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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1934)
2 I A - r 7 a' 1 i I 't 't '! I a, 71 r '.r X T it" 4 1 - r HI if If if c I f 5 .l K Statesman Classified Ads; . , Calk 9101 Bin gU t-svtio- per Uct.lte Three Uuaitloa fw .. ; lint . ' 8w : SU insertion par Uatv.Mt One month j Uw..tM Minim a charge . . - Copy tor : 1 W 1 v eesUd tatU C:SI tafA Us b(or pobUctttea tor eJasalQeatio v C P9 , r reived atter UU time , will M ni - Ua 41di Too Lata to Classify. AO tlaaocai f Mpaanolitti tor ottom wale mr P mm is advertUs-tents a llsbed In t columna, and ta cues where tnia paper u at faaU U1 wartat tUt part ot an advnlaati ta which t& typoirapaicai mlitska oceva. . ; Ta statee-iaa reserves the right to rJ oblee tlonal advertislnx.., 1 tner reserves the rifbt to classify all adveitiaiag der the proper classlfica- tioa. "; :i; ,. i HELP WANTED MALE iwwmowwxw m . ...... .,...- CO- 1 with famous ",1,,.vt,-.1." I averagft $ wy. pay starts im mediately. WriU J. lUWatktas mt- i.n. : Ktuaness t'mauuwicu, -""'- mediately. WriU J. K.atamsco-f pauy. 51 HoUla St, Oaklaad. Calif, ,w Tftif WANT A WONDKRFUL l OPPORTLTJ1TT to make a day I sd set a new r oru I ly No contest or lottery. Particulars I ! in. atttui ma vuur nainv iuuuvuaaw i free. Albert J&uia, am .uiuuuuv.., i Cincinnati. O. HELP WANTED FEMALE -R.iiaMa rlrl wanted to care xor i baby evenmga Apply mornings he- tween la ana iz, giv, r- wiay SALIaihn n An l CU VM' " -i ' n Any. on. able to iurn1Bn ,uu oisa lirvaaa can mm ( in my office In rentals. Give ull par tiMilara Address Stateaman, Box 883. SltUATlONS WANTED ajujLfaAfa"i " ' Exp. 4602. stenocrapher, local ret Teufoma rruii, gooa reaa, z mues to sa- saaSBWsenaasaasns Caoable young girl wiahea work of tny kmd. Tel. 2354, Exp. milker. Ret TeL j 4 13. 51 N. list St. . ..1. titf.nok. track and trac-1 "" t im 1 VTK?.mm'raU' "rCmlDa"SmA: ReaTtor. FOR SALE Miscellaneous '"Sjl i-inn !"' ' ' . 8a w gununias aad aharpeuina anile E. Four Corner, TeL. 42S0 - --in nrsrts-arbrararfrfcJ" u SpRaber Baldwin. Northern Spy. Jonathan, Greening, 20e to Sac. wal iutalra. Wright. , 41 mi. Wallace road. ' " 1 ' Golden Delicious. None better. Ru lif son's. Boa 69. R. 8. - - . 'IIU1.I U 1. - J u'u-.,",," n"i ' - " - , ohm Potatoes delivered or you get them. J. V. Lehnnan, Bt. 9, baieia. , ' -- - - . range, kitchen cabinet, new fad used pun DAliiftUum ' ; " - SDraa. mattresses, beds, alsoheat-i r. and wood ranges, t at zo ConTL St. Mala Beaxl HOtmd. $5.00. - R. W. Basslar, ftu 3, ' Independence. ' FOR SALE Feather bed. Tel. 4S5. fitiliLLEOUS Haircuts ISc-JOa. 302 & :Wloter. - - - imnrini'ii ir.- ' - - - s-ra., HTa Dick up dead worthless Iwrses, cows.- sheep. TeL 48(9., WANT ED Truck work of all kinds. Seasonable prices, wry .wooa sale. Tel. 3854. for WANTED: " Names ! men women, .12-50, wishing government jobs. sits, moot n. fci a n T flunuuuu - tag. 28 coached FREE, Apply today fnr particular. Box 1JJ1D. care 8tateeman. 5 " L FOR RENT ROOMS 1 tarn, h, k. room, wiaJn floar, $1.00 Wk. It90 Oak. Teu bzt. ROOM AND BOARD Board-room. 895 3urt.TeL 8878. F.UZABETB L-AWSON announces! the mnmain of the - Dr. Cartwrlgnt ome at 764 Ferry street to particular annia doairina- a home and meaia - Meal will also bo served to others ny telephoning in advance to Mrs. Lawsoo at 7995. Ones-her guest, cerula to return $- :- TKnrA .mi mn ln. brlvate heme. ! la room, Inchidtng laundry I2. f per month. 1185 Leslie. FOR KENT APARTMENTS r Fine mod. 8 R. furn. apL HeaL else,. refrlceratlon: Garage. Te. aasjxrii jSTajXOJ"aorssriB"s 'ir " " . Funi, apte 2211 Ha2elw TeL 7Ce. 8ysalssssaSaSk4S Htd. apt. 810. 191 & Church..;. Klce furn. apt., 890 Union. - i KOR RENT HOUSES ' . 8 R. tarn, house. TeL (798. . 1 j 8 R. f urn. house, elee. range and water heater. Garage, ilia ft iAia. Furn. i and unfurn. houses. R. -. i Forkner. ltia N. Cottage. TeL 80SL Furn. iiouse. TeL 7247, Slod. 8 room house, 1198 Marieru. ? FOR SALE? Real Estats , SACBJFICE lit 8UBLTBBAN HOME $t0. Will buy a lata built modern - ; 8 room homa' with largo attic, .; hardwood floors, basement, fur . - nace, fireplace, modern plamb . . ' ' Inc. electricity near good schooL - $!IC0, down, baL terms, A .WOM- - DERFUL. VALUE.'