!,,----. ! : - - TheOREGON STATESMAN, Salcct, Oregon,, Wednesday Morning, January 31, 1934 - ' ' PAGE SEVEN I f r 9 t t I t 1 r i i K f I ft I t i I r It ? r Statesman Classified .AdsV Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line 10c Three insertion per ' ' Una ....20c Six insertions i er line. . JOc One month per line.. 11.60 Minimum charge ...... 2Se Copy for this page ac cepted until 6:30 the even ing before publication tor classification. Copy re Mired niter this time will be run nnder the heading Too Late to Classify. ; ' The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for error which may ap pear la advertisements pub lUhed In Its columns, and in eases where this paper is at fault win reprint that part of aa advertisement in whjch 'the typographical mistake occurs. The statesman reserves the right to rejeet eejec tional advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. : " "" ' SITUATIONS WANTED WWMMWWWMWftWWW Exp. eeok. housekeeper, wishes work In wnall family. Tel. Tt. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Marshall strawberry plants, John Mack. Rt 1, Bx. 45, BublimUy, Ore. Saw sumll"S and eharpenlns k mile K Four Cornera; TaL 41M. Golden Delicious. Nona better. Ru Wf son's. Boa SS. R. S. - MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS Complete set of drums and traps, JS. lit a Hich at Csasy Crystal Co. I Haircut, JSC 114 N. Com'L aAxiTxTLnrw-inrii-M--i-i- -1-1- - " - - -i - -ii- i- Hay, $12 ton. TeL SCF1X. Totmsberry plants, $25 per thous and. F. B. Garrett, Aurora, Ore. Paying milk rout and truck ; will take car. Box , btatesmac Genuine Mexican tamalea TeL 4777. Closing out prices on all storage, consigned furniture, ranges, etc., at The Hollywood Auction Market and Furniture Store (near theatre). Lease : expires soon. - City Fish and Poultry. Fresh crabs and picked craa meat. ss aamm. For Sale at new price, nearly new bed davenport Frank Doolittle. ftTjTjxfixuTreCij"sr'srB For genuine Pyroil, dial S213. niri ttVtn Snlta. xl.00 Sox Free. Tha Sport Shop, 150 a Commercial St 3$ White Leghorns, good layers. 1000 chick Coal Brooder, a bargain. ; KC I, Box 84. TeL 83F3. Improved Oregon strawberry plants, certified. Irea OI cusease. per to. TeL Scboenborn, 1IF15, EMaUa. 8 mi S. K. Scotts Mllla ' WANTED Miscellaneous -Sa-aaaSaaaaaaaaaaaSSas paaaaaaaSBWasSasaw-iS SSaa Caterpillar tractor 85 er larger for logging. TeL !. . BIISCELLANEOUS Haircuts lSo-SOo. SOt S. Wlntar. Free, We pick up dead" worthless : corses, cows, sneep. xe assy. Vlavt Why not use It first T Call r write N. W. Vlavi Co., 714 BedeU Bldg.. Portland. i WANTD: Names man women, 18 SA wlshlnar government Jobs. $105.00- : $175.00 month. Many examtoations coming. 15 coached FREE. Apply to ; day tor particulars. Box 1249D, care : Statesman. , Preseotfs accommodation barber : shop, 10(4 Oak SL, haircut 25c, shays il&c. FOR RENT ROOMS Heated sleep luff rooicr. 444 S. High. Warm sleeping rooms for women. Kitchen privilege. ' TeL '44 St. ROOM AND BOARD Board-room. MS Court. TeL Sftt. ! Board, room. TS4 Fe-ry.ctJS FOlt RENT APARHIENTS Heated apts. 210 N. 14th St. Strattoa Apta. 670 N, Winter. Nicely fur, apt. Modern. Avallabla Sunday. ; Furn. spt, 22lt HaseL TaL T4. - sawSjssbsBaaaSB)saBaOjSS ! Furn. apt. 120 MiU SL . 1 i-ij-uxrua-ntsxrij'aa "- : Olympic, 120 N. Liberty St. Modern, lurn. t and room apts. . aF-aaaawaaawasawa4sawa Fun. apt t rooms, kitchenette, prj. vats psuh, siT.se per mo. yixE FOR RENT HOUSES SR. furn. boose. TeL 678.; Fun. and unfurn. bouses, R. A. Forknar. Itlt SU Cottage Tel. 20?f I B and room modern bouses fur bished. Chas. Hudktns, TeL 91SX Room it. Miner's Storw Bldg. ' i "sssnjnjxsaifxavxjxruxo r rirv,r' 8maa house. Partly furn, 2439 Lea. i 1700 K. 17th street. S r. mod. --- 1S30 Madlsoa street, S r. mod. -J0 0 ! 28t K. 23rd street. 4 r. moo. . ' P. H. BELL 201 Oregon Bunding . TeL 7712. Modern house, .furnished, 4 rooms, S t3s.se. .a.,-j . - S room bouse, doss fa. $17050. ' 8TXX3N:R i 102 TJ. a National Bank WANTED. TO RENT Want 16 rent or buy 1 or I room lyuaa. Inquire 157 Franklin. ' ; ,; sr i Tjrn WATJTKn -. . 