The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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    C:iLGO:i STATSXIAIT, Ort;Eatcn!ay tlsnte; 'Jgsay ItZl
is I
r H
i , - ,
fz. t b
- Perry Home
Mra. Vernon Perry entertained
fa honor ot Miss Ruthlta HoftneU ;
Wridar night with handkerchief
thower and eveninr or. comreci. i
Narcissi and aprlag flower were
!; placed .about the room. -
l , :, Mm -Carlfin Stmcson and Mrs.
t CUyton-1 Foreman assisted vthe
' hostess at the aapper hour.
nM'an ware . Misr . Hotfnell,
; honor an est. Miss Pegry Goodfel-
low. UIs Katherlne Corey- Mis
1 v Margaret Corey. Miss Mrsaret
f ..2 tiMisnn Mis Virginia Holt. Mlaa
KAy .Lauahrldee, Miss Henrietta
-J - wrh! alia Margaret Drager,
Misg Wllma Glese, Mia Dorothy
fiftlL Mra. Joe Lane, Mrs. Garlen
Simpson. Mrs; Clayton Foreman,
f...;;- Jean
mt w. Olio. - iVClUiCVU V I
Wilson and hostess, Mrs. Vernon
Verrr I
J ' . : . . . I
1 U'Women S Union Holds
tV a"
eBusiness Meeting.
K." o p wnmon't Union of the Tern-
-l RABtlst chnreh held its regn- I
: lar .monthly business meeting
J AVednesday afternoon at the tome
4lL f MrMs. J. M. Cross. '
f Officers were elected as fol
' lows: President. Mrs. N. E. Ab-
Vfee-nresident. Mrs. E. A.
El well: secretary.
v treasurer. Mrs. Ida Latham.
tr9 TCiiann conducted the ae-
""-fttions. Mrs. Elwell, president or
th anion for the past two years
vaa BrrnrdMl the honor Of naTing I
er name placed as a life pemJ??'
-i "l w h.M Vbrn-
i !ary 21 at the home, of Mrs. E. d.
ij- -Wndberg.
"F. L. Club Convenes-
The F. I club held Its monthly
meeting at the home of .Mrs.
George Naderman with Miss Mil-
'dred .Martin a assistant hostess
Thursday. v
- After the business meeting light
"-refreshments were serTed by the
''hostesses. . .
Member present were Miss
Lnla McClay, Miss Helen McElroy.
Miss Myrtle McClay. Miss Dorothy
vrnir. Miss Bernlce Zielke, Mrs.
Joe Beatr. Miss Gwendolyn Bub-
bard, Mrs. Glen Harbaugh. Mrs.
V Willie Warf, Mrs. Chester Lank-
C-Vtree and the hostesses. Miss Mil-
wdred Martin and Mrs. George Na-
il't. .yf?'! ?e?.!?,t "f6!4.:
i tton wui noia lnsuiiiuuu i .
v fleers tonight In the K. P.' hall at
o'clock. Mr. Julia V. Ward,
.i state field director, wilt act as
X Installing olllcer; laaies or cere-
XL ''.monies will be Mrs. Elma Thomp-
v " ; son and Mrs. Edna Shumaker, and
v :cnapiam, wrs. caroune uusuneu.
Girl ,are you planning to
ike your commencement frock
a new party frock? You'll
such grand fun making this
itful model! The lovely
Iiarea couar tne prewy weeies
a li .
joined at drop shoulder In the new
fi-dW 1746 Ja
-iaanner,' ana lun- sn mu
-TcaptlTating details and the new
, . V - Instmctor glxen with the pattern
- S- show you exactly how to put them
together in the easiest way Imag-
ry-lnable. Crisp taffeta ribbon xnfcht
w ihvu ftv. 4T dwvm, o
tbow: for the frock use georgette,
chiffon, flat crepe, dimity or or -
7Jt gandie in wnite, pasteis or nainiy
. f V- "tUni 174 1 available la
efze la, 12. -14. If and II. Size
ZZ take s yards 3?-lnca rannc
yand 1 yards ribbon
. Sad 18 cants la colas at auap
(eaina ynttm for taia Anno
- Adama yattara. Writ plainly ,
addroM. atyi asaftoxr aa4 ate w
'act ycttara ortfarad.
- Ta rw want, ltU oditioa of U
' Asa Aiaaa , potttra ausuao is.
aaay. All to Wt vprlng atyioo far
adalu as cBlUroa la aa iaUiMttac
helpful book. Sand for yoar copy
aa4 ao calo this tprmtv Mm at
saasSslaa, 1 coats. MtQtlao aad yat.
tora totataor. SS coats. - -
azwa wm ih vh
k4 ttiti aoi Yaotaxm Dopt, SIS Saata
vo vbwtblh wn, win, JaMO wo
omrp caeloouroa. tmx ardor wiH bo
S pgy ottaa do to.
a eaaaM caatoauru arc Woe wttaia
'fos ittji tnm tao thaa rocetvod sy
Tio ftatetaua. -v. .
News and Club
Jessie Steele,
Saturday, January 20
King's Herald. First M. E. church, at home Mrs.
A. A. Lee,'.lllf State, 2 to 4 p. m.
A. A. U. W. luncheon meeting. Masonic temple. I
p. m. Res. dial 7208.
Woman's Relief corps. Miller's hall. 2 p.m.