. . BEE W. IL O RABEN BORST f 4 : COU ' .. - REALTORS - ' T- ' III & Liberty St. x . s i TeL $488. .8 R. house. Priced low to settle-ea-- (ate. Make offer. Terma 675 N. 14th Street. . i -' ISO A. 83 cult, good Plaa, house, larce barn. alio. 2 miles to wood town. took, machinery $12,000. $4500 loan. take baL Salem prop. , i A. Kingwood Heights, $308. C JL JACKSON, 341 State St FOR SALE Heal Estate AM VWMWWV FOR 8AJ 7-fosn house Parrlah achooL Streets paved, all clear, $1200. $S0& cash. Call 1464. BEST - INVESTMENT - wUNO 18 acres, mall boose, bam. tuan. electric lights, only $1500.00. . 81 -ACR 82750.06 I No bids-, bur gwod sou. 80-A. eult. 10-A. load timber, ante In. on. uood grave road. Only nine miles out.. f-;i'---'-.--4a-ACRES 85250.00 , Dandy "t-ace- 7 nailea out on pared road. It-A. cult. J-A. timber. ; spring, good dark toll, 1-acres baar lns English walnuU, 8-A. perries, rood plastered : ?- house, electric lights, good barn. nooltrr turns and machine abed. Crop In this la a bar- cam. ' - - - " ' ISO-acres s!oa On caved road, lamrri the, -tat- 4-R. bouse, ood terra nip roofbjra, sells milk to cheese toctory, "Win sup ort ! cowa. ThU is a snap. Don't oujr tnat tarm until jrou aea my list J AS. D. SEARS, REALTOR lit South Zilch Street BARGAIN la completely furnished houaa. rooms, basement, furnace, larga lot, garare. For ctolck aala 12300 term Will aelT unfurajabed for 12000. Call CHILD3 MILLER, Realtors 34 i State Street TeL 1708 Sprlns- will be here, aoon ; whV not plan to ret that acrase nowT I have a complete list, best land, best loca tion, will build to suit See me. Re- memoer terms to suit Fine 15 A. R., bottom, farm to sac- riues xenns immediate possession. H. C SHIELDS Orecon Eldg. . j, ; .. Tel gaos. S2B DOWN Balance S10 ner mr tin lVTTTBirsrr FOB FIVE TRS. WH1 birr 11 a Area w arooa land an cleared, Prloa I1S7&, "v."- W VI m aootn Uberty Street SNAP EUALL HOne Late built modern 1 room : home with aleepina- porch, full cement base- htis llu. wi nun . IMMEDIATE- POSSESSION. UKAUK. HUKST A CO. lit South Liberty street EXl'H AN(;K .Ral Estate MODERN RESIDENCE FOR EXCHANGE 8 1l mnma nil mrw1ra w.Tl tv. cnted on S Hlc-h Rt th nrim right, owner will take a clear house u Xo :sun or isouu. as part pay ment, ii Vt.ti hare a aood five or six hem. a ,nh a v. I n . I lana better home here Is your oppor- f mnTrv. I GE w XT -ia tBvrTT-t cr - rvk ViiKSSl." w' i ; ' -J' -- ACREAGE 311504 A. dark soil, 4 rooms. woodshed, garage, chicken house, well. 23 A.: la cultivated, good road, dark creek, 4 room house, fenced, $2, MELVJN JOHNSON. 275 State St. TeL ;( : ACREAGE 4 acres, with neat 4 room house Inl'econd fir wood, delivered for equity, good district about 2 miles from Sa- liun B.n-f: mnii :c, u.k ixreef leu 0.U5. -: LARKXN REALTY CO. 1 CWL - TeL 6470 I Beat U bldgai close in; sheep pasture. Sale: 1 A- S R. house, close In. Priced for quick sale. 7 A. ZVi miles of Salem. 5 R. honse. garage, well. 1 A. fruit. 3900. 1, A. a a. bouse, well. barn, best of soiL Fine location on two roads. Close to Salem 33250. 19 A- house, barn, garage, 40 wal I "w. wi vi i mssi aai erii I cf Salem I J 500 terms. nut trees, cream. end: spring; 4 miles r. a. FORKNER, 1410 N. Cottage Twpnone esi H,,vTPnnnA, POT ATR 1 - w.. awassaaawsaaaSfcaastsssssaaaWWW WANTED Have buyer .for good 4 bedroom house. Must be A-l and priced right. CHILDS MIlJtK. REALTORS 844 State Street TeL (70S. - -- - ,.!, -ii-.-.-n-.-.iuuLn I Want house that ; can be bought tight with SI eo down. K. A. FORKSEK, 1(10 N. Cottage - Telephone - S031. Business Opportunities Dandy 2-punip cas station. 3-R. 1 house. - ladles - and gents rest room. repair snop, lights and water and air system and 2-acrea i good ground. $ 4 cabins at a bargain. f SEE J. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High Street MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans t to 20 months to aepay at lowest poo bl rates. . GENERAL. JT NANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Naft Bank Btdsv Phone 8552 . - Ueansau .y sura- ? 'Need Money ? Salary loans, $5.0 and up, from 1 TWt M STATE LOAN Ca 212 Oregon 'Bldg. TeL 7783 Life No. S-185.1 1 Are You Short 1 off Cash? BAmw 8100-8160-8200 or MORE from nl Rsoav in from A to 88 months, ao- cordlng to your present weome. come in 1 - writsi rnonei v BENEFfCIAL. IjOAN . SOCIETY , ' ' OF SAIM '' -;: :- ; Member ef NRA Room tit. New Bllah Bldg. tad Coot MCENyED No. S-122 by STATE 818 State St. TeL 37 4 eiJ1:. i-AU- sinner loans. Fifteen 1'eara ' la . our nreaent location. ; . i wiiAiPtsu.i, sec-xraas. : ' 283 U. & Bank Building - Fund for farm loans now available; 1 I loa4rterm.t - . ; Hawkins & KOertS Guardian Bldr.i TeL 4189. .Kwm i 1.11,11 .... Improved acreage. Must be good ee - etirlrr. GUILDS 4E MILLER.