The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 07, 1934, Page 1, Image 1

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Unsettled with rain today
and Thursday, moderate;
Max. Temp. Tuesday 54, Mia.
88, river 2 feet, rain .01
Inch, variable winds.
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, February 7, 1934
No. 272
101 and a-copy'wm b de- ,y S ' 4tV - XT V ' ! - - V7
livered at oncc7 FOUNDED 1851 V LJ
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; Expected Scon Since Business of
Office is
Speaker of House in 1933
Would Provide Eastern
Oregon One Off ice
Parte Ahram ftpnrnp Raker
,w ' ; a-
' Mentioned; Board is All
Changed Since 1930
No transactions requiring: the
official approval or signature of
the secretary of state can be car
ried on by the government of Ore
gon, pending: the selection of a
successor to the late Hal E. Hoss.
As a consequence the offices of the
secretary of state, -while open yes
: terday, were stopped from any im
portant transactions.
Appointment of a successor to
the secretary of state is entrusted
to the f overnor under-Oregon law,
the appointee serring until his
successor can be elected, the latter
filling out the unexpired term of
the official who died or resigned
in office.
Governor Julius L. Meier, forced
by the circumstances to act
promptly, was known yesterday to
be considering an appointment,
but his decision will not be an
nounced until the last rites for Mr.
Hoss hare been said.
Both political parties are ex-
pected to nominate adidte lor
the secretary of state's position In.
; the May primaries and in the run
i off In November, the new secre
tary of state will be elected to till
: out the two remaining years of
i Mr. Hoss term, which ends De
cember 1, 1936.
Earl SneU One of
capitoi rumors pointed yester-
aay to several possioie iyiiuiww
to succeed the late secretary of
state. Earl C. Snell, considered a
likely candidate In 13 to suc
; uj Mr TTna via nrominentlv
nntionfl. finell was sneaker of
the 1933 sessions of the legisla-
ture and Is a resident of Arllng-
ton. eastern Oregon. His appoint-
ment. It was Stated, WOUia give wiu open rnuay nignt, reuru
the eastern part of the state repre- ary f. in the senior high school
ABtatlon on the state board of building, T. T. Mackenzie, direc-
eontrol. whose two remaining
members live In Portland. George
C. Baker," many-term mayor of
Portland, was mentioned, as was
Carle Abrams of Salem, who for
many years was secretary of the
mti board of control and who
bas often been mentioned as
candidate for secretary of state.
ADOOintment of a successor to
' vf !.. vt t.i( f
control as then constituted will
be composed entirely or memoers
tst the nresent governor's official
fimtlr. Rnfus C Holman, pres-
ent treasurer, having been first
annointed by Governor Meier as
a reward for Holman,' service in
the 1930 campaign as enairman oi
the - Meier forces. Subsequently
Mr. Holman renounced all al-
leglance to the governor and has
frwmentlr attacked him In public
"Whoever Is appointed to fill Mr.
Hoss nlace. It was thought yes-
terday, will be known to be sym-
pathetic to Governor ueier in nis
conduct of arrairs auring tne w
niaining months or his term.
Flags at the statehouse were
placed at half-mast yesterday as
(Torn to -rage z, uoi.
World News at
(By the Associated Press)
orT-Henry Ford nrge.
higher wages; plans $250,000 rise
in mouuu Vajwu.
mPRTTA. K. Second state
fHi aeonltted in imneaebment
charges growing out of bogus bond
scandal. A
kand admits slaying former eir-
eus girl in dispute over 1 3.7
-V ' - ' " -
jfvrejgnj .-. T
PARIS Soldiers fire into antl-
rovernment mobs as rioters sees:
to. storm chamber; three killed.
cores hurt.
.LONDON British envoy to talk
disarmament with continental
governments; quality- for Ger-
xnany urged.
' LONDON Lord Ashley snes
former tollies darling for divorce,
naming Douglas Fairbanks,' Sr.
o-respoadent ,
of State Appointment
Oregon io Pay Honor
Popular Official Passes
Illness Kept Him Away From Office but
Work Carried on Until Near End
LAST rites for the late Hal E. Hoss, 11th secretary of
state since Oregon became a state, are to be said here
tomorrow afternoon at the Clough-Barrick mortuary, Ferry
and Church streets, at 2 p.m. Interment will follow in Bel-'
crest Memorial park. All state
tne services.