Women's Benefit association, Installation of offi
cers, K. P. hall, 8 p. m.
Golden Rule Class
Has Banquet
. The Golden Rnle Sunday schoot
class ot the First Evangelical
ehnrch held a "Friendship" ban-
auet In tha dining room of the
- - i . .
ehnrch esdy
The friendship Idea was car-
consisted of group singing, pray-
er. an Interesting talk and chal-
lenge to the class for the year's
work by tha pastor, Dr. E. W.
Petticord. A solo was given by
Mrs. Grace Beach and short talks
by members ot the group
Those enjoying the evening
were Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Petti
cord. Mrs. Russell Wright, Mrs
L. L. Thornton, Mrs. Grace Beach,
Mrs. Mobley, Mrs. Paul Nieswan
der, Mrs. Oscar Paulson, Mrs. V,
A. Ballantyne,. Mrs. Joe Bower-
sox, Mrs. A. J. ungeiDari, urs
wikoff. Mrs. Hans Hofstet
ter Mr8 Rutll Grime. Mrs. Fred
w iTnlo TH-Ir-a fr
Fred Barnlck, Mrs. William Rot-
ana V " lLl
Entre Nous Club Has
Evening of 500
Mr. and Mra. W. G. Krueger
and Mr. and Mrs. William Earle
were hosts to the Entre Nous club
and several Inrlted guests at the
clubhouse Wednesday night. Nine
tables ot 600 were in play with
high score going to Mrs. Charles
Kinzer and C. E. Miller for the
gaests, and Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Hummel, Mrs. Fred Gibson and
Chris Hampshire for the club
Special guests for the evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Peter-
son, C. E. Miller. Mr. and Mrs
3egie, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Olson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McDowell,
Mrs. Hard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Kinzer and Mr. and Mrs. Peters.
I - - -
Biiou Club Honored
i -m
j 1 hursday
J Mrs a s. Kertsen feted mem
bera of the Bijou club Thursday
i afternoon. Pastel tapers were used
effectively on the luncheon table.
I Hign Bcore went to Mrs. A. J. An-
derson for the afternoon or cards.
I rtl Jl . T O C.hanrn
Mrs, C. W. Heckman, Mrs. B. Ru
therford, Mrs. W. D. Allbrigbt.
Mrs. E. J. Kirchpff. Mrs. A. J.
Anderson and the hostess, Mrs
Hubbard The Hubbard Worn
an s dun was nostess io ne
Woodburn and Aurora Woman's
clubs at the Pythian hall in Hub
bard. A large number from each
club was in attendance. Mrs. A.
F. deLespinasse, president of the
Hubbard club, presided. The Hub-
1 bard club voted unanimously to
give 35 to the school to be used
for back-stops for the tennis
courts now under construction
Mrs. Waldo F. Brown, Mrs. A. F,
deLespinasse and Mrs. Neva Mc
kenzie were appointed to Judge
the pnetry contest being conduct
ed for the grade school children
Dr. Robert M. Gatke of Wil
lamette university spoke on
'Economy In County Govern
ment." Dr. Gatke outlined the
history of county government
from its inception and declared it
I out-dated and a relic of horse and
buggy days. He called it "the
jungle of American politics."
Miss Wilms Morrison, of Wood-
burn, entertained with two piano
solos, "xves greeting" and
'Seranade." A. L. Strickland, of
Aurora, sang a group of solos.
Iavlctla." The Pilgrim" and
'When Voa Come Home." He was
accompanied by Mrs. Strickland.
During the social hour tea was
served by the hostess club. Mrs.
Waldo F. Brown and Dr. Ethel K.
Riley presided at the tea table.
Others assisting ' wero Mrs. Earl
Grimm, Mrs. Effa Bell. Mrs.
Claud Moomaw, Mrs. H. L. Carl
and Mrs. A. J. Smith.
Hubbard. Mrs. Julius Stauffer
Antertalaad ihA memlwri of liar
hriririt rltih Thursday ntrht. Bt
the yarlety ot flowers In evidence
w.. . roiili. it n mM.
winter. Roses, marigolds, narcissi
ana- tulips made the rooms very
urettr. PlnV rohnd intrd the
I w "
UWeg the refreaament hour.
High scores were won by Mrs.
Elmer ; Stauffer and Mrs. Anna
School. The February hostess will
be Mrs. Lester WilL
The contract bridge clnb met for
its second lesson at the home ot
Mrs. Hugh Wells Thursday after-
j noon.
j .
j Hayes rllle. Mrs. Davey WiUls
ana Mrs. BrUla Holburt Jointly en
tertalned the HayeaTiile Woman's
Club at the Willi home,
Mrs. Frank Marshall read an ln-
terestlng paper en "Oregon as a
Territory," and Mra. Joe Teel pre
sented "Oregon as a State." Ida
Denny fare the current events. -
Mrs. Leonard Creig was sur
prised with a shower: There were
27 members present and the tor-
lowing guests: Rosa Porter. Mra.
Elsie Frey. Mrs. Lillian Shaaer.
Mrs. L. B. George. Mrs. Brnce
WOlis, Joy Greig, Mrs. Clarence
Grets, Mr. Btergen and Mrs.
Ruth Reynolds.
The Baxaca Philathea class of
the First Baptist church will hold
its regular taeathly business' and
social f meeting Monday night.
