The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1934, Page 1, Image 1

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" Pull r coverage . of local ;
news Is ft dally objective of.
' The SULesman. Yesterday's
paper contained i 49 headed "
local new stories.,. '
, Unsettled . with rains to
day and Thursday, tempera,
tore unchanged; Max. Temp.
Tuesday 53, Min. 37, river
4.8 feet, rain .03 inch.
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, January 101934
No. 248
1 - - - A
: 'V - - - : l . - . . ' - . .. , " '
; a
: - - James
in nu nrc Pt
muuii urnuL
, i-iiiipi ii - mini hi
Ko.: UArlmioptopo Will Ro HPfP.
w Rii Cimnlv f!pnter in '
i-VXr - - Portland Planned
. J rkr) Setting MJp - Complete ; Store
t X'1 - l" rw Pft'unTV First is
F:::Ukely Procedure
PORTLAND, Jan.- tc () T
The itate liquor ; administration
today commenced formulating
plans for actually putting tne
state Into the liquor busines, but
announced it would move v cau
tiously until the sUte supreme
court render'ed tts decision on con
ratltuUosality of -the iaw.
4- .The (uestlon of getting up Us
xniin-office la Salem may come
up when the administration of
ficers meet with the liquor com
mission probably late this
week, it was indicated. It was not
"believed the Salem offices would
be established until next week.
Commission Attorney George
Neuner may look Into the Salem
office situation when there to
morrow in connection with the
Klamath Falls liquor suit coming
up in the Marion county circuit
court. Some of the commissioners
may he there too, it was Indicated.
However, the main supply of
fice of the administration will be
In Portland, It was stated. Rec
ords and other information will be
kept at Salem;
The administration was consid
ering whether to set up a skeleton
system of liquor stores through
out the state or to start in one
"town or county and make a full
installation there before moving
on to the next town or eouny.
There was some indication the
latter course would be followed.
Under that plan Portland would
have the first store, set up ela
borately and made appealing, at
tractive and complete. Wide vari
ety of liquors would be stocked
in the initial stores.
After Multnomalu county had
been cared for, the administration
would establish stores in Salem,
Eugene and other large towns or
counties. Income of the first
stores would be .studied In rela
tion to the populations served, to
determine how many state stores
would be warranted.
The state may establish Its own
stores directly, deputize agents to
handle liquor in certain towns,
or combine the two methods in
any one town where advantage
ous. Administrator Sammis said.
Expectations were that consum
ers' cards will be drafted in the
next day or so and be ready for
the printer soon. The cards will
sell for 1- each. A person must
have a card to make purchases
from the state bottle houses.
Work Is now being done, too,
on devising rules and regulations
for the conduct of the booze busi
ness, using as a basis the Infor
mation brought back from British
Columbia by Arch J. Tourtellotte,
special investigator, who Is now
in chrge of installing the liquor
accounting system."
About 2000 applications for the
150 jobs have already been re
ceived at temporary headquarters
here, Sammis. said. ,
. OXFORD, O- Jan. 9. (JF) Two
snen wrote the famous but mostly
monosyllable "McGuffey Readers"
so admired by Henry Ford and
thousands of others, the curators
of a shrine to the author here
pointed out today.
" Interest 'in. the 'readers' and
their history led Ford to a McGuf
fey homestead near Washington,
Pa., not'far from Pittsburgh. ut
It was here, th seat of Miami nnl
Tensity, that mueh of the work on
the readers was done by "William
H. ' McG af f ey and his younger
brother, Alexander. :
i - As a result,1 shrine to them
has been established in what was
the town's only hotel back in the
ISSO's when the readers first were
f KM
4 published, Tor the most part it is
J- . devoted - to ' relics of the elder
i -if.-. ' brother, a teacher, in Miami nnK
f - - Tersltr. Among them are bis fam-
if Hi bible, 'many' of bis , books, his
jpecudes; tho Jtndy - Uble " at
jl tVv -which heworked,andJ.his "bed.
. ' i T- with Its cornhusk mattress. .
r Ijci-; : Larceny; Utiarge
Anderson; formerly en
tile milling business here
and now wanted here on a charge
of -larceny i by bailee, has been
apprehended in Los Angeles, state
police were advised yesterday. Ha
lias refused to waive extradition
and the rovernors office will be
asked to Issue the necessary pa
toers.r . i"...;.-f"..v.'
t According to police,'. Anderson
is : alleged to-: have mortgaged
furniture which he was buying on
contract here, then left the city.