'list your vacant -housa. Furnlshod 9f unninilsned, wttn ' S41 State Street .- TeL 4SI2.1 We Hare A Waiting List. aSa4sa4sskj0aSSVa0saw4SSa - Wanted ta -leas good servles ate tkm bv em operator, writ ses : Peoond St., Orearon City. 'Oregon. FOR SALE Real Estate, KITRTT RK1N HOJiE 5 1 miles oat oa paved road, best ef SOU for garden, 1 room house drove areU, electric light a Prica $1060, cash to, baL monthly t suit, - CHILDS St VtlLLKR, BeaJtors aUi State Stxwst. TeL 7S. :r " .-.": .! llrllUU UUIILl. Ulllll I TniniFin 10 lirillV 1 b -- iifmi nnr mnnrinr sSSi3SW i . flrP- 4' il '"'.I"""""! llnlJIlltl 'lUrllLny I l-i Sf5K";zJ!!': i VtfllH Utl li.uutADt ' ' . .n , - fvf ,. f ti ii i iiiiii iirr niirnrrixi - rOR SALB OR TRADE , 7 acres, two sets balldlorm. nod iJatid, mostly wt to benrie and trait. Close to Salem. Witt divide. a room mmae In good condition. Only takes ftioe to .handle. rooms, two lota, double sarasa and small chkrkew honae. This house U well furnished with ew tarnltura. Can be bought at hir sacrifice, i s acres Irrigated land Eastern Ore- Ron to trade tor somethlna here In val- ley. 11 acre farm eicht miles from 6a lem. This is excellent farm and can be bought at right price. Have oayer lor six room mooem house. ' Private money to loan. CHAS. HUDKIKS TeL tlS2 m. a. Miner's store Bids, i A. REAL SNAP Good five room house, an olastered. flrtrlace, tecated' at 115 8. lth 8t Price 11000. S10S. dawn, balance. 1 per month to include int. at IM- MEDIATE POSSESSION. See, W. O. WKABJ5NHORST is Ca 1S4 8. Uberty Street " 1 1 i i nLruxrinjvu-v FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE In North Salem. Enrltsh tma iMn. I plumbing, fireplace, full basement, for- i nace. double nrar. east - front tat I Tlii5.,vr.1. ice fruit twes. Price vv, iwi lerms, or win accept ft or I S room cot tare near - woolen milla not I over szaoo a part CHTLDS MILLER, ReaKora S4 State Street TeL ST08. EXCHANGE Real Estate There are not uur left like this. 62 A- good ho tend, arood bnnrove- meats, near the pavement; T mi fromlvelt was 52 years old yesterday, ocuy property?" T,md ,0 CI6ge Mrs. Roosevelt is two years Oregon Bid. TeL S902 1 n. j. auiEUJS I EXCHANGE 6 room bunxalow. modern, rl.nr Value $4500. Will pay $1000 to $1500 auierence for tract close to Salem. CHILDS Sc. MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street TeL $701. ACREAGE 6S A., IS A. in cultivation, some tim ber, spring, on good macadam road. xuov. 4 A. all in cultivation. 1 mL from Salem, (tne- soil, small house, $1H0. $100 down. Melvin Johnson, Z7S State St TeL 1791 WANTED REAL ESTATE Wanted Acreage and city property listings. R. A. FORKNER 110 N. Cottage Tel 30S1 Business Opportunities Drug store for .sale, stock and fix- I tures. Thriving- town. 2S min. drive from ' Salem. . Cheap if sold at once. P. O. Box 13J. Portland. " MONEY TO LOAN rri ir"iri"sayyy'srii'Vsj"fVsjsj . r Automobile and IXsattel Loans t to 20 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORF. A local corporation 1st NaO. Bank Bldg. Phone 8551 Licensed y State ? Need Money ? Salary losha. $5.00 and up. from 1 to S months. See Mr. Bachmansj at I STATE LOAN CO. 212 Oregon Bldg. TeL TTIS Lie. No. S-115. Are You Short of Cash? I Borrow I1I0-11-$I0 or MORE from I ua Repay In from 1 to le months, ao- eordins to rour present Income. Corns Inl . . . Write I . . . 'Phonal BENEFICIAL LOAN BOCIETI OF 8AIJ-M Member sf NRA Room 111, New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED No. S-122 by STATE B 12 Stat St Taj. 7 4 . Funds for farm loans now available ; S V& : long term. Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Bldg.. Tel. 4109. LOANS WANTED saaaaaaaaisasaassVaaa Mortgage Investors Subject to Prior Sal $2200 $1000 $$00 .270 acres 54 acres 23 acres I S Years at 0 Per Cent Inspection Invited Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Building MONKY : Wanted farm or city loana Must be good security. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 Sta.t. Strwt Tel 670i. LIVESTOCK and POIJLTRY .Several good fresh cows for sal. S miles -So. Independenc. O. B. Bow man. "Jlz . FOR SALE WOOD SaaaaaaaBlaawaw Fhons Tracy's. 222$ for dry wood ss-maeaMawWay Call 41 Ft 4. All wood. SmiUi Kupew, Dry oll fir. aa. TeL 2712. - aj) IJCIUU'S SlAaOl flf - - -- -aaStaaa GUA RANTKED DRT wood .SOSj TeL 200 Salem rua CO. irao m Oottstsv i " saayssesaasaaaaa'aassisssaaaaa Second growth aad old nr woo. Prompt delivery. Fred B. wans. SasaSasiaaaSas1saa1sahSsaa sp Shed Dry Old Fir ; Contract aianllng. TeL t?4t. Ceap wooL Tel. 457. Dry wood, 9S TT St. TsL 457$. Old fir. IS ta $4.76. TaL 8530. m.m ii-irn"iri-i ' -- Dry fir and ash, ft per cord. Tel. S1I2. - " - MWWWIMAaWMWWWMM Dry wood, priced right. TeU 1333. - .Dnr wood th&t is dry. Call UlFlLl Rohert TO-nm. LOST AND FOUND Tj-.crr At T. W. CL A. Pair alack pumps. Party who took packag . by error, can aeti. wwmm. ' W-iNTED -USED CARS .-. . . BeDOssessed Cars at .- ! I Borregos Car iilarkct . We have a good assortment f ' alwdsl T Fords and othar low tn-icftd transoortaftoa. 1 110 N. Liberty ..... TL 2 $22 11 Fotd Tudor DsLusa." A-I confll - Uon. Beaasnabl. Coaslder chaaper as part. 1840 K. Capitol, TaL USS i . -. : . u r i ma a a . 1 1 w n sa a aw w 1 1 li-i-l. iill ii: ii i-i iii i - , -J Interesting Facts. ... The discovery of Oregon came first by sea. o . Portland. Oregon, has 29 miles of harbor frontage. o Charles Klnzer. local barber says that .he likes to be around Homely people best. ' He claims that they always make up tor rh1i fn AfTiAV ova u . . The Question of how many chicks to a house is answered k... 8 feet x 8 feet 100-160 chicks 8 feet x 12 feet '.200-250 chicks 10 feet x 12 feet 250-300 chicks 1 2 feet x 1 4 feet 4 0 0-4S 0 chicks 14feetxl6feet 5 00-6 DO chicks -O President Franklin D. Roose- j Utu v.w..uw w were both born in New York state. There are 2500 animals In the Washington zoo. Some 2,450,000 people visit the place each year. o War cruisers of. 10,000 tons cost about $10,000,000 each. O r There have been 1,090,000 cu bic yards of concrete poured for gtet Boulder dam. The dam is about one third complete. O- There are 162,000,000 areas of national forests In the United States. FOR SALE USEp CARS McKay's Used Cars Willys-Khlght Sedan 4 '37 Stsr Couce. A dandy '29 Cher. Sedan. Reconditioned - 285 "39 Essex Sedan 185 2 Bulck Sedan SS 32 Plymouth Sedan . 525 12 Nash Sedan 525 TRUCKS '22 Chev. Long W. B. 4-soeed trans., fine rubber. License $2(5 '30 cnev. Good ures ana staxe body 275 4 12 Chev. Tracks at $121 each. Take your choice TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays. McKay Chevrolet Co. 332 Center 420 N. Com'L Telephone 2182 Radi P rogram WtDITEHDAT, January SI KOW POETLAH-620 Ka. 6:50 Breea aad BeSoae, KBO. T:15 Orraa concert. KBO. 7:30 Ronald Back.. 8; 15 Crosscuts, KBO. 8:45 Abe Bsrcovtx, riollnlit, 0:30 Oookisg seheoL 8 :4S Portland Pable ICarkat. 10:15 Books for Children, NBC 10:30 Womaa'a Magasiae, HBO. 11 :80 Wearers ef Bressnu 13 :15 Westers Sana aad Boau aear, KBO. 1 :4S Michael Araastein. eellUit. S:00 Al Psaree aad His Osag, KBO. 8:05 Wsldorf-Attoria rcastra. saw. 2:30 Friendly ChaV S:4S Soloist. SBC 4:00 Mary Small sad orchestra, KBO. j 4:30 Eddie King, piaaiat. 5 :0O Concert Minietares, KBO. 0:30 Vines prograai, KBC. 6:00 Antes fa' Aady, HBO. 9:15 Panl B. Kelty. 10:15 Weather report. v 10:15 -Jack Bala's orchestra. 10-45 Wrk Hookies orchestra. I 11:00 Ambassador Hetel orckeitra. 11:30 Bal Taharln rcheatra, KBO. n hi i. 33C PO ETLAKD 1 1 8 0 Ks. V-15 Danoa Rh-thna. 7:45 Exerelae aad Appleaaaea. KBO. 8 rOO 70-r gqeare Uataeoxsl aemee. 8:45 Croaseats, KBO. 9:15 GJea Gray's orehsstra. 0:80 Arion trio, KBO. 1 10:03 Arfontina trie, KBO. 10:15 Ronald Beek, Piaaiat. -10:80 Manikin Tea. 11:45 JalU Hayes. 12:00 Edna Fischer. KBO. 11 :20 Weather, wheat market sad fla- aaeial reports.- -13:35 Ted Weems orchestra, 13U0 Reeee Che-tet. . 13:45 Concert greap. ' . a 1 :00 Dane Aatiqaea. 1:45 Lady Kext Door, KBO. 3:00 World Beokaaaa. 2 :05 Mnsieal Gents. 9-35 Waits TlaiA. 8:15 Waldarf -Astoria arcaeatra, KBC. S :4S Oaehaati. . 4:00 Ptekesus Sisters. 4:80 Taago Tune. 8:30 Oas Idneatieaal Bratem. 