Grain SetWcieks QUICK PULL Statesman Classified Ads Call 910! Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line 10c ThTee insertions per line 0e Six insertions! er line.. 30c, On month per line.. 11.09 Minimam charge .25e Copy for this page ac cepted until 6:30 the even ing before publication tor classification. Copy re :eiTed after this time will be run nnder ' the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lisbed in its columns, and in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. Tho statesman reserves the Tight to reject objec tional advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. HELP WANTED MALE Man wanted to supply customers With famous Watuni proauvia iu lem. Business established, earnings average $25 weekly, pay starts Imme diately, write J. k. cuiuiu,, 43 It HOlllS BL, uacuou, situations Wanted Exp, milker. 'Bet TeL 45S3. 651 N Capable, reliable girl desires house work. Bet. Box 390. cars Statesman. Woman desires Janitor work In apt howe or hour worn, leu jh. FOR SALE Misceiianeous FOR SALE Used ranges, 15.00 ani cp used beaters J 1.00 and up. Ore gon Traaing x ost, a - . Saw ruminlna sad sharpening mils E. Four Corners. Tel. 4380. Golden Delicious. None better. Ru UTsoaa, Box &, k. s. SjTjxrxMPo'w'VssV' i i T " WhMt. rlovr teed, oatf In bundle. J. V. Lerxrmana , wuem. w n1rsa rfll mstXm DticCB OQ ,.nit..M nnw r thA Hollvwood AUC" Aiiaiiaiusv mwtv tlon Market and Furniture Store (at Hollywood;, tsi. oiwv Alto born, sacrifice -for $5. Tel. 9630 or cau at j. - Good elec cook stove. .Cheap. 140 State St Tel. M3i. ryui.i"uj.ftrrwwii"irM'V'"."-i- - -- -- -- -- -- - r.A natn. hair, some veatch. S 11.73 per ton, uarder rtoa-a, pox ioo. MISCELLANEOUS fVMawkasaesjftSatSfcMssaAAssasasjsM Haircuts 15O-20& SOS a Winter, Olnqru"iriJir" r"i Om. Wi nick ud dead worthless horse cows, ansep. is, tits Preacott's accommodation barber hop, late service, xv uas ou Wood range, 110, beater 3S, fine condition. Tel. zva3. ViavL Why not use It first? Call or writs . w. via vi u. i Bldg Portland. All haircuts 25c, Joe's Barber Shop, lit So. cnurcn. , .n r,--, -i ni-ir-srii-i e. "WANTED: JCames men-women, 18- ,7, wwiiiub - T r. coming, 25 coached FREE. Apply to day lor particulars, uox u, tre Statesman. UOOM AND BOARD 1 Board-room, S5 Court TeL M7S. r 1 n n nnJJJJarlJlJarLlonr1" - Board, room. 754 Ferry. Tel. 7995. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Larn S R. unfurn. apt TeL 7440. j-u-uT-n-n-n-rirLrii "" " - -- - ., , Furn. apt, 221 HaxeL TeL 7M4. Small turn. apt. 590 Union. Htd. turn. apt. 10. 11 S. Church. Mod. 3 R. furn. apt with garage 1J;0 Stat. Tel. 8754. KOK RENT HOUSES S R- turn, house. TeL 8796. . Furn. and unfurn. . bouses. R. A. Forkner, 1810 N. CotUge. Tel. 8031. FOB RENT 4 R. cottage, N Com L 1 T.J8 t R. modern houss, doss In 28.88 . T R. bungalow, K. Salem 1S.M 8 R. duplex close In 1Z.SS FEKR1NB 3IARSTER3, FOR BENT Houses, $9 up. ftir Isbsd $15-318 up. Apts. furnished, $10 up. Choice- 10 A., tract, $10 month: store rooms, $18 to $78 month. For rentals. SEE BECHTEL or THpMASON - . - 341 Stats Street FOR RENT Vinrvu wwM-M'i'i-r --r - ' - Ten-acre- ranch with fruit and nuts ; . MA. Mtvtrin wftlftf uv m v. v . u . system. Place must be seen to be ap- urclated. sire mues irom coun louse. Writs Box 388. Statesman. FOR SALE Keal EsUta FOR SALE 7-room bouse near Parrish scbooL Streets paved, all clear. $1200. $600 cash. Call 8404. 20 A. timber mL from Nawberg; estimated 8000 cords of wood. and one million ft. saw timber. $2000. $500 down, , . 10 A. 3 mL from Salem, 4 room houss, barn, chicken - house, excellent soil. $3600. . 