The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 09, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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    TheOREG0N STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, January 9, 1934
t -
-t ; ,
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Loc a I N e v) s Brie f s
- Woman Hit An nniden titled
vomu was hit but apparently ua '
Injured by an automobile . driven
by Jesse O. Dane, route tour, at
I Btate and High, streeta Sunday,"
i the driver reported to city police.
Other mishaps over the weekend
tnTolred the following: E. W.
KirschJFremont, Nebr.. and M-R.
Doughton. IS 20 North ISth, at
. Union and High : -Alfred - Moline,
Portland, and Charles J. Sehman,
Jefferson route one; Donald Er
lckson, ; Z9S ,; Chemeketa. .and
ICharles DuBois, 20 SO South Com
mercial, at 12th and Court.
Auction Furniture Wed. nite 7:30
F N. Woodry's Auction Market.
41 licenses Suspended Forty-
rie motor' vehicle opera ten li
censes were revoked or suspend
ed in Oregon during the month
?. ot November,' Hal E. Hois, secre
- tary ot state,' announced Monday.
Thirty-five licenses were reToked
for drunken driving. Two permits
were suspended for reckless driT
ing, one for careless driTing, one
for failure to stop at a through
-.street, and one for causing injury
i to another person.
Juniors Out Talk Sophs Main
taining that the United States
'should sot adopt the English sys
tem of radio "control. Junior class
debaters at Salem high school yes
terday won a two toone decision
from the sophomore team.. Junior
.Nelson and Eunice Hanks were
- winners of the forensic Tlctory,
while Robert Hill and Dayton
Robertson the sophomores.
Harry, Merle and Harold Cwynn
.now located at 362 State St
. . Fuller Better Friend here of
Francis Fuller. Salem attorney
severely injured in an auto accl-
, dent at Eugene, a fortnight ago.
. report his condition much . im
proved. One Tertebrae in his neck
was broken but a cast is to be
made by physicians which will
permit Fuller some freedom of
movement while the broken bone
is mending.
Drunkenness Charged Four
men were arrested over the week
end by city police on charges of
being drunk. These included John
K. Johnson, 632 Ferry street, ar-
rested yesterday; Frank Givens.
Salem, George B. Hall. Detroit,
fand Albert Webb, SilTerton, Jail
ed Sunday. Webb and Hall also
were charged with being disor
derly. Hall Is from a CCC camp.
Beariae Opens Today Charles
M. Thomas, state utility commis
sioner, left here last night for
Portland where he will preside at
the hearing ion the rates, charges
and practices of the Pacific Tele
phone ; & t Telegraph company
which opens there tomorrow.
Thomas said the first halt of4be
hearing would require . approxi
mately two weeks. A large amount
ot engineering data has been as
sembled by both the utilities com
mission and the telephone com
pany. Thomas said the salaries of
officials, which recently were or
dered reduced, would enter promi
nently into the hearing.
pulp Wood Wanted White
fir and hemlock both barked
or nnbarked. If interested in
furnishing wood write or call at
the office of SDaulding Pulp
Paper Co., Newberg, Oregon. .
Averill Goes South A. H. At-
erill. state insurance commission
er, left for San Francisco Sunday
nisht where he will confer witn
the state insurance commissioners
of Washington and California re
garding the valuation of insurance
company investments in the three
states. A number of other matters
will be discussed, Averill said.
, Directors iMeet Often In addi
tion to the regular monthly meet
ing of the board of directors of
the city Y. M. C. A. scheduled for
Thursday noon, the physical de-
cartment committee of that group
will meejt this noon and the fi
nance committee at 5 o doc wis
afternoon. The Junior board of the
T. meets at 1 o'clock tonight for
its regular conclave.
: Roland
At the residence. 560 North
Winter street. Sunday, January 7
Trinronrn A. Roland, agea 4 3
years. Wife of Shirley E. Roland
Jobs, Scott Says; 20c
Bridge Toll Eyed
.Placement Work Start Work
of compiling data for placement.
as teachers, ot Willamette unirer-
tity graduates, is resuming at the
university. Ordinarily each spring
numerous graduates are placed in
teaching positions in the .north
wRt. Tn the last two Tears place
ments tm bevC 8000 to 10,000 Men to Get
ertheless each student's record
will be brought to date by the
placement department and an ef
fort made to secure jobs xor as
many teachers as possible. Dean
Frank M. Ertcason neaas mo
placement serrioe.
