The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1934, Page 8, Image 8

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Reinharfs Men Score Ten
.: Points Before Quintet
From North Starts.
EUGENE, Jan.' 9 W) A bril
liant second halt rally led by a
' .v.ncttnniinr forward. Huntley
McPhee, " gave- the Washington
Stat Cougars a 3 S to 3 0 victory
over the Oregon Webfoots here
tonight: This evens the series,
Oregon having - won Monday s
game 30 to 27.
Oregon led It to 14 at the end
t the first half, and, the Duck
defensive - was clicking nloely.
while tne weDiooi bhoiuibb
were having little trouble con
certing their tries. It looked dark
for the Cougars all during the
Opening canto, with the Oregoni
ans making 10 points at the
start of the game before the visi
tors scored.
As the second halt opened
Spook 'Robertson. Duck forward,
made it 21 to 14. Then McPhee
and Wills took charge of mat
ters; Banging in long shots with
monotonous regularity, and. with
.the occasional aid of their team
mates, they put J the tilt on ' Ice,
while the locals milled desperate
ly about, the court, unable to
check the rampaging Cougars. .
The .Washington State rally
was the more spectacular consid
ering Oregon led 10 to 0 after
the first six and half minutes .of
play -V; - .
McPhee put on a rollicking
riomnnstintlnn of not beinr able
to miss the basket. He collected
17 points on long shots, short
ones and tree throws.
Faced with the problem of try
ing to stop McPhee, the Webfoots
were forced to pay less attention
to the other Cougars. McPhee
covering his . own rebound that
tied the score at 21 to 21 In the
second half. Johnson added an
other, but Robertson scratched a
long shot to tie the score again.
. MePhee's gift shot conversion
returned the idad to Washington
State and Jis mid-floor long hot
hoisted the Cougar score beyond
- the reach of the striving Web
foots. .. .
' Robertson continued the -Oregon
sparkping, scoring 11 points.
W. 8. C. (38) O P TP
MePhee F .. 7 3 17
Johnson F . , . 2 2 6
Houston C .........2 2 6
Wills G 3 1 7
Bcott G .......1 0 2
Totals ..........15 8 38
Oregon (SO)
Robertson F
Berg F . . .
W. Jones C .
dinger O .
B. Jones G .
Gemmell F .
Miller -r F
Totals ; 10
Personal fouls: McPLee 3.
Houston,; Wills, Scott S, Prlver,
Holstine, Robertson, Berg, W.
Jones, Olinger, B. Jones 3, Gem
Free throws' missed slB: Jones
2. W. Jones, GemmelljtoMcPbee,
Johnson. V -:
Referee. Coleman, Oregon
SUte. ; Umpire," Adam. Willam
ette. E
SCIO. Jan. g. The Sclo and
- Shedd basketball teams divided
games Friday night when the Scio
girls defeated Shedd girls 41-25
: and the Shedd boys defeated Scio
boys, 13-14. Both games were ex
ceedingly fast. Irene Palon of
Scio with S3 points was high point
layer for the girls. N. Roberts of
Shedd was, high point man -with
r The lineupc: .
ScW Girls Shedd Girls
I. Palon JJ....F.fc,..il3 Clark
V. Palon 8 .. . F ..... .4 Springer
"Rodger ... . . JC. . . .... Farwell
Bartu SC .... A. Miller
Purdy ' . , . . , . .G. .V. . . ; .-Davis
- Frederick . . . G. .... . E. Miller
Moses .3;. .,..: Gardner
Sims; .. . .; . . . .8. . , . , . Gitbens
i Faltns ...... S v -
- 8cU Boys v Shedd Boya
Todd 6. ... . , .F. . , .8 Snod grass
XL Quarry . . t . FY, .. . .. 3 Nitzel
MacDonald 2..C. ..19 N. Roberts
Miller 3 G . . . .2 H. Roberta
Sims v. .....G.. , .T. Roberta
B. Qnarry 4...S... .... Layman
xPadala .S...M. Snod grass
. Gallegly -. . . . ..S. . . . . Dixon
' S..;...; Rntkert
: li?: S. Gelssbeck
. - - Referee, Miller. ; - "r - .-
. r-The next game for Sclo will be
with': the Plainvlew boys at Sclo
Friday, January ,1J.; The grade
boys, will probably play the pre-
: liminary game. : . . , .
