i.- PAGE TTV'O 1--7 - hV. --r' -a The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem.- Oregon, Thursday JJorninjr, Janoary 25; 1924 , EMEDITGI IDBEBIffl Whether ! r not Salem i . wlll bare eren branch office' of the Farm Prodnctlo nCredlt as sociation lai no determined, E.-K. Plaseckl, who has chars' of the federal ' farm - loan' office here,' states. Directors i elected at a ;. meeting in1 Eugene January" 13 will meet shortly tn Corrallla, bat it la -held probable they will ad here to original plan of bat' one office for th district. The district nnlt formed at Eugene Willamette ; Production Credit association. Includes these : counties, Lane, Dougiaa, Benton. " LIn, Lincoln, Coos, Marlon and Pork, and headquarters were ot ed at Corrallis, with O. S. Fletch r, Eugene.; temporary secretary. Hopes are that work will be nn- , der way by March 1, -:.vt v -The aaociation is set up under the Production .Credit corporation "of Spokane, W. E. Williams, -vice-president. - j It will ' handle farm loans tor seed and harresting pur poses, and similar business. The district directors are: Fred R. El liott. Dallas; Jobo W. "Rentage. "- Woodburn; Bay La Jenkins,' Tole do; Laaria L. MUler, Dallas; Jesse .JV CMnton, Myrtle Point; H. S. , Merrlam. Eugene; James W. Sea Vey, Eugenei Claude Bucanan, CorralHs; R." C. Burkhart, Leb- " anon. . . Girl Hikers, 13 Told, to Go Home By Frisco Police SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 24-(flV Two 13-year-old girls admitted to police today they Were Juanita Nanes, J 8 48 East Bnrnside street. Portland, Ore., and Frances Haw kins, 13, 2414 Southeast Ankeny street, Portland, and not Patricia and GeneTiere Malone as they had insisted previously. . i, , '-, The two yesterday told officers who took them 'off thelumber schooner ? Phyllis theyJ'.wereE.-on their way to Join their Miner in .Santa Maria, Cat : 4' '"' ' A Today, howerer, after question ing, they said they had started on "world crmse but "guessed" maybe they j had "better tell you "otjr true aamea and get back to oar school booJte." LIdivahi Princes tin Trial ram U r-- Accused of takhtc 130,747 from the treasnryot the Pacific fh OA Co- of waien tnry were eaeeanres, we ueoigwm orvwuex, . .iir Tint fivm MifivmL mt ihovn in. court at Los Antreies as mmmJ linril th. third brother. Pnnce Alexis, is speeding to the Orient for reunion with his bride, the former Barbara Th ii ev.au Board . . . Cyclamen Mites Not Found Says tS.H Van Trump .Strawberry ' plants In the Sil ver Falls patches inspected yes terday by State Inspector Stant Mrry and County Inspector Van Trump prored free of cyclamen mites. A large orderhad been re celTed ! from i Hyde and com paay f California - for " plants of the Marshall and Nicomber rarlety bat the buyer stated the plants must be. free of the mites, with which trouble had been In the south, -i'-- i - , "Van v Trump declared none of these mitee had been noted here for seraral years. An outbreak of them some years ago on Mas todon strawberry plants was car bed by destroying all plants f this Tariety. " r Quick Approval of New Radio Given . Quick publie approval glren the new Philco long-distance radio by the- public everywhere was told yesterday by ILL. Stiff, local dis tributor. Two years of laboratory work and experiments on this par ticular, set hare resulted In the - production of - a . 'radio which 'not e:ily picks np nearby stations with aeiaring clarity but which -wjtha twist of the- dial brings into Salem' homes -musie arid ther -programs from European centers. , Londonr it. I said, ia as easily heard with the'ne ' by Philco afe Port- land..V;V:-Vvi.i"0. ' FX8INORE Today 'Dinner at Eight,' with all-star cast. Friday John Boles in "Only yesterday." CRAXD Today William Gargin in "Headline Shooter." CAPITOL Today- Zane Gray's "The Thundering Herd," wlttt Randolph Scott. HOLLYWOOD Today Chester Morris in - "Breach of -Promise. Friday j Hoot Gibson in "The Fighting Parson." Saturday Midnight mati nee, Gar Cooper in "One , Sunday Afternoon." STATE Today Joan Blondell in "The Greeks Had a Word for Them." Saturday only -Jack Holt in "When Strangers Marry." i Gleason in Happy Reunion, Father; Never Met Before LONG BEACH, Cal., Jan. 24. Edwin S. Gleason. 