The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 31, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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    v Tie 'OREGON STATESMAN Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning,. January 31, 1934
Society News and Cliib Affairs
3 Jessie Steele, Society Editor i
Mrs. K Waters!
Club Hosiess
will entertain her contract I
',' club with a smartly ar
ranged affair Thursday afternoon.
Bright yellow daffodils -will pro
Tide the sprlngnote In the guest
rooms. Tea will be served late.
Bidden are Mrs. Lather Jensen,
lira. John Beaker, Mra. Cart Em
mons, Mrs. At Adolpbson. Mra. Es
till Brunk. Mrs. Gall' Jones. Mrs.
Frank Needhara. Mrs. L. B. En-
dlcott and the hostess,. Mrs; Ken
neth 'Waters. v
The Rebekah lodge held a ben
efit card D&rtT following Its lodge
meeting Monday night Miss Helen
McElroy and Mrs. Joe Beatty were
-in Aarr. Prises were awarded to
"Mrs. Blanche NeUnyer and Carl1
P.T.A. Benefit to Be
This Afternoon
A large affair -of this after
noon wni be the P. T. A. bene-.
fit bridge party given In the par
ish hall of 6t. Paul's Episcopal
church at 2 o'elock. Proceeds will
ro to send the Salem high school
band to the state contest in Cor-
Reservations may be made
with Mrs. Lvnn Cronemlller at
7272. tt
Assisting- the bostess commit
tee at the tea how will be the
Misses Natalie Neer, Alice swiu,
Jea Dyley. Betty Rae McGahan,
Vera Smith and Doris AstlU.
Crescendo Club Will
Be on Program
Of much Interest Is the pro
gram to be presented by mem
bers I the Crescendo club of
Salem high School at the Odd
Fellows meeting tonight at 8
Those taking part include
Betty Mlnkiewits, Kenneth Rob
inson, Delbert Anderson, OliTer
Glenn, Ruth Maera. Cora Edgell,
Marian Chase, Allene Moored,
ritrlm Kolbe. Billy Utley ana
Note; Officii noon tor the society editor are from
10 a. hju to 12 boos and every day
but Saturday, whew they are a. so. to ,12 aooa juk!( ;
1 p. vol. to 8 p.: to. ' . f ; A
. : Wednesday, January SI : i J
Sweet Briar club at borne Mrs. Ray Blnegar, Wal
lace road, 2 p. m. "
. Leslie Can Do's at home Mrs. W. J. Llnfoot, SCO
Fawk Are., t p. n.
Salem high P". T. A. benefit bridge party, parish hall
of St. Paul's Episcopal church,. 2 p. m. r
Thursday; February 1
Hayesrille Woman's club at home Mrs. E. L. Moore,
2 to 4:30 p. m.
Merry Mingler's club with Mrs. George Thorpe,
2 p.m.
Liberty Women's club at R. D. Gibson home, 2 p. m.
Missionary society. First Christian church 2 p. m.
at church.
Capital assembly Artisans, business meeting, Fra
ternal temple, 8 p. m.
Chapter P. E. O. 1 o'clock luncheon at home
Mrs. Gordon MCGllchrlat, 360 McGilcbrist street.
Auxiliary to Son's of Union Veterans at borne Mrs.
Alma HcWhorter, 590 N. Summer, 2 p. m.
, Friday, February 2
Program from the studio of Frances Virginle Mel
ton, 8 p. m Y.M.C.A. lobby. Public Invited.
" Card club of B. and P. W. club at home Miss Ruth
Moore In the Moore apartments.
Unitarian Women's Alliance at borne Mrs. J. M.
Clifford. 1585 Ferry, 2:30 p. m.
Y's Menettes at home Mrs. W. C. Jones, 1344 Court,
2:30 p. m.
Hal Hibbard business meeting at armory, 2 p. xn.
West side circle, Jason Lee church, aU day meeting
tor sewing; and quilting. Covered dish luncheon at noon.
Etert class. First Baptist church, valentine party.
