The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 07, 1934, Page 6, Image 6

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    Sororities Open Houses
CANDLELIGHT, perfume of flowers and glowing fire
places were the hospitable backgrounds for the formal
r ly gowned co-eds who entertained Saturday night with their
annual sorority open houses.
- Guests were conducted on a tour of inspection through
all the rooms and served before proceeding to the. next chap
ter house. . ;
, Beta CM
Beta Chi opened its doors early
In the eTenlng from t:30 to 8;30
'clock. "The entrance hall- -was
- Mtated wltn' red tapers and' red
"carnations and s s y - wUlows
- werr placed aty?nt tne J rooms.
CaU. Miles, traeed 't mai re-
- ception room.-:?TBe - aerTlnaT table
- was centered with heather and
pink! carnations, guarded by pink
and orchid tapers. . : -
Miss Robert Mill Introduced
to the line made np ot Miss Mar
garet Pnrrine, Mrs. F. A. Elliott,
Dean and Mrs. F. M. Erickson
and Prof, and Mrs. E. C. Rich-
ards. ' ;. 1
Miss Julia Johnson gare out
the programs. Pouring were Mrs.
Wenzel Kaiser and Miss Kathleen
Skinner. Serving were Miss Mar
guerite Clark. Miss Margaret
Doege, Miss Bette Swift, Miss
Pauline Winslow, Miss Frances
Ellis, Miss Luciler Brainard, Miss
Edna Savage and Miss Dorothy
McGee. :
Delia Phi
Delta Phi's Lours were from 8
to 9 o'clock. A candelabra or
lighted pink tapers and bowls of
pink; roses were in the reception
rooms. Tfce serving table was cen
tered with a bowl of pink rose
buds with silvered leaves flanked
by' pink tapers in silver holders.
I ' ureeung guests ai me uwr
j was Miss Betty Mae Hartung and
' Miss Edna Danf ord gav out fav-
orsj Miss Gwendolyn Hunt intro-
duced to the line in. which were
' Mi?! Naomi Hewett, Mrs. Lillian
Hagman, vr. ana Mrs. c sner
man and Miss Elizabeth, Clement.
. Presiding at the urns were Miss
Mildred Miller and , Miss Bertha
Babcock. Serving were Miss Fran
ces Stewart, Miss Ruth Chaney,
Miss Ruth Chapman, Miss Eve
lyn Shields and . Miss .Margaret
' HalghU Assisting about the liv
ing room were. Miss Faithe Sher
ourne. Miss Janet Weil, Miss Ma
rie Ledbetter, Miss Claudia Bun
tin, Miss Marjorie Wnnder, Miss
Brenda Savage and Miss Phyllis
. t Alpha Phi Alpha
Alpha Phi Alpha; serenaded all
campus living organizations fol
lowing their at home from 1:30
i to 9:30 o'clock. Yellow irose
: bads and pussy willows were
- placed about the rooms' and -the
. tea table was centered witb a low
arrangement of -lavender tinted
- carnations and : yellow Jasmine,
guarded by yellow tapers.
) Miss Barbara Barham" greeted
guests at the door and Miss Dor
thy MacDonald Introduced to the
line. Receiving were Miss Edythe
Giaisyer, Mrs. R. L. Reed, Prof,
and Mrs. 'George H. Alden and
trot, and 'Mrs. W. C. Jones.
-Pouring were Miss Anna Ca-
. laba. Miss -.Marjorie Drorbaugh.
Miss Margaret Morris, Mrs. Caro
lyn Rutledge and Miss Mary
White. Serving were Miss Sydney
, Hannaford, Miss Mildred Drager.
