The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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    "'ac9 t.iiOi.f trATiIC:,IAN.: Cakru
Orcgoa Weiiae&Iay tlan&i jy J&asary-IO 1S34 -
PAGH five
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Local News! Briefs
Hearing Dates Bet The east
ern Oregon Light and Power com
pany has filed a protest against
the budget order ot C&arles M.
Thomas, state utility commission
er, reducing the salary of Its
president, J.- P. Palllan, of : Mil
waukee, Wis-, la the amount et
K1500, and eliminating service
tees of -$S450 to. the Columbia
construction company ; also iot
Milwaukee. Hearing of the protest
has been set, for January. 24-in
Portland. Thomas announced; An
other hearing involving the pay
meat o 13600 to C. B. Glllet ot
Baltimore, Md., president ot the
Hermiston Light t Power com
pany. has beet- set ; for January
... --"":.- .-Hi .-'-?:;- - ..
Harryi Merle and Harold Gwynn
now located at 3z state St.
To Make Award Today J.
M. Sehon, deputy state insurance
commissioner. today will aware.
Hre chief badges to Richard Blair
.A'-. and Joan George,- winners of
- X third and fourth places. In the
recent essay contest on tire pre
vention In the home. The contest
was confined ' to the Portland
schools. Firsthand second place
winners were Robert Kean and
Alice Prentiss. Collegiate scholar
ships were awarded to these win
ners. ,? " .
Devers Leaves Thursday J. M,
Devers.1 attorney for the state
highway eomnJsslon, who went to
Washington several weeks ago to
confer with public works adminis
tration officials with relation to
the loan application, covering the
five bridges on the Oregon Coast
highway, has telegraphed that .he
will leave on his return to Ore
gon Thursday. Officials Bald a
meeting of the hlghwsy commis
sion would be called within a day
or two after Derers returns.
Johnnv Robinson, Daace, Mellow
CasselUns, Burrell Pay - An
thony Cassellius, 165 Judson
street, whom city police arrested
yesterday for tailing to stop his
"V'-r car at a through street, paid a $1
i :.tine in municipal conrt. accord-
Ing to court records. James Bur-
, rell. SO North 20th street, who
V on being arrested last month
reckless driving, promised to pay
jV 1 5 fine within ten. days, brought
iiJ-the money to Municipal Jndge
Poulsen yesterday.
Harry." Merle and Harold Gwynn
, lni.f.4 at ie.9. Statu 3t
i Runaways Caught Two 14
Tt year-old boys who ran a war from
-f -i.v LUCli uuuico ca v A va imiuu v j
.Gwere apprehended at the Southern
v Pacific depot hre yesterday by
"ielty police. The lads, Elden Scott
:iid Verne Street, said they, were
" "V no tvftla vlavai r)to Knva KoV fn
a. uig a cidj va iuc wjta umv v
y Portland last night.
Erickson Fined $2.50 Donald
"HErickson, 895 Chemekefa street,
y whose automobile was Involved In
'X ilrocti SatnrrfnT . nfpht. TM(nliiT
. r , j i v i
2 , ( t a A J.
--. -t appearea municipal c o u r i iu
i "v plead guilty to a charge'of driving
with a void operator's license. He
paid the $2.50 penalty imposed by
fudge Mark Poulsen.
Dance tonight, Johnny Bobinson,
Mallow Mnnn 9Rp ,
BTamml on Board Mrs. C. W.
" iayhnrst ot Portland Tuesday
ras reappointed a member of the
v ' " our year term, the executive de-
tartment announced. Other mem-
ers of the commission are Dorr
J X. Keasey and , Henry M. Renin.
yr--r oth of Portland. The state wel-
, A are commission was created in
rT-f-- 'Warrants Are Called Call
, teo payment of general fund war-
r .T -tnis inoorsed noi paia ior want
- funds" during the period No-
mber 21 to 30, inclusive, was
"j xued Tuesday by Rufus C. Hol-
r', state treasurer. Approxl-
- .iL e a a aaa a 1...1..J i
yW--)hl Wood Wanted White
? A and hemlock both barked
t unbarked. i If interested in
Irnishing wood write or call at
je office of Spaulding Pulp &
sper Co., Newberg, Oregon.