Progressive Spiritualist church, social evening at
home Mr. and Mrs. George Stoddard, 8 p. m. Public
iurited. s
Informal Party is
Given at Stortz
Saturday, February S
Minnesota Club at T. M. C. A., 6:30 p.
supper and program. Bring table service.
m. potluck
In the Valley
Social Realm
Scio. A surprise birthday par-
Varl?" . ! 1 ' " , I ty tor Miss Eveline Bilyeu at her
crowd of relatives and friends of
the hostess. Rev. E. W. Ralston
conducted services in the after
noon. Among the guests were J.
N. Bilyeu. Mike Bilyeu, Mr. and
Mrs. Perry Bilyeu, Mrs. J. E. Bil
yeu, Vardte Shelton and family,
Fred Grimes and family of Mill
City. Arch Miller and family, Cas
per Bilyeu and family, Johnnie
Sheltoa and family. Hal Shelton
and family of Stayton, George
Sumpter and famiy of Mill City,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Woodard, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Morris of Mill City,
MrT and Mrs. J. J. Weidman. E. F.
Delong and daughter Maysei, C.
C. Burmester and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Weidman, Otto
Weidman, J. J. Alexander apd
family. Rev. E. W Ralston and
ISS EDNA and Miss Lela
Stortx were hostesses at
their home on Virginia-
street Monday night. A small
group of friends were Invited to
call for an informal evening. A
late supper was served.
Bidden were Miss Nadine Har-
gin, Miss Frances Wolfe. Miss Ma-
bet Harrisdn, Miss "Wilms Stortx.
Miss Maorlne Garmical, Miss Lois
Wolfe, Mrs. Claudia Coon and the
hostesses, Miss Edna and Miss
Lela Storts.
Mrs. Winslow Honors
M. E. Girjs
Mrs. W. C. Winslow was host
ess to the Standard Bearer Girls
of the First Methodist church and
their guests, the Standard Bear
ers of Jason Lee church last
The president. Miss Olive
Swingle, welcomed the guests af
ter which the program followed,
Miss Loretta Pro lead the devo
tions, Miss Barbara Jones played
a violin solo and stories of medi
cal missionaries in India were
told by Miss Elinor Law. Other
numbers were as follows: Piano
solo, Miss Opal Siewert; letter
from Miss Eugenia Savage, a for
mer btandard Bearer girl and
now a missionary near Foochow,
cnina, read by Mrs. A. A. Lee
talk on home life in India bv
Miss Betty Moffit, former resi
dent of India; vocal duet by
miss Lorretta and Miss Willetta
The hostess served refresh
ments at the close of the meet
Guests from Jason Lee church
included Miss Frances Graham
supervisor. Miss Loretta Pro
Miss Dorothy Pro, Miss Loraine
Vlex, Miss Vera Luther. Miss Es
ther Mae Devore, Miss Opal Sie-
weri ana Miss Elizabeth Lewis.
Standard Bearers from the
First church were Miss Olive
Swingle, Miss Evelyn Swingle,
Miss Muriel Jones, Miss Barbara
Jones, Miss Ruth Jones, Miss
juoretta Sneed. Miss Willetta
&neea. Miss Ner Edgar. Miss
rich, Billy Utley. and Jack Bllle
ter. Winners in the' Elks contract
bridge tournament played Monday
night were as follows; North and
south: Mr. and Mrs. Ercel Kay,
first, and Mrs. H oil Is Huntington
and Mrs. Walter Barsch. second.
East and west: Mr. and Mrs. Max
Gnnter, first, and Earl Fisher and
Karl Corey, second.
Woodburn. Mrs. Alfred Ash
land entertained at her home on
Young street Friday afternoon for
the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Ash
land's young son Ronald who was
celebrating his third birthday.
Mrs. Ashland was assisted by Mrs
Jack Kennedy and Miss Myrtle
Those invited were Johnny
Kennedy, Marguerite McGonegal, Anna Louise Gilbert, Miss Elinor
weiaon Hamilton, Kicnara .Law, Mis Bernice Schafter, Miss
mainieson, rcscuia ana daiuia tjeiiy moult, Mrs. Lillian Har-
S' JJS- ' " v-i"'
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' 1 ' '
' ' 1
W$t " I r.
w !; ;:
Oninaby. A surprise birthday
party was held honoring Mrs. '
Frances Ganiard here recently.