Salem Aces and 4
Monmouth Scout
Team Divide Two
The .Salem Aces Journeyed to
Monmouth . Monday ' night and
played two games .with the Mon
. mouth senior scout' team on : the
high school :.loor." losing ' the
first game by. a 20-14 score and
winning tne second game zu-17.
First game: . - .. ,
Ace . -,v ., Monmouth
Ogura 1..T. . .. ,.F. : 4 . Hailed
S. Watanabe. . J. . 1 Moreland
Reed 7.........C... $ Parker
Kak 1 . ... .G .... . 2 Jensen
Llndstrom l...j.G.".. S Riddle
' Curry 2 ...S
Andrews 2 ..... 3 y .- .-.
-Second game: $ '.;
Aces . , ' j , ' " . i -s Monmouth
Nak l,....". J. '. .1 Murdock
They're in
NOTHER big tourney looms
this week-end for the tour
ing golf professionals as the
spotlight shifts from Los Angeles
to San Francisco, where the annual
Match Play Open is to be held. This
event is the only important golf
tournament of the year in which
amateurs and professionals mingle
tra a match-play basis, and, since its
inauguration some years back, has
proven a very popular event.
This year the Match Play Open
has attracted a very fine field, with
several crack amateurs in the list in
addition' to the formidable contin
gent of touring pros and the best
S. Watanabe . . . . F Haller
Reed 11..". .....C... 3 Parker
Ogura 4 G 1 Jensen
Curry 3. . . . .,.G. . . 12 Riddle
Linstrom 1 S
Dallas Will
Meet Frosh
On Thurs
DALLAS, Jan. 9. Dallas high
school will attempt a comeback In
the eyes of the basketball fans
Thursday when its plays a return
engagement with the Willamette
rosb here. The frosh won the
first game in Salem last week by
32 to 31 score.
Coach Shreeve will have prac
tically the same lineup for this
game as has - been used in the
past, selecting his team from the
following: Webb. Petre, Pleasant.
Fischer. Hamilton, Kliever and
Layher. .
Members of the girls' tumbling
team from the high school will
stage' a' performance between
halves of . the main game. This
team Is being coached by Miss
Helen Hull of the high school
Dallas started the season well
but lost Its stride during the Wil
lamette frosh game and has drop
ped two straight games since that
loss. After winning -Jwice from
Willamlna and once each .from
Falls City and Chemawa, the
locals dropped the' game! to the
frosh last Friday afternoon. They
opened a heavy stretch of games
at Eugene Saturday night when
they lost to University high, 19
to 16. Shreeve took the team to
Corrallls Monday night to tangle
with last year's district cham
pions, and the boys walked into
a 30 to IS defeat.
,., Dallas will have one more home
game before the A division of the
county league opens. Eugene high
school will furnish the opposi
tion in a. game next Tuesday and
the locals hope to even things up
for the defeat University high
handed them. Dallas will open its
county league series at Indepen
dence on Friday, January 19 . .
Rickreall Quint :
To Play Bethel
a In League Tilt
- RICKREALL, Jan. 9. The
basketball teams will resume their
conference games Friday when
they play Bethel high on Rick
reall's floor. .This will be a double
header with the Bethel girls play
ing the Rickreall girla.
Rickreall high team lost to the
Independence high second team by
ane-polt hero Friday nlghL The
score was 18-17. Art Chrlstenson
refereed. - ,.,-
, The Independence and Rickreall
high school 'girls also played.
tuckreau winning, 34 to .' -
A otT I Little. giant orthe
Vs" v . M I A ff 'X f A LOT OF DOUGH SO
"The pro brigade
the Money
paid talent on the Pacific Coast.
It looks as if little Paul Runyan
will be the man to beat this week
end, and in all the remaining winter
tourneys. Last year the affable Paul
won more tournaments than any
other pro, and just before the end
of the year ha took down the top
money in the 14,000 Pasadena open,
outdistancing the best field ever to
take part in that event.
