PACE FOUR - The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, January 17f 1934 By JOAN CLAYTON "KNAVES GIRL" "JVo Favor Sways Vs; "From First Statesman, March 23, 1851 THE, STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Cb irles A. SraAGUC .... - Editor-Manager Sheldom F. Sackett - - - - Managing Editor Member of the Associated Pres The Associated Press ! exclusively entitled to the one for public r mil news dispatches credited ADVERTISING Portland Representative Gordon B. Bell. Security Building. Portland. Ore., Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith Brunaon, Inc.. Chicago. New Tork. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Entered at f A foatvffite at Salem, Oregon a Second-Class Matter. Published every morning except Monday, liumnttt Hie, S. Ci(tmercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Mail Subscription Rutes, In Advance. Wlrtiln Oregon: Dally and Sunday. 1 Mo. SO cents: S Mo $1.2 ; S Mo. $3.25; 1 year 14.00. Elsewhere SO cents per Mo., or $5.00 for 1 year in advance. By City Carrier: 45 cents a month -." $5.60 a year to advance. Per Copy i cent. On trains and News Stands 6 cents. ' Treaty of Peace? WE entertain little enthusiasm over the "peace" which Willard Marks has patched up with reference to high er education affairs in Oregon. It looks too much like a Chinese victory all round: a festers are still there, the antagonisms are still there. And the creation of acting presidents on the campuses at Eugene and Corrallis merely gives spearheads to these antagonisms. The board is very apt to find that these acting presidents stir up trouble rather than allay it. The relationships are complicated between chancellor and board and acting pres idents and inter-campus deans. The acting presidents will speedily become walking delegates for their own institutions ; and the board will be even more beset with controversy and intrigue. We could tolerate this experiment in pacification were it not for the pusillanimous resolution which the board adopt ed at the Monday meeting. If ever a body stultified itself the board did in this resolution in which it rubs its own nose in the dirt. Its backdown from the "ringing resolution" f its October and December meetings offers an open invitation to recalcitrants to defy the board on occasion. The fresh as sertion of threat at what it will do when profs and deans thumb their noses at the board in the future has a hollow sound. The apologetic tone of the board resolution is apt to be interpreted &s a jellyfish surrender. If the action seemed wise to expunge the past and make a fresh start assuredly' it should have been done without such penitential abjectness as the board voices in its resolution. In its zeal to save faces the board seems to have served every one except itself. ! Debasing the Coinage PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has resorted to the old device of monarchs: debasing the coinage. This has been an ancient custom, the clipping of coins by sovereign order, the filling of coins with alloys of cheaper metal. Done by a dem ocratic president it is none the less unconscionable. By it those who have contracted with the government are robbed by the degree of the debasement. Nor is there any assurance that the device will accom plish its purpose of providing a stable price level. The rub ber dollar theories have been tried and so far they have not succeeded. The attempt now will merely set a precedent for the future. If the dollar is stabilized at 60c what will keep it stable? And when a new slump comes long will not the crackpot financiers and politicians come forward and urge that it be debased again to 30c worth of gold. The whole his tory of debasement of coinage is one of fraud. The president has the following iiTd the congress will put the sorry deal through. In fact it put in the president's hsnds the first authority for defrauding the citizens of the country. While honest citizens may rebel, they are impotent ; and can only bide their time. When an individual goes bank rupt and compromises his debts, his credit standing is never the same again. The same will apply to the United States, which without justification, dishonors its own bonds for the first time in its long history. . - - ! The death of A. B. Hammond removes one who carved his name In high capitals in the industrial history of the west. Mercantile en terprises in Montana, railroad construction, salmon packing:, lum bering, shipping in Oregon and California showed the range of his Interests and his achievements. The Hammond Lumber company operating at Mill City is one of the important units of the Hammond Industries. Just now an industrial tycoon is under somewhat of a shadow, regarded not with envy so much as bitter prejudice. Per haps We shall not rear such types again in our new civilization. But Hammond was one of those who followed the pattern of "success" as drilled Into youth of the last century. He came west and forged a career out of the materials at hand, reaping the rewards in power and fame and wealth which have long inspired effort and adventure. The