EXTEHOil DIVISiOII ip Finn mil ''Community Organization" To Be Taught by Sadie Orr-Dunbar, Portland People living in and near Sa lem who wish to spend $art of their time in study under expert Instruction during the next few months mar still register la the courses sponsored here by the general extension' division of the state system of higher education. It wa announced here- by W. G. Seattle, who las been in Salem or ganizing the cltases. ' - J .". Four courses, started with suc cess last term, will be continued, and a fifth will be added If suf ficient students register. New stu dents may registered la any of the four courses and fait university or college credit may be obtained If desired. , I The-new course will be in "com munity organization, and will be taught by Mrs. Saldie Orr-Duhbar of Portland. It will Include in In troduction to the theory and practice- -community organisation and many other, Important factors la this- field. Registration may be made and Information obtained at the county health office in the Hasonie building. ' ' ' i,'srhe other coursed .will include Omental hygiene,- taught by Dr. XX. R. Chambers,; on Tuesday; "of fice procedure.; by tt. T. Vance, on Tnesdajr; educational psychol ogy, by Dr. H. T. Matthew, on Wednesday; "book and play je viewin. by S. Stephenson Smith, on Friday. All classes meet in the high school building at 7:15 p. m. .The eonrse In psychology jnay xiow be taken by teachers and oth ers Interested In education as a fulfilment of requirement for cer tificate! to teach In high schools, Mr.-Beatty states. Students may enroll at the time of the classes, and a special reg istration price will apply to those wishing to take more than; one coarse. . . iOnly Producers? Milk Prices May Be Fixed, Policy . "WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. (fl A -liew program for production con trol In the, dairy Industry was un- 1 'dertaken today with Secretary Wallace announcing abandonment of present marketing agreements . and substitution of new ones. - ' The- secretary of agriculture said in the future only producers prices would be fixed, In line with the ' administration's policy of improving farm income, and it would "no longer be possible to arse milk producers as a buffer in competitive price wars. Hereto fore it has sought to guarantee rices to both producers and dis- .tiWHvai Separation Plea Oi Vallee's Wife Cites Complaint - LOS ANGELES, Jan. 8. (P) A separate maintenance action charging Rudy Yallee with being ''Intimate on numerous occasions" with Alice Fare, movie actress, and two "Jane Does' was filed . against! the singer and orchestra .leader today by Fay .Webb Vallee. The complaint, aealed at first, was ordered opened at Vallee's in- . alstenee. . , It claimed that Mrs. Tallee. daughter of a Santa Monica police v chief, was in ill health, suffering from ailments with which "the de fendant Is famtiiar'Vand for which she Is unable to pay medical bills. .. VISITORS AT SUBLIMITY SUBLIMITY, Jan. t Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dasch and children of Portland are! visitors at the Dome of Mrs. Pete Burghardt for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benedict " and daughter Lavonne and Mr. and, Mrs. Joseph Hobl and daughter Yolanda; have re turned home after visiting with - relatives at WashougaL Wash. JOHNNY nDENGON ORCHESTRA. r.moi7r,iooN WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10 ADMISSION . NEW FEATURES 0 i nniinnr m uuuiiuL 80e PILES guaranteed removed without knife or sieedle. OLD S2f J? SXTJBBORJf SKIN HtBITATXONS. an ATHLETIC FEET, If yo had failed to beal them br other means, will quickly respond under our new method. Our aerbal remedies are guaranteed satisfaction for GALLSTONES. TOUGHS, raONCmTIALSTHMA. RHEtJafATISM, ailments and the URIXARY SYSTEM of men and women, is years lav Imsfness. licensed N, D. physicians.' f K DR.CHAN LAM I Chinese Medicine Ce 180 N. Com mercial St-, Salem. Office bows :SO A. M. to p. M. Taesday sad SaU The Call Board ... . GRAND Today Lee Tracy in "Ad Ties to the Lovelorn" plus - Disney Silly Symphony. Thursday - James Dunn in "Jimmy and saiiy.v -, . ELSINORE Today Dblores Del Rio in "Flying Down to Rio." Wednesday J Ruth Chatter- too in "Female, Friday James Cagney In "Lady Killer. HOLLYWOOD Today Jean Harlow ' In "Hold Tour Man. We&aeadaj Charlie Haggles la "llama Loves Papa." Friday John Wayne in "Haunted Gold." Saturday Midnight matinee, Kay Francis in "Storm at Daybreak." TAPTTOL Today Baby LeRoy in "Til lie and Gus." Thursday '"White Woman" with Charles Laaghton. STATE Today Brace Cabot in "Mid- shipman Jack." Thursday First run, Clar- ence Darrow's "The Mys- tery of iafe." Saturday only Jack Hozie in "Gold." Transients Few 4n Oregon Now, Reynolds Avers Faced with Orders to keep off freight trains and. highways and with opportunity of obtaining passenger train transportation. hundreds of transient men and I boys over the state are now ap plying at transient relief depots, according to Clarence W. Rey nolds, Oregon transient relief di rector, who conferred here yes terday with BV R. "Bob" Board man, local supervisor. Reynolds declared there ; was a noticeable decrease in the number of men Mil, The transient relief service, he said,: is checking all cases care fully, and availing itself of the co operation of all 'relief organiza tions, the Travelers' Aid society, police departments and Juvenile courts throughout the nation in an effort to rid the country of its floating population. Warrant Comes From Colorado In Ermite Case Sheriff A. C. Burk has receiv ed a telegraphic warrant from Denver, Colo., charging C. Er mite, arrested by state and city police here Saturday, with lar ceny by bailee. The message makes no mention of Elsie Case, who claims to be Ermlte's wife and was believed by police to be wanted on .the same charge. Ermlte's automobile, bearing a Colorado license, was impounded by police Saturday night.. Denver authorities indicated they would arrive here within a few days to seek Ermlte's extra dition. Theatre Lobby To Be Rebuilt Complete remodeling of the en trance to the Grand theatre on North High street. Including both the lobby and the marquee, and installation of new lights, is plan ned by Manager Otto Schmidt, he announced Monday. The entrance win be reconstructed in modern istic style. Smith and Engstrom hare the contract Ruby Orey, Ted Girod Of Clear Lake Wedded CLEAR LAKE. Jan. 8 Miss Ruby Orey and Ted Girod were married Thursday, January 4, at the United Rrthrn Mrtnnin In Salem. Only the two families and a few friends were m-Mnnr fh will make their home In one of tae nouses on the Adam Orey hop ranch. : . . .. nupTuriED? After handling trusses many years we have decided the LITTLE DOCTOR TRUSS Is the bast on the market, and is the answer to all rupture suf ferers. Neat, simple, efficient, no steel to rust, no elastic, no pressure on the back or hips, no leg straps, weight ox. No matter how. food your truss Is If interested in the newest and best see 'this one. Free demon stration. All work done subject to your Doctor's approval, : CAPITAL ; rf 405 State, Corner Liberty , . Telephone 811S ; 'v t IS Word haa been received here this week of the election of Dean Walter J. Shepard of Ohio State university, as president of the American Political Science asso ciation. The news .came In a letter to Dean Shepard'a father, - James R. Shepard, 701 North Church street, who has been a- resident of Salem tor (0 years. Dean Shep ard attended Willamette univer sity in his youth and here obtain ed a degree .which he-later sup plemented by a degree, from Bar-, vard. : ; v : Dean Shepard's election i Is es pecially noteworthy in the fact that the presidency of the asso ciation, is reputedly the highest honor a political scientist can achieve. Its presidents have In cluded such men as F. J. Goad now, president of Johns Hopkins university! Albert Shaw, editor of the Review of Reviews: James Bryce, ambassador from England;. A. Lawrence Lowell, president of Harvard; Woodrow Wilson, lata president of the United States. '- Dean Shepard's election,! came at a meeting of the association