The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 30, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ti XGCri CTATnriAlT, :f!H" Crc-cn, Tetchy I!:rr.L, Jzzzzry ZX ISM
Takes Crack at Revaluation
EWEGLE. Jan. 29. Kennard
Adams,! small son of Dr. K. K.
A d a m a is . convalescing rapidly I
following an' operation for appen
dicitis. - -
1 - . '
2v: i
i' r ... '
: Jefferson Host Sunday; Next1
Meet to Be at Marion
': in Aprif :j
i JEFFERSON, Jan.- 29. The
-, Jefferson district . Sunday school
.' conYention. held Sunday afternoon
. at the local Methodist church was
well attended, with groups from
the Marlon and ; Friend schools.
- and -Jefferson Erangelicals and
Methodists, " and 'Talbot ,: union
Sunday school Present.''
;v tThe, meeting was in charge of
the district president Rer.' Robert
' Smith of Marion. A very interest-i
ins and helpful program was pre-
-;. tented.'. ; - . r'..
.' The meeting opened with groan
V singing lea by Margaret wall, fol-
. lowed by, derations by Rer." Carl
. Wackerbarth of the Evangelical
- church.' Song, . Jesus 'LoTea Me.
.-was gifen;by one of f the primary
t: departments of Talbot. Rer. Char
lies C. Ha worth of South Salem
. Friends church, gare a very help-.
w. .tui ana: inspiring, address,:- using
- -i - s - . wy (vi sw a- v maw
-r Teacher."- ' . :. - -v.;- ?
.; , The juniors of the . Methodist
.., school gare a song, "Bring Them
.J?;ln after which. County President
v i 'Christ as Our Hidinr .Place.?' He
.1 hiso e&nea attention or xne com-
i ' . ing county Sunday school conven-
? -TIob - in hA nuirt - m.t ... Kiivprcon.
X?-ir February ' 2 3-1 4. V v; .-ff? w
' ? Tht Unrlnti PrMhvtrI.n erhonf
' t7--J -: -' - ...... .4. tV fn (t.. "
u ' , kit si uni . tup jjcuiucir7 tvi r lug
-;rv f 5 mgnes. average auenqanca. ur
- Jl :fnv vn nf At ait1 (hfe PwaitMll.
' - - ; eal school received the banner for
the largest number present at the
convention. M''ft.
, It. was voted that the pastor at
I whose church, the convention .con-
venes be made an ex-off lew mem-
z ber, of. the program, committee.
The next convention,. will-b held
- at the Marion Friends 'ehnrch,' the
iasi . suuaay . in Apru, wun itev.
iltton ; Ross
of Salem .as . the
IVlrS. YinCCnt tO rlCaa -
-f iT U s. i
t Vy""
t 'h V rV awpic
riwiVlfi ftlnh M i,ir iil.iA 1..
. wwwmV W VWUMVftS
week r under lthe .leadership '-'of
' Mrs. 4 Mary " Vlneentl Charlotfe
! - Knight was . elected : " president.
f: - - uoru t Vincent, vice . president;
i . . . .
; . xouowing are , memoersr 1 1 ueE-
- v .- vieve Thomas and sports .yineent,
third division: . Charlotte Knlzht:
. '. - Floyd "Brodhagen and Paul Bur-
' eon.' second " division? ?i
A:' 4-H ?' Sewlnc elab. 'Bust
"i t BeesM.A' snder the leadership 'of
r t Mrs. Wm.i Kroeplin, was" organlz-
t v ed-wlth Carol Schotfer president.
Norma1 Kroeplin, vice president;
J; J'.uby '.West. secretary; i and the
I : following-are 'members: Carol
i ' " Schaffer,- third division;- Loraine
iicsi, uauja vuac, vaii 9 owiu-
' s - glev J second ' division ; Lncfle
S . Thomas, Mary Whitehead, Doro
v --.v , thy Dalke and Marybett Vincent,
first division. f
Scarlet Fever Hits
Brooks : Schools are
' vlOSed tor Interim
BROOKS. Jan. 2r
closed here Friday for an
mite period on account of so
many . cases of scarlet fever
breaking In the school. There
have also been several cases of
chicken pox. Twenty-three chil
dren were, absent .from school
Fridar. '
- .Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ehlke
;K and ' family have moved to Wa
conda, where they have purchas
ed a house and four 3ot, -having
; ; l)oughf the propertcpf Mr. and
' 'AMrs. -Raymond Blanton, better
i known -as the George Jones
! place. The " Ehlkes came here
-l, ye: ago from . North Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson
- and family have moved to Tuall-
ton. where they, have rented a
: fruit ; farm. : ..
n. SILVERTON. Jan. 92. Mr.
i and Mrs. .Theodore Hobart - are
!. : announcing the birth of a daugh-
- i terr Diana Margaret at the Sflver-
' ton, hospital Thursday night.. The
': baby weighed six pounds and two
,i ounces at birth. This Is the Ho
bart's second child, the first being
a son. ,
Plans High Hop
-The next journey Into the strate-
sphere will be made bj Captain A.
