The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1934, Page 1, Image 1

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!: Generanj fair Thnrsday
or Friday, but'- Buettled.
little chaage in tempera,
tare; Temp. Wed. Max. 49,
mia. 37.
Dec S3
"7Tii mm
Net paid, dIlx, Sanda j.7074
Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, January 18, 1934
No. 255
I E1UHTY-THIRD YEAR " ' - ' : -1
ugwespbotest 1 A presidency
Two Democratic Officials
- Quit Party Posts;
. Mullen Stays
I Committees Wrestle Over
! President's Gold
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. -tiFy-
President Roosevelt said a lew
words today about politicians and
money and shortly thereatter two
officials of the democratic nation
al eommittee were- disclosed to
bare resigned and two house com
mittees were scrapping orer whicii
should handle AIs money bill.
He made it known that he did
not like for party officials to be
engaged in the practice of law in
the manner some of them hare.
Robert Jackson of New Hamp
shire disclosed a little later that
he' had resigned as secretary of
the eommittee. He baa. a law of
fice here. .
- The bill to allow the president
to reduce the gold content of the
dollar was reported to the house
as an amendment to a measure
that had been gathering dust in a
pigeonhole, tor a long time. The
house banking committee did, so
while the coinage committee, to
which the, bill bad been referred,
was preparing to hold hearings.
The senate banking committee,
which has jurisdiction orer the
bill on that side of the capitol,
heard Attorney General Cumminga
cay the measure was constitution
al. This did not entirely satisfy
Senator Glass (D-Va) however.
Already, as a concession to
Glass, an amendment had been put
into the bill to limit the opera
tions of the two billion dollar
stabilization fund to currency acti
vities. The other resignation from
the democratic national commit
tee was that of Frank C. Walker
as treasurer .4tas announced
that Walker had resigned' In No
vember when he became head of
the president's emergency council.
The statement from his office said
It bad been planned to withhold
the announcement until a succes
sor had been named. He is a close
, friend of the president's and is de
voting his time to the emergeacy
council work.
After numerous Instances had
been reported of persons attempt
ing to turn In gold to banks that
refused to take it because the time
limit tor accepting it had expired,
the treasury changed its mind and
extended until further notice the
time within which such gold could
be accepted.
The time limit for the Philip
pine Islands to accept the inde
pendence plan enacted a year ago
expired but the administration
was disclosed as viewing the plan
open to revival at any time. A
new method was proposed to the
president by Manuel Quezon,
speaker of the house of represen
tatives of the island legislature.
The present Intention to bring
vp the issue on capitol hill again
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-P)-
KepuDucan members of the senate
committee Investigating air mail
contracts said today they would
widen the scope of the Inquiry to
include the present democratic
postal regime.
Senator Austin (R., Vt) said
the airplane trip which Postmaster
General Farley and his aides made
Into Texas last October wonld be
Investigated; He. said he under
stood It ' was made in a plane
owned by a mall-contract company,
Chairman Black, asked about
this, said any member had the
right to call witnesses, bat that he
tad not been requested to summon
Farley declined to comment. .
't Testimony that W. Irving Glbr
r, second assistant postmaster
General, bad directed the destruc-
tion of some of his records just
I before he left office and another
! tale of how a tew hundred dollars
ji were turned Into millions In avia-
i tion stock investment were heard
!:' br the committee.
I, - - Chairman Black announced that
l Glover would be called to testify
; regarding the alleged record burn-
I fng. The eommittee already naa
I announced that Walter F. Brown.
postmaster-general In the Hoover
administration, would ' be sum-
I moned In connection with previous
j testimony that his records, both
official and personal, were burned.
Brown had denied bis official rec
ords were destroyed.'
- After J. J. Doran, a postof f ice
Inspector, had testified that cor
: respondence relating to air mail
contracts was missing from Glov
? or! . files, . B. L. Johns, personal
I secretary to Glover from 1121 -to
I 1933. testified he had ordered all
i the correspondence destroyed on
Glover's instructions. He denied.
I however, that It pertained specifi-
i tally to man "contracts.
Beautifnl Fay Webb Vallee and Gary Leon, adagio dancer, whose al
leged telephonic conversations,
Vallee, Fay's hnbby, th$ right t
suit in New York court had sought to enjoin him. The crooner
charged that far from being the
the wronged party.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 17-(flV
A fourth "other woman" has fig
ured very recently in the life of
Rudy Vallee, Binger-actor, his
wife. Fay, charged today in the
latest of a long series of court
actions growing out of their es
Amending her separate main
tenance suit, in which she al
ready has accused Vallee of mis
conduct with Alice Fay, "blues"
singer and two Jane Does, Mrs.
