The O: ICON i&TATESlIAN Saleru Oregca, Scaday Morals?, Jantary 7,1934 ; PAGETIYO r - ml i it- J . c '3 ' "4 S ' - - I- l-L o c a 1 , N ew s v B r i e E s FA MIMED III Support is Urged To show tlielr gratitude to the Pennlt Refused The Contin-1 "Water ; Right. Asked T. J. ental v Insurance company with I Hewes of Portland has Hied with tvaailnnartAra In fit Tuita Yiaa I .. ' . . .. Mm notiajd to te dour - u.i to .pJIUrtau VmSc Birthday Telegram Tells ol -;S SeiVSK Appreciation for Jobs; - nonncea saturaay. Averui as- creek, otr a swimming pool. v ciarea ma inn .hmboti ui i p0ad and f domestic Irrigation, of tne. company was-not saUsfac-iTha ami ran, t.i a m A AA mftat a I . . . - ,t7v,i,'"'rtT l Baaer seeaa to appropriate' one i fn. -mwlovment they nrotectton ttat is nos"! chipped In to pay lor a tele- ill said. The 1933 report showed lTT'' vt- -f f gram-to President Franuar u. holdera wUh 2,027,00 Insnr- Hardin and BJrnest E. Macrander, hare been employed on ance In Oregon, s The company'g whom autol police bronght here gTonnda Job. The J16,", UTBUUCUU U VlCVa OB5 CAia uiwueauva K - A 1 t0,000 with mortgage loans of nyside residents roiced suspicions for one hnndreo, ten graieiui 1124,000; t; i the pair bad entered the school men" was as follows: - ' 4 4 - vt ? building there, were released yes- "One hundred ten heads of Harry,. Merle and Harold .Gwynn terday and ordered to more on. families employed on C. W. A. now located at 3 62 State St . state nollce said it was determined nroiects numbers four fifty-two. i. , ' . M i I tbo men had only been sleeping on in Marlon County, Oregon, on the School Clinics Slated All-day I the 8cnooi perch. state Fair Grounds, hare shared cuntcs at wasningion scnooi won- . eonaiiT the exnense of this tele day and Tuesday and at. Engle- Waated furniture. Phone 6110. ' expresVto you our deep wood school Wednesday are sched- . ! . . , lt ni ' atniAra thanks - uled byjtho Marion county health: - Speeding Charpd City po- JW"0 SHaSi denartment this week. -Thursdays ilce yesterday lodged a charge of for creaUng this constrncUTe pro- ae.S -w-;" I" zZJ. a. sex- lect. which Is doing much to re- uisr,bab7cT v.Ai.v a . i,n.M nrA ntheadauarters. Sexton was I necessary comforts for our dear "-Jr I .TFBfr and Market ones in our homes. Our earnings tions Will bo siren tabereular sua- streets after Speeding along North made possible a happy and boun- f i tat tnheriMilrwtla Tina. I UOmmern&l. BXCOralnK 10 iu w umi uuristmaa auu. na pltaL Friday morning a clinic will 1 ticer's report;. tered this New Year with new i nrina rm mini aiaumuo. BoildlBK Slow The first week w. Bftn .nA riehtfnllr eznect of 1934 brought scant actlrlty in onr congressmen from Ore- general building operations, ac- gon will ioyauy support your pro- coraing to permn ngures t m mms as you place them before I.aat wV hiit fern r nnrmita were "Dean Clark 111 C. C. Clark, ,afinwl Cnnstrnrtlon. all renairs tamiiuny Known to wiiumens d -iterations. enUiled amount ed to but $260. be held at Grant school and Sat urday morning the usual immun isation clinic at the health center. Don't forget that famous dinner again at the Argo, 50c. unirersity students and alumni as "Dean" Clark, superintendent congress. The trials or vie past few years hare proren our coun try to be the land of the brare. This bravery backing up your wonderful courage, keen Intel Ifa 1 V i.tKAniHAMalit an1 of grounds' and building, at the Commerce luncheon -- Leslie "J" J 13 .onntrr university, was reported yester- m. Scott, chairman or tne " i .....T, day to be quite seriously 111 at highway commission, will speak g P"W ewer to you nrt "Do, PrnWoma In Knurl '-"""'"i " Building" at the luncheon of the chamber of ; commerce Monday noon. The 1934 board of direct ors will also be introduced. his home. 753 Marion street Keppinger in - Salem John Keppinger, former Salem resi dent who now makes his home in Indian Valley, Idaho, was In Sa lem the latter part of the week to attend the funeral of his bro ther, Michael Keppingsr. ) - Draughtsmen 'Wanted Several additional skilled architectural draughtsmen are needed to assist in drawing plans for the proposed remodeling of the Marlon county courthouse through CWA aid, ac cording to Manager E. T. Barnes of ; the national re-empployment agency. Mrl Barnes yesterday ad vised applicants to register at once at the employment office, 250 Court street. Registrants must, he -.said, qualify ias to training, skill and experience before being placed. '.. Permanent "Waves ?l and-up. Finger Wavtj. 