Miss Eleanor Yarnes, Miss Jose
, phine Anderson, Miss Elva Sehon,
Miss Lorraine Sheldon, Miss Rose
Naef and Miss Gertrude Roenfrke.
r' "Miss Betty Galloway distribut
ed favors. Assisting about the
rooms .were Miss j Helen Knight,
Missv Ruth Johnson,; Miss- Maxlne
Jewell. Miss Martha Jane Hottel,
Miss Mary Nelson. Miss Marlon
Eeezley and Miss Mildred Mathe-
Miss Orey Married
Thursday i
A quiet wedding Thursday af-
ternoon la the United Brethren
- .f parsonage united Miss Ruby June
. Orey and -Theodore R. GIrod. Rev.
A. S. " Henderson .'performed the
ilr ceremony. I -
1 1 The pride was gowned in a cloth
; of gold ankle-length frockT trim
. med In brown velvet and wore a
. gold turban. .The couple were un
attended. Twenty-five relatives and
".rfrfends were- bidden to the wed-
ding.- The bride and. groom left
Immediately after the ceremony
1 for a wedding trtpf to the beaches.
- .They will nuke:; their home. Jn.
-. Salem.. ' . -j"' fc i
; . Mrs. yjiroof Is the daughter" oT
, m.'" and Mrs. A. .F. Orey and- a
4 graduate of Salem high school.
Mr; GIrod ia;the oa of Mrs. Ira
; 'Glrod and was a-aromlnent mem
iber of the Salens Senators for
; -:' several seasons,
" , ? ..- -, .. . ... . .
- RIckreall A surprise party and
: Miscellaneous ahower- was- given
Mr, and Mra.L Ora t Lasts and
daughter Wednesday night when
group of friends called to spend
the evening with them. Cards and
games were frayed after which
refreshments were served to Mr.
' and Mrs. E. A. Hamilton, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Harland and children;
Mr. and Mrs. W.1 W. Rowell and:
. Elizabeth, Mrrand Mrs. Oren Kel-
.' losg and La Verne, .Mr. and Mrs.
' Arthur Beaver aad Harvey, Mr.
and Mrs. F. E. Pence and Betty.
Mrs. LUlian JUrkia, Mrs. Mary
Burch, Mr. : and Mrs. John B.
. ' Riney and " sons.' Claude Larkln,
-. John Larkln and Lloyd Larkln.
. The Lantg family recently moved
Into their new home near Green-
The Rebekahs will meet Mon
day night for their regular busi
ness meeting at-7: 30-After lodge
. Is closed, the, district -deputies
. wish an of the elective and ap-
'pomtlve off leers to please be
there for'pracUce, as they wCl in-
iau weanescay,
Night W it h
Gleernen Have
Soloist of
. Note,
HEN the Eugene Gleernen.
civic male chorus of 80
trained voices, appear in
concert here Friday evening. Jan
uary 19 in the armory, George
Bishop, baritone, will be the
chief soloist.
Mr. Bishop, a graduate stu
dent at the University of Oregon.
will be remembered for his sing
ing "Ole Man River a year ago
here. He is hailed by many north
west critics as a Lawrence Tib-
bett in the making.
Dean John Lands bury says of
Bishop: "There s something
about George Bishop which wins
you even before he begins to sing.
It is his wholesome boyish en
thusiasm and sincerity admitting
of no affectation or "upstagi
ness." His voice is rich, smooth
and mellow, with an indescribab
ly appealing quality. His inter
pretations are sound and musi
cianly, and the whole product
leaves you with a renewed faith
in youth and music.
The concert is being sponsored
by Salem service ' organizations.
Rotary, Ifrwanis. Lions and Amer
ican Legion for the benefit of the
Boy Scouts.
The services of the Gleernen are
donated for the cause.
Debutante Set Feted
At Bridge
Miss Marguerite Smith and Miss
Betty Barker invited a group of
the deb set to the W. H. Smith
residence Saturday afternoon in
celebration of the. hostesses' birth
days. The afternoon was spent at
bridge with honors going to Miss
Ha Mills and Miss. Betty Parker.
Refreshments including two
lighted birthday cakes were serv
ed late In the afternoon. The serv
ing table was centered with pink
chrysanthemums and pink tapers.