8:45 Haas, Kate sad Frits. t :15 Sam Gerdoa, :45 Oiyatpiaas. :' ' 10:00 htarakaii's ICaverieas, KBO. KOAO COBYA7,Lia - BBS Kft. IS too ftl SUaetrUleatiaS- - 10:80 Leasea 1 Spasiaa, - Veils a 2L - atartia, - ,;-. - 11:00 Modera Poetry Ada Eastiaga usages. ti:30 Who's wa a th r seal ties. 12:00 rr hoar. ; 1:45 Old Familiar Seers aad SoSgs sf Oregeat Harold WiteraTt. S :00 T aa sea Laalsie ad elasa- ' - . raa atseaaaiaa v or. aa. aui. Waod Smith sad atndeata. t:00 lcy A. Case -"Torn Helps ' Oat aa feed Storage Prea- 4 00 Hnsior. Old 'aad ' Kew Doa Meats. 410 KoBuikias' Aaal XvarvtUaC. AtO Oresoa Ssaciss few -toy and (atria. . 1 - - 8:45 Venpera Bev."W Baymosd - Wilder. S.90 Farm bear. 7:90 Dr. Virtor Iforrl Ta i'AiWttSMii' I-!ar??.',Ia.- Art , T.- 7l. TA tr ..-- ilaas Dr. Vie tor P. kfnrria 8:45 Physics U Kveryday Life "B seat Developments ta Badio Be eeivers aad Apparatas" . K,. A. Taaker, staistaat , professor cf physic. 2:00 LlnHeld eollegs. SILVERTON. Jan. IQ.-Catha- leene Caddy, . iormer j teacher at 1 cti-.-a Us v v.. ...-a ear " . " " liuwuiuw teacaer aerw am vuo I uL-l VOm UTf UtiD bDI I . Cards In this directory oa a monthly basis tinJy. Rate: fl.OO per line per laonthu 'AUTO BRAKES Mike Pane, t7B South Commercial. BICYCLES T J A fPW.. W.nAirlB I HARRT W. SCOTT. 117 S. Com'L Stl new 4suiv umUM 'vy- ss i CATERING Burt Crary, the caterer. TeL C7SI. Hulda Helps Hoeteaeea. TeL 4t. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 44t. R. E. Worthnega. CHINESE MEDICINE - jt " I ISO N. Commercial Bt. Office Hours I Tuesday and Saturday only CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, 258 Ts. Hlirh. Tel. Keg. i 3. FLORISTS i . : i CUT flowers, wedding bouqueta. run- erai wreaths, decorations, c. f. Breit- haupt, florist. 577 Court TeL M04. ALL kinds of floral work. Luta Flor- 1 1st, 16th tc Market Tel. 3Z. INSURANCE TtrantE it hendricks" 189 -N. High Tel 4947. COKKKT-SMITH, sren. ins. Tel. 2til. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THIS WEIDER LAUNDRY ; 2(1 S. High TeL 9125. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service Telephone 3165 1284 Broadway. MATTRESSES CAPITOL CITY BEDDING CO. 3030 N. Capitol New mattress made to order, old re- made; carpet cleaning, sftcing: fluff rua- weaviiur. Salem Fhiff Ror A Mat' tress Factory, a. 13U & Wilbur. eu 8441. utto it. i-widcer. n. lli. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, aheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs . . l- , t. . . n. . S.ITn PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician Ij. O. Altman, M. T. Homeopathist. Office and residence 597 Center Bx. TeL blii. Treats both acuta and chronic diseases. PRINTING FOR STATTONBRY. cards. pampb - lets, program a, books or. any kina or printing, cailTh Smeaman Printing Department, Z15 S. Commercial. Tale- phone 0101. RADIO SERVICE Central Radio Sarrlca. TeL 1147 Stee?iraT:T - NTHigi,"4T - MOORB RADIO SERVICES Telephone 2707 At Hollywood Radio CENTRAL RADIO SERVICE Tel. S747 115 N. High REAL ESTATE BECKE A HENDRICKS, TeL 494T. SOCOLOFSKT A SON 304-1 First Nat" Bl Bldg. Tel. T20T STOVES STOVES and stovs repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and Ce paired. All klnda of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, hooka, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove works, 2S2 Chemeketa, Tel. 4774. R. B. Fleming. TAXIDERMIST E. K. VVIggms. 1 ml. W. Pacific Hwy. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call 3131, Lamer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. iTL.?TX..5"...?-" State EL TeL T772. Distributing for warding and storage our specialty. ut oar rates. WELL DRILLING R A. w.t in w -i-. avn 7. Box t 202. TeL 110F5. WINDOW CLEANING ; New Deal. Window deazu, waz wall i. nuraow un, wu, w as wawn. washing. Free estL Tel. 233T. - - holidays, when she went to Man- kato, Minnesota, to visit her mo ther, retained to SUverton during the weekend and ber&n tBacUnc Monaay morning at tie Eugene Field In th vacancy left . by ths aiiaiw ww vna wa wa aw-a lan vav vsta death: ot Miss E. Moors Neave a week axo. ATHLETB BREAKS .ARM AUEORa, Jan. SO. Donald Slier saffered a fractura ot th right wrist while tranklxuc his car on Main street Monday afternoon. After having- received medical 1 treatment. ha waa takn ta tha I of f-ther.' George ffilar, February -ad. Thla stock .teven - Lw is-- - s a. ., v? u .'I .