Mourned by All i
Oregon Citizens
Many Classes Already Full;
i r- . r-.j.u ,-,,, -
PUndS FOrthCOmng tor
February, Announced
The second term of free adult
vocational classes made possible
by allotments of federal funds
under the Civil Works service
tor of the work in Salem, an-
nounced yesterday following re-
ceipt of word that money would
be forthcoming for this month's
work. The last of the January
term classes will be held tonight.
Registration, carried on dur-
ling the past two weeks, remains
open only for a class in economic
problems of today and a course
l In hoalth anil recreation, all oth-
ers having a full quota now sign-
l The class In health and re-
I creation is open only to men
land boys over 16 years of age
and out 'of school, it win meet
I each week day at 9 a.m. at the
it. M. c. A. wnere gymnasium,
swimming and shower facilities
have been provided. Demand for
this class has made It necessary
to limit enrollment to those who
leould not otherwise avail them-
selves of the faculties proviaea
I Registrations for this class will
ine accepted at tne x. any wee
i aay at a.m.
Those registering for the
I course in economic problems may
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 4)
Principle of NRA to Live
On, Field
"The NRA is no temporary
move in American history; the
name may vanish but the prin-
- ?
r y genwatloM longer It u tne
i ji-r-tlott of interdeBendene
I a challenge to every business man
to cease nnfalr practices." So de-
clared Frederick Vining Fisher,
field representative of the NRA,
i m a tnouzuuui aaaress oeiore a
handful of people at the chamber
1 0f commerce last night.
I "America under the NRA Is go-
I lng tnrougn an evolutionary revo-
I lutlon a second naif of the revo-
I lotion of J.776, and in the new
I ; f.i r
I h..i.M.
I v. ---.-ted" ha said. Fisher de-
clared 95 per cent of the Ameri
can people have been for the re
covery movement, arid further
that "the worst chiselers in Amer-
I ica since the NRA have not been
big business but little business
men who can't; see' the great
value." -:
The Pacific coast has little con-
i eeption of the "revolution" which
to Hai Hoss
Away in Early Morn;
offices will be closed during
Death came to Mr. Hoss at
12:45 a.m. Tuesday while be was
asleep, Mrs. Hoss said. At his
bedside in the family home, 362
Jerris street, were his wife and
their four children. Mr. Hoss had
been ill for many months al
though he has been able as late
as the last special session of the
legislature to be at his office at
the capitoi for brief periods. A
week ago his condition, said to
have been brought on by tuber
culosis, grew serious and he was
able to speak to friends for only
brief periods.
Services tomorrow will be sim
ple and without ostentation, ac
cording to wishes of the family.
The Christian Science church
will conduct them. Honorary pall
bearers will include Governor
Meier, State Treasurer Holman,
Chief Justice Rand and Justice
Campbell of the state supreme
court; C. A. Howard, superinten
dent of schools; Paul Kelty, edi
tor of The Oregonian: B. P. Ir
vine, editor of The Oregon Jour
nal; Robert W. Sawyer, editor of
the Bend Bulletin; P. O. Riley,
publisher of the Hubbard En
terprise; Dean Eric W. Allen.
University of Oregon; Walter R.
May, manager of the Portland
chamber of commerce.
Six newspaper men will be the
active pallbearers. They are C. P.
Bollinger, Oregon City; Ben R.
Litfin, The Dalles; Arne G. Rae,
Eugene; A. I. Lindbeck, Salem;
Elbert Bede, Cottage Grove; T.
Ray Conway, Portland.
Scores- of telegrams were re
ceived at the Hoss home Tuesday,
many from distant states, ex
pressing regret at "the passing of
Mr. Hoss.
The death of Mr. Hoss, re
moved one of Oregon's best
known and most beloved polit
ical figures. Since Hoss came to
Salem in January, 1927, to be
come private secretary to Gover
nor Isaac L. Patterson, he became
well-known throughout the state
for his faithful, intelligent ser
vice In public affairs.
Hoss, 41 years old at the time
of his death, was born In Port
land on October 7, 1892. He was
the son of Oregon pioneers, James
B. and Marilla Toung Hoss. His
early years were spent in eastern
Limited in the formal educa
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 2)
Search for Job
Ended in Crash
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 6
Death in an automobile collision
ended Archie N. Edelman's search
for work here today.
