The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Sales. Orepon, Wednesday Morning, J
mary 10, 1931
SavahtDeathRecalliKingTufs Curse
em ran
;Jng Oui e 01dr-In the New
page two '
I lUiU.
I !
. Civic Meetings, Card Clubs
And ' Sewing Occupy
v Groups at Brooks
- -
BROOKS. Jan. Faneral ser--,.
vice were, held Tuesday for Mr.
-t. Lnisa Ann Blanton. who died at
her home Sunday of pneumonia.
Dr. E. V. Stir era officiating. Bar-
, tal was ia the Mnlkey cemetery.
Mrs. , Blanton was bora In Ma-..-
rioa county, October JS. 1863
4 and pasted away at her home in
-Eugene Sunday at the age' of 70
. years.' She was married to Vfil-
ham K.' Blanton at Brooks in
- 1186, Thay moved to Lane county
in 1898. Mrs. Blanton was a mem
ber of the Christian church.
She is survived by her husband
William Blanton, a brother, W. H
Anderson of Eugene; four slaters
Mrs Alice Deyoe of Portland. Mrs
George Bblar. Mrs. Ed Beeson an 1
Mrs. A. A. Johnson, all of Eugene
" Clyde Bixler Hete
Clyde B i x I e r of Ellensburx
Wash Is visiting his parents.' Mr.
-and Mrs. Grant Btxler. Keith Wil
; liams of Tacoma,, Wash., was a
guest the past week at the home
- of Mrs. Jennie Gilbert ia Brooks.
.While cutting wood Monday,
.lllUm Cottew cut his right foot
' near his ankle. It required two
stitches to close the wound.
The community club will hold
ttt first meeting of the new year
Thursday afternoon In the club
: house. All members are urged to
- 'be present.
The Parent Teacher association
will hold Its regular bushiest
meeting and program Friday night
at the school house.
A sewing dub. "Busy Bee." has
- been organised -by Miss Louise An
drus tor the pupils In ber room'
- Members of the c 1 n b are Cleo
Rami. Hisako Kawata, Toshie
TamJyasu. Norma Jean Wright
Theresa Johnson, Idly Potts, Vio
la Ehlke and Elvira Satter.
Four tables of 00" were In
play at the card party held In the
- clubhouse with high score prizes
Kolag to Mrs. Virgil Loomis and
Mrs. Cart Aaplnwall and low
scores to Hiss Arleta Wood ant
Ray DeRoche. Another party will
be Wednesday night
Resignation of Prank H. Mad
ilen, northwest manager of Reld,
Murdoch and company, and ap
pointment of Ray A. Tocum, Sa
lem plant superintendent, as his
accessor, was announced here
this week. Madden has returned
to Seattle, where northwest ot-
flees of the big Chicago company
were antil abont a year ago. Yo
. cum has been superintendent of
the Salem plant since it was es
tablished. Before coming to Salem, To
cum was with the J. O. Holt co
operative in Eugene for five years.
gart of the time as manager of
the association cannery and part
tfm as general superintendent of
the association.
Mr, Madden has been with Reld,
Murdoch oft and on for nearly 60
years, suiting with them la Chi
cago. In 1S13 he left the can
nery world to run a pear orchard
at Medford and then in a few
year re-entered the cannery bus-
. in ess In Alaska. About 1929 he
again Joined with Reld, Murdoch,
wbea the company entered the
Willamette valley field. Madden
established the plant at West Sa
lem" In the old West Salem can
nery, and had charge when the
company took over King Food
Products to enlarge its field here.
-While handling and directing
' , these big deals, he remained In
theSeatUe of flees.
miis is ra
; SILVERTON, Jan. t A studv
period for teachers of the Silver
ton schools will open Wednesday
of this week when a speaker will
explain the significance or the
sales tax. The first session will
be- held Jointly with Instructors
. of the three schools ill meeting
: at 4 o'clock Wednesday
Next week the grade teachers
of the Eugene Held building will
meet Wednesday following school
A and the senior and Jaalor high
school teachers will meet Thurs
day at 4 v o'clock. In the grade
schoor session the book. "Extra
.Instructional Activities of Teach
ers by Roscoe Pullman, win he
read and discussed. The other
$ roup will consider the Cook,
.."Teaching Procedure" by Reu
Larmer Transfer & Storage
i ; ; ; PHONE 3131
We Also Handle Fuel OIL final and rirltm. ni-i.
