The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1934, Page 1, Image 1

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    t -- . ' n am iimimii vsa ir.i. t ne invi - . c . ,
U Ml J HI .i ii ; ii't1-
Discrimination; Padding (of
ExpenseA'ccOUhtsi Even ;
Job Selling Charged . v
Few So Far .Turned Over Jo
Department of Justice; "
: Work to End May 1 -
Complaints of gTaft la the civil
works organisation, coming from
all but three states, .tonight were
under the scrutiny, o! -.public
works . administration investlga
tors. ' r
The division of . investigation
of the 'public works organization
was requested by .the cItII works
administration to sift out the
150 'charges of -graft and , other
irregularities that had come eith
er to the interior department or
to the White House . and . had
been tiirned over ; to " Secretary
In.'- the main, the .'complaints
Involved charges , of discrimina
tion In the selection- of workers,
of padded payrolls, '.falsification
of expense accounts an? in a few
Instances active job selling..
- Legal : experts of the govern
ment said laws i already existed
for prosecution of all the.-complaints
except unjust discrimina
tion and that It. was possible fur
ther : udy would uncover a stat
ute relating to that.
NeWiHampshlre. Vermont and
Main . were reported, to be the
only states - from - which graft
complaints had. not been receiv
ed . r 4 - . '
Not ' more than 15 had : been
turned" over for; investigation by
the pepartment S of justice. As
sistant Attorney General Joseph
B. Keenan said there were not
more than three complaints In
his office In v connection with
the public ''works administration.
The tfuhjlc works Investigation
division b& madtviniUalfJnuJr
les into all complainW turning
those possessing a basis for pos
sible criminal action over to the
justice department and , report
ing back to the administrative
heads of the civil or public works
instances viewed as involving
disgruntled job seekers.
Secretary Ickes said today It
r (Turn, to page 2, col. 1)
Scotsmen from- Eugene, Ball
eton, Jefferson and Sheridan join
ed with those of Salem and vicini
ty last night in celebrating the
birthday of their-beloved bara,
Robert Burns, at the annual
Burns banquet held at the First
Congregational church. Ninety
were in attendance. ' '
Robert Burns as the poet popu
lar the world round was depicted
by Rev. J. R. Simonds, First Con
gregational pastor. Dr. simonas
laid the .nopularity of Burns'
works to their human qualities.
Dr. W. C. Kantner also woke re
garding the poet. .7 '
The program, for; "which Wil
liam McGilchrist, Sr. was toast
master, also included songs- by
Marie McGilchrist, Robert Hutch
eon, Mr. McGilchrist , and Mrs.
William Llntoot, and recitations
by John Bayne. -j r .
A surprise feature of the affair
was the distribution by - William
McGilchrist, Sr.. of. portions of
haggis, a favorite - padding In
Scotland which he .had .ordered
. sent here f rom t tb e : old eountry
' for this purpose. Ingredients of
the pudding are oatmeal, liver and
onions, boiled together In a
aheeo'a stomach.' - . -
The dinner was served by wo
men of the church. .
r- .
Former Sheriff : : ,
Is Found Slain I
Oh Lonely Road
zSHW rrleT former chief
deputy sheriff of San Bernardino
county, was found dead in his au
tomobile today on . a lonely road.
He had been killed by a bullet.
The ignition of his automobile was
on and the machine was in high
gear, leading authorities to think
he may have ; been slain while
driving, i ; vs ! V'i s t .;; x
The machine, authorities said,
was loaded with liquor on which
no tax' had been paid,;- but they
said they were uncertaim whether
Farley was a suicide or a: victim
of racketeers. - - - -
Crossing Crash
Takes Two Lives
READING, Pa., Jan. 25.-(flT-Two
men were killed and an un
determined : number Injured : to
night when a Reading company
- express train en route from 'Read
ing to Atlentown, struck an auto
mobile at- sv grade crossing at
plandon. - ; -
sen en
Vast Ice
TowerlBR cliff n J Jagged Jce nearly destroyed Admiral Richard K. Byrd's party of Antarctic explorers
. recentJy when quarter mile of the ice barrier thundered Into the sea a scant 200 yards fronr the
expedition' flagship, which was seeking a permanent mooring place In the Bay of Whales. Admiral
- Byrd was on the bridge whew the 70-foot Ice cliff crashed into the sea "like a skyscraper f ailing,
a Admiral Byrd described it in his dispatches. Photo "shows a typical scene in the Bay of Whales
r, and the towering ice barrier. International Illustrated News Photo.