Kavanaagh Has Crash Joe M
.ivanaugh, 25 North 23rd street,
,ported to city, police yesterday
tat his car was involved in a
-lUslon with a machine whose
river he did not identify, at
lurch' and Ferry streets. 'There
sre no injuries.
. I.MMgto to Preach Dr. Louis
V -Wi-i'1n district an norln ton riant will
. ' n . MT - " . . rw mma
.'etch at the Leslie Memorial;
u.ySJL urch Wednesday evening at
f ;30. Officers ot all church organ-
Vs. - stions and teachers of the church
I , 40oI will find this of particular I
j-;-"erest;, i
s . To - Spend $180- Repairs cost
. i $180 will be made soon to a
. V.- 'elling at 330 Bush street, ac-
Yj rding to a building permit is-
. 4 ejyta: 2d yesterday
,re ."3i , owner...
to Mrs. E. D. Jack-
Conrbt2 Events
January 10 -Salem Busi-
ami Men's league 8 p. mM
sm jr utycrs , u iicr &i
change. -
January 12 wmamette
va Oreson NormaL baaket-
. V.. January 13 Willamette
Colombia, basketball. -)
January ' 15 Salem school
v. auam eiecuon on o,uuu
"i- i sond Issue, -'i ; - . ;
Jannary 10 Salem v.
" January 19 Eugene
TSleemen. Boy Ecouts Bene
fit. Salem armory. '
January 80 Roosevelt
rthday ball, armory.
February 18 Reserve Of
4cers' association of liarion
iid Polk counties, formal
oilltary ball honoring lia
r , General George A.
'bJte. ,
Com tie Pay Tazea Unpaid
last hill state property taxes for
the-year im aaeregate 417,238.
ana lor the first ban 1710, ru-
fus c Holman, state treasurer,
announced i Tuesday; Jefferson
county still owes a small balance
of first half taxes. -Counties yet
to remit., either Is whole or part
xor the last half, are Crook. X6.-
78. Curry $2261, Deschutes, J 5,-
033, Grant. $1100, Jefferson. $
811, Polk, $5044, Sherman $6144,
Wheeler $3023. -
Gram Books Conferences Con
ferences will be held la Portland
Jannary It and Salem Jannary
20, to revise orders regulating the
employment or women in garment
and clothing, actlTitles and ta es
tablish the price for bean, pickers
the coming; year,: Charles Gram.
state labor commissioner, announ
ced Tuesday. The conferences will
be conducted by the state welfare
W. C Wlnslow, Roy Hsrland and
S. M,' jJBdicott hare moved their
offices from the Guardian Build-
ins ta 46ft IT&son'e Rnildltir.
Landscape Class to Meet The
regular weekly Garden club class
will be held Wednesday, evening
in the Y.W.C.A. at 8 o'clock. T.
Paul Dutcher, landscape architect.
is the teacher. Each member is re
quested to bring a sketch of his
or her landscape place as it now
exists. Discussion will center about
the plans brought in. Suggestion
for Improvement and development
win be made.
Patronize home Industry. Ask for
Salem beer.
Knox Law Test Today Argu
ments of attorneys in the suit
brought by the city of Klamath
Falls to test the constitutionality
- k a : q Tv t '5W' cancellation ot $414,000 of certifl
wUl be heard here today by Judge cates owed the state nlus the in
L. G. Lewelling of the Marion
county circuit court. George Neu-
ner, attorney for the State Liquor
commission, will represent the
state, while Elton Watkins will
appear for Klamath Falls.
Seeks Divorce Ida Lucille
Robison filed suit yesterday for
a divorce from Glenn Robisen to
whom she was married October
14, 1932. She says he deserted
her shortly after they were mar
ried. She asks $10 monthly for
the support of their one child.
Code Hearing Set Hearing on
a petition for a marketing agree
ment and code among manufactur
ers and distributors of the ice
cream and frozen milk products
in Oregon, will be held here Jan
uary 18, Max Gehlhar, state di
rector of agriculture, announced
yesterday. .
