The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 07, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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    ThVOltEGON STATESMAN.' Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, "January 7. 1934 '
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Tribute to Wright Brothers
Kellerhals Recovering From
-' Injuries Sustained
Kick by Cow
WALDO' HILLS, . Jan. 6 A
veritable cloiitf burst visited this
section at 7:15 Wednesday morn
ing. - water, war over ' the " road
In a number of places.
Two. hard peals of thunder with
' the accompanying lightning mad
'on think he was tn the east. A
' fuse was burned out In the trans
former ';. to deprive-s the Edsen
Comstoek and Frank' Egan homes
.. of light' and ' power for three
'lours. -'
"Mrs. . B. O. Longsdorf, promin
ent tuTkey grower, of the Ever-
. green district, - spent ' the New
Year holidays with her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs.. C Scott Rey
- voids of Lebanon. She returned
. "Wednesday and reported no storm
there bat eTidence of heavy rain
fall as she Beared Salem and 11
yerton; -' V j' '- -" . . .
The play- committee of the
K iA '
Fnrmnr SmitAr Hiram Bhaeham. of Connecticut, president of the
Waldo HMlit-cltiV met WerfnoEdav I KaHnnal Anmtiti ARociation. and Mrs. Georre Gray place a wreath
I ' rm th Wrio4t xhihit in th Smithsonian Institute, at Washington,
They selected a ; group of plays &?rine ceremony to nAtteSOth adversary of tte; pnjjwnj
to look oyer. The cluh hones to Uiai " urvL"crB? au " '5 "VTllt. " ." "
present a play early la the spring.
Present were Mrs. J. W. Good
knecht, Miss Edna and Helen
Goodknecht ; and Frank S. Bow
ers. . ',-..
The December meeting of the
Waldo Hills club has been post
poned from. Friday January 12
to Saturday. January 13. On this
latter date - the SUrerton high
school dramatic club under the
direction of Guy Ee Lay, will
present "Mamma's Baby Boy,
Mrs. Grars husband was a ounil ef the Wrights.
High school students here are
making greater use of library pri-
sponsored by the Sllrerton cham- Tileges than ew before theDe
ber of commerce. Lunch of sand- mber, "33. r p o r t of Alta
wiches, cake and coffee will be "V'v heal "L 'if-iiSL
served, and will members note
that these players will he guests
With a- decreased enrollment at
of the club and bring table Tserr- s,e hcteltnu!n4i,easti
ice accordingly.
E. Kellerhals, who was . kick
ed".hy cow; at Chrfstmas time.
the circulation of books there was
noted with a dally average of
nine more In 1933 than during
Thmati JT vi circulation figures reported are
M.vuu iwui . 1 Itlt r
y, injnry and kept hint in- bed for " loL""Tr":
a time.: Early this -week he was
able to be out of doors.' .
pared with J 22 4 for December,
1932. Not included are the 299
magazines circulated or the 25
pictures. December, 1932, had
only 16 school days as compared
with 17 in 1933.
Through the public library last
December, 15. books were secured
for student use while 38 were
borrowed from the state library.
At Parrish junior high school
circulation was greater than that
at Salem high with double the
number of students. Parrish li
brary circulation was 2338. while
WOODBURN, Jan, . Mrs
iGUdjs McClnre was installed
aoble grand 'of Heme Rebekah
lodge, No. I fty Tuesday, night. Leslie Junior high school library's
Mrs. Addle Doud, district dputy, circulation was 1008. In both Jun
acted as installing -' officer ahd lor highs a small decrease in cir-
was assisted by Mae Eagle, mar- ! eolation was noted over the long'
ahal, and Nina Ringo, musician, i er " school month of- December,
. -mner oincers installed were
Pauline LIvesay, vice grand
Carrie Finch, secretary; Mabel
J ackson, r financial . secretary ;
If senior high school students
borrow leas book's- than their Jun
ior high brethren; the explanation
MyrtlfcalL ' itreasaJreri Freda Imav Uff-lir the -fact that they find
juair, waTdea Ethej TresBiflder, it more expensive for senior high
tonductor; Cora Taylor, I., G.J
Hattie Peterson, O. G.: Laura I
Livesay, , R.--S. N. G. ; Mabel
Wright L. S. N. G.; Pearl Hop
kins, R. S. N. G.; Mae Otjen.
