The OltEGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon; Friday Morning. February Z, PAGE SEVEN '14 V . 4 - i : - . ' ; f - - ! . '. t "ti - t ' : - " I ' - - V. -r.-j.. ; . 4 ' ,. '' ;' v." : . .' k :". -. ' "I . P - 4 ' " ! . . ": . i -;-. -ft ; '. '. . - . .-. r "..;;' :; " ; . " v ? ' i c ' ' ' ' ' . 'i - : iiocal 'NWsviBriefs State Chickens stolen Prowl ers this week raided a number of .. Dr. Riley Speaks - A talk con slstingv ot . a miscellany of , re- ntimlm and "erit- aA tsllhir I Pltrj yards at State Institutions, something of Ills European trav- including the Oregon Ute hospl- els was given at the Fraternts tal and the state training school club meeting. at the Gray Belle for boys.- Eighty ehlekens were restaurant last night by Dr. P. O. stolen at " the latter lnstitntlon. Riley or Hubbard. A committee I Chickens taken from tha eottsre consisting of Willard L. Kap- farm were branded iMMn tha phahn, Harry Carson and Donald Apperson announced : the clnb'a annnal informal dance would be I held Saturday night, j; February 17, at nazei ureen. Dance TJ-Park tonlte. 15c. Sheriff in lllshap - An auto mobile drirea . br Sheriff -A. C. Bark struck i a parked machine belonging to Florence- J. Kron, : 285 South 23rd street, on D near Capitol street, the woman report ed to city police yesterday. Little damage was done.v Another mis hap reported Involved cars be longing to F. B, Nunn, 901 South .- 13th, and an unidentified motor ist, on Court between -High and Libertv. To Serve Cake The birthday cake presented to the Open Door Mission at the president's birthday ball at the armory Tuesday night. : will be serred as part of the re- freshments "v Friday at 7 p. m. There will be contests for the kid ' dies, special , music, and at s o'clock Rer. Earl Cochran will :. epeak on a subject of general In :. tereet. Everyone is invited. ; Specially low prices in all branch es t dentistry including ; plates, bridgewortr, crowns and fillings. " Dr. 0. A. Eldrledje, Dentist. 401 Oregon Bldg. Quae Dismissed On motion of the district attorney, Judge L. H. McMahan yesterday dismissed the case of State against George H..Van Arnam. Lack of evidence was given as the reason for dis missal. The defendant was indict ed by a Marion county grand Jury "December 17, 1932. web of the right wing. Poultry dealers were urged by officers to be on the lookout tor these chick ens. ; Ftremen More Today " Bar ring further postponements, city nreaen wui. more back to resu- ; lar central station i onartera in the city hall after a stay of a month and a half at their tern no rarr lorflllAB nfl TTtrh mtraot i They will find a new concrete floor, new watch room and alter ed recreation room! done under a CWA allotment. 1 Regular communication of Salem Lodge No. 4. A. F. & A. M. will be held Fri day, Feb. 2, with free six o'clock dinner. R. Frank Peters, . Junior ' Grand Warden. will speak. All master masons In Tited. Bv ordr nf tha W. M. Loudspeaker Wanted Mr. B. T. Pierce has donated a radio set tor use at Hotel de MInto, tran sient . men's relief I station here. but the outfit has no loudspeaker. B. B. "Bob Boardman. super- Tlsor, therefore Issued a plea yes terday for someone to contribute a speaker; Radio musie would be greatly appreciated by the men : and boys there, he declared. lions Tote Nay -Salem Lions club yesterday noon toted against dispensing with its regular meet ing next Thursday In faror of the luncheon Monday noon in connec tion with the district American Legion, conference. The motion, howeyer, suggested that all mem- bers interested also attend the Legion atralr. T. W. Support CaroleA Three young women . rislted the Lions club luncheon at the Gray Belle yesterday noon and sang a group of songs asking support ' for the Y, w. C. A. financial drlTe. They were Mrs. Ruth Yersteeg and Hiss Doris Clarke, singers, and Mrs. Merle Kemper, accompanist. Sparkling entertainment! "The Taney Motor company brings you Fred Waring and his Pennsylran- ians beginning Sunday, 6:30 