Glv ens - Barber Shop, 482 Court.
Ch. 25c, Ad. 35c. For. Gwynns.
Seek $3500 A mortgage fore
closure action designed to collect
$3500, Interest and costs, was in
stituted here yesterday by Fred
C. and Eva C. Ritner against J.
D. Hill and others.
See Chemeketa Players tonight.
Final Account In S. E. Co-
burn, executrix of the will of the
late W: M. Coburn, filed her final
account yesterday In probate court
Seeks arooo suit to foreclose
a mortgage note for J1000 was
commenced in circuit court here
yesterday by Julia Gallic against
John T. and Francis May Meyers.
Judge 111 Continuing illness
has kept Judge John Siegmund
away from his desk at the court
house the forepart of this week.
Drop Land Grant
Claims, Advised
Guy Cordon, attorney at Rose-
burg for Oregon counties receiv
ing land grand moneys from the
federal government, has advised
members of-the court here not to
press claims for the unpaid 1932
balance. Such an attempt, Cordon
thinks, might lead to repeal of
the Stanfield act which provided
moneys be retundel to the coun
ties from government income
from its land holdings therein.
Last year Uncle Sam restricted
the disbursements to the counties
to the amount of money actually
received from timber sales. This
amount as less than one-half the
counties' claims against the fed
eral government. Marion county
received approximately $3500' on
a 67100 claim.
Diphtheria CdSe
Is Yea fs First
The tint case of diphtheria oc
curring in Marion county in 1934
was reported Monday to Dr. Ver
non A. Douglas, county health of
ficer. The patient, a two year old
boy living in the Parrlsh junior
high school district, has only a
mild case of the disease and as
tar as known has only been in
contact witn two other persons.
: O
. births
Rose To Mr. and Mrs. Fred
erick .Theodore, Rose. Woodburn.
a girl, Beverly Mae, born Janu
ary 3 at saiem Deaconess bospi-
. Charlie Chan
Chinese Medicine
& Herb 'Co.
New Method With
i out Operation -3
I S. B. FOXG, Herb Specialist "
Eight years' practice In China.
Use all Chinese herbs tor piles,
kidney, bladder, stomach, ca
tarrh, constipation, glands,
rheumatism, tumor, asthma,
headache, liver, male atd fe
male troubles r . 11 years of
service. " - ' - - : :
123 N. Commercial SL, Salem
Office Honrs 9 to 8 P. M.
Sundays 9 to 11 A. '
Interest on Bank Deposits
Of Public Funds Issue ;
Of Genera! Import
Two Important cases, one In
volving , the payment of . interest
to cities and counties on aeposits
In banks, and the other involving
contracts affecting more than
1400 dairymen in Multnomah and
Washington counties, hare been
set for argument-by the state su
preme court for January. 17."
! Tl"he first ot the two cases was
brourht by the Grants Pass and
Jeeepkine County bank against
the city of Grants Pass. Attorneys
aid,' this case would affect; all
banks in Oregon which carry de
Dosits of DOlitical subdivisions and
would settle for all time alleged
conflicts between state .and-fed
eral ; laws concerning; such . de
posits. Tho lower conrt held : tor
the city of Grants Pass,
The other case was tiled by the
Dairy Cooperative ot - Portland
against the Brandes creamery to
recover the purchase price ' on
grade B milk and cream in the
amount of $4500,' and to enjoin
L violation of a written contract in
which the creamery was alleged to
have agreed to purchase milk and
cream from the plaintiff;
Another case, set for hearing
January 19, lnyolves the right of
the state to cancel certificates of
indebtedness ot irrigation districts
in order to make refinancing
possible, largely through federal
loans. This suit was filed by the
Warm .Springs irrigation district
of Malheur county against Rufus
C. Holman, state treasurer.
The proceeding involves the
terest charges. The decision in
the case will affect 11 other simi
lar districts and certificates hav
ing - a face value of $2,300,000
Officials said refinancing plans
were contingent upon the state
cancelling these certificates of in
debtedness. Cancellation of these certifi
cates was ordered by the state
reclamation commission. C. E.
