The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 07, 1934, Page 8, Image 8

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Perkins Whacks Reed With
Which Players Make Best Pilots?
Press Table and Gong; Mat.
Show Filled With Thrills
io Live.
i -1
, ' -
Hold UnfieWflo No Field
Goals for 1 5 Minutes;
, Lead Narrowed V
' The "smoothies" of Willamette
University's basketball squad
.ame through in grand style Tuesday-
: night, " and Coach "Spec"
Keen left them In the fray as
they piled up an Impressive lead
od then held enough of it to de
feat Linfield, 32 to 28, an unex
pected outcome Inasmuch as tne
Wildcats were classed as threats
for the Northwest conference title
this season.
Willamette's defense in the
first half was so tight that Un
fleld scored no field goals until
there were only five minutes left.
The Harrington, Llnfield's only
substitute to get a chance, poked
one la on a stool-pigeon play.
Neely, Wlldfcat ace threat, was
held to one field goal for the eve
ning. Meanwhile with Bill Lemmon
setting the pace and Erren Kloos
tra. right on his heels and. later
outdistancing him, the Bearcats
piled up a 12 to 3 lead; it was
18 to 8 before Linfield finally got
going but Henry Lever's boys
made it 16 to 11 by rallying right
at the close of the period.
In the second half the Wildcats
were still barred from the proxi
mity of the basket but Stewart
.with some help from Harrington,
Helser and Brostrom, fired at
long range and gradually cut
down the ten-point margin which
the Bearcats amassed early in the
period. With two minutes left,
Stewart looped a long one that
reduced Willamette a advantage
to two points. The "smoothies,"
their bag of tricks nearly exhaust
ed, pulled one more out as Lem
mon tossed the goal that made it
32 to 28.
In addition to battling a deter
mined and bruising Wildcat crew,
the Bearcats were the victims of
some weird decisions on the part
of Emil Piluso, usually capable
referee who had an off night. Wil
lamette drew just twice as many
fouls as Linfield, though the
Wildcats appeared to be at least
equally rough.
Lineup and summary:
Willamette (32) G P TP
Lemmon LF 4 0 8
Burdett ItF 3 3 9
Kloostra 8 0 12
FranU LG 0 0 0
Hartley RG 113
Linfield (28)
Neely LP ....
Brostrom RF
Durham C
Helser LG
Stewart RG
Harrington RF
Personal fouls, Willamette:
Bnrdett 3, Kloostra 2. Frans 3,
Hartley 4, Petteys 2. Linfield:
Neely, Brostrom 2, Helser 2,
Stewart 2.
Free throws missed: Lemmon,
Hartley 2, Neely, Brostrom, Har
rington. Referee, Emil Piluso.
Feature Tilt
Set Tonight
Pade's and Parker's, leading
teams In the City-T major league,
will stage their long-awaited fea
ture game tonight at 8 o'clock In
the Parrish gymnasium. Pade's
Is leading the league with six vic
tories and no defeats; Parker's
lias lost two games, but on the
other hand, has suffered less from
Joss of players recently.
The- regular Major league
same will be played on the Wil
lamette floor Thursday night; the
fade's - Freshman game at 7
clock as a preliminary to the
Willamette Ghosts contest, the
Kay Mills - Valley Motor game
after the. main attraction. The
Cardinals will not be able to play
Parker's this week.
: The Teachers, tbonrh mlnm
Che services of several pedagogues
who were busy elsewhere, defeat
ed Western Paper. 82 to 26, Tues
day night In a City-T. minor
league game at the T. M. C. A.
Oregon Paper, much Improved
ver Its early season showing, de
feated ,Kay Woolen Mills, 48 to
ZS- Ini the, game which was ex
pected to prove the hottest of the
rening, Payn Taklt defeated
Square Deal Radio, 3 S to 26.
Teachers (32) (20) West. Paper
wynan 7 T 4 Parker
anor I . F 11 Sherman
Hauk . c Each
Hogue G . 1 Clark
Flesher 8 w.G-. 4 L Hale
Oe. Paper (40) - (25) Kay Mills
JUUSon 21 i. Schmidt
Barnor 2
4 Antrkan
Wirtx 10
Hughes 1
11 Page
S Carr
4 Shaffer
Martin 2
3 : 2 C. A. Pare
6q. Deal (28)
Cross 8 t ,
ICeber ., ..,.
Parrish 2
Good S 1
(83) Pay Taklt
-y.-M.. 12 Park
-F 14 Bale
-O " ... 8 Forgard
-O 1 Bacon'
Hauser 1 ,
JSLUot 2
3 Morgan
. Z 3
III 11 iiiii,
- G .