1 A. 1 mL from 8alem, en pared road, t room house, modern every way except basement $2800. $2S0 down, A. $ mL from Salem, 4 room house, barn, chicken house, electrts , lights.: $1200, $100 down, MelTin Johnson, 27S SUts St. TeL 873$ - , , BARQADi . I acre tract close) to city limits, good g room house, electricity, deep wall, barn, chicken, houss and garagei, Loganberries, walnuts, filberts, and family orchard. Reduced from $l$00to $1750 for quick sals. CHILDS MILUEB, Realtors $4 Stats Street TeL 8708. EXCilANGE Real Estate Highly Improved farm at Ontario, Oregon, for property In or near Salem, CHILDS 4k MILLER. Realtora 144 SUts Street . TeL C701 EXCHANGE Real Estate -trade: S2S0. Choice S A. tract, best of soli, bearing fruit Fine garden ground, good S K. house, elee. lignts, water system, barb. A good suburban home close to school store. Good gravel road sear paved road trade for good house in town. What have yout Might assume same SEE ' BECHTEL or THOMASON 141 State Street Mod. home in Klamath Falls for property or home in Salem. Inquire, 111 8. Church, Mrs. Keller. WANTED REAL ESTATE I have a client wanting 40 to CO acres. I guess be has the money. What do you have 7 H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldgv Tel. 8902. Business Opportunities Good meat market and grocery for sale. A. C Bafcrastedt, No. 19, Ladd Bush Bank Bldg. SALE Furnishings and lease of 22 room apartment house. Close in. 11000. CHILDS ft Mil. I JR. Realtors 34 State Street Tel. 6708. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 ts 2 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. GEN URAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone 8553 Licensed r Slats ? Need Money ? Salary loans. $5.00 and up, from ts months. See Mr. Bachmana at STATE LOAN Ctt 21: Oregon Bldg. TeL 7783 Lie. No. S-U5. Are You Short of Cash? Borrow SI 00-11 50-1200 or MORE from usl Repay In. from 1 ts 20 months, ac cording to your present Income. Corns ml . . . Write I . . 'Phone I BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM Member of NRA Room 119, New Btlgh Bldg. 2nd flsor LICENSED No. S-122 by STATES 18 Stats St TeL 3 T-4- HA Rl ON npOLK F. LA? Ws make both federal and commis sioner loans Fifteen years In our present location. r. U- WILKINSON, Sec-Treas. 202 U. S. Bank Building Funds for farm loans now available ; 5 ; long term. Hawkins & Roberts Guardian Bldg., TeL 4109. MONET TO LOAN for 3 to S years lime on city, larm or acreage prop erty. Must be the best of security. CHILD3 & MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State Street Tel. 6708 LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FOR ;SALB-7 good mulea Bros. & 25th StC TeL 6150. Rae WANTED Beef or heifers. Must be cheap for cash. TeL . S9F2I. FOR SALE WOOD Phone Tracy's, 3988 for dry wood. Call 48FI4. ATI wood. Smith ft Rubens. Dry la fit, oak. Tet 769. , Dry wood priced right TeL 7983. Dry wood that ts dry. Call 11SF21 Robert Fromm. Dry fir and ash, 34 per cd. TeL &Z7B. GUARANTEEO ORT wood cosJ Tsi. (SO Balsas Fuel Co. Trade s Cottaca. Second growth and old fir wosd. Prompt dellTtry. Fred E. Wells. Dry wood. TeL 4418. Shed Dry Old Fir Contract hauling. TeL 6748. Cheap wood. Tel. 4527. FOR J ALE USED CARS Borrego's Better Buys 1923 Chevrolet Coach, tip top $43S. 1823 Model B Ford, commercial deMwry 488. 1327 Chevrolet Coups 78. 1I8 Ford Roadster 45. 1327 Chevrolet Track, overhauled and rood tires 138. A absat 80 "more exception! low priced cars.. 240 N. Liberty TeL 3(88. Bonesteele's Used Car Values 1931-Dodge Sedan, run 14,000 miles 1550.00 1327-Butek Sedan 1928-Oldsmoblle Coupe . l30-Dodge Eight Coupe 150.00 200.00 335.00 100.00 175.00 175.00 75.00 i9Z7-Fontlac Kedan 182$-Oakland Cabriolet 1927-Packard Sedan 1917-Dods &-dan Several used cars $15.00 and up visit uur wsed car Lot Bonesteele Sales and Service, Inc. Flymouth-Dodge-Dodgs Trucks sOirsnu'sssJioiTj ii - ruLT '30 A Tudor exc. cond. V-8 wheels cheap terms. TeL 8549 private party. McKay's Used Cars Wlllys-Kniht Sedan $ SS.00 1929 Ford Sedan new motor 250.00 1928 Chevrolet Sedan over hauled i 263.00 1930 Essex Sedan 2S5.00 1929 Nash Cabriolet 275.00 1931 Ford DeLuxs Phaeton 295.00 1930 Chevrolet Special Sedan - 350.00 1933 Ford "V-8 DeLuxs Sedan 845.00 1932 Nash 8 Sedan 595.00 1933 Chevrolet Coach 000 miles C25.