Although It's partly a political gesture, aimed at building up sentiment for earthquake-proof school build,
lugs, nevertheless it's true that a good many Los Angeles grade school pupils are getting their educa
tion in tents; This scene is on the 75th street school grounds where the buildings were badly damaged
by the earthquake last year. The Ijob Angeles board of education la trying to put over a prograci to fi
nance abandonment of all brick school buildings and to substitute bungalows. International Illustrat
ed News photo.
The Washington
(By the Associated Press)
Senate investigators heard that
Walter F. Brown, postmaster gen
eral in the Hoover administra
tion, destroyed officials corres
pondence before leavfng office.
President Roosevelt prepared
messages to congress on the St.
Lawrence waterways treaty and
federal guarantee of farm credit
The' reconstruction corporation
asked congress to extend its lend
ing life three years and add Sl,
000,000,000 to its capital.
NRA opened hearings into price
increases and alleged profiteering.
The senate finance committee
cut the federal brewers' license
tax from $1000 to $100.
President Roosevelt continued
the 15 per cent federal pay cut
another six months.
Walter J. Cummlngs agreed to
retire as chairman of the Federal
Deposit Insurance corporation to
head a Chicago band.
TOKYO, Jan. 9. UPh-The forth
coming coronation of young Hen
ry Pu-Ti as emporer of Manchukuo
was described today as a move to
emphaslxe the separation of that
Japanaese - sponsored state from
China, of which it was a part un
til the Nipponese occupation two
years ago.
Reports circulated in China to
the effect that Pu-Yl's elevation to
the throne is intended as a rally
ing call to the Chinese subjects he
ruled as a boy on the dragon
throne were branded as "entirely
false" by a foreign office spokes
"On the contrary," he said, "it
will stress the separation of Man
chukuo from China, and Mah
ehukuo's complete freedom from
the Intrigues' civil wars, and sor
rows of China below the great
wall, and will assist in the estab-.
Ushment of peace and security
along all the frontiers of Man
chukuo." - The coronation of Pu-Ti. wl
take place. It Is understood, March
1 in Hsinklng (Changchun), the
capital, with the pomp and cere
mony Pn-YI knew before 1912 as
the ruler of China. He is . now the
chief executive of Manchukuo, the
state set up after the Japanese of
fensive in Manchuria. "
0 linger Field Pool and
Drainage Bow
i Fear- that, future floods : ; of
North Mill creek might.; cause the
stream to eut behind-or damage
the swimming pool being built at
Olinger field, voiced at the- Sa
lem ' school - board meeting last
night, developed a discussion that
consumed - most- of the session.
Planting of " willow trees along
the banks, removing obstructions
bow' diverting Iho "ereek's ; flow
above the field, and dredging but
the channel ; all' were suggested
bat' the board made no decision
as to what to do. i ' r
' The , discussion revealed . that
the directors had been consider
ing the purchase of a 40-foot lot
on the south side of the stream
to avert property owners com
plaints should steps he taken to
change the creek's channel. The
property, facing 12th street. Is
being offered for $9S. - . 1
Circuses will no longer be per-,
mitted to lease this field. It Di
Polk County Farmers Group
Together; See CKance
To Shed Tax Yoke
DALLAS. Jan. 9 (Special)
A group of Polk county farmers
have Joined in sponsoring a county-wide
meeting of farmers in
support of the proposed sales tax.
The meeting is scheduled for Sat
urday, January 13, at 1:30 p.m.,
in the court house here. The pur
pose of the meeting is to call to
gether as many farmers as pos
sible who favor the sales tax, and
to organize a county body to put
this matter before the people.
A statement issued by the
farmers who organized the group
"This is the most important
matter to come before the farmer
for years. It offers the real re
lief we farmers have been look
ing foi in the matter of taxes.
It will shift a part of the heavy
burden of taxes from our farms
and homes to others who are able
and should carry part of the load.
It looks like it is now time for
the farmer to take action in this
or forever remain passive in the
matter of taxes. Do not get the
wrong Impression of the sales tax
through prejudice and misrepre
tatlon. So, 'Come you good farm
ers of Polk, help rid yourself of
the present tax yoke'."
The farmers who joined to
gether to sponsor this meeting
Fred Auer, Dallas R. 1; A. R.
Cadle, Dallas R. 1; W. Frank
Crawford, Salem R. 1; Ralph O.
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 7)j
Highway Jobs to
Be Available for
CWA Men, Expect
With no new CWA Jobs in pros
pect in the immediate future.