The Washington
(By, the Associated Press 1
Republican conservatives and
democratic regulars debated con
stitutionality of the Roosevelt
monetary bill in the senate.
Heavier taxes on big Incomes.
and joint Income tax returns by
husbands and wives, were ap
proved by the house ways And
means committee.
Attorney General Cummings
called the Mellon-controlled alum
inum company of America a "100
per .cent monopoly."
Secretary Wallace gave up one
attempt to work out a marketing
pact with, meat" packers, and
agreed to try it again Monday."'
Senator Reed (R-Pa.) and Ed
ward A. Hayes of the American
Legion urged $40,000,000 more
for veterans benefits before a
senate committee.
Senator Bankhead (D-Ala.)
came from the White House with
word he would push his bill for
compulsory control of the 1934
cotton crop.
The federal reserve board re
ported increased industrial pro
duction during ) December.
' The honse - rules committee
cleared the way for early passage
of the Vinson full-tredly navy bilL
Investigators , for the public
works administration studied 150
complaints charging civil works
graft in 45 states.
Education Fund
To Be Enlarged
Adams Informed
Civil works allotment for edu
cation in Oregon would be in
creased from $5060 to $14,000 a
month for February and. March,
O. D. Adams, director of vocation
al education, announced he was
Informed from Washington, D. C.
The Increase, he said, would
permit employment of about 280
jobless teachers to conduct night
classes In adult education. Teach'
era would he, distributed on the
basis of population.
While this Is not assurance that
the 14 classes sought for Salem
will be approved, local author
ltles said last night that a con
tlnuatlon of the night CWS night
school begun this month seemed
probable under this new allot
ment i .
President's Ball Planned
As Event For Everybody
Plans were completed for what
promises to be the largest social
event held in the capital city in
years,, at a I final meeting of. the
President's birthday ball, commit
tee Thursday night. "Salem's par
ticipation in the President's ball
may even eclipse the Inaugural
ball tendered Governor ;and Mrs.
Meier three years ago,' committee
members said. The event, part of
a nation-wide program,! is sched
uled for next Tuesday night at the
- While " nearly 2000 invitations,
have been mailed to persons in the
city and vicinity, the committee
desires that it be fully understood
that an persons who wish to at
tend are most welcome. Additional
admittance cards have been print
ed and are available at local book
stores and at Miller's. The admit
tance charge Is $ 1.6 0 . a couple.
Tickets will likewise be available
for purchase at the armory on the
night of thebaic
The dress for those attending
Is optional. In commenting upon
Cliffs lm peril Byrd
-4 ,
r; .
Preparations for Jaunt to
Little America Going
Ahead Rapidly Now
SHIP, Bay of Whales, Antartica,
Jan. 25.-Vty-Xl Mackay Radio.
-(fl3) The . business of unloading
cargo for Little America was In
full swing again today, with the
flagship berthed once more at the
edge of the Bay Ice, from which
she was driven by high winds last
The job of getting winter sup
plies ashore Is always miserable,
matter of brute, strength,'7 good
luck, and how much men and
dogs are able to stand. This time
there Is a sweeping novelty to it
that Is arresting.
Sonth of where the ship lies,
the frozen flooring of the bay ex
tends to joint the swelling undu
lations of the barrier, and across
it runs a road pounded into firm
ness by the trotting steps of men
(Turn to page 2, eoL 1)
PARIS, Jan. 25.-(ff)-The
French cabinet appeared to be
tottering tonight despite three re
cent votes of confidence In Pre
mier Camille Chautemps in con
nection with the national scandal
resulting from the collapse of the
Bayonne municipal pawnshop.
Either the minlstery's resigna
tion or its defeat was predicted in
legislative lobbies as a result of
disagreement over the creation of
a civic committee to investigate
the pawnshop failure, the conse
quent loss of $40,000,000 to in
vestors, and the high connections
of its late founder. Serge Star
"It might be preferable,"; M.
Chautemps and several other min
isters told friends "to get out In
stead of being , dragged - through
the mud of a chamber debate
again and then be thrown out.