I. S. V. G.; Ella Hall, chaplain;
xina Kingo, musician.
By Odd Fellows and Rebekah
Groups at Molalla Wed-
. nesday Night rt
UNION HILL. Jan. 6. The
Marion county grange council
committee has worked out a vis
iting schedule for the various
granges of the county. A similar
program was successfully carried
out last year. The following is the
program for this:
Woodburn to Salem, Salem to
North Howell, Stayton to Union
Hill, Macjeay to Stayton, Butte-
ville to Woodburn, Sllverton Hills
to Macleay, Union Hill to Silver
ton Hills, Ankeny to Red Hills.
Red Hills to Chemawa, Chemawa
to Tairfield, Monitor to Scotta
Mills, Sllrerton to Surprise, Sur
prise to Ankeny. Fairfield to
Butteville, North Howell to Moni
tor, Scotts Mills to Sllverton.
MOLALLA. Jan. . At the
joint installation of the Odd Fel
lows and Rebekah lodges Wed
nesday' "night, the following of
ficers were installed oy me uau
Fellovs. -
Roy r Nicholson, noble grana:
Frank Dlcken, vice - grand; Ev
erman Rohhins, secretary; A. M.
jUillerii treasurer; Charles Dong-
las, warden; Earl steu we, con-
DUCtor; Anur navier, msiuo
guardian; Fred Schaffelr, outtside
guardian; Dr. E. R. Todd, right
fiunnorter to noble grand; Louis
paugherty, left supporter; t. u.
Ridinr. right scene supporter: e
L. Palfrey, left scene support
ed; Albert Eyman, chaplain; W.
W. Everhart, right supporter to
vice - grand, and L. L. Ellis, left
Rebekah Officers
: The new Rebekah officers are:
Lois Adams, noble grand; Bertha
Dicken, vice - grand; Beuiah
Wright, recording secretary; Elta
Smith, financial secretary; Fran
ces Vick, treasurer; Dorothy Hol-
man. warden; Wllma Russell,
conductress; Pearl Sommerville,
inside guardian; Ida Makinster,
outside guardian: Luella Hoi
man. rlicht supporter to noble
grand: Gertrude, Everhart, lert
irannorter: Mary Ridings, musi
cian; Clara Ray, chaplain:
Theresa Nicholson, right support
er to vice - grand, and Eda Dun-
ton, left supporter to vice-grand.
Chief Installing officers were
Buelah Wright, district deputy
president: George Daugbertj, dis
trict deputy grand master, and
Louis Daugherty and Elta smstn,
grand marshals.
si Sa lem News
and Mrs. Harry W. Casebeer are
receiving felicitations over the
birth of a baby daughter, born
January 4. in Salem. She Is the
second child and weighed 8H
pounds. Mrs. Casebeer, nee Lois
Smith, Is a daughter of Mrs. Gar
net rmith.
Friends of Mrs. Frank Forres
ter of Senate street will be griev
ed to learn that she suffered a
fractured skull and fractured
bones in one wrist in a fall down
stairs In her home one day this
week. She was hurried to a Salem
hospital for X-ray. and care and is
reported doing as well as can be
urover miiman, partner in ine
Cleary-Hlllman Packing company,
left this week, for a business trip
to Chicago. Just prior to Christ
mas he returned from a trip east
that took several months.
Lois Ohmart is assisting in the
closing up of the business of the
Pedee Lumber company in West
Salem. She la their bookkeeper
and is helping J. A. Ingils of
Dallas, trustee for the company.
Complimenting the fourth
birthday, anniversary of her little
daughter;- Maxtne, Mrs. O 1 n n
Davenport entertained Saturday
afternoon. Gifts, music and games
preceded serving of cake' and ice
cream, the' former, candle-lighted
for the occasion. Those invited in
to help the little-, miss celebrate
were Mrs. 8. P. Wise and daugh
ter Norma, Mrs; Donald Kuhn and
son Donald, : Mrs; - Phil Hathaway
and. daughter Dolores, A r I e t a
Kleeman and Mrs: Utterback and
Mrs. William Davenport and
daughters . Eula Mae and' Lor
raine of Salemj Heights, and the
hostess and daughters, Shirley
Rae and Maxine. ;
There is to be a called meet
ing . of the Sunday' school board
immediately after Sunday school
Sunday morning in 'the league
room. .All teachers and - officers
are requested . to attend as im
portant matters are to be consid
The telephone service in West
Salem was held np Saturday be
cause the cables were damaged in
the fire that destroyed the Need
ham garage early Friday morn
ing. A.