Bidden were the Misses Mar
garet Gillette, Barbara Kurtz,
Jean Anunson, Betty Parker.
Daisy Wkkehain, LaneU Belling
er, Georgia Harrington, Ha Mlllsr
Florence Utter, Sedonia Keith,
Phyllic Keith, Theo Beck. Maxlne
Gahlsdorf. Emylin Griggs and
hostesses. Miss Smith and Miss
High School P.T.A.
Will Meet ;
The Salem high school P.T.A.
will meet Wednesday night ia the
high school library. Judge George
Rossman ot the I supreme court
will speak on important changes
of rules made in court . proce
dure. He will an wer questions
at the. close of his address.
A unique feature of the meet
ing will be the showing of mo
tion pictures made of Salem high
students at their studies and ac
tivities. All parents and friends
are invited to come and select the
future Marie Dressier and Will
Monday, January 8
Standard Bearer girls, at Stevens home, ISO S.
15th, 7:30 p. m.
- Women's council. Open Door Mission, 2:30 p. m. at
Sigma' Nu Delpblans, 2 p.' m.. at home Mrs. R. D.
. Paris, also s. High.
Chapter AB, ' P. E. O., at home Mrs. Roy Hewitt,
30 N. Commercial. 7:45 p. m.
Rebekahs meet, 7:30 p. m.
v First .meeting ot class In highlights of art from, pre
J.hiatorlc to present times, 7f3 p. m., Y. M. C. A., Mrs.
, C. A. Kclls, Instructor, open to public.
Tuesday, January 0
Chi. Delta Delphlans; at home Mrs. Ethel Ritter.
Hazeldorf Apts- 173 S. Cottage, 9:30 a. m.
Alpha Phi Alpha mother's club, chapter house.
2 p. m. . , .
. Beta Chi mother's club, at home Mrs. Henry Cor
noyer. p ni. ....
..... Past . president's Woman's . Relief corps, at home
Mrs. Carl Butte, 1925 Chemeketa, 2 p. m. Take Cheme
. keta bus. Mrs. Hattie Cameron, hostess. -"
Open meeting, Salem Arts League, public library,
7:30 p. m. C W.' Noble, speaker, on "China".
Mrs. C. A. Park's bible class at her home, 1589
. Chemeketa' street, 2 p. m. ..
..Covered-dish supper, annual meeting and program,
! First Congregational church, C10 p. m.
Junior Guild, St. Paul's Episcopal xhurch, 1 p. m.
'" no-host luncheon at home Mrs, Alton Hurley, 1325 N.
. 19th. -.-
4 " Wednesday, January 10
...... gaiem . high- school P.- T.' Ai evening meeting in "
. . school, library. Jadge Rossman. speaker. .
- -W. F. M. S. of First M. E. church. 2:15 In church
parlors. I v. -;s;.V ,,;.
Woman's Missionary society ot First Presbyterian
church, 2: S9 p. m. In church parlors, i
: TW. H.M. Jason Lee chureh, at home Mrs. Walter'
Barham, 1735 N. Fifth, 2:15 p. m.
tv Scholarship loan tea at home Mrs. D. B. Jarman
given by Woman's club. ; '
r:f C s Friday, January 12
Mother's study group. First Congregational church,
-at home Mrs. Roger Myphlng, 7(0 N. Summer. 2:30 p; m,'
4 Pnblie -Installation lit officers. Barbara Frletchie
camp No. 2. K. P. halL p. m.
I: Soloist
r nifx m i rnVH
ft v
rji - rvO':
I ; , ." "- M 'I
if J ilh'f
' "y ' t
t A ' it
": v
George Bishop, youthful bari
tone, who vnll be one of the
principal soloists at the
forthcoming Eugene Glee
rnen concert here January
20th Anniversary
Friends and relatives ot Mr.
and and Mrs. L. S. Harvey joined
themin celebration of the 20th
wedding anniversary last week.
Dinner was served at 6:30
o'clock, the table being centered
with a six-tier cake guarded by
lighted tapers. Green boughs were
used about the living room.