- Mtge. Loans 244 State Street TeL 8708 LOANS WANTED MONET. Wanted 3(909 or 38000 for 5 rear on downtown business prop - erty ioan, of oeraritjv ; childs as Mii.u.K, aitge- Loans MtaMMMM. TT and POULTIi a.,sfc Mw-uu-u--LfJ-J1 WA'H liLLfiToxxnM i team about 1490 iba Raymond ciaggett. Rt. 8, Box 257. . . ; FOR SALE WOOD w.o. i. ..nw.a.01 f la. for d Call 48F14. AH wood. Smith A Rubena T FOR SALE WOOD ; , ; . " DiT hof fuel 1 .7i! ? taar onlt lot V J 11 S 1 H C S S M-00 two unit lota Tel. 1281. " - OUARAMTBBTD DRT wood coal . jJ-i-, oshar I Uirectory Second rrowth and old fir wood. :-" - ' - Pranspt dsdtry: ri-d B, WWha (: Card to this directory ru Dry wood, that Is dry. CaU tlSFU. on a monthly basis only. Rate: Robert Fromm. - , -UL-; ( per Una per Month. , . Dry wood. Tel, 4411. " rJJ'e, l" 1 JrrrfV AUTO BRAKES Dry Hr, ash wood, let Kit, v Dry old fir, oak, TeL 7t. MiWe Panek, 7S South Commercial. J2s?S2J22LlliS22Siiii BICYCLES LOST AND FOUND New and used. Tires, Repalrinc .WPi1flnU: -ir-- RARRT W. SCOTT, 14T 8. Com'l St. LOST Small black coin purse con-1 Uinina stage ticket from Salem tl Portland, 20 blU, miscellaneous ' an-1 ver. Finder bleaaa return to Orecon SUtesman office . and receive liberal reward. REWABO Lost bull pup, spot on shoulder where hair la gone. Hi Bel- leToe. PERSONAL KPILEPST EPILEPTICS ! Detroit taw (nd Aitnrtlai sa a-aatlsaf fM Vivaea. I band. Specialists home abroad, fall-1 eo. Kothing to seiL Ail letters ans-1 wered. Mrs. Geo. Dempster, Apt. E- j trolt, Mich. DIABETICS : Seattle man finds complete relief In severe case with simple natural method. No needles- no starvation. All letters ' answered. m tx tji. ii n.i tM Rto 6 p. in. ISO N. Commercial. wtv ean nvw "wsa, aw I attie. wn, FOR SALE USED CARS McKay Chevrolet Co. "CHEVROLET GIVES MORE" 1928 Ford Roads. atr wheels $175.00 1929 Ford Sport Roadster 175.50 1929 Ford Sedan new motor 2S0.00 19 SO Essex 8edan 300.00 1929 Bulck 8edan - J50.00 1932 V-t Ford Sedan 545. 0U 1932 Nash t Sedan mw Trucks Ws have four 1929 Chevrolet (-cylinder trucks. All in running; condition your choice $125.00 21931 Chevrolet L. W. Ihial. J932CModel"A Ford I W. 428.00 Dual WE WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY 333 Center TeL 318 430 No. Coml Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Will discount deposit on new Dodge or Plymouth car. If you are going tel save. Inoulra Stateaman offlfe. wwwwwwwMwwi wnevroiet ituck, itse a. zzno. 1933-1 ton tora trUCK in A-l COB- S1"00: "? 1L?00 H00! 1 'J ""f I iwuance montniy or iuo coras oi JC11 94"- l . . Some Good Buys at State Motors Inc. Hudson A Studebaker, Dealers 1933 TERRAPLANE -8 SEDAN $795 Onlv run a fw thonsanil mllM new car service and guarantee world's champion performer. 1932 NASH 9-80 SEDAN itSQg'em. Brand new (ply tires original paint like new. This car cost $1800 new. N. A. D. book lists it at $8(5 now. See this one for a good buy in a man graae car. 1929 OLDS DeLUXE SEDAN $325 Original finish extra good aim oat new ures. 1928 CHRYSLER "(2" SEDAN $250 uooa condition In every respect. 1929 FORD STD. COUPE $195 1929 CHEVROLET TRUCK $225 iflV.T." inMVA T,V , - State Motors Inc. , 525 Chemeketa Open Evenings and Sunday Valley Motor Co. USED CARS ON LOT " 1931 Ford Coach 19J1 Ford Sedan . .$325 . 375 1931 Ford Pickup . 275 1929 "85" Chrysler Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coach . 850 . 17 1931 Graham Coupe 335 400 1931 Studebaker 8 Coupe H2S Dodge Sedan 3(0 395 200 1931 Ford L. W. B. Truck 1928 Dodge Panel Marlon & Liberty Telephone 7910. Borrego's Better Buys I 1932 Chevrolet Coach," tip top $433. juoaei a xxra, commercial delivery - 433, iZ7 Cbevroiet Couoe 15 1028 Ford Roadster 45. 