Edelman, 38, Portland, had
borrowed his brother's car to look
for work. Although both cars were
badly damaged, two passengers
with Edelman were only slightly
Injured 'and Ralph Storm of Port
land, driver of the other car, was
Worker Asserts
has transpired in the east of the
spiritual Far which has been wag
ed against greed, hunger and de
pression. But the great economic
results are marching across the
country and will be felt on the
coast, where so far faith has been
the sustaining factor.
Although the NRA and AAA
hare already brought great eco
nomic results, and wUl bring
more, the true value lies in the
new mental attitude, and the an
swer it has. given this country to
give to Europe and its threats of
fascism or dictatorship of wealth.
and communism or dictatorship of
poverty. That answer is American
ism which Is the dictatorship of
teamwork, of one people working
together freely.
Fisher said the NRA. idea was
as old as the American govern
ment, that the Idea, though not by
that name, started after the World
w- r In attempts to unite labor and
capital and was then frustrated
by big business interests. He paint
ed the moral breakdown following
the war, the growths which led to
(Turn to Page j, CoL 51
Boettcher Kidnaping Will
Be Formally Admitted
Says His Lawyer
Alcorn Expected to Follow
Sankey's Example and
Close Noted Case
SIOUX CITY. S. D., Feb. .-(P)
-Verne Sankey, described by offi
cials as America's "public enemy
No. 1," will plead guilty in the
Charles Boettcher kidnaping, his
counsel announced here tonight,
and Gordon Alcorn, his alleged
lieutenant probably will follow
the same course.
Announcement of Sankey's in
tention was made by Ben B. Las
ka, Denver lawyer representing
Mrs. Sankey and her husband, as
he emerged from a conference
with U. S. district attorney, Olaf
Eidem. Laska was not able to
state when the expected pleas
would be entered but said he felt
"it would be soon."
' He said he planned to return to
Denver tomorrow afternoon or
Thursday morning but explained
his presence here was not neces
sary when the formal pleas were
Sentencing of the confessed kid
napers would place behind the
bars the two remaining members
of the band which abducted Char
les Boettcher II, wealthy Denver
broker last February, and held
him for $60,000 ransom. During
his captivity Boettcher was held
on the Sankey turkey ranch near
Gann Valley, about 160 miles west
of Sioux Falls.
The penalty for kidnaping un
der the recently enacted federal
law may be life imprisonment.
District Attorney Eidem said he
had not definite information re
garding the prisoner's pans.
He said, however, he had been
led to believe that guilty pleas
might be entered.
PORTLAND, Feb. 6.-UP)-Hold-
Ing company fees were aired here
today at a hearing on budget re
ductions Oregon Utilities Commis
sioner C. M. Thomas ordered for
four utilities operating in the
The Portland General Electric
company, which pays no holding
company fees, has the lowest ad
ministrative costs of any of the
larger utilities operating in Ore
gon, it was brought out.
The hearing was ordered by
Thomas who issued orders exclud
ing certain contributions from op
erating expenses and reducing sal
aries of officials of the Northwest
ern Electric company, Pacific Pow
er & Light company, Portland Gas
it Coke company, and the Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph company.
E. B. MacNaughton, director of
the Portland General Electric
company, said their previous ex
periences with the Central Public
Service corporation were "unhap
py," but that be knew nothing of
other holding companies. -
Franklin T. Griffith, president
of the Portland General Electric
company, said they did not get
value received for money spent
with the holding company In 1931
and 1932, but did get some excel
lent work In modernization of the
accounting system.
Late Sports
SILVERTON, Feb. 6 (Spe
cial) A much Improved Lebanon
high school basketball team gave
Silverton high's hoopsters a hard
battle here tonight before going
down to defeat 28 to 18. Silver
ton led 13 to 6 at half time but
Lebanon 'reduced the margin 17-
16 before the Silver Foxes forg
ed ahead again.
TACOMA, Feb. 6-P)-WhItman
hoopsters continued their unde
feated pace along the Pacific
Northwest conference title path
by downing the College of Puget
Sound for the second time here
tonight, 56 to 26. The Mission
aries won a triple overtime game
last night, 47 to 45.