in Philadelphia. He was one of three speakers in a natlah-wide broadcast from Washington in which individual rights under: NRA were discussed. I , ARCHERO LOSES It. (CoattaM frost pag t ties he was Interested In near Grants Pass. For some time the case was1 de layed by Archerd's poor health. He was indicted by a Marlon coun ty grand Jury February 10, 1932, and the case went to trial before Judge Arlie G. Walker here Feb ruary 24, 19 S3. The Jury found him guilty and Judge Walker im posed sentence. Appeals have con sumed the intervening time. Archerd was prominent in busi ness, lodge j and downtown club groups before the conversion inci dent occurred. His business went into the hands of a receiver and creditors recovered a very small portion of their claims. Monmouth and ' Monroe Quints Play This Eve MONMOUTH. Jan. 8 Mon mouth high school's basket eerr win be hosts Tuesday night ta Monroe high school's squad In a return game. Earlier won from Monroe by one point, 20-1 To date Monmouth has played five games this season, with font victories: won from the high school alumna, score 19-9 won from Antloch club team, score 21-10; won from Monroe; lost to Chemawa, at Chemawa score 25 29; and Monmouth high reserves lost to Chemawa's reserves, 17 19: Jan. S. Monmouth hlrh won from Amity high at Amity, score 33-18. Holiness Body to Convene Today tor All -Day Session Crowds continue to pack the Free Methodist church to hear Rev. J. Lewis Arnold of Wen- atchee, Wash., discuss bible proph ecies. Last night Rev. Arnold told of many prophecies that have been fulfilled. Today the Marlon County Holi ness association will meet at the Free Methodist ehurch for an all day session. Rev. Joseph Stocker of Dallas will speak at 10:30 o'clock in the morning and Miss Alice Watts, missionary to China, will speak in the afternoon at 2:30. In the evening at 7:30 Evangelist Arnold will speak on "The Mighty Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire." This will be known as question night and the public is invited to bring in ques tions on the bible, says Rev. M. H. Pitcher, pastor. Mehama Couple Given Surprise MEHAMA, Jan. 8 A .surprise "Get acquainted" party was giv en last night In honor of Mr. and Mrs.' Paul Van Busklrk. Various games ; furnished entertainment until a late hour when refresh. ments were served. Those pres ent were: Mrs. Bohannon. Mr. ana mrs. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Branch, Mrs. Clinton Phillips, Elisabeth Huehes. Mr. and Mm Max Frame. Ted Mulkey, Mr. and airs. Ryiand, Mr. and Mrs. Poy ner, Mrs. Chapin, Mrs. Millie Any Time 15c wi mm, hlQU YOUa MAM Also Popeye tb Sailor fa "I Yam mat I Yam News and Taxie Boy Comedy Wednesday & Thursday Are Dime Nitea Ctutriie (Papa) Rubles Llary ( Mama) Boland "MAMMA LOVES PAPA" - DEAN SHEPARD LEADER OF GROUP Fll tfPEI lY Monroe, Jessie Moe, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs, Wolf kiel, . Mrs. Mabla Landers and Andy; Mr. and Mrs. Goodell, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, Mr Waterman and Mrs. Moe. . Hi LUTIIEMJ mm puis Good progress in' all depart ments marked, the past twelve month for the American Lutheran church, reported Pastor P. W. Er- iksea following the annual meet-j lag held Sunday afternoon at the church. The congregation ended the year, financially speaking, "In the SSSTw Til JL1?11" A church showed an Increase in membership including the guild. which now has 82 on Its rolls. The church membership also showed substantial increase. Church officers chosen tor the new year are: Secretary, Alvin Olsem treas urer Elton H. Thompson: finan cial secretary, A. M. Calsse; super intendent, Arnold H. Krueger; or ganist, Gladys Edgar; director of music, William McGllchrist, Sr.; trustees. R. C. Arpke, O. Seder- strom, John pyrland, Chris Floer and A. G. Anderson: nshers, El mer Coward, Louis Rudie, Alvin Olsen, Mark Gehlhar, Kenneth Calsse and Berdle Sederstrom. , 7 Legion Posts In District Have Boosted Rosters District two of the American Legion in Oregon has re-register ed 7S.7 per cent of Its member shin of 