1927 Chevrolet Truck, overhauled and rood tina iS , And about 38 more exceptionally low priced cars. f Z40 w. Lroerty TeL 3888. I -wanted usicd cars 1 M "'i snnj-in is-! rsrt 1 'i'Vsi'fVrsrisTKJsa a - Che. No. Over,!o9.Vo: Will pay cash for '29 or later en-1 1(40 N. CapitoL TeL 7568. WUI pay $208.08 cash for Ford oH Chev. track. In A-l shape. State modeL Box 384. car Statesman. -'i " - . aou. r uk IV1U1S AND CHEVS. We WUI pay a liberal cash price ; for your cr. 331 Center St "TeL SI 89, Unionvale Church Chooses Officers GRAND ISLAND, Jan. C. The e I annual election ot officers for the church and Sunday school of the Unionvale EvangeUcal church waa I held at. the church Thursday nignt. a large number of church member, were present for ; the election which was under the tfi- I rectlon of the pastor. Rev. F.' E. Fisher. i -c-ur The election ? resnfts were as 1 follows: Class leader.1 Rov fitont- I Aflhnrr' tmtat.A 4 - I 1 la?a George Westfall; the oiner memners of the trustee board Include Kerney Sfoatenberr for sv term of two years and Carl Thornton, for one year; Sanday school superintendent; Mrs. D. E. Bartrnff: aaalatant knnwiaiii. 1 Mrs Georaa WMtfsJI' .r. 1 IZ uewge westfall, secre- l1 ary KockWut . treasurer. inoy atouteneergr primary super- I " . - wh.. A. ' VI S IT Yl tdnv Mrs. Ezra Dixon. At tae close of the ' Sanday I cchrwil 1wtira. t Yia a organizatioVmet i eleedhe following officers for the new 7ar: President, Daniel ; Din; Vice - Dreaidant - r K- fturtrnff I secretary and 4 treasurer, Charles I Ferguson. -"";! son; 8slatant nrimary suDerintan. BROOIS AND BRUSHES Oregon BUad-SehooL TeL. 4072. ' Fuller Brush Man Telephone 8H1. CATERING I Bart Crary. the caterer. Ph. C7Sa. Hulda Helps Hotteaaea, Tel 4. i CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Northneea CHINESE MEDICINE Or. Chan Lam. Chinese Medicine Ca. Hours Tuesday and Friday, :10 a. m. aaaBBaBeaBBBJSSSBBBBnBBBI CHIROPRACTORS DR.aU SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor. 250 N- High. TeL Rea 8571. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun eral wreaths, decorations. C F. Brelt- baupt, florist. 077 Court. TeL Siva. I AiW la id US VI ilUiai WVini kstuvai V 11 11 T bIsAs aa 1eal amAV t ntm triata- 1 1st, ltth A Market. TeL 0592 INSURANCE BBCKE A HENDRICKS 1S9 N. High TeL 494t cOFrET-SMTTH. aen. Ina TeL 9421. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY "THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 3(3 a Hich Tel. 12t CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 3KS 1 Z 4 Broaflwa T I ayi a i i it nihA aVlfsi 3 si i si fpAm Sa ttjaw; t a hMHA (Tnf . 1 . , M ta IK ICSO R.nnnlnn and fumigatora, Rugs cleaned, Uapltel I eaddmc Co. Tel. eesa, less , capital. New mattress made te oraer. old re- made; carpet cleaning, siring; fluff uauv. cm lmw civuuia. ai&iva. uu turn waa viaa. Salam Fluff Rub m Mat tress ractory. a. nut a wiiDur. 11. 341. Otto F. 2 wicker. Est. 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. 1 WILL Pianos, radios, sewing I maehlnea sheet music and Diane stu- I uiesr rtepairms raxnoa. pnonuarapns land sewing machine J Btate atreet. PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician L. a. Altman. M. a Homeopatbtst Office and residence (07 Center St. Phone' S 83 3. Treats both acute and chronle dl sea sea PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards. Damon- lets, programs, books or any kind ot K'nting, call The Statesman Printing partmenu 818 8. CommercuU. Tala- j22"Jici RADIO SERVICE 1 Central Radio Service. TeL 2747. 1 Guaranteed repairs. 228 N. High. MOORE RADIO SERVICE ! Phone 2797 At Hollywood Radio CENTRAL. RADIO. SERVICE Tel 3747 325 N. High REAL ESTATE ' BECKS A HENDRICKS. -TeL 4947. SOCOLOFSKY A SON 304-8 First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. TeL T307. STOYES STOVES and stove repaMng, Stewes cor sale, rebuilt ana repairea. au kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and g1 hop baskets, hooks. otro heeks J Salem Fence and 8tovs works. 211 1 CnejneKeareLJJnetrnns TAXIDERMIST RE. Wlgglna, I mt N Pao. Hwy. TRANSFER I FOR local or distant transfer storace. I call 3131. Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks tu Portland daily. I CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 22( Sute St. TeL 7771. Dtatrlbutlna, tor- waramg ana siorags our specialty Get oor rate. ' TYPEWRITERS TTPEWRTTERS Adding ' Mch, sold. I Cook Phort. (SI Court. Tel. 8584 rented, repairea. underwood Agenta WELL DRILLING R. A. West. 80 rears exnertaaca. RFD l.- Boa zos TeL I10F5 . t - - - WINDOW CLEANING ' 2itw Deal Window Clean., wax., wall 4fc wdwK. washing. Free estL TeL" 8337. 