Gifts of china and glassware
were bestowed upon the honor
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey. Mrs. Alta Cummings,
Mrs. Rosetta Sheffield, Monroe
Cady, Dayton Cady, Rev. Sanders,
Mrs. Lydla Hobbs, Monroe Hobbs,
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Dunlap,
Melvln Sample, Mrs. Nellie E.
Smith. Edmond Sheffield, E.
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Conn.
Mirle and Viola Harvey, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Smith and children
Eldrich, Francis, Pearl, Richard,
Riley. Julie and Joy Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. William Richards, Elsie
Richards, George Richards, Ellis
Richards, Fay Sherman, He: ry
Fisher, Bill Laurence. Mr. and
Mrs. Aubbison, Mr. and Mrs
Arneson, Mr. and Mrs. George
Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hack
ett. Leonard and Clifford Hackett
and Roscoe Kent.
G.A.R. Ladies Honor
U. S. Grant circle No. 5, Ladies
ot the G. A. R-, met at 13 o'clock
Thursday in the armory to wel
come their department president,
Mrs. Susannah Hammond, and
department inspector, Mrs. Laura
van vaiaenourg. Tney were ac
companied by Mrs. Rose Garrison,
past department ' president. All
three are of Portland.
Visitors from Dallas included
Mrs. Ethel Mott, Mrs. Alda Burns
and Mrs. Georgia Golonton.
' Mrs. Hammond Installed the
following officers: President, Mrs.
Ardel K. Lawrence; senior vice-
president, Mrs. Sarah E. Oliver;
junior vice - president, Mrs. Mary
L. Straw; chaplain, Mrs. Sophia
syaes; treasurer, Mrs. Ma Del
Tragllo; secretary. Mrs. Lorene
Yunk; patriotic instructor, Mrs.
Mary J. Smith; musician, Mrs.
Alice I. Blessing; conductress,
Mrs. Lena Taylor; assistant con
ductress. Mrs. Mary A. Gosser;
guard, Mrs. Louise O Neal.
The Delta Phi mothers' club
will meet Monday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. W. R. Speck,
180 West Superior, at 2:30 p. m.
Mrs. A. Oehler and -Mrs. A. M,
Chapman will be assistant host
Many Woodwinds Found
In Symphony Orchestra
FT1HE largest and a very Im-
I portant orchestral family is
. that of the Woodwinds, so
called, .because Its members are
made of wood and are blown to
produce sound. -
The. flute, is a birdlike sound
ing Instrument, clear, high, li
quid and beautiful, while its little
sister, the piccolo, registers an
octave higher and is a shrill
voiced child.
' A small Italian boy registered
in school not long ago, and seem
ing somewhat shy, was not quick
ly befriended by the other chil
dren. His name - happened to be
David Piccolo,' and one' day dur
ing a woodwind lesson the teach
er 'remarked that sine instru
ments were occasionally named In
honor of people, Bometimes be
cause they had Invented them,
possibly the piccolo had been
named for one of David's ances
tors. The children gazed upon shy
little David with new wonder, and
Instantly he became a hero In
their eyes. From that day on,
he was catered to by everyone
of his schoolmates.
The flute and the piccolo may
easily be distinguished in the j
Benefit Bridge
Js Success
large benefit bridge party
was given Friday after
noon in the parish house
of the St. Paul's Episcopal church.
Hig score in auction went to Mrs.
A. L. Gardner and Mrs. Robert
Brennen and in contract to Mrs.
George H. Swift and Mrs. H. J.
Presiding at the urns during
the tea hour were Mrs. George H.
Swift and Mrs. C. F. Patton. As
sisting with serving were Mrs.
Richard Stols, Mrs. James Laid
low, Mrs. FranklShafer and Mrs.
Arthur Knox. . '
Tables were reserved by:
Mrs. A. C. F. Perry. Mrs. Ralph
Glover, Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mrs.