-.- - m.m. eeos K I a a k .a . . . . a . . . . ... a rresnman . 01 tne canny men school and ault ad athlete. 1 7 SCHWAB AT XtTLLAbrETTR SILVERTON, Jan. 80. OrviHe sen wan, iormer prominent mem bar of the Junior Legion baseball nine at SUverton, la registering; at Willamette nnlversity for the new semester. Chicken Trade is Aggressive; Potato Market Slower; Onions are Dull PORTLAND, Jan. SO. - VP) - A reduction ef one cent a dozen in the selling; price of eggs was , V a. mt- 4nAn-W t Va a I uluo uciv k V"-' V " r m . M m -.. I saw oy ueorge U. A.eeney, general I I aniiinr nt mif1n rnnnrativa I v. i poultry producers. I The new price made extras 17 I eents, standards IS cents and me-1 diams 14 cents s dozen. I Butter prices were held Intact during the late session oz tne pro- dace exchange with all cube values unchanged. This showing! ot near strengtn was maae in race I of the raucH weaker California I trade and large sharp price losses at San Francisco. I Because of the manipulative in-1 tluences at work at Portland, this 1 citv waa . attracting mnra mrtre r v-bmh.w vvi mmu recently, a condition that was ex- pected to upset storage Influences I which continued chiefly respon-1 sible for the higher price on fresh stock. - There was a growing demand here for something to protect not I only the trade but the consumer I against the sale of cold storage I ur uaty ioy i u. . fresh goods. Return of the old I Oregon state brsnd was suggest- ed. i Hog and calf markets show a rather steady tone along the wholesale way for country killed I : offerings. . There was no change I from recent values, which were generally maintained. Market for live chickens con- tinned aggressive at recent prices here with demand from the out side favorable. All sorts were in favor. Only a limited local call for j ,v 1 1 ""v w auuirum suu this consists chiefly for hens or very small toms around 28 cents pound to retailer. Outside de mand remained good for large toms. At 14 cents the price on lambs was now no high here for country killed offerings that it does not take more than the nominal sun- ply now in sieht to take cars of demand. Yearlings and ewes con tinued scarce and firm. Much slower trade was sug gested in the market for potatoes at Pacific northwest sources al though prices there were being eia nominally at tne lormer nign ueiu nominally at me iormer nign point. Sales at consuming points were reported as unusually limit- 1 "U. Onions were slow In the coun I try with only 2s moving here. Mrs. Jack Smith of f . ww UOrVaiilS rlOnOreCl LYONS. Jan. 30 The Floyd Berry children are ont of school with colds and coughs that were 1 leaxea migac no waooping eouga. 1 S . a . Tue family visited ia Idaho darins- thm hftiM.r. .nj maw h.w .V i . in contact with whooplns conch there. Mrs. Jack Smith of Corvallis. who will be remembered here as CI17na LyOnS, WSJ the inspiration 1 . plessant sodal tfteraoon Saturday at the community club rooms. HAS 8PRADTED ANKLE SILVERTON, Jan. 30. Bonnie Jean McPike, the nine-year old dsushter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott McPike, Is oat Of School suffering; from a fractured leg. Bonnie . Lv "w 7 as It was IBOUgnt Inst BST snkle was sprained. When no Ira- nrovement was shown a physician tOOk an X-ray and the discovery tv.t v- wao .ug uui, a uvuo aiaii tured above tha ankle. NOTICE OP PLAT AND STREET VACATION . Notice Is hereby given thst ths Common Couneil of the City of Sa- lem. Oregon, by resolution dnly sna resnuny aaoptea sna mea on December 18th, 1233, has declared 1 its Intention tor vacate, and ' has initiated proceedings to vacate, all of tha plat of Gelser's Subdivision 1 of Block No. S of Tuxedo Park Addition to ths City of Salem, la Marlon County, Oregon, as shown I by tho duly recorder plat thereof now on file and of record In th i office of ths recorder of convey ances In and tor said Marlon ConntV. lnclndlnr ths Street and ! alleys within said sub-division, be- 1 ing au ot Meteor lueet ana I. - . . ... Of tha alleys la BlOCks 1 and 2 Ot vjl.tn Kit h Kti daw - m,iuin, .w. - -.