- W. Stevens (above), famous aerial
- photographer cf the O. S. Army, it
has been revealed in Washington.
- The War Department has given ap
v proval to the fiight, which is to be
sponsored by the National Geo
graphic Society. Stevens probably
will attempt to photograph the
earth's enrvatore. -
. 4 - C
m .. . ... . . 'a t
rronng tnat aitnougn sne is-a vaoinec xnemoec n is bvu pmucreuv I
with the needle and sewing machine,
requirements at the headquarters of
w nwir sstfwavww . B"aWBrinm
-DAYTON, Jan.' 2. T: A full
'house ' attended' the 'regular
monthly meeting . of tie Pleasant-
dale commuBlty club at the Fleas
antdale schoolhouse Friday night!
. n . . w , . m -
I senator of Marlon county, who . Is
1 candidate for nomination -on the
republican, , ticket ; for governor,
was. the - speaker talking against
the sales tax. and giving his views
on private, rights as against prop
erty, rights. L. v. .
Preceding, the address Mrs.D.
C. Clark - gave 'several, selections
on her electee. steej. guitar;. Mrs.
Robert ,Hensley ': and Mrs. - Enos
Wlllard, accompanied on piano by
Mrs. C. C Crane sang a group of
songs. - After, the address , Enos
! wniard sang several selections. '
Home made canay was sola,
the proceeds will be used, to build
a platform ' In the schoolhouse.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. J. B. Stilwell, Mrs. Bert Mc
Farlane and Mr. Joe Rnssetf.
The next meeting will be the
annual men's night. The program
committee, will be W. E. Graben
horst, Floyd Viddler and George
Foster. -
Varied Program Enjoyed
The Parkersville community club
held its meeting Thursday night
at the schoolhouse. The program
opened with piano selections by
Marguerite Estudillo, followed by
songs by Harry and Otto Kudna
of Woodburn. George Schmidt
played several numbers
iir .1
esuey norne ocene
of Birthday Party
Two birthdays- were celebrated
Sunday, those of H. M. Alderman
and his sister, Mrs. John Westley,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
-Westley. Those present , were the
honor guests, Mrs. Westley, Mr.
and.Hrs. H. N. Alderman, Mr. and
Mrs.' Carl Aldeman, Mrs. "Ed Har
ris, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Westley,
Ova j and- Edna Harris. Catherine
Laing, Robert, Charles and Niles
Harris, Emery and Glen Alder
man Mrs. Shaw Leader of
New 4-H Sewing Club
MACLEAT, Jan. 29. A 4-H
sewing club has been organized
with Mrs. James Shaw as club
leader; president, Viola Tooker;
vice - president and yell leader,
Bobbie Neeland; Anna Shaw, sec
retary veasilrer. Other members
include Golda Franklin, George
Tooker. Billie Van Buren, Dor
othy Cady, iols Barber. -
SILYERTONr Jan. 29. The
Silverton armory was packed to
capacity Sunday night to hear the
talk of the Rev. W. R. Watsoc
who has been conducting revival
meetings - at Silverton for the
past several days. Sunday night's
meeting was a union meeting and
the congregations of the Meth
odist and Christian churches ex
tended the courtesy of holding
so services of their owfi Sunday
night. Special music was furnish
ed by the Methodist Junior choir
TURNER, Jan. 2 9 .High school
students receiving exemption from
the semester examinations on from
one to three subjects are: Ruth
McCoy, ' Rachel ; Garner. Emma.
PanvxRuth v Gristrap, i Charlotte
Parr, . Anna" Johnson, Margaret
Gils trap, Mabel Schif f erer, Gene
vieve Larson, Robert Laird, Em
ma Denyer, Lois Gunning, Anna
Johnson and Elton BalL .
SILVERTON, Jan 29. The
Christian- ehurch ', congregation
voted Sunday to retain Dr. W. o.
Livingston for: the ensuing year.