Manager E. T. Barnes is checking
up on state highway work to be-
come available in this vicinity
soon. Highway -projects will ; in
clude straightening of tbe Pacific
highway between the Molalla river
bridge and Canby, more work on
the North Santiam highway be
tween Mill City and Gates, and re
placement of the present bridge
over North Mill creek on North
Capitol street here. Yesterday over
S6S0 men were on the registration
lists of the agency.
Fourteen men are due to be put
to work on the bridge project by
February 1 and up to 23 altogeth
er by next May. The contract Is
held by Settergren Bros, of Port
land. .
rector B. F. Pound has his way.
Dr. Pound declared that consid
ering damage done the drainage
system by the circus last summer:
and -the Improvements that are
being made there, 01inger field
was no ' longer any ; cirrus
grounds." In reply to a question
however. Dr." Pound, said he did
not " believe the required agree
ment made with CWA to permit
use of Olinger; and. Leslie fields
by the public, when the improve
ments now under way are com
pleted, would 'prevent the: Board
from charging admission or col
lecting rent - for , ;usei of -""the
grounds by ball teams.'
The directors approved per
manent employment of Margaret
Steiner as assistant librarian, and
of Margaret E. Nelson, who has
been substituting for Mrs.: Lela
R. King, who has resigned J
fourth grade teacher . at Garfield
school. ;-; " - ... ' j
' - "
World News at
a Glance
(By the Associated Press)
DENVER. Former Senator's
daughter Indicted by federal
grand jury of gold boarding
HANNIBAL, Mo., Four ab
ductors of school teacher's wife
sought by posses. Woman releas
CHICAGO. Wisconsin farm
ers dump milk from train; rais
ing of blockade here predicted.
PARIS Royalists riot in pro
test against alleged part of of
ficials is 140,000,000 Bayonne
pawnshop collapse.
HONGKONG. Heavy casual
ties inflicted as nationalist troops
move toward Foochow..
ANKARA. Five year plan to
industrialize Turkey announced;
calls for 132,000,000 outlay.
HONG KCNG, China, Jan. 9 (JP)
Heavy casualties were infllcted-
today as nationalist troops, be
hind deadly bombardments, mov
ed steadily toward Foochow, cen
ter of a bitter anti-Nationalist re
volutionary movement.
Nanking military leaders claim
ed their forces had advanced to
within 25 miles of Foochow, capi
tal of Fukien province, and were
ready for a final, crushing thrust
at the rebels.
TheKuklen insurgents were re
ported, however, to be helding
tenaciously to Kutien City, about
50 miles northwest of Foochow,
but Shulkow fell before the in
vaders and apparently the capital
was almost ringed by nationalists.
Efforts to communicate . with
Eugene Chen, one time foreign
mlnistter in the Nanking gov
ernment and now the head of
foreign affairs of the Fukien Jun
ta, were unavailing, and it was
suggested that the Fukien leaders
had moved for safety to Chang-
chow, about 150 miles south
west from Foochow.
- Crippled communication lines
cut Foochow Itself olf from the
outside world. To islands near it,
large numbers of foreigners, In
cluding at least 144 Americans,
were said to have flocked for
safety. -The - American destroyer
Fulton was in the Foochow har
bor. '
: PORTLAND, Jan. t. (ff)
AU drys were inyled to Join tne
Oregon prohibition party organ
lzed here yesterday with an aim
to .build on a strong political
framework that succesfully. will
withstand enforcement difficul
ties. - s.-v-' , - - - -
Edward E. Blake, chairman of
the national prohibition - party
declared prohibition, upon which
he ,said blame for all evils "was
heaped, met ignominious defeat
because It was betrayed by politi
cians and had not the backing of
an administration, powerful and
politically committed, to make It
a SUCCess. -1 ;
He said 12 states already have
been organised under the prohibi
tion party and many more, were
being organized. It is the same
party' horn in 1819 that original
ly advocated national prohibition,
Blake said. . . y r. .
ran i
Private Business - Demands
Cause Move, He Says
In Note to Meier
Rumor of Political Angle is
Heard; CWA Office is
Also Resigned
PORTLAND, Jan, "9. .()
Raymond B. Wilcox of Portland,
today said press of business duties
forced him to resign as chairman
of. the state relief committee and
head of the civil works adminis
tration in Oregon.
He ' notified Harry Hopkins,
federal civil works administrator,
and -Governor Julius L. Meier of
his decision.
