30 MOTS Filberts, lb. .12 H to .16 .20 walnuts, lb. .12 H to Buying Prices EGGS ztraa Mediums .08 .07 .10 .09 .06 09 .09 .04 Pullets potrLt-ir" Colored hem medium hena "Light hens Lerhorn frvers Colored fryers Via roosters . WT1T Snrinr Ismbs. ton 6.00 Ho?s, 160 t 200 lbs. 4.75 lev to 16U tbs. Over 200 fh. 4.25 .4.50 3.25 to 8.50 .03 to .05 Sows Steers , Cows .01 H to .02 H .02 H .OH 09 Bulls .02 te Dressed veaL top Dressed nor GRAIN AND HAT Wheat, western red .57 .59 .14.00 -14.00 White. Ko. 1 Barlev feed No. 1 tn. Oats. feed, ton Barley, maltinr. ton ..19.00 -19.00 Oats, milling, ton Hay, bovine prices Oat and retch, ton -12.00 -14.00 Alfalfa, valley, fmt rnt WOOL Wool, medium . Course .S5 .23 .20 Mohair HELD TO ANSWER SILVERTON, Feb. 9. Frank Alfred, justice of the peace, bound Carl Hageman over to the grand jury after the latter appeared be fore the local Justice on a charge or non-support. The warrant was sworn out by Mrs. Hageman. Mr. Hageman has been one of the CWA employes at Silverton. Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER H: & s 771 ggrr ,3 P 772521 ?77?77 2 j 2 777 71 777 28 31 Ifl 31 v2k ' zZ 32 i3 2772-7 3S 777Z7 &y2A. 22222 HI 42 Hi THin b 11 EH 1 1") 11 HORIZONTAL 1 masculine 5 constella tion 8 pierce with a dagger 12 variety of quartz 13 possessive pronoun 14 robust - 15 withered 16 Peer Gynt'i mother 17 river in Russia IS strict 20 implement 22 torture 24 posed for a portrait 27 bind 28 harass 22 slant 44 Lucifer 48 bellow 49 triangular sail 51 nimbus 52 mountain in Thessaly 53 bird of the '' cuckoo family 54 metal 55 rat the outer skin from 66 female of the ' domestic fowl 57 portend Herewith is the solution to yes terday' Puzzle. I I sn rTi- growing; in . , loose soil of ' the sea bottom 84 person of .rested , growth 85 misan thrope 86 member of an Algon quin tribe 17 period of time 88 chides vehe mently 41 pertaining to dogma Rolf iiffii Osarricat. 1114. Da Fea red mil mm T CHICAGO. Feb. 8.-P)-Dowri- ( spring of values predominated in .grain markets today influenced by likelihood that drought dis tricts would aecelve moisture re lief tonight and because of stock market --settlement. Much setting of grains was as sociated with expected bearish re sults of a special message from President Roosevelt to congress relative to federal government control of stock exchanges. Wheat and other cereals gave evidence also of disturbing effects from proposed legislative measures which would tighten restrictions on grain exchange dealings. Wheat closed nervous at al most the day's bottom prices, -1M cents under yesterday's fin ish, corn 4-lVs down, ats at to 1 cent decline, and provisions varying from 5 cents setback to a rise of 7 cents. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May 9-90; July 88 -8 9; September 89 -90. Corn May ; July 53- SS : September 55 . Oats May 364: July 36 ; September 3 5 . EAST WOOL NIT IS lit T BOSTON, Feb. 9. (Jf) The Commercial Bulletin will say to morrow: ' "The wool trade has been marking time for the most part again this week. Scattered sales have been made at prices which show little change, with by-products suited to woolen mill re quirements showing relatively the strongest position. i "Foreign markets have been somewhat irregular. "There has been scattered buy ing through the -west on the sheep's back at prices which are mostly in the range of 28 to 30 cents and which mean clean land ed costs Boston np to current quotations here, fully. "The piecegoods markets are still dull, although there is a lit tle interest being shown in dress goods lines for the Easter trade. "Mohair is in occasional request at steady rates." The Commercial Bulletin will publish the following quotations: Sconred basis: Oregon, fine and F. M. staple, 84-86; fine and F. M. fr. comb ing, 80-83; fine and F. M. cloth ing. 75-76; valley, No. 1, 77-SO. Mohair: Oregon, 40-43. Domestic grad ed: First combing, 60-62; sec ond combing, 50-55; thirdf eomb ing, 45-50; fourth combing, 40 45; good carding, 40-45; first kid, 75-78; second kid, 63-68. RIXDKM IX HOSPITAL SILVERTON, Feb. 9. H. Rin deni, who has been ill for some time, was taken to the Silverton hospital for observation early this week. Mr. Rindem was reported as slightly Improved Wednesday. VERTICAL 1 peat bog 2 the dill 3 stringed instrument 4 put in vigorous action 5 exclamation 6 continue 7 rugged crest of a mountain range 8 shifted 9 sailors 10 mountains in Turkes tan 11 hollow vessel firing forth a ringing sound 19 observed 21 allures 23 free from something obnoxious 24 dry; said of wines 25 wms 26 color J 2& fTOWOld SO weight (India) 81 Greek letter 33 generous 34 cloth at a door to wipe the feet on .36 containing salt 39 tkle of noble rank for Hindus 40 title of a , European gentleman in India 41 harvest 42 flower 43 comfort 45 plant of the tropics 46 land held in 1 absolute ) indepen- 1 dence 47 not any 50 receptacle - rsstatntTS-Usta, la. by worn ME