Laban Steeves, I Mrs. Walter
Spauldlng, Miss Mary Gould Par
sons, Miss Margaret Wilson, Miss
Kathryn Corey, MWs Frances Wil
son, Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mrs. J.W.
Beveridge, Mrs. Victor Griggs,
Mrs. John Elliott, Mrs. George A.
White, Mrs. Homer Goulet, Mrs.
William Hamilton, Mrs. Kate
Bell, Mrs. Henry Cornoyer, Mrs.
Homer Smith, Mrs. Margery Le
Furgy, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn. Mrs.
John E. Bsophy, Mrs. Harry
WJedmer, Mrs. Tom Galloway,
Mrs. Carl W. Butte, Mrs. G. C.
Ward, Mrs. G. S. Arbuckle. Mrs.
Harry Worth. Mrs. C. B. McCul
lough. Mrs. James Nicholson,
Mrs. Charles Breck. Mrs. Chris
Butte, Mrs. A. L. Gardner. Mrs.
Bt J. Bean, Mrs. Thomas McBride.
Mrs. W. S. Levens, Mrs. A. R.
Hunter. Mrs. George H. Swift,
Mrs. E. O. Sanders, Mrs. R. D.
Paris, Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mrs.
Louis Lachmund. Mrs. Cal Patton.
Mrs. Larome Rankin, Mrs. Willis
E. Vincent, Mrs. Victor Bovelle,
Miss Henrlette White, Mrs. Per
cy Kelly, Mrs. Carlton SmithMrs.
W. W. Ridiholgh, Mrs. J. N.
Chambers. Mrs.. E. Hartley, Mrs.
Russell Catlin, Mrs. J. N. Smith.
Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs. C. H.
Robertson, Mrs. J. W. Whittig,
Mrs. W. E. Chandler, Mrs. Robert
W. Berg, Mrs. Harry T. Love,
Mrs. Clyde Kaiser, 'Mrs. Robert
Brennan, Mrs. Clifford Bentson,
Mrs. Alton D. Hurley. Mrs. James
Laidlaw, Mrs. Frank Shafer, Mrs.
Richard Stols. Mrs. Arthur Knox.
Mrs. R. E. Downing, Mrs. F. G.
Bowersox, Mrs. C. A. Sprague and
airs. it. w. Craig. .
D.A.R. Entertained
Mrs. Fred Rltner entertained
members of the D. A. R. stnrri.
afternoon, in her heme on Center
street. Mrs. John Harbison was
the principal speaker, talking on
. viucu vi iu ncTOlullon.
Delegates to the state conven
tion to be held in March were
named as follows:
Mrs. John H. Carkin. Mrs. c. a.
Sprague, Mrav U. O. Shinley. Mrs.
H. G. Love. Mrs. Frank Settle
tneier of Woodbnrn, Mrs. CC.
Geer, Mrs. Oscar Hayter and Mrs.
Ora Cosper, both of Dallas, Mrs.
H. J. Ostlind and Mrs. Frances
Cornell. -
Alternates are Mrs. John Har
bison. Mrs: William Fordyee Far
go, -Mrs. Seymour Jones. Mrs. - Da
vid Jjooney Of Jefferson, Mrs. Lew
is Griffith, Mrs. W...C. Conner,
Mrt. G. I. Putnam, Mrs. C. C,
Best. Mrs. Fred Rltner and Miss
Edna Mingus of Monmouth.;
Monday afternoon all 7th grade
Girl Reserves of Parrish school
will meet with Mrs. Elisabeth
Gallaher at the s e h o o 1 to re
arrange the year's program.
Wednesday afternoon the Girl
Reserves of Salem high school
will meet with Mrs. Gallaher In
Mrs. Fisher's room to make plans
for mid-winter conference' to be
held at Reed college.
- All G.R. groups will meet as
usual In addition to the above
special sessions. - - -'
' Stayton. Mrs. Dora Dotler en
tertained her bridge club on
Thursday night. Members present
were -Mrs. H. Church.- Mrs. K.
