The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 06, 1934, Page 1, Image 1

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5T W
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Unsettled with rains to
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Temp. Monday 2, Min. 37,
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northerly wind.
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, February 6, 1934
No. 271
Four-Point Plan to Protect
Disabled. Told by; State
Legion Commander
McAlexander Talks; , Japan
-: Power in Orient Topic -:
Of Creed Hammond '
The four-point veterans legis
lative program now before eonr
Kress was outlined to delegates
and local citizens at the mass
meeting at the high school last
night by Harold Warner, depart
ment commander of the American
Legion, in conjanction with the
district conference concluded last
night. j -
The program, he stated, nrges
that, (1) no war veteran dis
abled In the line of duty shall
suffer any reduction of benefits
as in effect lrlor to March 20,
1931; (2) that veterans' hospi
tals shall be opened np to those
veterans who can not themselves
pay for hospitalization;, (3) that
benefits be restored to ' veterans
who, have disabilities that may be
presumed to have been due to
war service; (4) that benefits for
dependants of veterans shall be
restored and maintained and "in
no event shall widows and chil
dren of deceased war veterans go
without governmental care.
General U. G. McAlexander
concluded the speaking program
with a description of the famed
battle that earned him the title,
"Rock of the Marne." "All we
had to do," he said, "was to build
up our morale and transfer the
shakes that were In our knees
to the knees of the fellows (Ger
mans) across the river."
Legion leaders Joined in de
claring the conference an inspira
tion. General legion problems
wero discussed at afternoon con
ference sessions. Students at Wil
lamette university, the senior and
two Junior high schools were ad
dressed in the forenoon by, mem
bers of the tour. A representattTe
group visited the Part-Time Con
tinuation school in the afternoon.
Japan, is the power to reckon
with in the east and the Paclfie
area is to be the battleground
of the future. Major - General
Creed C. Hammond told the gath
ering In the principal address at
the luncheon. With low wages,
cheap water power and great skill
at imitating and appropriating the
mechanical developments of. the
white race, Japan is waging a
successful economic war in the
near east, the speaker declared.
The rising population of Japan,
her great need of raw materials
and her ability to organize pro
vinces like Manchakno more suc
cessful than the Chinese, force
Japan into an aggressive, terri
torial acquiring policy, Hammond
asserted. He said he thought Ja
(Tarn to page 2, col. 1)
The person charged with violating
the' federal prohibition-law and
' sot yet tried, or one who has been
convinced and has an appeal pend
ing in a higher court, will go free.
- The supreme court so ruled to
day in a unanimous decision hand?
ed down by Chief Justice Hughes.
' : Justice department officials
said it affected more than 9000
cases involving some 13,000 per
sons. , .
Under the decision, eases pend
ing against persons charged with
violating' federal prohibition will
be Quashed. Those who have been
convicted and hate appeals pend
ing will be set free. The ruling, of
course, does not affect persons
convicted of violating state pro
hibition laws.
Nor, the court explained, will it
affect those convicted before re
peal of the federal' prohibition
amendment who are now serving
sentences.. Attorney General Cum
' mings declined to comment on
this phase of the decision until
he had time to read It. v
- ST. PAUL, Peb. K.-fP)-Eleven
men; arrested at Owatonna,
Minn., tonight as suspects in the
.kidnaping of Edward a' Bremer,
were absolved on any connection
with the abduction by Chief Of
Police .- Thomas Dahlll " after a
.lengthy grilling.
' Five of "the band, seized with
14,000 cash and an automatic
pistol in . their possession at an
Owatonna apartment house were
brought here by St, Paul police.
The other: iter were to be taken
here later tonight. Chief DahiH
aid, and would be Questioned
about a recent series of bank rob
beries and liquor law violations,
particularly the 333,584 theft of
5.512 gallons of denatured alco
hol from the La Salle Products
company here yesterday.. ; '
.Bremer was-kidnaped Jan. IT.
President Takes Over Destiny of Dollar
"This is the nicest birthday present I ever bad, re marks President Roosevelt as he signs the gold, bill,
that gives him power to devalue the dollar, on his 52nd anniversary. Left to right at ceremony are:
Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthan, Jr.; Eugene R. Black Governor of the Federal Reserve
Board; George L. Harrison, bead of If. Y. Federal Reserve; Profs. Rogers and Warren, monetary
World News at
a Glance
(By the Associated
NEW YORK Stocks rise In
biggest trading day dince late July.