Gene Saraxen, in his recent rat
ing, of the pros, listed Runyan
fourth. Gene seems to think that
Paul is rather frail for the wear
and tear of tournament competition.
However, the diminutive New
As was remarked in this col
umn Sunday, basketball schedules
are elusive things, because It's so
simple to bundle five or more
boys into a bus or a car or two
and transport them here and
there,' and therefore games may
be scheduled on short notice. We
now have it pretty definite that
the Willamette - Oregon Normal
game will be Friday night Instead
of Thursday night as was first an
nounced, and that the Bearcats
will play Columbia here Saturday
Willamette hasn't won a game
so far, but that's bo particular
disgrace; Its opponents having
been the Oregon State and Ore
gon teams which by now hav
proven that they are contend
ers in the Coast conference
race, and the Terrible Swedes.
Spec Kerne tent satisfied with
his team bat ft may look k lot
better against opponents sup
posed to be in Its own class.
The Oregon Normal outfit Larry
Wolfe will bring here Saturday
night in most uncommonly blessed
with all-state players; Salem has
contributed Kitchen and Burrell
and in fact the managers of inde
pendent teams hereabouts are
thinking ot starting a recall move
ment against Wolfe to keep him
from stealing their stars. Then
there are Mackey and Averill, from
Astoria high's state champion
team ot two years ago, ana xstaa.
who also hails from Astoria and
was the outstanding player of an
earlier tournament. Wolfe could
send an all-etate quintet onto the
floor.' but he also has Roy Ben
Jamln and "Doc" Allen, ex-Bear
cats, and Phillips, another vet
eran, j "'
Dunno whether we pat It over
in the clearest manner poasiblo
boat that "Shady Side bas
ketball team that Is being or
Eanlzetl here; r anyway - It's ' av
team of players who will aver
age 35 years old or more. And
by the way, the roster teat com
plete yet; .Any players of around
85 who want to, play, may sign
np by notlf ring this . column.
The team will need a lot of men
to get through a regular game
la case Dallas, Woodbnra, .611
ertoa and other communities
produce rival outfits. -., .. j
MOLALLA, Jan. 9 Molalla
high school hooksters suffered
their first defeat ot the season
Friday nigh, when they lost In a
close game with West -Linn there.
- i 1 1 . TimiT nni Trnr
" r. : I i nrnifiiin n r 11
Yorker's brilliant short game and
phenomenal accuracy off the tee
more than make up for his lack of
strength and driving power; and as
for ruggedness, he seems to be
standing the gaff very well to date.
A couple of veterans, MacDonald
cmv mA t n:.i win k.
among the favorites in the coming
Mae. of the famed Carnoustie
swing, and good old Eagle Diegel
have Deen flashing plenty of stuff so
far this winter, and either one of
them may lead the pack at San
OwntfM. Kit. K taw rwtant tjBlUat. In
The score was 16 to 18. Molalla
had formerly defeated Oregon
City in two games. Gladstone's
last minute rallying brought 19
to 27 defeat to Molalla grade
school in its first basketbaH game
here Friday night.
Stayton Beaten
By Mill City in
League Contest
STAYTON, Jan. 9. .Stayton
high school lost its first Marion
county B league game to Mill
City Friday night by a score of
26 to 24. Mill City's ability to
control the tip-off most of the
time contributed to Stayton's de
feat. Crabtree scored high for
Stayton with nine points while
Wallace led for Mill City with
The Stayton second team de-
leaiea me sum uuy secona team
by a score of 26 to 16.
Summary of main game:
Mill City
Wallace 17 ....P..
Carter 2 F. .
. 8 Keyes
9 Crabtree
3 Bell
McAuley 6 ... .C. .
Smith G.i
Kanoft 2 G.
. . 2 Boyer J
. . . McRae
Referee, Melson.
, . 2 Leffler
Junior Champ
Frankfe Parker. 17-year-old tennis
sensation, of Milwaukee, Wis dis
plays the medal that symbolizes bis
recent acquisition of the National
Junior Indoor Singles Champion
ship at New York. Parker, who is
being groomed for a Davis Cap
berth, also is holder of the national
. :; . . clay court title.