7:30 p. m., at home Mrs, Erixon,
7 Marion street, r
Society Editor
Mens Bible Class Has
Discussion Meet
The regular monthly meeting I
of the Men's "Bible class of the by MIag Beatrice Hartnng, Miss
First Methodist church was held Mildred Miller Miss Benlah Cra
on Monday night at the home of meTf Miss Jean Eastrldge, Miss
rr and Mrs. h. Kane raraer.
Only a brief business session!
was necessary which allowed most I
rt Y,a aTonln 9 in Ka inmt In IIb.I '
ReT. Simpson Hamrlck led In
"What Should be Our Attitude
Toward Other Religions? . I
The question of the proper re-1
lationshin between the members I
of the class and the County Chris-1
tiaa Federation was considered
hr Martin l,wi. u. J. Lehman I
and others.
Hi r ttti o nroattont I
the class and O. F. Stratton chair
man of the program committee.
Merry Minglers Club
Entertained -
The Merry Minglers club met
was spent informally with tea
. I
served late. I
i-reseni were airs. v. J. Acaer-
man, Mrs. c. C coiweu. Mrs. A.leon Thursday afternoon In her
W. Fletcher, Mrs. Robert Fromm,
MISS DrliA MItCIlAll. Mm. Allan 1
- - ---- i
McCain, Mrs. F. P. Phipps, Mrs.
George Thorpe, Mrs. J. E. Wood- I
Durn. jars. j. i wagers ana nosi-
SUyton. Because of the fact
that the Camp Fire Girls sold
more Christmas seals than the
Boy Scouts the latter group gave
a party for the girls at their club
room Wednesday night. Four boys
put on a clever one-act play and
numerous games were enjoyed.
Chaperones were Victor Phelps,
Lgrade school principal;' Mrs.
Phelps, guardian ot the Camp Fire
Girls, and Bob Ross, who is tak-
ing the place of R. G. Wood as
scout leader.
The girls sold $12 worth otlry Rassmnsson will be' hostesses
stamps and the boys $4.5 a. Girls
present were Betty . Anne Goode.
Doris Crabtree, Anne Foster. Bet-
te Korinek, Frances Rider, Bar-
bara Watters, Madly n. Adams,
Shirley Freel and LaVerna Dar-
by, while the boys were: Alvin
Schmltt. Glen and Edwin Hay-
worth, Edward Mielke. Perry Shel-
ton, Gordon Hendricks. Robert
Boitz, Leon and Durrell Jordan.
Bobby Inglis. Matthieu Forrette.
Frank Tobie and Francis Leffler.
Gervais. The Catholic Daugh-
ters or America and their hus
bands met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. DeJardin Monday night
A business meeting and five tables
of cards provided diversion and
later refreshments were served,
High scores in the card game were
won by Mary Herschberger of
w ooaourn and ur. Appieoy or Mt
Angel. Members were present
from Woodburn, St. Paul and Mt.
me aay r oreciere gave a cara
party ana aance at tne parish nan
inesoay nignc -rues lor nign
acorn m bvv went w an
' ?, r, "t - , r "
ivL ' .v' tT v ,
Mrs. Peter Prantl. chairman, was
assisted by Mrs. J. B. Susee, Mrs.
M..irirft ru .nH !' p9T
JeffM-snn Mr Tia TTnrfr.
wood entertained Wednesday af-
ternoon at her country home one
mile south of Jefferson, honoring
her little daughter. Delores fifth
birthday. Mrs. Underwood was as
aisted In serving by Mildred Kott
hoft and La el Bilyeu
Present were the honor guest.
Delores Underwood. Carol and
Jimmle Ammon, Caroline, Geor-
gie and Johnnie Grenz, Donna Lon
Paris. Jackie Grenz. Bobbie Mr.
nnira Mra wvion i-.n..i vrM
Orria Smith. Delores' rrand'moth-
et Mrs. Lloyd Bilyeu, and great
grandmother, Mrs. Jane Miller.
Lael Bilyeu. Mildred Kotthoff of
Malin, and the hostess, Mrs. Lois
o '
Jefferson. The Woman's Mis
sionary society of the Methodist
church met at the home of Miss
uiW snS
Magaxine articles were liven by
Mr. Cha. McKee. Mrs. R. C.I
?r p ? iI
'ZZZZ 7 ?
Grace Thurston and Mrs. Mabel
Silverton June Baker' was
the Inspiration of a birthday par
ty wnea ner mother, Mrs. Fred
saaer. entertUned a group of
little friends on June's llth birth -
i oixmuay caae center -
ea me utoie ana tab pink tapers,
pink favors and place card com-
pietea the color , arrangement.
rresent were jane tmatock,
uneryi sypaert, Lydla Green,-Julia
Hntten, Eleanor Behme, Anita
Cluff, Marl Hall and Jane Ba-
Dr. J. Vinton Scott
Office Phone . Home Phone
- WH ; 8059
8044 1st National Bank Bldf.
. . . Salem, Oregea . -
Contract duo is
Entertained in
Mrs. Robert Eyre was hostess to
members of her contract club
Thursday night at the home ot
Mrs. Etta Eyre. Honors at bridge
went to Miss Velma May. Miss
Betty Mae Hartnng. Miss May and
Mrs. Etta Eyre assisted the host
ess at the refreshment hoar.
Those Inrlted were Miss Cyn-
Ithia Delano. Miss Viola Crosier.
Miss Grace Elisabeth Holman.