CROWN POINT. Ind. Arraign
ment of John Dilllnger, gang lead
er, on murder charge postponed
until Friday.
PARIS War veterans demon
strate against Deladier govern
ment ; dispersed by mounted
VIENNA Austria plans ap
peal to League of Nations for pro
tection against "nazl propagan
da." THE DALLES, Ore., Feb. 8-(P)-Steam
and bricks belched
from the fire box of an engine
killed two and severely scalded
two other trainmen on the Spo
kane, Portland & Seattle railroad
11 miles south of Maupin today.
Conductor E. Soldberg of Bend
and Brakeman F. G. Allen of Van
couver, Wash., were killed when
a side rod tore loose from the
driving wheels and crashed
through the tlrebak. The super
heated steam realsed also burned
Engineer A. P. Bouer and Fire
man G. B. Bon of Bend. The com
bination passenger and freight
train was enroute to Bend.
Although seriously scalded, Bon
Snd Bouer were expected to re
cover, it was learned at the hos
pital. . A brick the explosion hurled
from the firebox killed Allen.
Soldberg, standing, close to him,
was scalded to death by the live
Higher Court to
Hear Knox Case
Arguments Today
Arguments of attorneys In the
suit brought by the city of Klam
ath Falls attacking the constitu
tionality of the know liquor con
trol law enacted at the last spe
cial legislative session, will be
heard In the state supreme court
this morning. Elton Watklns,
Portland attorney, will represent
thA rltv of Klamath Falls while
George Neuner, also of Portland,
will appear for the state liquor
control commission.
The city of Klamath Falls al-ie-ojt
the law was discriminatory
for the reason that it conflicted
with the home rule provision of
the state constitution.
Speed is Issue in Plans
For Work at Courthouse
The zero hour for the remodel
ing project for the county court
house is fast approaching. If the
new CWA appropriation passes
congress as it Is expected to do,
on or about February 15. a flock
of new projects from each of the
ItC innntie in the state Will be
up before 'state CWA headquar
ters for approval.
Questions about the Marion
county courthouse project, al
ready tentatively approved by
State Director Wilcox, will be
these: Can the work be complet
ed by May 1 or shortly-thereafter,
while CWA funds are avail
able? Will the county put up
moneys needed for material, pro
viding CWA will furnish only
one-third the material costs?
'The county's answer to the
tint Question is uncertain with
much probability that the job
could not be completed by May 1.
At first three shifts of men were
- i
Supreme Court Refuses to
Hear Proceedings in
Present Form
Alabama was refused permission
by the supreme court- today to
bring suit against Arizona, Idaho,
Montana, New York and Pennsyl
vania to prevent them enforcing
laws prohibiting sale of prison
made goods.
The court unanimously de
clared the proceedings in the
form in which Alabama had pre
sented them could not be enter
tained and decided on their mer
its. The opinion analyzed the Im
portance to Alabama of an open
market for Its prison-made goods,
and the extent to which the clos
ing of the market in the five
states would Teduce Its revenues.
Pointing out Alabama had con
tended the proceedings It desired
to bring would prevent a multi
plicity of suits, the opinion said
Alabama had failed to convince
the court the suit would have that
effect or would serve the conven
ience of the court.
"A state asking leave to sue
another to prevent the enforce
ment of laws must allege in the
complaint, . . ." the ruling held.
(Turn to page 2, coL 6)
VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 5.-
W)-Under continued questioning,
Frank Hoyt, 34, today made more
confessions, alterations and re
tractions to charges of Incendiar
ism and train wrecking in Ore
gon and Washington.
Altering details, Hoyt today
clung to his story of yesterday
confessing responsibility for the
tragic train wreck on the Spo
kane, Portland and Seattle line,
near Wishram, August 13, 1933.
Two were killed and nearly
$500,000 damage wrought In the
Late today officers said Hoyt
denied previous confessions that
he set fires in Portland, Salem
or Bend, Ore., late in 1932 and
early in 1933.