" - j - - 1
NATURALLY, ail big league
baseball managers are for
mer players, although at
least one Joe McCarthy never
reached big league caliber in his
playing days. But it is an unusual
fact that only one pitcher Walter
Johnson and one outfielder Max
Carey are now managing major
league teams. The rest of the pilots
are or were either catchers or in
fielders. Of the four new managers ap
pointed during the past winter,
three were catchers Mickey Coch
rane, Bob O'Farrell and Jimmy
Wilson. The other one, Bucky Har
ris, played the infield during his
active days.
DALLAS, Feb. (.Dallas high
school's basketball team broke in
to big-time ranks again tonight
by defeating University high of
Eugene 32 to 28. Dallas led 12 to
4 at the end of the first period,
having piled up seven points be
fore the campus team scored.
Dallas stayed ahead all the way
but after leading 27 to 18 as the
last quarter started, saw that mar
gin dwindle to two points for
considerable period and one point
momentarily. Hamilton, a substi
tute, looped the hoop for the
points that gave Dallas a final
margin of safety.
Dallas University High-
Hunter 1 F 2 Igoe
Jones 7 F. 6 Ray Soward
Webb 12 C 6 Booth
Kllever 3......G 4 Mann
Fisher 7. .O 4 Faust
Hamilton 2. . . ,S,. 3 Rex Soward
8 ..2 Cady
S. 2 Golden
Referee, Boydston.
MONMOUTH, Feb. . - Wed
nesday night Monmouth Wolves
will be hosts to the College of
Idaho quintet on the Indepen
dence high school court. Although
the Normals defeated this team
on their Invasion of Idaho and
eastern Oregon, the college, boys
have sent advance notice that
they are beading this way with a
revamped team and the Wolves
will have to play ball from the
opening whistle.
A preliminary will be between
the normal reserves and Mon
mouth high school.
Thrusday sight the Wolves will
play the Union OH team In Port
land and Friday night they will
play a return engagement with
Pacific university at Forest
Aces Split Pair
With Aumsville
' The Salem Aces split a basket-
ban double header with Aums
vflle high at Aumsville Monday,
Aumsville winning the first game
20 to 8 and the Act the second
20 to 11. Both games were fast
and Interesting, the Aees allow
ing.-marked improvement. Their
lineup included Watanabe. Lind-
strom, Ogura, Nakadate and Cur
.M I n JIM
us is win
I flicker
The most famous of the former
catchers to achieve managerial suc
cess is the grand old man of base
ball, Connie Mack. Indeed, Mack's
success may seem to support the
contention of those who claim that
catchers make the best managers,
because they are the only players
who have every play directly in
front of them, and because they call
the signals for the pitcher.
However, the name of" Mack
stands almost alone as an outstand
ing success in the list of catchers
who tried their hands at managing
big league teams. Billy Sullivan,
Bill Killifer, Roger Bresnahan and
Ray Schalk are a few ex-catchers
who failed to set the league on fire
Dazzy Vance
Marketed at
Waver Price
NEW YORK, Feb. .-tiPV-From
behind a barrage of several thous
and words of baseball gossip and
rumor today, as the National
league wound up its mid-winter
session, emerged the somewhat
poignant fact that Arthur
Dazxy" Vance, for seven succes
sive years of his prime the "fire
ball'' king, among pitchers, has
been sold to the Cincinnati club
by the St. Louis Cardinals at the
waiver price of 87500.
There was a time that would
have only been pin money for
the great dazzler himself. He re
ceived three times that much In
salary when he was the ace of
the Brooklyn pitching staff, with
a record of being the league's
leading pitcher four times, from
1924 to 1930, and the undisput
ed strkeout king of them all at
the height of his colorful career.
Now, nearing his 41st birthday
and after a major league record
that stretches back to 1915, Vance
has little of the old -smoke" left.
He was traded by Brooklyn to the
Cardinals last winter and saw lit
tle action la 1933, closing the sea
son with a record of six victories
and two defeats.
The Reds, as has been the case
since their new ownership, head
ed by Powel Crosley, Jr., and
Larry MacPhall, took full com
mand here this week, monopoliz
ed most of today's baseball spot
OCHLOCKNEE, Ga., Feb. f .-
(iFa stribllng, former circus
aerobat whose longing. for a car
eer in the prize fight -ring was
realized through bis son and then
eut short by the latter 's tragic
death, quit the boxing business
Hla Interest In boxing is almost
dead; his heart lies with his fall
en son, buried on a hillside near
Macon. ,-.