Miss- Betty . Mae Hartung, Miss
Ruth Chapman, Miss Velma May,
Mrs. Charles Claggett. Miss Iris
Jorgensen, Miss Josephine, McGIl-
Lriirlst Sflaa TTacal Jnhnnrm Mlsa
rmnr TTnhrt Ab-
intt - v, t,hn mirh iriizaheth
Looney and the hostess. Mrs. Rob-
ert Eyre,
Mrs. lones HosteSS
1 nurSdaV
A charming bridge tea was gir-
en by Mrs. Gail Jones Thursday
afternoon in compliment to mem-
bers of her contract club. Bright
yellow aairoaus ana pussywuiowB
were placed about tne rooms. Mrs
Estill Brunk assisted the hostess
u in iea Dour.
sen, Mrs. John Beakey, Mrs. Carl
Emmons. Mrs. Al Adolphson. Mrs.
Estill Bnrak. M?s. Kenneth Wat-
en, Mrs. Frank Needbam. Mrs. L.
B. Endicott and hostess, Mrs. Gall
Luncheon Entertains
Contract llUu
. '
Mrs Wavna Loder nresided at
a smartiy appointed bridge lunch
aome on Fairmount hill. A bou-
i -m m t. i a i.v.
quel ui iresia ceuicrcu tuc wius.
rvr nlacAd for Mrs.
Homer Eean Mrs. Allan Carson.
Mrg Hollis HunUngton. Mrs
John Carson. Mrs. Karl G. Becke.
Mra Panl TTeniTrlrVa Mra. fVn
nd paBins, Mrs. P. D. Quisen
berry. Mrs. Gus Hisson, Mrs. Clif
ford Farmer
Wayne Loder.
and hostess, Mrs
Hazel Green Mrs. W. G. Da
vis, Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkpatrick
and Mrs. Edward Hines were
I hostesses to the Nemo Sewing;
club Wednesday tor , an au day
meeting to quilt. A pot luck din
j ner was served at noon. Mrs. Al
j bert Hashlebacker and Mrs. Hen
January 31 at Mrs. Hashleback-
cr's home
. Mrs. Thor Slattum and daugh
ter-in-law, Mrs. Julius Slattum
entertained the Sunshine Sewing
club Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.
Alexander Sharp, Mrs. W. H
Williamson, Mrs. Robert Massie
Mrs. . H. Wortman and Mrs. G
I G- Looney will be hostesses to the
uh January 31 at the Looney
I nome. TUls is the guest meeting
Each member to bring a friend
Mrs. Massie will have charge of
the games
Kingwood. Members of the
Laurel Social Hour club held two
meetings this week. Mrs. Robert
Hall and Mrs. Nellie Campbell
were hostess for the regular meet-
ing Tuesday afternoon at the Hall
home on Cascade drive. The study
of Oregon by counties was con
tlnued. Mrs. Elbert Beckman of
Woodburn gave historical and
i current data on Crook county,
i Mrs. B. B. Flack on Wallowa, Mrs
m. A. Cross on Josephine.. Mrs.
Eugene Krebs on Lake and Mrs.
E, A. Sharpe on Deschutes
A ed meeting was held
Thursday afternoon when tne
ST,,,"" , J w! "ll
SlS," b!Lj h?ftiSS 'r h
5ext reguUr meeting, Tuesday.
February 6
Sublimity A surprise party
a3 " ine nome of air. ana
M: ,f v.?011 of
Adolph Etsel's birthday. Those
present were Mrs. Mary Hen
dricks and son Louie -and Law
rence, Mr. and Mrs. Gas Hen
dricks and children, Mr. and Mrs.
B. A. Baker and son Harold. Mr.
d Mrs- George Eder and Clara
Ed; Albert and-Clarence Eder,
f ,CerIaI?ur- aBd Mrs- Andy
Kdel and chndren, Mr. and Mrs.
I Joseph Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs
G.eorge Hassler. aU of SUyton.
Henry and Lester Fox', Marie
Bentz, Evelyn Klutz. Mr. ad Mrs.
Kick Kremer and sons Vincent
and Harold Wolf.
Gervais. The Past Matrona'
club of Gerval chapter. O. E. S.r
met Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. G. T. Wadsworth. A
ET2-, r1"
Am v
Tear a. follows: Mrs. Ralph
sturgis. president! Mr. C. T. Brix-
Tlce-prwldent; Mrs. J. 8. Har-
ner. aeeretarr-treaiirr. rh it.k.
ruary meeting wUl be held at the
hall In the evening and husbands
of the members will be cnests.
Dalbert Jepsen, local violinist,
1 will arrange special mnsie tor the
1 irsi Evangelical c. E. Tesper
jnonr Sunday afternoon from 3:10
to 4:10 o'clock. The dlscnsaion
I topie will be "Getting Along with
1 uiaers."
Permanent - 2
Nothing bat itandard applie
wsed. Our new wtischivte ausswrea
yeti sv aoft, nateral wive,
; ;25c S0c
- 208 Masonic Tempi ': ;
Methodists Hold v
Annual Potluck
tiinner Session
The annual get together and
potluck dinner at First Methodist
church Thursday night drew a
good crowd, with much enthus
iasm manifest.
Dr. B. E. Parker led the forum
discussion on "How can we lift
oar church nearer to the Chris
tian Ideal ot a church." with con
tributing remarks by Mrs. W. E.
