The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 12, 1934, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Saleoi Oregon, Friday Morning; January 12, 1934
! 4
r 'I
: I
Society News and Club Affairs
Jessie Steele; Society Editor jHSbh
Mrs. G. Burnett
Honored With
If I retiring- president, was the
honor guest at a luncheon
Siren by the 8 1 e m Nile club
Thnrsday afternoon at the Ma
aonle temple. Guests were seated
at a long table centered with, a
low bowl of greenery, Jasmine and
i heather, with Iry tendrils running
ent from the centerpiece. Yellow
tapers were used.
Mrs. Burnett was presented
With a gift In recognition of her
errice to the organization; The
afternoon was spent In sewing for
the Shrine hospital in Portland.
Election of officers was held
with the following results: Mrs.
M. C. Patters, president; Mrs.
-George Dunstord, Tice-president;
Mrs. Bert Flacs, secretary; and
Mrs. Pearl Pratt, treasurer.
The club meets on the second
Thursday of each month, conven
ing next on February 8. The com
mittee in charge of yesterday's
4Bieetlng was Mrs. Dunsford, chair-
'tnan, Mrs. Fred Williams. Mrs.
red Crosby, Mrs. John ImUb and
Mrs. Pratt.
Present Wednesday were Mrs.
George Bnrnett, guest ot bonor,
Mrs. Emma W. Bombeck, Mrs.
Jeannette Imlah, Mrs. Ruby Sites,
Mrs. Bam Laughlin, Mrs. Martha
LaGarl, Mrs. Carl Miller, Mrs.
Gretchen Olson, Mrs. Joseph Im
lah, Mrs. John Imlah, Mrs. Fred
Crosby, Mrs. Fred Williams, Mrs.
Joy Turner Moses, Mrs. Rex A.
Turner ot Seattle, Mrs.- Louise
Wagstaff, Mrs. V. E. Kuan, Mrs.
Pearl Pratt, Mrs. Bert Flack, Mrs.
J. E. Russell, Mrs. L. B. Davis and
Mrs. George Dunsford.
Language Studio
Dr. P. 0. Riley of Woodburn,
well-known throughout Oregon as
an educator, and orator, as well
as a linguist, has opened a lan
guage studio In the Marlon hotel.
Already a large class ot young
business women of Salem are
studying the Spanish language
with Dr. Riley and all are highly
enthusiastic o r e r the progress
Dr.. Riley Is a graduate of the
leading colleges in this country
and spent eight years abroad
studying the classics, philosophy,
languages and art. He received
his Ph.D. from the University of
Paris, France, and other degrees
in Italy, Spain, England and Ger
Classes will be given in French,
Spanish, Italian, German, Latin or
Greek, either in groups or private
ly. Anyone desirous of Joining
these classes may communicate
with Dr. Riley at the Marlon hotel
Monday, Wednesday or Friday
evening from 1 to 9 o'clock.
Dr. Riley is well known in Ma
rion county having been president
of the Marlon County Federated
Community clubs for five years
and the originator of the county
talent contests.
Jefferson. Th "Mnrninsr Star
Pinochle club met Tuesday night
at the grange hall. Dale T. Gronso
was elected president for the next
Quarter, and 'Frank Cotit tm
chosen secretary - treasurer. The
prizes lor tne evening were won
br Mrs. Carl Harnisch and flus
Hefeke. Velma Klzer won first
prize for women during the se
ries of parties and second nrlze
went to Mrs. Harnisch. For men,
the first prize was won by Gus
Hefeke and second by Frank
Favorite Quilt Pattern
This Quaint basket, suggesting
flowers placed geometrically in
triangular patches, works up into
a prim motif that makes a most
attractive quilt block. Basket de
al gna containing flower motifs
had a great fascination for the
needlewoman of the past. And we,
today, show our appreciation of
their QualntneBS and charm by
adapting their patchwork baskets
to our modern needs. The pat
tern Is effective either with- bas
kets In every block as shown, or
with basket blocks alternating
with plain blocks.