publisher of a suburban weekly in Portland has been yaaked before the court on a charge of criminal libel. He made scandalous charges against Mayor Carson who laid the matter before the district attorney's office and indictment followed. Freedom of the press is never an excuse for slanderous vilification. Responsible ed itor respect not only the ethics of their profession but the penalties which the law may invoke. There are frequently journalistic irrespon ibles however whose only way of gaining an audience is by resort to slander or to half-truths which are as vicious. Medford had a season of such Irresponsible Journalism whose perpetrators finally landed In the penitentiary. There is plenty of room for freedom of opinion, but should be none for libellous untruths. Editor Bede of Cottage Grove will doubtless be glad to join us In showing Editor Sprague of Salem an upper Willamette sunset next week-end during the editorial convention. Maybe the poor folks down Salem way really don't have sunsets. Eugene News. ; We're afraid what the' gang will show will not be the sunset .but the moonshine. A subscriber writes to Inquire just where he can get a permit to kill his neighbor, who is a cantakerous crepehanger who gurgles him woes down said subscriber's ears without regard to time or place. "This is surely a case where there "ortej be NO law". History Students View McLaughlin Memorial House ... AURORA, Jan. Hwpupils of. the sixth grade who are studying Oregon history will not soon for get Dr. McLaughlin and the Hud aoaBay company as Miss Audrey Ettiager accompanied by her pu Bila Visited the old lion of . Laughlin at Oregon City Saturday morning. The house which has been moved from the original set tins to sv sightly spot upon the am. is maintained as a memois sax y the- D. A. R. The place was temporarily closed for repairs, but that the pupils might not be disappointed a caretaker shoved the throngh. They later visited the Catholic church, and the bur UI place ot Dr. McLaajhlla. . Mis Ettlngera room sold the largest number t Christmas seals. Jean Snyder received aa hone for selling the highest num ber pi seals and James Strick land the second highest. Mrs. F. iJ. VtCAlimfiT and Utrm . t No Fear Shall Awe" to it or not otherwise credited to general savins: of faces. The seal sale, Mrs. A. O. Miller and Mrs. J. W. Sadler, together gave the pupils a little treat Monday afternoon in appreciation of their efforts. Practices Started on On Booster Club Play BRUSH CREEK. Jan. 1. The cast for the annual Brush Creek play has been selected and work begun on the play itself. If possible the Booster dab, which is sponsoring the play, hopes to hate it presented la February. The actual date has not been set. Fred Krug is directing. Charac ters in the play, "Bertie's Cave Woman,- are: Alrta Krug, Loel U Forland. John Goplerud, Sr., John Goplerud, Jr., Althea Meyer, inga Goplerud, Sam Lorenion and Ludvlg Meyer. SILVER TEA FRIDAY TURNER, Jan. It The Meth odist women will hold their Jan aary silver tea with program, Fri- 1 The Blow That Almost Killed Father! . a Bits for Breakfast By R. J. HENDRICKS Gen. Palmer, who out Indians on reservation. friend of Judge J. W. Grim. who helped Keil colonists: U (Continuing from yesterday:) In the state senate of 1864 and 1866, Joel Palmer and J. W. Grim served together; the sessions be ins on the second floor ot the Holman building, across the street from the present States man building, as heretofore in dicated. The men who had in '47 come "the plains across" togeth er, had much in common. Pal mer represented Yamhill, Grim Marion county, along with Wm. Greenwood. - U . S In the election of 1870. Gen eral Palmer was a candidate for governor on the republican tick et, opposed to Grover, democrat, whose success in the campaign was due partly to the charge that Palmer had passed his prime. It is interesting to add that in the next -campaign (1874) there were three candidates for gover nor, Grover for the democrats. James C. Tolman of southern Ore gon for the republicans, and Rev. T. F. Campbell, independent. Gro ver beat Tolman by only 650, Campbell having divided the vote, but receiving 3181 less votes than Grover. Campbell was a descend ant of the CampbeU who founded the Christian ("Campbellite") church, and at the time was pres ident of Monmouth college (of which he was the founder), now the Monmouth state normal school. He was the father of Prince Campbell, president of the University of Oregon for a long term. Both father and son were men of great ability. The writer recalls a visit to Daily Health Talks By ROYAL S. COPELAND, MJ). By ROYAL S. COPELAND. M D. United States senator from New York Former CommUtioner of Ueallh, Keui York City UNDUE EXPOSURE to cold leads to a common and sometimes ex- iremeiy serious condition known as "frostbite". I do not refer to that ailment called chilblains". The chilblain attacks children and poorly nourished persons exposed to cold. This more of a chren to condition which the skin discolored a 1 painful. Prolonged ex posure to cold causes the skin to become bright red or. livid la