$ Trucks Three 1929 Chevrolet trucks In' running condition. Take your choice $12S.0O 1121 Chevrolet Long W. B. 4 speed trans4 excellent con dition - , . 283.00 1933 Ford long W. B. 4 speed trans., guaranteed 425.00 TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKay. Chevrolet Co. 333 Centef TeL 1188 430 N. Conn. I SCHOOL" HAS PAPER PALLS CTTT, Jaa. li. The staff of tbe local high, school pap er, "Thev ICldget," is headed by Georgian na Loltua as . editor-in-chief; a d r r 1 1 a i n f manager, Blanche Riekettt; ftrodnetloa manager. Ethyl Phillips. Interesting Facts WW . Prohibition went into effect 14 years ago today. O David Moser, Lb the manager of the Wallulah, Willamette univer sity annual this year. O About 400,000 people enter prison in the United States every year. O There were estimated 36,000 speakeasies in New York City. in 1931. Two hundred twenty-two thousand in the United States. o Friday's Statesman will be of unusual interest to thrifty house wives. Watch for it. Radio Program Wednesday, Jannary 17 KOAC C OK V ALUS SSO Ke. :00 Home Economics Obserrer. 10:00 Maude Prstt Smith. 10:80 Lesson ia Spanish Ueliiss M Msrtis. 11:00 Modern Poetry Ada Hastings ti sagas. 11:20 Who's Who an the Faculties. 11:30 American Legion Orraa BecitaL 12:00 Noon Farm Honr. 1:45 Old Familiar Son its and Songs of uregoit rtaroia vvitcralt. 2 :00 Tennyaon Lecture and Classroom discussion by Dr. K. Elhrood fimlth Anil mtnAant r 8:00 Agnes Kolihorn "if ore Figorlng oa j roc wry XJU71 . 4 :00 Homor, old and New Don jvaeass. 4:10 Something llinnt T.wBrrtlitn 4:30 Oregon Stores for boys and girli. o:3 veapera Her. w. Raymond Wil der. 8:30 Eveninr Farm tXrmr. 7:30 Dr. Victor P. Morris "The world in KeTiew." 7:45 Radio Shorthand Contest 8:15 Beacon Lights in Pacifie Rela tions Dr. H. J. Noble. 8:45 Phvsir in Eti-tUv T.f"Tn Dr. W. E. Anderson, professor of pnysics. LF T, T Local butter prices were boost ed a half cent per pound Tues day, though butterfat a notations failed to make any gain. Batter- rat is Etui quoted at 15 cents. with print now at 15 cents and cubes at 21 U cents. Wheat lost all srround rained Monday, with offers yesterday at 9v cents, wmte, ana 3 cents, red. utner prices were unchanged. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the Conn ty Court of the State of Oregon. for the County of Marion, her dnly verified final account, as the administratrix of the estate of James C. Tantis. deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday. the 23r day of Jannary, 193$, At the hour of ten o'clock A. M. sf said day, as the time, and the County Court Room In tha Coun ty Court House at Salem. In Mar ion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 20th day of December, 1933. LORILLA V. YANTIS. Administratrix of the Estate of James C Tantis, deceased, RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. D 20-27 J 3-10-17 NOTICE OP PLAT A5D STREET VACATION Notice is hereby given that tho Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, by resolution duly and regularly adopted and filed on December 18th, 1933, has declared its intention to vacate, and has initiated proceedings to vacate, all of the plat of Gelser's Subdivision of Block No. 2 of Tuxedo Park Addition to the City of Salem, in Marlon County, Oregon, as shown by the duly recorder plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the recorder of convey ances in and for said Marion County, Including the street and alleys within said sub-division, be ing all of Meteor street and all of the alleys in Blocks 1 and 2 of said subdivision, and the 5th day of February, 1934, at tho hour of 7:30 P. M., in tha council cham bers of the city hall of and in the said City of Salem, has been fixed as tne time and place for consid eration of such vacation and tor hearing any objections or remon strances thereto. Objections, if any, to such, vacation must be tiled, in writing, with the under signed prior , to the time herein