Planing Mill is"
azarcea;; sawing
Date Undecided
planing mill of the Silver FalH
Timber company .resumed opera
tions thla week.' No reopening
date has as yet been set -for. the
sawmill. -Considerable repairs aie
being-made fa the mill proper and
operations will not. resume until
these-arecompleteds-, ,-'.., .,
,M: C. Woodard, manager of-the
mill,,, has returned', from Jgan
Diego, Cai.. where he spent -the
holidays with Mrs. .Woodard and
their daughter Mrs. wnHain Fer-
rin. wno am wintering mere.
: SILVERTON,- Jan ; Jdrs
William: Parrish of the Silrertdn
Hills, underwent a major .opera
tion at the Sllverton hospital Fri
day morning. Mrs. Parrish. was re
ported as resting well following
the operation. .
53000 Guaranteed Cost
nun Mssessu)ie
3 '
Surprise Youth
At Pioneer Home
Quitters Buy
Many Items
PIONEER. Jan. 6. Several of
the young people of the commun
ity met at the Lawrence Dorn
hecker home Wednesday night to
surprise Kenneth who expects to
leave next Tuesday for the Doern
becher hospital in Portland for
special treatment on his foot.
Kenneth was there several years
ago and was released to return
when he was older.
Those who attended the party
were Ira and Paul Harrington,
Bob Hughes, Ann, Freda and
Henry Smith, Chesley, Lenthal
and Wilbur, Conley, Margie and
Gene Inman, Fay, Elsie and Wil
lis Keller, Steve, Phillip. Johnnie
and Marie Thless. Maxine and
Lois Slater, Floyd Fayor and
Rosena Dornhecker and Boh
Pattie of Amity.
At a late hour refreshments
were served by the hostess. Mrs.
Dornhecker, assisted by her two
The weather Is real spring-like
today. The blue biroo hare return
ed, the frogs are croaking and
spring beauties have, been found.
Water Mains to
Be Laid is Plan
SILVERTON, Jan. 6. The
Sllverton water bureau has receiv
ed authority to relay additional
water mains in the downtown
area. Work will be done on
Lewis, Jersey and South Water
streets as far as Koons street. A
carload of 3552 feet of 6-incb
cast iron pipe will arive here in
the near future to he used In the
new construction work.
At present 50 men are at work
oq CWA projects here and week
ly pay checks total over $700.
Sent fori Free Inspection
0 ' Ages 1 to 75
sociation,: Pershing Square
Building, Dept. E-261, Los Ang
eles Calif 4, ; is now offering a
CERTIFICATE which provides
$1000 for death from any cause
and $2000 to $3000 accidental
Send No Money
Simply send your name, age, ad
dress, name ; of beneficiary, rela
tionship of i beneficiary, and a cer
tificate fully made out in year'
name will he mailed to yon tor 10
decide to keep It send $2.00 which
will-provide fall protection . for
about 45 days, then only 4 e per
day. No Medical Examinatioa-Xo
Agents. This offer Is limited so .
write today. ; Adv.
n "Rich
SILVERTON,; Jan. 5 The first
baby of the new year to be bora
at the Sllverton ' hospital was ' a
Y. If. nJ JT 0 Tnlltl XfoB
H fit I lQlsrT 1 daunter8 ROena and Muriel, of the hills country.
Elan's Dentistry at
' Free
Tel. 683 1
American Tissue Tint Hecolite with Gold Pin Teeth
Silver Fining .......Me, $LM
Psreelaia Fitting ....... .SLM
Mate Repair ., .SLM
Benne Plate ...J4-M
Clean Teeta
Other Plates $74 S25
ky4ite Sleeh
'HT?.. :. 50c
11)1?, snnGGnio
Over J. C. Penney's Store 164 K. Liberty St
school students .paid fines total
ing $5.01 during the last month
while Parrish : library garnered
only $2.50 from the same source
and Leslie only $1.60.