color, and may be followed by Dr. CopeJand blistering. In the more severe form of frostbit the involved akin Is pale, stiff and brittle. Extremely cold air constricts the blood vessels and may completely shut off the blood rap ply, in that event, gangrene or death of the frost-bitten tissue re sults, Mtheds of Treataneat When the entira body is exposed te extreme cold the victim becomes benumbed. Movement of the. body. Is difficult, and there may set Id marked drowsiness. The eyesight faila, then walkinr becomes impoa stbia and the sufferer may UJJ un conscious. ' 1 When tb akm ts only alfchtly xrost-tdttan It ahoald be . gently bbd and cloths wrung out of fold water should be applied to it ; Snow may be rubbed on the- afflicted part , but cold cloths are better. la a ii 1 V.Jr ta 1 - A id L T i Douglas county of Rev. T. F. Campbell, while he was carrying on that campaign. Though then a small boy, the memory of the distinguished appearing and talk ing man is Tivid especially as not many of his type came that way, and stopped at the parental farm home in "Shoestring" val ley, seven miles east of the fa mous Yoncalla of the Applegates. s s And this brings up another In teresting fact of Oregon history. In 1876, Grover was in about the middle of his second term as gov ernor, when, the state house being so far finished as to allow; the removal of the state offices from down tow,ninto it, and to permit of the meeting of the legislature in it (the lower house on the third floor), Grover was chosen U. S. senator by the joint vote of the two branches legislative sessions then being in September. But Jesse Applegate was a strong contender against Grover; or rather his republican friends made him so. On the first ballot, Applegate had 25 votes in the house, Grover 27. In the senate, however, Grover had 20 against seven for Applegate. J. W. Nes mith was the third candidate, having as many as 14 votes on some ballots. He gave way, throw ing the victory to Grover, who on the final ballot received 48 votes, a bare majority. Grover was a Salem man, afterward moving to Portland. From 1864 on, he had been chairman of the democratic state central committee. m m. H Old timers (even democrats) have told the writer that if Jesse Applegate had been a strong cam paigner, appealing to prejudices ana organizing his friends, he Alternate the rubbing with the cold applications. A good plan is to rub tor a tew minutes and then apply the cold cloths for the next few min utes. The water In which the cloths are soaked can gradually be warmed until It Is lukewarm. In. a moderate form ot frostbite, the skin is discolored and blisters are present For this type, apply cold cloths but avoid prolonged applica tion of cold and do not rub. -The temperature of the water can be slowly raised. Dress Warmly In ail cases ot severe frost-bite bear in mind that sudden chane-e from cold outdoors to a warm room ts dangerous. The sufferer should be exposed gradually to any change In temperature. After proper reaction occurs, a soothing ointment should be applied and the afflicted part wrapped in absorbent cotton or flannel cloths. Blisters should be pricked with a sterile needle and the water allowed to now out Do not dlstnrh ths mv erlng ot the blisters, if gangrene Is present alcoholic dressings should be applied and medical attention sought at once. Persons Uvins? in cold cUmataa should be familiar with the necessary precautions airalnst froat-blta. um shoes, and loose but warm clothing snouiff worn. Atom constriCUnr gartera. It is a good plan to wear two pairs, of atocklnra. Bam an pair cotton, and the outer pair wool en. Always chanea wet atwirina nd wear clean atocklnc each day. Above alL never neglect frost-bite but seek Immediate medical aid. Answers to Health Queries M. C C Q. What do yon advtM for warts r A. Send self-addressed, stamped envelope for further particular anrf repeat your question. (Copvrtoht, MJI, K. F. 8., Inc.) would have succeeded. But he was too Independent to resort to such methods. That was a battle of giants, and there was ample combustible material that might have been used against Grover. able though he was, and honest, too. But Jesse Applegate would not strike below the belt, even to win the prize of a senatorial toga. ". What has since been known as the Barlow road over the Cas cades, Bancroft's History of Ore gon called "Palmer's wagon road." Some extracts from this history read: "When P a 1 m e r's company reached The Dalles they found 60 families awaiting transportation by two small boats (this was Sept. 29, 1845), which would re quire at least 10 days. The season was so far advanced that Palmer feared detention for the winter; and, impatient of the wearin and expense of such delay, they determined to attempt the cross ing of the Cascade mountains with their wagon3. This plan was strongly opiosed by Waller and Brewer (of the Methodist mission there.) Knighton (H. M. Knleht- on) had returned discouraged, ior ne, in company with Barlow (S. K. Barlow) and seven others, had penetrated 25 miles into the mountains without finding a pass, although Barlow was still