Northwestern Order Near Fi
nal order In the proceeding in
TolTing the rates, charges and
practices of the 'Northwestern
K m kit m.
Electric company prooaniy wiu no
handed down later this week,
rharles M. Thomas, state utility
commissioner, announced Monday.
Th hearing of this case was heia
in Portland several months ago
and required more than, tnree
weeks. Thomas said he was wait
ing on his engineers for a final
With S5.000.000 worth of road
contracts already let ana a mil
lion and a halt more to be let in
another six weeks, and this work
all to be completed by fall, road
work in the state will employ
from 8,000 to 10,000 men from
April to the rest ot the year, Les
lie M. Scott, chairman ot the state
highway commission, . told the
chamber of commerce Monday at
the luncheon gathering. His .sub-
i Ject was "Real Problems in Road
Added to this, construction of
coast highway bridges, contracts
check of the figures presented at I for which will be let p.ext month
the hearing.
ot. o. Winslow. Roy Hanano ano
s. M. Lindlcott have- moved their
offices from the Guardian Build
: t- ill MaoAn'M TlnfTlinv
Rhododendron Park Accepted
The state highway commission an
nounced Monday that it had ac-
and work on which will start ear
ly In March, will employ 800 to
900 men. At least $7,000,000 In
I road contracts, and at least 22,
000,000 on the 25,100,000 in
coast bridges, making a total of
$9,000,000, will be expended on
I road and bridge projects in Ore
gon this year, to make the largest
cented a tract of land for a state I total since 1923, Scott said. Poa
rhododendron nark Just across the 1 sibllity ot another four millions
bay from Newport, at the end oi j through congress or the PWA is
the proposed bridge on tae ure- also taiaea now.
gon Coast highway. The park was First ot the five coast highway
donated by Lincoln county. The bridges on which construction
tract contains approximately one till be started will be the one at
acre and was said to be particular- i Waldport Two to two and one-
ly well adapted to the culture oi halt year8 jg tIme Tariously esti
mated for completion of the five
I coast spans,
Tolls on the bridges, subject
to action from other groups and
possibly the legislature, have been
discussed by the highway com
mission at 20 cents per car plus
five cents per passenger and
lower rate for commutation. The
I five bridges, to be built on the
of arts class taught by Mrs. Kells, PWA program will add little bur
Classes Banner Night Last
night's chilly temperature evident
ly had little to do with jthe at
tendance at classes sponsored oy
the Y. M. C. A. Classes in radio
thfcorv and codes, under the in
struction ot Julian Burroughs, re
ported 100 per cent present, while
18 persons enrolled in me nwiurj
Wes t Salem N e ws
boys of the West Salem grade
basketball team will play Liberty
boys after school Wednesday af
ternoon in the first real game of
the winter.
Lester Brannan, Clarence A.
Guderian, Ray Stumbo, Elmer D.
Cook and George Chapman mo
tored to Dallas to confer with of
ficials concerning -the extension
and completion of the . drainage
project that has been started in
West Salem. It is expected that
the work .will be finished by Feb
ruary 15 and after that another
CWA driveway Improvement pro
ject may be considered.
The Christian Forum Sunday
school class met, tor a ."Back
wards" party at the home of their
teacher, Misa Trula Grant, Satur
day night.:
Mrs. , J. R. Brown will enter
tain the members ot the Tea and
Talk, club: Thursday at an all day
meeting. They plan to complete
two comforters that day. Mem
bers of the Jolly Time Quilting
club will - meet with their presi
dent, Mrs, Phil Hathaway, Wed
nesday for an all day quilting.