Strlcklin, secretary of the com
mission, said the state would
benefit materially in case these
certificates were cancelled for
the reason that the irrigation
districts could then proceed with
their refinancing program. Such
a decision also would restore
these lands to the tax rolls. An
adverse decision would result In
loss to both the state and the
settlers, Stricklin declared.
The court has set January 18
for hearing the disbarment pro
ceedlngs involving Frank McMini
min of Portland, who Is charged
with loaning funds of a client
without proper security. The
charges were filed by the Mul
tnomah County Bar asoclation.
Another disbarment proceeding
involves J. G Arnold of Port
5.. '
Mutual Savings9
Resources Total
$399,125, Report
Resources ot the Mutual Sav-
ngs & Loan asoclation of this
city totalled $399,125 at the cloce
ot 1923, the semi-annual state
ment released yesterday by the
concern's officials shows. Chief of
the assets were mortgage loans to
talling 6298,601, Real estate own
ed or sold on contract amounted
to $70,000.
Members Investments aggregate
$360,390, A. A. Lee, secretary, re
ported. Only $1000 in matured
certificates are immediately pay
able. Payments Into the asocla-
tion are reported to be increasing
ana demands for withdrawals
diminishing. The association has
thus far received $24,000 in ad
vances from the federal home loan
Tonight, 7:30
Auction Market
1610 N. SOIMER ST.
-... ,
Used velonr davenport aad
chair, oak ext. table, chairs
and buffet, oak rockers, all
leather rocker, breakfast ta
ble and 4 chairs, new linole
um remnants, -new linoleum
rugs, chiffonier with mirror,
ivory dresser, used steel bed,
; coil spring, cotton mattress,'
choice home canned fruit,
oak library table, bookcase:
and writing desk combina
tion, bedding, blankets, cur
tains, drapes, phonograph
and records, elec. floor lamp,
stand table, bird cage, ma
hogany writing desk, miscel
laneous furniture coming In
Cash Paid for Used
Phone 5110
Call e&10. Used : Parnltere .
DepnrUnent , - j-
..tSi North " Blffh v-W
-New V. S. Attorney Takes Off ic&
! . ' f;
?--'- - -ssfe . -, i
While Postmaster General Jamef A. Farley (left) looks on approvingly,
Martin Conboy (right) takes the oath as United States District Attorney ,
for New York. Judge Martin T. Mantom la administering the oath.
Attorney Conboy was appointed by President Roosevelt, whom he served
as counsel in the Seabury-Walker hearings.
Troop 12 Enjoys
Annual Surprise;
Miller is Donor
Members of Boy Scout troop
12, sponsored by Jason Lee Meth
odist curch, were given their an
nual surprise taffy pull Monday
night at the church. In addition
to the 50 troop members present,
Nyal Aspww XeiWevS
For WxVxhei. cokk, few
MUPoioic laeaMallc snfcis
KO-5-ente 2 (or 50e
Nyol hJISSk el Mognesisi
For mod Madi omd Itmet
iadigatfKM ond out.
socWipw 2 (or 50e
Nyl fertfctag Akc4
Kafmhes Bred we mmdm
2 lor 50e
- Myse)tol Te)ot!i Pos4e
SSc taU 2 for 25c
Far (form and mvtaiar i
iwtf ihak cm nib pain crMap.
60c borf, 2 for GOC
Nyal VaporiaiWg Sohre
HmtJ and 6m caU yU M
(ooStino wopeo aad penetrotutg om.
Lwo. 50c 2 br 50C.
NyeJ Cold Copsvfes
Quid rmimf irom coidi ond Uod
odha, pml oad pouMv ia odhjfc
50c box 2 for 50C
Nyol Face Cream
A pwexid wananiAB amam ikat
tchmnt and- vrfciteM St skin, i
Lwge 50c ior 2 for 50C
Klcci'tt lied
" 50cboU 2for50C
tt, boa asd Wise
Bvildt robvst kaiih ed nek
red Wood deilciovs vne nower.
$100 bcU 2 for $1.00
MMr ftWoati and raclnng OttwovW
Xeodar 50c Use 2 for 50C
NyeJ VasuUa Eafrexf
A pmrn (wft-ammgA Koaor-?