William Lawrence Stribllng.
Sr., announced from his farm here
that he was through, had given
up his managerial contracts and
would enter the lumber business
In Charleston, S. C. .
Four months ago his oldest
son. Young Stribllng. the pride of
the south and one -iime challeng
er for-the world's heavyweight
Dozinr championship, was killed
in a highway accident. With him
went Fa's love tor the game.
as managers. Pat Moran and Bill
Carrigan did better than the afore
mentioned group, but neither com
pares with Mack.
The infielders really seem to
make the most successful leaders,
if you go by the records. Miller
Hoggins, John McGraw, Frank
Chance and Hughe y Jennings all
rate with the greatest baseball
pilots of all time.
And today the infielders seem to
stand out on the list of big league
managers. Terry, Cronin, Horos
by, Harris, McKechnie, Frisch,
Fonseca and Grimm are all guard
ians of the inner circle, and most of
them have proved highly successful
as leaders.
CwlcM. Hit, XlM Tmtmt Sadlata. Im.
NEW YORK, Feb. .-VOne
long loud vote for the United
States Davis Cup team was reg
istered today by Monsieur Henri
Cochet, who spent most of his
tennis career fighting Yankees.
But times have changed, and
with them opinions, and today M.
Cochet of France, once champion
of all amateurs, foundation stone
of his nation's Davis Cup forces,
arrived here from South America
for his professional tour with Bill
Tilden and Ellsworth Vines.
"Most eertalnly," he said in
a liberal translation of his French
and what English he has picked
up in the past seven years re
ceiving the congratulations of
most of the American stars after
the completion of important
matches : "the Americans will
"The English, no. no. One year
they Vlll hold the Davis cup. The
Australians, they are dangerous.
But America, ah!"
There were more "ahs" before
the explanation.
"Your doubles team, always it
wins. No one can beat George Lott
and his partner, either John Van
Ryn or Wilmer Allison. So there
you have one point to start with."
Parrish Five
Makes it 12
Wins in Row
Parrish Junior hirh school's
hoopsters made it 12 straight vie-'
tones Tuesday night as they de
feated the Gervals high quintet,
24 to 11. on the Parrish floor.
The outstanding: performance was
the 21-point total piled np by Sko-
pu oi Farrisn. Daugherty made a
strong bid for first string- honors
at center, scoring four points af
ter be entered the game. - ;
Parrish led 12 to C at half
The Parrish Trojans defeated
the Calvary Baptist Junior church
league quintet 16 to 8.
Summary of main game:
Iarrish j Gervals
Skopll 21 ....... ,F i Colby
Freeman V . Wadsworth
Chiles ,C 4 Temlny
Hoffert 1
I Schwab
Daugherty 4
1 Jensen
Referee, Nelson.
Marriages In Kansas in 1933
increased 1528 over 1932. The
1938 total was 18,421.
High School Quint Regains
Scoring Form, Fails to
Stop Sleeper Play
Poor ball handling and failure
of the Salem high school ragers
to guard against "sleepers" un
der their own basket gave the
Oreron frosh a 32 to 23 victory
on the local floor last night. The
university babes led In the scor
ing at all times during the
game, excepting the first few
minutes of play.
During the first three nuar
ters of the game. Coach Hollis
Huntington's aggregation experi
enced considerable difficulty in
penetrating the frosh defense,
but started clicking better in the
fourth, quarter,, scoring eight
Williamson, of the frosh. slept
under the Salem basket during
the three quarters of the game
he played, but came up with 14
points, for Individual, scoring
honors. Peters, Salem high cen
ter, scored three goals from the
court and four from the foul
line for a 10 point total.
The freshmen, considerably
lareer than the high , school
boys, outscored the Huntington
crew 8 to 8 In the first quarter
and increased the lead to 18 to
9 at half time. The future unl
versity cagers connected for three
baskets in the third quarter be
fore the high school aggrega
tion found the hoop.
Wintermute, playing his first
game since his recent illness,
showed effects of his layoff. His
shooting was off color and his
floor work, at times, was ragged.
Liebowitz. frosh forward, scor
ed eight points, and was the out
standing floor man of the con
test. Tim after time he drib
bled through the Salem defense
for a lay-in shot at the hoop.