fixed for hearing the same. MARK POULSEN. Recorder of the City of Salem, 3 2-10-17-24-81 O O Bits for Breakfast o- (Continaei from Page 4) storehouse for the baggage left, which was named Fori Deposit. As Palmer and the others were leaving tho camp Ley met Bar low and W. H. Rector coming in. They had reached Oregon City at ter undergoing- much suffering Resuming the text:) i "Two of the horses in .Palmer's became too weak and were left Of the 11 sent with provisions, not one svrrired. On the 29th Palmer arrived at the fconse of Samuel McSwain of the 1844 im BUTTEH RISES Hi CEN 111 Business Directory Cards fa this directory ran on m monthly basis only. Kate: 331.00 per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek. 378 Bouth Commercial. BICYCLES New and used. Tires. Repairing. RABRT W. SCOTT. 147 a Com l SL CATERING Burt Crary, tha caterer. Ph. 4718. Hulda Helps Host TeL 8943. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 44S0. R E. Norrhnesa CHINESE MEDICINE Dr. Chan lam Chinese Medicine Co. tea M. nnimnerflal St- Of flea hours Tsesday and Saturday only. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT, PSC. Chlronractsr. 358 N. High. Tel. Res 8573. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun eral wreaths, decorations. C F. Brelt- naupt, nortst. 617 coun. TSL . ALL kinds of floral work. Lata Flor ist. lth Market. Tel. 8693 INSURANCE BECKS HENDRICKS TeL 4141 lit N. High COFFEY-SMITH, gen, tns. TeL 8883. KODAK FINISHING Developing and printing. Leave films st 4S8 Court St Reasonable prlcea a D. Chllds. 374 N. 18th Bt. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRT. 283 & High TeL 3138 CAPITAL CITI LAUNDRT First in Quality and Service Telephone 3168 1284 Droadwav MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to homo. Cot leu mattress. 60 lb. 38.80. Renovators and fumigatora. Rugs cleaned. Capitol Bedding Co. TeL 406. IU3V w. capitot. New mattress made ts order, sld re made; carpet cleaning, slsing: fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug Mat tress Factory. S. 13th Wilbur. TaL 844L Otto F. Zrrtcker. Est 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WIL! Pianos, rmtCaa, sawing macolima. an est musio ana piano stu dies Bepah-mg radios, stsonograpns and sowing tnaenmea. l aitsxe sweet. Salem. PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician I Q. ATtman. M. D. Homeopmthlst. Office and residence 607 Center St. Phone 6833. Treats both acute and chronic diseases PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, DamDk- teta. programs, books or any kind sf wrtntlng. caJU Tns statesman ranting Department. 316 S. Commercial. Tele- RADIO SERVICE Central Radio Service. Tel. S747, Guaranteed repairs. 325 N. Hhrh. MOORE RADIO SERVICE Phone 3797 At Hollywood Radio CENTRAL. RADIO SERVICE el 3747 225 N. High REAL ESTATE BECKB A HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. SOCOLOFSKT BON 304-8 First Wsfl. Bfc. Blla Tel. 780T. STOVES STOVES and stovs repairta. kUsves for sals, r strain and repaired. All kiada of wwrea wire fence, fancy and plain, nop baskets, hooks, togmn hoa. Salem Fence and Stov Works, 363 Chertwheta. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming;. TAXIDERMIST BL a Wiggins. I mL N Pao. Hwy. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call 3131. Larmer Transfer Co. Tracks to Portland daily. CAPITAL, CITY Transfer Co. 836 Stats St. TeL 7773. Distributing, tor warding and storage our specialty. Gt mir rates. - WELL DRILLING R. A. West. 80 resrs experience. RFD 7. bo soi. Tel. WINDOW CLEANING New Deal Window Clean., was., wan A wdwk. washing. Free estL TeL 9337. nlgratl on who subsequently sold his claim to Philip Foster; (and It became "Foster's," which thereafter was the famous pioneer recruiting station la crossing the mountains by the Barlow or as Bancroft called it tho Palmer wagon road.) - "The next night was spent at the house of Peter H. Hatch (who became the well-known and be loved