The Girls' Reserve has started
rehearsal on a "Musical Review"
with Miss Muriel Raster drilling
them in the production.
which held its first session Mon
years, wiie oi auiney c '"''! nieht
mother of Claudian Roland 0faaynigni'
saJem: sister of Mrs. Elva Rob- oivens Barber Shop, 482 Court.
erta of Blaine. Wash.. Mrs. Doris nh. 25c. Ad. 35c. For. Gwynns.
n t nM,i,, tnr R. watchwords of the present high
PnU Up Bail Hearing for R. hTr, ha tnrn-
den to the state highway funds if
the toll plan is maintained, Scott
Efficiency of construction will
continue' to ha one of the salient
Radelich ot Eureka, uau
Addie Castle oi San t rancisco, ' - "V .v. way commission, which has turn
Elmer and-Fred carricK oi iron- - ueer; ""Tf th. tate Loan eat ear to the cry "don't
land. Lennie Carrick ot Conrallis Salem of fice f cut costs; spend the money and
Arthur of Lander, Wyo., and Bert company, who was arrested n , Axmn
of Cambridge, Idaho. Funeral
services Tuesday, January 9 at 2
p. m., from the chapel ot the Sa
lem Mortuary, 545 North Capitol
street, under auspices Euclid
President ' and Mrs. Carl G.
Doney left Carlisle, Pa., yester
day en route for their home here,
Willamette university officials an
nounced Monday. The Doneys have
been visiting their son. Dr. Paul
Doney and his family at Dickinson
college, Carlisle, since the holt
days. On their return the Doneys will
visit relatives at Colnmbus, O.,
their former home, and then will
go to Chicago where Hugh Doney
will be visited. President Doney
expects to be in St. Louis this
weekend to attend an annual
meeting of the university senate
for Methodist schools of higher
The Doneys are expected to ar
rive in Salem about January 23.
President Doney's resignation as
head of the university here Is ef
fective at the end of this school
year. It is said locally mat one
reason for his mid-winter trip east
was to reach some conclusion
whether he would keep his resi
dence la the west or return to the
east to make his home after his
Willamette service is terminated.
Ot the moneys for roads, $131,
368 went to the North Santiam.
Next largest item spent was $101,
397 'for district road expenditures.'
Market roads claimed $18,897 for
construction and $25,25? for
maintenance. Only $7238 was
spent for roads where moneys
were raised by road district taxation.
Aax7 nirht on a marge oi em
bezzlement of $58 from tne com
nanv. will be held Thursday after
noon at 2 o clock: nerore justice
of the Peace Miller Hayden
r I . . . 1 .A
chapter No.i70 Order of .Eastern Cheer s Dan nas oeen reuuu ,
Star of Jefferson, with Rev. Grov
help the people", the chairman
declared, adding: "We will insist
on applying the money where the
most results may be obtained".
Referring to objections which
came when the four highway
Johnny Robinson coming to Mel
low Moon, Wed. night, Jan. 10.
Adm. 25c. New features.
Fines Paid- One dollar penal
ties were paid in municipal court
yesterday by K. Ana, route nine,
who admitting failing to stop,
and by Ben Wilson, Senator hotel,
who pleaded guilty to making a
reverse turn. Max G. Morrow,
pleading guilty to speeding, prom
ised to pay a $5 fine within two
"Waited furniture. Phone 5110.
Ministers Meet Rev. J. R.
Turnbull ot Albany, adressed tbe
Salem' Ministerial association yes
terday on "Is the Day of Mass
Evangelism Passed?" The guest
pastor developed in interesting
manner a negative answer to the
topic. Several matters were con
sidered in preliminary degree at
the business discussion.
-i Harry. Merle .and Harold Gwynn
now located at 362 State St. "
Wolf Dies in Seattle H. C.
Wolf, who at one time made his
home with the S. C. Stanton fami
ly on route three, Salem, died in
Seattle, where he had recently re
sided, last Wednesday. Mrs. Stan
ton, a relative ot the deceased.
.went to Seattle to attend the fu
neral services.
' To Handle Estate Reta God-
sey was yesterday named admin
istratrix of the estate of the late
" William Godsey who left miscel-
laneous personal assets, and un
divided one-half Interest In cer
- tain real property and a life in
surance policy of $1000.
: ? Albany Visitor"' Mrs. Myra L.
Shank, city.' police matron, spent
- Sunday . visiting relatives in Al
bany. Another city hall employe,
Miss Edith Burch, secretary to
the city recorder, spent the week
end in Portland.
er Birtchet officiating. Interment
Belcrest Memorial park.