TZZ9 Diesel 00 for Traetor
;T-''1,',".':''v''''' " ' oj a " 'v.-j. t "Tcv"!
f? ' " i Sf i , J
& i . .. ::v .. . v&vMf-
$ v i ' - jit tt fr , i-'l
LWW::w " V s - I Villi 1 ' , f r , - r-i
The mysterious death of Or. Arthur E. P. B. Weigall. noted author and Egyptologist, in London, recalls the
series of misfortunes that overtook many who were connected with the Howard Carter Expedition which
opened the tomb of King Tutankhamen, at Luxor. Egypt, mors than a decade ago. Superstitious Britons say
the savant's death, is proof that the corse, placed by the ancient Pharaoh on defilers of his tomb, is still work
ing. While excavation work on the tomb was still in progress, Lord Carnarvon, financial backer of the expe
dition, died -mysteriously. Soon after Carter was stricken, bat recovered. Then, The Hon. Reginald Wendell,
Carnarvon s brother-in-law, died at the age of 29, and Lady Carnarvon was afflicted with a mysterious
malady but recovered. Colonel Audrey Herbert, Carnarvon's half brother died and many ethers whose con
nection with the nobleman was remote also suffered throoeh the strange spell.
m v sue
Sale of city tax stamps for beer
and wines will be resumed Friday
when Salem's new liquor control
ordinance becomes effective. City
Recorder Mark Poulsen announced
yesterday. The new beer stamps
are in denominations of one-halt
cent for pint bottles, one cent tor
larger bottles, 30 cents for quar
ter barrels and 55 cents for half
barrels. Uncertain as to terms of
the ordinance, Poulsen has not or
dered any wine stamps, he said.
Friday will bring not only a
rush for tax stamps, city officials
believe, but also for licenses un
der the new ordinance. Police are
not expected to enforce the licens
ing provision until after next Mon
day night's council session frhen
licenses will be granted to dealers
whose applications and bonds have
been approved by the council 11-
censa committee.
Beer dealers apparently have
disregarded the stamp tax under
tho 1932 ordinance for eeveral
weeks. The city recorder's ac
counts show that none of these
stamps have been sold since De
cember 20.
(Continued from pags 1)
the nineteenth route army, de
fending the Rebel stronghold at
Roochow, but later was allowed
to proceed oa his owa responsi
bility. The nineteenth route army has
begun pressing coolies Into ser
vice for carrying war supplies be
hind the military lines.
The action caused enormons
excitement among the Chinese
population of Fnklen, a normally
peaceful province, which has wit
nessed nothing of the kind in re
cent years.
Military developments were
obscure and it was impossible to
obtain any Indication of the trend
of fighting, with communications
all cut off.
Tho Chinese sorernment win
informed January 6 by the United
States legation at Peiplng that
the United States looks to the
Chinese government for full pro
tection of 'lives and property of
Americans la the Fnkien war
Sterilization Law
Too Feeble Held
The material increase . in the
number of .feeble minded persons
in Oregon demands that more
stringent sterilisation laws be en
acted. Rafas C. Holman, state
treasurer, said Taesday. Under
the existing laws a sterilization
operation cannot be performed
unless the relatives of tho patient
give their consent There are
now 89S patients la the Oregon
feeble minded home, which is the
largest number ever housed t n
the Institution at one time. It
cost the taxosvers of Oregon
8132,500 to conduct this institu
tion during 1933.
A special meeting of Capital
rose sso. s. American Legion, has
been called tor 7:20 o'clock to.
night in the chamber of commerce
rooms, vice-Commander Klnr s
BartleU yesterday was nrglng all
members to attend becaase this
meeting, ha said, would h a
great importance to the post.
- Crating
nsinss and Oil Burners
The Call
Board . . .
Today Lee Tracy in "Ad-
vice to the Lovelorn" plus
Disney Silly Symphony.
' Thursday James Dunn in
"Jimmy and Sally."
Today Ruth Chatterton in
Friday James Cagney in
"Lady Killer."
Today Charlie Ragles in
"Mama Loves Papa."
Friday John Wayne In
"Haunted Gold."
Saturday Midnight matinee,
Kay Francis in "Storm at
Today Baby LeRoy In "TI1-
lie and Gus."
Thursday "White Woman"
with Charles Laughton.
