The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 12, 1934, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tht OREGON STATESMAN, galccy Oregon, Friday Morning, January 12, 1934
New Jeachers Elected; P. T.
Ai Hears More About
Plans for Gym .
FALLS CITY, Jan 11. Rho
- dodendrou chapter.. Eastern 8Ur,
has Installed thesa officers: u
Worthy matron, Mabel Hatch!
worthy, patron. Ira Merhlini; as
sociate matron; Frances -Spaers-
tra: associate patron, Roto Helm;
conductress, Florence Daris; as
sociate conductress, Larellt
Helm:! secretary, Maude Brown;
treasurer, Florence Grant; .chap
lain, Anna Merbling; Ada, Kath
arine Ickes; Rath, Mildred rank;
Esther, Eula Brown; Martha, Al-
tha Smith; Electra, Lizzie Trent;
warder. Pearl Proal; sentinel, H.
M. Smith.
MrsJ Dorothy Bancroft has been
elected to fill Mrs. Hsiel Grone
wald's place as instructor of the
primary - department In the local
trade ; school when she leaves
January 18 to, accept & similar
position in her - home town. The
Dalles. - . - :
; P. T. A. Meets
A record crowd attended the
monthly meeting of. the Parent-
Teacher association Monday night.
Dr. Davis of : Monmouth gava a
talk on. child welfare and made
. a proposition to the association In
regard to the dental work of the
local school children. Mrs. W. I.
Russell, vice-president, presided
over the short business session. It
was decided that the association
give an old-fashioned basket so
cial la the near future and use
the proceeds to pay the state P.
T. A. membership dues.
Mrs. Frances Speerstrs, super
intendent of the grade school,
awarded the Pi T. A. attendance
banner to the first and second
grade room.
Mrs. jack Strsuss and her as
sistants had arranged this pro
gram: Singing led by Mrs. R.
Paul, Mrs. Hazel Gronewald at
the piano; vocal duet, "Vera Pierce
and Mary Ames; selections, .young
men's quartet.
A talk was given by Prof. D.
J. Ickes on the proposed $5000
bond issue for the building of a
much-needed gymnasium-auditorium,
and he introduced C. N.
Freeman who showed plans and
explained the work of the PWA.
Kitty Says Thread
Might be Food Bet
needle Won't Ever
-bid yon ever hear of a kit-'
ten trying to eat needles
and . thread? Well, half
grown kitten belonging to
Shirley and Shiela Koland,
twia daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Roland, la play
ing at ant the house found
Boedle with thread in and
.tried to eat ft. The thread
went dowa all right, but the
needle lodged la kitty's
She cried for several days
from pais; thea the needle
worked oat of kitty's
, throat. After a few days she
was just as spry and play
ful as ever.
financial secretary-treasurer, Mrs,
Larson; missionary treasurer.
Mrs. E. J. Gilstrap; clerk, Mrs.
Joe Holt; bible school, superin
tendent, Mrs. Raymond Titus;
congregation chairman. Dr. H. C.
Junior Choir Plans
To Offer Concert
At Silverton 31st
SILVERTON, Jan. 11. The
Junior, Methodist choir, under the
direction of Fred Baker plans to
give a concert January SI. Mr.
Baker wrote the continuity which
will take the form of concert on
board ship. There are 24 mem
bers of the choir and the concert
will be made up of solos. Quartet
numbers, duets and cherus parts
The senior choir is planning a
party to be held later in the
month and Mrs. F. A. Moore has
been made chairman of the com
mittee on arrangements. Calvin
Storey is new senior director, suc
ceeding Mrs. F. J. Roubal.
rra kmsisssls- -n . ni lit
Fred Cavender is
Chief of Silverton
Volunteer Firemen
Christians Vote
On Retention of
Pastor on 28th
SILVERTON, Jan. 11; L. R.
Keal was made chairman of the
board of directors of the First
Christian church at the January
meeting of the .board. The board
chose January 28 as the time for
the congregation to vote upon the
retention of the Rer. and Mrs. W.
O. Livingstone as pastors of the
The board also voted to build
a strairway from the basement to
the first floor of the church, and
the group also granted the use
of the church for the two - day
convention of the Educational
Sunday School association of
Marion county which will be held
the latter part of February.
SILVERTON, Jan. 11. The
annual election of officers of the
Silverton volunteer fire depart
ment resulted In chief, Fred Cav
ender; assistant chief, I. F. Tuck
er;, second assistant chief, Earl
Hartman; secretary, Otto Legard;
quartermaster, Elgin McCleary.
Committees appointed were:
Entertainment committee, L. F.