- ftl at thai hnnr nl vt .) - TlSv x. AL. IB inv eoancii caws bars of tha eltv hall ot and la tha - 4.1 .---- .. : . . . M 2aia City OI baie, naa Been : as tke tuna ana put ce ior conaiu - eration ot snch vacation and tor haarlnc vny objections or remoa at ranee thernto. Oblection. It anv. to such vacation must bo tiled, ia wTltlnx, with tha under. aled srio-,to tha tlm keraln. - i ftrad for harinc tha same, MASK FOULSJUt. Beeorder ot the City of Salem, J 1-10-17-24-21 NOTICB STOCK Ot mectrieal ' Supplies, J w a. ... TAMtM) at obas, Flrtures etc uoeatea I Globes. 150 8. Commercial St, 8alem, I Oregon, will be ottered tor sale I bv seated bids. Bids will be open- 1 ed at 11 A. M. O'clock On Friday I mp aa B M . - .a .' A- M aa . . . . 1 veruneu cneca ior tea. vr I of amount of bid Tnusx accompany I mm cimV ma a IninanM W.Vv . w ... . W Thursday. Febrnarv 1st HUtht I reserved to reject any or all hide I Subject to' approval ot Referee - 1 Bankruptcy. G. W; laxram. Trustee : 471 Plttock Block Portland. Oreson. i. 2 S4 0- tl. NEW TORK, Jan. t9. - (JP) -Stocks ploughed through the heaviest trading since Jnly today withthe trend still upward, b Extreme gains, mostly ' notice able in rails, were levelled by realising but the' net change for the 90-stock eemposfte was a gain of l.l point, putting the final figure ' at 0 against last July's top of f.9. Sales totaled 4,2 S 2,- 7r0 shares, the biggest volume afvitt Jfnl S1 1MI th Blrkt ' - a. a J ..a. a.M. a. i a utlP. wrcas.. at w vui.. n th. waa .uv iuqiu v ywa. year of legner were scattered throuch the list. Amoast the ts sues thus to . distingaiah them- soiree were General Holers, Doag- lias Aircraft. Curtiss - Wrlsht.1 standard Oil of New Jersey, United Drug. Allied Chemical. Da Pomt, Electric Autoltte. Inter- nsuonal Nickel, Sears Roebuck sad Bendix Ariatlon. RaOs. how- tret, displayed the greatest rigor. especially in the later dealings. Union Pacific jumped more than 4. while New York Central. Bal- Hmnra a nhln Sint r, PumnL yuw, iiuuvii vcuuai, ouuuici u Railway and Lackawanna rose 1 to 1 or so. Motor and aviation Issues again progressed, oils and I foods found their market livelier land stronger. Wool worth's 1933 earnings. equal to $2.94 a share against $2.27 In 1932, apparently helped stimulate chain store listings . , m, woica were acTO ana iirm. m oils, Socony-Vacuum and Stand- ard of New Jersey offered strong leadership. General Motors touch- led 40 and Chrysler 68. the lat ter falling by a point and a half to reach its 1933 top. Most of the in- dustrials closed under their highs If or the day, but rails help up bet- ter. Utilities were still rather I quiet, Genera! Markets TBOITOCB EXCHAaTQB POBTLAXD. Ore.. Jen. 80. (API Produce exehasge, net prices: Batter Extra SI He. standards 21a. prime firsts 21c, firsts 20c fgs Fresh extras 17c, iresa mediums lac 1 Portland Grain POBTLAJCD. Ora Jan. 80. fAPl I Wheat Open Hie Low Close I ?53 July 74 7514 74 75 Cash Bic Bead blueatem 76c; dark hard winter 13 per cent 81e, 11 per seat 76c ; soft waite, westers white, hard winter, northern spring, western red 73c. Oata No. 3 white $23. Corn No. SB yellow $23.25. MiUmn Standard $13. 1 ZT " J Portland Produce i i PORTLAND. Ore- Jan. 80. (API- Batter Prints, extras 22 He, standards 22c ponad. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade 19-20e ponad; farmer's door delirery 10 17e pound. Sweet ere ant 5e aicher. s Pacific noaltrr oredocera' selling prices: Fresh extras 18c. rtand- I ards 16c, medinms 16c dozen. uyin I Pric br wholesalers: Fresh extrss lSe, xinis lc meaioms xc, aers-ra -wa, pallets 10c dozen. Country meats BeHinr. price to re tailers: Country - killed hogs, best botch ers, aader 150 poena 7H-SS, Vealers, SO to 100 pounds 6"V4-9e; light and thin 6-7c Heary calves 5-6e pound. Lambs 13-lts pound. eary ewes 4-70 ponna. I .iB eow P?45 " "I Jn poaaa. buus 4-se pemaa. Cheese SS score Oregon triplets 10c; loaf lie ponad. Brokers will say Me below quotations, atllk Coa tract price 4 per seat. Pertlaad