Vallee asserted that he associated
here last January 4 with Jane
Doe No. 3. She also listed a doz
en eastern and southern cities in
which she charged that Vallee
misconducted himself with Miss
Faye in the past two years.
The hearing en Mrs. Vallee's
request for $7450 monthly ali
mony and for an order impound
ing her hustand's Income, sched
uled for today, was deferred un
til next Wednesday on request of
her lawyer, Bert Cohen.
Vallee's lawyer, S. S. Zagon,
said that the singer's answer to
the separate maintenance suit is
enroute here by air mail from
New York and Bhould reach here
in time for-filing, possibly tomor
Attorney General Cummings em
phatically upheld the constitution
ality of giving the government ti
tle to the federal reserve s gold
In an opinion delivered personally
to the senate banking committee
tonight but Senator Glass of Vir
ginia who had challenged this
phase of the Roosevelt monetary
program, remained unconvinced
"The monetary gold stock may
be taken by the government in
the exercise of its right of emin
ent domain," said CumnrJngs
"Such power extends to every
form of property required for pub
lic use."
He cited supreme court dect
sions to back . his view and - as
serted that every consideration of
'just payment is completely eat
isfled by the provision for pay
ment in gold certificates in equiv
alent amounts of dollars.
Commandeering the gold stock
is one phase of the legislative
program requested of congress by
the president, under which he
asked also for approval of a min
imum 40 per cent devaluation of
the dollar and the establishment
of a 12,000,000,000 fund with
which to stabilize the foreign ex
change value of the dollar.
Half-Time Ruling
For Country Area
Not Received Yet
Reports that a ruling had been
made whereby workers on CWA
projects In communities of less
than 2500 population could be eut
down to two and one-halt days'
work a week have not yet been
received officially here by local of
ficials, CWA Administrator Glenn
C. Nlles announced yesterday af
ternoon. Therefore, ho said, crews
will be worked five days weekly
until further orders.
If and when this ruling is re
ceived officially here, It may mean
that around 700 more Jobs on
CWA projects will be available In
Marion . county. At present the
county's quota of Jobs is 1411 of
which approximately one-half are
believed to be within the 2500
population limit. ; , .
recorded by dictograph, won Rudy
seek a divorce, from which Fay's
Simon Legree husband be was
ENG, Chicago, Jan. n.-(JP)-Dr. Al
ice L. Wynekoop was reported in
danger of death today as the
states star witnesses paraded to
the stand and gave testimony
Defense Attorney W. W. Smith I
said the 62-year-old defendant's
pnysicians had Informed him she
might die any minute" of heart
disease. i
Dr. Catherine Wynekoon. daueh-
ter of the elderly woman, said she 1
was "very much afraid Mother
won't be able to go through the l
Details of hnw Dr. illi nnnitoA 1
for a $10,000 double indemnUv
life insurance policy on her daugh
ter-in-law Rheta a month before
the girl was slain, statements
made by Dr. Wynekoon to police
and the detailed testimony of
Dr. Thomas J. Ahearn, undertaker.
came forth as the prosecution built
its case.
Miss Julia McCormick, sales
woman of life Insurance, recalled
being summoned to the Wynekoop
nome by telephone last October
23, told how Dr. Alice furnished
the Information needed to apply
for the $10,000 policy, took it out-
side Miss McCormick's presence
for Rheta's signature, and finally
paia tne rirst premium on the nol-
icy reaoceato sauuv ny tne com-
pany because Rheta was under
weigm on November ll. lust 10
uays oeiore uneia s tragic aeatn.
BAUTT itm t mm . ..
xwniuAnu, Jan. li. iri At
me request or eaerai Relief Su-
perYisor Harry i Hopkins. Ray-
mono wucox Will continue tem-
nnia wl ! ..ii.s ji a I
av anif D DtftlO JTCiiei UireCEOr
ri a ii ZL
told the Associated Press tonight,
I, uvui nam 11UUMU9 Bssea nim
to continue until Coast Director
Pierce Williams returns from
Honolulu and is able to come to
Portland for a conference. Wil
liams is scheduled to arrive in San
Francisco January 24 and will
proceed to Portland as. soon there
after as possible,
Governor Meier who deferred
accepting Wilcox's resignation.
from the positions, indicated Wil
cox would not step out until suc
cessors were in sight.