His letter to Meier stated:
"On account of pressure of pri
vate business, I find it necessary
to resign as chairman of the state
relief committee, to take effect
"I have greatly enjoyed tbe
work during the last year and a
half and particularly the recent
organization of the civil works ad
ministration, and deeply appre
ciate the hearty support which I
have had from you at all times.
"I have telegraphed Mr. Hop
kins, federal civil works adminis
trator, of my actios in order that
he may make necessary arrange
ments for continuance of the civil
works administration in Oregon."
Governor Meier's only comment
"This is a great shock to me.
I have nothing to say."
At a late hour Wilcox could not
be reached for a statement con
cerning an expression here that
he resigned for political reasons.
The report was to the effect that
democrats of the state, noting the
importance of the task, had ex
pressed the conviction that it
Should be entrusted to a demo
Wilcox was one of the tew
state relief chairmen who was also
state civil works administrator.
Seed Sold
In Southeast
Eight hundred and sixty bush
els of Oregon flax seed have been
sold through a New York brok
erage concern to Theodore P.
Haughey of Estill S. C, it was
learned yesterday at the board of
controls office here.
The seed will be used to de
velop flax to be tried out for the
making of cigarette papers. Sueh
papers are now principally im
ported from France.
The seed brought a considerab
ly higher price than Oregon farm
ers have paid, William Einzlg,
board secretary, said Tuesday. He
said S00 bushels more could have
been sold but the state's limited
stocks did not make possible such
a sale.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 9 UP
Promotion of Charles W. Parcell
from assistant cashier to assistant
vice president of the United
States National bank of Portland
was the only change made in the
national bank personnel of Port
land at today's annual stock
holders' and directors' meetings.
No chances were made in any
of the branches owned by the
United. States National and First
National banks. Managers and
assistant managers are appointed
by tbe administrative oinciais,
with approval of the executive
State hanks are scheduled to
hold their annual elections of di
rectors and officers tomorrow,
the date set for annual elections
brOreron law. Ladd & Bush is
the only state Dank operating in
Negroes Brought
Hereto Answer
Robbery Charge
fttaf Twlle resterdar returned
Nathaniel Blake and Cleo Harris,
nerroes. here from Portland to
face charges of larceny in justice
conrt. The sair is alleged to nave
taken $11 from an attendant at
the Standard service station at
Highland avenue and Fairground
roml last Fridar.
Contrary to first reports, police
yesterday said no holdup had been
com mitted at the service Station
bat that the two men were charg
ed with having grabbed tne money
and ran. It la understood the ne
groes will claim they did not steal
the money, . ? '
More Extensive Job
Ih Reriiddelinq Local
Back Jogs iri North and
Eliminated Without Loss of Exterior
: Appearance, Parley Discloses
MARION county's officials ; were debating yesterday
whether, or not to, enlarge considerably their precon
ceived views of hotf the courthouse should be remodeled.
Originally their plan called for no addition to the pres
ent floor space aside from the new room provided by utiliz
ing all the. fourth floor. ' " ; ; ; . . y
: The . fate . , of the missionaries. - ' : . '
whose, headquarters' are at .150
Fifth -avenue, New York, Is not
known. Efforts to communicate
with them, were futile, as com
munications in the area of hos
tilities between Fukien rebels and
nationalist troops have long been
The Rev. Olin Stockwell, of
Bartlesville, - Okla., Methodist
Episcopal missionary at Mintsing,
3J5 miles up the Min river, was
twice held up and robbed by ban
dits while attempting to reach bis
mission from Foochow.
He sough4, to learn the fate of
the mission property and tbe
Chinese converts whom he left
in charge during tbe fierce bat
tling between government troops
and the rebels.
Stockwell was also held by
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 2)
Large Class is Initiated and
Membership Brought Up
To Limit of 100
The Salem Cherrians opened
their new year at the Marion
hotel last night with the largest
attendance, 90 men, at an annual
banquet since the order was form
ed, in 1913 and the best initiation
ever. held, it was . generally -de-
dared. Twenty-three men were
initiated, bringing the orchard
rolls, up to the quota of 100 ac
tive members set last year.
Along with the initiation, the
leading program event was in
stallation of new officers. The
members presented Frank G.
Deckebach, Jr., retiring king blng.
with a handsome trophy. Officers
installed were:
George L. Arbuckle, King Blng;
R. W. NUes, Lord Governor Wood;
C. E. Wilson, chancellor of the
rolls; John E. Caughell, keeper
of the orchard; Frank A. Minto,
king's Jester; William Schlltt,
Duke of Lambert; T. A. Windi-
shar, Queen Anne's consort: Dr.