High scores at cards were held by
Frank Diem and Mrs. Albert Pette.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Diem and family, Mr. and
Mrs. John Zlelinski, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Beckner, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Petiel and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Lick and family, Mrsi
Louisa O'Neil and daughter Fran
ces, Mr. and Mrs. John Balr and
family, Mrs. Stolk and son en
ry, Robert Diem. Raymond Ziel-
inski and the hostess.
Shaw Sixteen women of
the Immaculate Conception par
ish fathered at the school house
Wednesday to organise a Catho
lic Women's Sewing circle. They
nian to meet every two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Darby and
son of Portland, visited with old
acauaintances here this week.
Th were former residents of
Woodburn. Past matrons of
Evergreen chapter, O. E. S., held
I their annual dinner and initiation
Monday night at the Masonic
temple. Mrs. Lillian M. Bltney, re
tiring werthy matron, was guest
of honor and was received as a
member. Husbands of the past
matrons and j past patrons and
their wive were guests.
Slabangh, Mary Alice and Judith
McClure. Others present were
Mrs. Henry Mathieson, Mrs. Zora
McGonegal, Mrs. Robert McClure,
Mrs. Wesley Hamilton, Mrs. At-'
len Slabaugh, Mrs. Arvid Thomas,
Mrs. Jack Kennedy, Miss Myrtle
Ashland and Mrs. Ashland.
Readings were given by Mrs.
Robert McClure and Mrs. Jack
Kennedy for the pleasure of the
older guests present.
Victor Point Elmer Lorence,
invited a number of relatives and
friends in honor of Mrs. Lorence's
birthday Saturday night. Cards
and music were enjoyed until late
when the host served a dainty
Besides the honor guests, those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Lindsey and Elbra Lindsey of SI1-
verton, Mr. and Mrs.. Ed Hurgett
of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Martin
man, Mrs. A. A. Lee and hostess,
Mrs. W. C. Winslow.
Hubbard Mr. and Mrs.
Grimps entertained the Country
Club Saturday night at their
home. The Evens gained 500 on
tne Odds, but the Odds are still
ahead in the contest. High scores
ior vaas were won by Mrs. A. J
Smith, Elton McLaughlin and for
me fcvens, Mrs. Julius Stauffe
and Elmer Stauffer. Present were
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Mrtnrhiii.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Julius Stauffer. Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Will, Mr. and Mr. El
mer Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bra
den, and Mr. and Mrs. George
Stayton Miss Germaine Smith
was hostess for a deiehtr,
Paxties Precede Ball i
Tuesday Night
No-host dinner parties held, the
center of the social stage last
night before the President's bail.
At the Marion hotel. In addition
to the patrons dinner there were
three others accommodating SO,
2S and 24 guests respectively. Ap
pointments in spring flowers and
pastel tapers were used.
Dr. and Brs. B. F. Pound ana
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Johnsoa were
Joint hosts for a delightful buffet
supper at the Pound home before
the- ball. Daffodils and acacia and
tall yellow tapers in crystal hold
ers made the serving table attrac
tive. ' , -
Bidden were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Easter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer John
son of Hlllsboro, Captain and Mrs.
Lee Merrill of Portland, Mr. and
Urs. George Alexander. Captain
and Mrs.. Willis Vincent and Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Scellars.
Mrs. W. Getty Hostess
on Saturday
Mrs. Wilmot Getty entertained
in honor of Mrs. Gail Jones Satur
day afternoon. Pink and white ap
pointments were used. Following
an afternoon ot bridge' a late
luncheon was served. Mrs. Ells
worth Hartwell won honors at
Bidden to compliment Mrs,
Jones were Mrs. Harry Carson,
Mrs. Ellsworth Hartwell, Mrs
Glen Holman, Mrs. J. E. Blink
horn, Mrs. Estill Brunk, Mrs. Buck
Bradley and the hostess, Mrs. Wil
mot Getty.