1358 at this time last year, O. E. "Mose" Palmateer, district commander, announced at the Yamhill county pow-wow held at Sheridan Friday night Seven of the 17 district posts have raised their membership for 1934 over that for 193S at this time last year: Woodburn, Sheridan, Sil- verton, Stayton, West Salem, Sherwood and Monmouth. The state department's mem bership now exceeds that of a year ago by 44 per cent. Legion notables attending tne pow-wow included: state uom mander Harrold J. Warner, Pen dleton; State Vice-Commander Joe Chamberlain, Corrallls; State Adjutant Carl Mosher, Portland, and Mrs. Dorothy Eakin, Dallas, state president of the legion aux iliary. Burglars Learn High School Not Productive Field DALLAS. Jan. 8. (Special) Ambitious burglars who apparent ly had high ambitions broke Into the Dallas high school building Sunday night and searched the premises for money. The only loot taken as near as could be deter mined was a sum between $S to 82.60 which was missing from the superintendent's office. Entrance to the building was gained through the manual train ing department door in the base ment from where the burglars went upstairs to the office of Su perintendent R. R. Turner. All locks in the office were jimmied but nothing of great value was found. Deputies from the sher iff's office were called and were working on the case today. Business Women Give Program at Chemawa Grange The following program numbers will be presented by the Business and Professional Women's club. under direction of Miss Ruth Moore, at the Chemawa grange entertainment hour Thursday night: Song aad dance by Gloria Ann and Barbara Lee McClintock; readings, Mrs. Erma Weisser; songs, Mrs. Esther Hagedorn; Scotch songs, Robert Hutcheon: piano solo, Wilford Hagedorn. Mrs. Blllie Herbster will be pian ist for the program. Baking Company v Is Sued by Rice George W. Rico yesterday filed suit for 87350 against the Salem Baking company. He alleges he was seriously Injured August S, 1933, when struck by a ear driven by an employe of the bakery. The accident, plaintiff says, .occurred on the north sido of Court street Of the damages sought, 8250 are tor medical care; 87509 are general. "I Can Work Every Day .Nov? If yoa toast be on the job EVERY DAY, take Lydia . Plnkham's Tab lets. They ftlicve periodic pain and discomlbrtj If yon take thea ttgu Usij 1 1 1 and If yours is not a surgical case i$ jan should be ablt to avoid periodic upeeta, becanssT this medi cine helps to correct the CAUSE of ycrar trotiblei ; " ". , " -:- I am a factory wos∾ 1 1 inervoas sad say stomach and back severely, out since I took Lydia Ei Flakhaja's Tablets the psiae don't appear aoysaore-"-Mht EtUm JTalscU 90d tt LYDIA E. 'PINIUlArJ'S TAD LETS mm en f ConUntMd from pars 1) . denied himself to all visitors after he and his party had hurriedly moved into the hotel as dawn was breaking this morning. They had flown through the night from Salt Lake City, after a sudden and dra matic departure from the palatini private car In which Princess Bar bara,, heiress to the Woolworth fortune, was moving with her en tourage to San Francisco. . SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 8. (Jti Their glittering honeymoon tour interrupted, apparently by a dis- ftog either to question or subpoena the bridegroom. Prince Alexis Mdivani and the, former Barbara Hntton. 240,000,000 heiress, were 750 miles apart today. Reservations for half a deck and a suite of staterooms on the liner Tatsuta Mara, which Is scheduled to take the honeymoon- ers to the orient, remained un changed, officers of the line said. The ship is due to leave San Fran cisco Thursday. Momentarily ontmanenvered but still hoping Alexia would set foot In California, Harry Owen, Los Angeles district attorney's Investi gator, established himself near the fashionable hotel where the prin cess stopped here. He said his feel ings had been hurt by the flight of the prince. - "Why. I wasn't going to give him a subpoena," said Owen. "I Just wanted to take a little state ment to use in connection with'the trial of his