In muttered monotones he told
how his latest thrill came from
the spectacular fire which de
stroyed the machine shop of the
big paper plant here early last
Thursday morning.
Officers said they would per
mit Hoyt to rest from this morn
ing's grilling before Questioning
him further about his statements
concerning three more attempts
to wreck trains, one of which
was accomplished.
talked but construction .leaders
said not more than two shifts
would be feasible dally. The plans
now to be - submitted, call for
changing of the walls on two
sides which will add considerable
time to the weeks originally re
quired for the structure's remod
eling. So the county will have to
take a chance, either that CWA
will be extended after May 1 or
that more moneys are available
from CWA this fall. The Utter
situation would not be satisfac
tory as the county must provide
temporary quarters for all Its de
partments from the day remodel
ing begins. And in event added
CWA moneys were not forthcom
ing, the county would have to
finish the Job.
To the second Question the
county will make an affirmative
answer: it will provide moneys
for the materials provided CWA
(Turn to page I, coL 1
The Washington
(By the Associaated Press)
The supreme court ruled that
all pending prohibition prosecu
tions must be dismissed.
Three air maff officials who al
legedly hindered investigation of
air mail contracts were cited to
show why they should not be held
in contempt of the senate.
President Roosevelt's $950.-
000,000 relief and civil works ap
propriation shot through the
house 382 to 1.
Huey P. Long was denied Im
munity from a (500,000 libel suit
filed by Samuel T. Ansell, former
counsel to a senate committee.
From the White House, where
Mr. Roosevelt nursed a cold, came
word that the president Is taking
no part In state or local elections.
Legislation to outlaw pool op
erations on the stock exchange
was promised by Senator Fletcher.
Secretary Hull announced this
country was ready to negotiate a
new commercial treaty with Cuba,
Secretary Morgenthan sent
treasury agents to New York to
get the names of silver stockhold
The house authorized 200,
000,000 for payments to cattle
and dairy men.
Widely varying profits on sales
of aviation engines to the navy
were studied by a house commit
tee. The supreme court held bank
rupt tenants do not have to pay
damages covering future rentals.
CORTLAND, N. Y.T Feb. 5-(ff)-Four
dogs, taught by instinct that
there is only the law of the fang,
will go on trial for their lives in
the village hall courtroom at Mc-
Graw tomorrow before Justice of
the Peace A. P. McGraw. One' of
the animals will be represented
by an attorney retained by the
The defendants are Curley, a
shepherd; Pal, a police dog; Jack,
a mongrel; and Sport, a bulldog.
They are charged with biting six-
year-old Joyce Hammond while
she was on her way home from
school last Wednesday so badly
there was danger today of her los
ing her right arm. She Is in a
"Arrested" by state police, the
dogs were ordered confined by
their owners until tomorrow's
PARIS, Feb. S.-dfA challenge
to the week-old government of
Premier Edouard Daladler in. the
form of a demonstration by 1,000
war veterans in front of the pres
ident's residence was put -down
by mounted republican guards
tonight, t
That the government feared
other disorders was indicated by
the mobilization of troops armed
with machine guns in the capital
as the stern-faced Daladler plung
ed grimly into preparations for
the fight for bis cabinet's life in
the chamber of deputies tomor
row. A force of several thousand po
lice massed la the neighborhood
of the Elysee palace and the near
by ministry of the interior -which
the crowd also tried to
reach blocked the manifestants.
members of the Croix de Feu vet
erans organization, .
DOGS 60 ill
Speculative Stock Holders
Jo be Listed; Meaning
Of Move Unknown
More Men Said Involved in
Airmail. Letter Affair
Asked to Appear
WASHDJGTON, Feb. 6.-()-A
renewed interest in silver was
evidenced late today by the ad
ministration. What it portends was not made
Immediately apparent, but It led
to an order by Secretary Morgen
than for treasury agents In New
York to give him the names of all
holders of speculative silver
Under an agreement written in
to the new monetary bill, Presi
dent Roosevelt has the power to
issue silver certificates against
the bullion that is being put into
the treasury as a result of the
coinage of newly mined silver.
The development came at the
end of a day that had found three
more men implicated In the mys
tery of the missing airmail pap
ers ordered to appear 'before the
senate to show why they could not
be held in contempt of that legis
lative branch.