J 6omt met baU or w owt
3 evnceboifle 2 for COC
NydHlakkTaototf :
Ins popwior ossoans IsMoHtny
otnoyisoieoad always edeaWe.
'35 Bo 100 2 for 35C
. Lazacold Tablets
Joke ot the first tiflV of
colds, aWk fanW dhmnMlf
! 25c bo.' 2 for 25C
r Nyal Hwsbeys
A sooriting iocengw ior Wnky
sVoal ond bronoSiol irriiofion.i .
- 15c boa 2 for 25C
it ) Ve
r h .
Lonnd WfiBD
1 " '
Jack Dasch, committeeman from
troop 16 at Liberty, with troop
officers paying a visit to trooo
12, came in for part of the party.
Ray Miller ot Marshfleld. form
er scoutmaster of troop 12, this
year paid the expenses ot the
treat which Gordon Black tradi
tionally prepares. Don Douris is
scoutmaster and Alrin Games as
sistant scontmaster for the group,
which is planning a special ob
servance of Lincoln's birthday.
Your Nyal Service Drag Store
Court and Liberty
1 t I,, Mjl ,J y 9
wkv yvesfyf if yui
two standard, M-eized Itow
yo bey oaewe give yoe
"Form - fit" sanitary
pads, deodorised and
rery absorbent.-
or 25c
01 3 ox. bottle
2 F
Qyeann end Rose Water 3 oz. botne....
Baric Add Cry, or Powder 2 oz. box......
Tlednfe of lodlne-l oz. boftie. .- ......
E1. WnckHozei 8 oz. bonU
MercsroenrosM Sokinoa H oz. bottle,...
Peve Ensean Sottsld oz. box. .
Nyol Wane Lhdisel 50c bottle. .......
NyoJ While Pine ond Tor 50c bottle .. .
Razor Blades
Ptaywg, Cards
Linen Enith, bridge
size deck
2 For 50C
2 for 25c
Vicetay Watch
Keeps accurate time.
to give satis
faction and
long service.
2 for U-50
Double edged
blodes. Pockoae
of 5
8 beantifnl rUUnom Banded Glasses with C A '
BAe tnhn Nvdnta Toothnaste...ALIi for-wwC-
Ciiocolate Coated CKerries, 2 one-ppund boxes..... i.;w.......50c .
25c Jig Saw Puzzle ......... 2 for 23
25c Kleenex i .2 for 25
JMks Krank'n lather Kreem ....... rorS5
10c Wave Set
79c Electric Carting Irons . ....... . . .2 for We
7Ss Reliance Hot Water Bottles ..... .8 for 75c,
wn i 4 a
yv OOipsrta
Compromise Case, Checks
Made Good; Mrs. Ermete
Held for. Multnomah ...
Cases of the trio arrested In
Medforu on cheek charges filed
here were disposed of In justice
conrt yesterday, with a compro
mise Teached for. H, V?'. Rlggle
and Mrs;. Robert P. Hunt and
Mrs: - tJ; A H. Ermete found ; ot
guilty. All were charged with
knowingly uttering and publish
ing forged checks.. -
Justice of the ' Peace , Miller
Hayden, who heard the cases, dis
missed the f orery phase : of
charges against Rlggle and Mrs.
Hunt,, but held they knowingly
gave checks without . sufficient
funds. Early yesterday, morning a
compromise between the district
attorney's office and defense at
torney. W, w. McKlnney, was
made and the two cases dismissed
on payment of a total of $69.60
on RIggle'a count, $31.66 on Mrs,
Hunt and' $9.60 tor Mrs. Ermete.
The costs including making good
checks passed here totaling $29
for the three, court costs and
two - thirds of the costs ot the
police officer's trip to Medford
to Teturh the trio here.
Though freed of the charge
here, Mrs. Ermete was still in the
county jail last night, as Mult
noman county officials nave a
warrant for her on charge ot
passing a bad check at the Llpp-
man & Wolf store in Portland.