'A social time was enjoyed and light refreshments were served fc the social committee composed of Mrs. Carl Thornton. Mrs. K K. Sitton and Mrs.: Roy Stouten berg Teachers for the various classes will be selected Sunday -morning, Street Repairs - :! Are Being Made SILTERTON. Jaa. . - The CWA parjraad street group are at work repairing Welch street at the present time and the street is dosed to -traffic. . This street has been "badlj- in need of repair ' tor4 considerable wOODGMFr GROUP IIWFFIIIS Mabel RicMell Stricken Sud denly; Has Been Active ! V . Worker" i MONMOUTH, Jan. . lira. D. A. Hoas acted as Installing officer Tuesday night for Neigh bors lot Woodcraft, Sunbeam cir cle. These officers were Installed: P. G. N., Agues Hoag; O. K., Nellie Demlng; advisor, Mary Sharrow; clerk, Nora: Mason; banker, Iry Hamer; managers, Alice Teater, Sadie Waller and Ida Scott; magician. Fay: Mni dock; attendant, Mlanfo Price; I. S., Donna SiTler; 0. S., Winifred Ebbert: captain of guard, Bernlce Cody; flag bearer, Nadine Mason; musician, Susan Stanton; corres pondent, Alallne Calbreath. initiatory exemplification waa given for Mrs. Mary Myers. A miscellaneous lunch was served with Mrs. C. E. Price, Mrs. Min nio White and Mrs. J. F. More- land in charge of arrangements. Miss Riddell Stricken Miss Matel Riddell, a resident of Monmouth for more than 50 years, was stricken snddenly New Year a day with 8 serious illness and is con f Lied to her room. She is a daughter of the late Wil liam Riddell, who made history for this section for the Willam ette valley as a breeder of world famous registered sheep and goats. Miss Riddell has been In charge ot the family home since her mother passed many years since . She is active In chur ". and chrri table work both In Monmouth and in Independence. CATHOUC CLUB MEETS ELDRIEDGE, Jan. C. The Eldriedge Catholic community club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Saalfeld. The afternoon was spent in making a quilt. Special guest waa Mrs. Joe Klen ski. Those present were Mrs. A. C. Keene, Mrs. Carter Keene. Mrs. Frank Saalfeld, Mrs. Joe Wargnier, Mrs. Peter Lelack, Mrs. Charles Hannegan, Mrs. Claude Heisler, Mrs. J. S. Thompson, Mrs. John Kleczynskl, Miss Flor ence Wargnier, Miss Cecelia Saal feld and Miss Margaret Kleczyn skl. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Frank Saalfeld and daugh ter Cecilia. Radio Program SUM DAT, Jaanary 7 KGW rOKTLAVD 8i0 Ke. 8:15 Gordon String qasrtet, KBO. 0:80 Radio City concert. NBC. 10:80 National Youth Radio conference. KBC. 11:00 Oene Arnold sad Commodores, 12 :00 Wayne King's orcheitrs, NBO. a:i urcnetirs. 2:25 Oregon state board et optometry. a:so urana Hotel, Atsu. 8:00 Cstholie hour. KBC. 6:00 Manhattan Merry-Go-Round, .KBC. o:au American AlDom. aut). 10:15 Bridge to Dreaoaslnd, KBC. li:oo raises Hotel orcheitrs, HBO. KBZ POBTLAND 1130 Ke. 8:00 Sacred music. 8:15 Classical soloist. 8:80 Bsad mo sic. 9:15 Mjiiicsl Cems. 9:45 Dsace Kaylhrns. 10:30 SrmpsonT hoar. 11:15 Tango Time. 12:00 Instrumental soloist.. 12:15 Master Mniic Makers. 2:30 Glen Gray's orchestrs. 1 :00 Chrlstisa Endeavor Cnion. 1:15 Sacred sonrt. 1 3 :00 Kstional Vespers, KBC. 2 :45 Monroe and Carson. 2:50 Ted Weeme orchestra. 8:45 Boasld Back, pisoUU 4:00 Frits Kreisier. 4:20 Paol White man's orcnestra. 8:00 First Church of Christ, Scientist. 8:00 Minneapolis Symphony concert, KBC. 10:00 First Presbyterian choir. 10:30 On Wings ot Bong. KBC. 11:00 Midnltnt Melodies, KBC. MOKDAT. January 8 KGW FOBTLAJtD 620 Xc 7:13 Orgs eoneert, KBC. 9:15 Wendell Hall. KBC. , a.giilri.. X'nrv 10:30 Woman's Merasioe. KBC. 11:45 Word sod Musie, NBC. 12 ;15 Western Farm and Home hour. 85 OKhestrs. 820 Friendly Chat 4:13 Dance Masters. KBC. 5:00 Mindways, KBC. 6:00 Eileen Piggott, KBC. 6:85 Jsst Aronnd the Comer, , KBC. 8:00 Amos 'n And v. KBC. 0:30 Walts Time. KBC. 10:15 Cole MeEIroy'a orchestra. 10:45 Anson Weeks' orchestra. KBO. 11 :00 Ambassador orchestra, KBC. POBTIHB - 11S0 . 7:15 ranee Rhythms orchestra, KBC. 7:45 Band music. 8:00 Dane orchestra. 0:20 at Shilkrefs orchestrs. 0:45 Msaikla Tea. 10:15 Instrumental soloist. 10:80 Ted Weras. 10 :45--Conc ert Group. . 10:05 Weather report. 12:15 Master Masie Makers. n:20 Movia Cnlb. 12:43 Forum Luncheon. '. 1:45 range Time. 2:00 World Bookman. 