Socialist deputies, meanwhile,
were .maneuvering former Pre
mier Herriot into a. position to
succeed Chautemps. An uncon
firmed rumor circulated in the
chamber that General - Marine
Weygand, chief of the army gen
eral staff, told President Lebrun
he had been asked to head a
coup d'etat.-
this phase. Brigadier General
Rilea, vice-chairman and executive
head of the committee, said: -fin
conformity with other parties of
this nature being held throughout
the United States, it seems desir
able to make the atmosphere of
the ball as colorful as possible.
However, the committee s princi
pal thought la that this Is a party
fdPthe people of Salem and vicin
ity.. As such, the matter of dress
is optional .with the. individual;
Those not 'desiring to dress for
mally should feel no hesitancy in
attending the ball
In the case of those Individuals
who do not care to dance,' a full
program of music and entertain
ment features has been arranged
tor by the committee on music and
entertainment, headed P.. T.
Delaney. .Music is to be given by
a 1 0-piece orchestra, led by Cole
McEIroy of Portland, having as a
guestartlst Miss - Mary 1 Schults.
The presence of the McEIroy or
chestra in Salem was made pos-
XTurn to page 2, coL 3 j.
Vt'. -
.. it A-v-?
World News at
a Gfance
(By the Associated Press)
presses for monetary bill vote be
fore end of week.
ST. PAUL. New anonymous
note discovered in kidnaping of
bank president..
mittee approves heavier taxes on
big incomes, and joint returns by
nusbandja ana wives.
Company of America, called "100
per cent monopoly" by attorney
general,- being re-investigated.
TOPKKA. Kas. StatA senate
acquits attorney renem- in gorg
ed Dond scanaai.
red fifty complaints charging civil
works graft in 46 states stuaiea.
TUCSON, Aril. Two men,
Identified by police as members
of Dillinger gang of Chicago, ar
rested. Foretell! :
PARIS. Two Frenchmen miss
In duel over Bayonne" pawnshop
BERLIN. Possibility of in
crease In amount of German In
terest and amortization payments
to foreign creditors seen.
Rogers Thinking
Of Returning to
Speaking Stage
TULSA, Okla., Jan. 25.-flV
Will Rogers, humorist, told his
home folks tonight he was "think-
in some" of going back on the
stage, for a little while.
"I want to see Georgle Cohan
do his stuff from in front In this
here O'Neil play, 'Ah, Wilder
ness. They been after me to play
his part when they bring the show
out to the coast," said tne gum-
chewing movie-star.
Rogers, who flew in from the
west coast for an overnight stop
with his sister, Mrs. Tom Mc
Spadden, at! Chelsea. Okla.. and
to visit the Herb McSpsdden
ranch near Cologah, his former
home, will go on to New York to
Police Puzzled
As Urgent Call
Found Baseless
. City police were mystified last
nieht bv a telephone call for im
mediate help relayed to - them
from the telephone company's of
fices. The three prowl officers dis
patched by radio to the address
given, 1095 North Summer street.
found the occupants, tne H. Li.
Stiff family; asleep and no evi
dances of prowlers.
The central phone operator told
police she had received a call for
"police right away" at that ad
dress. The party hung up before
she could ask who was calling.
Referendum of
Sales Tax Sure
: Is Gill's Report
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 25,-(P
-Ray w. Gill, state grange mas
ter and active in' seeking ref eren
dum of, the sales tax,. said here to
day "of course we are relying on
volunteer petition pushers, but
we expect to have the .required
number of names by March so
the measure will go on the bal
- The - sales tax, passed - at the
special legislative session, would
yield funds for t relief - of school
districts of the state,
Lowering Income Levy for
Those Under $7000 is
' Trend at Present
Screws Will Be Tightened
on Corporations, Says
. Ways-Means Group ,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.-U&-
How much tax shall be. paid was
coupled today on Capitol Hill
with the question of the amount
of gold that shall be behind the
dollars it is paid in.
The chances are that the per
son whose income is under $7,000
will pay less tax;' the one who
gets more than that will pay
more. The screws probably will
be twisted down a few notches on
corporations and Interests that In
the past have managed to squirm
out from under a good share of
the burden.