Daniel Currie Gibson, at the age
of 78 years,; four months, at the
residence, 2205 North Fifth
street," Saturday, January 6. Sur
vived by two daughters, Mrs. Ag
nes Miller and Mrs. K. Smith,
both of Salem; a sister, Mrs. Ag-
2500 undertaking for wnicn- ne i w1-"1 " J";",
t ' organized to save $10,000 month-
" ly, Scott declared that better-work
Salem beer made from pure malt, I has come at almost half of the
Oregon hops and fully aged. Ask previous maximum cost. The sav
for it. Try it.
Scouts Make Trip Andrew
Paris. Rex Wirt, Ralph and Dud
ley Warnock of troop 4, Boy
Scouts of the First Christian
church, made a bicycle trip Sun-
dav through Silverton to Sliver
lies Nairn of Salem; brothers, Fag Tney lejt Salem at 7
o'clock in the morning and were
back at 5 p. m. with only one
flat tire to mar their 60-mue
Health GVonp Meets Mable K.
Thomas, John and Hugh Gibson,
all of North Dakota; four grand
children in Salem, Bunny Miller,
Mrs. Tyler Brown, Thelma Jean
Smith and Glenn Smith; lour
grandchildren in tbe east and one
rreat-grandchild. Funeral services Alsbopough, secretary of the Port-
from tbe chapel of Clough-Barrick land Health League, will address
company at 11 a. m., Tuesday, the Progressive Health club meet
January 9, with Rev. Guy Drill ing at the W.C.T.U. hall, South
officiating!, Interment City View
At a local hospital, J. A.
Kaighin, aged 77 years, resident
of 1296 North Commercial street.
Survived by widow, and daughter.
Miss Luella Kaighin, both of Sa
lem. Funeral services from the
chapel of the Clough-Barrick com
Ipany, Tuesday January 9 at 2
p. m. Interment City View ceme
tery. Rev. H. G. Humphrey of
David Trester, late resident of
1890 McCoy avenue, accidentally
killed January 6. Survived by two
sisters, Mrs. Dan Bright, Salem.
Mrs. A. H. Stone of CleEllum,
Wash.; two daughters, Mrs. Bar
bara Sleight and Mrs. George
Travis of Oakland, Cal.; aunt,
Mrs. R. T. Dareingr, Portland;
' granddaughter, Lois Sleight, and
a nephew, Boise Trester, both of
Summit, Ore. Funeral services
Tuesday, January 9 at 3:30 p. m.
from the chapel of Clough-Bar
rick company with Rev. Petticord
officiating. Interment I. O. O. F.
i cemetery.
Realty Center moved. Jas. S. Da
vis and F. O. Repine have moved
their real estate and insurance
office to 519 Court St., Senator
Hotel Elder.
License Suspended When Hen
ry E. Getse, 1110 . Lee street,
- pleaded guilty la municipal court
yesterday to a charge of speed
ing, juage Marx rouisen ordered
.. him to relinquish his driving li-
. cense for ten days.
. Coming Events
' January 9 Salem high
va. WlRamette freshmen,
baskethalL-VKv' ;-;:v
Jaaoary Aaaaal Cher
rian dinner; Marion boteL ...
V January 9 -Dairy Co-op
aaaoetatkra, - 8 p. bi cham
ber of commerce. ' ' '
January 10-Salem Bnsi
neea Men's league, 8 p.
chamber of commerce.
. , January . 10-lft Chemek. "
eta Players in "Heart Ex
change." v : -r- ' -'
- January i l Willamette '
vs. Oregon . Normal, basket-
; to11' f-7iS-iJ ; ;t
x:' January J S Salem school
district election on f25,000
bond issue. , r .t
. January . Salem vs
Albany high, basketball, l .
. - January to Eii
Gleemen. Boy Ccouts Bene
fit, Salem armory.
Jannary 80 Roosevelt
birthday ball, armory.' . '
February 10 Reserve Of
ficers association of Marlon
and Polk . counties formal
military ball honoring Ma
jor General Georg A.
White. , :
Claude Siver Belle, at the Sa
lem General hospital, Saturday
evening, at the age of 49 years.
Survived by father, Henry S.