Rev. Livingston has been pastor
of this congregation Jor the past
four years. , "
SUBLIMITY, Jan, 29. Friday
February 2. will be an old-time
dance, at the C OV Fv haQ. Music
will be furnished by Slegmund's
orchestra. .--
. i i tt 1 -
secretary ox iDor ranees reraan i
the Dress Code Authority in New
wrut wear lub sue&s -
harmonica. A song by BUI Pfau,
a plane number by Marlon - Mc-
Guire and a playlet by the upper
grade room - girls, "The Sewing
Circle, came jaext. The east In
cluded Agnes Doran, Helen
Schmidt, - Betty.: Manning, iEsther
Pfau,'; Nellie Colyer, Rowena Col-
yer, Marjorie Manning and Gladys
Moullet At the ose of; the. provable to raise sufficient funds. to
gram s the.. young ...folks ..played l
games under the direction of Miss
Kronberg. .- Refreshments w . r e
served." ' ' -
. CLEAR LAKE,-Jan. 29. The
program of the Clear Xake community-
-club Friday night was
furnished by the Doolittle service
station, entertainers with the ex
ception of an oration given by
Lunelle Chapin. The program, was
well rendered and enjoyed by all.
Staytom to Meet Friday
The West Stayton community club
will 'hold Its regular monthly
meeting at the schoolhouse next
Friday night. The Federation of
Community Clubs of Marion coun
ty in. charge of the meet
ing. They are planning a good pro
gram and everyone is cordially
it ' .7 . " " U,ure.u
that a portion of the program
to come from O.S.C.
SWEGLE, Jan. 29 The Swegle
community club will hold Its regu
lar meeting Friday, February 2,
Mrs. Schaffer the refreshments.
Simriav .S1aa1 Pmr).
Contest iSOOStS lOtal
LIBERTY, Jan. 29. At the
close of the first month of the at
tendance contest carried on In the
Sunday school here, the Interme
diate girls' class was found to have
the least number of points. This
class, under the direction of Mrs.
C. Sargent, teacher, will plan and
put on some form of entertain
ment for the other classes in the
near future. Since the house-to-
house visits of Mr. Bietx and Mr.
Sargent, more Interest Is being
shown in the Sunday school. Also
due to children's efforts, the at
tendance reached 74 last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Humfleet
furnished special music, consisting
of plane, violin and vocal selec
The school exhibit which was pre
viously announced to be held Fri-1
day afternoon In the lower grade i
room was postponed for a week
due to the wata? conditions which
prevented many . of the patrons
from coming. The exhibition is In
Charge of the primary instructor.
Mrs. Lucille Fisher. . ' ."-'
I. VrA Lit. 7r J
This should be your
Choice of Hotels
Because: l5 t
- TWNwlo rmtta auk Iks
IXANjVIOO&B thm mm M . -
' Kuy an
IM iaVtvt)affwy
!. Moor, fonatriy of fte
, Moor Hotol ia taU, m .
r iktfmla tk DAKMOOBJi -
X iwo'1y l .: .-'.;:
; A iUL OflM OMMtito EoUt " " ;
' Oppotia Terminal Sales BoIIJIef
TURNER, Jan. 2. Prof. L. J.
TJr hammer was accompanied on a
recent Saturday. bys a group of
high school hoys on a trip beyond
Brownsville, visiting , an, old In
dian burying ground. A tew Hint
arrowheads and fragments,irof
bones were the only relics, found.
Mrs Frances Whitehead and
daughter" LaVerna represented the
five 4-H clubs satnraay, January
11at the meeting of Marion coun
ty 4-H club leaders held at Salem
Local club-members were recently
presented; with achievement em
blems for last years woxk: kuu
Bones and Mary Anderson, first
year; LaVerna Whitehead, Elean
or Parks and Kathleen Sparks,
third yean Rachel Riches and Ma
bel OLacy, second year. The Mas
culine "Muffin! Makers 1 4-H club
met -Wednesday after school. Re
ports were given on the number
of meals cooked by each, and fu
ture plans made,' Robert Hatfield
s reporter and.D. B. Parks leader.
-J The boy scout troop 1s meeting
regularly with Wallace Perry,
scoutmaster, who at the last meet
ing related adventures ' of camp
life' and study of animals and
trees. "
- f ry t-u.
DlSttlCt VOteS
Un buying nan
Notices have been posted In this
school d atrict . calling a special
meeting February S for the pur
pose of voting on the question
as to whether the school board
shall be empowered to purchase
the community hall and the prop
erty -now owned " by the Salem
Heights Improvement league. '
This property adjoins the
school property and inasmuch "as
the hall is extensively used for
school purposes, - this action - Is
favored 'by a great many In the
When -. the new . school building
was erected . the . district was - un-
provide an auxiliary - building.
