The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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    TI Osho?! STATCSilAN.'SUp Oregon, Wcdnesday'llorofatg, Jaaciay 21, 1934
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Officers EXected
At Press Club
Luncheon -
1 mHS Salem Women's Press club :
' I was' entertained- Tuesday af
" temoon. with a. dessert lunch-
: eon at the boms of !Mra. Fred
Zimmerman. Officers were elected.
! during . the business meeting as
l ' Mra. W. C. Conner, IprealdentjT-
' Mrs," Don TJpJohn, vlce-jpresldent;
i Mrs." -Murray Wade, (secretary;
' and Mrs. Baloh Kletslng, trea-J
arorer,'' - ?
I ; Early spring: flowers were used
bout the rooms and clever ever-
' green;, accessaries daring the- af
ternoon of bridge. Mrs. EM A. i
'Brown won high score.
. The ' dub is planning a party
tn February j to -fee-held - at the
I A. D. LIndbeck home.
i Present Tuesday -were : Mrs. Wl ;
! C. Conner, 'Mrs. C. A." -Sprsgue.
Mrs. 8. A. Stone, Mrs A. D. Lind-:
beck, Mrs." Ralph - Kletxing. Mrs.
E. A. T.rowa and hoi'ess, Mrs.
Fred Zimmerman.
' .- :- .''.Or
Mrs. Roberta Gives
Luncheon ,1 V
. A smart bridge luncheon at the
Marion was- giren by Mrs. John J.
Roberts T u e a d a y afternoon.
Spring flowers were nsed in decor
ating and Mrs. George White and
Mrs. W. H. Lytle received high
score la contract.
Corers at luncheon were laid
for Mrs. Jack Carrey, Mrs. Ger
trude Cameron of Siiverton, Mrs.
W. H. Lytle; Mrs. Linn Smith,
Mrs. Hans Seltz. Mrs." Clarence
Keene of Siiverton, Mrs. Sari
Steiwer of Jefferson, Mrs. Romeo
Goulet, Mrs. Homer Smith, sr.,
Mr. Margaret LeFwrgy, Mrs, Ho
mer Goulet. Mrs. Xorge A.
White. Mrs. William McGtlchrist
Jr.. en hostess. Mrs. John J. Ro ,
e a . .
David Emmons Feted
On Birthday !
David Scott. Emmons celebrat
ed his first birthday Monday. In
honor of the occasion his par
ents. Mr and Mrs. C S. Emmons.
invited a group of -friends rn for
buffet sapper. The serving table
was centered with a large. birth
day cake illuminated by a single
bice candle.
Bidden to congratulate Master
Emmons irere ' Mr and , Mrs. Al-
f red Montgomery and children.
Nancy Lea and Jeny Lynn, Mr.
and Mrs. Lemuel Hobeon.: great-
grand parents of the honor guest, j caapter AB or f. JC. o. entertain
Mr, and Mrs. Ewen Geer, Mr. ad led with a no-host dinner Monday
Mr. O. W. Emmons, JFlOya CO
moii and &e hosts', Mr. and Mrs. I
C. S. Emmons.'
1 Two pleco -ensembles are win
ning favor this aeason and this
is one of the smartest yea ire
likely to see-. It boasts a plain
wrap - arounC skirt topped by a
smartly tailored blouse of cen
trist. The details of the blouse
under the how. are shown clear
ly ia the small view It Is double
breasted aid made In reversible
fashion. Black with white, brown
with old gold, two hadea of
green these are Just some ot
the: smart color combinations in
vogue that yon might carry est
Pattern U 5TT la , available 1 fa
sizes 12. If, 1. 18 and 29. Size
28 Ukes 2 Va yards 29 inch blouse
fabric 2 14 yards for skirt, mi
1 yard for scare. iUustrated atep-
by-Uep sewing instructions in
elided, K o ,- ; ; ;n 1 - asU eU r
tcM , (itaml) tUa
lhi tMttan. Witt mhdal
aama, ityla aoabr shtr
Ma psttara ram. '- - '!'' '
. ttesf nunc lati UHiu t a
may. an to & spdag atyto "tar
alKHaaaCcaliarta la aa ttUtwdag,
aalatfat feaek. . al law yaar t9T
b cate tata aadac -Trlea r
aneasiaa, IS aata.Hg tnt aafc
Ura aeathaft i -easta.