delivery. $1.95 ewt. B grade ereast S7 poaad. cl.te Bs-dssL nring nrie. 1922 shutters, 15-10e peaaA Uve peaitry rortisaa ceuvery, say lag prices: Colored fowls, aader t Pwaada ls-ise, ever peaaas ii'isa. Spring palUta. I to la peeads 1S-1S. Roasters, vr Stt peaads 13-1 A Leg hra fowls, over Stt poaads S-lOe. aader S peaads -. Bpnags la-is. Btaga ss. I Boosters fe. PskU docks 15s. Gees 10 Doaad. Oaieas YaUaa $1.40-1.50; Oregea $1-S.S5 .esatsL relate ijoeai waits aac re si.ss- 1.35 eeaul! Takhea S1.45-1.SS2 Des chutes SL55-1.S5; Bakers SL75-L.SS. Weot 1S4 slip, neauaai: wtuaaa- I Ifi? -25e poaad; aaetra Ore- i tu au-e soma, swuiua ra 10-26 poaad; sob th era Idaho so peaaa. Bay Bayiag pries from producer: Alfalfa, Ke. 1, aew crop SIS. Vetch 815. Willamette valley ttmotny fis, Eastern Orscoa tbaetky $17. Timelhv grsties. bleaded $15. OaU $12.50 toa. II .1 J 1 T A ornaiiu Livcstu-a. PORTLAKD. Ore.. Jsn. 80. (API Cattle Beeelpts 15. calve 10: sbat atesdy. Btsers, goo, eostmoa sad Bedian 5.85. Heifers, eoramoa and medium $1.75 4.75. Oawa. seed common sad mediaia SS.sa-s.79; lew cotter ana caster sa-zo-2.85. Balls, cutter and mediant $2-8. Vealers. good aad eheica $5-8.50: euIL amwt aad meaJaaa S3.60-a. calves. gool sad caeic a4-t; eoauaon sad me dium .. ' Hors Keeeipts SOOi steady. aa ekaaced. ' I 4.50: medium weickL (sod sat choice Lisktweigat. good aad caste ss.ia- I in u 1 a.40.' aiuiter airs, madia- S3.T5-S.18 i u.au4.iB 1 feeder aad steekar pigs, good sad akais I 83.25-8.75 I ' en...- B. .i... .t.a.a ... I - . a. lane-aaces. , - I imbev rood sad ebeiee S7.39-7.ss: I aad mediam $5.25-7.ss. y a J Wethsrs S3.50-S.73. Kwes. Sooa 1 elaie fs.So..co; eommoa aai mediam 1 310-3.75. .; Stocks and Bonds (Copyright, imi. BsasdaM statuue cv) Jaanarr so STOCK A .VE-UVCHSa v SO SO .10 SB Isd'ls tJt's TJfe Tetal Today " , 101.S Lt 7AT 0. Prevtens ay Week sg . 1O0.S SOa tT.4-, ss.s . SS.S 4S.T , TT.S ' S7.S Teat Of 12.4 29.2 22.2 65.4 ! S years ay 212.S 18S.2 222. S02.1 I Etich 1034 101.S Sl.S T8.T 90.0 i lgti 7- e9.i axe -S TT. loan Av-auoM ' -' Xad'ls ataVa fcfe Total I a.. .T8.S "8V "S. Sl lFtevieasday a JJ . I Weeksr. -- 77.2 SLS , 83.8 80.S a 1 aearaaw S I XM1 S4 est : SAS VL1 1 1 -tn eg as 108.1 MA 07.1 VS. SS.4 S4.4 sia uga xa Imm 1SS4 73.S 74.1 T7JI .741 j (103S avarare esaals 100.) 1 Xw 1S24 big-. in I HUBBA-lDl Jan. 50 Tha McMsrr store was moved , from Habbard Saturday nlfhL C X. Bradford, the manager, wui open a rrocery store of his own la the same location. Surplus 91.13. aaik aased em sesf-sieataly hattarfat average.) Distributor price 9240. 'Butterfat ' Top 18c, prints 21 Jc, cubes 23 He. Prices paid to grewers hy Sslen borers risassry a (Tbs prices belew 'shpdU4 bv s lorsl grocer, are iadreerjve erf ths dally ssrkrt. bat sr not jtsssaateed ttvThe StUesisa.f FXTJlTa awn ifaniTAnLBs Leek, dcs. bvDebes .40 Broccoli, BosebBrg, Ko. 1 .SO CraaserrLes.. UhiU " " Psrsaiss. boa lor ' so Tsrstps. box taf ' .80 Bslslsaas. box Inf . Brassels sprouts, lat. KrX piut. local Csahacc. ewt , .SO .60 .OS .90 to 1.15 2.75 .30 Speaaae. ewt ?rm peppeis. Calif, IK Osioat. doa. haackes -rstatasa, Jpeal . AS v .75 to 1.00 -1.15 te 1.S3 .1.10 to 1.45 .2.00 ts 2 !3 .2.50 la tMO 2.25 .60 .SO 2.65 Oeaekstes CaUfsT-ia, dry paek Oahfaraia. ioed Oai ess. Lsbil , Cehrr. 4 ox. . Celery Hearts CsK-smis. V, inti Appiies-- MpitS JO te .65 Besae Beeety Ora-cxs, ehaiee 2arels, faacy Beets, leeaL del. Carrots, local, doa. .65 -S-75 to 85 .2.25 to 4.00 .20 .20 50 ,, .. . M .05 H .06 .6.00 -., 100 . JS.1S vaitraraia SptBack, local crate Eansaas, lb. ea stalk Haads Leaons -dates, freih . ATscsdos, crate " Sqassh, Danish, dox. . .20 Unbbard . .75 to 1.00 Tomatoes. California, ease I.5 Sweet potatoes, lb. , ,, .03 Grapefruit, Florida a aq California , oa HOPS nusier, ma a, id., too .. NUTS Filberts, lb. .29 IS .20 .12 te Walaots. lb. to Boyi-g Prices Extras- Meditrmt Pullets - .13 .00 .08 .10 .08 .00 .o .00 .04 POUXTBY Colored hens atedhnsj bens Light bens Lex-ora fryers Colored fryers . Uid roosters 2CBAT Sorlna lambs, too a no . 