two brothers. That's all. And I'm going to stick right here in San Francisco." Sarah H.Higgins Dies; Formerly Salem Resident Word was received here yester day of the death Sunday in Port land at the home of a daughter, of Mrs. Sarah Hannah Hlgglns, for many years a resident of Salem. Mrs. Hlgglns until recently re sided on East Nob Hill street Her busband, Alvin P. Hlgglns, died here last March. Mrs. Hlgglns was active in the work of the Leslie Memorial Methodist Episcopal church here and of Women's Relief eorps. She is survived by daughters, Mrs. Minnie King and Mrs. Ethel Mc Intire of Salem, Mrs. Ruth Brown and Mrs. Jennie Pauhud of Port land and Mrs. LIbble Lingenfel ter of Seattle, and a son, George Hlgglns of Aurora, Neb. Funeral services will be held from the Terwilliger funeral home this af ternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. S. Darlow Johnson officiating, fol lowed by the ritualistic service of the Women's Relief corps. Inter ment will be In the City View cemetery. Ryan is Cleared Of Larceny Count In Justice Court Gay E. Ryan, arrested in Port land on a charge1 of larceny by bailee, was found not guilty fol lowing trial before Justice of the Peace Miller Hayden Monday af ternoon. According ' to evidence brought out at the trial, Ryan moved to Portland, leaving fur nishings from an apartment be longing to Alfred Whitesldes with his folks here in 8alem, re questing the articles be returned to Whitesldes. But when White sides went to the apartment and found It bare, he swore out a com plaint, not knowing of Ryan's ar rangement to return the articles. 100 Boys Attend YM.CAJDinner For New Groups More than 100 boys attended the dinner given at the Y.M.CJL Saturday in honor of recently recruited members. Phil Brownell, president of the Junior board 'and of the Hi-Y club, served as toast- GLASSES Double Tour Efficiency They relieve yoa of the nerv ous tension caused by eye strain and abolish headache from the same source. Your efficiency and energy will be doubled with corrected vision. T took year Tsblets tot painful periodsz My back, ached sod 1 had cramping pains; This medicine re Ueved the pain immedlatalri 4 ess able so do my wool now. Afm C C Vmdsr HmftX gssTL Mmhtu AU pained master. Responding, various mem bers of the Junior board explained activities sponsored by the Y. New members -were welcomed by C A. Kells, secretary; Fred Smith, . assistant- physical direc tor, : outlined the schedule of classes open, to them, and Gus Moore, boys; work secretary, pre sented winners In the recent pa per chase and awarded the foot ball award i to Bin Shlnn, win ner In the . recent membership campaign. Music was furnished throughout ! the dinner hour: by Herman. Domogolla and his "pep" band. CM IS CWE in Declaring? defendant only yes terday pulled off her wedding ring, and told her to "get out or she'd be thrown out", Sylvia, Irene Wheeler Monday tiled snit for di vorce from Charles Merlen Whee ler to whom she was married De cember 28, 1931, at TfUamook. She accused her husband of being Jealous, of having a bad temper, of calling her vile names and of failing to provide for the suppon or nis wire and small daughter, plaintiff asks 320 a month for support money for the caua ana the restoration; of her maiden name of Svlvia irn nr. alte. T Lillian Clemen fiiAi it divorce from Cornet Clemens yes terday. She says ha of liquor, of gambling and at the wuae ume aid not support her properly. She asks th ip-i ... tody of their twin children and muuia ior their support The Clemens were nirriui in June, 19 29, at Enterprise. Mehama, Lyons and North Santiam in Win at S. S.Meet MEHAMA. Jn s tt. hama Sunday school hired Arch Klmsey of Stayton to take a truck load of people to the Sunday tcuuui convention held Sunday at the Turner M. E. church. filename brought home the con vention ettendaneA hinna. v Lyons took the banner for scrip- mre ana nortn santiam the aver age Quarterly attendance banner. There were 28 present from Ma nama. Girls League Will Elect January 19 Election of officers for the sec ond semester will be held January 19 by the Girls' league at Salem high school with the followinr candidates in the running: For president, Wilma Wirti and Doris Barnett; for vice-president Ruth : Yocom and Geneva Barnes: for secretary. Marlorla Safford and Eleanor Curtis; for treasurer, Marian Ross and Max ine Hill. Pre-election speeches will he made by the nominees January is. cysUtinrfilL hq n n r u ir i 1 They'll ram your fanny langmerj nes a DIIKICl WITH Men's Soles Olio Lady's Soles J&q Children's So to 6g Boy's Soles g3 to 0flo Lady's Leather heels . . . 