AaAfaaa rar ths Oiaeoa
BUtmwaa yataara SIS Scats
CaaiaMKUl atiaat. Batea. Mafca wa
laur aaelaTa. Taar vraac wal aa
piari aiwailia -
Otaara eaa towarOy are fHM wttala
faar aays fraaa taa inae- 1atrl ay
1 V i J
. :
. V O Hlii-i run... -iTrrnmii
News arid Club
Jessie Steele,
Note: Office hoars for (he society editor are from
JO a. m. to J2. mow ami 2 p. tn. to ft p. a. o every day
but Satarday, when they are 0 a. m. to J 2 noon mml
1 p, Bk la C p, n. -
- : ' Wednesday. January 24 . - - , -
, Comrades oftke Way.. First Congregational church,
supper meeting, ;3u -p. in. Chinese program.
Presbyterian Ladles Aid. at home Mrs. D. A.
Hodge,. 12Ifr Chemcketa. 2:30 p. m.
- North. Salem W. C. T. U. at home Mrs. Pembertoa,
1137 Jetferaon; 2 p. m.
i --' ' F. O. E. auxiliary social club at home Mrs. Frank
Crosier.-1175 S. 12th. 2 p. m.
" j - -Unitarian church. -eongregatlonal meeting, 8 p. m.
In Emerson room of church. Social hour.
General Aid society. First M. E. church, corered
dish luncheon at church. 1 p. m.
SUrer tea in social rooms of Knight Memorial
' Centralis temple No. 11. Pythian Steters, installa
tfeai of officers, K. P. hall.
Thursday, January 25
Town and Gown club at Lausanne hall, in after
noon. V. F W. auxiliary sewing rlub at home Mrj. George
Lewis. 1186 N. Winter, 2 p. m.
Eacalero elnfc dltiaer meeting, at Y. W. C. A.
' Mace a bee Thimble club at home Mrs. A. N. Caise.
2075 McCoy street.
Loyal women of First Christian church la the fire
place room of church, 2 p. tn.
U. S. Grant circle No. 5, ladies of the G. A. R. at
home Mrs. George Smith. 965 N. Fifth. 2 p. m.
. Delta Phi alumnae meeting at home Miss Cynthia
Artisan class initiation, business meeting at S p. m.
followed by banquet. Fraternal temple.
Aid society of W. R. C. all day meeting, at fair;
grounds, potlnrk luncheon at noon.
" Golden Hour club, 1 o'clock luncheon at home Mrs.
Lloyd Springer.
West Way club. Woman's Benefit association, 2
p. m. at home Mrs. Alta Scott, 13 SO S. Liberty.
Friday, January 26
South Salem W. C T. U. In Leslie hall. 2 p. m, Mrs.
Fred Toone. speaker.
Past Matron's association at home Mrs. J. E. God
frey. 7:30 p. m. dinner.
Daughters of Union Veterans, 8 p. in. In K. P. hail.
Scotch program under direction of William McGilch
rist. Sr., S p. m , T. M. C. A. building, open to public.
Women's Bible class. First M. E. church, 2:30
p. m. at home Mrs. R. D. Blatchford, 1745 State.
Berean chapter, World Wide guild of First Baptist
church, at home Peggy Peterson, 155 N. 21st, 7:39 p.m.
Saturday. January 27 .
Woman's dob, 2:30 p. tn. at clubhouse. Mrs. Han
nah Martin, speaker.
Chapter AB, P. E. O.
Has Linner
In compliment to Mrs. Con-
stance Caswell, state organiser,
ngu. m m urwn unie itoui w.
the Spa,. The center-piece was of
narcissi guaraea Dy yeuow.ia.per8.
Fonbwlng the the
group repaired to th ' home of
Mrs. W. EL. Kirk for a business
meeting and inspection.
Covers at dinner were placed
for Mrs. F. W. Lange, Mrs. C. A.
Sarague. Miss Josephine Gray,
special guests. Mrs. H. E. Barrett,
Miss Helen Barrett. Mrs. W. E.
Kirk, Mrs. F. A. Elliott. Mrs. M.
E. Peck, Mrs. R. R. Hewitt, Mrs.
R. J. Hendricks, Mrs. Mary "Ranch.
Miss May Ranch, Mrs. William
Dillmon Smith, Mrs. Ray L.
Smith, Mrs. Rae Belden, Mrs.
Mary Reeves, Mrs. A. A. Slewert,
Miss Elizabeth Ann Boentje, Miss
Carlotta Crowley, Miss Etta
White, Mrs. A. F. Hunter, Mrs.