In spite of expenditures for
new- books, postage and express
Training School
On at Rickreall
students from the Monmouth
Normal school who to do' their
practice work at the Rickreall
training center, arrived Wednes
day and began their work Thurs
day, are registered as follows:
Upper grades. Linden Launer,
Ray Malone, Lynette Kruckek,
Lawrence Wlsmer. Noble Dutton,
Given Martin, Florence Brown,
Lois James, Mrs. Lanra Deriney,
Donald Good. Mrs. Rose Pence,
critie; primary grades, Eva
Crewe, Portland, Unice Bales,
Banks, Valdeira Parrish, Ocean
lake, Frances Lappe, Indepen
dence, Leighton Dashull, Dallas.
Hazel Koellermeler, Oregon City,
Arthur Fowler, Monmouth; Mrs.
Marjorie Dew, critic.
A program ia honor of Thomas and mending supplies the petty
Wilder, founder of the Rebekah
degree, . win be given January
Artisans Pepped Up .
Woodburn assembly of Artisans
. Life association started off the
new year with a ' real snappy
business meeting In the Artisan
hall Thursday night. Many mem
I bers were present. Lunca was
served and the ever in g was
spent In playing cards and dancr
ing. An invitation, has been ex
tended to an assembly from
Portland td meet . with Woodburn
assembly January 18. -
cash balance grew during Decem
ber from $15 to $16.65.
Normal Students
Of Independence
Make Honor Roll
Grass Grows Half
t hich in Two T)a.ys,
' Says This Woman
k LIBERTY, Jan. 6. In sharp
- Contrast to t last winter's frozen
vegetation after the December
cold k spell. Is l this - winter's
- abounding vegetation. . The rapid
growth pf grass -was clearly dem--onstrat.-t
though .-'inadvertently,
" when Mrs. P. G." Judd Wedhes-
,1ay; took Bp a washed flour, sack.
,ahe had rpread to-'bleach" on the
.lawn. She found the jawn .grass
-had grown'throttgh the' material
."and attaained V growth of one-
' lalf inch "over 'that during" the
.two-day period.: . ; "
V Thursday she gathered, cab
hage, carrots, turnips - and beets
'from the garden, all in fine con--ditlon.
Other people are 'also us
lng some fresh - vegetables from
'the gronntf. Peas planted by . Mr.
Foster' and grown to six or eight
-laches : have : suffered", from too
mucli rain' and turned . yellow,
though the;-, still may bloom and
'bear.1-": ';"::-:: . ; ' fcr
Four students from Indepen
dence made the honor roll at Ore
gon Normal school for the fall
term. One of them, Georgia Jones,
made second highest grades In
school. Others making the honor
roll were: Laurel Bushby, Eliza
beth Baker and Dorothy Foss.
Honorable mention to Olga Sy
verson. Marion Fluke and Blanch
Johnson. Lida Hanna, who at
tended U. of . Washington last
term, received- notice that she
had made the honor roll there.
Varied Program is
Enjoyed by P. T. A.
Group at Jefferson
P. T. A. met in the auditorium
of the school building Thursday
night tor its regular meeting.
with a large attendance of school
patrons and children present. Dr.
D. B. Hill of Salem showed 'pic
tures for the children.
- Mrs. Mountain of Stayton,
county? P. T. A president, gave
a talk on "What Benefits are
Derived From the P.. T. A." and
Mrs. Bradley of Aumsrille, gave
a tall: on "Hot Lunches Mr.
Patton gave an Interesting ex
planation of the sales tax.
Thursday night at dusk Ross
Miles returning from Salem
wnere he is employed, riding a
motorcycle, ran into the edge of
the rack on W. H. Williamson's
wagon on the Van Cleave road.
No one was seriously injured.
Miles was knocked Into the ditch
MEHAMA, Jan. . - The
Willing Workers are buying wool
and material to tie comforters for j
a needy family in Salem. At
Christmas this organization eol-
lected for them a large box full
of groceries, including a chicken.