Tne waua waiia live too an
early lead, relinquished it in the
middle of the- first quarter and
then forged ahead again, slow
ly moving away from the weary
Loggers from then on. Whitman
led at half time. 26 to 14.
ALBANY, Ore., Feb. 6-VPa
cific university finished strong to
defeat Albany college basketball
team 42 to 33 in a Northwest
conference game here tonight;
Corrigan, Pacific center, - sid
ed an early Pirate threat by
batting the ban in the Albany
basket. Douglas was high scorer
of the game with 16 points and
Bradley scored 12 for Albany,
Plans to Admit
Kidnap Charges
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It's Revenue Measure and
Not Criminal Statute
Says K. F. Counsel
The Knox liquor control act
reached its final court stage yes
terday and rested last night witn
the supreme court for the lattef's
decision on whether the measure
was in harmony or conflict with
the state constitution. The court,
sitting en banc, heard Tuesday
morning arguments of counsel for
both sides in the test case of the
City of Klamath Falls, plaintiff
and appellant, against the state
liquor commission. Case was to
be assigned yesterday afternoon
to one of the justices who will
prepare the decision, expected
next week, after consultation with
the entire court.
Elton Watklns, representing
the City of Klamath Falls, took
exception to the defense conten
tion that the Knox liquor law was
a criminal statute and therefore
takes precedence over the home
rule provision of the state consti
tution. He said that section 2 of
article 11, known as the home
rule amendment, gave to cities
the exclusive right to regulate
liquor, subject to the constitution
and criminal statutes of the state.
"It would first be necessary
to prove that the statute Is a
criminal measure and second that
the act makes the Bale and licens
ing of liquor unlawful,'' Watklns
continued. "Otherwise the crim
inal law would not apply." Wat
kins contended that the act was
a revenue measure pure and
Watklns also argued that the
act was passed by the legislature
not as a criminal measure but
to raise money for relief purposes.
George Neuner, attorney for
the state liquor commission, de
clared that the intent of the con
stitutional measure and the In
tent of ,the legislature In passing
the law should govern the con
struction of the provisions.
"The Intent of the people in
approving the prohibition amend-
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 1)
Sentences of one year In the
state prison, With conditional par
oles attached, were meted out to
Albert Meyers and Enel Rogers,
who pleaded guilty yesterday be
fore Judge L. H. McMahan to
charges of burglarizing a St. Paul
pool hall. The prowlers were par
oled to Deputy Sheriff Newell Wil
liams, on condition restitution be
The two boys, both of St. Paul,
were apprehended by the authori
ties, after their automobile bad
been wrecked and some of the loot
recovered. It was reported one of
the boys was intoxicated at the
time of the wreck.
Andrew Jairl, who pleaded guil
ty to burglary, not In a dwelling,
was freed on his own recognis
ance, when he reported the loot,
a dragsaw, had been stolen by an
other party so that Jairl could
work. JuSge McMahan intimated
Jairl would be brought into court
for sentence only In event he did
not keep out of troable.
Frank Kubin, 71,
Called Suddenly
MEHAMA. Feb. f (Special)
Frank Kubin. age 71, died
quite suddenly last night at the
Kubin heme above town. He had
been III for some time. He was
born in Bohemia, coming to this
country at the early age of four
years. He is survived by his wi
dow and four children, otto, or
Salem, June of Canby, Ernest
and Edwin of Portland. Mr. Ku
bin has fire sisters In the east
and one' brother Fred, of Salem
The Kubin family has lived here
since 1916. .
Steelhammer at Silverton,
Evenden at Woodburn
are Among List
Sammis Says Location and
Personnel Here iWill
v Je Revealed Soon.
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 6.-JP)-A
partial list of state liquor
agencies was announced late to
day by .the Oregon liquor control
The agencies will all begin
liquor sales coincidentally with
operation of the first regular state
liquor store, it Is now planned.
There will be at least one agency
in every county the day the first
store opens.
Sites and personnel for the
state stores will be announced to
morrow or the next day in the
towns where they will operate, tt
was announced. Other agencies
will be announced as they are ap
proved. The partial agency list In
cludes: Silverton, George W. Steelham
mer, druggist; Woodburn, F. G.