Today Bruce Cabot in "Mid-
shlpman Jack.
Thursday First run, Clar-
ence Darrow's Th Mys-
tery of Life."
Saturday only Jaek Hoile
in "Gold."
One of the most startling lore
themes ever presented on the
screen will be unfolded at the
Elsinore theatre today with the
showing of the First National pic
ture, Female," with Ruth Chat
terton In the stellar role.
This story, by Donald Hender
son Clark, is not of one love, but
of many. It reverses the role of the
philandering male, with Miss
Chatterton playing the part of the
As Alison Drake, the basiness
executive, she feels that she Is a
supor-wiman who is not bound by
the ordinary conventions of the
world about her.
George Brent plays the leading
masculine role, his fourth time
opposite the star. Others in the
cast Include Lois Wilson, Ruth
Donnelly. Ferdinand Gottschslk,
Johnny Mack Brown and Philip
Hendrickson is
Held tor Theft
H. W, Hendrickson pleaded
guilty in Justice court .yesterday
to two charges of larceny and
was given 45 days ia the county
Jail on each charge, the sentences
to run successively. In one. theft
Hendrickson stole an overcoat
from H. E. Barker and in the
other, ties, socks, shirt nt
other articles from H. A. Arnold.
state police said he had pilfered
articles from four automobiles in
Salem and one near Cade Tom's
Auto Overturns
But Nobody Hurt
When a sedan driven by Kath-q
enne uies, 2490 Fairgrounds road,
struck a "slow" traffic button at
High and Oxford streets Monday
night a tire blew out Miss Gies
lost control ot the machine and it
turned upside down. However,
Miss Gies and two other women
riding with her received only
minor bruises, police reported. The
car was righted and towed to a
sad Thursday
are Dime Rights
Charlie Fapa Haggles
, i jury 'Aiama' Bound
"' In
with LUjan Xasbjoun
The searching test of examination
by senate committees is to be ap
plied to President Roosevelt's
nominations to three Important
federal agencies.
The senate bankinr
decided today to question William
L Myers of New York on his quali
fications for becoming governor of
me mrm creait administration;
the interstate commermi rnmrnlt.
tee asked W. M. W. Splawn of
x ens co unaergo tne same Inspec
tion to determine his fitness tor
the Interstate commerce commis
sion, and th lima mmmlttu
granted a hearing on George C.
Mamews or Wisconsin, federal
trade commission appointee.
William E. Humphrey, Wash
ington state republican recentlv
removed from the trade commis
sion by President Roosevelt, was
granted an opportunity to appear
before the interstate commerce
committee to protest the nomina
tion ot Mathews, bis successor.
Humphrey asserts he was ousted
without cause and has brought
suit for his pay.
Some probability that more
vegetables will be packed in local
and valley canners than in the
past few years is gleaned from
local canners. Just home from the
annual Northwest Canners' con
vention at Seattle. The conven
tion, incidentally, drew the big
gest attendance in many seasons
and showed a greater spirit of op
timism than has prevailed since
Old Man Depressoia got in his
first licks.
Success of a comparatively large
pack of peas in Paget Sound
plants and better reception ot Ore
gon canned beans and peas In
eastern markets go to make for
talk of more vegetable growing
and packing. Coupled with this Is
the decreased acreages of some
varieties ot berries.
Pearl Shepard
Dies Suddenly
Mrs. Pearl Shepard, former
resident of the liberty district,
dropped dead at her home la Al
bany yesterday morning, accord
ing to word received here by her
sister. "Mrs. Orey Coffey, 1SSS
North Fourth street. Funeral
vices are being arranged at Al-
oany. Burial win be fn the I. O.
O. F. cemetery here.
The Shesards moved in a than
eight years ago after over six
years' residence at Liberty.
George Edwards, cfty traffic of
ficer on the day shift, underwent
an operation for appendix removal
at Salem General hospital. Last
night his condition was reported
as satisfactory.
; "Kteafftt ExroCnaGigG?
A. S-Act Comedy
Directed by Clifford Hrmt
: Arnold Maizels IStekef Zerzan
I E3eth Middleton Fred Bemington
'Tat" Peterson ALuy Campbell '
Mike Panek Tiny yvahm
- June Lochiidg Jirnmie Sehon
; V JacqTrie" Hngjiey Eatherine Barr :
' Chemeketa and Liberty : r
The state supreme court Tues
day dhnalssed a suit brought by
L A. Griffin to compel the state
industrial accident commission to
continue payment of an award
based on alleged permanent total
Injuries suffered by the plaintiff
while be was subject to benefits
under the workman's compensa
tion law.