Monitor Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Swanson were hostess for a birth
day dinner Sunday In honor of
their daughter, Darlene's second
birthday. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Tuson and daughters.
Geraldlne and Adele Dutz and
Karla Parson, all of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Swanson of
Elliot Prairie and Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Knnze and sons, Wayne and
Clyde of Salem; Junior Swanson
and the hosts.
Sublimity A large crowd at
tended the card party given in
the C. O. F. hall last week. First
pri7e for women at "600" was
won by Mrs. Earl Yeoman, and
for men's prize went to George
Ditte. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baker
entertained with a dinner recent
ly for Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ruet and
family of Lebanon.
Mt. Angel. Christening serv
ices for Dolores Martina Josephine
Schaecher, infant daughter ot Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Schaecher, born
January 23, were held at St.
Mary's church Sunday afternoon,
Rev. Fr. Gabriel officiating. Wil
liam Sprauer and Josephine Kai
ser were sponsors. This is Mr. and
Mrs. Sehaecher's ninth child.
:. . s
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era who;!
That the President has no monopoly on the Sooseveltian smile is evi
denced by this picture of Miss Grace Roosevelt, daughter of Colonel and
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt and granddaughter of the late President, and
her fiance, William McMillan, noted yachtsman and big game hunter,
of Baltimore, Md. This is their first picture together since encasement
was announced. ThevTl wed March 3rd. -
AUBURN, Jan. 30. Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Blodgett ot Minneap
olis, Minnesota, have been visit
DAYTON, Jan. 30 Teachers
were assigned to tneir classes
Sunday at the Dayton Evangel!
inv'i th hnmA nf Mrs. Blodrett's c&l church as follows: Adult
niece, Mrs." Don Smith. During class, E. G. Lichtenthaler; Young
their visit, Mrs. Smith entertain- People's class, Miss Lucille Fish
ed with a family dinner rarty at er; junior ciass, Mrs. r. r.. r
m, mnA Mn vrml ber: primary class, Mrs. L. S
kUC Wl - " - I , , . . . , . .
Blodgett. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stod- Vorenzen: criM"e ru"' iU,B' 011
dard and daughter Pearl, ana r. p"-- . .
rfaTa nS C Jr ficers are: Trustees. L. S. Lor
Dale. and Don. Jr. M m,i u.j.t,. n
Elsie Rehb has been visiting at I o vi
,. . , I mra. v. ubs, ;ouuuij mw'
.MT ., . . ottlcers elected are: Superinten-
liornia. misa ncuu x Vaalu " T o t n.n,an- nBn
church in Yreka.
superintendent, Mrs. F.. E. Fish-
PERRYDALE. Jan. 80 The
mid-year county examinations
were given to the sixth, seventh
and eighth grades Thursday and
rrioay. Tne county examinations
and the teachers grades are av
eraged to give the final grade.
This does away with the old
state examination.
Mrs. Lenn Ferris has returned.
homo after spending a few weeks
in Seattle visiting her sister, Mrs,
Ola Watt.
Richard DeJong is slowly re
covering: ia the McMinnville hos
pital from a serious mastoid operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brandes of
Portland were Sunday callers at
the S. Van Staavern home.
Mr. and Mrs. Trorral Jensen
who fsr the past few years has
been employed at the Andrew
Campbell farm will leave Feb
ruary l tor the Morrow dairy at
Rickreall. The Jensens bare
made many friends here.
Mrs. Marshall Pengra who has
been ill in a Salem hospital tor
the past few weeks will be able
to come hom this week.
n : - .
Mike Brenner Dies
Suddenly by Mail
Box Near Residence
AURORA. Jan. 30. Mike Bren.
ner. 74, retired rancher of Butte
vllle, was 'found dead "pear bis
mall box , this morning by its mail
carrier. Lane GribUe. He bad ap
parently just succumbed' to i a
heart attack when Mr. Gribble
came up to deliver the mall.
Mr. Brenner was alone at tne
time, as his nephew, Pat, who re
cently came over from Ireland,
had gone to Heppnerr to visit his
sister. Brenner was a brother of
the late Mrs. Mike Gllbertson, who
died in May, 1933. He leaves only
the niece and nephew.