In the trial before Judge Hay-
Jen yesterday, it was developed
the three checks pas ed here were
given to Rlggle, Mrs. Hunt and
Mrs. Ermete by real individuals
In payment on correspondence
Day Drug Needs
Sor the price
S. m . - nlL I, - --. J - sVA t
vopw ora wm ttviosreov pof
of fee sosm Iclsd or nW scbm price for
ousdisf bee. Com eceiy, tkp end
; :
Muriel Atfor Toiletries at M2 for 1H
MurieJ Astor Toiletries include every requisite for
a complete Home beauty treatment, every necessity
forboavtiuiKairaftdKands skinand complexion.
Almond Crean with Benzol . . . Brfflkmllne . . . Ponder
Bom Crean . . , Tonic Astringent . . . Cocoa Butter
NeQbt Crotsfli Hoi Wqtv Foot Powdesc
Spwal Hand Lotioa . . . Centphor iced Skin Crea
. . . Tnwe Crean . . . dooming Crean . . . Deep Pore
Oeonser . . t Rose Water, Gtycerle and Benzoin. All
reotfioT 50c voiwes
Yoot Qtoke ;:::;: 2 for 50c
2 for 25c
2 for 25c
2 for 15C
2 for 25c
2 for 25c
2 br 53c
NyeJ Com Pads
2 bars
Actually take corn
right ovrt 25c box
of 12 pods
2 for 25c
Saelkry Du.tln PowdW 5Qc tin
IWiO CeowU. 50cbox-. .......
Nyol Eye Drop. 50c-vaIee.....J.
Epnedthie Coegs Syrep SOc ti2er. ......
EpeedriM Masai J0y-50c lube
Aalgk Bola-50c hjbe..
Nyol Apiri-TaUw.-25c box of 24....
Lnrie Urn Pills 5c box..
NyMpfol ToOfll Bl'nVenW e a a a a e
IS? Linen Envelopes
I . - r. court at, uberty
eourses told by the trio, thus
eliminating the . forgfry charge.
However defendants knew that
the checks were eot backed by
sufficient funds, it wm admitted.
The Hunts. Ermetes and Rlg
gle have been traveling over the
country :f selling, correspondence
school courses, it developed. Rig
gles put up $500 cash ball short
ly after his arrest. . . t
Request to withdraw the recall
petitions .against Governor Meier
was received at the state depart
ment Tuesday from F. W. Stevens
ot Goldson. one of the principal
sponsors of the movement Stevens
informed . the secretary of state
that In requesting withdrawal ot
the petitions he spoke for the Lane
County Recall association.
"We do not feel that we are
justified in adding to the tax bur
dens by special elections ot spe
cial session of.- the legislature,'
Stevens wrote.
Attaches ot the secretary ot
state's office said that as far as
they, knew no' petitions actually
bad been placed in circulation.
Officials attributed the recall
movement to small track, owners
who were dissatisfied with the
1933 bus and truck act.
KEIZER, Jan. 9. Miss Neva
Pelterling, who is attending Nor
mal school at Monmouth, was a
week end guest of her cousin,
Erma Cole. Robert Unruh, who
underwent an operation recently,
returned to Kelxer Sunday after
spending a Week with his par
ents in Portland. He is In school
Telephone 3444
A 9$ r? J, - -a .. f- a - 1
i oppoovviry to pvy
lU pc
sovo en evryoay Dwg NJ.
Adhesive Plaster
A bandy household ne.
Five yard 1 -inch reL
2 for 25c
VI Vegetal for Skarioa--35c bottle.. ....... 2fo735c
Rose Hair Oil 25c bottle. ....... 2 For 25C
Nr D Lsxe Powder-7Sc box.. 2for75c
Tedet Water S130 bottle, Z for
Q Ml Costpoct Roege 50c box. 2for 35C
Nyeis Taken) PowoW 25c tin 2 For 20c
NyfoHs Baby Taicwa 25c tin...- 2for25C
LadW Die whig Coab 8 in. size...... 2 For 50C
Men's Pocket Cob in case 2 for 15c
Toons trashes
Cocoa Soap
bevel or
Excellent for toilet,
bath or shampoo.
Large 10c bar-
tufted ends.