Pattern 405 comes to you with
complete, simple instructions for
cutting, sewing and finishing, to
gether with yardage chart, dia
gram of quilt to help arrange the
blocks for single and double bed
size, and a diagram of block
which serves as a guide for plac
ing the patches and suggests con
trasting materials.
Send 10c for this pattern to
The Statesman Needlecraft Dept.
Committees are
Selected for
jnpHE committees appointed by
Mrs. Winifred R. Herrick,
conference chairman for the
south Willamette district confer
ence of the Oregon Federation ot
Business and Professional Wom
en's clubs are: - '
Program: Miss Helen Louise
Crosby, Mrs. Esther Hagedorn.
Publicity: Miss. Ola Clark, Miss
May Cleveland, Mrs. Lillian
Reception: Mrs. Emma Hlnx, Miss
Laura V. Hale, Mrs. Merle Dim
lck. Miss Ruth Moore, Mrs. La
Moine R. Clark, Miss Grace E.
Smith, Miss Grace Taylor, Miss
Hetta Field, Miss Josephine
Shade, Miss Julia Webster.
Luncheon: Mrs. Emily Howard,
Mrs. Edith Loder.
Finance: Mrs. Hulda Lledstrom,
Miss Helen Smith.
Printing: Mrs. Mona Toder, Mrs.
Susan Varty.
Decorations: Mrs. Amy Adams,
Mrs. Myrtle Anderson, Miss
Anna Kuns, Miss June Phil-pott.
Reservations: Mrs. Maude Ram-
Beyer, Miss Ruth. McAdams.
Transportation; Miss Edna Luck-
er, Miss Clara Witt, Mrs. Eth
lyn Thompson, Miss Daisy
Hayden, Miss Juana Holmes.
Miss Edith Burcn Is assistant
conference chairman.
Mrs. Herrlck has Invited the
members to an Informal recep
tion in her home Saturday night i
at 9 o'clock, in honor ot the state j
president, Mrs. Leda E. Parker of
Klamath Falls.
All members of the Business
and Professional Women's club
who expect to attend the lunch-!
eon Sunday to be held In the Ma- i
sonic temple dining room at
12:30 p. m. are asked by tne con
ference committee to secure their i
reservations at once by phoning
Miss Ruth McAdams at 7279.
P.T.A. Board Plans
The regular quarterly meeting1
of the board of managers of the
Oregon Congress of Parents and
Teachers will be held In Port
land, Saturday, January 13. Of
ficers going from Salem will be
Mrs. R. L. Wright state rice
president, Mrs. Walter Minier,
state lair chairman, Mrs. victor
onggs, legislative chairman. Mr.
John Beaky, safety chairman.
Miss Harriet Long, chairman of
nome reading, Mrs. I. Schenun.
Juvenile protection chairman.
The group will discuss the
crisis which is facing Oregon edu- I
cation, and a campaign for the !
Oregon congress In regard to the
sales tax will be outlined.
The scholarship loan tea rfron
br the Woman's club Wednesday
afternoon in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. B. Jarman was eminent
ly successful both socially and in
a financial way, according to the
sponsors. The musical nroarram
during the afternoon Included vio
lin selections by Maebelle Lllburn,
and vocal numbers by Mrs. Harry
warms and a trio or Miss Harriett
Adams, Miss Margaret Magin and
Mrs. Roy Harland.
Dr. J. Vinton Scott
Office Phone Home Phone
6904 8559
304-5 1st National Bank BMg.
Salem, Oregon
IT Eik
WftBTtBy Experienced
a iff
Officers Renamed at
The Ladles Aid of the Woman's
Relief eorpa met Thursday after
noon at the fairgrounds tor elec
tion of officers and 'quilting. All
the old officers were re-elected
and are as follows: President,
Mrs. Mary Wirts; rice-president,
Mr. May Townsend; treasurer,
Mrs. Mettle Schram; secretary,
Mrs. Rosa Vorls,
There will be a. special meet
ing next Thursday for Quilting.
Additional guests yesterday were
Mrs. IiOTlnda .Tandy, and Mrs.
Members present were Mrs.
Fannie Fisher, Mrs. May Town-
AnA Mm Mart ftohArtjuvn . Mrt.