Tucker, Jack Fish, Arthur Dahl
and T. P. Heidenstrom; grievance
committee, Elgin McCleary, Ber-
ger Feneide and Otto Legard;
Fourth of July committee, Knut
Digerness, L. F. Tucker and Earl
Deschutes Potatoes
100 $1.39
Fine Cookers, Every Sack Guaranteed
Oranges 3 doz. 39c Lettuce 2 for 11c
Size 144. Full of Juice.
Large crisp heads.
Onions 10 lbs. 17c 8518?? Baldwins.
' Firm stock. Bring your box.
At Fruit Dept.
Tobacco Features!
Wings or Twenty Grand
Cigarettes 89c
Carton of 200 for SJc; package of 20 for 10c Freshest stocks!
90c Granger Tobacco 69c
16-os. tins of Granger smoking tabacco.
15c Smoking Tobaccos
2 21c
Prince Albert, Half & Half, and Velvet to choose from, f 1.1S dot.
. , . Cigarette Case or Cigarette
C. ! 17u ! Maker Free with each 3 pkgs.
1 I CCi 1 I CCi of Himyar r
I I X li. Ilfjl I i J W I " II If II II J f I I lMJ&4 l. -.MtlKWI A4 i 1
. u . . . . .., ,
Sil verdaleTomatoes1
t-oz. hot. !
Tobacco for
15c Cigars 5c each.
15c Garcia or Martiaes Cigars
only 5c each. Box of 25, 91.23.
Honterry Cigars 2 for 5e
Box of 100 for S2.13.
OOc George Washington 59c.
10c Torchlight Chew 3 for 25c.
5c Corn Cob Pipes 8 for 10c
5c Pipe Cleaners 8 pkgs. 10c
A combination of
60 pure vanil
la extract and
5 0 imitation
vanilla that
makes a splendid
but inexpensive
flavoring. Try It
Turner Christians
Choose Officers at
Annual Meeting
TURNER, Jan. 11. Turner
Christian church elected the fol
lowing officers at the annual
Elders, Fred, Brown and Joe
Holt; deacons,-; Raymond Titus,
William Buuke and Frank Parr:
trustee. Raymond Titus; deacon
esses, Mrs. T, C Delsell, Mrs. Su
san GIrardin and Mrs. Joe Holt;
White and Melby Will
Open Shingle Factory
SILVERTON, Jan. 11 E. H.
White and S. C. Melby have form
ed a partnership and will open a
shingle mill at the old Potter
Sash and Door Factory building
on North Water street by January
20. Both 1G inch and 24 inch shin
gles will be cut from cedar and
fir and custom sawing will be
done for customers bringing tjieir
own block to the mill.
The new firm, to be known aa
White and Melby, will carry a
complete line of paints, stains and
re-coating for felt roofs.
SILVERTON, Jan. 11. Mrs.
Earl Hartman was called to Rine
lander, Wisconsin, Wednesday by
the death of her father, George
Dusel. Mr. Hartman took her to
Portland Wednesday afternoon
and she took an eastern bound
train out Wednesday night. Mrs.
Hartman visited in Wisconsin
two years ago.
294 N. Commercial .4 Deliveries Phone 3527
TOffSve . . .
GoWen West Robusta
Coffee '
1 lb.
Macaroni 1 Art
4 lbs. ltC
Crescent Baking Powder,
1-lb. can and n A
1 Fruit Bowl AHtL
3 lbs. ...
Corn Starch
3 pkgs. 1
Sun Bright Cleanser
per can 5c; O'Jn
6 for
Saver; Bar Tomatoes
Crackeray salted OH
or plain, 34b. box O v
kerra Hard Wheat
Floor, every sack $-J .39
guaranteed, 49 lbs. JL
Fresh Medium
Eggs, 2 doz. .
At Fred Meyer Tobacco Depts.
Candy Features! Take Some Home Today!
35c Molasses Chews 23c lb.
Old fashioned molasses peppermint chews. Made in our own
Fifth Avenue Chocolates 2-lb. box 89c
Made of cream, butter and high grade chocolate. Assorted or
straight chocolate cream packs.
Fruit Flavored Gum Drops 10c lb.
Hershey, Nestle's or Peter's
Y2-h. Chocolate Bars 2 for 25c
8-oz. Mr. Good Bar 3 for 25c
(Chocolate bar full of nuts)
5c Cough Drops 3 pkgs. 10c
(S&H, Smith Bros., Luden's, Bunte's)
At Fred Meyer Candy Dept.
A complete as
sortment of su
p er lor quality
ground or whole
spices. The pep
per, for Instance,
contains no dust
it passes the
"sneeze" test.
The sage has that
genuine sage fla
vor. AH are qual
ity products.
2 picnic If
cans lt
Walla Walla Peas llc
My-Te-Fine Whole Beans (No. 2 cans) 13c; $1.69 Doz.