pioneer house mover of Sa lent, father of Mrs. A. II. Farrar and grandfather of Postmaster John. H. Farrar of this city), in the Clackamas valley. jDn tho last day ot November he (Palmer) arrived at Oregon City, having passed a month In the Cascade mountains; but it wag not until December that the last ot tho belated people arrived in tho Willamette rallsy." : (Continued tomorrow.) S III H1SEDF CUBES Shipping Demand for Turks Renewed; Tone Stronger For Potatoes PORTLAND, Jan. ie-P)-Ad-vances in the cube butter market on the produce exchange during the last session, firsts alone being excepted, suggested gradual Im provement in the demand here as well as diminished supplies. While there has recently been quite a fair increase in churning by cen'tralizers, there has been an even greater volume lost in the arrivals from other points. Indicating that the situation was not as keen as some would suggest was the fact that butterfat values did not advance. Market en eggs was steady aside from continued underaeU lug reported by outside Interests. Demand for eggs was increasing rapidly. Soma so-called extras were reported sold down to 16 cents dozen with the general mar ket 18 cents. Chicken trade was soft in spots here but in general wast little changed as to price. Demand was slowest for the light weights which were arriving In increasing abundance. There was a good shipping de mand again showing for turkeys, but available supply in Oregon was reported as practically nom inal. Strength was permeating the entire country killed meat trade. Hogs, lambs, veal and beef alike were showing a keener call. Recent advance of 82 net to growers for oniona at country points has put a complete stop on the receipt of carload orders here. Leading operators report an en tire lack of business. Buyers were securing their needs elsewhere, and for less. Stronger tone was showing In the market for potatoes at Pa cific northwest sources and es pecially at Taklma. For aVhile the interest was chiefly in 2s but not inquiries for Is were forcing higher prices. In the Deschutes prices were also held firmer. No change here. T OF HAT IS Sales of nearly ten miHion bu shels of Pacific northwest wheat or wheat iu the form of flour have been completed by the North Paci fic Emergency Export association in the program to reduce surplus supplies in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, Frank A. Theia, chief ot tho grain processing and mar keting section of the AAA says. Purchases for export are equiv alent to 10,750,000 bushels of wheat Of this amount 9,954,000 has been sold and approximately 5,500,000 -bushels already have been shipped by the association. The association was formed nn der a marketing agreement, which provides that exporters are to be reimbursed by the AAA the dif ference between the- price paid for wheat bought at tho domestic price and the lower world price level at which this wheat is sold. Tho average differential pay ment between purchases and sales to date has been about 21 cents a bnshel. Theis said. The 19 mil lion, bushels of wheat bought to date represents about a third of the amount contemplated at the time the marketing agreement was entered into, Theis said. STIES AT UBISH LABISH CENTER. Jan. If. Special) Fire which broko oat in one of the large Hayes Tjibish onion houses near the apartment house at 4:20 a. m. this morning completely destroyed the large storage building, irreparably dam aging the large amount of on ions stored in it, roughly esti mated at 25 or more carloads. Four hours after the fire was first sighted by the night watch man, only two great heapa of charred and cooked onions. Inter mingled with bits of unburned wreckage, remained as evidence of the destructive blaze. Origin of the fire la unknown. Salem, Woodburn and Silverton fire departments responded to calls for fighting equipment. The monetary loss, which mounts up to about $25,000, is said to be covered by Insurance. This community