35c and up. Model Beauty Parlor, Tel. 7870. Amltv Ranic Unrestricted The authorised tO go on a full 100 Rtat Bank of Amitv in going I per cent basis, A. A. Schramm, In an unrestricted basis this state superintendent of banks, an month, - did so through raising inounced. 327.000 additional capital funds, it was - announced yesterday at Correction Britton Ross, In stead of Mr. Roth, will begin a series of sermons on "Unusual Signs of Unusual Times," Febru ary 4 at the First Baptist church. Single Mishap Listed A single automobile accident was listed at police headquarters yesterday. Ac cording to the report, it involved T. A. Lindstrom, 2605 Cherry avenue, and a motorist named Hester, 1910 North Fifth. Neither was injured. Harry, Merle and Harold Gwynn now located at 362 State St Bank Unrestricted The Es tacada State bank which has been operating under rertrictlons since I the bank holiday was declared by President Roosevelt, Friday was nary 30, for many years find you commemorating a healthy and happy birthday anniversary.' January Marlon conn- tf ctmventloa of Farmers' TTalom xneets a Ms. Angel. .fannary -Joint meet lnjb Marion .ad Polk coun ty nnt growers, chamber of January 8 Monthly meet ing Salem Garden club at chamber of commerce, 8 p. in.-- ,' January tw Annual Cher rUn dinner; Marlon hotel. January It Willamette a. Oregon Normal, baskct balL. ; . January 15 Salem school 'district election on $25,000 bond Issue. January 16 Salem vs. Albany high, basketbalt ' January 19 Eugene Gleemen. Boy Scouts Bene fit, Salem armory. January 80 Roosevelt birthday ball, armory. February 18 Reserve Of ficers' association of Marion and Polk counties, formal military . ball honoring Ma jor - General .George A. White. : .- , F10RB DilED inswcKe HAWLEV TO SPU.K OF PIER FAITH Gervais Women Injured by Falls the s statebouee. CapiUl of the tank was Increased from SI 1,0 00 to 125,000 and the residue used to set np a reserve for questioned assets- The bank has been re stricted since! the March, 1933, bank holidays. Sublimity Gets Project A new etvil works project consisting of improving school properties will start at Sublimity this week, ac cording; to CWA Administrator Glenn C. Nlles. No new men will be employed, however, since the present CWA crew there has com pleted the general city project and will simply be transferred to the new one. ,- jr Johnny Robinkon coming to Mel low Moon, Wed. night, Jan. 10. Adm 25c. .New features. t Seek' license Application for a marriage license was filed at the-county clerk's" office Satur day by Albert I Rowland, 19, 2996 Turner road,' a truck driver, and Elsie Lc Wilson, 19, Eugene, lloynihan to Speak Clifford Morniban, Salem attorney, will go to Chemawa tonight at the invi tation of Superintendent Ryan and will deliver a short talk on the work and experiences of the Salem drum corps. He will appear on a program starting at 8 p. m. I.usk Assigned Circuit Judge i Lusk of Multnomah county has t been assigned to McMinnville to preside at a trial in which Judge Walker is disqualified, the state supreme court announced Satur day. The case has been set for January 10. W. C. Winslow, Roy Harland and S. M. iJndicott have moved their offices from the Guardian Build- in v tn A(ill MnonnV Tliiilritna- Rayboin Fined 10 E. A. Rayboin, 1944 Liberty street, whom city police arrested Friday for being intoxicated, yesterday paid a 10 penalty, according to municipal court records Oldenburg Pays f 1 Pleading guilty in municipal court yester Births! I -o . BarMberger-i-To.Mrand.Mrs. Wi E. fcarnsberger, route1 8, Sa lem, a ?4 pound boy, born Sat urday. January 6, at the, Bunga-j low. Maternity hospital. : j Bartruf f To Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bartruff, route four, a boy; Low ell Milton, born January 2 at the residence. . . i CROQU1XOLET ' PCSO WAVE Ringlet Ends. x.; Complete "! y . $1 00 ; Castle Permanent Wavers Co. 307 Est Natl Bank Bldg., 8663 a housewife. Edwin Lee Crawford, day to a charge of failing to give Salem, an attorney, iuea appn- i right of way, Louis R. Oldenberg, cation for a license to wea route eight, paid a 3 1 penalty , lyn Louise