Evenden Drug Co.; Independence,
M. C. Williams, Williams Drug
Co.; McMinnville, Perry Drug
Co.; Sheridan, King Drug Co.;
Oswego, Thomas H. Allen, Oswego
pharmacy; Hillsboro, Palm Drug
Co.; Tillamook, J. S. Lamar Drug
Co.; Scappoose, R. E. Allen, Scap
poose Drug Co.; Rainier, J. G.
McKay, Rainier pharmacy, and
Seaside, Arthur Graham Drug
Co., in the northwest district.
George Sammis, state liquor ad
ministrator, informed The States
man by long distance telephone
from Portland last night that be
expected the location for the state
liquor store here would be settled
upon today and its personnel an
nounced. The store will be opened
for business, he said, Wednesday
or Thursday of next week.
Laurence Hickam, director for
this district, wa to have been
here yesterday afternoon, Sammis
believed, but did not arrive, as far
as could be learned. An assistant,
however, was reported to have
come and investigated a question
raised over a proposed site at
Ferry and High streets because of
the location of Calvary Baptist
church being across the street.
protest of this site because of
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 5)
TO if
CHICAGO, Feb. 6. - (JPt - Anti-
crime authorities tonight totaled
tne dollars terrorized from Ameri
ca by kidnapers and placed the
toll at "almost unbelievably high
in tne minions."
Records of the Chicago nollce.
the state's attorney, the Chicago
crime commission, federal Investi
gators, and cooperating bodies
showed that in the past year kid
napers had demanded 81,000,000
in cases reported to authorities.
In most Instances, the victims
or their families paid a large por
tion of the demands. And. the au
thorities said, there were many
other kidnapings which never
came to their notice because the
frightened victims preferred to
pay and keep quiet.
As to the cost In running down
and prosecuting kidnapers. CoL
Henry Barrett Chamberlln of the
crime commission said it was suf
ficient to "have cared for a good
large number of our unemployed."
The government's bill for cap
turing and ultimately convicting
George "Machine Gun" Kelly and
his southwestern gang for the
$200,000 kidnaping of Charles F.
Urschel, Oklahoma oil magnate,
was estimated at several times the
amount of ransom paid.
Gehlhar Eyes
Costs in Reply to A ttack
Before ordering a three cent
per pound spread, in butter prices
as requested by the creamerymen
of Oregon, farmers are entitled to
know why the costs of some
creameries are three times as
high as others, Max Gehlhar, state
director of agriculture, declared
in a statement Issued Tuesday. He
thus replied to an attack made
upon, his office at a state-wide
meeting of the Oregon Creamery
men's association here Monday.
"Until that Is Justified I will
not, through code, load upon the
backs of farmers" the results of
expensive management, Gehlhar
continued. "Get your house in or
der is my advice to all creamery
men, both private and coopera
tive. The farmer la losing his
shirt- i
Gehlhar said that, testimony of
fered by the creamerymen at the
code hearing indicated that it costs-
some cooperative creameries ap
proximately three times as much
Ministry of Marine Set Afire but Furious Mob Pays in
Blood; Machine Gun Fire Rakes American Embassy as
Crowd Charges Across Bridge for Attack on Chamber
of Deputies; Midnight Finds Fight Still Raging
Two Hurfdred Police Injured, 350 Persons Arrested; Wo
Official Estimates of Dead Obtainable; Three Times
Police and Soldiers Fire Volleys at People, Most of
Whomare Unarmed; Herriot Has Close Call
(Copyright 1934, by the (Associated Press)
PARIS, Feb. 7 (Wednesday) (AP) Furious mobs in
revolt against the government battled with police and
troops through Paris streets into the early morning hours
today, set fire to the ministry of marine and paid with a
death toll which may reach a score or more.
Machine gun fire raked the front of the American
embassy as mobs charged across a bridge leading to the
chamber of deputies. Many were reported dying. An esti
mated 100 to 200 were gravely injured. Thousands received
minor hurts.
Three times police and soldiers fired upon mobs. At
midnight a running fight punctuated with devastating re
The Washington
(By the Associated rPess)
The senate heard demands for
investigation of NRA 'officials, the
legality of federal emergency cor
porations, and campaign expendi
tures. Two congressional committees
pressed deeper Into the story of
huge profits made from air mail
and naval aviation contracts.
Purchase of trucks and autos
for the army was held up while
grand Jurors studied war depart
ment contract matters.