E. C. Richards and Miss Grace
Elisabeth Smith.
Siiverton Hills. The Stitch
and Chatter club members were
guests of Mrs. Lewis Hall here
tor their January meeting. Pres
ent for the afternoon were Mrs.
Henry Torvend. Mrs. Carl Hang-
en, Mrs. Eioert ueuuire, airs. a.
A. Hall. Mrs. Silas Torvend, Mcb.
Martin Hatteberg, Mrs. Harry
Bentson, Mrs. L. G. McDonald and
Mrs. George Elton.
Mrs. Lynn Smith ."as a dinner
hostess of Tuesday night, with
guests numbering Mr. and Mrs.
D. W. Eyre, Miss Rovena Eyre,
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts
and Miss Mildred Roberts. The
evening was spent informally.
This Lovely Quilt Easy to Make
Washlaglon Pavement Is one ot i
the handsome unlit patterns that;
though exceedingly simple- to aa.
results in an ornate pattern. Like
the- Pineapple jiattern. It Is matfe
ot patches that, to a great ex
tent are all the -same width, mak
ing it possible to cut the material
Into atrtpsj and then cut the
patches from these. The pattern
leads kself either td two materials
or to shaded effects la which case
scraps of ziatertel can be used ef
fectively. . ; . - . .
Society Editor
Round-up Club Feted
At Luncheon
Mrs. Max Buren presided it a
prettily appointed luncheon Tues
day afternoon in horror of the
Round -Up club. The afternoon
was spent at contract, high score
going to Mrs. Joseph Albert and
Mrs. U. G, Shipley.
Mrs. Shipley and Mrs. Charles
M. Thomas are special guests.
Club .members bidden were Mrs.
Joseph Albert, Mrs. Robert Down
ing, Mrs. John Griffith, Mrs. Ed
Hartley,. Mrs. T. H. Robertson,
Mrs. C. If. Spaulding, Mrs. J. T.
Whlltlg. Mrs. J. N. Smith, Mrs.
S. P. Kimball, Mrs. R. P. Boise
and hostess. Mrs. Max Buren.
a a a
Elks Tourney Scores
Winners in the Elks bridge
tournament conducted Monday
night have been announced as fol
lows: North and south, first: Mrs. F.
G. Bowersox and Mrs. Harry
Weidmer; second, Carl Armstrong
and Edwin Armstrong.
East and west, first: Mr. and
Mr?. Pon Madison; second, Mr.
and Mrs. Max Gunter.
Centralia temple, No. 11, Py
thian Sisters. - will Install their
officers tonight In 'the K. P. hilL
Mrs. Maggie Knlghten will be the
installing officers assisted by Mrs.
Pearl Kinzer and Mrs. Mary Ap-
a .
The Woman's club will hold
its regular bl - monthly .meeting
Saturday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock in the clubhouse. The pro
gram will include a talk by Mrs.
Hannah Martin and special music
Pattern 45? comes to yon with
complete simple instructions for
cutting, sewing end finishing, to
gether with yardage chart, la
gram of ouill to help arrange the
blocka for single and doable bed
sUe, and a diagram of block which
serves as a guide far placing the
patches, and suggests contrastla
materials. -
fiend 10 cents for this pattern
to The Oregon Statesma a Needbe
craft Dept 215 South-Commer-
cml street, Salem. - ;
Mrs. McElhinney
Hostess This
has Invited
a group or
matrons to her home this
afternoon for sewing and tea.
Bouquets of Japanese Quince and
pussy, willows will be placed
about the rooms. "
Bidden are Mrs. George King,
Mrs. C. D. Adams, Mrs.' Keith
Brown. Mrs. James .Burgess, Mrs.
Earl Cooley, Mrs. George Hug,
Mrs. Gardner Knapn, Mrs. Oscar
Paulson, Mrs. Stephen Mergler.
Mrs. Fred Wolf. .Mrs. George
Rhoten. Mrs. EstlU Brunk. Mrs.
Fred Duncan and hostess, Mrs.
Charles McElhinney.
Social Club O. E.