Kirk, Miss Alma Pohle, Mrs. M.
C. ' Findley, Mrs. Herbert Rahe,
Earl Litwiller, Mis Hetta Fields,
R. M, Gatke, W. C Winslow and
R. D. Barton.
Other taking part in the pro
gram were Dr. Louis Magln. dis
trict superintendent,' the forum
octet and untrersity Quartet.
Charter Granted
Science Church
The national federation of
Spiritual Science churches h a a
granted a charter to the new or
ganization formed here under
leadership of Dr. and Mrs. Orlen
R. Kring of Portland. The mem
bership roll taken three weeks ago
was SI, more than twice the num
ber required for a charter. The
charter was presented last. Sun
Wahl Continues
Revival Series
The revival meetings held the
past week at the First German
Baptist church have been very
successful, and Rev. E. P. Wahl of
Portland will continue to preach
each night the coming week, states
the pastor. Rev. G. W. Rutsch.
Rev. Wahl preaches In the Eng
lish language, his sermons start
ing at 7:45 o'clock.
Gervais. The semi-annual all-
day meeting of the Presbyterian
Women' Missionary society was
held at the church Wednesday.
Chapters in the study book, "East
ern Women Today and Tomor
row," was read. During the after
noon session Rev. C. C. Poling,
who is conducting a two weeks'
special meeting, gave a talk be
fore the society. Mrs. Robert Har
per, Mrs.' Sumner Stevens and
Mra. G. T. Wadsworth were ap
pointed a committee to nominate
officers for the election to be held
next month. Visitors present were
Mrs. C. V. Ashbaugh, Mrs. P. W.
Seely. Mrs. Wm. L. Regele. Mrs.
Frank Turner and Mrs. F. W. Mc
Adoo. o
Independence. The Indepen
dence Women's club entertained
for their husbands Tuesday night
at the clubhouse with a card
The women's stringed trio, Mrs.
Ed Wunder, Marjorie W u n d e r.
Mrs. Ellen Davis, accompanied by
Mrs. Valen Guild, furnished the
About 15 tables of bridge and
"50uw were in play, high scores
going for bridge to Mrs. C D.
Galbreath and R. M. Walker, and
for "500" to Mrs. George Ruef
and K. L. William.
Hostesses were Mrs. Homer
Hill, Mrs. A. L. Thomas, Mrs. H.
N. Mattison. Mrs. J. C. Collins,
Mrs. Melford Nelson. Mrs. Will
Woods and Mrs. K. L. Williams.
a a a
Liberty The Women's club
quilting and potluck lunch was
well attended at the C. W. Stacey
home Thnrsday. The members de
cided to do more quilting to raise
funds for their treasury. The
members will also help with the
work of a quilt to benefit the
Boy Scout treasury. This will be
done Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday ot next week at the
Westenhouse home.
Gervais Former neighbors
of Mrs. Howard Booster gave a
surprise party for Saturday night.
it being her birthday anniversary.
Cards were played. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Aker, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lovre
and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burr, all
of the Lake Labish section, and
Mr. and Mrs. Booster.
Mb Angel Miss Marie Ebner
entertained at bridge at the home
of her parents, Wednesday even
ing. High score honors were won
by Mrs. J. L. Wachter and the
cut prize by Dorothy Keber.
Guests were: Clara Keber, Doro
thy Keber, Hilda Eberle, Helen
Eberle, Teres Flcker, Mrs. J. L.
Wachter, Mrs. L. A. Zeis, and
Mrs. Wm. Fessler.
Independence.-a-The Fast Noble
Grand's club entertained Wednes
day night at the Odd Fellows hall
tor their husbands. A 7 . o'clock
dinner started the social evening
Land "500" was played. About 20
people were present, Mrs. R. W.
White was in charge.
nnii colds
'li.1. W T
Have FEWER Colds
The instant yoa f sal a cold com
iag on, naa Vkka Nom ft Throat
Drops, the new aid in pnmiiag
colds. Used at that first nasal
Irritation or snatze, they help
you to avoid many cold entirely.
FoBomVlckm Pirn for War CcwerW ot CoMa. Tbia pane, a prawwd
in clinical testa, greedy reduces the number and duration of CoMa,
FoB detail c the lcoineiaeawfc - j .
8Ut aaA Caarek stroota. B. Zarlo
Parkar, pa tor. rioyd S. Baiter, dl roe tar
of ralif ioai adoeation. Dr. K. H. Gatka,
nparintaoaaat. 9:4 a, au chorea oekooJ,
elanaa to all agac. 11 a. am. pablie war
tfeip. Xoaaofo by Dr. Parkar. 11 a, au
junior chorea. T:I0 p. at craning war
skip. Xaacat fey Ot. Parker. S:SO pt m.
Epvortfc, ImM and Toaag TtnpWu
MUaeart fcynoa, eoraar 10th and A
ktreeU. Bev. H. W. Grots, pa tar. Kat
Uk tarricos at t:45 a. a. Ccnaaa sor
viee at 11 a. nu Bnnday ocheol at 9
i : . :
Ennday aarrieao -begin at t:40 a. to.
with a gradad ehnrch achooU atra. W. A.
Barkas, ooparintandent. Morning preach
ing aarvice at 10:60 a. m. 8nbject, "Pro
feuion and Praetiea." AntAm by chores
etoir. B.Y.P.U.'s et at 6:80 p. m.