Should the. district purchase the
hail it, will .be a great aid to the
school as it can. be adapted for
gymnasium 'work; and -can .-furnish
excellent stage and. auditor
ium facilities. The amount- re
quired to consummate the tran
suction Is $1100.
8 Children Home to
Help Mrs. Bones on
Her 76th Birthday
TURNER, Jan. 29 Mrs.' Celine
Bones celebrated her 76th birth
day anniversary January 25 with
her eight children and other rela-
i uvea and friends present.
Dinner covers were placed for:
Ml anil Vf ro TIT T XXTInVIa
Vancouver. Wash., Mr. and Mrs
William Standifer, Fruitland; Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Mundinger,
Mrs. Cora Scott, Mr. and Mrs. A
L. Bones, Mrs. O. E. Haxelton and
son Darwin, Mrs. Daun, Mrs. P.
R. Robertson, Mrs. Chase, Mrs.
I ?r"-"7'B-
ity: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bones and
children. Mr. and Mrs. Vester N
I TinTiaa anil Vn P.lln. nrniM
I Turner.
mi ii io rv1:r'i'''A"''"i'iit'n ViooiTiii'ii i n n Lin iStfn' I'ffll'r"'" -- n i mi. i.iinir-i'rii" : ir- llulltl i - - , n if , ' ,TESs fVo. IK Imh " i
Lines in your jEace
come from jangled nerves
Jangled nerves can make you
look older than you are. And
that's bad news for any woman
or man either, M
Look in the rnirror today. See
if you already have any.of those
telltale vmnkles that come
nervousness and, if you
Camels are made
Even as President Roosevelfs doDar revaluation proposals were being
Submitted to Congress, his former adviser. Professor O. U. W. Sprague,
was photographed as he denounced the policy before the House Committee
en Coinage. He is shown (left) as he testified.' Representative Andrew
- L. Somen, of Ntw York, chairman of the committee is at right -
West Sa I erri Ne ws
WEST SALEM, Jan,V29--Mrs.
Pfister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry . J Carter of - Kosemont av
enue, who had . the misfortune
about ten weeks ago to tall and
break her hip, Is ocnvalesclng
at the homo of her parents and
has had part of the cast removed.
Wild - geese were seen flying
back again over West Salem Fri
day showing again the approach
of spring. Blue birds and other
migratory birds are reported and
many harbingers of spring are In
evidence. .
The postponed meeting of the
Women's "Foreign- Missionary so
ciety will be held Wednesday at
the home of -Mrs. K.K. Clark.
Mr. and Mrs; Ray . Hlset and-
baby are spending : a month . or
two at the J.? J. Arnold . home
at Macleay while Mrs. Hlsel - is
building up for a major opera
tion to be rade soon. '
- Mrs; Wise Hoetesj - '
Mrs.' S.P. Wise was: hostess to
a, pleasant .birthday party at her
home Saturday afternoon. Games,
refreshments and a social after
noon 'were enjoyed by Mesdames
Lloyd M. Hill. William. W. Don
aldson, Fred Dueltgen, E, A.
Lake, Donald Kuhn; John Evans,
Miss JennieBefit and Howard
and Bob Lloyd Hill, Adelma
Jane and Jo Lake, Donald Kuhn,
Norma Wise and the . hostess.
Mrs. S. P. . Wise. The group, will
meet again In a fortnight with
Mrs. Fred Kuhn and at that
time It is planned that they or
ganize into a social club or simi
lar-organisation. They may form
two groups, one for the younger
and one for the older group.
These ladies have met from time
to tme and decided to organize.
The doors of the community
hall have been changed to swing
lng doors opening both in or out
and are a great Improvement.
The new doors conform to' the
laws governing public building
exits. To pay for the improve
ment and to do other work
about the building,, a play is to
be presented Friday evening with
a -very nominal charge. The local
club win present "The Obstinate
do something about it ' .
-v Get enough sleep fresh air
recreation and make Camels
your cigarette,
' For, remember, you can
as many Camels as you
Their costlier tobaccos
have,' jangle your nerres.
from finer. MORE EXPENSIVE
any other popular brand of cigarettes!
Family a farcical comedy, with
a stellar cast. Lloyd Miller, Ted
Burns, - Mrs. Henningsen, Mrs.
Phil Hathaway, Charlotte La
Due and Sam Maers comprise the
actors. A pantomime, a play from
a neighboring community and at
tractive musical numbers will
comprise the evening's entertain
ment. K. . -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuhn at
tended a veterans' convention
held in Albany Saturday, evening.