Bessie Martin. ' Mrs. Florence
Shlpp. Mrs. Clara McDerby,- Mrs.
Lon Kraps, Mrs. Amanda Cram,
Mrs. Hattle Cameron, Mrs. Jennie
Martin, Mrs. Mary Kennedy, Mrs.
Mettle Schram, Mrs. Cordelia
LaBare and Mrs. Rose Vorls.
Sclo. Among those present at
a recent surprise birthday party
for Mrs. B. C. Shelton, native
Scioan. on her CSth anniversary
were Mr. and Mrs. Lee.BUyen
and Oscar Pomeroy of Lebanon,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Small, Mr.
and Mrs. Art Westenhouse, Geo.
Bllyeu and Mr. and Mrs. Rolla
Shelton of Sclo. I
Mrs. McKay Hostess
fThursday' ' . "
Mrs. Custer Ross, who with Mr.
Ross has recently moved to Sa
lem, from snverton, was the In
spiration for a charming bridge
tea Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Douglas McKay,
The tea table was centered with
a bowl ot heather, pink carna
tions, daffodils and nacissus,
guarded by green tapers. Mrs.
O. F. Chambers, Mrs. Roy 8.
Keene and Miss Dorothea Steus
loff assisted the hostess at the
tea hour.
High score in contract went to
Additional Society
on page 10
Mrs. R. D. Paris and In auction to
MM., Walter Arthur. .The guest
prize was awarded to Mrs. Ross.
Those bidden to greet Mrs. Ross
included""Mrs. R. D. Paris, Mrs.
Leland Smith,, Mrs. A, F. Hayes,
Mrs. Roy S. Keene, Mrs. O. F.
Chambers, Mrs. Don Roberts, Mrs.
Ellsworth Rlcketts, Mrs. George
Crolsan, Mrs. H. L. Stiff, Mrs.
David Bennett Hill. Mrs. W.
Wells Baum, Mrs. Merrill Ohllng,
Mrs. L. B. Gilbertson, Mrs. Wal
lace Bonesteele, Mrs. Edwin
Viesko, Mrs. Harry U. Miller, Mrs.
T. E. Ailea, Mrs. Robert Brady,
Mrs. Leo Page, Mrs. Max Page.
Mrs. C. A. Downs. Mrs. Richard
Slater, Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs. W.
L. Phillips, Mrs. Lynn Cronemll
ler, Mrs. C. C. Hlggins. Mrs. O li
ver Huston. Mrs. Walter Arthur,
Miss Dorothea Steusloff and the
hostess, Mrs. McKay.
Mehama A double land
kerchief shower was given Wed
nesday jby the Willing Workers
in honor of the birthdays of
Mrs. Maurice Cothren and Mrs.
Mattie Stout. Those present were:
Mesdatnes Ledgewood, Boying
ton, Wilson, Monroe, K. Phillips,
Mlnta Phillips, Carter, Ryland, C.
J. Phillips, Moe, Dickson, Branch,
Teeters, Hughes, Wagner, Bo
hannon. Brown, Allen, Blum and
the honored guests, Mrs. Cothren
and Mrs. Stont
Stuffy Head
Jost a few drops up each
BoctriL Quickly breath
ing again becomes clear!
Today !
Table of silk, wool, lace remnants, ' ji
odds from Inventory. Priced at 2
Assortment of high grade kid gloves, not 1
all sises. Black and brown. Deduct 4
Silk crepes. Plain and printed. All are Q
1 9 inches wide. Bny now and save. .. . DSC
Small assortment of hand bags. Val- 1 a a
ues to $3.00. Chose today at $JLUU
Assortment of wool, silk scarfs. Val- gA
pea to $8.00. Beginning today at .... 0"C
8mall lot of discontinued emb. models. In
fants' dresses, pillows, etc. di a a
Each 3AUU
One lot of good quality umbrellas. Regular
$3.98. Wanted shades. n aa
Choice pZ0
Children's slipon wool sweaters, 26, a a
80. 84. 1$ staes. Reg. $2.00. Each 31UU
Book Dept, sale of score tallies. Regular A
t5c values. Choice, per dosen
Book Dept. sale of mottoes. Regular to C
$1.25 values. Choose today at each. . IOC
32-piece sets of decorated breakfast dishes.