Genera Eastern Kraut, large cans lie; $1.25 dozen
S. & W. Tomato Joke (No, 2 cans) 9c; $1.05 dozen
S. & W. Tomato Sauce, 2 cans for 9c; 53c dozen
Libby Sweet Potatoes, 2 Ige. cans 25c; $1.40 dozen
Evan's Golden Corn 17c per can; $1.90 dozen
Libby Asparagus Points, tails 15c; $1.75 dozen
Check over your can
ned vegetable needs
and stock up at these
deep-cut prices.
Hillsdale Asparagus "ST 1 7c
S&W Fancy Spinach 2 25c
Ray mal Golden Corn 11c
dozen M 1A
! Borden's Mill:
p T) tafl
1 tall can of milk has the food value of 1 quart milk
White King Gran. Soap
Windsor Floor Wax
M.J B.Coffee L 25c 95c
Camay Toilet Soap 2
Sun Maid4rorRaisins
Warrenton Clams 2 1 4at 29c
Dickenson's Pore Preserres or Jelly, 13-oz. glass 19c
Aunt Dinah Molasses, l-lb. can 12e; 22-lb. can 19c
Staregon Brand Bartlett Pears, 2 tall cans 19c
Pearl Tapioca or Sago, 2-lb. cellophane pkg. 15c
Fred Meyer Pure Strained Honey, quart jar 29c
Clearwater Tuna Flakes ('is cans) 2 for 19c
Happyvale Pink Salmon 11c can; $1.29 doz.
Libbys Chili Con Carne, 3 tall cans 25cc
Man-Kind Dog Food, tall cans 7c each
Del Key Raviolas (Is tall cans) 2 for 29c
King Kelly Marmalade, pound jar 17c
At Fred Meyer Grocery Dept.
wt oo ova mmt
Ve do our part to
Keep down your
:ost of living as
these low prices at
test. Three days to take
advantage of these
featured prices.
Prices for
Friday Thru
A creamy milk of magne
sia with a pleasant taste.
Full quart for only 29c
Full Quality! Full Quantity! Full Strength!
Fred Meyer Home Remedies bring you the
finest preparations at deep-cut prices. It's an
other Fred Meyer saving!
Fred Meyer Home Remedies 'Save'
1 pt. Cod Liver Oil 25c
1 pt. Turpentine 23c
1 pt. Witch Hazel 19c
1 pt. pure Olive Oil 39c
1 lb. Agar Agar 59c
4 oz Camphoratd Oil 19c
3 oz. Spts. Camphor 19q
6 oz. Arom'c Cascara 29c
6 oz. Castor Oil 19c
5 lbs. Epsom Salts 17c
X yft .. . 7SV
An efficient mouth wash,
gargle and deodorant. Re
markably economical.
Stock up your bathroom with Frey Meyer
Home Remedies at these thrifty prices. In ad
dition to these featured, there are scores more.
Fred Meyer Home Remedies 'Save'
1 lb. Flax Seed 11c
3 oz. Oil Eucalyptus 19c
4 oz. Peroxide 7c
4 oz. Senna Leaves 19c
6 oz. Rose Water 10c
1 pt. Bay Rum 25c
1 lb. Boric Acid 25c
V lb. Cocoa Butter 19c
4 oz. Cascara Bark 15c
1 pt. Glycerine 25c
Genuine imported heaty
Russian oil. Ideal Intes
tinal lubricant. Full quart
50c Dr. West Tooth Brush in the Blue Carton only 19c
59c Extra Size, Extra Weight Turkish Bath Towels 39c
All Rubber Rain Capes in Assorted Colors for 39c
1 5-8 ounce Yellow Vaseline 5c
No. 1 Size White Vaseline, 2 for -15c
5 lbs. Dark Psyllium Seed 79c
First Aid
1x5 Adhesive 19c
lb. Hospital Cotton 19c
$1 Fever Thermometer 59c
2-qt. Douche can complete 69c
2-qt. Hot Water bottle 29c
35c Pacquin Nail Polishes 19c
$1 Pacquin Hand Cream only 55c
$2 Calodine Water for $1.69
Squibb' s Products
1 pt. Mineral OU 59c
12 oz. Cod Liver Oil 79c
$1 Adex Tablets 79c
Pt. Antiseptic Sol. 47c
100 Aspirin 5 gr. 45c
Berkeley Cleansing Tissues (180 Full Sheets) 10c
16-oz. Bottles Wildroot Lilac Shaving Lotion 19c
3-oz. Double Strength Pure Vanilla Extract 29c
per lb
McKinsie String i A
Beans, No. 2 cans AUC
Feed Department
Scratch Feed, A
100 lbs., 4-grain , y l.OU
Wheat ...