Has Meeting
One of the most Interesting
cial meetings held this season by
the Eastern Star was enjoyed
Tuesday afternoon at the Masonic
Rev. W. C. Kantner introduc-1
ed the speaker. Rev. R. V. Wil-
son, who paid tribute to the Penn
sylvania Masonic home and relat
ed his experiences in it. Miss Jac-
quie Hughey sang, accompanied
by Rosewell Wright, who also ap
peared in several numbers. Jars
Nile Pierce gave some guitar se
A late luncheon was served it
beautifully decorated tables. The
valentine motif was used with a
centerpiece of Ted carnations. Bas
kets of pussy willows were about
the rooms
The committee Jn charge was
Mrs. Harry Rowe. chairman, Mrs.
o . T ,: .
oai as iivyu, airs, ui-
gomery, Mrs. Grace Gillon. Mrs.
tLnr$L!?c.-8- TJ- I.?..'
. Jumma noHiDw.,
Kestley and Mrs.
Anna' Socolof-
M any From Salem Go
To Concert.
Many Salemites journeyed to
Portland Mondar nizht to attend
the concert giren by Roland 1
Hayes, the greatest concert tenor
on tne stage tooay. xne pontic
auditorium was packed, according
these who heard. Hayes, and
the vast audience, perfectly stilll
during the rendition of each nam-
ber. bursting- Into thunderou. ap-
planse at its completion.
Ronald Craven, Salem tenor,
stated that the half-voice singing
of Hayes was particularly oat-
standing. He commended the sing
er's stage presence and unassum
ing yet polaed bearing.
Bible Class to Meet
The Women's Bible class of the
First M. E. church will meet Fri
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
R. D. Blatchford. 1745 state
street, at 2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Charles Dunbar will lean
the devotionals and assisting host
esses are Mrs. Oren Stratton. Mrs.
L. A. Leeee. Mrs. Edna Lamb and
Mrs. John Robins. There will be a
iers Exhibit Shown
At Studio
Several water color and pen
sketches are on exhibit in the
fiunnell and Robb studio this
week, nnder the sponsorsnip oi
the Salem Arts league.
Piers Is the artist.
All the subjects are landscapes
and nrinclDally of old worm
scenes, some from both England
and France. A tew water colors
portray Salem scenes.
a .-
Rfithanv Mrs" Frank Hubbs
was hostess to a group ot friends tred's 62 nd birthday and those
for the pleasure ot Mrs. Roy giving the surprise were the oth
oniTin who is leavlnsr for Canby. er members ot Granddad's quartet
wvhP Mr. Onlnn has been trans-
a riandVerehief shower
was a feature of the afternoon,
Brldge was in play. Present were
Mrs. Roy Qulnn, Mrs. Haga
Rante. Mrs. Frank Syring, Mrs.
J Tl Mnranltnriab Mrs. A. L. V.
worth, Mrs. Sam Lorenzon, Mrs.
F. Glenn McDonald, Mrs. John
Wilson. Mrs. J. E. Stranix. Mrs.
Chhrles Hartman, Mrs. Sena Mad-
sen, Mrs. James Francis and Mrs.
Woodbnrn. Virginia Olson,
daughter of Major aad Mr.
Oliver S. Olson, entertained a
group ot her friends at her home
Friday afternoon on her seventh
birthday. Guests present were
Marjorie Seely, Beverly Hughes,
Joan Tweedie, Donna Wengen-
rath Ttnatria finnan Scott. Tlr -
ginia Whitman, Juanita -Slbern.
Jean Bentley, Virginia Bert anai lu" "u
Join Olson. Miny. gifts were xeJ T night. In the group were El
. mti. i,Aao. Imer Palmaulst, Mabel Palmquist,
The West Way club of the
5"?' "I0" S
. i , ttm
uwuin wa, aaa a a aim ntviif itivv
S. Liberty, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Flo
Casement Is the assisting hostess
Town and Gown club will meet
Thursday afternoon in Lausanne
halt Hostesses Include rs, C H.
Johnson, Mrs. Z. H, Schalxe, Mrs.
RJ J. Hendricks and Mrs. J. H.
PILES gnaminteed tutored wirhowt kalTe or aeedle. OLD'
MORES of aar- kind, STVBBOJUt SK1. IKltlTATlOXfl aawl
aTBIJaiC FECT, If row bad faHrd lo bral them by other
ameaaa, will quickly respond aaaW-r Mr new nrthod, (Mr
Sserawl retaexHea are guar art re wat faff act tea for GALLSTOKEH.
. .. . i
Of the LIVES,
Ureswaxt H 1). pydciaaa, :
Cbfaarme nlirte
mi ciai nanrna. irmce uwiia-w:w
tO t PJDS.
