; V PAGE TWO 1h OREGON STATESMAN. Saltan Oregon, Friday Morning,. January 19 1931 S ociety News and Club Affairs Jessie Steele, Society Editor afternoon, it o'clock la the torn of ; Mri; Percr Kelly, lit- Stata street. Hire, Floyd Miller will .pre side, -r. - . , llrs.i D. B, Rill will sire a re port o. tae surrey recently com pleted, of jOt R. groups In tigh soboole Ynd juaior kick throuh4 out fas United States; cmnf the findings of the extent to which the Y. W. C. A. fits Into alrls activities. "i Mrs. Roy Locaenour will lead the derotionals. E ugeh e Gleemen r Concert to Be At 8 P. M. THIS Eocene Gleemen with 80 trained male volees Win an . pear in concert at. the Salem armory tonight at t 'dock un der tbe sponsorship of the fer ric clubs of Salem. Proceed from the -concert will be given to the Boy Scout council of the Cascade area, -, - John Stark Evans, of the Uni versity of 'Oregon school of mu sic; wilt direct the Gleemen who will fee supported by a. groap of soloists who hare helped to make many previous Gleemen perform . ances- memorable. They are Geo. Bishop, baritone, and Don Era, tenor. Miss Cora Moore is the Gleemen accompanist. til TODAY & SATURDAY TWO FEATURES Two' Nntsy Cowboys Crash Society And Rrinov Their Horse! A US H i SLIM SUMMER VILLE ANDY DEVINE in "Horse Play" -1 and hit x. a Caught in the Black mailers' Dragnet! "C rrom Headquarters" . George Brent, Margar et Lindsay, Eugene Pallette, Hugh Herbert : 800 Seats 15c - : Doors Open 6:45 SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday, January 19 Unitarian Woman's Alliance luncheon in Emerson room, 1 p. m. Calrary Baptist missionary society, at 2:30 p. m. at home of Mrs. W. C. Pickens, 140 N. 17th street. Hal HIbbard auxiliary social at home Mrs. Elis abeth Greene, 18 IS South Church, 2 p. m. Calvary Baptist missionary society, at home Mrs. W. C. Pickens, 140 N. 17th, 2:30 p. m. West side circle of Jason Lee church at home Mrs. C. P. Givens, 15S5 N. Commercial. Degree of Honor, entertainment at 8 p. m., K. P. hall for members and friends. Executive board meeting, B. and P. W. club, at home Mrs. Winifred R. Herrick, 7:80 p. m. Thimble club. Neighbors of Woodcraft, election of officers at Fraternal temple, 2 p. m. . Saturday, January 20 King's Herald. First M. E. church, at home Mrs. A. A. Lee, 1S15 State. 2 to 4 p. m. A. A. U. W. lnncheon meeting. Masonic temple, 1 p. m. Res. dial 7 20 6. The Call , Board ... GRANT) Today and all week Eddie Cantor in "Roman Scandals". KLSINORK Today Paul Muni in "The World Changes". CAPITOL Today Double bill, Slim Summerville in "Horse Play" and George Brent in "From Headquarters". HOLLYWOOD Today Zane Gray's "To the Last Man", with Randolph Scott. Saturday Midnight matinee, Claudette Colbert In "Three Cornered Moon". . STATE Today Evelyn K n a p p in "Air Hostess". Saturday only Charles Bick- ford in "The Last Man". Paul Muni, noted stage and film etar, will be seen on the screen of the Elsinore theatre to day, in his latest starring produc tion for Warner Bros. First Na tional, "The World Changes.- The story by Sheridan Gibney, UJW r TODAY AND UOUYUOQi; SATURDAY 15c - NEW PRICE POLICY-15c i Special Matinee Saturday 10c mm LJ lib M a ? v: )U Jb.' i L umpi scon X ESTEEB IUST0JI 'v5klD$TEI CRABBE r- ks.ii.bx km kit alcA (Iiiiio in "Mnok anil Mill- News, Cartoon Comedy and New Serial "FIGHTING WITH KIT CARSON" "America Kneels," upon which the picture is based, Is a colorful picture of American life with an epochal sweep of four generations covering some of the most Import ant events in the history of the nation. A. A. U. W. Meets Saturday for Luncheon FT1HE nrst meeting la 193 1 for I the AJL.U.W. of Salem prom- w uv i vvfuvui .in teresting one. The group will ga ther for luncheon at 1 o'clock Sat urday, afternoon In the banquet hall of the Masonic temple. C. B. McCullough, engineer with the state highway depart-, ment, will talk on the "Romance of Oregon Bridges." Those who have heard Mr. McCullough speak pronounce him- well versed in his subject and a versatile speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robert son will sing a group of duets accompanied by Miss Frances Vir. i ginie Melton. Reservations for the luncheon should be made by call ing 7204 by Friday night An Important meeting of all Girl Reserve committee members and advisors Is called for this! The executive board of the Business and Professional Wo men's club will meet tonight at the home of tbe president, Mrs. Winifred R. Herrick, at 7:30 o'clock. Play Producer HELD OVER "Heart Exchange" Sat., Jan. 10, Last Night Tours., 18, Fri., 19 Admission 25c - Curtain 8:15 NELSON AUDITORIUM Liberty at Chemeketa - LAST TIMES TODAY I "AIR HOSTESS" . with EVALYN KXAPP THELMATODD JAMES MURRAY ALSO WORLD'S GREATEST THRILLS" POSITIVELY SENSATIONAL . Plus Mickey Moose r"EDDlE' i MM. JL. QUPTUQED? After' handling; trusses many yeariwe have decided the , IJTTLE DOCTOR TRUSS Is the best on the market, and Is the aaswer to all rapture suf ferers. Neat, simple, . efficient, aO steel to rnit, no elastic, no pressure on the back or hips, ao leg straps, weight C oa. No matter how rood yonr truss is It Interested in the newest and best see this one. Free demon stratloa. All work done subject to your Doctor's approval. -GAPITAE. &?z:q Gtcs-o , 499 State Corner Libert - Telephone 8118 178 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET Market W wiaeoMiMav . . . . Means Just That 0 0 DOILIMG , rn DEEF 0 OP DEEF SC STEAK 6 wm'faZ5i)C Hamburger - gc HAMS HfEac LEG OF miiii. Tcr)n BACON . . PORK pom"1 3J2jC SQUADEG DACON . trp PORK .M r A PACKS pom,i CHOPS CLICED . W r POEIK 7 . DACON liC Gaaoano "iiC PUDE o DO Peanut o t rA LAPP 0 p"faZjZ-3V Dostbgi rkaC Wmt 3,88c ggggg2 age FrceDeKvery We Close at 8 P. M. Sat Night Dial 8686 Only a Few More Days Left of Fidler's January Clearance iTAtLEE of High Grade Furniture Never Again Perhaps Will You Boy at Such - Low Prices Axminster Rags, 9x12 sise $16.75 $34.75 Living Room Suite, Early American Maple. Davenport, Chair and Ottoman ... Desk, 40" Walnut Book Desk, matched stump wal- f ront . . $29.50 (Prices have advanced 25 since this was purchased). $34.75 Walaut Chiffonier, SO "-4 drawer ... . $9.00 PAY CASH PAY LESS FIDLER'S FURNITURE STORE NEW AND USED 255 N. Commercial St. Tel. 8425 SAVE $40 May tag Washers NEW MODEL 30 Cast Aluminum 99 5Q (regular 149.50) NEW MODEL 10 pal . . . 69.50 Demoastrator Model 15 FTr."....... 74.50 Used Alominam Tub yttr AQ K( Guaranteed' . . . 1iJ0t Used Aluminum Tub Fuiiy en en Guaranteed ... 0OM Used Aluminum Tub- Fully Q CA Guaranteed . . . Used Aluminum Tub Folly 7 A CA Guaranteed ... ltfvW Used Aluminum Tub- Guaranteed Like New . . S9.50 Easy Washers New Easy -Q CA Washer JiJ.aU NEW EASY WASHER wlwX:rty...... 64.50 NEW EASY WASHER With Safety CC CA i Wringer ...... UU.UU NEW EASY WASHER With Safety 74 C A Wringer L Pump fl.OU New Easy Spirolator 'sussr.:.... 94.50 New Easy Vacuum Cup With Safety 1AI CA ' Wringer 1U4.3U NEW EASY DRYERS XE"! 109.50 124.50 Dryer , 154.50 (Vacuum Cup or Gyrator) APPLIANCE STORE 456 STATE STREET s PHONE 6022 EXTRA! STUDIO FEATURE 1 1 PREVIEW TONIGHT AT 8:30 H in Addition to Regular Feature No Extra Charge 1 TODAY AND I SATURDAY ifttttTj TTj Jr ?Tfl iVV ' one whole XA fw Uv year for his . V. i mickey mouse S with ALINE MacMAHON J sm. JEAN MUIR II I feture MARY ASTOR If M I S1 DONALD COOK -JV m 13 strain- GUy k b B E E Ofe V-Jt iVV-.LJ ! , ...1 pSxs& Golden fG West Coffee Utility Jars pound 3 for Ecg TaU Cans Powdered or Golden C 3 pounds PURITY FLOUR For Whiter, Lighter Bread . saoEx- Our mother's 2-lb. Tins Amaizo Corn i-i r l o ) f r u 2 m flNoN W AJJEEHS 1? 2-lb. pkg. . Hflc 2 for IPeS 1TagtSs 3 pligs. a LARGE PACKAGE jJ Cakes ID) 10 REG. BARS Crystal White SO A White ICing Toilet Soap 6 Peel's C. V. Granulated Soap SUPER SUDS 10c S2c 28c BARS Large Pkg. 3 for EXTRA SPECIAL One 3 lb. Tin and a Beautiful Opaque Mixing Bowl both for Q r aw SPERRY'S WHEAT HEARTS Plcff. 21 Spcrry Pancake Floor Tha new package, ... .. .. -I rf Rockdell Cane and ' j Q A Maple Syrup, pint jug XtL 1 for'makinz delicious biscuits in a jiffy. ; Large Pkg.