Thompson, Mrs. L. Kflllan, Mrs.
M. Gehlen. Mrs. L. Dawes. Mrs.
Ed Klecker. Mrs.C Steward, Mrs.
E. Dotler. Mrs. L. Pooler. Mrs.
A. Michels and Mrs. R. Scranton.
The group will meet again in two
weeks with Mrs. Martin Gehlen as
woodwind section, tor they are
the only instruments held In a
horizontal position while they are
being played.
The clarinet, oboe and English
horn are all long black slender
horns, so watch closely for their
differences. The clarinet baa
beautiful high notes like a flute,
but it is one jump ahead of the
flute since it can play low notes
The oboe is a dreamy, oriental
sounding instrument, and the
English - horn, its big brother,
sounds just like It, only deeper.
The interesting feature of the
English -horn is that It has, a
round bulb on the end. Tha oboe
and clarinet look very m u c h
alike, except that the latter is
Lastly comes the big-bassoon,
a deep-voiced Instrument. It looks
different from any of the wood
winds, and by searching for the
largest Instrument in that section
during the next Philharmonic
concert, you may see what it
looks like. "
Next week comes the last fam
ily in the orchestra, and you will
be surprised at how many of
them you already know.
Choral Group
To Present
TV 1 spring concert by the Sa
lem MacDowell club chorus
will be given April 5. Two
splendid artists are to assist with
the program, Marguertha Lo
mann. pianist, and Kurt Beher,
Both have had wide experience
In concert work and their Joint
appearance with the local chorus
promises a musical treat of high
Rehearsals for the April con
cert will be resumed in a couple
of weeks. All former members are
invited to participate and an invi
tation is extended by the direct
or, Lena Belle Tartar, to any who
are experienced in choral work
and who wish to become affiliated
with a singing organization. Re
hearsals are held Tuesday nights
at the First Congregational
church with Marguerite Dalton as
Recital Will Be Given
Monday Night
The .public la Invited to a
and violin recjtal at the studio of
Miss Frances Virginia Melton,
Monday night at 8 o'clock.
The program is as follows:
Beethoven Sonata Op. 27-2
Adagio aostenuto allegretto
Ruth Marcta Brown
Brahms Canriccio nn 76-5
Intermezzo op. 7C-3
Lois Fellows
Lola PlumiiM,
Spohr Adagio from Gesangscene con
certo No. I
Violin, Jeannette Scott
Grieg Menuett op. g-2
Thompson Holland, Dutch dance
lorjeswin The First Butterfly
MacDowell . . AUrlonettes
Charlotte H1U
NoYaoek Perpetual. Motion
violin, Jeannette Scott
Gooseur u ...
Cyril Scott
C Dance Negre
t.j c, . Lo1 Burton
Uadow-SiloU ..Four Folk Dances
(a) L?end of the Birds
( i, with a Mosquito
c) Cradle Song
(d) Dance
Tla a7A11.
f""1'."! Jron, the
Miss Jeannette Scott "
Will Play
Invitations have been issued for
a musicale to be given at the home
i . ueorge Alien Wednesday
"'6"- wuea juiss jeannette Scott,
THiumsi, wm present the program.
Miss Scott Is a student of wmim
Wallace-Graham and is assistant
concert-master of the Philharmon
ic orcnestra. The program will be
as follows:
Concerto No. 8 .Spehr
- Recitative
Allegro moderato
Perpetual Motion. . . . . ..Novaceck
Concerto No. 4, . . ; . . ... ...Mozart
Allegro appasionato
Adagio -Minuetto
Miss Barbara Barham will nlav
the piano accompaniments.
Assisting about the rooms will
be Mrs. J. Vinton Scntt. Mrs.
Ralph Scott, Mrs. Mary Talmadge
Headrick, Misses Doryce Ross,
Virginia -Graham. Betty Moffat,
Betty Boylan and Mary Seott. Mrs.