W. A. Johnson, Archbishop of
RIckreall; Kenneth Wilson, Mar
quis of Maraschino, and Charles
S. McElhinny. Earl of Waldo.
Initiates included:
E. H. Bingenhelmer, A. C. Burk,
C. O. Daue, J. C. McGinley, Harry
V. Carson, T. L. Kuhns, Walter
H. Z o s e 1, Raymond Bonesteele,
Harold Busick, C. B. Spencer, Dr.
D. R. Ross, L. V. Benson, Daryl
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 6)
Mrs. . F. Axley
Dies; Had Lived
Here Since 1903
Mrs. J. F. Axley, aged 76. long
time resident of Salem, died
Tuesday at the home of her son.
Rollo Axley, In Portland. She Is
survived by four sons, Earl of
Salem, Feth of California, Rollo
and Raymond of Portland. Funer
al services will be held Thurs
day, January 11, at 11 o'clock
a.m. from the Holman and Luts
funeral parlors in Portland.
Coming from Kansas In 1903
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Axley settled
In Salem. Mr. Axley was asso
ciated with the Salem schools
until his death a tew years ago.
Mrs. Axley has been ill for more
than a year. She moved to Port
land last July. Since that time
she has made her home with her
son, RoUo Axley of Portland.
I n City's
The city of Salem's condemna
tion suit, authorised by the city
council January 2. was fUed Tues
day morning In circuit court here.
The city seeks to hare a jury
set a valuation on the plant of the
Oregon-Washington Water Service
company here. The complaint- al
leges that the city ana tne own
era of the plant have been unable
through extended negotitlons, to
reach an agreement on the sale
valuation of the plant
; The balk of the complaint con
tains' a detailed description of the
local property. . -
Defendant will have ten days. In
which to answer the complaint
which marks the first step In the
city's action in the courts to ac
quire the local property. A $1
500,000 allocation for extension of
the plant here to the Little North
Fork of the Santiam has been
made by PWA, pending securing
of the local property.
Nursing, and Sewing Added
To Curriculum as New
Funds Allowed
Employment of 11 Instructors,
or two more than expected, for
night adult education classes un
der civil works service has been
approved for Salem, CWA Admin
istrator Glenn C. NUeB was noti
fied yesterday. At the same time
T. T. Mackenzie, director of voca
tional education for the Salem
public schools, received word that
$577.50 for teachers' salaries at
the rate of $50 a month and $27
for supplies was the sum allotted
Salem for January.
The larger allotment will make
possible formation of classes in
practical nursing and practical
8 e w I n g,- Mackenzie announced.
The initial class of the sewing se
ries will be termed "The Tub
"In the sewing unit, the in
struction is being carefully plan
ned to present the material in a
logical manner," Mackenzie ex
plained. "Each student will be ex
pected to complete a project in
keeping with the objectives of the
course; that Is, a simple dress of
a cotton print or some similar
washable material. Succeed
ing units of greater difficulty will
be offered If funds 'continue to be
That further allotments month
ly for these classes may be forth
coming was the belief voiced by
The shorthand class, in which
over 75 persons already have en
rolled, will be divided in two sec
tions of one hour each. Typing
ability, may be required since lat
(Turn to Page .2, Col. 6)
Belef that the supreme court's
Validation of Minnesota's mort
gage moratorium law might light
en the federal task of refinancing
farm and home Indebtedness was
expressed today by farm credit
administration and borne owners
loan corporation officials.
The court's decision upheld
state legislation extending the
time for. redemption of property
foreclosed for non-payment of
mortgage indebtedness, and con
taining other provisions to ease
the debtors' burden.
Officials said today almost 20
states bad enacted legislation
which followed similar lines and
that many legislatures meeting
this year probably would pass
such laws now that the Minnesota
statute had been , declared consti
tutional. Some laws already pass
ed have been held constitutional
by state courts.
One of the principal benefits to
the work of the borne- loan and
farm credit administrations, of
ficials said, was that an extension
of the time for redemption would
allow in many instances a suffi
cient period for a federal loan
on the property or a scaling down
of the Indebtedness if its present
value is insufficient to cover the
amount due.
Suit Filed
Water Program
Chris J. Kowits, William H.
Trindle and W. C. Winslow are
attorneys representing the city. -.