8:00 League of Kattoas association. 6:30 Professor Belles. 8:45 Marshall's Mavericks. KBC. 9:0 Drama hour. SBC. 9:30 Don Smith. " 8:43 Wrastliaa bents. , 10:80 Plsno Pictures. KBC. 11:00 Hilslre's Oliver (Uipper, v I 5 K0AC COKVAXLIS 650 Ke. ' 8 :8o Homa Eeeaom lea Observer. 10:80- rsnn ia Spanish, Melissa M. Msrtia. 11:00 Modern Poetry, Ada Bastings r. Hedge. 11 AO Who's Who pa the Yscaltles.: 1 S tSO rtrm boar. ,1:45 Old familiar sonrs aad songs-ef Oregon. Harold Witetsfs. 2 0 TeanMn, rUssroani leetere t Tr. M. Ellwaad BnHk. ;8:00 Alas C. Fritrhoff. "RemaaciBg . " . Aasoaa Temnla Bains, 4:0CHor, Old sad Few, Don 4:15 "gossething About Everything. 4r0 m Taainua Brartff.' ; ' 4:0 Oregoa stories for bov gl.rla. . 8 t4J Vesper., ted by Bev. . Tschtrley. f 6:80 T arm hour. s : . :t S:45 Market and erop reports sad . weather report. , . . ; -- i T0 Ir. W. L. Pavers, prajert ot re- f . -1 financier svebsoatian distriets. . T:15-8apertlme at Berks'. 7 :30 Fosr-H s-setiag, slab work ,- In the esmatlea - ' " - -a;13-T wkui' quarter hoar, by cem- - ' snittee, . ; 8;30 Oregoa LoggsrS. - - SPURS PUnClL'Slf-G CHICACrO. Ian.C. VPS Back bone- developed in grain prices to day, late reports of dust storms in. Kansas and -Texas counting to a noticeable extent as a stimulus to. buyers.; , . .. . i; - More: or '. less,: purchasing of grains, was also ; associated with Ulk that the United SUtes gov ernment program for borrowing hnge sums ot money and tor ex penditures on a big scale must be accepted -as inflationary, and should result in higher prices for commodities. Considerable atten tion, too, was given to strength of domestic Cash markets, as practi cally all contract Train is now5 selling at .May prices or a few cents over. s , . Wheat closed firm at around the day's top, - above yesterday's finish, corn - np, oats un changed to 4 higher, and provi sions varying from 2 cents decline to a rise of 1? cents. Today's closing! quotations: Wheat May, 84-; July, 82-83; September, 84. Corn May,t Bl-i July, September, 64H-- May. 37-37 ;;July, 35,; Sep tember, 34. General Markets PBODUOX BXCHAHOB POBTLAKD. . Ore., ; Jaa. 9. (AP) Prodaee exchaage, net prices: Batter Extra 17 hie. standards 17 c. prime firsts ITe. firsts 16 He E(tt Fresh ex tras 20 22c, fresh mediums 18c. Portland Grain POBTLAKD. Ore.. Jsn. 6. (AP) Wheat Open High Low Close Mey 73tti 73H 73 73 July 72 72 72 72 Cash Big Bend Uoestem 73 c; dsrk hsrd winter 12 per ent 79e, 11 per cent 3e: soft white, western wmte, nsra winter, northern spring, western red 70e. Oats ?e. 2 white Corn No. 2B yellow $22.75. MiUren Standard $13.50. Portland! Produce PORTLAKD. Ore. Jsa. 6. API - Butter Prints, extras 19 e, sUadards 10e poena. Botterlst forlana delivery : a grsue 15-17e pound; fsrmer's door delivery 12- 13c pound, sweet cream ae aigoer. Eacs Pseifie : poultry producers' telling price: Freh' extra ipecial 24c, extras 22c, standards 20c, mediums 18c dosen. Buying pries by wholesalers: Fvesb extras 12e, firsts 15e, mediums 13c, nndergrade lie pallets lie doses. Cheese 82 score. Oregon triplets 10c; lost lie pound. Brokers will psy Vie below aootations. Milk Contract price, 4 per cent. , Portland delirery $1.70 cwa.: B grade cream 87e pound. Country aaeaU Battling price to ro Uilers: Country-killed' hogs, best butch ers, under 150 pound 7-7 c; vealers. 90 to 100 pounds, Se posnd; heavy calves 4-5c poead: lamas it-lie poBnd; hesvy ewes S-5 posnd ; as a d i a m cows S-S pound; canner cows 8-3o poaad bulls 4c pound. - . 1 Vehair Buying price, aominal. C a scars bark i Buying pries. 1933 peel 2 c posnd. Hop 1933 clusters '25 S"c pound. Lire poultry Portlsnd delivery, bay ing prices: Colored fowls, 4 to 6 pounds ll-12c, over 6 pounds 10-lle; spring pal lets, 2 to 8 lbs. 1112c; roasters over 8 lbs. ll-12c: Leghorn fowls, ever 8 lbs. 8 9c, under 8 pounds 8 9e: broilers, 1 te 3 pounds 1218c; 8 posnd and up 1112c; stags Se; roosters 5c lb. Colored ducks 11c; geese lOe poand. Turkeys, No. 1 12e pound. Onion Takima $1.40-1.60; Oregoa tl fiO.1 75 cental. Potatoes Local white and red 81- 1.05 eeatal; Yskims $1.25-1.35; les ehntea 1.20-1.40 eeatal. Wool 1933 clip nominal: Willamette T.lle-r 4i-25e masd: eastern Oreron 16- 21e pound; southern, Idaho 16 20e pound. Hsv Buying price from producer: Alfalfa Ke. 1, new erop $10-16.50; vetch 815: Willamette valley timothy $15; eastern Oregon timothy $17.50; oats $15 ton. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. I93 8tamlad Statistics Co.) January STOCK AVERAGES Today 89,9 42.0 64.3 77.6 Previous dsy 89.7 41.8 64.5 77.9 week sro a,3 az.e ti.J ou.z Year ago 54,S 28.8 94.6 67v4 Syearssgo 125.1 98.2 166.1 128.1 High 1933-34 103a 6S.O lis. 7 OJ Low 1933-34 42,8 23.S 61.1 43.9 BOHS A VISAGES Today 78.0 74.8 77.2 74.8 T4.9 74.9 73.0 97.8 88.5 68.8 Previous Cay 7a. V4.e vv.a Week sen 7a n.u Year age , 64.0 61.8 83.T 8 years ago 88.0 104.8 9S.2 High 19S9-84 77.1 84.8 88.S Low 1988-84 58.3- 67.0 74,1 Averages on Lag SlightlyStocks Dull on Saturday NEW YORK, Jan. s. (JPi Stocks were in the doldrums to day, finding no positive influences to stimulate activity one way or the other. The ; averages took a slight sag, but net changes were mostly limited to fractions, vol ume totaled 461,920 shares. Railroad shares were fairly firm today, though hot very active. Among industrials, some metals Improved slightly. Allied Chemical and dnPont yielded around a point hut steels were steady. American Telephone, U. Sj Steel, American Can, General Electric ana case, among numerous others, finished unchanged or nearly so. Trsns america was steady and fairly ac tive as dividends were resumed, with a 12 H-cent payment. Birthday Brings ' : Surprise Party LYONS, Jan 6. The women gave Mrs.-George Hubbard a sur prise party at Her - home Friday af tem on in boner of, her . birth day.. The afternoon -was spent so cially " and refreshments were served at the closing. - ; : f ; Mrs.iElmar Anderson Is away; in tiro hospital tor an operation. The children ate staying r with their grand parents Anders, dar ing the absence of their mother. ; Mr. and Mrs' Lloyd Stanley of Freewater T were Wednesday nigbl visitors at: the J. H,- John ston home. Mrs. Strnley will be remembered as Ot Mill, City. , wf . o-tr. I w t-w , w i r '"i ' ! . - Drauia H raw 4 co-op pool ftwtee, f 12 perl nnndred. ' Sarpbu 3)1.15. . tBBTk , Ojasst- ast seat! swatklf aatssrfat atataga.) - s Distributor price 3)2.10. : BatterfaC Top 14, prints 18 He, cubes 20 He Piicea-paid te Twrs ay Mataav aayers - v- .. " Jsanary S '.. ' t- ; - fTS price bshKs. aainANWay a loeal grease, are iadhstrrs Of tka- aatly aisrksl bataea at raaraateed by The Suttswaaa) iramr jid vaos?rasLa - Leak, des. baacbes. , .'.40 , taseeett, Jtaaeoarg , , . ,1,7 .75 Craabarrlot. . -- Itabaa Eroeeoli. lag ,. M Psrcatpa. aa tus . ,,, .9 Tsraip. bas lag. ,- ,, JO - Kotakaxss. tog baa -6S BruseU sprests. tug , , 0 Uses I sgg r1 .0 Cahbaxe. esrt. J0 U T.1S Books no. ewt. - - . - -8.75 t?raea. peppers. Calif., Ib. Oatoaa. dost bi hts . Potatoes, local Yakima .20 i .18 75 to 1J0 0 and L40 .1.10 sad 1.45 Deschutes , California, dry pack 1.40 ta 1.30 CaUfornia. iced 2.25 ta 2.75 Onioaa. Yakima, ewt .90 Labish 1.S0 Oalery. dos. - .60 Apples - Kings .75 Jonathan ,.,,. ' .75 Spits so aad .65 - Roma Beauty - 65 Oranges, Valenelas, fancy 2.75 Nsrels. cmta 2.75 to 3.25 Plscs pack 8.40 to 2.75 Japanrae. bundle n Beets, local, dox. .20 Tsrnip. local, dot. .80 . - .20 - U .75 .05 , .06 5.50 1.00 S.85 .20 .75 te l.oo (Jarrots. local, aos. Spinach, local, crate Bananas, lb. on stock Hands ,, Lemons . Limes, fresh Avaeadoa, erst Squaah. Danish, dos. Hubbard fqussh Tomatoes. California pack, Ing. 1.40 Mot Hons. " California, ease a Emporer grsnes - 1 n 8weet potatoes, lb. .03i Grapefruit. Florida Grapefruit. California 4.00 .2.50 HOPS 1933 cluster. Ib. ... BT0TS rilberts, Ib 25 to .35 .12 to .16 .20 Wslnuts. Ib. - 12 te aytne met BOOS Extras Mediums Pullet .15 .11 .09 .10 .08 .06 .10 .10 .04 J.15 .16 POtTLTBY Colored hens Medium hens Light hens , leghorn fryers . Colored fryers , Old nxtswrs ... - - Dressed tutkeys Ko. 1 torn Dressed turkey, top. hen . at SAT Spring iambs top . .VSQ Hogs. 160 to 200 lb. 4.00 120 to 1M lb. , 8.25 Over 200 lbs 8.75 Sows n Steer .03 to .04 Cowa , .01 te .08 Dressed veal, top - .06 Dressed bogs -uo Vi Wheat, western red .56 White. Ko. 1 .58 Barley, fead No. i ton 14.00 Oats. feed, toa na Barley, malting, toa , -Oats, milling, ton ... . H. bartaa arises .1S.P0 .18.00 18.00 14. OO 12.00 il.ts and vetea. toa Alfalfa, ratley. first cut. Clover hay WOOL Medium Oonrsa slobsir . 