These decisions were made by
the house ways and means com
mittee in a day that saw much
verbal flailing back and forth In
the senate over the administra
tion's monetary bill.
"Unconstitutional" and "rob
bery" were some of the epithets
thrown at the bill by republican
conservatives. Democratic leaders
said it was as constitutional as
the flexible provisions of the tar
iff law and that the authority It
delegates was similar to that
which the tariff law put into the
hands of the president.
There was a pushing and tug
ging by democratic leaders to
clear the way for the monetary
bill to go sliding to enactment
by early next week at the latest.
Plans to press for a vote on in
flation were dropped by Senator
Borah (R-Ida) because of too lit-J
tie support but a similar test win
be demanded by Wheeler (D-
Moni). . . ,,
Murder Warrants Filed as
Governor Pledges Aid
in Justice Cause
HAZARD. Ky., Jan. 25.-UP-
Four men were held and more ar
rests , were preaictea Dy rerry
codntr officials tonight as they
pressed their investigation ,into
the lynching of a negro accused
of killing a coal miner.
Murder warrants were sworn
out today against three miners,
Lee Gibson. 87: Andy Workman,
20, and Petie Carroll, 88. Anotn-
er- man James Collins, sz, was
held on orders of County Judge
A. M. Gross. A special grand jury
was ordered to convene Monday.
"We have some good informa
tion, but can't talk about it yet,"
Judge Gross said.
Telegrams noured in upon Gov
ernor Ruby Laffoon at Frankfort
deploring the first 1934 lynching
ml nrrtnir him to aid in con
victing the members of the mob
of 150 to 250 masked men.
The rovernor through his sec
retary H. H. Hoieman wnign.
gave out a promise to "do every
thing within my power- 10 nrm
the lynchers to Justice. The negro,
Alex Scott, 20, an ex-convlct was
(Turn to page 2, col. 4)
Probe of Truck
Hiring for CWA
Work is Planned
A committee from the Truck
Owners' and Farmers Protective
association today will undertake
an investigation 01 me circum
stances surrounding the hiring or
trucks for CWA projects in Mar
ion county. This action was or
dered at last night's meeting of
the association after complaints
were made by several members.
Tom Wood and A. E. Simmons
were delegated to make the in
vestigation. After the meeting. Wood and
other members declared that re
gular truck owners who had ap
plied for the work long ago had
been left out while a man who
purchased some old trucks at
low cost and had 'not applied be
fore the others, received the job.
Spaulding Gets
Big Tax Ref und
Treasury department ' Income
and estate tax Tefunds for Ore
gon totalled $ 2 8,7 8 9.9 6 for the
fiscal -year 1938, a .report today
showed. " - v -: "
- Refunds of more than 81000
included t - " -
Charles K. Spaulding, Salem
81,948.32; t Willamette Valley
Lumber Co., Dallas, 11,7S2.65.
cue o n
Lax iiy of Co llection .'.
Morelahd Declared Dilatory and Negligent in
railing to Keep Accurate Records; " , s
- Tire Purchases Eyed; '
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 25 (AP) Reports of ;the; state
iTflsh and game departments today revealed $85,S22.46
uncollected fees and fines, many of long standing,
i r .;Gamei commission chairman.? Matt P.. CorricaTi- rpnri-
manded Harvey L. Moreland, chief-cleric for the game de
partment for being "dilatory and neidiirent in his duties.
Moreland was charged with fall- O
ing to keep accurate records of
assessed fines.
A report ' by State Auditor S.
W. StarT showed the fish com
mission is behind exactly 168.-
376.61 in uncollected poundage
fees from commercial fish pack
ers and dealers. Much of that
amount is many months past due,
Starr declared.
Starr also reported that state-
owned cars, driven by M. T.
Hoy, . master fish warden, and
Hugh C. Mitchell, director of
fish cnlture, used a total of
(Turn to page 2, col. 5)
Tavenner, Goetz Mentioned
For Superintendent;
Reaction Mixed
Members of the school board
have given no consideration as
yet of the selection of a city sup
erintendent to succeed Superln-
dent George W. Hug whose con
tract terminates September 1, and
which the board has decided will
not be renewed. The matter of a
change has been discussed by the
board at Informal sessions for
some months past, but no action
was taken until a few days ago.
as announced in The Statesman
on Thursday. The choice of a new
man. for the place has not yet heen
discussed by the board. Individual
members reported 'yesterday. :-
Persons reported to be In fav
or with board members are stat
ed to be R. W. Tavenner, present
assistant principal of the high
school and director of teacher
training, and R. E. Goetz, super
intendent of the Silverton schools.