Records in the ease ahow that
on March 11, 1331, the commis
sion made a final award - which
Griffin accepted. Thereafter, on
May S of the same year, the
commission on its own motion en
tered an order reopening the
claim sad awarding Griffin com
pensation for temporary total dis
ability. Other orders followed,
and later .the award was rejected
on the ground that Griffin had
In another oplrlon the court
held that a guardian of an Insane
person may not change benefi
ciaries In a life Insurance policy
of the Insane person la favor of
himself as against the children
of the insured. The court reversed
the decree ot the Marion county
circuit court.
The suit originally was filed by
the California Western ! States
Life Insurance company against
Effa ,L. Marsters. guardian of
her son, Edward Raymond Mar
sters, deceased, and the children
heirs cf the deceased, to detern
ine whether the money should be
paid to the mother or to the two
Rudin Selected
For Willkmette
O rater on Peace
John Radio nf Salon, -
, m b Demur,
won the right to represent Wil-
lauieiia university m the state
peace oratorical contest at Ore
gon State college March s, In try
outs concluded Tuesday night at
Willamette. Rudin has In the past
won the state extemporaneous and
after-dinner speaking contests and
Is; considered to hare a good
chance for victory in the peace
His oration, "The Fog of Fear."
stressed the element of interna
tional distrust as a barrier to per
manent peace and disarmament,
with education as the ultimate
William Mosher and Richard
Lucke were the other contestants
ia the Willamette tryont finals.
Christ Lutheran r)i,Mli stt.
and State streets, closed 1933 with
all bills Paid and with . n.M-
erable sum raised on debt redue-
H.onAnA?ena tae new rear with
the 1934 budget fully subscribed.
T ah a W- ka
auius i. minneman, states.
auuoeuun is starting his sixth
year as pastor.
At the annual meeting, the
.uuitu eieciea mese orncers:
Trustee Tor rnran a
------- -w. ro, nu6'
Sll?hrrfAr R- N- Meyer and
V4",0l,o rranm; ueacons for
three veara ravi tii,..). j
- .UU SZ.
F. Battermann : elders for three
years, Ernest Beyer and John
Koenecke; one year offices: Fi
nancial secretary, Fred Theuer;
secretary, R. l. Schols; treasurer.
vuaues ouus, panaay scnool su
perintendent, Mrs. Amos B. Min
neman; . organist, Laura Minne
man; Sunday school teachers,
Martha Battermann, Evelyn
Propp, John Minneman, Mrs. A.
Minneman. Mrs. Albert Zansow,
and substitute, Alvln Battalion.
Control Bill is
Passed by House
OLYMPIA. Wash.. Jan. t (ff)
The Steele liquor control bill
providing for a state monopoly of
the hard Honor business, was
passed In tho house tonight and
sent back to the senate for ap
proval or rejection of 101 amend
ments. The vote was 10 to 30.
with nine absent.
Last Times Today
Clarence Darrow's
"Mystery of Life"
Stileirb Own
Play Pmducers
- - .- ' "j
i )
As the bid year gave way to the new, so did the old mayor of New York.
John P. O'Brien, move out of City Hall as his successor. Major FioVello
LaGnardia, took over the reins of city government. Here the outgoing
executive (left) and Mayor LaGaardia exchange greetings as change
was made at City flail.
Salem Central Labor council
last night elected Herbert E. Bar
ker president succeeding Frank
T. Crosier. Barker also Is presi
dent of the meat cutters' and
butcher workers' locaL Other new
council officers are:
Lloyd L. Robinson of the elec
trical workers, vice-president:
Theodore C. Amend of the trno-
graphical, re - elected secretary-
treasurer; Frank T. Crosier, ser-geant-at-arms:
AveriU Reaaey of
the papermarfcers. E. O. Burrell
of the painters, and William J.
Kntress of the steam engineers.
C. M. Rynerson, Portland, edi
tor of the Oregon Labor Press.
was a special visitor at the meet
(OeattaMt tfm 9f 1)
est plans call for some practice In
transcription of notes with the
typewriter. Mackenzie stated. No
classes in typing alone, however,
are contemplated in the January
class series.
