The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1934, Page 10, Image 10

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Hie OREGON STATESMAN. SilenT Oregon, Fridar Morning, January 26, 1934
ociety News and Club Affairs
Jessie Steele; Society Editor
Tea F e t e s Bride
- At Crawford
. I Home
Mrs. Henry Crawford presided
at a charming Informal tea
Thursday afternoon in compli
ment to her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Lee Crawford, (Evelyn Louise
Ogilrie), whose marriage was. an
Y yent of January, 13
V Carnatlona . and freesia were
. 'used about the rooms and Hiss
Harriet Crawford and Miss Su-
aanna Schramm assisted the host
- ess. - -' ' J- '"'""-
Bidden were Mrs. Roy Mills,
Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs. Clarence
, Noble, Mrs. A. A. Schramm. Mrs.
C A. Sprasne, Mrs. Martha
Schmuek, Mrs. William Walton.
; Mrs. James Walton, Miss Roberta
Walton and Miss S u x a n n a
Kindergarten Pupils
A program which drew a food
stsed audience of parents and
friends to the Nelson auditorium
Thursday afternoon was that giv
en by the "kindergarten students
of Mrs. Jessie P. Bush.
" Numbers and participants were
as follows:
Good Moraine 1
Jack Frost
' Rain Sons '
The Squirrel .
Marlon Lee Cunnlngbara
Piano Solo My Choice
Vivian Boyce
Recitation After Vacation Thoughts
Vivian Boyce
golo Humpty Dumpty
Bruce Rogers
Accompanist, Shirley Lou Collins
Recitation When I Am Big
Jean Swift
Song DlcVory Dock
Shirley Lou Arthur
Accompanist Phyllis Jean Curtis
, Recitation : When I'm a Man
DniM Rnarera
Dance :.Ba, Baa. Black Sheep
Sons and Dance The Second Minuet
Mary Lou McKay
Recitation .The Lost Doll
Shirley Lou Arthur
nooin KeaDreasi
wm mi i '
Fbylila Jean curtis
i Accompanist Jean Swift
Dance Polly Put the Kettle On
Song - Tiny Dancers
Phyllis Jean Curtis - ,
Accompanist Shirley Lou Arthur
Reading The First Pair of Breeches
Bruce Rogers
Dance The Pumpkin Man
Reading . The Shave Store
Phyllis Jean Curtis
The New Tear
. The Man In the Moon
Alpha Phi Alpha alumnae will
be entertained next Tuesday night
at the) home of Miss Velleda Oh
mart, 285 S. 16th street, at S
Xote: Office boom for the society editor are from
.10 a. m. to 12 boon and every day
but Saturday, when they .are 0 a. m. to 12 noon and
1 p. m. to 6 p. m.
Friday, January 26
South Salem W. C. T. U. in Leslie hall, 1 p. m. Mrs.
Fred Tooze, speaker.
Past Matron's association at home Mrs. J. E. God
frey. 7:30 p. m. dinner.
Daughters of Union Veterans, 8 p. m. in K. P. ball.
Scotch program under direction of William IfcGlkh
rlst. Sr., 8 p. m., T. M. C. A. building, open to public
Women's Bible class. First M. E. church, 2:30
p. m. at home Mrs. R. D. Blatchford, 1745 State.
Berean chapter, World Wide guild of First Baptist
church, at home Peggy Peterson, 155 N. 21st, 7:30 p. m.
Three Links club, 2:30 p. m.. Odd Fellows hall. All
Rebetahs invited.
Saturday, January 27
(Toman's club, 2:30 p. m.
nah Martin, speaker.
at clubhouse. Mrs. Han-
Darbys Honor Guests
at Dinner
Complimenting Dr. and Mrs. W.
H. Darby, who with their daugh
ter Helen leave this week end for
a vacation 4n California. Mr. and
Mrs. William McGilcnrist, Jr..
were hosts at dinner Wednesday
The table was attractive with
a mixed bouquet of yellow nar
cissi, freesia and pink roses.
Bridge followed the dinner hour,
Mrs. U. S. Page winning high
Bidden were Dr. and Mrs. Dar
by, guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Worth, Mr. and Mrs. U. S.
Page, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs.
William McGilchrlst, Jr.
Rosedale The Ladies Mission
ary society met with Mrs. C. A.
Cole Wednesday afternoon and
did sewing for the Hed Cross and
also worked on a comfort top. The
following ladies were present:
Mrs. J. D. Alexander, Mrs. E. B.
Stroud, Mrs. O. N. Needham, Mrs.
L. L.. Brown. Mrs. C. Tucker, Mrs.
Paul' Berndt, Mrs. Christensen.