Wilcox said the work was well
enough organized now that much
of the administration Is handled
by assistants,
"I am assisting Elmer R. Goudy
(executive secretary) until Wil
liams gets here," Wilcox said.
Sprague Dubious
On Dollar Deal
NEW YORK. Jan. 17.-UPy-Dr.
O. M. W. Sprague expressed the
belief today that virtually tbe only
direct Influence that can be ex
pected from the revaluation of h
dollar to CO per cent of former
parity will be its effect upon for-
eign trade and upon world move
ments of funds. '..
"I am unable to discover anr
direct influence that revaluation
can exert upon the demand for
goods and services produced and
consumed within this country," I Master, J. O. Farr, Ankeny; over
said "the former advisor to the eeer, Chasr Sweeny, Monitor; lee-
treasury, in an address - at the
Bankers club, "except so far as it
is mildly influenced by the some-
what greater, confidence than ob -
tained until this week. s i
Sixth Man Since Mach ado's
Fall Takes Charge
In Cuba
New President is Veteran
Nationalist Leader
On Island
HAVANA. Jan. 17.--After
having held office only since
Monday 33-year-old Carlos Hevia
resigned as president of Cuba late
tonight, thus clearing the way for
Carlos Mendieta, veteran nation
alist leader, to enter the office to
The resignation was announced
officially at the palace a few min
utes after a messenger had de
parted bearing an envelope ad
dressed to the revolutionary Jun
ta. The envelope was said to con
tain the resignation.
Without further ado, Hevia's
family began removing baggage
from the palace, preparing to re
turn to their former home. The
young Annapolis naval academy
graduate had been president 38
Mendieta is the sixth man to
take over the direction of Cuba's
affairs since last tall.
The resignation of Carlos He
via. whose incumbency was a mat
ter of only tnree aays, was re
garded as assured earlier tonight.
when it was learned Mendieta had
been offered the post and predi
cated his acceptance only upon
the absolute assurance of Hevia s
willingness to resign.
At 9 o'clock Mendieta's borne
was crowded with friends who
were already extending congratu
lations, although his assumption
of the presidency was not official
Cuba's residents since the fall
of Gerardo Machado on August 12,
Alberto Herrera. Aueust 12.
, o-t
Carlos Manuel de Cespedes,
August 13, 1933, to September 5,
Ramon Grau San Martin, Sep
tember 10. 1933, to January 15,
Carlos Hevia, January 16, 1934,
to January 17. 1934
Carlos Mendieta, January 17,
Two Marion county projects
will be nn for lettinr of contracts
when the state highway commls-
.tan meetn toAiv in Portland. The
maior one is 4.24 miles of grad-
hn - ork on the North Santiam
tr-nm inn tn ftatAa. Pre.
Uionslv onened bids were reject
ed as being too high. The com
mission will also consider bids
on a new bridge over Mill creek
on the Beaverton-Aurora secon
dary highway at Aurora.
New construction work total
ling $500,000 is expected to be
under contract by tbe time the
commission adjourns. The bulk of
the money will come from federa
..ant. maJ. fn 1933 nA Tint vtt
I t.,Ht'rA4
The commission will bear
rep0rt from its attorney, J. M
npvor. nn his Washington trin
I tM wtfri vMvo. aAflt
bridges. A contract for these
hri., will be siened with the
federal government if the neces
sary papers reach Oregon today.
The commission will hear
letter written by Mehitabel Van
Duyne of Springfield, protesting
against men working along the
highways without wearing shirts
The writer declares shirts should
be worn by all workers because
many of the men were "so hairy
they looked like black bears or
black apes." ,
1 M ft JO
Pomona Graiige Holds
Installation Meeting
STATTON, Jan. 17 Impressive
ceremonies marked the installa
tion of officers ot the Marlon
rnnnt Pomona, mnra her a to-
52: !Lf 11
being represented. Programs of
addresses and entertainment were
held both morning and afternoon.
Fifteen took work, in the 5th de
gree. The officers were installed fol-
lowing the bountiful t P a 1 1 at
noon- Mrs. Ellen G. Lambert was
imsiauing oincer, miss uiia w la
iiiams, marsnai; Mrs. vera gcon.