seeking one. "On Oct. l.i Palmer, with 16 families and 23 wagons, left The Dalles to Join Barlow and his company, which was reduced to Beven wagons. . . . Palmer overtook Barlow's company on the 3d. . . Leaving the train. Pal mer with one man began explor ing ior a wagon road. . . . Contin uing westward, . . . their course was suddenly Interrupted by a deep and wide canyon, compelling them to travel northward toward Mt. Hood; darkness overtaking them 36 miles from camp. "On the following morning a descent to the bottom of the can yon was effected. ... He returned to camp for provisions, being soon followed by Barlow The leaders thought proper "to send the greater part of their herds back toward The Dalles to be driven over the trail north of Mt. Hood, sending at the same time a horse train to that place for a further supply of food, it being evident that some time would be consumed in getting through to the Willamette valley. "Work was then commenced on the road, which waa opened in three days as far as Rock creek, chiefly by means of fire, which consumed the thickets. . . , They . . . hastened to camp, where provisions were already nearly exhausted, and made arrange ments for leaving the wagons and baggage in charge of a guard. whUe the women and children were carried through to the Wil lamette without further delay, on horses, by the cattle trail (of the missionaries), which plan was Im mediately executed. Hardly had they started when the rain began to descend. . , . The cold was be numbing. . . . The trail was lost, and Palmer's advance party of four, which Included two women, became bewildered, and the wom en were left alone on their horses m the rain, while the men ram bled about for two hours in search of the path, which Palmer fortunately discovered. .... in the erening, to their great Joy. they were met by a party from Oregon City, who, upon hearing of the attempt to cross the Cas cade range with wagons, and the scarcity of food among the com panies, had loaded a train of 11 horses with flour, coffee, sugar and tea for their relief. , . . The provisions were- token in charge by Palmer and one of the relief party, whUe the others returned to Oregon City with the two wom en and one man of Palmer's com pany. (Palmer returning and arrir ing at the camp Oct. 20, found a CHAPTER FIFTY-FOUR Someone pushed Patricia before a microphone. She muttered some thingwhat, she never knew and stood aside for Julian. Was he nervous T His voice sounded queer. He said something about his nn teen andience, said it several times. He must be nervous too. The movies next! Cameras dick lnr. shirt-sleeved man trying to force back the crowds. Herself shaking" bands with Blair, who hated her, shaking hands and say ing, "May the best man win and no hard feelings either, as she was told to do. What a silly thing to say! Julian snaking hands with Sanders and saying: something just as silly, Sanders stuttering a reply. Blair looked straight into the camera, as ho made) his little speech, trying, the girl felt quite sure, to edge her from the film. Was this the game of bridge? No, this was ballyhoo. Crowds upstairs on the sacred floor, influential people, these, peo ple who rated invitations. Actresses and millionaires, prize fighters and famous beauties, the much married. very blonde Ruthie Terence or was it Ruthie Graves by now? George Jean Cravath, the critic (quite a break to get him here), writers, artists, press agents and public relations men, bridge experts by the score, grinning and bearing the hullaballoo as best they could, furred women, men in dinner clothes. A stop In the press rooms where typewriters were going full speed and telegraph instruments were clicking, a stop while both Blair and Haverholt predicted a victory for himself, a vindication for his bidding system. Haverholt lingered to speak to certain special friends among the reporters. He cultivated friendships among the gentlemen of the press. Blair scowled. Was this bridge? Patricia saw a newspaper man yawn. Incredible! Incredible that anyone should yawn! At last the four reached the room equipped for bridge. The players were os tensibly alone except for the ref eree and the attendants there to copy the cards, the play, the bid ding of every hand. . A long screen stretched across a doorway pierced with peepholes glued even now with watching eyes. The folk outside, the fortunate in vited folk, were each to be allowed a torn. "That screen,'' snapped Blair, ob viously unstrung, "that icreen gives me the cA-eps. Cant we close the door?" "No sir, we cant," replied the referee quickly, courteously. "It's all been arranged. We can't disap point the public. " The first band waa dealt Behind the screen the public whispered. Patricia thought the whispering would drive her mad. She could scarcely see her cards to straighten them. Hearts and diamonds were mixed hopelessly. The man station ed at her shoulder, pad and pencil in his hand, was breathing down her neck. She felt like screaming. "Who dealt?" asked Julian Hav erholt for the first time in his life. He must be as shaken as herself. She knew that