The majority of the board stated
yesterday that they had no can
didates in mind and would take
ample time to consider applica
tions. Board members reported they
have received mixed praise and
criticism for their action with
respect to the incumbent, Super
intendent Hug. Some said the
public reaction they had observ
ed was commendatory; one re
ported about an equal division of
sentiment. A leader of the group
oposed to Hug stated that any ef
fort on the part of his supporters
to continue him In the position
would be resisted by his oppon
PORTLAND, Jan. 25. - (P) -A
regulation which would pro
hibit store window display of any
alcoholic beverages - Including
less than 14 per cent wines and
beer as believed in the pro
cess of being drafted at the state
liquor eontrol headquarters here
today. ' .
Cooperation in a concerted ef
fort to stamp out bootlegging was
planned at a meeting today of
the liquor control commission.
Administrator George L. Sammis
and city, county, state and fed
eral law-enforcement officers:
The commission plans to sell
the best liquor available at the
lowest possible price. However, it
anticipates some activity of boot
leggers and moonshiners who will
attempt to represent, their pro
ducts as "Just as good." or even
better at less than state store
Unusual Operation A
To Restore
j PORTLAND Ore., Jan. 15-
-Millard Groves of , Salem may
again swing, a sure-aimed golf
stick and have use f the fingers
deadened when, he grasped a live
wire at a Salem golf, course re
cently. :
i Dr. Richard F. Berg reported
hero tonight that a skin-grafting
operation he performed Monday
was progressing nicely, though
danger of Infection or a slip was
not past. .; "
t" The scorched hand must re
main grafted to Grove's body for
10 days or two -weeks until
blood circulation with the fingers
is established. Then' the fingers,
with new skin, will be cut free.
A few stitches will be necessary.
About two weeks later ten
dons will be inserted so the re
juvenated fingers may be manip
ulated. Strips of tough flesh
from Groves' thigh will be taken
by Gbrrigan
Z. .
Postal Inspector Here Will
Investigate; Packages
Mailed Near H. S.
Investigation here yesterday led
to a belief that the four sticks of
dynamite sent through the malls
Wednesday to the national re-employment
and civil works offices
originally came from a local deal
er, it was learned last night. It
was not believed, however, that
the sender or senders of the ex
plosive packages obtained the
sticks directly from this dealer.
W. F. Case, United States pos
tal inspector who took up the
case yesterday, stated simply that
he was investigating the affair,
when questioned last night. . He
expected to return to Portland to
day. A representative of the CWA
also came here yesterday to delve
into the "matter but local offi
cials declined to reveal his name.
That both packages had been
placed in a large box used for
storing mail pending distribution
by the regular foot mail carriers,
near the senior high school here,
was established. Postmaster John
H. Farrar stated yesterday. They
were picked up by a mail collector
and taken to the post office
around noon Wednesday and
frorn there, delivered to the ad
dresses. "
All of the dynamite was the 40
per cent type, a comparatively
low grade used in blasting
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
After listening to State Senator
Sam Brown speak regarding nls
candidacy for the governorship of
Oregon, members of the Salem
chapter of the Truck Owners' and
Farmers' ' Protective association
last night voted unanimously to
support him in his campaign.
Senator Brown told the truck men
would back them to the limit on
any proposition he deemed fair.
It was also stated after the
meeting last night that the chap
ter bad voted against the sales
tax and would fight It actively.
Other speakers last night in
cluded Martin Ferrer, candidate
tor Marion county judge; Roy R.
Hewitt and Jim Preble.
The next meeting of the chap
ter Is scheduled for February 8
Third Attempt
To Burn House
An attempt to burn down the
twice - before fire damaged old
house at Oxford and East Nob
Hill streets last night was thwart
ed by city firemen. After the
blaze was extinguished. Assistant
Chief William Iwan announced
he had found quantities of crank-
case oil splattered over the fire-
scarred structure.