1 emblem bearer; Mrs. Leona
IKrenx, regalia bearer. There were
I beautiful tableau daring the cere-
1 monies. The new officers are:
I rarer, uuve Dallas, Red ; Hills;
1 steward, W. E. Savage, Chemawa:
assistant steward, W. Tate, Union
iuui; chaplain, Agnes White. Tur-
ner treasurer, W, h Jjtevens,
Easy to Bust Lung
A t 65 Degrees Below
Report Sourdoughs
Low Temperatures at Fairbanks Stir Memories
Of Seattle Ex-Alaskans; Still Resent
Phrase, "Frozen North"
SEATTLE, Jan. 17 (AP)
that's what old time
degrees below zero in Alaska.
' That s what it is today at
it's so much colder the thermometers won't register, but
business and pleasure go on in the territory just the same.'
- "Daughter, you mustn't hurry O
home from tbe dance tonight,"
anxious mothers of Fairbanks
told their offsprings at the Elk's
ball, which was attended by 800
the other night "because if you
do, your lungs will be frost-bit
ten, and you'll 1 die."
Most good Alaskans come to
Seattle, so from the big totem
pole on the skidroad to the office
buildings of the biggest Alaskan
companies there was plenty of
testimony that "65 below zero
Is not so bad."
"That is," said Frank Cotter,
prospector, "It's no worse than
40 below. When it's 40, below,
you can't take horses tnd dogs
out on the trail not ; without
killing them."
Here's what happens .when it's
65 below:
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
VIENNA, Jan. 17.-tiP)-In an
atmosphere of rumors and alarms
punctured by explosions and the
crash of shattered windows, Aus
tria prepared tonight to welcome
Fulvio Suvich, Italian Under-Secretary
of state, scheduled to ar
rive at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn
The purpose of the statesman's
visit was a subject of consider
able conjecture both privately
and in the press, but official as
well as unofficial sources agreed
that It must be at least regarded
as a gesture of encouragement to
Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss.
A statement made by the
French foreign minister, Joseph
Paul Boncour, yesterday that It
aly and France were agreed that
Austria's Independence must be
preserved at all costs, tended to
heighten this feeling in Vienna.
The general public, is acutely
interested in the question of what
the Austrian nazis are likely to do
to demonstrate to Suvich the
weakness of the Dollfuss govern
Bombings were reported today
from nearly every Austrian pro
vince by thousands of shattered
windows and other minor dam
PARIS, Jan. 17.-yP)-The Unit
ed States will support soviet Rus
sia, ex-Premier Herriot told the
chamber of deputies foreign af
fairs committee today, in the
event of a Russo-Japanese war.
A victory, the radical socialist
leaders said he' understood, would
be won by the power "able to hold
out the longest."
The possibility that Germany
would aid Japan, as some mem
bers of the committee maintained
she would, demanded, meanwhile,
the attention of the government.
Foreign Minister Joseph Paul-
Boncour, alluding to these fears
in yesterday's debate before the
French senate, defended a Franco
Russian rapproachment and said,
"One does not ignore a country of
165,000,000 Inhabitants on the
edge of Europe and Asia, and, as
a consequence, located in an im
portant spot for world politics."
North Howell; secretary. Anna
Hadley, Silverton Hills; gate
keeper, Wm. Gullivan, Turner
Cerese, Mamie Scott, Stay ton; Po
mona, Josephine Fox, Union HUl;
Flora, Myrtle Morten. Macleay;
lady assistant. Elsie Tate, Union
Hill; executive committee. Rex
Hartley, Ankeny; Fred Mitchell,
Surprise, Turner.
. Reports were received from A.
A. Geer, ehalrman of legislative
committee: Mrs. Orlo Humphreys,
ehalrman of home economics de
partment. Senator Peter Zimmer
man spoke in opposition to the
sales tax. Senator Sam Brown
gave, a . talk, on the state bank
ing situation and other pertinent
topics. State Deputy Arthur Brown
was a speaker. County Deputy W.
A. Jones was also present. '
Musical, numbers .and readings
were rendered by representatives
of different granges." '
The resolutions eommittee
C . -ATura to page 2, tpL i
"Take it easy or bust a lung"
sourdoughs say when it's 65
several points, and at others
Carrying Palp Close Observ
ers as Their Trial for
Grand Theft Proceeds .
The brothers M'diyani, much pub
licized for their matrimonial ad
ventures, listened ' closely and at
times nervously, today as the
state began the process of weav
ing a net of evidence which it
hopes will send the self styled
princes to the penitentiary for
grand theft.