25c Men's Leather heels .x. .50c Lady's Bubber heels ..,..25c I Hell's Bubber heels . . .T.-. . -...25o Patches lOo to 25c ATTACK IS PHI ! JliriFJITlL (Continued from pas X ' ' an, adding, ' "At least I suppose she was a woman. A man had his arm around her and said, 'don't hit her, she's my wife'." This, ac cording to Mrs. Wolfard, had- oc curred outside the Olsen: dance hall on the night of December 30. Because of insufficient light, she said, she had not seen, the woman so' that she would be able to Identify her again. She denied knowing either - Ralph Bloom or his daughter. ' Because of conflicting 'testi mony and because of the pecu liar circumstances of the trial In which ' the defendants and ac cusers were not present at the same time, the question of Iden tification of the woman who struck Dora May Bloom arose and S. A. Pitney, constable who served the warrant, and Harley Char-! pilloz, who was also at the dance, were called in. Identification- was finally established satisfactorily to the Judge. Roy Crltes went his daughter's bond of 2100 and Mrs. Wolfard was given & month in which to pay the fine. Mrs. Wolfard's parting shot at the court was that the fine could as well be set high and "be made worth while, because I cant pay it anyway." Aldrich Estate Probated Here; Totals $100,000 Assets of . real and personal property valued at 2100.000 were left by the late Lewis P. Aldrich. local banker, initial papers filed in probate court here Monday reveal. Mr. Aldrich did not make a wilt The Ladd 4b Bush. Trust company is to serve as his administrator. His widow, Mrs. Donna W. Aid rich is his sole heir. Appraisers of the estate are Henry R. Crawford, Paul Rasmussen and Alice H. Page. Attorneys tor the estate will be Page 4fc Page. Fire Destroys Dayton Farm Home e DAYTON. Ja- 8 Fire of un known origin completely destroy ed the II room farm home of Chandler Warner about 4 p. m. 5f3 tcvcicnn1 hm wan Ttfwva Silly Sym phony, "Kight Be fore Xmaa TODAY and WED. Doors Ones. 8:43 p. M. bone . . . yoaH scream with devil with the ladies! t v - - - - .1 r sa. in v M U 7,9 tar lubber Heels Saturday. The farm is located about five - miles southwest of ; Dayton, In the Webfoot district Mr. Warner, who Is JT years old, bis son, Chandler Jr, son-in-law and daughter,! (Mr. and Mrs. Sher man Satchwell), ! were In the house, rendering lard and making sausage. No one was hurt - years ago. No insurance was car- National Honor Installation to , BeqnThursday Ceremonies installing nine Sa lem high school ' seniors in- Na tional Honor society will be held in the high school auditorium Thursday, January 11, at 8 p. m, with Xiebanon and Albany high school chapters as special guests according' to an announcement made yesterday. . Elected- to the society, eualifl cations for which include' in ad dition to 'high scholastic rating; recognised leadership In . school activities and good' character ranking, , are Mary Lois Driggs Darle Dudley. Lawrence Edwards. Florence Eshleman, Martha Oku da, Marjorle Safford and Eugene Tower. The installation program is open to the public A Clean, Wholesome Picture for the Whole Family e with Bruce Cabot Betty Furness Bllckey If Latest H Aesop's McGuiret Pathe j Fable Comedy 11 News HI Cartoon HURRY 1 LAST DAY 1 ffllD ASTAItl Added Cartoon News Comedy TOMORROW and THURSDAY n Never again f win you caU t ltem "the weaker sex." 1JH 7 a M a A Paramonmt Picture . . . with Dr. Y. T. Lam, N. Dw Dr. Goldie O. Cbanv N, D. LJLYAN TASHMAN - Ask YurDrrnggb forth SOf. k$ . , . i