The action brought to four the
number that so far has been or
dered to appear next Friday. All
grew out of the removal from the
files of William P. MacCracken,
former assistant secretary of com
merce for aeronautics, of corres
pondence that a senate committee
had subpoenaed In its study of
airmail contracts let in the Hoov
er administration.
Elsewhere there was a wide
crackle of news developments.
high np among them being the de-
(Turn to page 2, col. 8)
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. K.-(ffr-Federal
Jndge James Alger Fee
today granted a temporary re
straining order against salary
slashes Oregon Utilities Commis
sioner C. M. Thomas ordered for
officers of the Portland Gas and
Coke company. Northwestern
Electric company .and the Paci
fic Power and Light company.
Hearing on complaints on the
three companies before a statu
tory court of three judges will
be set later.
In seeking restraining orders
the companies allege, among
other things, that the salary re
ductions were ordered without
testimony and without a hearing.
Late Sports
TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 6.-(ff)-Three
five minute overtime per
iods were needed tonight for the
Whitman college basketball five
to pull out a 47 to 45 win over
the College of Puget Sound. The
game bad ended In a 32-32 tie,
with the score also tied at half
time, 15-all.
Cecil Carpenter, Whitman
guard, tossed in the winning goal
five seconds before the gun. The
teams meet again tomorrow night
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 5.-ff7-Walter
TInkit Achlu, 160, Dayton,
O., took the last two falls one
while the refere-e was out of the
ring to win the feature wrestl
ing match from Cowboy Henix,
158, Burns, here tonight.
Referee Harry Elliott was back
ing a wrestler not on the program
down the aisle when Achlu took
the second fall with a body press
in four minutes, .
Art Perkins, 166, Detroit, took
the .final two falls to win from
Noel Franklin, 155, Portland.
Jack Curtiss, 158, Jackson,
Miss., used an octopus hold, to
throw Don Sugai, 161, Salem, In
12 minutes.
LA GRANDE, Ore., Feb. B.-iff)
-Making their shots count, the
College of Idaho basketball team
easily defeated La Grande Nor
mal, 40 to 21, here tonight.
cisco, Feb. S.-iJ-Yoong Corbett,
3rd, who retired from the ring
after,, losing the welterweight
championship eight months ago,
opened a comeback campaign as a
middleweight tonight with a one
sided 10-round victory over Babe
Mariao of San Francisco.
(P)After tD Portland Buckaroos
had taken a 1 to 0 read in the first
period, on an unassisted goal by
Lyons, the Vancouver Lions came
from behind tonight to win a
Northwestern league hockey
game, 2 to 1. It was Portland's
fifth loss of their present five
game invasion of Canada.
LINCOLN. Neb- Feb. IXffV-
Willlam T. Tilden pulled np to
within one match of Ellsworth
Vines by winning tonight s test In
their Indoor tennis duel. i-1. 6-7.
t-1. Bruce Barnes defeated Vin
cent Richards, 3-6, -f, a-.
Radio Station Slaying
Terrifies 150 Women;
Former Montanan Runs Amuck With Knife;
One of Men Who Seek to Control Him
Stabbed Fatally ; Another Wounded
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 5. (AP) A former Montana
wheat field worker, Clarence Walter,- 43, ran amuck
with a knife in a radio, station today stabbed to death one
man,' wounded another and terrified 150 women who were
listening to a domestic science expert explain how to make
a caramel raisin pudding.
.The dead man was Edwin Wol-O
verton, 21, Grand Junction, Colo.,
a former University of Colorado
student on vacation from a Colo
rado station. He' died from a
knife wound in the bead after
grappling with Walter. Warren
Fehlman, 40, advertising man
ager for the Wall Street Jour
nal, suffered a knife gash.
Brandishing a heavy pocket
knife, Walter, who told authori
ties he formerly lived near Hunt
ley, Mont., entered the studio and
shouted to Miss Grace Kane, sec
"I'm going to get a job here.
She screamed and from the
(Turn to page 2, col. 7)
St. Paul Youths Arrested,
Allegedly Admit They
Took Silverware
Albert Meyers, 21, and Euel
Rogers, 22, both of St. Paul, Ore
gon, today awaited hearing and
sentence before Judge L. H. Mc
Mahan on the charge of breaking
Into and robbing the Blanchett
billiard hall at St. Paul early In
the morning of January 81.