Mrs. M. Cammack, Mrs. W. Hoff-
nell, Mrs. A. Cammack. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ervln Smith en
tertained with an informal dinner
Wednesday night, followed by
bridge. Covers were laid for Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Smith; Sr., Mrs.
Margaret Le Furgy, Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Smith, Jr., and the hosts,
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Smith.
Mrs. Hattie Cameron and Mrs.
Lloyd Stlffler will entertain the
auxiliary of Capital P. M. No. 11
at the home of Mrs. Stiff ler, 1710
N. 17 th street, tonight.
Contract Club Feted
at Luncheon
Mrs. E. V. McMechan presided
at a prettily appointed luncheon
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. J. E. Godfrey. Bridge at
the McMechan residence occupied
the afternoon.
Covers at luncheon were' placed
for Mrs. T. A. Roberta, Mrs. Clif
ford aFrmer, Mrs. H. G. Maison,
Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mrs. Walter
Kirk, Mrs. Edgar Pierce, Mrs.
Karl G. Becke, Mrs. Jack Elliott
and hostess, Mrs.- E. V. MeMe?
Members of the Baraca. Phlla
thea class which met Monday
night at the home of Mrs. Erlxon
included Helen Austin, Lena Mae
Mattson, Wllla Roethlin. Dorothy
Dirks, Irma Bennett, Lydia Matt-
son, Lucille Beechler, Joy Greig;
Margaret Ayers, Doris Barnett,
Ada Clare, Elinor Wagner, Udria
Beach. Fred Rroer. ftavalrl Mm.
jey, Eldon Newberry, Cecil New-
oerry. ingvara Hansen, jt r a n Jt
Bolton, Arthur Roethlin, Henry
Mattson and Walter Robinson.
Eleven women from the First
Christian church Missionary so
ciety went to Crabtree Wednes
day to assist in organizing a mis
sionary society there. Dinner waa
served at noon and officers for
the Crabtree society elected in
eluding Mrs. Gear hart, president,
and Mrs. Isaacson, vice president.
O 6
Additional Society
on pace 6
Hi-Ho Club Plans
Buffet Supper
- Sunday
Mrs. C. H. Rlngwald and Mrs.
Earl Andreaen will be joint host
esses for a buffet supper and eve
ning of bridge Sunday night at
the home of the former. The Val
entine motif will be carried out
with red carnations and matching
Members of the Hl-Ho club and
their husbands bidden are Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Mather. Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. W.ickert, Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Sande, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ma
gee, Mr. and Mrs. Charles K in
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pitcher
and hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Earl An
dresen and Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Pythian Sisters Have
Pythian Sisters installed offic
ers Wednesday night as follows:
P 8., Mrs. Lottie Hansen; M. E.
C, Miss Myrtle Burk; E. S., Mrs.
Jennie Gould; E. J., Mrs. Laura
Johnson; manager. Miss Lettie
Ray; M. of R. & C,, Mrs. Lucille
Compton; M. of F., Mrs. Florence
Shipp; protector, Mrs. Mamie
Calloway; guard, Mrs. Aisle Hlx-
eon; musician, Mrs. Wayne Green
wood; captain of degree staff,
Mrs. Bill Gould: trustees, Mrs.
Mary Aplin, Mrs. Laura Johnson
and Mrs. Wayne Greenwood.
Mrs. Maggie Knighten assisted
by Mrs. Pearl Kinzer and Mrs,
Mary Aplln Installed them, and a
group from Silverton was guest of
the temple. Cards were in play
until a late hour when refresh
ments were served by the com
mittee, Mrs. Laura Johnson and
Mrs. Wayne Greenwood.
A!- F. Nadvorhik
A. delightful surprise birthday
oartv was tendered-Mrs. J. K.
Nadvernik. recently. Five hundred
was in play wltn high score go
ing to lira. R. Nekuda. Refresh
ments, were served late.
.Present , to congratulate Mrs.
Nadrornlk were Mm. Marie Cer
nlck, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Nekuda, Mr. and Mrs. Joset
Ehwob, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tuckex,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sevick, Mr.
and Mrs. Anton Krepela, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hrubee Mr. and Mrs.
Wursel Semerod,- Mr. and Mrs.
Fred W. Kubin. Mrs. Hattie Wil
son, Gerald R. Kubin, George
Nadvorvlk and Virgil Kubin,
Girl Reserves to Plan
This afternoon at 2:30 the
ceremonial committee of Salem
high school Girl Reserves will
meet to plan the ceremonial for
the mid - winter conference to be
held in Portland February 18, 17
and 18.
Officers were elected by the
high school group Wednesday as
follows. President, Mar jorie
Craney; vice - president, Ethel
Able; secretary - treasurer, Usona
Claggett; social chairman, Bonnie
Savage; program committee, Clar
ice Kolbe and Betty Dotson.