The score:
Salem Frosh
Wintermute 4. .F. . . 8 Liebowltx
Salstrom 6 F 4 Lewis
Peters 10 C... 4 Helmken
Burreli 0 G 0 Faust
Hobbsl G 14 Williamson
Brownell 2 G . . . 2 Hardesty
Referee, Harold Hauk.
Frosh Edge
Out Win in
Last Minute
The Willamette university fresh
men edged out the Portland North
east Y. M. C. A. hoopsters In one
of the liveliest games seen on the
Willamette floor, 28 to 25 Tues
day night in a preliminary to the
Willamette-Linfield game.
After the Portlanders bad over
come the freshmen s lead ana
moved one point ahead with, only
30 seconds to go, Mosher of Coach
Lestle Sparks' outfit lofted one
from back of the Toul line to put
the freshmen ahead again and in
the wild scramble of the final sec
onds, Morley took a pass under
the basket and popped In two more
points that were superfluous.
Mosher led the freshmen In scor
ing with ten points, closely fol
lowed by Harvey.
W. V. Freshmen Northeast Y
Mosher 10 P 5 Purcell
Morley 4 F Karbell
Brandon C. .11 Abendroth
Versteeg 2 G....3 Gustafson
Whipple 2 G Sherwood
Alley 2 S 2 Hendry
S...... ..4 Datls
Referee, Rex Pemberton.
A basket and free toss In the
final seconds of play cinched a 22
to 19 cage contest for the Valley
Motor V-8 aggregation from the
Salem high school second team
last night. The game was played
i a preliminary to the Salem-
Oregon Frosh contest.
Gies and Speck of the City Y.
league five were the main threats
of the winners, scoring eight
points each while Waddell of the
high school cubs was high point
man for his squad with two field
The high school cagers trailed
by several points at the start of
the second half but quickly closed
the gap and pulled up to even
terms with the city leaguers with
but a few seconds to go. Gies
dropped in ' a charity toss and
Ward cinched the victory with a
shot from the floor.
The score:
Salem B Valley Motor
Sederstrom F 8 Gies
Stelnke 3 F 4 Hendrie
Luther 8 ., ., n ,. Speck
urager 3 .... ... G,.;. GleaJOn-
Waddell 4 O 2 Ward
Quesseth 3
Cater s
National League
Openers Set for
April 17 Agreed
NEW YORK, Feb.- 8-flp)-The
National league schedule lor
1934, formally adopted today,
provides for the following games
on opening day, April 17:
Boston at Brooklyn.
Philadelphia at New York.'
Chicago at Cincinnati.
Pittsburgh at St. Louis.
The four visiting clubs all will
open their home seasons on April
24 against the same opposition
they encountered on April 17.
Salem sport fans were treated
to four shows, each worth the
price of admission, at the regular
weekly wrestling card at the arm
ory. , i
Although - only wrestling was
on the - entertainment menu for
the evening, the fans were-treat-ed
to oratory, both good and pro
fane, a battle between the re
feree and" a wrestler-fan, and a.
battle between the headllner and
After the ring -had been clear
ed through the aid of police
officers and deputy sheriffs, it
was discovered Art Perkins, for
merlyof Detroit and now a resi
dent of Salem who won a decision
over Robin Reed of Reedsport in
their first meeting, . had given
the 145-pound champion the
worst beating ever witnessed in
Salem; that Bulldog Jackson
Jackson lost three rounds of .a
two-round bout, the first two to
his opponent Jack Curtlss of New
Mexico, on fouls, and third to
Referee Harry Elliott, of the Uni
versity of Oregon, on points. Wal
ter Achlu, bested Les Nelson,
formerly of Albany, in straight
falls, In the most orthodox of
three bouts.
The card last night was so
wild and woolly that the near
capacity crowd was standing
practically throughout the bouts.
One of the highlights of the card
was an Impromptu speech by
Bulldog Jackson, he of the derby
hat, toward the close of the en
tertainment. The fans who attended the
card, hoping to see Robin Reed
defeated again by Perkins, should
have bee . fully satisfied at the
outcome. Perkins hit Reed with
everything within reach, in
cluding the heavy eight foot
press table. He bounced the
heavy iron gong off the Reeds
port battler's head, cuffed him
about with an iron chair, and
twisted his neck In the ropes un
til he was black In the face. Per
kins won the first fall in 20:05
with a reverse figure 4 head
scissors but droDDed the second
fall to Reed when the former
title claimant clamped on a toe
hold and hammerlock. Perkins
won tLe final round in 5:40.