Many evidences of appreciation
for the opportunities for personal
advancement offered by these
classes have been received, accord
ing to Mackenzie.
fCostlassd fra ear 1)
Myers, Gilbert Ward. Willis Clark,
Charles Claggett, Wallace Bone
steele, Kenneth Perry, Dr. John
Griffith, Lynn F. Cronemiller, Jo
seph J. Herman, 'George Carey
and Dr. Kenneth H. Waters.
In charge of the initiation were
Robert Brady, Donald Pritchett.
Dr. W. E. Buren, James Humph
rey and Donald Deckebach.
Speeches were given by Frank
Deckebach, Sr., George Graves, GL
S. Hamilton and George WilL
J . Vy; r.r.
mm pboposed
(Continued from pas 1)
Dodson. Monmouth R. 1; Waldo
Finn, McCoy; James Imlah, Sa
lem R. 2; Jess Johnson, Mon
mouth R. i; Alfred Loy, Inde
pendence R. 2; Laird Lindeman,
Monmouth R. 1; W. H. McKee,
Perrydale; Thomas J. Merrick,
Salem R. 1; L. W. Plummer,
Dallas R. 3; D. D. Peters, Dal
las R. 1; T. J. Primus, Indepen
dence Ri 1; Charles Ross, Dallas
R. 1; A. R. Southwick. Salem R.
2; Sam L. Stewart, Rlckreafl R.
2; Glenn Stevenson. Mr
George D. Stewart. Sheridan R.
i; j. r. smart, salem R. 2; G. A.
Peterson, Independence R. 1.
Today and Thursday
Ladles' Bargain .
Matinee 2:15
?DaV to to oboaf toad3
raaraace'l ToeYe only in for
Mortochas t yes fove oay
too long. Yov'v not to beat
tfcair wn seate of loving
ad tosvfftgl I fcaov - b
fW kmmm let of SKat'Co
owy wawoa act tfca SSot ead gat;
owoy wi kt Yaw mm find vtl
ir 'yi
a r
i y
A COMEDY RIOT! with a fields
A ton wftrle
woman in m
f rondezvous of
sBsrssirsHBBsBBsrWshsiM' -LJjHSssatrfraW-Ji
- Charles LAUGHTON , .
1 1
Founder's day, commemorating
the organization of Lions inter
national If years ago and als
celebrating the birthday of jMel
vin Jones, International general
secretary,! will be observed by Sa
lemT.lona club at Its luncheon at
the Gray Belle restaurant Thurs
day noon. The club will stress be?
ing host to: former members, all
of whom are being Invited to at
tend this meeting. ,
The program tentatively arrang
ed by Rev. B..E. Parker,, will in
clude brief talks by Judge George
Rossman and Harry W, Scott, who
both have met Jones, ft Is recalled
that Jones visited Salem and at
tended m local Lions luncheon here
about nine years ago.
Club presidents of several years
ago will have leading parts on the
program. Ed Chastaln, enable to
be present, was the first president
here. Those accepting this invita
tion to date Include F. E. Neer.
also former district governor; Dr.
W. B. Mott, second president;
Harry W. Scott, M. D. Ohling and
W. W. Rosebraugh. Dr. Mott will
cut a large birthday cake to be
provided by Arthur W. Gardner.
Piano numbers will be played
by Betty Bedford, who for a num
ber of years was club accompanist.
Jean Chalmers
Seeks Divorce
In Polk Court
DALLAS, Jan. 9. Jean Chal
mers filed a complaint tor divorce
here today against Charles Albert
Chalmers In which she charges
cruel and inhuman treatment.
The couple were married at Dal
las on June 21, 1930, and have
two children. She alleges that .he
couple are poor financially and
are not able to furnish a borne for
the children, who are in the care
of their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. U. Chalmers at Elk City.
The plaintiff seeks a judgment
granting the divorce and placing
the two children in the custody
of their grandparents antil far
ther order from the court.
A marriage license was Issued
here recently to G. Marion
O'Brien, legal, teacher, and Rosa
lie Orvetta Andrus, legal, student,
both of Monmouth.
- 4
'"" .Tl-v
A it fl
Last Times Today
Jjoors Dm m;AX
llttire.9 -Thriiling
: Romeo,,
ox. 1
110 x:r; fv
j. .. .