has suffered an unusually large number ot fireswithin the last tire years, at least a dozen fires, with large losses having occurred. A. T. Hayes states the ware house, ' one ot three, will be re bunt. LAN DINNER SESSION SHERIDAN, Jan. 16. A 6:30 o'clock dinner will be held Friday night at the Methodist church here, sponsored by the adult de partment of the Sunday school. A special program has been arrang ed. Dr. Louis Magin ot Salem, dis trict superintendent, had been ln Yitef to speak but will not be able to do so because of illness of his daughter Margaret. pRurrrs mote to town LIBERTY, Jan. 16. Mr. and Mrs. Harold " Pruitt, who haw been . Urine in an . apartment at the William Zosel home have moved to the Hollywood district in Salem, . HVHT FEN m EXPQR en 1 II IDE PROFIT TAKING IS E ' CHICAGO, Jan. l.-(;p)-Moder-ate setbacks took place in grain values , today, as an accompani ment of liberal profit taking brought about largely because of almost 8 cents recent advance. A somewhat general disposition to purchase only on price declines was manifest much of the time, and various commission houses advised patrons it wuold be well to await developments as to pub lic participation In trading. The ground urge was that a further advance . of commodity prices would depend for the most part on buying power shown. Wheat closed unsteady, 1-1 cents under yesterday's finish, corn and oats both down, and provisions unchanged to a rise of 10 cents. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May 90-; July 88-; September 89. Com May 53-; July 56 55; September 5. Oats Mar 38: July 3791: September 3637. General Markets raODUCE EXCHANGE PORTLAND, Ore., Jsn. 16. (API Produce exchinge, net prices: Butter Extras 16e, stsndards 10c, prime firsts 19c firsts 18e. Ems Fresh extras l&e. fresh mediums 16c. Portland Grain 1 PORTLAND. Ore.. Jaa. 16. (AP) Wheat Open High Low Clots May 75H 75 75H 75 July 74 H 74 H 74 tt 74 tt Cash Big Bead bluestem "jc; dark hard winter 13 per cent 80 He. 11 per cent 75c; soft white, western white, hard winter, northers spring, western red 72c. Oats So. 2 white SZ2.50. Corn Ne. 2E yellow 823 50. Millrun Standard 813.00. Portland Produce POBTLAN'D, Ore, Jsn. 16. (AP) Butter Prints, extras 20tte. standards 20c pound. Butterfat--Portland delivery: A grade 15-18e peund; farmer's door delivery 18 14e pouad. Sweet cream Se higher. Eggs Pacifie poultry producers' selling price: Fresh eatrss 18c, standards 16c, medium 16e dozen. Buying price by wholesalers: Fresh extras 16c, firsts 14e, mediums 12c, undergrade 10c pallets 10c dosen. Cheese 03 score. Oregon triplets Be; loaf 10c ponod. Brokers will pay tte below quotations. Milk Contract price, 4 per eent, Portland delivery 81.95 cwt; B grade cresm 87 He pound. Country meats Selling price to re tailers: Country killed hogs, best butch ers, tinder 150 pounds 7-7tte; Testers SO to 100 pounds Be; light and thia 5-6c; heavy calves 4-5e; iambs 12-lSe pound; heavy ewes 4-Tc pound; medians cows 8-5e pound; eanner cows 2-Sc ponnd; bulls 4tte pound. Mohair Buying price, nominal. Casears bark Buying price, 1933 peel, 2 tt e pound. Hops 1933 clusters 25-31e pound. Live poultry Portland delivery, buy ing prices: Colored fowls, nnder 5tt pounds ll-12c, ever pounds 1213c; spring pullets, . 2 to 2tt pounds 1213c; roasters over 8tt lbs. 1213c; Leghorn fowls, ever 8tt lbs. 9 10, under 84 lbs. B-10c; broilers IK to 8 pounds 12-lSe, 2 peunds and up ll-12c; stags 6c; roos ters 5c. Colored ducks 11c; geese 10c ponnd. Onions TaVima $1.40 1.60; Oregon $1.60-1.75 cental. Potatoes Local white and red $1.15 1.25 cental: Yakima f 1.15-1.40; Des chntes 81.45 cental. Wool 1033 clip nominal; Willamette valley 12-2 jo pound; eastern Oregon 18 21c ponnd; southern Idabe 16-20c pound. Hay Buying price from producer: Alfalfa-Ko. 1. new crop $16-16.50 j vetch 815: Willamette Taller timothy 815: eastern Oregon timothy! $17.50; oats $1& ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAJfD, Ore., Jan. 