p. m. and Thursday f :30 p. m. Tune in ituary ' Weinheimer At a local hospital, Wednesday, Jan., 31, E. L. Weinheimer late resident of 754 North HiU street, at the age of 68 years. SurriTed by. a brother in Minnesota. Fun eral ; announcements later by Clongh-Barrlck company. - ' Schotthoefer At loca hospital, Wednesday, Jan. 31, Mrs. Selma Schotthoefer, beloved wife of William Schott hoefer of Salem; sister of Mrs. ' Guy Domogalla and Mrs. Monica , We8olowski, both of Salem,1 and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartosi of Salem. Three brothers, Ed, Joe and Lawrence Bartoss ' also surrire. Funeral serrices : Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Joseph's church. Recita tion of the Rosary Friday evening at 7:30 at Salem' Mortuary. Inter ment in St Barbara cemetery. to -o 1 Births I o o Davenport To Mr. and Mrs. Russell Davenport, 178S North Capitol street, a yglrl, Elizabeth .Anne, born January 30 at Salem General hospital. , t, Allen To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bynon Allen, 1346 Broadway, a girl. Laura Mildred, born Janu ary 23 at Salem Deaconess hospi tal. - Mitchell To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Chester Mitchell, route six, a glrL Shirley Rae, born January 25 at Salem Deaconess hospital. Greene To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vale Greene, 1740 Hickory street, a boy, Gary Roy, born . January 25 at the residence. RapeTo Mr. and Mrs. Her man Samuel Rape, 1223 North - Fifth street, a girl, Miriam Ellen, torn January 17 at the residence. Giese To Mr. and Mrs. Walter . Edward Giese, route six, a girl, - Caroline Ann, born January 6 near Pratum. " , Harpole -To Mr. and Mrs. Les "ter Bern ell Harpole, Woodburn Toute two, a, girl, Rosalie Jean, born January 4 near "Woodburn. Wins Dirorco - Helen K. Jones was granted a divorce here yesterday by Judge L. G. Level ling. She was awarded the custody of one child by the court; the de fendant was granted the custody of the other. The court ordered Jones, a retired army officer, to pay $26 a month for the support of the child who is to live with the mother. Denies Reports Dr. P. O. Riley, Hubbard publisher, close friend of Hal Hoss, said yesterday he had called on the secretary of state and that reports of his crlti-. cal condition were not correct. "Doc" says Hal looks better than be did a month ago, and was able to eat a good breakfast yesterday morning. Peters to Speak The main address at the meeting of Salem lodge No. 4, A. F. & A. M., at Masonic temple will be delivered by R. Frank Peters of Hillsboro, junior grand warden of the Ma sonic grand lodge of Oregon. The meeting will open with a dinner at 6 p.m. See Chemeketa Players tonight. James Anderson Freed James Anderson, returned here recently from California to face trial on a charge of obtaining property un der false pretenses, Thursday was released from jail on motion of District Attorney Trindle. Officials indicated that a settlement of the case was reached out of court. ' No Exchange Charge -The two per cent exchange charge on mon ey orders drawn on Canadian or Newfoundland offices has been withdrawn, the local postofflce received notice this week. The charge was in effect from Decem ber 13, 1933, to January 31 of this year. R. Alike as two peas in a pod in face, farm and disoosition, it is but nat ural that the McMahon twins, Gertrude tfeft) and Florence. ia ea-old stndents at Julia Richman School New York, should have twin aspirations. They are shown as ther competed against each other for the metropolitan junior ditna chamnionshin in New xors. STN DEFEATS GATES I'lilTEl GATES; Feb. 1. Gates', town team .was defeated by six points n the game with Stayton on Mon day evening. This, was the third game with stayton this season as the second was in dispute and found to be a tie game. Bashor of Salem refereed. The score was 45 to 29. V The lineups: Gates (SO) (45) Staytoa C Ban 26 .F . 14 Ware Cline S ., ,.