This organization quilts on the
average of one quilt a week and
has orders ahead to last five
months, which will bring enough
money to finish paying for the
new furnace the club Installed in
the church some time ago. Be
sides the furnace the club has
built walks about town, re-floored
the church, bought velvet
drapes for around the pulpit and
re-painted thet interior of the
church. After the furnace is paid
for the . club plans to re-paint
the exterior of the church, and
to floor the basement and make
a kitchen in it.
Bible study started here last
night with a large attendance.
Mrs. Frank Bass of Lyons is
directing the class end will give
a complete courre of the bible
which will take about nine
SILVERTON, Jan. 5. Grand
Master G. P. Winslow of Tilla
mook, will he a guest of the Sll
verton Silver lodge, L O. O. F.,
January 20. Scotts Mills and
Monitor .lodges have been invited
to attend the meeting.
ft -y-mm e ids,--. m t g i
. . . V: -
CrodeyrflQQ kP
Grunow,' new latest
model," 7 cubic foot
Frigldalre, Close
model at
tic, Bew..T5''
new.... PJU
Speed Qween V.
A. B. C
New Safety V oss
With Electric Pnmp
Apex ; ffiC Aft
at ...M.wtfiww
A.B.C. 7Q f?A
Sq. Tub.. I JsJU
Used Maytag, square
Zroner ..jr 74.50
Beautiful Walant
Console .Model
Whit Rotary Elec
tric at irn frt
spec price Ull
Vac am Cleaner
Enrk. fQQ PA
Eureka Motor driv-
O. ,E. Motor drivea,
Trtephone CCia lOXCrrJC APPLIANCE STORE 450 State St,
5 '
Aqua-Prof Brake lining. A special pvoecM developed
by Firestone snakes it water and moisture proof. No
chatter or iqueaL Perfect, for winter er summer.
Done ea ear; ,
dyaamie tester STIOO
tiureseqeal rt"r
Wakes. ..all II
areaad; , M ."' ?
CbeTrolet '30-32 . . . . 7.00
' Ford Model A .7. . . . 7 .80
Bnick Model 50 ... . 12.50
Chrysler, '32-33, 0 . . 0.6O
i m
B Here Angles Agaiast Skid
25 Greater Preleetiea, Agaiast
' Psnetares aad Bleweats '
high spied mi
&2S.18 . . $10.00
&SO-19 11.50
40017 . . 1245
L5021 .. S6.00
e.75-19.. 6.70
&1S-18.. 8.10
4041.. S498
4041.. 5.6S
4.75-19.. MS
for 1934;
Center at lJlrty H ' Telephone 9144
: J- Parrish Garage
0 N. Capitol
Frohmader Bros. - -S.
Commercial at Hoyt . J
Lucky Corner Service
' Front at Columbia "
THAT rare, illusive tiling called Style lias been
built into the New Ford V-8 for 1934. In its dis
dncthre new radiator and graceful sweep of line
la its rich, lustrous colors. Ia the.unnustafcsble
quality of its appointments. Ia the very manner
ia which it speeds along the highway or steps out
ahead as die light turns green.
y?e invite every motorist to see and drive this
New Ford VS. You will find it eaxeptionalhv
roomy and comfortable and die easiest car to drivw
you have ever known. Safer, too, because of then
all-steel body, effective Drakes, and the added pro
tectioa of; safety glass, ynuswdl iooth and
515 up
. 0.. Dtnlt. pirns httgU.
mi pr air txtrm. Cm
witmt tin thnmgh Autkt
M fted imf Mm W
. 3 .V
' efficient at 50, 55 and 65 miles an hour because it '
has the reserve power to do well over SO..
New, clear-visioa veaulation preventt drafts and i
gives ample supply of air at all temperatures. Wind '
shield opens New riding comfort because of in
creased spring flrrihflity, improved shock absorb
ers, new softer seat springs and deeper seat cushiona
I New dual carburetor and new dual Intake man- i
fold insure quicker starting hi cold weather and f
give more miles per gallon of gstoKne. Thus, in,
creased economy, comfort and performance con
lane wkh smart style to make die' New Ford V8r' ;
lor 1934 di in-aaoaiactorj
-I"" : ' . i - I i ,