Jackson, after being warned
by Referee Elliott, was disquali
fied in the first round of his
match with Jack Curtiss when
the fall was awarded to the New
Mexico grappler on a technical
ity. Bulldog made the decision
certain in the next round when
he kayoed Curtlss with a right to
the jaw, thereby dropping the
bout decision.
Jackson returned to the ring
side to watch the Reed-Perkins
scrap and after the first fall, got
into a tangle with Elliott. Elli
ott ripped Jackson's derby up be
fore police could interfere. Mean'
while a Wrestling fan bad clam
bered through the ropes and
tangled with Reed, who was wait
ing to go to the dressing room
Curtlss is to meet Perkins on
next v.eek's card with Jackson
and Elliott matched for a bout
in the near future.
I OF 3 con
dale won two of three hoop
games played here Friday night.
The Farmers were defeated by
Dallas company L, 21 to 18; the
town team defeated Salem Ram
biers, 29 to 25; and the high
school boys beat Rickreall high
32 to 13.
The line-ups:
Perry dale 16
A. Van Otten 7 . .F. . . .
J. Beyerle7....F....
Dallas 21
4 Vaughn
6 Minnlch
Pengra3.......C 8 Webb
IX Van Otten 2 . . G Griffin
L. Gilson 2 G Uglow
S.... 1 Cliever
S.. 2 Gustafson
Referee, George Beyerle.
Perrydale 82 . Rickreall 13
MullerS F. 4 V. Hamilton
Wyatt2, F. 3 F. Hamilton
Van Staavern ISC... 2 Dempsey
Macken 5 0 Camille
Wagner 2.... G 2 Busch
S 2 Bihle
Referee, Foster.
Town Team 29 Ramblers 25
KeytlO F. . . . 5 Pletrla
Beyerle .F 10 Moye
Fournier 7.....C... 4 McCann
Macken 6...... G... Wood worth
Ramey 4 G.. ( Woodyard
Andy Van Otten, referee.
Dundee Defeats
Amity Cagemen
by Close Score
,AMITY, Feb. 8. Dundee high
school won a hard fought basket
ball game here Friday night from
Amity high. 20 to 18. At the end
of the first half Dundee was lead
ing 10 to 4. Coming back in the
last half Amity began dropng a
few baskets to take the lead and
then Dundee rallied and tied the
score 18 to 18. In the last two
minutes of play the basket was
left open by Amity and Dundee
dropped another which won the
game.. C ,
The Amity girls defeated tne
Dundee girls, 89 to 19. Bobby
Mitchell was star scorer for the
night making a basket nearly
every time she received the balL
'After the boys' game the Perry
dale town team defeated the
alumni F.FJL team of Amity, 12
to 19, although the first part of
the last quarter the score , was
tied. . t ,'. ,-; "
f. . ... '
Here's tis February and the
state basketball , townament
starts Just six weeks from
today. It's always wise ta look
ins; ahead to this event to bear
firmly in mind that it is played
late In March, and not In Decem
ber, Jan nary, February nor even
the preceding March.
For Instance the Salem high
team through most of January
looked like a breeze and some
thought the tournament would be
spoiled by lack of competition for
the defending champions; where
as so far this month it has looked
as though Salem fans might stay
away from the big show to keep
from -witnessing their own dis
grace: and of course the situation
in March will be ideally some
where betwixt and between.
Several weeks ago It looked
as though Pendleton was going
to be the hot shot from eastern
Oregon and might come over
here and make spectators ont of
the Salem boys the first night;
Pendleton is still going strong
but we note that 3iacLoughlin
high has beaten Walla Walla
and there is no assurance now
which Umatilla connty team
may tarn oat to be the armored
The Chemawa Indians lost to
Ashland and beat Medford and we
were iust getting ready to com
ment thereon and predict the re
turn of Ashland's Lithians to the
tournament roster, when another
dispatch came in telling of a
whitewashing handed to the
Braves the second night by Med'
ford and we had to throttle our
L So it appears at this writing
that the state toornamet will
open in the Willamette gym on
March 21 with 10 teams regis
tered, that one of them will be
Salem high and that nobody
knows jnst what sort of team
Salem will have.
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. .-flV
Ernie Cavelli, 145, Walla Walla,
tonight hammered ont a referee's
decision over Frankle Monroe,
136, Klamath Falls, in a six
round main event here tonight.
The nine pound weight advan
tage of Cavelli came in handy
when Monroe jarred him with a
right to the Jaw.
Miles Murphy, 154, Alaska, won
a four round decision over Paul
Kerch, 155, Portsmouth, Ore.;
George Fuschay, 480, St. Johns,
Ore., knocked out Nick Wagner,
173, Seattle, in the first of a four
round bout; Danny McKapplp.