Smart patterns and designs. a a
Clearance price 3uQ J
Sale of chromium satin finished i aq
sugar and creamer sets. Reg. $2.98 $1J0)
Every year Miller's hold a Post-Inventory Sale
or clearance of all odds, left overs, hurts, brok
en lines discovered during annual inventory.
A casual glance at the items advertised herein
should give you an idea of the desirability of
the merchandise, also the money saving prices!
Silks . . Ready-to-Wear . . Lingerie . .
Shoes . . Hosiery . . Umbrellas . . Scarfs
. . Sweaters . . Blankets . . Cotton Prints
. . Galoshes . . Rubber Boots . . Notions . .
Giftwares . . Men's and Boys' Wear .
Needle Art, etc.
Today !
Chromium and copper bon bon trays,
regular 11.00. to clear at DVC
Fancy davenport pillows In excellent quality
materials. Choose- today,
this lot
Boudoir and radio lamps In latest designs and
color schemes. Big assortment.
Choice ,
Large group of decorated china teapots
in all the wanted sizes and colors ....
Ever Ready dress shields. High grade, nf
50c. 35c regnlarly. Choose today at. . faDC
Clearance ot furniture polish and floor
wax. Standard qualities. Priced less..
Odds and ends of silk and cotton bias f
tapes. Reg. 10c, 15c quality. Now 2 for DC
'Handee' absorbent cotton, 2 os. for fa- ia
ciala, etc. Sanitary pkgs. Priced each 1UC
Rubber tea aprons in fancy designs and want
ed shades. Choose from this i a
lot at lUC
.Regular $1.98 Hickory girdles to close out.
See these in Notion Dept, main frt An
floor. Choice : Pl.UU
360 pairs of rayon and lisle sport hose, full
fashioned, all sizes. Wanted shades, rn
Ptr 59c
72 pairs of pure silk hose in this odd ja
lot in main floor hosiery dept. Choice u"C
Children's rayon plaited stockings.
Regular 35c quality, -i a
3 pair 50c, or pair 1"C
Children's strap dress pumps. Spe
cial lot, values to $3.50 QQ
pr. Choose In this sale at y AJf
Table women's pumps, ties, ox
fords. Values to $8. Not aj
all sizes In the lot Pair 3lf J
Women's rayon pajama slippers.
Cuban heels. Black or black a a
with red trim. Choice of lot OiC
Ballet dancing slippers. Black only.
All sizes, 3ft to 7.
Reg. $2.25. Choose at.
Choice of table-Boys' shirts, leath
er helmets, caps. Sleeveless O P
jackets and gloves 3C
Photo studio offers one large llx
14 tinted photograph of l CQ
you for only
10 00 yards fancy voiles, lingette,
Sello. batiste, English prints 1 Q
in special lot, per yd IOC
Women's swagger suits in brown,
green, wine and black. QC
14, 16, 20. Basement. . 3 )
Men's and boys' night shirts in
special lot. Basement oa
Priced at OuC
Women's Goodrich galoshes. Med
ium, high and low heels. aa
Basement y AUU
Boys and girls' shoes, sizes 8 to
2. Special clearance lot (1 a a
Choice , vl.UU
The biggest sale of Autogart socks
for men Miller's have ever
had. Choose 3 pairs for .... yl
Men's heavy white wool boot sox.
All wool, good quality. 4 nn
prs. for $1.00. or per pair C
Men's tweed trousers. All sizes, SO
to 36 waist Mostly wide An in
bottom styles. Pair 3o(lJ
Men's V-neck all wool coat style
sweaters with two pock- n Ag
ets. Heather mixtures.. vZJJ
Men's part wool Hanes and Mun
alngwear onion suits. f ja
Short and long sleeves ylTC
Womens' overnight leather travel
cases. Good quality cow aj
hide. Black and brown liSJ
One group men's suits to close out
during this January rn
clearance sale at. . . . y 1J3U
One group of men's all wool over
coats, greys, browns, fc7 QC
mixtures, etc. Choose, ys
Men's extra quality outing flannel
pajamas. Coat or slipon j a
style. Choice yl3J
Four-pound, large size plaid blan
kets, regular $2.75 val- i a a
ue. Basement special .. ylfO
70x80 Indian blankets In variety
of colorful patterns. in
Basement ylxO
Large sice bedspreads (seconds).