Zreaing worship at 7:80 p. m. Subject,
"Where Aro Our 0oad." Special music
Tuesday evening, meeting ot advisory
canned. Wedaesdar araolng. -prayer and
praise sorvtee. Thnrsdar evening, choir
rehearsal. W. arl Coearaa, pastor.
8. Commercial at Washington street.
Charles C. Haworth, pastor. 10 a. m.
Sunday school, classes for U ages. 11
a. m. morning worship. 6:30 p. m. Chris
tian Endeavor meeting. Topic, ' 'Getting
Along With Others." 1:30 evening wor
ship. Thursday, 7:30 p. m., prater and
Bible study.
North Bummer at Marion street. Emory
W. Petticord, D. D minister. Sunday
school at 0:45 a. m. It. I. Thornton,
perintendent. Moraine worship at 11 a. m.
Mrs ethel Poling Phelps, organikt. Ser
mon, "Tbe Amasing Christ" Christian
Endeavor vesper service at 2:30 p. m.
Evaagelistie servleo at 7:80 p. m. Soag
service led by I. H. Priesen. Sermon,
"The Last Prayer Meeting." Prayer
meeting Thnrsday at 7:30 p., m.
K. K. Clark, pattor. Church school 9:45
a. m. r.pwortn league p. m. eve
ning worship 7:30 p. m. Sermon isbject.
"The Pearl of Gresk Price." Horning
preaching service Oak Grove 11 a. m.
Hsrioa and North Liberty streets. Brit-
ton Boss, minister. Bible school at 0:45
a. m. Fred Broer, - superintendent. Morn
ing. worship at 11 a. m. Sermon, "The
Conversion of a Colored Man." Jr. Intm.
Sr. B.Y.P.U.'s at 6:30 p. m. Prsyer
meeting before tha evening service at
6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:B0 p. m.
Sermon, 'The World ureaiest reiee
tive." Special mnsie at both services.
rrasT church or god
Hood and North Cottage street's. G. T.
Nesl, psstor. Sunday services 11 a, m.
and 7:30 d. m. Saadsy school 10 a. m.
Lyle Knox, soperintendent Young People
meeting 6:SO p, m. Prayer and testi
mony meeting Wednesday 7:80 p. m.
lSth and Canter streets. Bev. Fletcher
Galloway, pastor. 11 a. m. "Our Spiritual
Heritage.'' 7:30 p. m. "Songs in the
Night" No. 2. Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
r. M. Utwiller. superintendent. N.Y.P.S.
groups :30 p. m.
Church street between Chemekets and
Center. Rev. P. W. Eriksen, pastor. 9:45
a. m. Sunday Bibla school. A. A. Krueger.
Supt 11 eJn- Divina worship. Sermon
topic: "I have sent you to Reap a Hsr
est on Which Yon Have Not Labored."
Special music: Anthem by the choir, di
rected by Wm. McGilchrist. Solo by Miss
Ruth Kolbe. Young People's leagues :0
p.m. Speaker, Miss Lisa Miller, returned
missionary irom China. 7:30 p.m. "Life
Experience fresa China Mission' ' by Miss
Lisa I, MiUer; meeting under auspices
ot Ladies' Guild ot ehnrch.
Eighteenth and State streets. Rev.
Amos E. Minneman. A. M., pastor. Ger
man services 9:30 a.m. Subject: "The
Centurion'e Wonderful Faith." English
services 11 a.m. 8ubjeet: "Nssman's
Wonderful Core." Sunday echool 9:30
a.m. Mrs. Amos E. Minneman, eupt.
Center and Liberty street. J. B. Sim
onds, psstor. Sundsy school 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship 11 a. m. Subject, "The
Pilgrim's Chsrseter, 2. His Love of Lib
In Sslem Women's clubhouse, 460 X.
Cottare street. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching eerviee at 11:45 a. m. Visitors
from Portland this Sundsy.
Bishop Warner
Speaks Sunday
At U. B. Church
Rev. Ira.D. Warner, ot Port
land, bishop of the Pacific area of
the United Brethren church, will
be in Salem Sunday evening, when
he will be the guest speaker at the
Englewood U. B. church. At a 6
o'clock meeting he will meet with
the official board and the Sunday
school teachers. A potluck supper
will be served after which this
group will discuss plans and pro
gram for the coming months. The
evening worship service will. be
gin at 7:45. Bishop Warner will
preside and will present his illu
strated lectura on the subject,
"The Abundant Life."
Unemployment is
Magruder Topic
"The Unemployment Problem"
will be the topic of Pro! F. A.
Magruder at Leslie Memorial
chnreh. South Commercial and
Myers streets, at the 11 o'clock
hour Sunday morning. Prof. Ma
gruder, a member of the Oregon
State college faculty and an active
church man. Is a popalar and con
vincing speaker. He has some defi
nite ideas on the present situation
and the way ont and believes that
it Is the church's business to have
a part la the solution.
aii.i i.n ii
- Ar
. .1 : -. .SsmsnaaiJ
a X' . .-. -v v. -.'.-,,
Have SHORTER Colds
If a cold ha already developed, use
of ft-eefinf cold, jest robbed on at
bedtime, YapoRub work aS night
long, by afawilation and inhalarin
to bfiitg cfirecf relief, ."' 1;
. raxasYZERiAK -
Winter and Ckemsketa streets. Grove?