uguvie, roninu, court records show. nousewue. - ins uaie ei w u- nary. 13. i "..,:-J- .. - Abe Geta Ticket K. Abe, route nine, was arrested yesterday on a charge of failing to stop his auto , mobile before entering a through traffic street, , according to city police records.; Max D. Morrow, route seven, was arrestea . on a charge of speeding, another entry shows. . ', , - I" Chorus to Meet The Oratorio 3 aehorus is to meet Monday night at 1:30 o'clock at the Court Street Christian church. The pur pose of the meeting Is ? to lay, t plans for future productions. Former Congressman W. C, Hawley, who for the better part of a generation served Oregon in the legislative halls at Washing ton and was a leading figure In the councils of the nation, will be the speaker at the regular meet- in r hour Sunday night in tne First Methodist church of Salem. his subject being "The Faith of Our Fathers." Such an address will be an ap propriate one with which lo be gin 1934 at that hour, in the church established by Jason Lee, the centenary celebration of whose coming to the Oregon country will be celebrated this year, elaborate preparations go ing forward now, and the active beginnings of which will be her aided Monday, April 16, as the covered wagon being fitted out to cross the plains Is speeded for- ing and paring the Pacific high way from the aorta end at the Molalla river bridge through the town of Canby for a distance of one mile to the Northwest Roads company of Portland on a bid of 135,009. This contract will complete the tilt llnV in Uk.nnmm fn wtd frharlAB M. ThOmaS." State tll-l anlnr anil atralrhtanln tn tha ity commissioner, Saturday denied highway between Salem and Ore- emphaticauy mat ne naa uuenu-1 r 0tt city which was started two d to ahow any preference to of-1 Mara ago. 1 ticlal of the rortiana f uenerai i The new road will eliminate Electric company la his recent or-1 two earTes between the Mo- der deferring action on tne sa- iun bridge and Canby, arles of these officials umu s hearlnr had been held. The charge had been made that Thomas had arbitrarily reduced the salaries of officials of the Pacific Telephone ft Telegraph company, the Northwestern Elec tric company group - send outer utilities but had granted a hear ing to the officials of the Port land General Electric company oe- fore taking any action. Thomas declared . that a num ber of elements entered into the i salary adjustments of officials of the Portland General Electric company which were not Involved in the budget of the Pacific Tele phone ft Telegraph company. He said that his preliminary investi gations showed that the officials of the Portland General Electric company were receiving smaller salaries than those of the tele phone company, that there were fewer employes, and that the fi nancial affairs of. the concern ap parently were being conducted on j a sound financial basis. He also declared that the Portland Gen eral Electrie company had no holding company charges such as those contained in the budgets of the telephone company and the Northwestern electric group. Telephone Rate : Hearing Starts Tuesday, Word V . Hearing on the rates, charges and practices of the Pacific Tele phone ft Telegraph company 'will open in Portland Tuesday, Char lee M. Thomas, state utility com missioner, announced Saturday. He - said it probably would re quire two weeks to complete the first half of the probe. : . This Investigation has been la progress zor more than a - year and a large amount ot engineer ing data has been assembled by U utility department. Thomas said the salaries of officials ot , this company would enter promi nently into the hearing. . t ;;MJ f : : - ' TRAFFIC EXAM SET SlLVERTON. Jan. I TrafTU examinations are slated for " Sll vertoa Monday from I a. tn. to- g p. ' m. t with Martin Redding la i charge. GERVAIS Jan. . Mrs. Anton Daniels. Sr., is quite 111 following a fall at Christmas time. Mrs. Peter Prantl fell re- ward from Boston, with the gov- centiy ana cracsea one oi ner ernor D Massachusetts and the mayor of that city and other dig nltaries heralding the start the terminus ot the long journey to be. Salem, and the place ot its ribs. A daughter was born Thurs day morning to Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cutsforth of Siletx. This is the fifth child and first girt Mrs. enainK perhaps in front