All are fast colors. QQ
Basement - OC
Regular 39c fancy cretonnes in 31
inch widths. Fast colors. 1Q
Basement lifC
Gossard foundations art
famed for their fashion
promoting lines aa well as
health. These MisSimpIi
city garments going on
sale today are our regular
$7.50 Gossarda in the fa
mous quality you've been
used to wearing. (Expert
fitting service).
930 Pairs
Full Fashioned
3 FOR $2.25
Here's a grand clearance
of several well known
brands of hosiery. Both
chiffon and services in the
beat shades for now. All
are full fashioned with dou
ble heel, sole and toe, ex
cept some of the dressier
chiffons which have cradle
sole for slipper wear. All
sizes. Some substandards.
Men's Socks
3 prs. $1.00
Values to $1.00
10 0 0 pairs of irregular
socks direct from country's
leading hosiery manufac
turer. These are slightly
hurt Hose selected from
65c, 75c and $1.00 quali
ties. Silk and wool, silk,
wool with or without the -famous
Autogart tops. It
will pay you to buy them
by the dozen.
A delayed Holiday ship
ment of full length dressy
ing mirrors go on sale at
this low price todayl
White, mahogany and wal
nut finished frames. Good
quality shock glass mirror.
Excellent for boudoir, hall,
bathroom, or kitchen.
Boys' all leather high top boots,
sizes 8K to 2. Basement $f a a
Shoe Dept. $JLJo
Men'a rubber boots. Knee length.
Sises I to 11. Buy now fri a a
and sare vlfO
Women's Completes reduced In
mis iue 10 ?&.oo, g.B0,
2.35 and
Women's outside rayon hosiery.
Reg. 9c ralue, 3 pairs Si, a a
or per pair... 0)C
Children's sleeping gowns, selling
regularly at 8c Base- a a
ment. 3 for l.UU
Large group of shoes, pumps, ox
fords, ties, brogues. Grey, black,
brown. Basement. frO 4 Ef
Choice $4
Women's French silk crepe com
bination suits selling regnlarly to
$3.00, now 1. JS 0i nn
nd $1.UU
Women's French silk gowns in
sises 1, it. Tearose an
only. Reg. 18.00. now.. 3ltQ
Women's Van Raalte SInglettes re
duces to $3.95, 12.08, ftf-AA
88.48. 81.08 and Pl.UU
Women's fine quality soft batiste
gowns. Hand embroidered, r A
Regular and out sizes. . . . OiiC
Women's silk gowns In satin and
French silk crepe. Regularly sell
ing to 88.50. Choice at fo ah
81.95 and $Z.95
One lot women's lounging paJaitf
as. Talues to 810. Siz A n
10. Clearance price 4?
-Seamprnf all silk slipa in shade.
One lot of women's Munsingwear
small. Vain $i.oo, a fln
now 8 for $1.00
Women's famous Luxlte Combras
s ere snnggies.: Only gmail
sises. Choose 4 f or . . ; $1
One group ot wool and silk dresses
in the season's desirable AiA
fashions. Choice $10
Group suk prints and plain woolen
dresses. Regularly aell- frT ftp
Ing at 8 18.0 S. Today at
On group of fur trimmed coats,
A big bargain here priced ... Z
One lot of print wash dresses sell
inr regularly at $2. Special no
clearance price JfOC
HiSh grade twin sweater sets and
regular sweaters, Talues to 84.95
g..i S2.98
Special group of suede and wash
able capeskln coats. High quality,
perfectly s 6 A ni:
Swimming- gaits of all wool. One
group of shies 82 to 42. Famous
makes. Clearance, Ai no
ch........f.. $1.5)8
Cotton Batt
Comfort Size
Group of Fur
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