The house voted $84,170,577 to
finance the state, commerce, Jus
tice and labor departments during
the next fiscal year.
The senate agriculture commit
tee approved compulsory control
of cotton production by a prohibi
tive tax on ginnings above 9,000,
000 bales.
Members of congress predicted
devaluation of the silver dollar.
" Senator King introduced legis
lation to create a regulatory stock
exchange and security commission.
Three Ministers
Decry Technique
oi Fisher Talks
EUGENE, Ore., Feb. 6.-()-Three
prominent " Eugene minis
ters today decried the "spellbind
ing" and "mob-rousing technique'
by Dr. Frederick Vining Fisher,
NRA field agent, in appearances
They also objected to Dr. Fish
er's descriptions of the NRA as
"synonymous with the religion of
The Rev. Clay Palmer, pastor
of the First Congregational
church, in whose pulpit Dr. Fisher
spoke Sunday; the Rev. Cecil Rls
ton. pastor of the First Methodist
church, where a mass meeting was
held Sunday; and the Rev. Frank
S. Beistel, pastor of the United
Lutheran church, were the pro
as It costs others to handle but
ter from the Cube at the creamery
through to the pound package de
livered to the grocer.
"To be exact," Gehlhar declar
ed, "the figures for the two larg
est cooperative creameries are 2.2
cents and .62 cent per pound re
spectively. Smaller cooperatives
show a similar range of spread
while private creameries have
even a greater discrepancy. The
farmer is asked to pay the bill.
"A nam her of cooperative
creameries have set the pace in
Oregon in reducing the spread
between producer and consumer.
Shall we. through codes,' encour
age an increased spread and
throttle the very principle of low
cost handling that cooperatives are
organized for? I stand for the co
operative principle of shortening
the road between producer and
consumer and this principle need
work no hardship on private op
volver lire from tn- police drove
the immense crowd from tfce
Place de la Concorde into tbe
Rue Royale. ending at the fam
ous Madeline church.
The toll of death and Injury.
not completely known, was esti
mated as follows:
The ministry of the interior
said the death toll aay reach 2t.
Six were known to be dead
while royalist headquarters had
declared they knew 12 person
were dead.
The prefect of Paris police re
fused to estimate the number of
csaualties despite reports that tbe
list had reached 12 to 15.
Two hundred police were im
Jured and 350 persons were ar
rested. Four hundred persons were
crowded into hospitals.
The Place de la Concorde, the
Rue Rivolie and the boulevards .
blazed long after midnight with
bonfires built by mobs after tie
ministry of marine had be"1 set
afire earlier in the events by
torches thrown through ground
floor windows. -
Two men were known to hare
been shot and killed in the battle
at the Place de la Concorde. A
French girl on the roof of the
Crillon hotel, shot in the head,
died In a hospital.
The first concentrated flrlag
thto mobs of people, mostly with
out firearms, was from the steps
of the chamber of deputies, where
machine guns raked the approach
ing mass of humanity. The aecoBJ
shooting was rifle fire from the
head of the bridge leading to the
chamber. The third outburst was
indiscriminate pistol fire which
broke the back of the demonstra
tion. Former Premier Edouard Her
riot, leaving the chamber of depu
ties, narrowly avoided being
beaten by rioters.
Steiwer Raises
Issue Regarding
Code Authority
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6.-)-r "
Senate republicans demanded to-
day to be told whether recovery
administration officials have bee
personally interested In tbe codes
they have handled and by what
authority some of the new govern
mental agencies were created.
The first resolution, presented
by Nye (R., N. D.), was blocked
temporarily, but the second, by
Steiwer (R., Ore.), was Adopted.
Nye's measure called on the re
covery administration for a re
port of the business connections
of officials and employes who
have handled codes.
Steiwers resolution not only
asked by what authority the four
special agencies wer created,
but for Information cm the func
tions they perform, the money
they hare received or expended,
and lists of their employes and
Oregon ON A Has
on Student Help
PORTUIND. Ore., Feb. 6.-iff)-The
state CWA office has receiv
ed no official advice that federal
funds would be made available
to provide college students with
part time jobs. Executive Secre
tary Elmer Goudy said today.:
- He said the only information
ho had on tt was through press
dispatches from' Washington.
However, he surmised from tbAtev
reports that such a program,
might be forthcoming. ; 4 i
. 1