of that uuisiorin ana oauy are at tne i pnnr(.h No one is better qualified to speak on the occasion than Mr. Hawley, deep student and able Ross Cu.d-'orth home west of town. The basketball seteon will open for the Gervais team in a game teacher of history, and former with Turner Friday night, Janu ary 12. Charles vogt Is under obser vation in Good Samaritan hos pital in Portland. Two weeks ago it was reported that he war suf fering frqiu a lame foot. Word has not been received at this time as to his exact condition. president of Willamette univer sity, the pioneer institution of higher learning of the western half of the United States, also conceived and established by Ja son Lee Rossman to Speak, Brotherhood Meet license Sale Low The state motor vehicle department had is sued 160,264 sets of 1934 auto mobile license plates np to Fri- I Judge George Rossman of the day night as against 174,503 sets state supreme court will speak on of plates during the correspond ing period in June, a loss ot 14.- 239 sets of plates when com pared with those in June. "Recent Reforms in Court Pro cedure," at a meeting of the Jason Lee Men's Brotherhood to be held Tuesday night at the church. The meeting will start at 6:30 o clock with a covered dish supper. Singing will be led by Dr, H. C. Epley. All men of the com munity are invited to attend. Maddy Loses License Fifteen- day suspension of his driving li cense was the penalty meted out to Floyd L. Maddy, route three. when he pleaded guilty la muni- ciyai cum i yettierua,; iu minus ar . recklessly. Judge Mark Poulsen BOgW Released tO Salem beer made from pure malt. Oregon hops and fully aged. Ask for It Tr It SHI r'ld i A?vi:r i j eti U I aitm NOTHING UKE IT' SINCE THE SELF-STARTER! HOT 1 I W LLAMETTE HELPS Willamette university faeulty members are finding an innova tlon in university administration this year most helpful. The new plan is a "faculty forum" which supplants old-style faculty meet ings. The purpose of the forum Is a study of educational problems pertaining to the entire faculty: the general topic for the first portion of the 1933-1934 school year has been the adjustment ot work to student ability. The forum meets monthly and discusses preassigned topics for which a study outline has been prepared. In October the faculty discussed "The Freshmen Seen Through Grades and Test Scores." In November the subject under discussion was "How Should Up per Division Procedure Differ from That ot the Lower Divi sIonT" Last month the faculty discuss ed "Non-Academic Factors in a College Education." - Dean Frank M. Erickson pre sides at the meetings. y V C JtedMces I " I k J - I ' ' . 1 M - Inaatl 1 ,? ' 1 VaiNSJST"" Jk.'-C . JyGoodrich mfrtfy.; l Y Batteries Yi'-V JTaaar Typ 1 "V low OyBd,- f Battsry ' aBiK ic EUctro-Pd SS! $11.95 ELECTRO-PAK ... the greatest Im provement in car-starting since the Invention of self -starting. What ether battery has so many money-saving, trouble-saving ; features? 1 The Goodrich Positive Plate Pro tector overcomes the cause of H of usual battery failures. 1 A Patented Cover Construction eliminates outside short drcuiitfl 3 Goodrich terminal connectors and Patented Cover eliminate 67 of power-stealing corrosion. 4 Special new adapters permit re filling without removing cover and guard against loss of power due to SURFACE MOISTURE. 5 29 to l lower monthly cost than other leading batteries. No mora "sudden death batteries for you. You can rely on the Goodrich Electro-Pak always. Come in and inspect this handsome, long-lasting battery today. AH sricM not ad art nble t clft vitW -ofks and to iny qortimntl i t lavy, Complete Battery Service If in battery Trouble Call 3442 contract on Last r t r r- jt t uitik ox roruana- i rn rt Salem Road Let CaiCnSlifl miVeCUODWim 11131' WALTER H. ZOSEL 198 S. COMMERCIAL The state highway department announced Saturday that It had awarded the contract for relocat- Idaho Officials Clarence Gllmore Bogie, who arrived at the Oregon state hos- Mrs. White IU Mrs. Nona pital Friday from Multnomah White, county welfare worker, county, was surrendered Saturday has been 111 for several days at to Sheriff I. B. Home of St her home and unable to be at the Maries, Idaho,- where he Is want- courthouse, ed for a series of crimes. Bogie nrevionslv served two terms In the uage Biegmua m juage Oreeon state nenitentiarv and jonn siegmnna was confined to l w. twice an inmate of the state his home this week by an attack hosnital. oi grippe. PILES CURED Sttam2ai?c3 Ueec3 Co. j 228 I B- member phone . Ferry Si. N. K. A. jg . 