William Wallace Graham will
pour. . -
The T.W.C.A. board will meet
Tuesday morning at 10 am. with
Mrs. Lb O. Clement, president, in
the chair. Mrs. F. A. Elliott, fi
nance campaign manager, will
present her plana for the year.
New members of the board will
take office .for the first time and
general plans for the year will
be made. . ,
- -
Mrs. T. A. Livesley, wife of
the chairman of the Pres
ident's birthday ball which
vnll be given January 30
in the armory, is among
prominent matrons active
in sponsoring the affair.
Crescendo Club Gives
The Crescendo club of the Sa
lem high school , held a meeting
Friday night. Members initiated
in November who had not as yet
performed on one of the club's
programs appeared.
The program was as follows:
Trombone solo "Believe Me If
All 'Jhose Endearing Young
Bert Broer
Vocal solo "Smilin' Through."
Cora Edgell
Piano solo "Polonaise" Chopin
Rise Ann Gibson
Clarinet solo "Minuet In G"
Frank Runt
Flute Solo Indian Song.
Betty Minkiewits
Vocal solo "Home la the Range"
Billy Utley
Trumpet solo "Time and Tide"
Margaret Anne KeJls
These accompanying these solo
ists . were: Doris Barnett, Lois
Burton. Doris Schunke and Ma
rian Chase.
Plans are under way for the
annual program presented by this
club, but a definite date has not
yet been set.
Letter Carriers Feted
At Dinner
A dinner honoring retired let
ter carriers was given Wednesday
night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, W. M. Persons. Holly and
red tapers made the table at-
tractive. The evening was spent
in informal conversation.
Honor guests were F. A. Ba
ker, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Tooth-
aker and Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
Welch. Others present were Miss
Lottie McAdams, Billy McAdams
and hosts, Mr. and Mrs.- Persons.
Mr. Baker leaves today for an
extended trip through California
and to Australia. Mr. and Mrs.
Toetnacner wiU . return to their
home in Cascadia this weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Welch are planning
a tour of the eastern states this
coming spring and summer.
Ascalero Club Plans
Dinner Meet
xne uscaiero ciub will nave a
dinner meeting Wednesday night
at the Y.W.C.A. at :15 o'clock.
Miss Dorothy Tucket, president, la
hostess for the affair. Miss Lucile
Rolow la in charge ot the din-
ner. -
Miss Eleanor Moore., advisor.
aad Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher . will
be special guests. Miss Beatrice
Burton and Miss Blanche Roddy
are wonting out the nrorram
which will deal with formal din
ner. .
All young business girls are in
vite. '
Don't Forget .'
the next
Duplicate Contract
- at the r r
. 'Next. ' :..
EVERY mother wants. -a
picture record of'
; her baby and the sooner
it begins the more pre
cious it will be,. -? .
Start the Record Now
Woman's Club WHIG ive
Scholarship Tea on
AN AFFAIR next Wednesday of interest-in -all Salem so
cial circles will be the annual scholarfehltfldah tea given
by the Woman's club at the home of Mrs'-fD, B. Jarman on
South High street. All women of Salem arid vicinity are in
vited. '. -: ..- - . "Ir:
Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, chairman of the social com
j ..... i .oniittee, is in charge of arrange
Clubs to Meet
An Salem
MEMBERS of the Salem Busi
ness and Professloonal Wo
men's club are anticipating
an interesting and instructive
meeting when the South Willam
ette clubs convene here Sunday,
January 14, In the Masonic
The Salem club Is hostess for
the conference with the president,
Mrs. Winifred R. Herrick as con
ference chairman and Miss Helen
Louise Crosby, program chairman.
The program for the conference
has been announced as follows:
8:30 m. 4.
ExcBtiT council meeting.
Open Forum:
Reports of itite chairmen.
Panel diwaition. "Why it Economic
.Planning Essential to Kational Se
lurity!" Mist Helen Louise Crosby, Salem, stste
legislative chairman, leader, assisted
Uri. Ella Edmundton, E arena.
Kiss Christina Linke, UcVinnrille.