16. (AP) Cattle Receipts 85, calres 10; slightly weak. Steers, good, common snd msdiura 83 6. Heifers, common snd medium $2,75 5. Cows, good 83.35-3.85, common sad medium 82.50-3.35, low cutter and cotter 81.50-2.50. Balls, cutter snd medium 82 3. , Veslers. good and choice 85-6, soil, common and medium 82.50-5. Calves, good and choice 8 4-5, common and medium 82-4. i Hers Receipts 850; active, steady. Lightweight, good snd choice $3.85 4.75, medium weight, good and choice 84.10-4.75, heavyweight, good and choice 83.60i4.25. Packing sows, medium Bad good $2-75-3.50. Feeder stocker pigs, good and choice $3.25-8.65. Sheep Receipts 50; stsedy. Lambs, good and choice $8.50-7.28, common snd medium 85-6.50. Yearllag wethers $3-5. Ewes $1.50-2.75. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright 'SS Srandurd RtsHsties Oe.) STOCK A VI RAGES January 16 50 30 30 80 lad'Is RB's TJt's Total Tsdav 85.7 48.1 76.1 84.t Previous dsy 95.5 Weekaro 0.1 Year sco - - 53.1 4S.S 75.S 84.S 43.T 5.8 TS.4 3T.I 92.4 56.1 98.S 161.4 124.S 68.0 US. 7 96.9 2S.S 61.1 48.9 3 rears aeo 1ZO.T Hieh 1983-84 102.1 Low 1933-S4 42 . BOYD AVEXAQKS 90 20 30 60 Ind'ls BR's TJt's Total 75.8 79.4 81.3 78.8 Todsy Previous dsy 75.4 78.8 80.7 7J.J Week are - Tea ace 65.5 64.4 84.S ?1.4 ;"... aa i ios.s e 7 9T.6 wfrh 1933-14 77.1 84.9 88.S 88. i-ow 1983-34 68.3 57.0 74.1 63.6 Western Wool in Better Demand at Boston, Reported BOSTON. Jan. l.-flPy-(TJ. 8. Dept. Agr.) -Trading was broader than a week ago on western grown wools and inquiries were marm fteanent on fleeces. The bulk of the sales on western grown wool consisted of the finer lines at prices that showed a strengthening tendency. French combing 64s and finer territory wools brought mostly S0-S 2 cents scoured basis tor graded lines. Strictly combing 58s, 60s, blood territory wool realized 82- 84 cents scoured basis. HOME PROM HOSPITAL LIBERTY, Jan. II. Mri. Walter Welderkehr has returned home from the hospital. Her fro boys, Bobby and Ralph, who hare been staying with grandparents and attending school in Hubbard, will come home soon. SEQUEL TO ADVANG Salem Markets .- tirade B raw 4 nil:,, co-op pool price, 91-52 per hundred. Surplus $1.15. IsTilst sued aa semi-aiontUx sotterfat average.) Distributor price 12.10. Butterfat Top 15c, prints 19 c, cubes 21c. Prices paid to growers by Salem buyers January IS (The prices below, supplied by a local grocer, are indicative of the daily market, but are sot guaranteed by The Statesman.) PKU1TS AVD VEGETABLES Leek, dos. bunches ... .40 Broccoli, Bosebnrg, Ne. 1 1.00 Cranberries. bhl. . 2.65 Italian broccoli, hif Parsnips, box lug Turnips, box hg Rutabagas, box lug Brussels sprouts, lug .60 .50 .80 .50 .60 .05 gg plant, local Cabbage, ewt . Spokane, ewt Green peppers, Calif., lb. Onions, das. bunches .90 to 1.15 2.75 .20 .15 , .75 to 1.00 .SO to 1.40 1.10 to 1.43 1.40 to 1.50 .2 .50 to 8.00 .90 2.00 Potatoes, local Yakima Deschutes Lettace California, dry pack California, iced Onions. Yakima, ewt. Labish Celery, dos, AppUoa 60 Kings Jonathans Spits Borne Beauty Oranges, choice Karsls, fancy Beets, local, dot. Taraips, local, doz, Carrots, local, dos. California Spinach, local, crate Bananas, lb. on stalk Hands Lemons . Limes, fresh Avacador. crate . Sqnash, Danish, dos. Hubbard . Tomirtoea, Calif, pack, lug California, ease .. Hot houso Grapes, Em pore r Sweet potatoes, lb. Grapefruit, Florida California HOPS Cluster, 1933, lb . 4.00 2.50 .25 to .35 NUTS Filberts, lb. 12 tt to Walnuts, lb 12 tt to Buylne; Prices EGOS Extras , .'