' Their apprehension and confes
sion grew out of an accident Sun
day afternoon, on the road one
mile west of St. Paul where the
car in which Rogers was rid
ing, overturned. Certain silver
ware which spilled on the road
aroused the suspicion of onlook
ers who promptly notified the
sheriff's office here.
Deputies Newell Williams and
Bert Smith, responding to the
call, found Rogers with the
wrecked ear on their arrival.
They also found the questionable
silverware which Rogers confess
ed had been taken from the bil
liard hall, allegedly to give to a
girl friend.
Rogers mentioned the name
of Meyers and Sunday night
the sheriffs deputies apprehend
ed him in St. Paul. He confessed
to his part In the larceny. Both
young men said they were drunk
at the time.
Eight cartons of cigarettes,
(Turn to page 2, col. 6)
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Feb. 5-(JP)-A.
committee of citizens and
ministers tonight informed the
city council that the death knell
of dog racing In Clark county has
sounded. ;
The committee warned It would
file complaints if dog racing was
resumed at . Bagley park or any
place else. As a result plans for a
iO, GOO plant at Leverlch park
were abandoned.
- Before a contract for the pro
posed structlure could be intro
duced, Dale McMullen, county
prosecuting attorney, said he
would be forced to take legal steps
to prevent violations of the state
law against dog racing.
Only the poor condition of
Clark county finances caused him
to permit Bagley park operation
last fall so the county could col
lect 3 per cent of the wagers, he
"Well, I guess that settles it,
said Mayor John HKIgglns.
Creamery Men Hit Back
At Gehlhar ior. Attitude
Refusal by Max Gehlhar, state
director of agriculture, to approve
the proposed butter marketing
agreement in a form satisfactory
to ereamerymen, brought out
spoken condemnation here yester
day from members of the Oregon
Creamery Manufacturers' associa
tion. Members of the creamery in
dustry, gathered here from all
parts of the state, took sharp is
sue with Gehlhar, denying that
the agreement proposed was to
benefit any particular group, par
ticularly they attacked Gehlhar's
statement of Saturday that the
buttermakers agreement was an
attempt of private butter inter
ests to pat over a "quarter million
dollar graft."
The buttermakers object to the
director's insistence that mini
mum . price provisions in the
agreement be stricken' and a "cost
of distribution minimum be sub
stituted, contending that this
would place the great majority of
1 T
Commission Seeks no 'Out'
Under New Salary Plea
Members Declare
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. B.-ff)-The
state liquor administration
will seek no "new employe" rul
ing to exempt Its employes from
salary reductions voted by the
1933 legislature..
Attorney General I. H. Van
Winkle handed down an opinion
at Salem today, which held that
state utilities department em
ployes administering the truck
and bus law would not be subject
to those reductions. The law only
affects salaries and positions
which were in operation at the
time of the reduction law, he
. Salaries for all state liquor ad
ministration employes will be sub
ject to the reductions, it has been
"We wish to conform to the
rules which govern employes of
other state commissions and de
partments," Administrator Sam
mis said. We wish to seek no
advantage for our employes over
any other state employes.
"We have assumed that the
temporary reductions would apply
(Turn to page 2. coL 6)
(By the Associated Press)
Little Austria was ready Mon
day to call upon the League of
Nations for help In her tense re
lations with Germany.
The Austrian cabinet empow
ered. Chancellor Engelbert Doll
fuss to appeal to the league re
garding what It considers the In
filtration of nazl terrorism and
propaganda from the Reich.
Prince von Starhemberg, lead
er of the Fascist Heimwehr and
a Dollfuss aide, put his men in
office in the Tyrol and informed
Dollfuss he would have the sup
port of the home guard hence
forth only If government by po
litical parties is suppressed.
Government quarters in Berlin
said they were not surprised, but
reiterated the view that Austro
German differences concern only
those two countries and are not
a matter of international discus
Feb. B-PJ-Declaring he mistook
15-months-old Naomi Rollinson
for a doll lying on the track, the
engineer of a southbound Santa
Fe train allowed his train to pass
over and kill the child today.