T. LaavJK. IK
Or.'. T.
La Area Club Meets
Saturday s
Mrs. Paul Flcke and. Mrs. Frank
Rock entertained members of the
La Area club Saturday . Bight ai
the home fkthe former; Bridge
was tn play with higtt score go-
ing to Mrs. Mem IearceVantt Mrt.
R C. Krlesel.' A late .upper was
aerrod,'' fg r- -iT' !
Mrs. George Clinton and Mrs.
a. a, uaeiiroy win euieriatu xam t
" ' . r " '.
rreuemp uaiuraay were Mrs.
Mam.Ppania. If in lVtm-ithv Wll. I
" ri X;lV
A. A. Gueff roy, Mrs.. Joy Turner 1
moses, Mrs. ua Anaresen, .
marsarei.. Aiumguuierj, jars. r.
Andresen, Mrs. Frank Tyler, Mrs-
George Clinton, Mrs. R. C. Krie
sel and the hostess, Mrs. Flcke
and Mrs. Rock.. .
In the
Social Realm
wonmoBiu atr. isweii 1
ana was hostess Thursday to the
Homelike society of the Evangel-
ro-Ileal church at an all day meeting
at her home. Quilting was the
pastime, and at noon Mrs. Evan
served an attractively appointed
luncneou 10 ine x meaiDerB prco-i
nt: Mrs. C. II. Cox. Mrs. W. F.I
Hockema. Mrs. M. C. McDonald,
Mrs. J, F. Willet. Mra. I. A. Da-
vis, jars, james tieinncK, zars. ij- i
Notnstetn. Mrs. u. u. iieiny, jars.
V. E. Scott, Mrs. J. E. Winegar,
Mrs. F. Moreland, Mrs. J. S.
Fuller, Mrs.-Riley Mathany, Mrs.
G. W. Baun. Miss Cora Smith,
Miss Aletha Lonsberry and the
hostess, Mrs. Evans.
Sunnyside-An enjoyable
ning was spent Saturday night t
w-v Z, - ni,.,i.. I
i""T" -C ."TT
r"T"Z -ZZ
iwiia a surprise nu iumIi, i .. 7Y7
t . iM-rm TJ. a
J"!?!." ht
I tta andBMented to the
------ - -
"UvL ;rH ZJTk n,t
. . , , VT " " " T.w
inciuaeu air. mu airs, xveuucm
r- v iToh .r Mr
Mr. and Mrs. Kettn uyer, sir. ana
Mrs. Glen Barnett. Sue Wtto. Ea-
ther Heckart, Beryl Johnson;
honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Heckart ana Jonn weuensenwan-
ner; nosts, air. awn atrs
IL. Taylor.
son, ij . o. '"u;"7f
"" TZr'r
the inspiration of a dinner party
I . a B If.. f- A. M. T A
I ft'- . "
Benson Just prior to his paving.
Present were Mr. Benson, Mr. and
-rrr T TJ.or. w Bn(4 fra
1 3r.?' v rl -
r;;,;. ;rnL
01 roruana, ana sur. aau ur.
George Benson.
He will sail from San Fraa-
clsco for Pearl Harbor naval base
In Honolulu, Febrnary 10.
Central Howell. A group of
Central Howell friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Jans surprised
them at their Siiverton home Sat
urday night. Five tables of "600"
were in play. Mrs. John Tweed
and A. A. Hall received high
i score and Mrs. A. A. Hall and
R. H. Bye received low.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
John Tweed, Mr. and Mrs. John
Lauderback, Mr. and Mrs. Milo
Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Bye,
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Letchty. Mr.
.1 J r T TT . . i
iuu mis. bjv, r. bud un.
A. A. Hall, Jean Lauderback,
Ruth Simmons, Lucille Hall, Eve
lyn Stewart, Perle Bye, Richard
Bye and Mr. and Mrs. Jans.
Siiverton I. B. Alfred was
given a surprise Sunday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. S. J. Com
stock. Th occasion wis Mr. Al-
ud their families. A large birtb-
day cake centered the afternoon
tea table. Present were Mr. Al-
rea, xur. ana airs. n,ason uom-
f?d Mrs. W. K. Calne, Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. smitn, Kev. ana Mrs.
I n T tt.11 i . . a t
Scotts Mills The R. N. A. clab
met at the home of Mrs. Edith
Hogg Friday. A pot Inck dinner
was served at noon to 22. A new
member, Mrs. Lena Bellinger
joined. Special guests were Mrs.