5 TS 4.00 ...2.75 te 8.00 Hogs, ISO to SOO tbs. 120 te 180 tbs. Orer 200 lbs. Sews , , Steers - - Cows .08 to .05 .01 H to .03 to .03 Balls .02 H .OTH .07 Dressed veal, top Oressea Bars GSAIH AMD HAT Wheat, western red , White, Ko. 1 Barley, feed, Ko. 1 tea ,,, Oats. feed, toa Barley, malting, top Oats, milling, tea , Hay, bayieg prieei Oate and retch, ton Alfala. raTley, first eat .58 60 .14.00 -14.00 .18.00 -18.00 -12.00 14.00 -12.00 merer Bay , WOOL Wool, medium Course . Mohair .13 .28 .30 Cross-Word Puzzle Bj EUGENE SHEFFER g.L w 3 za TO-5-tr iinizrliipp 14 11 2d 777 2 v tt lr IIliLlIII 777 ZZ 777. :r" h TO hT"' mmmmm " 777 yZp 61 " 42 HORIZONTAL j 1 What president af & Ualtwd Sutes latar kwCam chif Jas-, tic of th S-frm CwWrtf 6 Globe ' . 8 Easy rait 12 Land measure IS Pastry 14 Persian poet r 15 What -seaport ef China I las - chief aspoi-e pa ta Csaw- peaa cosaaaarca? 17 Possessive pronoun 18 Rang of perception 19 Personal prenovn 20 What grwat Cara-aa peat wrote "Faiaat"? 23 Th Kaisw Wilhelae Caaal s tswds frm tha Nssrtk Sa ta what seaport ia rnssssar t.Tra : XS What ST Cawaaaa palatar Is mated for hi senei srwsss caU called "Th Danes at DaN7 ?9Ta clot af VrT 1 TravUta" isjjtak frta 1 reaaamca by what Ftwaek BrVwl istr ". ' J5 Bird of the cuckoo famflx 84 Help - - r 8 Winged part 87 Coarse cotton drilling; 40 Befouled with rand . 43-Smart blowr AS Cheat 45 White ezystslllise hydrocarbon 49 EHSU 80 Beast af harden TTfcilin 14 Tha tasrstaty batwssa tha Ha tha lMlawaiw was Nw JarMyaahaamr l tavtctaom witls ta Wlaawl 4 JctT . 61 Msaunra , , ' 59 Grew old 60 Roman tyrant " . - dl Greek god ef war ; . 62 Incline the head . 63 Short diztanc 1 Chore , S tfa - - a What American statassaan dls . . Cwvavad that electricity aai . laght--C ar tha saaaaT r CHICAGO, Jan. Z9.-Vo the fourth consecutive day, th wheat market today ended with net gains. . j. Heavy refit-taking sales near the finish, however, led to a tran sient setback in wheat, wiping out temporarily an earlier fresh rfee of-a cent a bushel, which had car ried wheat to the highest point Since November 17. Rallies thai ensued at the last were responsive to buoyancy of the stock market and to stimulus from enactment of the Roosevelt gold bllL Persistent strength, of wheat earlier today was influenced largely by continued severe tem peratures over eastern sections ef soft wheat territory and by drought and dust-storms south' west. ; Wheat closed nervous, at the same as yesterday's finish to higher, corn unchanged to low er, oats unchanged to up, and provisions at 7 to 12 cents ad vance. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May, 2 -9 J ; , July. 1-K; Sept,, 9XK-. Corn May, SlK-; July. 54--58; Sept.. Oats May. 384-; July, 37 l Sept, 11. Moderate Amount of 64s is Sold BOSTON, Jsn. 30.-(P)-(U. S. Dept. Agr.) A moderate amount of business was transacted in 64s and finer quality territory wools at steady prices compared wit sales last week. Average strictly combing and good French comb ing staple lines in original bags sold at 8435 cents scoured basis. Average French combing 64s and finer territory wool in original bags brought f 2-84 cents scoured basis. Short French combing and clothing lines sold at mostly 7 81 cents scoured basis. Farmers' Grain Warehouse Liberty at Trade Sts. GRAIN DEALERS Egg Producer, 100s ..$1.75 Egg Mash, 100s $1.45 Scratch Feed, 100s ..$1.40 Dairy Feed, 100s $1.25 4 Number B -What feneale characUr ka . Shakaapaaraa "H assist" aaadt. ... -. 8 Long narrow inlet j 7 Havinc the nataral color i 8 Behold! ,:, ' 9 Fail to Include - I i 10 Narrow road ! 11 Gaelie ' ' 16 Butter converted into a kind 01 oU 21 Ancient ' . 22 Australian bird 24 In the same place (abbr.V 1 26 Owned . 7 Unit - - T f 28 Point ef a pen " I 30 Who k the patraa Salat ef acaUaair , - . tl Beverace ' I 32 Downhearted 25 Ixmsed for . r-f ' . -! - . I 88 Anger ; 89 Chess piece 41 Haze ... ; A . ,f. I U-Preposition v ' f 44 species or nieaory , 48 Cougar - - ' ,-i 47 River in France and Bel&nnTS 48 Network - 61 Dry 1 - 62 Cease : l x -; V 65Past . v - ;v 56 Printera measnree taPlaxal max z.' ' Herewith ia the eolation to yes terday's Pnxle.-j' -1 LIMKlI emfrlsM. tWt nam ssswm tiaslmT-. Ssv