C. Birtahet, D. -pastor. :S0 a. as.
chaxch school diroeted by Ralph Scott.
11 a. as. aMraing werahip. Serasoa, "The
Loaat of Thoae.,r Anthem, Trom Egypt's
Boadage" (Page). :S0 p. m. arehear
tra vehoanaL 8 :10 . m. C. E. Societies;.
T:S0 p. m. eventag praise. Meditation,
"The Land of Hope.' Aatheas, "Love
Not the World" (Barker.
' emnsmnmamaamo) ., ,
' Center and High streets. Guy L. Drill,
miaister. Church school 9:30 a.m. each
Lord's Day. Milton GralUpp, Supt. Morn
ing worship 10:45. Theme. "Perseaal
ixing the Chnreh." Chriaeiaai Endeavors
at $:IS P-m. Evening Evaagslistie Ser
vice at 7 :10. Large chorus choir in
special musical features. Sermon, third in
a travel aeries, ew the theme, ''Keep te
tha Right.' Mid-week meeting Wednes
day evening at 7:30.
Corner Jetfersoa. and North Winter
streets. H. G. Humphrey, pastor. :43
a. as. Sunday school. H. B. Carpenter,
superintendent. 11 a. m. sermon by the
pastor. Subject, "Gedja Requirement for
AMeptnblo Worship." Chorus choir mn
sie led by Prof. Herman Clark. :30 p. m.
Epworth 'Leagues, senior, high school,
intermediate. 7 :0 p. m. song service fol
lowed by sermon. i
Corner N. 17th and Nebraska street.
Rev. R, V. WUboo, pastor. Sunday school
9:45 a. m Morning worship 11 a. m.
Subject. "Friends of God" (second
pert.) Evening worship 7:43 p. m.- Sub
ject, "The AbMdant Life." Illustrated
lecture presented by Bishop Ira D. War
ner. No Christian Endesvor meetings due
to previoaa meeting with Bishop Warner.
19th and refry street. H. C. Stover,
minister. Church, school at 10 a. m. C. C.
Baeris, soperintendent. Morning worship
at 11 a, m. Sermon, "Eloquent Living,"
Antbem, "Open Wide Thy Heart" (Irv
ing Steiael). Christian Endeavor at 0:45
p. m. Kvening service st 7:30 p. m. Ser
vice conducted br Touna people. Musical
numbers by high school chorus. Sermon
to young people. "The Atuiete Who
Missed the Goal." Fellowship of prsyer
Wednesdsy night st the 1 home of Mrs.
George W. Eyre, 2093 Mai street.
Comer of Hssel and Academy streets.
Bible school at 10 a. m. Mare Saucy,
Ssnday school superintendent. Preaching
at 11 a, m. by ReT. Benj. lorns and st
7:30 by Bro. C. D. 6sucy. Tbe male quar
tet will sing. Mid-week prayer and praise
service Thursday evening at 7 :30 p. m.
17th and Court streets. Hugh N Me
Callum, pastor. Bible-school at 9:45 a. m.
with graded clssses. Morning worship and
Lord's Supper at 11 a. m. Sermon theme,
"The Might of Betrays!." Cbristisa Ka
deavor at 6:15 p. m. Three Societies.
Eveniac evancelistic service st 7:30 p. m
Theme, "Shall I Be a Good Fellow or a
Good Christian!" The harmonics bsnd
of tbe juniors will plsr. Fireside fellow
ship Wednesdsy at 7:30 p. m. in the
Winter and Msrket streets. M. H.
Pitcher, pastor. Sermon topics, "Meeting
Temptations ' ana " unquestioning ueee
fence." Sundsy school 9:45 a. m. Emory
Goode. superintendent. Y.P.M.8. meets st
6:30 p. m. Sondsy evening. Bible readrng
Tuesday evening 7 :30 p. m. Prsyer meet
ing st 7:30 p. m. Thursdsy evening.
North Cottage and D streets. 0. W,
Rutsch. minister. Sunday school st 9:45
a. m. Sam Schirman, superintendent. Eng
lish service fenowing the Sunday school.
Regular service at 11:15 a. in. Sermon
topic, "Making a Choice." Choir song.
B.Y.P.U. at 6:45 p. m. Helen Winkel
mann, president. Evening service at 7:30
p. m. Sermon topic, "Harvest Time.
Ross Miles, superintendent. At 11 a. m
the nastor. Rev. J. H. Wertmsn. will
presch on ''When the Songs of the Lord
Becsn. Sonr service in eharre of Lut
ton Clemens. No service st night as we
unite, with the Euglewood United Breth
ren church, Sslem, is a union service
to bo conducted by Bishop Ira D. War
ner of Portlsnd.
420 8tate street. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Divine worship at 11 a. m. Praise
service at 2:30 p. m. Evangelistic service
st 7:45 p. m. Revivs! services continue
every night indefinitely. J. A. Sanders
in chsrge.
Cottage and Shipping streets. C. T.
Springs, minister. Bible study at 10 a. m.
Preaching at II a. m. Weekly observance
ot the Lord's Sapper following the ser
mon. Evening Bible stndy st 7 p. m.
Song practice Wednesday evening at 7 :30
p. m.
19th and Breymaa streets. Sunday
school at 0:45 a. m. David Anderson, su
perintendent. Morning worship st 11 s. m.
Evening worship B.T.P.U. at 6:30 p. m.