6858 - .a aaaai m mmm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-a aaaaiaaaaaaaaaaa- j THE FOLLOWING PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE ! WITHOUT NOTICE NONE SOLD TO DEALERS Cracked or Ground Corn Progressive Egg Mash n.... $1.00 ib?.. $1.70 lir!L $1.15 Progressive Scratch! Wheat Valley Run ,1, $1 5(V loo v (gi k PA,U' ; lbs. -. PXXtJ - Screenings and Molasses : I 8MbT 60c ; JbL .... .60c Ms. ..40C ' Egg Maker- TSp 1 ;g .$2e00 We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT - THE STANDARD : -1 '-1 1 -i - '"'gmsmmmamuumMmmmmmammssuuRJ j I "aMJaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai 1 Dr. B. H. White No Charge for Consultation Night and Day Calls Osteopathia Physician and Surgeon Office: 35 S North Capitol St Telephone 5030, Salem, Oregon Charlie Chan Chinese TVIedicine & Herb Co. New Method With out Operation S. B. FOXG, Herb Specialist Eight years' practice in China. Uses all Chinese herbs for piles, kidney, bladder, stomach, ca tarrh, constipation, glands rheumatism, tumor, asthma, headache, liver, male , and-female troubles 11 years of service. 122 N, Commercial St., Salem Office Hours 0 to 6 P. M. Sundays 9 to 11 A. M. CONSULTATION FREE Willamette Sanatorium Ferry and Winter Now Open Under New Management The building has been reno rated and painted throughout rhe surgery modernized and equipped for operation. I Wltbvet Opart Has a Com sf Tase :- '. DR MARSHALL .- S39 Orcsm BISs. : -' " . Themm SSO Shangaal Cafe Chinese and American Dishes 5 Draught Beer Saturday open, 11 sum. to S a-m. Sunday 11 a.m. te 1 aJn. 162H N. Coral Tel. 6747 PILES guaranteed removed without knife or needle. OLD SORES of any kind, STUBBORN SKIN IRRITATIONS and; ATHLKTIC FEET, If you had failed, to heal them by ether means,: will quickly respond under our new method. Onr herbal remedies are guaranteed satisfaction for GALLSTONES,, .JOPqnS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, RHEUMATISM, aliments or tne lavKit, stomach, GLANDS and the URINARY SYSTEM of men and women. IS years fat business. Licensed N. D.. physicians. . i ;- DR. CHAN LAM Chinese afedkine CoU 180 N Com merrial St. Salem. Office boure :S0 A. It to 0 P. M Tuesday and SaU ndar Onlv. n ' " '"' Dr. X. T. -r S , Lam, N. D. "Dr. Goldie H. Cban, N. D. ' Important TO Your Health Your physician's prescrip tion must be filled accur ately, with the utmost care, for your health's sake. One mistake may prove serious. When you bring a prescrip tion here, you know that every precaution is taken to guard against costly er ror. Our service is prompt, our work efficient, and our price reasonable. Schaefer's Drug Store .;'. Prescriptions - 1SS N. Oommerclal Dial SltT The Orlfftnal Tellow Front Oaadj Spatial Stor. ol BQjJIPMENT! We are bound to talk about our motor trans fer equipment because we are p r o u d of it. And because you can . make such good use of our services. Telephone 7773 Card Tables and Chairs to Rent GaR eaio. Used furniture .Department. 151 North Blch Condensed Report i : of Portland, Oregon aa of December 30, 1933 ' Resources Cash on Hand and Due from Banks. $15,949,447.60 '1 United States Bonds 31,753,274.75 $47,702,7225 ; 16553662 18,592,668.76 180,000.00 1 83347X 234,779.60 573716 J 49,4404 179963 520,6403 Municipal and Other Bonds. ...,.,,,,.ir.-, Loans and Discounts ..., . . . . , Stock in Federal Reserve Bank............ Subscription Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, Bank Premises .................. Other Real Estate , . ... . , ..-.a, Safe Deposit Vaults. ...... Customers' Liability on Acceptances.. Interest Earned . . . ... . $86,456,633.91 Xinbilities H Capital $4,000,000.00 Surplus , . 2,000,000.00 ' ; Undivided Profits and Reserves. 1,066,9949 $ 7,066,994.29 Circulation , 4,000,000.00. Acceptances. ...... J J........ia 179,296.83 Deposits ... . ... . . . . ...... . 75,2104439 Salem Branch - 'Salem, Oregon ' ; . - Head Office, Portland, Oregon ; the terns ml the Federal Deposit Insnramee Plan. St DIRECT BRANCH OP THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND J si V - 'i . El t . I 4 3 b ft H S5 fa' E 4 4 S' . 1 "