Belle; two sisters, Mrs. Lucille
Stricklin and Gene Belle, all of
Salem, and a niece, Miss Thelma
Toung of San Francisco. Funeral
services Tuesday, January 9 at 3
p. m., instead of 1:30 as previous
ly announced, from the chapel of
W. T. Rigdon & Son. Rev. W. C.
Kantner - officiating. Interment
L O. CL,F cemetery.
Commercial and Ferry tonight at
8 o'clock. Election and installa
tion ef officers will also be held.
The meetings are open to the
Ask for Salem beer. Healthful,
refreshing and fully aged.
School Board Meets Salem
school directors will hold their
first 1934 meeting at the office
of Superintendent George Hug,
434 North High street, starting
at S o'clock tonight. A report
on progress of plans for building
additions to Englewood, Highland
and Leslie schools is expected to
be made by Director B. F. Pound.
Traffic Arrests Ludwig Pys
hny paid a $2 fine following ap
pearance in justice court yester
day for permitting an unlicensed
minor to operate a motor vehi
cle. H. R. Hanes paid a $2 floe
for driving his car without head
lights. Dance Tues. & Fr. TJ-Park, 15c.
On Probation Elmund Koeh-
ler was fined $15 and costs in
j Justice court yesterday when he
admitted operating his auto with
I swjtched license plates. Judge
Hayden remitted the fina and
placed defendant on probation for
a year.
Farm Loan Meet A meeting
of the Horticultural National
Farm Loan association unit here
has been called for 2 o'clock this
afternoon by Fred' Delano. The
session will be held at the cham
ber of commerce.
ing came 25 per cent on reduc
tlons in salary and 75 per cent on
reduction in men employed in the
Saving in maintenance of
Oregon highways in 1933 over
1928 was $1,700,000, due largely
to the oil type of construction
now in use. '
In all this year, the highway
commission will expend 18 mil
lions of dollars, including nine
millions from the federal and
nine and one-half from state
sources. Debt reduction, which
last year took 40 per cent of
the income, will this year take 32
per cent The Btate Income for
roads will be seven millions from
the gas tax, one million from mo
tor licenses and one and one-half
millions from trucks.
Preliminary hearing for H, W.
Riggle, Mrs. C. H. Ermete and
Mrs. Robert P. Hunt, arrested in
Medford Saturday on forgery
charges, will be held in Justice
court at 9:30 o'clock this morn
ing. The. trio, said to have scat
tered worthless checks in several
coast cities, were caught by state
police before they realized an ap
parent plan to do their last work
in Medford before getting into
Riggle jut up $500 cash .ball
yesterday af,ter his bond was re
duced from $1000 but the two
women are still in Jail. W. W. Mc-
Kinney is representing all three.
The checks on which complaints
were made here total $29, includ
ing two for $12 each to Safeway
and Fred Meyer stores and a third
to G. P. Armstrong. Two were on
Pendleton banks and a third on
a Sultan, Wash., bank. The specif
ic charge Is knowingly uttering
and publishing forged checks.
Second in Private Auto and
Total Vehicle Gain in
1933, Report Avers
Oregon was first among all
states in the Union in the ratio
Increase of tracks registered dar
ing the year 1933, second in pri
vate automobile Increases and sec
ond for tbe combined total ot ve
hicles listed, according to a na
tional survey received at the
office of the secretary of state
Monday. Oregon registered elev
enth it. gasoline consumption.
The surrey, covering 40 states.
showed that these units registered
23,800,000 automobiles and trucks
with a gasoline consumption of
fifteen and a quarter billion gal
lons. The national decrease In
registration under last year was
one and a half to two per cent
and the decrease in gasoline con
sumption about two per cent.
The survey showed that 1933
was the fourth consecutive year
In which the vehicle registration
had decreased. Gasoline consump
tion has decreased -during the
past two years only. '
New Mexico, with a ratio in
crease of 53.29 per cent on its
total number ef cars, ' was first
among the states In private ve
hicle registrations. Oregon was
second with a ratio increase of
29.09 per cent based on its total
of 238,488 cars. Georgia was
third with 53.29. The national
figures showed a decrease of 1.66
while Colorado showed the larg
est decrease. of 14.07 per cent.
Oregon led in other vehicles
with an increase of 56.31 per cent
with New Mexico second. South
Dakota showed the largest de
crease ot 17.90 per cent. The na
tional decrease was 1.22 per cent.