rB.".-.... 60c
Ground Oats,
80 lbs
Hodgen-Brewster Egg slash
Feed a balanced teed that
you can aar on the quantity
of feed. You can do this by
using our egg producer with
milk, oil and & n A
green. 100 lbs... $IU
Hodgen - Brewster LayweU
Egg Mash with on, 7A
milk and greens.. $11 U
Big Six Dairy Feed, A C
80-Ib. bag ......... VoC
97c Seventeen Toiletries
Face Cream Tissue Cream
Cleansing Cream Skin Freshener
Foundation Cream Astringent
Face Powder Ensemble
Shaving Cream
35c Ingrams 23c
25c Fitch 15c
50c Ace Lather 23c
50c Mennens 29c
50c Williams 39c
75c Sun Oil 35c
60c Watkins 39c
50c Woodburys 25c'
50c Wildroot 27e
$1 H. Q. Z, 63c
$1 Miles Remedies 61c
60c Murine 37c
65c Mistol 42c
$1 Ovof errin 63c
60c Sal Hepatica 39c
Hair Tomes
$1 Herpicide 59c
$1 WDdroot 59c
$1 Lucky Tiger 59c
$1 Danderine 59c
70c Vaseline 49c
60c Caldwell's Syrup 39c
$1 Zemo 69c
85c Jad Salts 49c
1.50 Petrolagar 83c
1.50 Agarol 89c
Pt. Kitchen Lotion 23c
50c Hinds 31c
$1.00 Jergens 69c
35c Italian Balm 23c
$1 Ambrosia Pore 45c
Face Powder
1.10 Coty & Perfume 79c
50c Cashmre Boquet 39c
60c DjerKiss 29c
50c Lady Esther 39c '
50c Melba 37c
Guar a n t e e d 1
Keeps liquids hot
24 hours or cold
72 hours.
60c Condensed Jad Salts 39c
10c Handy Ann Dish Cloths 3 for 23c
1 Pt. Mifflin Rubbing Alcohol 15c
Norwich Products
Pt. Russian Oil 49c
Pts. Noral Agar 73c
Cod Liver Oil Tablets 69c
4 oz. Pepto Bismol 33c
Pt Cod Liver Oil 43c
Pt. Milk Maknesia 19c
6 oz. Glycerine and Rose Water 9c
$1 Ambrosia Dry Skin Cream 43c
(2.50 Electric Heating Pads $1.69
Health Foods
75c Mead's Cereal 49c
75c Mead's Dextri Maltose 59c
60c Cocoa Malt 39c
$1 Ovaltine 69c
lb. Borden's ; Malted Milk 39c
Deep-cut price on
95c lsa Dr. West
tooth paste. jf
Classic Vellum
100 sheets and
100 envelopes
Fred Meyer
House Paint
Certified 7Qn
65c Ponds 39c
60c D. & R. 39c
50c Woodburys 33c
50c Melba 33c
75c Lady Esther 59c
60c Neet 39c
25c Collates 2 for 35c
50c Bost 21c
50c Kolynos 31c
50c Pepsodent 31c
50c Ipana 31c
Dental Powders
60c Corega 35c
35c Amolin Deodor. 19c 60c Eling 35c
50c Spiro Powd. 31c
35c Cutez 23c
25c Glazo 18c :
$1 Pyrozide 69c
50c Revelation 31c
60c Lyons Powder 39c
Reducing Agents
65c Mint Harvin Salts 39c
$1 Bonkora 55c
$1 Marmola 61e
$2 Reduceoids $U9
75c Lacey's Gum 49c -w
At ToIl6try"rpt (No Mali Orders, No C.O.D.'s, No Deliveries,
No Reservations) Quantities Reasonably Limited
-51 TVTdrydj
o m evf K c
170 North Liberty St.
(Between Stated aniJ Court StreeU)
(We Reserre tne km w wjmhwct,
$1 Alkazane 79e
$10 ADenrhu 79c
Pt Beef Iron Wine 49c
oz. Bisodol $2.09 y
50c Innerclean S9c
; Antiseptics
75cTakara Powder 49c
50c Bocarol Powder 33c
$1 Lavoris 63c
$1 Pepsodent 6le
$1 Zonite 57c
50a Vicks Drops 31c
75c Vapex 49ct
1.25 Ephedrine 79c
50c Norwich Drops 29c
50c Arzen 29e
PtOs and Tablets
100 Saccharrin 15c
100 Blaud 5 gr. 25c
100 Cascara 6 gr. 25c
100 Aspirin 5 gr. 15e
100 Hinkle Pills 15c
At Toiletry Dept. (No Mail Orders, No C.O.D.'s, No Deliveries.
, ; 'No Heserratlooa) Quantities Reasonably Limited'