Funeral arrangements have not
yet been made.
The Eteri class of the First
Baptist church will meet Friday
night for its regular monthly bus
iness and social meeting. A Val
entine box social will furnish the
entertainment and each couple is
requested to bring enough lunch
for two, put up in an attractive
package carrying out the Valen
tine motif.
Silverton. The third in a
series of tour card parties will
be held Wednesday night at St.
Paul's parish hall. The women of
St. Monica's Altar society are in
charge. Mrs. Otto Schwab Is gen
eral chairman of the series witn
committees appointed to a?sist in
the Individual parties-.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Armstrong CT. BeCTetary. Margaret Cinna
left for Revere. Missouri, Monday moa; assistant secretary, Delmar
night immediately after receiving -mard; treasurer, Mrs. Charles
word of the deatn oi Mrs. Arm- Hadawav,
strong's mother. I The Pleasant Hour Reading
Frank W. Lukinbeal and Elsie ci0 neii its regular semi-month-
Grimm were married in Salem hT meeting with Mrs. M. R. Coop-
Saturday. Friends or tne young er, with Mrs. Leslie uuzan assist-
couple joined in an old-fashioned iBg. Twenty-one members were
charivari at the home of her sis- i present. Mrs. Oscar Dower gave
ter, Mrs. Ella Henderson.
Lorence, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur bridge party, Saturday night at
ner nome. Bidden wer Misses
Gladys Weddle, Jean Inglis, Doris
Champ, Hazel Murphy, Ada
Keyes, Gertrude Smith and Max
ine Huber and Messrs. Maurice
Hester, Maurice Shelton, Julius
uriescne, Phillip Kerber, Paul
Dozler. Milton Bell and Harold
Pendleton. Miss Keyes and Mr.
Shelton had high scores.
Miss Loriaa Bauman and Mrs.
Wayne R. Shumaker of Salem, and
Qualey and son Norman, Mr. and
Mrs.. H. E. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Krqz, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Krenz and family, Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. M. M.
Gllmour, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mulkey, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Fisher and family, Ivan Darby,
Leroy Terry and the host, Elmer
Aurora The card party spoh
sored by the Aurora woman s
club for the benefit of the schol- Mrs. J. L. Calaran of Jefferson
arship loan fund Saturday night are leaving Sunday for San Fran
was a delightful community at- Cisco. They will sail the following
fair. Whether "because of the cor- Tuesday on the Monterey for an
dial greetings ot the hostesses, extended visit in Honolulu with
hriiiiantiv ifrhtpd nlace of Miss Bauman's brother. Robert H.
mfttlnr or lust the Saturday Bauman, who is connected with
night spirit, or all combined, the
evening was a most happy one.
Card honors for ladies were won
by Mrs. Logan Snyder, Mrs. Mel-
vin Evans and Miss Audrey fct-
tainger; for gentlemen, by U. Eil-
er, George Fry and Mr. cooper.
Mehama Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
PWllios and Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Phillips were dinner guests at the
Cliff Phillips home in Mill City
Sunday. The occasion honored the
birthdays of Harry Phillips and
his son, Keith.
It's all a matter of clever de
signthis problem of slenderis
ing the larger figure. This model,
for example, will create the Il
lusion of slenderness, becauso it
has been designed with slim, gra
cious lines that flatter the fig
ure. Note how gracefully the ra
vers: will drape orer a . full bust
Skirt panels seemf to 1 slenderise
the hips. This frock feature
lovely new sleeves and a touch of
contrast in the veetee. Blaek.with
white or flesh i always chie.
Navy, bottle green or one of the
new berry tones -would also . be
Pattern 1755 Is available , In
shea 26. 28. 40. 42. 44 sand
40. Siae 21 takes 3 7-S yards S
inch fabric ' and 45", yard con
trasting; r Illustrated atep-by-step
sewing instructions Incladeo. ,
Charming Head Easy to Embroider
sW lS rnii te !