Right to Jaw- in Response
To Naughty Actions is -
Deciding Gesture "
Art Perkins, serious-minded Sa--
lem wrestler, took Robin Reed the
Great for two out of three falls
last night at the armory, winning
Just before the end of the hour
with a right to the law and an
easy body press. Perkins knocked
Reed silly for the- win after the
latter had been unkind enough to
grab large bunks of Perkins'
Reed had all the tricks, but Per
kins had all the ambition. Per
kins took the first fall with his
I favorite hold, a head scissors. In
Just 20-minutes. The head scissors
was very annoying to Reed, but
pleasing to the cash customers.
who seemed to like the home-town
boy no end. Reed grabbed the sec
ond tall in 15 minutes by sitting
on Perkins chest and Dlavine
with his toes, but from then on
the winner had the, edge.
Reed picked a row with Referee
Harry Elliot after the deciding
fall, and cooled off only when a
member of the audience squirted
water all over him. The -two grap
plers went out of the ring into the
first row of seats only once.
Tommy Heins of Burns took
two straight from Stan Crawley
after his lanky opponent had
earned the first fall. Crawley had
the edge during most of the
match, losing the final fall when
Helm kicked him In the Jaw and
laid him out. Crawley, a smooth
working trickster, had Heins in
several embarrassing positions un
til the break at the end.
Alfred Anderson won by default
from Murt Cram after the pair
had divided the honors for two
falls. Crum hurt his shoulder in
losing the second, and failed to re
turn for the third round.
AUMSVILLE. Jan. 8. One of
the fastest and most exciting girls
basketball games ever witnessed
here was that played with the Jef
ferson girls here Friday night,
Jefferson winning 5 to 6. At the
half the score stood. 0-0. It was
in the last few minutes of the
third quarter before Jefferson
converted a one-point foul shot.
In the last quarter a few fouls
were called on Aumsville players
with the visitors scoring. Later
both teams made field goals and
at the final whistle the score was
5 to 6 for Jefferson.
The lineups:
Aumsville Jefferson
Riesterer F Barnes
Garbe F Dunkel
Bradley JC Cole
Cupp SC MacKee
Snoddy G Weddle
: Shellenberger . G Roland
McDonald S...... Thurston
Getchell S
Roberts S
Weitman S
RiBChell S
The boys' game was also, excit
ing and hard fought, with first
lone team scoring then. the other.
but the home team won, 18 to 19.
The lineups:
Anmsville Jefferson
Lebold F Marcum
Prunk F. Getchell
(Ogle C Hart
Morgan G........ Harris
Hendry . .... .G....... Gramleg
Foster S . . Wright
Starrett ...... S... Marges
Bates S Gulvin
t51UG 15 IT CIS if ML
On Great Rally,
Defeat Orioles
The Orioles were defeated by
the Blue Birds, It to 7, Monday
noon at Parrish. It was the best
game played in the Bird league
so far. The Blue Birds were trail
ing, 7 to 6, until the last minute
ot play.
Blue Birds
.. Carson
2 Roland
4 Watson
1 Brobks
Quamme 2 F
Kenfield 2 F
Lowe 6 C :
Sweigert 1 G
Llndstrom .;:......G.-
Referee, Mason.
The Cougars defeated the
Panthers, 10 to 4, Tuesday noon
in a Jungle league game.
Hoffman 1 ,
. Wilkinson
1 Philips
. 2 McDonald
Driggs 6 .
Elliot ...
i Olson
Stubberfleld 2 S
Benson 1 8
Valley Motor is
Winner at Gates
By 40-28
'- The ..Valley Motor V-8 basket
ball team scored a 40 to 28 vic
tory over the Gates town team,
leader in the Cascade league, Mon
day night on the Gates floor. Grif
fith, former Willamette university
forward," scored almost enough
points to win. . Gates' reserves did
most ot the scoring for the home
team. ' ' ' ' . ' . ?