Gervais. Mr. and Mrs. A. De
Jardin were recent hosts at their
home for bridge. Prizes for high
score went to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Harper and for low to Mrs. C. N.
Cutsforth and P. M. Seely.
lira. 5 TLtrr T. : Blahon and Mrs.
William Henry Thomas of 4 fort-
land were luncheon guests of Mrs.
C D. Gabrlelson Wednesday. Mrs.
Bishop and Mrs. Thomas were en
their way. to Eugene to attend
meeting of the executive eounell
of the Oregon Mothers.
Miss Phyllis Packard
Miss Delta Anne Nicholls en
tertained with a smart bridge
luncheon Wednesday afternoon in
honor of her house guest. Miss
Phyllis Packard of Portland. An
orchid and green motif waa car
ried out. Miss Betty Evans won
high score at bridge.
Bidden were Miss Packard,
guest of honor. Miss Brook Bill
ing, Miss Barbara Taylor, Miss
Betty Evans, Miss Betty Abrams,
Miss Marian Ross, Miss Helen
Miller, Miss Lorain Wright of
Lebanon. Miss Peggy Peterson,
Miss Lillian Roethlin, Miss Ann
Larson of Silverton and hostess.
Miss NichoHs.
The Past Matron's association
of the Eastern Star will meet for
dinner tonight at the home of
Mrs. J. E. Godfrey. Covers will
be placed for 25 at a table cen
tered with pink quince blossoms
and yellow daffodils, guarded by
pink tapers.
Dr. J. Vinton Scott
Office Phone Home Phone
8004 8559
304-5 1st National Bank BWg.
Salem, Oregon
Zonta Club Has Meet:
Thursday; ;
'The Zonta club met for
eoa at the liarioa hotel Thurs
day afternoon. Time, waa oecupl
ed In a business meeting, j -
Covers were placed -J or Dr.
Helen Pearce, Mrs. Elisabeth Gal
laher, Mrs. Mabel Brownell., Miss
Helen : Tockey, Miss frothy
Pearce, Mrs Laverne Winkler,
Mrs. Ora Mclntyre, Ms Ale ne
Phillips, Miss Hazel Cook; Mrs.
irnrHa. Miss Kathryn
Gnnnell. Mrs. Winifred HerricM
Mrs., Belle Brown. Mrs. Margaret
Rosee rans and Miss Nellie
Schwab. .
Through an error, the story of
the Women's Council of the First
Christian church meeting was
published as a meeting of the
Council of Churct Women. The
correct name of the group elect
ing officers Tuesday is the Wom
en's Council of the First Chris
tian chnrch.
Men's. . .
i'b. . . 25c
First Door East Ladd A Bash
on State St.
ftAmfn :' Mrs. Ward Lundv
and the .Misses .Weiss and Bigot
were hostesses at the community
BOO duo meeting Tuesday night.
Seven table of the. game were
played with prises for high score
going to Mrs. Allyn Nujsom and
M. D. Hennlng, and for low scOre
to Mrs. Hennlng and Mr. Nusom.
Because of other activities con
flicting, no date was set nor host
esses announced for further meetings.
RELIEF.. . . .
W. J. UE & SON
S49 Ferry Phone 1418
Feed "Triangle X-tra
Egg Producer"
and get those extra eggs.. They
pean xtra profit.
best results start them
After handling trusses many
years we have decided the
Is the best on the market, and
is the answer to all rupture suf
ferers. Neat, simple, efficient,
no steel to rust, no elastic, no
pressure on the back or hips,
no leg straps, weight ( or. No
matter how good your truss Is
if Interested in the newest and
best see this one. Free demon
stration. All work done subject
to your Doctor's approval.
Drug Store
405 State, Corner Liberty
Telephone 8118
1 The Original Yellow Front Drug Store of Salem
135 N. Commercial St. Phone 5197
; For Friday and Saturday
We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities None to Dealers
Great Aches From Little Got a Cough You
Toe Corns Grow Do Not Want?
SCHAEFER'S n Sctaefcrjs
CORN Throat and Lung
Apply and let dry, that's S?w
aH Five appHcations and KJrfTbS SivSd
Think of the relief tou Get a
fet ; . OhP tfae Schaefer Way, No
forr.T.r.AUIw Cure, No Pay -
Sold the Schaefer Way ETA 41 "f if
j No Care, No Pay! OUC and
Pepsodint : CASTORIA ;
Toothpaste oo
1- M I 2 1
I . . . 1 i v 25c
:uiaw:-: AnaciriTableU
15c ib. 14c
21bs. 25e '
I Mot Water Bottle f
39c I 20c He
.11c 11c
GroTes '$i.oo :
Bromo Quinine Fountain Syringe
:v--.15c:--' r 39c
Striding Furiously on With Sensational Selling
3Fsinlasr9 FcMasr
Starts Another Big Week of Honest
Values at This Store-Wide
IPintee SHacDnnmig
To Sell Out Half This Quality Stock
Your Money Sure Has Buying Power at This Sale
70O yards guaranteed fast color percales, new patterns.
yara . .