- F. 11 Thoma W. Ball 2 C Shetton Klutke f . O Darby Wrigles worth 1 Hayward 2 Goodwin 9 Slgmund . Lesly j w r wi m luiueny juam escapes a. i Att. , Ryder, 74. inmate of Cottage IMfS. LtlcttletOn farm, escaped sometime late yes terday, city police here were no tified. He was expected to head i tor Klamath Falls, his home. The local grade school has be come quite active in basketball this year and has a team which is winning games from the "big- ger ones. On Monday night along with the Stayton team the graders played the school team .from Lyons, winning by a score of 27 to 2. On Tuesday afternoon the Mill City grade team came up and the local boys won. by a score of 35 to 14. This was a return game. The game played at Mill City last week was won by Mill City by one point. The lineups: Gates (85) (14) Mill City G. Carey F Stone P. Herron F Lavine J. B. Herron C E. Carey Q K. Dike G.. N. Carey ,. 8 Coimng, Events ; February 23onnty Fed eration of Com inanity Clubs meets at the West Stayton gchoolhoue, S p. n. . ; February - ft District Le sdoa meeting and good-will ton. " - v Febrwary 1 ftGeorge L. Baker to address Salem Gar . den club, chamber of com merce, yy ''n'z:: I Febrnary Series NBA pep talks by F. V. Fisher, national field representative. it February . John E. Manley, national general sec retary, Y. M. C A at :SO p. xo. dinner here, Presby terisa chorclu . . i Ferbnary 15 Polk eonw ty Boral Woman's Federat ed club at Bridgeport. February 15 PatblieT 1st-' ltUUon for county Veterans of Foreign Wars. - February 16 Reserve Of fleers' association of Marlon and Polk counties, formal military ball honoring Ma jor General George A. White. S .- A i Febroary 22-23 Midyear Methodist Rally, First ML K. church. on a noote. Tne piainuxx as as i ludsment for $1960.00 with in terest. 2150.00 attorney fees, and that the mortgage be foreclose and-the property sold to satisfy his claim. . - J wicht!! Salem Cubs Take Game at Gervais Brown Allen Richards Dies at Age 78; B. Young ,.S L. Clihe S W. Grate ., . S A. E. Carey, manager of the Estate Appraised The estate of the late James G. Fairfowl contains assets of 1829 in real and personal property according to an apraisal filed in probate court yesterday. Bert Adams is I executor of the will. Bushnell Back E. C. Bushnell, city building Inspector, was suf ficiently recovered from a recent attack of Influenza to return to his office yesterday after a three city engineer who became HI a week ago yesterday, was still at home resting hut said he was feel ing much better. Pohle to Reroof W. F. Pohle obtained a building permit yes terday to the Pohle-Staver imple ment store at 244 South Liberty street. The work will cost 3350, according to the permit. Guardian Named Grace M. Johnson was named guardian yes- j terday ot the estate of Edwin Johnson, a minor, who recently was named as beneficiary for cer tian personal property. Attend Chevrolet Meet Doug las McKay and a group of his au tomobile salesmen wiU go to Port land today to attend a Chevrolet meeting there. Files Final Account Final account in the estate of the late Emery W. Bailey was filed in pro bate court yesterday by Sarah M. Bailey, administratrix. Income was 425 and outgo 343. . To Address Masons R. Frank Peters of Hillsboro, junior grand warden of the Oregon Grand Lodge, will address Salem lodge No. 4 at the Masonic temple Fri day night. Eena Wins Defanlt The Eena company was awarded a judgment for 3705 and costs here yesterday in a default decree is sued in circuit court against Arn old J. and LeLonard H. Winger, Albert Sues Joseph Albert filed suit here yesterday against W. A. Liston and others, seeking to collect 31554 'allegedly -past due on a first mortgage. . m i A. c. wale, uiBuagci ui tuv uovn in Canada town team' na ukett iQite 40 in- leresi in me local graae team. helping them to get games and as sisting some in their coaching. The local high school will play Turner on the Gates floor on Fri day evening, February 2. Tile grade team may have a game the same evening if an opponent can be