8 .22 , .20 FIRST CHILD CLAIMED SILVERTON, Jan. . A son named Jack was born to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Gander on Brooks street Friday morning. This was the first child born within the city limits of Silverton since the new year. Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER T j 3 h 3 7"" ' ft 1 io it TT" "" " " 7T " it , " 73 49b ; - 4 - " !" " -2.2 W' " W ; ' WMW" ir"T HORIZONTAL t talk com plainingiy - 5 covering for the head 8 puffed 12 above 13 tint 14 wander 15 emit 16 brings to a uniform . slope 18 obliteration 20 happening 2 i numeral 2 appraise 24 restrict to .. small 43 extreme 47 ideally mral.- 49 part of a church 0 legal claim 51 kind of . . .poem 52 English pubtie school , 63 for fear that , 54 trap , 55 income : from i . ' tenants ' Herewith Is the solution te yes terdsy's Puxsle.. - allowance fft-tleof : respect : 27 posed .for a : f Bortral t . : SO jeered '.. -S-in plate - J ; "- , or scale ' - 34 sea eagie r5 partake of ' . ; : the evening : - meal 7 external cart of. a .flower . j IS portico 19 eilk wormi t - . - I ja- .-: . a, . i .-v of war ' , S. Da WIAIHiPiE INN iPiAiTIE iNpfit T s lap ny t RfetEb P - V 4 BlMTOP SCORES , a . ,::- - , - I IF CLOT PORTLAND. Jan. 7 (JP) Ad vance of He in the two top scores ot cube butter during the weekend session of the Portland exchange, reflected both increased demand and desire ot. centrallxers to ease some of their recent losses as a result of the former sharp price -breaks, i Both extras and standards Were up and both Quoted at the same price, which, suggested there was . something wrong with either the grading or Quotations. The fact that butterfat prices were not ad vanced along with the higher price on extra butter! indicated that the price lift for butter was more or less artificiaL ; Market on eggs continued un settled with practically all private firms selling, extras at 20c and the local co-ops holding for 22c Outsiders were considered repon slble for the break. Demand for live chickens re mained keen and practically all sorts were in favor at full prices. Recent efforts to force reductions have proved a failure for this season. . i Local turkey demand .was tet ter again but the home consump tive call was for more hens and fewer toms while the outside call.; for freealng was. chiefly fori, toms. Locally hens were highest. First quality country killed lambs were becoming rare along the wholesale way and sales of or dinary stock at 12c high. Indicated the keenness of the call. Other country meats -except poor beef, were firm to steady. About 80 carloads of Oregon onions were being moved to tide water for shipment on first ves sels out of Portland to the orient. Market at Brooks was said to be the firmest pf the season. Demand for Wool Sharply limited BOSTON, Jan. . (&)--(TJ. S. Dept. Agr.) Demand for wool was very limited here the pan week. A few sales ot moderate vol ume in 64s and finer domestic lines were closed at steady prices compared with sales the previous two weeks. Asking prices were firm. Foreign wool markets were active and prices advanced. KOBLR IX HOSPITAL INDEPENDENCE, Jan. . Wilson Noble,, high school stu dent, was taken to the Salem General hospital this week for a hernia operation. CORDWOOD WANTED SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of the undersigned up to 11 A. M; January 22. 134. for wood for the State Institutions in and near Salem. Specifications and bidding blanks will be' furnished upon re quest. A surety bond for the faith ful performance of the contract will be required by the success ful bidders. I William Einzlg. Secretary Oregon State Board of Control, Capitol Building, Salem, Oregon J C-10-13-16 VERTICAL 1 body of law 2 -declare 3 connection ' 4 offer . 6 burn ' partiaOv ' tV-4orins 1 tools - : t prejectintT ; 1 piece of, . .-wood , 17 went back orer the" same ground ' 19 not sub jected t trial 23 be unwell ' 24 personal pronoun 25 jagge4 !-.!; rock 8 courageous i rock fissure 27 salt of the , . filled wiU ; - siKcie acids mineral, 4 , 10 smooth i vU Occident ' . 2& tome 29 toll A ' -31 composition r for two . - ; ' -voices S3 4amanj. - IS pompons , .. display 83 scarcely su-lcient ' 40 trroif .-j ' 1 wearisome a- 41 one of the , Great '.." .Lakes - 42 air heroes V' ,44 the dffl ' 45 river in England . '45 gave to. - tempwrarOj ' 43-electrified , S 6 H 3. A 1 i fi i '4 ; rr S4 i' i3 , partKle , i . t - - . , 1