Now and then Serge, former
husband of Mary McCormic of
the opera, smiled at the sallies of
opposing counsel. But more often
he leaned forward the better to
hear an account of his activities
as a director and officer of the
Pacific Shore Oil company as re
counted by Miss Rose Alder,
bookkeeper-secretary - director of
the firm.
David, bulkier than his brother,
glowered at the witness, chewing
nervously at a pencil, scribbling
notes on a pad of paper. He sel
dom smiled.
David, former husband of Mae
Murray of the film, t as president
of the oil concern, which the state
alleges was promoted, then looted
(Turn to page 2, col. 5)
PRETORIA, Union of South
Africa, Jan. 17-tip)-The lost half
of the huge Cullinan diamond, for
which a search has been In pro
gress nearly 30 years, was be
lieved today to have been found.
The discovery was made when
prospector at Elands-Fonteln
unearthed two massive and beau
tiful gems in loose alluvial stone
within three miles of where the
Cullinan was found.
The finder refused 2375.000
for the two stones, ot 600 and
726 carats. The smaller was de
scribed as "good," and the larger
as flawless.
King Edward VI 1 was riven
the famous Cullinan gem in 1907
by the Transvaal government. The
largest Jewel cut from it is the
Star of Africa", and is in the
British royal sceptre, while the
next largest is set in the British
When the original Cullinan.
weighing a pound and three quar
ters, was found 29 years ago, it
was noticed that one side of it
was formed by a fracture, indi
cating that it was only a part of
wnat must hare been a stone
probably double its size.
An answer to the question of
wnat became of the missing half
nas Deen sought ever since. Dia
mond dealers felt ihat nerhana
the Elands-Fonteln discovery may
suppiy tne answer.
iLiands-Fonteln is 20 miles
north of here.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 17.-(ff)-In
another dazzling appearance on
the witness stand, Mae West sub
mitted composedly today to cross
examination by attorneys for Ed
ward Friedman, charged with rob
bing the stage and screen star ot
220,000 fn Jewels and cash. -
And then, outside the court
room, the "Diamond Lil' of the
stage and films told questioners
why she was carrying $3400 cash
the night of the holdup.
She had planned to "send $2000
to New York on a matter," and
the "matter" was an $18,000
mausoleum she had erected for
her late mother, Mrs. Matilda
West, in Cypress Hill cemetery.
- "That three grand." Miss West
said, "was to be the final payment
on the mausoleum.
Again, the picturesque actress
was the brilliant object ot admir
ing stares from her courtroom
"public." She wore an ensemble of
purple blister crepe a jacket and
long tight skirt - replacing the
sombre black gown of yesterday.
M fl E W E S
Takes Up Duty
Slaking his debut in public life,
Richard Cleveland, son of the
late President G rover Cleve
land, is pictured as he took up
his duties as general counsel to
the public service commission
of Maryland, a poet to which be
was appointed by Governor Al
bert Ritchie.
ATHENS, Jan. 17.-)-Almost
on the eve of the state council's
hearing on his appeal against
overnment orders to leave
Greece, Samuel Insull took to his
bed today, on a doctor's orders.
because of a weak heart.
The condition of the former
mlddlewestern utilities operator
was described by his physician.
Dr. Voilas, as such that he could
not be moved even if the coun
cil's decision Friday is against
Dr. Voilas said the erstwhile
financier, whose extradition the
United States has sought twice
in vain to face embezzlement
charges in connection with the
collapse of his utilities system,
went to bed "at my orders be
cause he is already Buffering from
a weak heart, which was greatly
aggravated on account ot recent
"In my opinion," the physician
added, "he is unable to travel and
thus comply with the govern
ment's order.
The decision of the council will
not be published Friday and may
not be released until January 23.
The Greek government has
held that Insult's residence per
mit will not be extended beyond
Jan 31. after having already
granted Insull a month's exten
sion from Dec. 31 the council will
consider an appeal fiem this de
cision. Federal funds already allocated
for state highway work in Oregon
will be the last for new construc-i
tion for the next two years, un
less congress goes outside the
budget estimates to make federal
aid appropriations for roads, Sen
ator Charles L. McNary advised
the highway department Wednes
No provision for new state
highway work financed by fed
eral money is contained in the
estimated federal budget for
1935, McNary said he had been
advised by R. R. MacDonald,
chief of the bureau of public
"Am advised by R. R. Mac-
Donald that the budget estimate
for 1935 contains no provision
for new work," said Senator Mc-
Nary's telegram. "In other words
the amount included in the bud
get estimate is for work already
initiated and which has not yet
been completed.