arranged for. DALLAS, Feb. 1 Mrs. E. L. Charleton, 78. passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Ballantyne, early this morning. She had been seriously ill for the past two weeks. She was born January 31, 1856, at Aultsville, ntario, Canada, am resided there until 1903 when she moved to New York. In 1908 she moved to Salem and In 1926 came to Dallas where she had resided ever since. She is survived by two sons, C. S. Baker ot San Mateo, Calif ornia, and Wilford Baker ot Sa lem; and one daughter. Mrs. W. L, Ballantyne of Dallas. Dayton Quintets Beat Lafayette DAYTON. Feb. 1. The Dayton union high school boys basketball team defeated the Lafayette team here Tuesday night, 17 to 14. The Dayton girls' team won from the Lafayette girls, 18-17. Chi h l.r WuHA Mmlii bom, amiti Witt Blu Y ibboa. TakMtWK Bar V trtmr DraggM. Ask far iffI.CWES.TK.KS BllVHn SR1KD PUXS, 4e yma kn ' SUES ON NOTE DALLAS, Feb. 1. H. R. Cur tis filed a complaint here today against the V. and W. company, et al, in which he seeks to collect The Salem Cabs' basketball team defeated Gervals, 26 to 19 on the Gervals floor Thursday nieht. Salem Cubs Gervals Gentzkow 6 F 6 DeJardin Johnson 3 -F 3 Bowlig Graber 3 C 7 Stokr Willig 2 G 3 Lelack Wright 2 , O Regal Kemple 1 .., S Parrlsh 3 S Wickizer 2 : S Cragg 4 Wife? Avers Subby TooK Her Pillows Choice feather-pillows were taken' from the Simmons house hold after Parmeiia Simmons. 80, started her divorce suit against Ira Simmons, 80, she told Judge L. O. LeweUing here yesterday in contested divorce case which took a day to try. The plaintiff blamed her husband for taking the pillows. wV'. ;v-t:'- She also testified that Sim' mons would become lrxed witn her and order her to the garret or to the cellar, places she did not propose to go because the was "not a dog or -ctV-"--- The couple, one of the oldest ever to seek a divorce here, were married in 1917. They live in the Broadacres district. Counsel for both litigants win argue the case today. " MOYNTHAX ON TRIP attorney, is on a business trip to San, Francisco. He plans to be gone five days.1 ; Federal Funds Allocated For . : , Rural Classes M. Clifford Moynihan, Salem dent. Allotment of federal emergency funds for employing five teachers for Lablsh. Gervals and Scotts Mills was announced at the CWA office here yesterday. These pro jects will consist of one class ' each In sewing and English Xer . Japanese mothers in the Lablsh district, to be taught by Mrs. B. F. Snelgrove and Mrs. Bessie Shinn, respectively; a class ' In agriculture at Gervals to be . taught by D. B. Moses: and one class , each In agriculture and commercial arithmetic for which instructors have not yet been ob tained. These classes had already been organized and awaited only the word of the allotment of funds, according to Mrs. Mary L. Ful- kerson, county school supermen- Secures Judgment John AI guire secured a judgment tor 3514 and costs here yesterday against Clarence D. McCoy and others. WOOLFERT & LEGG Fri. . Sat Monday Specials DRUGS Bay at the Busy Corner SAVE Phone 3444 We Deliver PS SMfT V If kU. Bar Now I 60U si naoficists grsarwaiaf o3f3r3PKe UoiumDia wur oest 3 lbs. ....... 65c 1 ,,, 23c Quality Never Lowered to Meet a Price 22 Economy lib.' 19c 3 ibs. 55c '.elf.;; "' . . , OPTOMETRIC SERVICE, Telephone. 5858 Byes Kxamined - Glasses Fitted AU Modern Frames and Lenses at prices Ereryone Can Afford Satisfactkm'Gnaranteed .: Dr. Ruth f,L Dangherty 801-3-3 First National Bank Bldg. . .. PEAS, San Wan, 2s CORN, Del Maize or Del Monte, 2's TOMATOES, King's Solid Pack, 2ft's BEANS, Silverton or Santiam, 2's J 2 cans m KC Baking Povder Millions of pounds nsed by government every year. 50 gj Choice Thompson, Seedless 4lb;sa(. v. Harmony bars sa . ! Charlie an Chinese Medicine : & Herb Co. New Method With je out Operation ST B. FOXC. Herb Specialist ." Eight years practice In China. Uses all Chinese herbs tor piles, kidney, bladder, stomach, ca tarrh, constipation, gland s, rheumatism, tumor, - asthma, headache, liver, male