There wero SO from here and a
banquet . supper was served r at
the. dose of. the, meeting.' The
Knhns are officials of the organi
sation. . . . .
The. Girl Reserves ' completed
their, varving project and began
at. the Friday., evening .-meeting
to. make a group of cloth animal
toys, for, competition In a group
of other., reserves, organizations,
uiris participating in the sewing
project- Included Janice' Woolly,
Dorothy. Kaster, Opal Brown, Es-
talyne RJerson, . Carmella Gross,
Doris Thurjnan, Shirley Dickson,
Dorothy Johnson and Ada Clark,
Opal Muriel Kaster . and . Carol
The school has 25, new song
books. A set of reference books of
13 volumes, 1931 edition,; has
been ' purchased. The latter was
the gift or friends of the school.
V U fySrayfin. J
' I'M li I -
, : RICKET, Jan, 29. -A telegram
of birthday, greetings and of ap
preciation was sent . to President
Roosevelt Saturday night by .the
men. .working . on the Salem-Shaw
road as follows:
."As loyal American eltitens, we
desire work, hot charity, in main
taining ' ourselves .and families.
We appreciate . this opportunity
thrpugh CWAworkv We also ap
prove of Oregon's competent CWA
directors. ; regardless ' of -'political
parties. We wish you many happy
birthdays and J success In" your
great undertaking." : '
The men .working on -this road
are: -H.' K; SUggs. M. E. Crowe,
O. L. Perry, J. Ps Horneffer, C A.
Baker;4 George ' Boyer,'- Earl -Bar
ber, .'HV'.K,:. Presho, Wilbur j;
S.m f t h, J. W. Mortimer, ' D. A
Franklin, D." M. Hackett, James
O. Noble, T. F. Crable, A. J. Steg
man, L. T. Van Buren, Stanley
Neeland. Otto Boettleher, Floyd
B o y e r, W. B. Frink, Fred E.
Bates, B. T. RendolL A. M. Mi
chael, 17. Lewis; H, J. Arnold,
M. M. Magee, foreman, Ivan ; IL
Corner, timekeeper of project No.
14; Marion county. "
Turner Sophomores ,
at Bones Home for
Pleasant Evening
p"-- ' - . - ..
TURNER, Jan. 29., Mr. and
Mrs." V. N. Bones opened their
home Wednesday, night for the
high school sophomore class party
with a few guests. Games were
played until a late hour after
which lunch was served' to Ruth
McCoy, Mildred Bones, Ruth Gil-
strap, Geneva Barber. Bemice
Shoen, Ruth Robinson, Genevieve
Larson, Elvise Mellls, Emma Bow.
den, Clarissa .Clark, Melrin Holt,
Norman Whitehead,. Albert Rob
ertson, Summer Clark, Eugene
Mellls, Edward . Schmidt, - Robert
Laird, Albert Jensen and Leonard
Shoen. "
An ' nnusually: - large number - of
people attended the program
given' Saturday - night by the' Sil
veftbn chamber- of ' commerce at
the -Silverton Hills clubhouse. The
program was ; in charge of . Guy,
DeLay 'and Ernest Starr.' The higl
school; play was 'the principal fea
ture of 'the 'program. Following
the program dancing was enjoyed
tor some time.
Checks Colds first day. Headache!
or Neuralgia la SO minutes,
Manila In S days.
Ftao Laxative and Tonic
1 I - r "
The Store: for Lcdies
464-466 -- SUte Street
Crowds Crowds
are here daily
' there must be a
Enough Smi!
- ' 1 - v ':; GROUP 1 ,-.-.-'
Regular value up to 310.95.
While they Jast, Ja Art
your choice ..... vTiUU
- Every one of these coats are
fur- trimmed, full lined. Col
or in black only.
Regular values up to 124.50.
All fur trimmed and full
lined. While they i J rt rt
last, your choice llUU
Regular values up lb 335.00. f
Whlle they last,"! Q Inn
, your choice 1 Q.U U
Every coafT fur trlinlbacd'and'
ail full lined.' Come early; '
please, as these coats will -
not last long at ' this low '
price. " .. "' "'
Quality TeUs,
I - Price Sells,
At Johnson's
Most any color or shape that.'
one might wish for. Regular
values up to 24.95. During
this month-end sale, your
:??........., $1.00
Tout, last chance to get one
of those
at such a low price. Regular
values up to 22.95. This
month-end sale, AA
your choice ..... V "U
AH Sales Most Be
for Cash