Blair and the young, pink-faced Sanders were nervous to the breaking point Their hands were trembling quite as much as hers. Not so much fun now, not so pleasant the knowledge t h a t all America was watching them! Be conservative, be conservative, Haverholt had drummed at her. Let me do the shooting! She passed a holding that in her right mind she would most certainly have bid. It proved to be a lucky pass. Blair and Sanders were set two tricks on a four heart bid. The news was rushed outside to the visitors and to the reporters. A little cheer rose scene of starvation. After being furnished with food, the families immediately set out for Oregon City, on pack horses. By the 25 th all the families had departed ex cept those of Barlow and two oth er men. Palmer remained until this date assisting . to build a (Turn to Page 7) The Safety Valve Letters from Statesman Readers AX EXPLANATION AND A FAIR QUESTION Woodburn, Ore. To the Editor: I have been a resident of Mar lon county and the state of Ore gon for 23 years and a taxpayer for eight I bare managed to find or make some kind of a job for myself un til the last year or so, although my living has not been too good. I was able to keep from taking someone's place on the Red Cross, who might hare needed it worse than I did. This was made pos sible only by the generosity of the party who owns the place I am trying to pay for. as my home, and other creditors. The last few months that I had work the amount of pay and the hoars were cut down until there was -but a bare living and no hopes of meeting any debts. I have a wife and two childron to support and the responsibility 01 seeing mat in oldest one, who Is of school age, gets an educa tion. . . Some few months ago, a party I have worked for In recent years was awarded some contracts la this atata. and althnnrh ha la will ing and wants me to work for him, he is told that he cannot hire me because I am aot a resident In either of the counties these job are located in. He is handed a list from which he most nick- his mm so much for that As my nama berina with A. I was among the first Ul men reg- t A. M . . - uierea m ine leaerai reemploy ment office, the second dav It waa opened in Salem, but so far have behind the screen and was prompt ly squelched. Blair's look was black as he re proved his partner. The four heart bid, it appeared, was not his fault "It wasnt mine," said Sanders stiffly. "I had a bid.- "One of your rotten psychics, I guess you'd call it!" Sanders looked like aa angry turkey cock. He shook his Sneer beneath bis partner's nose. -Yon cant talk to me like that I dont care whe 70a are. I wont stand for it" "WelL anyhow," said Blair, sub siding slightly, "they didn't double. That saved us something." "Why didn't yon doable, Patri cia?" This front Haverholt "I didn't think of it," she admit ted faintly. Blair forgot his grievance with his partner and gave an exultant laugh. That suited him. The next hand proved his downfall. He did what every amateur has done, what no expert is ever supposed to do. He bid a hand in no-trump, .forgot the suit be bid in, and played the hand in spades. Except for his lapse of memory, he would have scored a little slam. In fact he claimed the slam. "Play it out," said Julian softly. "The tricks are mine, I tell yon, I trump all the losing diamonds with dummy's spades." "Yon bid the hand in no-trump." "You're crazy," Blair began, and saw his partner's greenish face and realized all too clearly then his ter rible mistake. He made a strangled sound in his throat "Yes," said Julian pleasantly. "I never saw more expert misplaying. Yon very kindly set op all my dia monds. That sets yon let me see that sets yon five tricks exactly. Accept my grateful thanks." It appeared that the bridge mara thon would end right there. The referee intervened. Blair was sooth ed and settled in his chair. Bnt his life would never be the same again. His self esteem had received a mor tal blow. There was laughter be hind the screen, jeering laughter quickly shushed. But Blair heard every echo of it Sweat dewed his forehead. His blue eyes bulged, his florid color deepened. He, Reuben Blair, had made a dub's mistake. Tomorrow, over breakfast tables, all New York would learn the ex pert's shame. They resumed the play. Haver holt was ecstatic. Patricia felt an inward shudder. Would it be her tarn next? What. In heaven's name, had Julian led? A spade or was it a dub? Blindly the girl returned her partner's lead. The play went on and on. Blair and Sanders got the cards but those two were thoroughly demor alised. Julian and Patricia were playing badly. Their opponents were playing- worse. Expert mis play, expert misbidding. . . . Would this farce never end? Each hand, copied swiftly, was rushed to the press rooms, where reporters, con vulsed with mirth, were leaping, avidly at every error. "Yeah, they're all a hunch of boms tonight The four of them are acting aa if they never saw a card before. Sure, it's swell!" One rubber, two rubbers, three rubbers, four, five. "It's five past twelve," said the referee to the shattered four. "You agreed not