(ols mfnd) fox thia
ASams Vttn. Writ pl?lr."";
aSams, style aambts aad else
raT. All
a4oks s4 calMna to sa
augislae. U tsnta, atssmsias aa4 st
tara weetast. ss eanu.
wry wlsw. Tsar
Oxit satuaaiUy art fins wa
rest Siys fzMt tat suae zscelrsd 1
The lutinu. - - , ,
the aviation department of the
federal government there.
All former Minnesota residents
are invited to attend the mid-winter
gathering ot the Minnesota
club Saturday night at the Y. M
C. A. A potluck supper will be
served at 6:30 p. m., with guests
furnishing food and dishes and the
club providing: coffee. Miss Lois
Reed is in charge of the program
Miss Frances Virginle Melton
will preside at another ot her
first-Snnday-of-the-month musicat
teas next Sunday, February 4, at
4 o'clock In her studio at 481
North Winter street. She will talk
on Chopin and a number of his
compositions will be played.
a booic review, airs. u. n. omnu
was leader. The next meeting
will be at the Dr. O. C. Good
rich home.
Harmony Club Has
Big Turn-out for
Musical Program
WOODBURN. Jan. SO.-rA large
audience attended the program of
the Woodburn Harmony clab held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Dickenson Monday night.
The evening was devoted to music
with Miss Dora Tresidder as lead
er, assisted by J. D. Woodfin.
The program consisted ot two
selections by the Harmonian trio,
Harry Kudna, Otto Kudna ana J.
Woodfin: reading, L. m. Lar-
genti piano solo, Mildred Fret-
well: reading, Ethel iresiaaer;
vocal number, Lloyd Asbury, ac
companied by Tfcelma Asbury;
reading, Mrs. Alice Myers: har
monica music. Mona Doss, Harold
Mulkey accompanied on the banjo
by Kenneth Multey; vocai selec
tion by Elmer Juve, Aiirea juve.
Mrs. Roy Dickinson and Miss Bil-
lie Landers; reading, Earl Deaut;
harmonica duet. Mrs. O. F. Mul
key and son Harold; mandolin
solo, J. D. Woodfin, accompanieu
by Kenneth Mulkey on the guitar.
This was followed oy a presen
tation Of a radio broadcasting pro-
eram with Eldon Watklns as an
nounced and Frank Williams as
master of ceremonies. Music was
by the Knights of Harmony club
Aggie Class Boys
Svrm at School Reception is Held
for Presbyterian
AMITY, Jan. 30. A hot and
pold water system was completed
last week in the agricultural shop
at the high school. The students
did all of the work. The door on
the south side has been closed and
a nw laree door has been put in
hr the students in the west end ot
the shop to permit entry ot large
machinery. Work on tne niga
school that fs under the CWA is
nmeressinz very fast. Several
- J
i- Lamm Aiasiminnj. II II
inr repair work on the south end singing followed with Mrs Miller
inAJ!PBiL i hniwinr where rain leading, after which an address of
beats In daring big storms.
Miss Virginia Taylor, wno graa
Mrs. Marian Thornton
is Kramer Assistant
STAYTON, Jan. 30 Mrs. Mar
ian Thornton, sister of Mrs. Dave
M. John and who is well known
here, has returned from Los An
gelesT Calif., where she has been
visiting her father and will be as
sistant to Jeanette Kramer of the
Oregonian staff.
The L. L. Wills, John Gerriii
and Frank Parker families, who
have been here the past four
months while the men were con
nected with the North Santiam
highway surveying crew, have
moved to Dallas. Their office at
Mehama has been closed.
Kell Brinkley girls Who -can
draw them more charming than
this well-known illustrator? Here
is n vra usual example of her art
developed in the simplest ot era-
attfcM . " Resides - the
asanas rr - TasjoTwo - r one of these
sism. mmu s i iatpit " " aas3 vi
teresUng to do. This "head; like
the three other preTiesiu
shown, makes a lovely pillow top
Capital assembly of Artisans
will have a business meeting at
Fraternal temple Thursday at
p. m. Nomination and election of
a delegate from this district to the
supreme assembly will take place.