. Mediums .16 .20 .12 .09 .03 .10 .08 .08 .09 .09 .04 .16 Pallet . POULTRY Colored hens Medium hens Light hens Leghorn fryers Colored fryers Old roosters Dressed turkeys, Ko. 1 , MEAT Spring lambs, top Hogs. 160 to 200 lbs. 120 to 160 lbs. s.6.00 ..4.50 ..3.75 to 4.00 4.25 ..2.75 to 3.00 .03 to .05 ,01tt to .02 .02 to .02 tt . .07 OTer 200 lbs. Sows Steers Cows . Bulls Dressed veal, top Dressed hotrs .07 GRAIN AKD HAY WTipat. western red .58 .60 White. Ko. 1 Barley, feed, Ko. 1 ton Oats, feed, tea Barley, malting, top Osts, milling, ton Hay, haying prices -14.00 -14.00 18.00 18.00 1 '.75 .50 to .65 .65 2.75 to 8.25 3.25 to 4.00 26 .80 .20 .60 .75 .05 H .06 tt 5.50 1.00 3.25 .20 .75 to 1.00 1.40 2.25 2.90 1.30 03 U Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER til" -LII "I I kH mtWrx 1 HORIZONTAL I Exist 4 Paid publicity 6 Prefix: down 8 Chop II What Greek gtxldeu ef the soon was merged !a Artesnis aad Hecate? IS Group of nations 15 Become wearisome 16 Soman household god 18 Monster 19 Mother . . 10 Wkat character ia Dkkems's Oliver Twist" tralavs yesssg boys to be pickpockets? 22 Exclamation 23 Pen-name of a contemporary Irish poet 1 24 1st what towa is Daitaasislh CeOege? 26 Greek letter 28 Wae represented Frames at the Washinrtoa Arms Coaferemce ia 1921? St) Corrects a literary work 82 Native compound 83 The self 34 Fail to follow suit 37 Orange-red crystalline sub stance 40 By 41 What Saltan ef Egypt cap torwd Jstwsatesa ia 1187? 48 Toward 44 Personal pronoun 46 Auctions 47 Exclamation 48 Portion 50 Beverars L 51 Mountains In Turkestan . 58 Store green fodder 55 Poems suitable for singing 57 Turn to the right 68 Bone - 59 Compass point 60-Short for Samuel VERTICAL 1 Serpent - 2 Tool with a cutting edge 3 Feminine name 4 Indefinite article 6 Wkat i Asawricais aathor wreU "OU Cassta Tales"! Mar- ; -: fjrst ' ? .. 6 Receive from a source 7 Printer's measure Moderate DOnS GO AHEAD AS STOCKS HOLD FIRM NEW YORK, Jan. Stocks today showed what Wall Street calls a "firm undertone"; new buying was sufficient to bal ance heavy profit - taking sales, with something to spare in a ma jority of instances, and the net change was a minor fractional advance for the averages. Bonds went busily ahead with t h e 1 r advance and the dollar staged a ratner emphatic recov ery, especially against European gold currencies. Wheat and cot ton sagged under realizing. Trad ing in most markets was again brisk, stock turnover totaling 3,- ' 477,550 shares or not much un der yesterday's. American Telephone, Case. Chrysler and Allied Chemical lost a point or two on the day. Elec trical equipment issues were pop ular, while the mail order shares also firmed. Montgomery Ward announced a $5.25 payment on class "A" stock dividend accumu lations, which was taken as a sign ot better earnings. J. C. Penney's December sales volume' directed attention to that stock. Steels moved briskly in the morn ing, then simmered down, U. S. Steel closing i higher, though the preferred did better. START 4-H PROJECTS JEFFERSON, Jan. 16. Mis Frances Pierce, E. B. Redmond, Harley Libby, Guy Aupperle, and Mrs. Ethel Gulrin compose the committee on 4-H club work to be started in the high and grade school here. Five projects are to be taken, sewing, cooking, live stock, poultry and forestry. This work will be done separate from regular school work. Ost and retch, ton Alfalfa, valley, first cut CloTer hay .12.00 .14.00 -12.00 Farmers' Grain Warehouse Liberty at Trade Sts. GRAIN DEALERS We Undersell Any Advertised Feed Price Quantities Reserved 8 Tall 9 Commission J, Very email 12 Hebrew name for God - - 14 Wkat ia the loasast river f Italy? 17 Past 20 Spanish dry measures 21 Wke was the Creak goddess of retributive justice)? 23 Month ox the Jewish calendar 24 Timid rodents 25 Wkat is the astasia ssaaeol The threw taagktr of IGag Lear wore Coaerit, Cordelia aad ? 27 Plural pronoun 29 Electrified particle 31 Neeative w aft' AM 55 Uaaeoos kydrocsrbon 86 Exalts the spirit of 37 Perfect types 38 la wkat city Is Comal Uai. worsstrr 89 Negative 42 Beverage 45 Gaelie 47 Ancient country ef Greece 48 Projecting piece of wood as a . , support 49--Note of the scale 51 Metric measure ef i 52 Doctrine 54-BehoId! 56 Biblical pronoun Herewith Is the solution to yes terday's Puzxle, TrMIHSIRIUILIERIAl lti.,LILJ sisrftiriEa mm . IW4. Kaa Falsi li SfSisM aa, L. I