? Lineup: r - - , " '-.vr-Valley
Motor 4 . "-sf- Gate
Lemmon 4 .J F. Kayward
Griffith. 25 ...F... Seamater
N. Gleason 1 -CL Bowes
Hendrle 4 :..:..:...G ...... Klutke
O. Gleason 2 G,,.' f Goodwin
Gies 4 ..S-. 10 C. Ball
' - . . ' , - B...,.. 8 Kline
4 W Ball
, Brushing Up
. i
- , - -
xj . j' 5 j
I " VI r
Preparing for his championship bont with Prim Camera, Tommy
Loughran (left), perennial contender for fistic honors, engages in a brisk
workout with Ed Houghton, his stable mate, at Philadelphia. Loughran
is to battle the riant Italian at Miami. Fla next month.
Salem High Noses Out Win
32 to 30 Over Willamette
Freshmen; Overcome Lead
The Salem high school basket
ball team was hard pressed to
maintain its undefeated status
Tuesday night when it
nosed out a 32 to 30 victory over
the Willamette freshmen.' Bran
don,, freshman center, looped a
long shot with about 20 seconds
left to bring his team up to
striking distance, and cast off
again Just before the final
whistle but the shot went wide
and Salem high won by that mar
The freshmen, looking better
than in any previous game, bad
things largely their own way in
the first half and led 17 to 12
at its close after holding a 12 to
5 lead at one time.
"Ike" Wintermute began loop
ing the basket from long range
to cut down the margin late in
the first half, and continued his
"hot" streak throughout the third
period, quickly overcoming the
CHEMAWA, Jan. 9 Follow
ing is the Chemawa basketball
schedule of games yet to be play
ed: January 10, Gervais, here.
January 12, Oregon City, there.
January 13, Benson Polytech
nic, here.
January IS, Gervais, thsre.
January 19, Benson Polytech
nic, there.
January 20, Monmouth, there.
January 23, Salem high, there.
January 30, Oregon City, here.
February 1, Ashland, there.
February 2, Medford there.
February 3, Medford, there.
February 13, Sllverton here.
February 23, Silverton there.
February 27, Salem high, here.
The Chemawa team has played
six games so far winning from
Monmouth, Woodburn, and two
games fsom Jefferson. Dallas and
Ashland r high schools have been
Dutra Shoots 9
On 3-Par Hole;
Cost $100 Each
The par 3 seventh hole . at the
Los Angeles Country club where
Olin Dutra, former P. G. A. cham
pion took nine strokes on the
final round : of the Los Angeles
open yesterday will go down in
history as one of the most ex
pensive to any golfer.
Every shot ; the smiling Span
iard from Santa Monica took over
par cost him 3100.84, and made
the difference, in his prize money
3605.05. He; collected $220.01
today tor a! seventh place tie in
stead of the second place he
might have had.
First Home Game
Slated Tomorrow
SILVERTON, Jan. 9. West
Linn will play Silverton here Fri
day evening. Sllverton. defeated
Woodburn Friday last at .Wood
burn, 45 to It, and the game here
Friday night is looked forward to
with considerable interest as it is
the first .game ot the season that
the home people will have an op
portunity t4 see their boys in
- f i- ' 111 111
Sale of Seattle
: Club is Delayed
A I ' '. ' !
- SEATTLE. Jan. VPi Henry
Broderick, who with . Judge Char
les Morlarty was invited to act as
for Title Bout
freshman lead and with some
help from Peters shoving Salem
high up to a 25-22 advantage as
the quarter ended. During this
period in wnich saiem zorgea
ahead, the freshmen had a second
combination on the floor, which
did not work quite so effectively
as the first.
Coach Lestle Sparks' first
group of players took the floor
again for the last quarter and
Salem high continued to gain, but
tne iresnmen an out caught up
at the end with Goebel and Bran
don looping the hoop from afar.
Salem High Freshmen
Roth 2 F.... 7 Goebel
Wintermute 18.. F.... 4 Whipple
Peters 10 .C . . . 9 Brandon
Engel 2 .G . ... 3 Harvey
DeJardin. G.'. .. 3 Mosher
S 1 Alley
8 1,' -i.2Vejsteeg
S. 1 Wortendyke
Referee, Tom. Drynan.