Entertainment and cards will fol
low the business session.
Chapter G of the P. E. 0. Sis
terhood will be entertained at a
1 o'clock luncheon by Mrs. Gordon
McGHchrist, 310 McGil Christ
street. Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
Constance Caswell will inspect tne
The Card club of the B. and
P. W. clab will meet Friday night
ia the Moore apartments with Miss
Rath Moore and Mrs. Mona Yoaer
as hostesses,
Salem high school Girl Reserves
will meet in Mrs. Fisher room
this afternoon to Install officers
Airlie Homes Receive
Many Recent Visitors
atrt.tsv Jan. 20V- Mrs. Helen
Rrooks of Portland has arrived
to make an indefinite visit with
her mother, Mrs. Anna tiaoiey.
Mr. aad Mrs. Harley Fletcner oi
near Corvallis were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bevens.
Mr. Bevens accompanied, tnem
home and will help Mr. Fletcher
truck piling from Sweet Home.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Williams
and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tallent ot
Independence were Sunday call
ers ot the former's father, W. E.
Williams, 8r.
lin an oblong, souare or round tela! street, Salem.
shape, and lends Itself to tnany 1 immediately attar school
color arrangements.
- Pattern 133 comes to you with
a transfer pattern of the design
shown." which measures 10 by
13 inches, directions tor making
a pillow, color suggestions -and
yardage requirements.'-
Send ten cents for this patters
to The Oregon Statesman Needle-
Uratt Dept4 115 South Commer-
Help Kidneys
Pastor, Woodburn
WOODBURN. Jan. 30. Rev.
George Cromley, new pastor of
the Presbyterian church, was giv
en a reception and dinner at the
church Friday night. Rev. D. J.
Gillanders acted as master or
ceremonies. Mrs. Howard Miller
gave a brief talk expressing her
pleasure in working with the
welcome was given by Rev. Gil
landus. Rev. Cromley responded
tr la aiincrtrntinz in lae uiKu i
Off llUflj o " " - I . ,
uiaa niadvo Ttnrsess. I lng.
who is sick. Miss Burgess Is ex- Kev Katherine Powell gave a
pected to be absent this week. v "J.
n-i. .T.mrtr T(wfttJonal aeri- Miss Jean Freeburg, a short talk
culture class at the high school by Rev. L. S. Mochel, a reading
listened to the first of a series oi oy wiss ueu Ar, ""J, '
radio talks on "Rural Electrlflca- duet in character of Mr. and Mrs.
tlonw Monday. This course is being O. F. Larson. Rev. Gillandus gave
rlvn In a series of 12 lessons over tae closing iai ana prayer.
KOAC and will continue until Feb
ruary 23
SILVERTON. Jan. 30 Eugene
Sewell. known to Silverton and
Salem "fans" as Buddy Sewell,
has registered for advanced tap
and special work with Jaca Bil
lings of the Portland Christian
sen school. Young Sewell Is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sew
ell of Silverton and has been very
popular in the Willamette vaney
in his dance numbers.
Brammel, small daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Brammeli ot
North Water street, fell from her
trlcvcle Friday night and sustain
ed a bad cut on the mouth. She
was treated at the hospital and
returned to ber home again.
Overtaxed by ,
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Delicious Cereal Corrected
His Constipation
If you suffer from constipation,
read this fine letter:
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with constipation. During' this
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Bran, and the proper results fol
lowed immediately.
Since eating; Kellogg's Aix
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Research shows Kellogg's Aix
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plies iron for the blood.
The "bulk" in All-Bsan is much
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Two tablespoonfuls daily are
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nary constipation. With each meal,
in serious cases. If not relieved
this way, see your doctor.
Be sure to ask for Kellogg's
All-Bran. It contains much more
needed "bulk" than part-bran
products. In the red-and-green
package. Made by Kellogg ia Bat
tle Creek.
Soles $1
Leather Heels . .50c
Rubber Heels . 25c
Soles . . . . . . . 75c
Leather Heels . 25c
Rubber Heels . . . 25c
Children's Soles
Boys9 Soles
Patches . ,
.75c to $1.00
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