and fe male troubles 11 years of service. ."V.;-;. ; :: "" 123 N. Commercial SU Salem - Office Hours 9 to 6 P. 1L ' Sundays 0 to 11 A. M. - CONSULTATION FREE . i Pure Vegetable Quart Gallon 7c 59c Brhig Tonr Contaii At new lew prices. Listen One Man's Family to 3 lbs.SQc 6 ibs.73e l?QcmM& Dnattttei? lioody's Best albs, ngs 4 Card Tables and Chairs to Rent ; MOP STICKS Copper 1A. COMB HONEY MCE 1- River hrand. fancy head, each ...V...... 1UC or. in eeUophane lC wnthern O lb. "-- - . -- - - - j bead rice ... pkg. 11 v vtit JELL-TrELL Your choice ot YtiwortT 9 lbs. 25C 3kg 14t MAXOHES-Searchllght Every - flavors. ...... u phgs. w a,.UgBlfaL 20 cnWo TOBACCO Prince Al- 11. SOUP-Camp- o taU 10. 6 29c bert. Dos. om. 11C bell's Tomato.. V cans 4, JC boxes ........ v cm.-fyw TOILET TISSUE O 1VI-. BROOM SPECIAL : , nQ" PRUNES-- O - IQ. ; Ambassador.. U O tor I'kC Each fcJ C 1 1talian J lhs. AJC LPPLS--Gb GRAPEFRUlTArizoria Seedless, thin slon, 33c doz.. each 3c POTATOESed HflU:Burbanks;5 LETTUCEKd heaci; 3 fe r RIRYrfsiie. well bleached, each 1 Dram Sale EXQUISITE PERFUMES "The scent of the fairest flowers from every corner of the globe." 65c dram poty Paris . . .89c 55c dram Ooty L'Orlgan 89c 63c dram Hudnnt Gemey S9c 1.10 dram Gnerlaln LHeore Blene 89c 1.25 dram Guerlain Shali- mar 08c 1.25 dram DeRaymons Bllm- sy 98c 25c dram White Rose, Sweet . Pea, Lily of the Valley or Violet 10c 85c dram Seventeen . . . .29c 85c Deuvello Le Qui . . .69c 65c Barbara Gould 55e Nyol Soils or quick acting la coses of sick head ache, dizziness and biliousness due to constipa tion, large bottle. 65c c IN THE NEW Fifteen ounces more - 12 extra servings in the new large package of Carnatioa Wheat. A vitalizing cereal now at a new, lower price. 0 0 ' mm A ASHATIOM.AI.SIIS HOT ClIIAt 1 T&W TT7T7? 0 To Introduce the New L1 S Marie Astor Facial Tissues 50c Fancy bridge table coyer, Rose or Jade, absolutely free with each nackape of 500 tissues. Super soft sheets for cleansing the face or for handkerchiefs, all for TOILETRIES SUNDRIES Lux O 1 7 Soap for X (one free with your coupon) Life Buoy n Alt Soap ........ O for 1 1 25c Ov Offr Kleenex & tor 3 5e Pond's OKf Creams fcUC 25c Nysis Hand Lotion (soft ens and preserves 1Q the skin) lC Squibb's Facial Creams Cleansing, Lanolin rA unit nold Cream, iar 3WC Cigarette Lighters, socket size 35e Tooth Brushes (guaran teed pure Chinese ' 10 bristle) Rubber Gloves Goodrich Non-Skid (a super quality glove of pure QQ Later) Jilt. Armand Face Cft. Powder w"' Weekend Set Free with Each Box Sec Prep Shaving 1fl 60c Sovereign Tooth Paste 1.50 Waterbury QQ Alarm Clocks wOi. 5.09 St. Regis Electric Alarm 01 QQ Clock Xmif9 25c 12c T5e Electric Curling life -AW lllS I Mlw W KYAl COIN SMOVSt m4 YdtF O S - V L JC I ITOOTHI IT U for kpKSTo'olh 25c I CI 25e Dr. West's Tooth Paste Clever Tube Holders Frea with Each Sale First come the rice, old shoes, and your own version of a trip to Niagara. Then t the serious business of living not too seri ously and sadly. When you must he your own cook and maid for two with friend husband doubling as chief bottle washer you'll find steaming, fragrant cups of Hills Bros. Coffee do miracles helping two live as easily as one. Hills Bros. Coffee is made for those who like good coffee for families of two or twenty-two who like to count the pennies. It may cost a few cents more than "hardn counter" brands, hut its richer flavor and strength make more satisfactory cups of imvarying coffee de- light- And you drink coffee hy the cupi not by the pound. Always ask for Hills Bros. Coffee hy name and look for the Arab on the can, ' L HAS! i i i m . iir. west Tooth Brush. . . 1 lh. Blonde Psyllium Seed. 1 lb. Agar E trips ......... 1 pint Italian Olive Oil 10c"Senna'.;j Leaves .V... f lbs. Epsom SalU ........ CUT-PRICE DRUGS 23c 59c 49c :6c oli 13c zSc Sp. J 1Q-Camphor lie ; - v . Ifereuroehrome 11c 1 ouart Mineral Oil, 19cfSS59c ... ( ef , mi CaU COlO. Used Furniture Department . - J . 131 North. IHgSi .