18, of Salem, Ore., was reunited today with his father, whom he had never seen, after baring believed him killed In the world war, Soon after his birth in Viola, Kan., la 1916 bis parents separat ed. The father subsequently went to war and the child was taken to Salem by his maternal grand mother. ! The father, Phil E. Gleason, said he made numerous attempts In Kansas to trace the boy and but recently learned the youth was re- cerrlng bis monthly compensation checks from the government. Christmas he sent a card to his son through the Veterans bureau. telling. Mm he had "made many Brown, Hewitt to K TalftHere-Tbhight Addresses by Sam Brown, gu bernatorial candidate,-, and, Roy Hewitt yW. feature the meeting . tonight et-the Truck Owners and Farmers? Proteotite : association.': at. T:St) - o'clockiat the. hall orer Wood-vvheatvn. garage. High and Chemeketa streets. Speakers from tW central" 'labor council' will also be beard. f fl A HorwOwaf?d Theater Pi - STARTS SUNDAY She L J l . . -.-v 'cnensra m$ ' -sr Mt.J !. - I- I- -I 'Tr8!?; TSf KttT KJT DflXt f a otmc envTwnc "N TODAY & FRIDAY g- WH AT LAUGHS WHAT.FUNI All of T tara in Your Favorite One Big Show, JOAN BLONDELL i MADGEEVS LOWELL SHERMAN INA CLAIRE V DAVID PLANNERS . HSU'S TO OWL MZNI LONG MAY TriaT ulYEI ft - Nk 'WbaterleleMbewl U this fatt'Sieviftg story of three girls who coise le Ireed way hove iSslf "bnekt fe-Kaedt . - Scream? It's a Trvljl If y'-'J: " Ccziedy Drcsta! ; attempts to trace you but this la tho last Young Gleason received the card. A subsequent correspon denceled to the meeting here. Toung Gleason lives at 1008 North Commercial street, Salem. Edwin Gleason was known here as Edwin Madison, the name being that of his grandmother, with whom he lived in Salem. He played football on the Parrlah Junior high school team while attending that institution. 1? is iTSTWiiiojy STATTON, Jan. 24. Mrs. Dot Carter, wife of William carter, died aaddenly at her home here early Wednesday morning. Her death -was thought to have been caused by a paralytic etrokej as sho fell at borne Tuesday. J. W. Nipple, an elderly man , living be tween West Stay ton ana Aums vhle, also "4led early this morn ing. He la said to nave oeea sud ject to heart trouble. Fnneral ar rangements have not been. made. nr.- and Mrs. Frank - Baton oi Seattle hare been here visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth starton. Miss Doris Champ is here from Seattle visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Champ. Mrs. Esther Bond, president oi the Rebekah assembly. will visit Eva Rebekah lodge. Stay ton, Jan uary it. There will be potluck dinner at 6:30. Rebekah visitors are welcome. ; Chamber Opposes Out-of-Town Man As Agency Head Onoositlon to any changes In the Salem . reemployment omce that would give the' Job to a man outside of Marlon county was voiced bv the Salem chamber of commerce yesteroay in a wire to State Employment Director J. v. Lintner. The wire refers to proposals for a change In the reemployment setup, presumably moulding Linn, Marion. Benton, pouc ana un coin into one district with a sup ervisor for all the territory. The chamber urges that strong financial support given by Salem and Marlon county in the employ ment program entitles considera tion of the chamber s stand. The wire in full: Chamber of commerce emphat ically opposes any change in local fl TODAY jfev. - '. u ill--- -via. Witness? i r :. ... m DIOLSCJSfflB lECOlEll'S1 Testifying before the Senate Com mittee probing air mail contracts William Sacks (above) Republican leader of St. Louis, denied ha had asked "tut of five per cent for aid in negotiating' air mail contract for Robertson Air Line of St Louis, as charged by officials of company. reemployment office that would place any man outside of Marion county In csarge. "This la view of heavy popula tion and employment in Marlon county and strong financial sup port giren by city and county." Tho position of city