OOO yards gna ran teed fast color percales, standard qaal- r
ity, plain colors and fancies, yard : IDC
8-inch plain outing, good weight, white, pink, bine,
vrniie tney last, yard
1 lot fancy cretonnes, excellent assortment of patterns -l r
and color combinations. To close, yard IDC
CSUldren's nainsook anion suits, sizes 2 to 12. Close- 1 A
ont, snlt 1C
Beantlfnl Plaid" Part Wool "
Better Harry - Limited
.SIae 7axS4, ' (o ne
pair ...... $100
Very beat grade virgin wool
plaid blanket. Urge sixe,
, 72x84, f 9JSO qnal
ity, pair DeUD
Women's C3uurdonle hose,
flnll finish, wanted Q
colors, pair ........ 1 C
Women's pure silk semi
fashioned hose, serv CO
Ice and chiffon, pair DaC
Chamolsnede gloves. Closing
ont all broken line. Values
to 70c Light and
dark colors, pair
,. 43c
39-lnch all rayon crepe, white, pongee, rose, beige, coral,
black, yard .-. ..i.
M-lnch fancy rayons. Washable colors, black, brown, navy,
green, tar. grounds with checks, plaids or floral a o
designs, yard .......... i. , t3C
ftXMnch Sanfast damask drapery, solid color in brocaded ef
fects in rose, bine, mulberry, brique, crimson, nj
yard . . . .... ....... Tr.-.;.7... . QIC
Stevens all linen eraah, colored borders, "P" quality, i p
yard ..,;............v,. "i!)C
Ruffled ssArqniseUe curtains, extra width, 82 inches. White,
blue, green, orchid, rose dots, f 1.10 value, - q q
357 Conrt St - Just Across From Miller's on Court St
" ; . - j;
tore Dii(0)istai(D)i
of new Easy Spiralator Washer and Ironer Friday and Saturday this week. Come in
and see the new Spiralator in action. Free to first 50 ladies during this demonstra
tion, a book on home laundrying by famous Delia T. Lutes on" washing, ironing and
stain removing.
What wm left of two TurkUh
Tewda that were washed la aa
ordinary wather.
Identical towel that wera
Washed noarf fwaoo aa long
ta the BASY SpiraUtor.
M I , ,. a Jt ? T v ' . I, ,. , 4 X ;
i s i an
. . . in this New
The BASY Spiralator is offered in two models of
aL tn at twasr w
.coc moi w saner ana is available in combina
tion with either the new EASY Safety Wringer
r the popular EASY Oamn-Dfty method of
water removal. v ,
SpiD'allatdDD8 WASHER
but that is only one of the big improvements EASY
engineers have incorporated in this new, patented and
exclusive EASY Washer that is better in 31 ways!
Call us at once and let us show you how the new EASY
Triple the Wmshini Lifo of Clothes. Exhaus
tire tests prove the gentleness of the EASY Spiral
ator far exceeds other methods.
Increases Washing Speed One H&lf. You wash
50 more clothes at a time with no loss of thorough
cleansing action.
Uniform Thoroughness Kach individual car-
ment receives thorough washing action. Even in
Urge loads of clothes, each piece is quickly and '
thoroughly washed. - .
4. 50 Greater Cpacir Continuous movement of
all clothes permits washing 8 or 9 pound loads of
clothes more thoroughly than ordi
nary washers handle 5- or 6 pounds.
K Eliminate Noise and Vibration.
Cr Stops I Tanglini-Malces clothes
' easier to handle and eliminates a '
common source of torn and frayed'
clothes. v
7. Sarea eoap, hot water, and
chanical wear, I.
See U.S. Patent Na
2500. in CASH
For Neighborly Chats" about the new Easy SPIRALATOR
. the' washing1 principle different and better in 31
patented ways! 4 - -
Rnl rrha tSM
18tt Third S lSeoek
lOOrawfliMaas f leads
la ease el ne. dapBcela pdsss
WIS be arworfad. .
fTiffVi will be mfrTlsil (Bred
ktm CXmrm EHXOI, Easf
Wasblae Mecbiae Cersw
Syioceasw It 7-, j.-
Fobraorr St
g Bros. Appliance Store, 45S State St. Phone 6022