Defendants named In the com
plaint in addition to the water
company itself, are the Equitable
Trust- company of New York,
George J.; Kinney, D. C. Minto,
Jeanette Minto, Jessie Minto,
Keith Powell as receiver for the
First National Bank in Salem;
Oregon Pulp , 4b Paper .company
and Portland General Electric
company. : f :-, : i, .' - v-,
1 The majority of the co-defendants
hare certain Tested rights In
property owned by. the water com
pany. .The New York company is
trustee for bonds issued by the
water concern. - '
; Citizens of Salem authorized the
city council to purehasevor con
demn the plant here In a special
election held December 15, 1111.
A bond Issue totaling $2,500,000
was authorised. , '
Sbiith Walls
era n
No Report for Ten Days of
M. E. Workers in Wa
River Fight Area
Oklahoman Held Up, Robbed!
By Bandits; Trend of ;
Battle Unreported .1
FOOCHOW' China. Jan.' I
Wednesday (JP) Six America' '
Methodist Episcopal missionaries, -sought
in the Min river fighting
area in isolated Kutien district
have not been heard from far
ten days, it was learned today.
Yesterday they had beenT pe- .
UUoned b7 representatives of the
Salem chamber' of commerce, by
the county'B architects and by Its 1
various department heads, to add .
expensive space to the present
The D roped nr would ha aha nf
eliminating the recesses in the
present north and south walls.
Instead of these back jogs, the
wans would be built out silently
more than flush with the nruuit
walls on either end of the build
ing, thus making the building de
sign in the shape of a cobwk
instead of a concave cross.
The present walls jut back
about 10 feet on the west por
tion of tbe building and 15 feet on
tne east portion. Elimination of
thbj recess architects say, could
he accomplished without loss of
structural attractiveness and with
a major gain in interior space.
About 400 square feet of floor
space could be obtained on each
of the four floors of the building.
une complaint registered
against the tentative Diana tha
architects have drawn Is lack of
space tor present offices and no
space for growth of county opera
tions in decades ahead. While
architects have not yet figured
now much more will be needed to
remodel the courthouse by chang
ing the side walls, material, for
the walls, they say, could be ob-
uunea irom the old walls which '
would be razed and rebuilt to ,
conform to the new pattern.
ine walls in the remodeled
Courthouse Will not snnnart th
roof and the interior partitions.
me zormer win oe supported by
a steel interior structure, t nt
Inside the present brick walls.
J. w. Chambers, bead of the
Marlon county relief commit
and William P. Ellis, head of the
saiem chamber of cntnmnrw
think CWA funds mm
readily secured for the larger im
provement as ror the $100,000
change the countv first mrt tern.
The matter is to be thoroughly
discussed bv the archi. j
the county court today.
PORTLAND. Jan. 9. (3
ment against O. P. Cosbow, ez-
cniei justice of the Oregon su
preme court, was awarded here to
day by Circuit Jndre Jamaa W
Crawford to the Empire Holding
corporation and its receiver. Merle
G. Campbell, for $18,000 plus in
terest at' 7 per cent and $100 at
torney rees.
The Judgment was on a prom
issory note sicned hv Jndre Co-
show November 14, 1930. In watch
ne allegedly promised to pay $20,
000 for stock In the corporation.
Of Which he was to serr as ptci)-
tive chairman and counselor to the
In fixing the amount due. Judge i
Crawford allowed Coshnw a rrdit
of $2000 tor money paid Into the
corporation. The corporation ad
mitted this sum had been paid.
Judge Crawford, however dis
allowed Coshow's claim of $3000
as commission due on the sale of
his own stock and his claim of
$8300. as salary tor services per
formed as executive chairman and
counsellor' of the board of direc
tors of the company.
District Legion
Meeting Slated
HereFisbruary 5
Plans' lor the American Lesion
district conference, to be held here
February I, include a mass meet-,
ing and a public luncheon, accord
ing to Carl Moser state adjutant,
who, spoke last night concerning
the affair to a group representing -civic
organizations of the city.
Twenty speakers. Including pro
ably General U. G. McAlexander,
-Rock of the Maine, and Mayor ;
Joe Carson ' of Portland, will be :
here during the day on a good-will
tour, Moser said. ' -
The public gatherings will be
held la conjunction with the con
ference to furnish Information as
to the! alms and purposes of the
Legion. Tbe men on tour wilf. call
at various cities In the Talley. go
ing to Albany after the Salem -
ference. Complete plans for, twr
affair will be announced literw