Ten states were ahead of Ore
gon in gasoline consumption. The
national decrease in gasoline con
sumption was 1.81 per cent.
Marlon county, aside from its
funds raised for schools in the
territory, spent $557,092 last
year, figures reieasea Monaay ai
the county clerk s offices showea.
Of this sum, $186,691 went to
general county expenses; $370,-
401 went to county roads.
Largest item on the general ex
pense bill of the county was $53,-
103 which wept in 1933 for poor
relief. Administrative offices
spent from $3000 to $15,000 de
pending on their size and duties.
Some offices, such as the county
recorder's and county clerk's,
took in more than enough fees to
make them self-sustaining. Ad
ministration of the circuit courts,
aside from Judges' salaries, cost
Expenditures in roads, while
much smaller than in former
years, loomed large in the coun
ty's checkup of 1933 expenses.
Business League
Meets Wednesday
The Salem Business Men's
league will hold its first meeting
of the year under new officers
Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at
the chamber of commerce. The
1934 president is Howard H. Hul-
sey. The league plans to hold
meetings at least once a month.
Cherrians Known
In Montana, Say
Salem Cherrians apparently
have made a name for themselves
with a school teacher at Rovalli
Mont. The teacher has written
the Cherrians asking for material
for geography instruction in her
Affair Honoring President's
Birthday to Be Formal;
Crowd Anticipated
Committees were named and
plans whipped Into shape for the
President's Birthday ball to be
given in Salem, January 30. at a
luncheon meeting of the director
ate Monday at the Marion.
A large turnout gave evidence
of the enthusiam of the corps
T. A.- Llvesley, chairman, pre
sided. The ball will be held in the
armory and will be formal. In
event of a more than capacity
crowd, the dining room of the
Marlon will be used as an auxi
liary floor. Guests are expected
from many surrounding cities and
commnaitles as there are, only
three balls to be held in the Wil
lamette valley, one each in Port
land, in Eugene and in Salem.
The affair here will be one of
6000 given throughout the United
States oa the same night in honor
of President Franklin D. Roose
velt's 52nd birthday. Proceeds go
to the Warm Springs foundation
for Infantile paralysis treatment.
Subcommittees to work out de
tails of the ball were announced
as follows by Brigadier General
Thomas Rilea, vice-chairman: I x
Halls and Decorations Lieut.
Col. Clifton Irwin, R. R. Board-
man, Eric Butler.
Music J. T. Delaney. E. M.
Page, Mrs. Clifton Mudd.
Distinguished Guests Carle
A brains. Dr. B. F. Pound, Dr.
Laban Steeves. Mrs. Frank Spears,
itovena Jfiyre, Jessie Steele.
Auditors Paul Wallace. Har
ry Collins, Harry Crain, Sheldon
Announcements and tickets-
Harry Collins, chairman; Carl D.
Gabrielson. Mrs. H. G. Maison, O.
D. Olson. Charles E. Wilson. Karl
Fisher. Mrs. Winifred Herrick,
Wallace Bonesteele, A. A. Guef
froy, Chas. Wiper, E. A. Rainey,
A. W. Jones.
Publicity Harry N. Crafa,
Sheldon Sackett, Rovena Eyre,
Jessie Steele.
The Salem Cherrians are antic!
pating the biggest banquet ever
held by their order next Tuesday
night at the Marion hotel, begin
ning at 6:30 p. m. Twenty-five
new members will be initiated.
many of them from among the
young business men of Salem.
Frank G. Deckebach, Jr.; will
preside at the dinner. R. G. Brady
is chairman of the Initiation com
mittee assisted by Donald E. Prit
chett. Dr. W. E. Buren and James
R. Humphrey.
George L. Arbuckle, newly
elected King Bing, and his council
of nobles will take charge fol
lowing the initiation.
The Haywire orchestra will ap
pear on the program following the
dinner and meeting.
K-C Councils to
Convene Tonight
In Miller Hall
A meeting of all Knights . of
Columbus councils in tbe Salem
district will be held tonight In
the K. of C. hall, Miller building.
Delegations are expected from
St ay ton, Sublimity, Mt. Angel,
Woodburn and St. Paul.
Speakers probably will Include
George J. Wilhelm, Eugene, state
deputy, and Father Saunders,
Portland. Entertainment of a
varied nature is being planned.