"It is estimated that a lump
sum will be requested of PWA,
but this is dependent upon legis
France to Cancel
German Treaty
Because of Quotas
BERLIN, Jan. 17-flpWFrance
will cancel the Franco - German
commercial treaty of 1927 day
after tomorrow, .when Germany
imposes new quota restrictions on
Imports from France, Andre Fran
cois - Foncet, ambassador from
Paris, notified the foreign office
France has expressed a willing
ness to negotiate for a rearrange
ment of quotas and has been in
formed that Germany is similar
ly disposed. ' -- '-' -
. The German, euota cuts would
reduce French exports by $10,
000,000. Parts contended the re
ductions were far out of propor
tion to those made by it on Ger
man goods. . . , ,
-Predictions of, aa economic war
between the two countries follow
ed upon announcement last Satur
day o the Berlin cuts,
George Arbuckle is Named
President Local Code
Charter is Applied for by
Eleven Retailer
The local retail code authority
the body which will administer
the general NRA retail trade,
code in Salem, last night organ
ized at the chamber of commerce
at the call of William P. Ellfi.
chamber president, and elected
George L. Arbuckle president.
Edwin E. Goodenough was named
secretary and Oscar D. Olson
Mr. Ellis explained to the dele
gates elected by 11 business
groups here that back of them ia
enforcing the retail code was the
power of tie national NRA and
the federal government. The new
"authority" name, supplanting
that of local retail trade council,
he said, has just been ordered
out of Washington, D. C.
It will devolve upon the retail
trade authority, entirely indepen
dent of any other local organiz
ation, to act on ah complaints of
code violations including both la-
bor and fair competition provi
sions and to co-ordinate trade
practices. Documentary authority
for its powers In the form of
charter will be applied for in a
communication to be sent today
to NRA headquarters in the na
tional capital.
Business groups which had not
previously elerted code authority
delegates did so yesterday. The
membership now consists of Mr.
Arbuckle, representing- shoe re
tailers; Paul V. Johnson,, cloth
ing and furnishings stores; Floyd
(Turn to page 2, col. 7)
Speedy congressional action on
President Roosevelt's proposal
that he be given $1,116,090,000
for emergency activities appeared
necessary today to maintain tbe
administration's announced policy
of seeing no one cold or hungry
this winter.
The president said funds for
the federal emergency relief ad
ministration and the civil works
administration, both headed by
Harry L. Hopkins, would be -ex
hausted by February 11.
Included in the vast emergency
request wll be $350,000,000 for
Hopkins to carry on his relief ac
tivities through the spring, civil
works until May 1, and emergen
cy relief grants to states into the
If congress grants the presiden
tial request, however, the admin
istration expects to place addi
tional thousands on the civil
works rolls as a result of this
week's hour reduction order.
Communities of less than
2S00 and rural areas have been
permitted to reduce the working
hours ot persons on civil works
projects to 15 hours a week and
to employ other persons to take
up the difference. Civil works
employes had been working 30
hours a week.
Mikulak Joins
Charity Players
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17.-M1 y
Arrival of two new players and
signing of another today strength
ened the team of Pacific coast all
stars which will play the Chicago
Bears professional eleven in m
charity football battle here San-
day. .
Aaron Roseburg, giant guard.
of the University of Southern
California and Mike Mikulak, star
defensive fullback of the Univer
sity of Oregon, reported for prac
tice today for the first tran,
while Larry Bettencoort, fomrer
St, Mary's center, agree to gtv
his services to the western cause. .
The Bears, national profeasie-
al champions, are holding dafty
practice workouts in the mld-cfty
civic center. -.
' A committee from "the Associ
ated Veterans here will be the
next to investigate treatment of
war veterans with respect to olr
tainlng civil works Jobs. M. Clif
ford Moynihan . chairman, was
authorized at a meeting ot the; .
association at the chamber ot
commerce last ; night to appoint
such a committee composed ot
one representative eacji from the J
member organizations American j
Lesion, Disabled American Yetl
erans. ot the World war. Veterans
of Foreign Wars and United Spaa-f
Ish War Veterans. He Is expected
to announce the eommittee in
near future,