Preaching 7:30 p. m. Special music by
the choir. E. D. Lindberg, director. Prsy
er meeting Thursday 7:30 p, m. Bev. 6.
P. Wslker preaching.
I5th and Mill streets. Sundsy school
st 10 a. m. Preaching at 8 and at 7:30
p. m. Sundays. Bible claaa at 7 p. m.
and Children's meeting at 7:45 p m.
433 Ferry street. Robert L. Tsylor,
psstor. Sunday school st 2 p. m. Mrs. Evs
Lebold, aaperintPadent. Preaehiag at 3
p. as. Subject, "The Rest That Remains."
T :15 p. m. Subject, Who are the Aagela?
What is Their Werkt" Bible school 8at
nrdsr at 2 p. m. Preaching on prophe
cies. Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursdsy, Fri
day aad Saturday at 7:45 p. m.
Mile Clifton Boss, pastor. Sundsy
school at 10 a. as. T. D. Trick, super
intendent. Morning worship at 11 a. an.
Messsge. "God is With Us." Mrs. Mary
Cammaek leada the Christian Endeavor
discussion at 7 p. m. Evening service at
8 p, as. Special features by the young
people. Message, "Characteristics ot Holy
Announcing a New
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. Nine to Closing Only Do Not Forget
"Alter the Show THE SPA's the Place to Go"
Living." Ladies' Missionary Society
weu vteaneoaay aiieraooa wtta Mrs.
Flarence Cole. Bibla atudr Thnnd ova.
sda..-; -; , : . ".
d T"itus. suneriatendont. Bibl aca!
a 10 a. am. Morning worship at 11 a. as.
eernaoa suojeez, J bo w orld s Grealest
Sormen." Brother Earle Miller and wife
will sine Christian Endeavor lilt..
Junior Endeavor at 0:15 . -as. Svaalnc
worship at S p. m. Serasea subject, "The
Bighteousaeaa Which is of FaiU.'7 Prat
er meeting Thursday evening.
S5S Pern ltnwt W H rKlJll nu.
tor. Sunday acaool cabinet prayer meet
ing at :S0 a. as. 8aaday school at 9 :5
a. m. Granvel Sheets, superintendent
Morning- worship st 11 s. m. Thome.
"Steps Toward Heavsn." Baptinasl ser
vice at S m. at tha Caart ChHitian
chnreh. Young People's mooting at 6:30
p. m. Pre-prayer service at 7:80 p. m.
Evening service at 7:45 p. m. Prsvar.
fellowship and Bible study Tuesday eve !
ning. Choir and orchestra practice en
Wednesdsy evening, lutt Poonn'a
evaagslistie service Thursday evening.
Nelson HaU. Chemekets street. Ban
dar services 2:30 . m. Srmnosium. Sub
ject, "Love." .Testimonial service. Silent
service for the sick and needy. 6 te 7:30
P. as. analysis sad mesaagea. 7:3 , m.
divine healing prayer. Lecture by Dr. Or- -
lea iUcaerd Kxiag. Subject, "Salvation is
Not a Gift." Messsges by the workers.
Commercial at Myers. 8. Diriow John
son, pastor, 348 East MyeriJ Cbureb
school, 9:45 a. as., opening with wor
ship in five departments, Y. M. Sackett.
superintendent. Morning worship, 11,
"Unemployment." by Prof. Fl A. Mag-
ruder of Oregon State college; anthem, .
"Come Unto Him." (Dunn). Thre
leagues, intermediate, high school and
senior, 6:30. nappy evening hour at 7:30
with fellowship sing and gospel solos
by Mrs. Ruth Hsielton Linn. Sermon.
"About Face." Mid - week servica Thurs
day, 7: IS, beaiaaiaff a new aeries ot
studies. Choir rehearsal, Thursday, 8:15
p. m.
V. Sherman Hawk, pastor. Sands r
school, 10 a. at.. Ivan Hadley. superin-
tendent. Worship, II. "Tbe New Tem
perance Crusade," followed by a congre
gational number and special music. Ep
worth league. 6:30. Worship, 7:30, with
a group of the Friends church, people
of ' Marion, in charge.
Hirhland avenue and Chnreh street. T.
Clio Brown, pastor. Bible school. 10 s. nu
Lester DeLapp, superintendent. Morning
worship, 11 ."The Threefold Bower of
Love.'' Intermediate C. E.. 6:80. Evsn
celistie service, 7 :SO. Chnreh prsyer meet
ing, Thursdsy, 7:30 p. m.
Ferry and 13th. C G. Weaton, pastor.
8unday school, 9:45 a. m., C. A, Wilson,
tuperlnradent. Moraine; worship, 11, Rer.
O. R. Cross, spesker. Evangelistic service.
7:45. Rev. A. J. Princic, spesker. Special
music at each service. Revival servtees
continue every night st 7:45 except Mon
day. Specisl number Tuesday night, "The
Heavenly Aeroplane."
Mission between 12th and Universltr.
A. S. Henderson, 1155 Minion, Sunday
school, 10 a. m., Mrs. Alice M. Henderson,
superintendent. Morning worship. 11.
8upt. Rer. Walter Revaolds will hold his
second quarterly service and preach both
morning and evening. Tenor people's
meeting. 6:30, "Getting Along With
Others." Kenneth Hollen, leader. Evening
worship. 7:30 Prayer service, Wednes
dsy. 7:30 p. m.. Miss Graham, leader.
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