This will be the first of a series
ot district meetings planned for
the year. Tonight's meeting la
sponsored by the Salem council
will Clarence J. Brown, district
deputy, in charge ot arrangements.
Pension Study is
Not Yet Started
No definite action toward the
investigation of old - age pensions
here has been taken by the coun
ty court this week, pending word
from CWA. That body was asked
last week to include a number of
investigators for the county on
its list ot local work relief pro
jects. The court plans If these
workers are alloted by CWA to
usethem to check all applications
ior pensions. Mot until tnis per
sonnel is decided upon will the
county ask for pension requests.
Wyse To Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Wyse, 1288 North Liberty street.
Ef fie Reedy Ratcliff. aged 48, girl, Wanda Lee, born January
died at a. local hospital, January 6. 1 a at the residence. i
She is survived by widower, Char-l uaseoeer To Mr. and Mrs.
les A. Ratcliff or Mornlngside, Harry Warn pole Casebeer, 676
rnn) fnnr RalAtn ns rents Mr' I Loeumt trt. ' arlrl - Mirroml
and Mrs. M. Reedy of Long Beach, I Annie,, born January 4 at the res
Cal., and nephew, Billy McRey-1 Idence.
I nolds of Salem. She was a mem- I Uenny To Mr. and Mrs. John
oer ot ine jsastern star ana wane i uenny, jr., urooxs route one. a
Shrine. Funeral services will be girl, Marlene Fay. horn December
i held Tuesday; January 9, at 10:30
a. m., from the chapel of W. T.
Rigdon Jb Son under the auspices
ot White Shrine ot Jerusalem.
Rev. W. C. Kantner officiating.
19 at the residence.
Or: ,;;Vv Higgins :-V
At the residence of a daugh
ter in Portland; January 7, 1934,
Mrs. Sarah Hannah Higgins, mo
ther of Mrs. Libble Lingenfelter
of Seattle, Mrs. Ruth Brown and
Mrs. Jennie Pauhud of Portland;
Mrs. Minnie King and Mrs. Ethel
Mclntlre of Salem and George
Higgins of Aurora, Neb. Funeral
services . will be - held from : the
I Terwilliger Funeral home,' Tues
day January 9 at 2 p. m.. Rer.
S, Darlow Johnson officiating, fol
lowed by the Women's. Relief
Corps. ' ritualistic service; ; inter
ment" City lew cemetery.
Charlie Chan
Chinese Medldne
, & Herb Co.
New Method With
out Operation
8. B. FONQ, Herb Specialist
Eight years practice in China.
Uses all Chinese herbs for I1m.
kidney, bladder, stomach, ca-
larra, constipation, glands,
rheumatism, tumor,; asthma,
headache, liver, inalo and fe
male troubles 11 years of
service. .
122 N. Commercial Bt Salem
Office Hoars 9 to 4 P. if
Sandays S to 11 A. If. i ?
Studying Records Personal
records on all students now at
tending Willamette university
have been compiled by tbe dean's
office for the study and use ot
professors. Compilation of person-
net data on each student began at
the university here four years ago.
Realty Offices Move The J. F.
Ulrich real estate office has been
moved from 325 State to the op
posite side of State street in the
old White House restaurant build
ing. William McGilchrist, Jr., has
fitted up realty quarters In the
location vacated by Ulrich.
Two Chimneys Blaze Two
chimney fires brought city fire
men, out Sunday, one at 1:45
m. to 220 East Washington
street, and the other at 5:14
p. m. to 723 Ferry street. No loss
es were reported.
To Repair Dwelling Mrs. Sam
Butler yesterday obtained a per
mit from the city building inspect
oi's office for repairing a dwell
ing, at 323 North Church street.
The Job will cost $23.
Witbeut Oparatto mr Lom at Tla
S2S Onto Bid. tboa tV
Call CO 10, ttked Kuraltiire
. 151 North Rigs
, , - - --' . r,. - - , y -" v
r" : -- -
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, j . -. ' h ?: -'
;'.C:;--'v;.;; 'iXUOy -'' .:v"-tO JfcaA Gflftvl ''
e 19)4. Ijccrrr a Una Tobacco Co.
IT. .