T. Taylor and Mrs. O. H. Brough
er. The next meeting will be Feb
ruary 2, at the home ot Mrs. Nor
ma Ettlin, with Mrs. Irene Jack
as hostess.
Siiverton Mrs. Martin Han-
1 nan and ner aaugnter. ceiia nan
uan. were hostesses to a groupotl
5,meL-.L?,reB ISnm1l M!ief;
HUiu H'a.n ana' Mr, and
lMts. Martin Hannan.
Dr. J. Vinton Scott
DENTIST x -Office
Phone .Home Phone
6964 833
8U4-S lat Xaitomal Baak BMg.
Salens, Orcgoa-
(K UH Tt. f tmb- yft
6 pUSV
aaaavdarya oavty.
liar. CifiMto M. -ChaW JL D-
rr n
aaew 4 I
FAKE Pffl fflU
VCT1.AM tr..i k w
'2Z-"JJT? - 7VT
Beignpers last svmmer paid- a
man purporting to be an agent, of
the Capper publications 12.00
apieee for club offer on the
farm magazines published by the
tt. 8. senator from Kin. .n.1
.i. - ... 7 ...
la" papera am noi arnre wyoerg
i gr9 rtsa action. Amriitr nthm ha
e.uA anna rnn..,, .MJ
W: Mntt ln hia nttn tiorsr
Upon reaching Washington,
D. C, Motra office took the mat
tar up with Senator Arthur Cap
per and exhibited the receipt giv
en, Nyberg by one. E. D. Ward.
Capper, in turn, checked with his
circulation manager. . Recently
Nyberg received assurance that
if he would send in the names and
addresses of his neighbors who
entered . into the agreement with
Ward their names would be
placed, immediately qdou the
mailing lists of the Canner -mmeA
azmes. Ward, wha onerated anit
widely here for a week or two last
summer Is said to have united Am
same stunt In other nart r th
country, although he nvpr w
Capper agent and did not even
possess the proper rSceipt books.
xnere is a sianillnjr nnr
150. 'for hi. n a ,
mob. accordin-- tn t t,v--
hull, director of circulation for
tne pnblishine house
Balcony is Completed
r or Methodist Church
SILVER TON, Jan. 23 A bal
cony, which was completed this
eve-MT" hw "einof 18
tfl" , "e "l
tune Sunday morning. The b&i-
y was built to increase Sunday
chool room and to accommodate
I " J so uuience WUCn SO
often attend affairs in the church.
I "Port that the balcony
aaa aiso greatly improved th;
ec?ustices of the church andi
! tortum
I suvarton Mary Wlckersham,
lwiia 1,1 ..v .
K 1.
ner ho. Sa. "
t- - --
a pounder, Eunice Arbuckle,
Fern Acbuekle, Wilraa Stanton,
Eileen Stanton. Darotbv MeKenzi
and Laura Klaeter. Later in the
Tenuig tlw rronn went to tha mI
Keniie home and spent the night
Camber prty.te. to iS
rved a late breakfast.
I AM VltlTlAn in o TAAn wtAM
bprshI WT
a, ITr " " . 7, , . "c .
I - " vwou IUU( Will OB Idea
b7 men of the order Thnrs-
r. wuh inquet i0 the
I ainner.
Excerpt from Code
A retailer may sell at less
than cost on a , bona-f ide
clearance, providing -the
merchandise is marked, sold
and! advertised as such.
Quality Rayon
Panties, Dance Sets, and
combinations apligve and
lace trimmed. Formerly pric
ed it 98c
49c vr ;T
Children' Rayon
Sites 4 to 14 years, lace
trimmed Jnst Hke mothers
39c i.oo :
Women! mi children's ray
oa one aad two-piece paja
mas la pastel shades.. Valaes
,t 2.4S, choice ' '.
Shipley's I I i iwji ife Fo?'1
Shoes j I j J ll 11 I I ''' ' Ho8
t Ml fl J tl 1 W CLOSE
How tof Play
Culbertson Associate -
I Today Mrs. WfRiaa H. Qaina
Culbertson associate, gives States
man readers three valuable point
era- in the bidding aad play of
duplicate bridge. Her article fol
lows: -
Many bridge players who win
frequently in rubber contract sel
dom win at duplicate contract.