The baby had wandered from
her home, located a Bhort dis
tance from the tracks and four
miles south of here. The engineer
did not discover his mistake un
til he arrived here and found
blood on the front of the engine.
the industry at the mercy of one
or two creameries having unusual
ly low costs because of favorable
Such a change, they assert,
would permit each manufacturer
and distributor to set bis own
minimum Instead of stabilizing
prices at a level which would per
mit reasonable returns to the op
erator of average efficiency and to
his producers. They claim that
Gehlhar proposes to remove from
the agreement the provisions
which would be of most benefit
to producers as well as to the
manufacturers and distributors."
Speakers at the meeting stated
that the substantial men in the
industry deeply, resent the ex
treme charges released to the
press. They declare Gehlhar is at
tempting to cover his ' action on
the code by .biding behind the
skirts of producers despite the
fact that a large number of pro
(Turn to page 2, coL 1)
Hours 1 to 6; Emergency is
Declared as Result of
Reported Disorder
Street Vacations to Help
Playground Projects
; Voted by Council
The City of Salem moved swift
ly last night to check early morn
ing sales of alcoholic beverages
by passing through its council an
ordinance making it illegal either
to buy or to consume, in public,
any liquors of alcoholic content
between the hours of 1 and 4
a. m. The aldermen suspended
the rules and passed the measure
through all three readings. The
measure, containing emergency
clause, was signed at once by
Mayor Douglas McKay and ts now
effective. It Is similar to one re
cently adopted in Portland and
was brought up last night by the
police committee of the council
to stop alleged disorders whicn
have occurred when no ban on
sales was operative , at these
With similar speed the council
last night passed two vacation
measures granting the local
school district permanent use of
streets in the city for playground
purposes, one of the ordinances
having been amended to meet ob
jections of property owners In the
affected district. Under one or
dinance North 13th street from
the north bank of Mill creek to
the north line of A street is per
manently vacated to the school
board along with the permanent
vacation of a portion of the North
13 th street Intersection. Under
the other ordinance a portion of
Tuxedo park and of Meteor street
is vacated. The school board will
use the property in conjunction
with a CWA playground project
now under way.
The council, only nine of Its
14 members present, harried
through Its schedule for an early
It granted a three-year lease to
the Salem Navigation company to
use riverfront property belonging
to the city as a landing place for
steamers. The annual rental will
be 275 for the city, the property
heretofore being nse by the com
pany without any pament.
Alderman S. A. Hughes was
authorized to hare temporary re
pairs made on the incinerator
and meanwhile to see If CWA
funds could be obtained for more
permanent improvements to the
incinerator plant.
Alderman David O'Hara, chair
man of the ways and means com
mittee, reported to the council
that Incomes from miscellaneous
(Turn to page 2, coL i)
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. t.-iJS
-Yesterday's fistic melee at the
Evangelical Congregational
Brethren church will be supplant
ed tomorrow by a court battle, al
leged participants promise.
Seven members of the so-called
anti-pastor faction are scheduled
to - answer assault and battery
charges in circuit court here to
morrow. Their attorney Elton
Watkins announced today that
counter-accusations would be
Bruises and cuts which bearers
said they received yesterday from
the flailing fists, umbrellas and
boots were paraded before police
today. Phillip Kreiger asked, per
mission to sign a complaint In be
half of his brother John who it
seemed was fouled struck below
the belt and was unable to ap
pear. Sunday's outbreak started, ac- ,
cording to the pro-pastor group
members, when a former member;
recently excommunicated for his
part In the fight to oust the. Rev.
Conrad J. Wagner, was nomin
ated to lead the afternoon prayer.
Those arrested today-were:
Phillip Lehl Sr., Phillip Lehl
Jr., John Trout Jr., Henry Walk
er, William Bur back, Katherlne
Schults and Elizabeth Krieger.
OAKLAND. Cat, Feb. S.rtff)
Accused of fraudulently obtaining
and distributing civil works as
signment earns, waiter m. rm
ley, former California assembly- ;
man, appeared before United;
States Commissioner Frank O.
Nebeker here today and was re- !
leased on $2500 bafl.
Feeley and Emile Dewey Rais
in, both former CWA office em
ployes, .are accused of passing out
the assignment cards to workers
in return tor ""money or polltlcaj
favors " :T
-i '