The first fire in this building
occurred about three years ago.
Never repaired.' it again caught
fire last summer. Residents of the
neighborhood have protested its
unsightliness. -,
Golfer's Hand
for tendons, to be connected with
live ends In his hand. ' '
Dr.. Berg, said : Millard Twill
probably return -to-Salem folio W'
ing completion of the first part
of the 'operation and return la
ter to have the tendons insert
ed . '- !' ... -: ".
An operation watch 'ft- is- be
lieved will restore usefulness of
the left hand of Millard Groves,
prominent ycung golfer, was per
formed at, St. Vincent's hospital
in' Portland - Monday , by . Richard
F, Berg, surgeon- for the electric
power company there. ,
It Is early to know outcome of
the -Operation, Involving delicate
work on the tendons and skin
grafting, Dr. W. B. Morse, who
attended him here, said yester
day, who said chances are likely
that ' ho will have a pretty - fair
. (Turn to page 2, coL 2)
John Dillinger and Trio of
! Asserted Aides Caught hi :
Police Trap; Attempt to n
Escape Frustrated-
Gang Wanted for Assorted
Murders After Escaping
From Indiana Prison Now
Behind Bars Again
TUCSON, Arii, Jan. 25.-V
Falllng into a police trap, the as
serted chief and three members of
the notorious John Dillinger rsng
of Chicago were seized fn a dra
matic fashion here today by
Tucson officers.
Found in different parts of the
city, Charles Slakley, SO, Russell
Clark 39, and Harry Pierpont, 31,
were taken almost simultaneously ,
in a bloodless coup by police but
were landed safely behind bars
only after dexterous attempts had
been made by two of them who
wielded pistols.
A few hours later John Dilling
er, alleged master of the gang that
wanted for an assortment of
murders, an array of mid-western
bank robberies, an escape from the
Indiana state prison and a jail de
livery in Ohio, stepped Into tie
police trap and although armed.
was taken without a fight.
Arrested with Makley, ' Clark
and Pierpont were twa women.
One gave her name as Opal Long.
The other first said she was Mrs.
Pierpont but later was identified
by police as Mary Kinder. The of-
fleers said they believed the Kin
der woman was wanted in Chicago 1
City, Ind., on a murder charge.
A woman also accompanied Dil
linger and both were taken imme
diately to police headquarters.
Clark was taken in an apart
ment building together with a
woman who was later released.
Makley was seized in a downtown
business establishment, and Pier
pont, asserted "trigger man" ef
the gang, together with Miss Kin
der,' were picked up in a tourist
camp while they were preparing
to leave. 1
-Three machine guns, five pie- -
tola and a large supply of am ina
nition were found In the posaee-
(Turn to page , col. 6)
DALLAS, Jan. 25-(Specia-
Approxlmately 250 men will be
thrown out of work here as a
result of the decision against the
Dallas mill in Federal court m
Portland, according to , figures
given out by Earle FuighaBa,
manager of the mill, This will
include about 170 men In tbe
mill and from 70 to SO in the
camps above Black , Rock. The
lay-off will cut the present crew
approximately in half.
The mill proper shut down to
night until Monday in order to
allow time for reorganising tb
crews. Married men with deeeta-
dents will receive preference fer 1
work with seniority counting sec
ond. The planer mill will not
affected by the ruling until about
the first of the month, -
Reorganization of the mill .will
be ' made over the weekend and
the new operation on a one-shift
basis will be started Monday.
McNaryto View '
Lifting of , Ban
On 'Soviet Pulp m
MAU Information available' on the
treasury's action yesterday to lift
the ban on lumber ana palm free
parts of -Russia was asked im a
resolution today by Senator Me
Nary (R., Ore.).- - : -
The resolution recited that til
treasury had rescinded a former
decision which included a find
Ing that convict labor was used in
production of these imports. -
1 -
fr ; '. . .v ,
j. For City Judge
i: PORTLAND," Jan.' JS.-Cffy-Not -until
the ISth vote was Donald B
Long, president of the Jackson,
club, chosen by the city council e
Pprtland municipal Judge to suc
ceed the two judges recently re- -signed
by request 1
Mayor Joseph Carson nominate
Long as a single successor ta an
Huahaiht" mnTA. TWO Other
) didates figured In the deadlock.