These-are differences that should
be- deserved. The main object in
duplicate is not to via w enor
mous 'number of points but to
win 'more points on each board
than any other -player or team.
' In rubber bridge the safety of J
your game contract comes iirsi
extra tricks ire year secondary
consideration. Bat In duplicate an
extra trick many times will give
you top on the board. Of course.
I am assuming that match point
scoring Is used.
Last summer while I was as
sisting the United States Bridge
Association In directing activities
I asked E. M. Lagron, a player- of
national reputation, to give me
some "tips" on duplicate play. I
am passing1 his advice on to yen:
'1. Play the boards through
the middle.' In other words, try
to get an average score. Bid and
play as most of your beet players
will do. Remember that CO . per
cent of the maximum number of
match points will almost always
win. If you maintain a good aver
age, usually jour competitors will
p.el'y by their errors.1
2. Remember that many hands
will not produce game. These be
low game- hands must be given
serious thought. Trying to force
a game out &i each board is a
losing game. When do game Is in
sight, arrive at the best contract
as cheaply and as quickly as pos
sible. '3. Hold your cards up so that
your opponents cannot see your
nana. Many times the opponents
are not trying to look at your
cards but without making aa ef
fort tney can easily see yoar
hand. Keep your cards up."
I know Mr. Lagron has given
three valuable Up.
SILVERTOX, Jan. 23 Silver
ton relatives have received an
nouncement of the birth of a son
to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hansen ot
vVoodbnrn Saturday. Mrs, Hansen
win be remembered here as Miss
Magna Hansen, the daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hansen of SI1
verton. This ia the first grandson
In the Tom Hansen family.
Ingredients of Vicks
VapoRub in Convenient Candy Form
viae cough mo?
iim f O
Slips, Stepins, and Bed Jack
ets. Values in this large
group to 1.4S, choice.
and Vests
To Close Out .
Values to tie
Values to Tie
49c UT
Values to l.ffo
69c 2.0?
Oregon's entry in the national '
reserve-officers pistol champion
ship matches , was ranked thfe-d
In the Janpary 25-yard slow Are
event, , according to information,
received here Monday from Wash
ington, D. C. Oregon was repre
sented by the five-man team from
the Marion-Polk Chanter of Satom .
land was, tn competition with ap-
proximately io teams from all
states of the union.
St. Loam. Missouri, took first
place with 55.3 per cent; San An
tonio, Texas, was second with
5.1 per centi Salem, Oreron.
third, 93 per cent; White Plains.
New York, fourth. tl.J per cent:
Lafayette, Indiana, fifth, tt.7 per
cent; and Logan, West Virginia,
sixth, with 85 per cent.
Reserve officers comprising the
personnel of the Salem team-;
were: Lieutenants L. B. Schoel.
W. A. Sisson. W. A. Haseiwood,
K. W. Dalton and W. C Clarice.
Michael J. Mafaoney ot Gervais
was promoted to captain In the
Reserve Officers association, ft
was announced Mraday. Mahoney
Is a member of the Marlon-Polk
chapter, and is now commander
of Company M. ,3,82nd infantry.
Divisional Staff
Officers of 41st
To Meet, Seattle
Major-General' George A. White,',
commander of the National Guard
of the northwest and' adjutant
general of the Oregon guards, .
will be in Seattle next Saturday
where he called a meeting of the
divisional staff officers of the
41st division. The officers win
represent Montana. Oregon,
Washington. Idaho and Wyoming.
The mid-winter conference of
adjutant generals ot those states
also will be held at that time.
General White said.
The next day, January 28, the
finals In the annnal band compe
tition of the northwest guard
units will be held with the 182nd
infantry band of Portland com
peting with the 148th field ar
tillery band of Seattle. All other
bands were eliminated in the pre
liminaries. BUSH
Prirate Kindergarten
Daily 9 to 12
Nelson Hall, Cnemeseta
and Liberty
Opening -Date January 2t
Limited Registration
Essential Fundamentals and
Cultural Arts taught by suc
cessful instructors in child
training. Dial 282 or 74
Slips, Gowns and Panties ot
rayon. Beautifully trimmed
and . wonderfully finished.
Values to 3.42, choice
Rayon Pajamas
One-piece, - light and - tne
darkest shades. Values ' to
2.42, your choice
Women's . two-piece outslxe
sleeping pijamas. Values to
2.7S, choice y .-. i
One and two-piece pajamas.
Values -to 1.15
1 -