to start a rubber after twelve." So it waa ended. The first night was over. Patricia forced a ghastly smile. She and Haverholt were sev enteen hundred points ahead. But what a victory! No, it was not yet ended. The screen was shoved aside, people were pushing in, were seizing at her hand, were shaking it, were congratulating her and Julian Hav erholt For what? For what? For the most terrible bridge that they received no card for work. This Is not all: mv home town ha start ed some projects, under CWA, but wnen 1 go down to see about work I am told that hecansA T AA nnt get help from the Red Cross last year 1 can 1 worg mere, and tney can nut no one to work unless thev have a card. Now when von are in nwii nf money to support your family and keep from losing your home, and uare a joo you couia nave been workinr on -for two months, with the possibility of iut iuucn more work, giving you Readjustments Still Going on Every individual, every business will have to be alert to t hose adjustments which must be made as the New Order of Things" unfolds. For information, for counsel, for practical assistance you may count upon us to serve you as conscientiously as in a depository way, , t yoa know the Government's new plan of Deposit Insurance Is "how in effect This ap- plies in full on deposits hp to 12600.01. D. W. EYRE. L. C. SMITH.- Salem Bsmcfit; lEnited States National Bank ot Portland Head Ofiicei PortJandOresm had ever played together! Blair, ringed by his scandalized support ers, was busy with a thoussnd alibis. Haverholt, recovering first, waa claiming victory for his sys tem, waa rattling off the hands where his opponents had fallen down. Patricia was saying nothing. She had seen coming toward her, ob livious of the crowd between them, a young man, blond and handsome, a smile upon bis face. Clark I "Hello, Patricia." "Helle. Clark." Her hand was in his hand. Over wrought spent by the fiasco of the evening, she was still completely the mistress of herself sad of the situation. He had hurt her cruelly. He should not have that chance again. Let him make overtures if he wished. She herself would not! "It's been a big night for you, Patricia." "Dont say that you're congratu lating me! She could smile now. "Bnt I am, Patricia, that's exact ly what Pm doing." "Such bridge," she sighed and covered her eyes with one slim hand. "Such bridge." He laughed. She laughed too. It was so natural, so deliriously easy to be talking like this to him. The tension had gene entirely in the delight of this conversation, tak ing place amid so many other con versations. She nodded, smiled, spoke to others but Clark lingered at her aide. Finally, he said, glancing at her orchids, "Yon didn't wear my flow era." "Did yon send me flowers? There were so many," she stammered con fused, inwardly exultant "Thank you, Clark." "I hardly thought you'd wear them," said the mam It was at that very instant that Patricia glimpsed forging toward them, Martbe March and someone else, a fat painted little woman, glittering with diamonds, a fat painted little woman, whose sharp, suspicious, triumphant eyes chal lenged her eyes. Efleen Sycott! Eileen Sycott who had known her in the days when she was Patricia Warren. Eileen Sycott who knew quite well that she was not Patricia Haverholt It was a nightmare now. Events must follow their chosen course; Patricia was helpless. She knew that she was trapped, that Martbe March had trapped her. There was no escape. The two women who' had conspired to ruin her, drew near. "My dear, I haven't seen you for countless ages," said Eileen Sycott in her pretty gushing little way. She stretched out h e r hand. "It's wicked of you to forget your old friends so." Casual words. Why should they make the girl turn white ? Patricia tried to speak and failed. She was conscious, horribly conscious of eyes staring, staring at her ashen face, Marthe'a eyes, Eileen's eyes, a hundred other eyes. Somehow, as if they sensed the tension in the air, the srroun about her i solving. She seemed to feel them go. iiark stayed on beside her. Like an automaton, th e-iri ac cepted Eileen's blump, bejewelled nana, tooxed in f terror over the bleached blonde head at failed to catch his glance. Happily .uvuiuuuuj, onu surrounaea Dy his supporters, he waa hahhiino n bridge. Marthe'a smile was slow. 1 a. e aimosi sieepy, a smile of utter sat isfaction. Eileen was nervous. She spoke again of the ancient friend ship, a little breathlessly this time. marine DroKe in. "Then, you've met Mi tt holt before?" she said in a peculiar voice. (To Be Continued) 132. b? Kinc Features S-raicafe. Im- the opportunity of saving your home and supporting your fam ily, and in steps the state, Red Cross and government reemploy ment agency and say you can't be cause you did not receive charity, and are, not a resident of the par ticular district where the work is being done, although you are a resident ot the- state of Oregon, also that you are not a veteran. Can I help It that I was 14 when the war started? Can yon explain all this and find the justice In it? GDY E. ABRAHAM. -Manager -Asst. Manager1 4 4fcW