"friendly receivers" of the Seattle
club and franchise of the Pacific
Coast league, declared tonight that
the transfer had not been effected
and the situation was "still at a
Scio, Plainview
To Play Friday;
Graders9 Prelim
SCIO, Jan. 9 The Scio boys'
basketball team plays Plainview
boys here Friday, in the second
league game of the season.
The probable line-up will be
Sims, Todd, MacDonald, Miller,
and R. Quarry, with Gallegly, B.
Quarry, Padula, o. Crenshaw, and
Lukenbach substituting. Prelim
inary games will b played by
me Kraae ooys ana girls. .
FREE Rubber M
Men's Soles $EoIB
Boy's Soles
Lady's Leather heels
v.,.-.,.. ;
Hen's Leather heels
Lady's Rubber heels
Men's Rubber heeis . . . . ; .25c;
: I-, -':- ' .- ,cv . L-M i .... .' ' .
Converters Nose Out 31-29:
Win 'Over Pay'n' Takit;
r.TeachersWin Out '
.Western Paper Converting eked
out two-point victory, 31 tp 29,
over the Payn' Taklt in the fea
ture game Of the Minor .Ctty-T.
basketball - league aeries at - me
Y. M. C. A.' Tuesday night E.
Hale - led j the winners with 13
points, f ; . ' ': ' ' '
Square Deal Radio defeated
Oregon Paper, 30 to 18, and the
Teachers, though minus the aid of
Harold Hank who had been their
best scorer to date, defeated Kay
Woolen Mills, 24 to 10, in a game '
that was exceedingly tight in its
earlier stages, the first period
ending 2-all.
Major league games Thursday-
night at Parrish will be Willam
ette freshmen vs. Willamette Car
dinals at 7 o'clock, Pade's vs.
Kay Mills at 8, Parker's rs. Val
ley Motor V-8 at 9.
O'gon F'r (18) (SO) So,'re Deal
Kimple 4 J-
..F. 7 Cross
Craig 3
. 6 H. Singer
CI 10 Parris
G 3 Good
-.0. . 4 Elliot
Allison 7 ,
Lewis 2
Raynor .
Hughes 2 S. - Lamfcin
Pay'n Ta't (29) (81) Wea'n JTper
Park 12 F.. 6Shermaa
N.Hale 8 F Parker
Forgard 2 C
. 6 Each
S Kitchen
..... 2 Hale
(24) Teacher
; Flesher
6 Brown
14 Gilmoro
,, . Cranor
Bason? fG
Morgan . G
Kay Mills (10)
Campbell 4 F
Antrlcan ; F
Page 2 C
Shaffer , - , n
Carr 2 .G..
Rudin 2 S 4 Drynan
Referee, Lemmon.
Dallas Juniors
To Open Season
On Friday Night
DALLAS, Jan. 9 Members ot
the Dallas Junior high basket
ball team will open their season
here Friday night against a team
from Monmouth. A preliminary
game will be played at 7:30 be
tween to teams from the high
school and there will be a tumbl
ing act between halves of the
main game.
The junior high team is coach
ed by Almos LeFors and Jo
seph Hartley and has Been prae-Icing-
for some time. Proceeds
rrom me game win be used to
buy needed basketball and base
ball eqnipment-f or the school. -
Gxade. Hoopers
Ot Stayton Win
STAYTON, Jan. 9. The Stay-,
ton grade school boys and girls',
teams defeated the Aumsrllle
teams on the local floor Friday
afternoon. This gives Stayton two
victories in the grade school
league, having previously defeat
ed MTTl City.
Corbett Plans
Ring Comeback
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 9. (ff)
Young Corbett III, former world's
welterweight champion, who an
nounced yesterday his intention of
returning to the ring wars, was
wired an offer tonight by Tom
Gallery, promoter of tbe Olympic
auditorium, to meet the winner of
the Ceferlno Garcia-Bobby Pacho
ngnt nere next Tuesday, night.
s Soles g2
5 to (f5
t0 Olio
10c to 25c Z -
ft '.
I '