recorder. now, held, . br Mark Poulaoni wiU be sought at the May election by Dr. O. A. Olson, now alderxnaa from the seventh ward," Olson an nounced -yesterday. -Tie said If elected: he would 'make tempor ary disposal of Jvla dental office and devote his full time to the wcorderahlptj. "VJ;" r Dr. Olson la the first man to announce running; for. a ,cfty of flce this year. Mayor Douglas Mc Kay, after declaring, recently he would not ran for; another terra as mayor. Tuesday revealed- he would Instead seek.; the position of state ; senator which Senator Sam Brown- has dropped to enter hte gubernatorial race. In five years ot service oh the council Dr. Olson baa been active In municipal affairs and at pres ent holds the chairmanship of (ha Hrm department and water committee ; and "membership - on tho police and s health commit- . .- '. y . ' r- ... r. -:--T l PouJien baa "not : yet decided whether or not he will seek ire election. XJ' - ' j I .'Who will seek the position. of mayor is still a' mystery. Among those being ' mentioned " are fEd ward ; Roeteln, Alderman j E. Enhn' of the" first and David QHara"of the Hftrwardt Ros telnv .. however, baa ' declared - he would not be a candidate, Kuhn says he is not aeeking the office and O'Hara is not inclined to fa vor 'entering this race.. ..Neither are Kuhn and OUara decided a boat, running for. re-election to the council. ! ALBANY TEACHEB PLUCKY ALBANY. JanJ 24 .-(Donna GUI, Junior high school .teacher here, set a remarkable example of courage for her scout troop girls while concealing from them her carelessness wttn " firearms.'. Her courage recalled that of tho classl- UJILLIRm GAM FRflnces oee ROLPM DELIA mY JOCK LR RUO If K J i mwJ2sdbncntn He Rimed the woilf s greatest thrills ' . vnth nothing to lose buthisUft!... He had been through lire, earthquake, ; flood and revolution, hut the wont jolt of his life came when the girl he loved turned him down! vw; I ... oEiLyIVoom TONTTE IS f ! DLAIE NITE JLlC. srTwWs5 jQsweMCM From the Cosmopolitan Maga zine story "Obscurity" by Rapert Hughe Friday & Saturday PA R S Oil Tonight - Fri. - Sat. S00 SeaU H5c; f Plundaring bandits...H bravad them4 oil when he rode info the badlands4 ...and rode out with a beavKfu! oirll Plus SAILORS BEWARE" Doors Tonite 6:45 W Keso1P- v-r : t 1 1 1 1 FothS cal Spartan youth rho stood hn pertnrbed while' hls'entrails Vera . eaten away by a : stolen, f ox con cealed under his garment I Miss GUI continued to teach school o her girls woald not) know ehepraa wounded through negligence, r : - - LADIES I MATINEE TODAY,1-2:15 llvrtj, Eniti 'DINNER (oY' TWO DAYS ONLY ' FRIDAY '& SATURDAY f& n Mitt - L A VAN - ..... , . Greater Than "Back Street" A big picture, big as life! . . . A beauti ful romance, great as love! . . ; A story so beautiful and fragile . , . so ten der and touching, you will never for get it! f 1 with ; Blllle BURKE Edna May OLIVER Reginald DEXXY in Continuous ShowDaly--j j if mil ii . WITH SOLES MEN'S Soles $1 Leather Heels . 50c RcBber Heels . 25c LADIES' Soles ....... 75c Leather Heels . 25c Rcbber Heels ... 25c Children' Soles . . . . .V. . 50cto65c Boys' Soles ....... ... 75c to $1.00 Patches . . . . 10c to 25c fS7i)7. OOF THAT A7 AUTO ACCIDENTS 4 t sr m . m tj 1 - m w. mm. i or c at j rnxx p .IN AUTO ACQDEK1 PIES IiV "BfliA f m - ii a v.m A YOU don't nee to b a Crystal Gaser leara tbat acodeats DO or WILL hap- V a aw a a . ' ' AaaDotyou--aUortbeUaiead cases the? are kappefiinfl. Bverr day, aseyspapsa have iMadlhff such as yon sea la this advertiacmcne--and either each aeddents have becotne so commoaplaoa or their detalla art iwrolttag that we tpaw than up, with the fonsolatka that k was sofna' m. Aha." - The faet that ve caeaot brinf our safvee to' the reaEaetioa that acadeat PO happen -f or that we DO need pro- a ... a - - ( Mroop agauist UMaa does not aha slmatioa. Doat iaaagiae that YOU ar frpea such accidents. No ooe U Yet ebb aecurc protection acaoMt far aafy a few ceats a week. ' . i -t. ...... Ml GET. THIS VALUABLI PROTEaiON FOR . ONLY. A FEW CENTS A WEEK: 4aTsaAlla. ,atw Nana. AdcVese. tata. WawSsMisawSSsaawS