2 for 50c
2 f Of 50C
' Gwaranteedl
Alarm Clack
Sturdiry const arcted.
with con-;
Special '
2 for $1.53
F El E E !
Cannon Bath Towel, heavy, 24Mx48M, free n
with erollaZaloTonetTlssae..ALIifor dUC
75c Reliance Fonfala Syringes 3 for 75c
l.OO Stellar Hot Water Bottles . . . 2 for f IJOO
1.00 Stellar Fonntaia Syringe ... .8 for f 1J0O
50c Stationery, 24 sheets, 21 envelopes, 2 for 50e
loo Linen Writing Tablets i . . . . ... .S for 15e
i ...... .
....a for I3e
telephone 3444
StLYERTON. Jan. 9 Fun.
eral services for Norma MeDon- -aid,
17, who died at the residence
here, Monday night, will be held
from the. Ekman funeral . heme
here at 1 : 3 0 p.m. Thursday with,
burial following in Belcrest Mem
orial park, Salem. ; , : t
The ! girl was born June 10.
1916. She had been ill tor the
past three years,; '
Surviving are the parents, Mr.:
and Mrs. B. Glena McDonald ot
SUverton. a sister, XaForest, WIl-
lamette university student; a bro
ther, Robert of Sllrerton; grand
parents', Mr. and Mrs. George
Croxtord of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. McDonald of Salem.
Sefto License Takes Munici
pal Judge Poulsen yesterday sus
pended for ten days the driving
license of James R. Sefton, route
eight, alter the latter pleaded
guilty to a charge of speeding,
court records show. :
We Offer
Subject to Prior Sale
Following High Grade
Municipal Bonds
City of Portland 6s doe 19389
Port ot Portland 4H-5s 19401
Mult. County Road 4 Us 1938
Mult. County SJXJfa. 1 4H S7
Jaxtheimer & Co.
Leland Smith, Mgr. '
881 State St. Phone 0033
Nyol M!eral On
lUliW imcoaaM ond ir.
rvguianVrPur and ksteien.
75cfupin'2 for 75C
A refresking novA wok, one.
WfMG Ona VKnl OenOOOfOrnL
7Sckflpint 2 for 75C '
Hbat hiipQt regular tisnvntofvOsV
oSc lor 2 for C5c
NyoJ Afrracid Powdaf
Banehei Uicknj, gat ond
thm aatnMS of soar ikoaaca.
(odor 50c Km 2 for 50C
Bocha ewe! JasMpar PtHs
A tfnnnnnneflO sWOefC aHof 00 -
motmt iiwr and Wnsy ocwoe.
Socket 2 for 50C
: Nytk Face Powder
, Mieoteh1 perfunnj, mkf soft
oppkes sneolhly ond rnvmrn.
SSt bo. 2 for 25C .
Hirsvtoaa Sfcetmpte
fmmmm dandryR dans W
fccxr, lowg ft toil and giote.
octt wist.
oirtoripina. Safe for oSddnm,
fi5eboNU2 for 25C
Nyal Cora Retnovor .
Stops pain et enco r oo
iScboMl2for 25C
Nyal Nasal Drops
TI 1 n mmmtmi mm ti mm t mm ' - f . -
oHHiAo mWM snajooarnna ana 1000001
oORoaiojoiia ' IvnspM araaMainf 1
t SScsae 2 br35C
Nysis Hood Let'soa
A ffogpant Qjutcirrytna loaoA1
toaWig a jduqKi cKoppaa Kane
' 25c bottle 2 for 25C
Vt SWvma
Apply iMneMipvi njownm
. no fennhj ne ftoSAoTy ne nnV4n
Unoe 3Sc ivbn 2 for 35C
. Nyol Foe Balm
for white's foot, sbn cnxb end
foot eczena. Not otosy or sntia-
- SOcboMe 2 for 50C
Nylotis F Powder
A snocdt siScy'powidef tfoi .
1 kxy on 08 oW ot mvmning.
50c boa 2 for 50C'
Nyws Almond
'and Cacvmoer Crecm
A wkttenina Jollon iioJ brinas . .
sohnen 10 slnn end Itandb -
l50cUu2for 50c -
- -. - i . . - t ;