149, St. Johns, took a four round
decision from Private Ray Long,
150, Camp Lewis, Wash.
SEATTLE, Feb. 6.-()-Gordon
Wallace, bean pole Vancouver, B.
C, junior welterweight, scored a
popular decision over Bobby Pan
cho, Los Angeles Mexican, in an
eight ronnd boxing bout here to
night. Wallace weighed 137
pounds and Pancho 1374.
Generals, Thrifts
Lead in Portland
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 6.-()-Franklin
and Washington high
schools topped the Portland in
terscholastie league today by re
maining undefeated In three
Franklin beat Benson 22 to 17
and Washington nudged Grant
over, 29 to 25. Jefferson ruthless
ly trampled Roosevelt 65 to 26.
Lincoln finally won a game, de
feating Commerce 25 to 17.
Symptoms of Nerve
Exhaustion Explained
New Method Helps
steadily increasing number of suf
ferers of Nerve Exhaustion, Fa
tigue, Sleeplessness and other ner
vous ailments will welcome the
announcement of a method that
has achieved remarkable results.
A- booklet explaining the new
method has been prepared. In
terested parties should send 25c
for a copy to Educational Bureau,
C-152 Fuller Building, Jersey City,
N. J. -AdT.
Lrrner Transfer & Storage
We Also Handle Fuel OH, Coal and Briquets and High
Grade Diesel Oil for Tractor Engines and Oil Burn era
Glen Sanford Breaks ' Into
Oregon Lineup, Ties
. for High Honors v
. . . .
EUGENE. Feb. -PV-A clean
sweep in four games against Uni
versity of Oregon was completed
when . University of Washington
won' St to 30 here tonight, bol
stering its Coast conference north
division lead.
The basketball lore of the Hus
kies was sufficient to quell a Web-
foot uprising that netted 19 points
at the end of the game. Both
teams were ragged, but Washing
ton was a bit more organized in
the pinches.
The Huskies led all the way,
though only by a one-point mar
gin at one time in the first half.
Their half-time lead was 18 to 12.
Ollnger scored a cripple at the
start of the second half, cutting
the Huskies' lead to two points.
Dick Merrin, substitute center who
tied up last night's contest, sank
another long shot at this Juncture
and Washington was away again.
The Webfoots were behind 35 tq
20 when they put on their fran
tic rally, which fell short of eras
ing the memory of Washington's
rally last night.
The rafter roamers of Lee
brought him high scoring honors,
with 14 points. His long shots were
unstoppable. Galer was held to
seven points.
Sanford, sophomore substitute
guard, tied W. Jones for Oregon's
scoring honors, with six points.
Father Time
Loses Punch;
Babe Now 40
NEW YORK, Feb. 6.-UP)-Babe
Ruth enters his 40th year tomor
row and Joins Bis Bill Tilden, the'
Hon. Michael Scott, MacDonald
Smith and others in a gallant
company of athletic graybeards
who still give lusty blow for blow
with the youngsters in sports.
All past their prime, as athletes
go, they still can muster the fire
on occasion and raise their games
to championship heights, bringing
a gloating chuckle to the lips of
those who long since have left be
hind the pleasures and triumphs
of youth but still get a vicarious
thrill when the old win over the
It is distinguished company In
which baseball's great man finds
himself. Tilden, at 41, is the na
tional professional indoor cham
pion: Scott 55-year-old descend-
ent of the Scot bard, is the British
amateur golf titleholder; Mae
Smith, golf's master stylist at 43,
is leading the winter golf parade
in medal score and money won.
Slightly behind that quartet,
with Ruth the highest paid player
in baseball, are a host of other
distinguished competitors near 40
or over that age. There are Wal
ter Hagen, Max Marston and Fran
cis Ouimet in golf, R. Norris Wil
liams in tennis, Clarence de Mar,
Pat MacDonald and Matt McGrath
In track and field, and an even
dozen others cavorting with Ruth
on major league battlefields.
Braves Blanked
by Cubs Quintet
The C it) s overwhelmed the
Braves, in an I American noon
league basketball game Tuesday
noon at Parrish. 18 to 0.
Cuba Braves
Nelson 1 F Godfrey
Lowe 11 v , Brooks
Hill 4 C Rowland
Stewart G , Swelgert
Rowland o T ..... Koch
Gutekunst 2 S
Referee, Litweller; umpire, Ma
son. OXE WAX
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