Miss Elisabeth Gerding, CorTsllis.
12:30 p. ra.
Luncheon Masonic temple dining room.
Group singing Led by Ma Boss Walk
er, state mosie director.
One minnte talka by district elnb presi
dents "My Most Outstanding Pro
gram This Tear."
Musical numbers American Legion
Auxiliary auartet of Salem,
Mrs. Mildred Wyatt. Mrs. Arlcne
Brown, Brs. Vida Lou Starr, Mrs.
Grace Zosel.
Accompanist. Mrs. Marc-uerita Dalton.
Piano solo -Winfred Hagedorn.
Whistling Mrs. Billie Herhster.
Accompanist. Mrs. Marguerite Dalton.
Addrrst "LegislattTe Problems,"
Mrs. Hannah Martin, state repreten-
tatire from Marion county.
3:00 p. n.
The Chi Delta Delphlans will
meet Tuesday morning at 9:30
o'clock in the apartment of Mrs.
Ethel Ritter at the Haxeldorf. The
topic is "Writers of the Renais
sance." For Appointments Phone 5572
Contract Bridge Lessons
I Marion Hotel
Tuesday, January 9th
Mrs. Wm. H. Qiiinn
Bette Harrild
ff:00 p. BEGINNERS -7:00p.m-BEGINNERS
: . - j i
January 17 Men's Sweepstakes
Tournament !
(Sootte GtaHtfcc
Regrouped and Repriced at -
Greater Reductions .
00.75 01375
019-75 and 03475
: vaiaes s;i9.75 to S49.75
Another .Group of Our
Dresses for $- .95 i $-i a .95
all occasions XU and
. Valaew to 24.73
ilK CTsTv fn
?ctw1 Woolworth'.;
w.- - - a mM a. H
ments. Mrs. R. K. Moorbead will
1A J - J. . t ,J A LI .1. ill
Include Mrs. Clifton Mudd, presi
dent of the IXonian't club, Mrs.
D. B, Jarman, .Mrs.. J. H. Lanter
man, Mrs.C. p. Bishop and Mri
; JElliotu??;-.' : -
Pourlng.will W Mrs. Dan Fry,
Sr., Mrs. -William Brown, Mrs.
Martha Schmack, Mrs. Percy Kel
ly, Mrs. George H. Swift and Mrs.
J. N. Chambers.
Serving will be Mrs. W. H.
Darby, Mrs. Albert Hunter, Mrs.
Floyd White,! Mrs. Laban Steeves.
Mrs. Roy Harland, Mrs. Oscar
Cutler, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs.
E. C. Cross, Mrs. John H. Mc
Nary, Mrs. U. G. Shipley. Mrs.
Walter Winslow and Mrs. Doug
las C Mlnto.
Assisting about the rooms will
be Mrs. William Fordyee Fargo.
Mrs. Milo Rasmussen, Mrs. Geo.
H. Alden, Mrs. J. M. Devers. Mrs.
C. K. Spauldlng and Mrs. L. R.
Mrs. Percy R. Kelly is in
charge of the music which will
include vocal groups by Mrs.
Harry Harms and Mrs. Roy Har
land. The original date for the tea.
January 31, has been altered by
a change of plans and the affair
will be given instead on Wed
nesday, January 10.
As a part ot their program, the
Salem Primary Council of Child
hood Education is visiting variou
industrial plants. Tuesday a trip
to the Miles Iftreirmtll is planned.
The Alpha phi Alpha mother
club will meet Tuesday afternoon
at the chapter house at 2 o'clock.
Hostesses include Mrs. J. D. Fo
ley and Mrs.; Ray A. Yocum.
Dr. J. Vinton Scott
Office Phone Home Phone
6964 : 8559
804-5 1st National Bank Bid
Saleni, Oregon
CHARMING portraits
taken in your own
home of the children
alone or with the par
ents. Gunnell & Robb
520 State
e .
- '.
i 4 .... r
aad. Capital Dmc gtW