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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1934)
4 rAUli 1LM ; - - .... UiiHitm a i ai L.aniAn. patera, uregon, ounuay murnmg, wuu i aotv , t UTItlWBfllill I ' Nsivy Birds Poised for Record Hop to Hawaii HfiS SPOTLIGHT tery -!'' ji Commissioner's. Powers' Are; . , Battleground; Salary ' . Cutting Watched - to S40: about the time he-has ' cleaned up- the . last Christmas bills. . Other Problems Faced . '. jj- Tax Commission i " , -The commission also was busy clarifying administrative features ol Ibe "Be re a J nd ' Prsonal property tax collection laws. This year for the first time these taxes are payable quarterly: March 15. Jnne 15, September 15, December 15. If all the year's tax Is paid by March 15. a three per cent over-air discount Is earned, a two per: cent Is earned by, payment by June 15 and a one per cent Is earned by payment by September ' 15, ' providing, of course, that each previous quarter's tax has been paid as due. The next effect .' of this law is to allow; the tax- payer, eight per cent for the use - of his money prior to the tax due date.:: "'-.y "'"v ! ; The " commission doesn't know whether the new law will speed up tax collection. It hopes that March 15 wilt bring a deluge of advanced payment. It does know that deputy sheriffs have a huge - Job ahead; they must accept pay . - meats tour times annually instead - J of two. In, addition they must dt- tide the rebate against each dis trict for which the tax Is collect ed and assess the reduction rat ably to this district. Contrawlse if interest on back taxes Is collect ed. this must be ratably distri buted to the District on whose Y taxes the interest was assessed. ' - Heretofore this interest ' went to the , county general fund. The work of tax collection Js at least doubled. The assessors, too, have their griefs; there must be chan ges in their procedure in order V' to nave the tax books ready some time before March 15 instead of May 5, delinquent date for' first bait of taxes for a number of - former years, f Kducation Board to . Adopt PoUciea It was learned authoriUtively last week that the board of high- - . er education meeting Monday, January 15, in Portland would be a policy-making gathering. The board has the Incomplete recom mendations of the American M- - Boclation of University Professors '.' in IU hands. There will be a de- mand by certain board members for the board to . formulate its policies both for the remainder of this school year and for 1SS4 1835. These members feel the ex isting "truce" In TUgher education must g I t e way to permanent . peace. The latter involves the ticklish matter of the chancellor- , shlp: handling of "revolting fac ulty members' et al. noremor Julius L. Meier, bach - from San ; Tranclsco,' was silent on" his decision about ma canai daar. He is evidently in the throes of Indecision. A number of members of bis family discour - age his thoughts of another term. His Warwick. Henry Hansen, pre sumably Is urgent 'that he run. The governor : doesn't know his The Meier setup predominates In board of control actions, tiai - v. TTn A"TotaT- n( state, while keeping la close touch with bis office by telephone, has been un able to attend board meetings for a -number of weeks. . Such decl atona aa be has made have thus far sided with the governor. The administrative Business or t n e board runs daily through the ot - . fiee of its secretary and purchas ' lHg agent, William Einxig. IT IS TOPIC OF LECTURES A series of lectures on the his , tory of art will b given in the , T. M. C A. beginning Monday, January 8, at 7:30 o'clock by Mrs. C. A. Kells, A. M. . These i lectures will .endeavor to cover the varied: phases of art In which man lias tried to depict the life of hU day. The first , lecture will, consider the art of prehistoric man and that, of early Egypt. Greece, and Rome. : (2) '-The painting of the .. Far; East; India, China, and , Japan." (3) .Art as a contribution to the Christian church (100 ' A. D. 1200). (4-5) Italian Art Florence,, the cradle of the Ren alssance. (6) The High Renals--sance in sculpture and painting'. ( 7 ) The : Venetian Painters ' and the Art of Spain. (8) The Flem ' Ish School. ( 9 ) The Great Dutch schooL (10) The Influence of the, French' .Court on art, the varied changes In art since the revolu tion to Cesanne. (1) British school since .William Hogarth, - trends in American art. (12) The - masterpiece of .the ages, - These lectures will be given to anyone Interested free of charge. , They will be Illustrated and given with the .hope of Imparting , a broad y cultural knowledge of painting, sculpture and archltec . Jure. . , -- H loving - i Storing - Larmer .Transfer & Storage; pnonB.aasii.. We Also Handla Foel 00, Coil and Briquets and High Grade Diesel Oil for Tractor Engines and Oil Burners A view of Uncle Sam's six Navy flying boats at their longest! non-stop mass formation flight ever at- atation in San Diego, Califs whence they will take off tempted, will be under the command of Lieutenant about January lOtfi on a mass, formation flight to Commander Knefler -McGinnia, who is shown (left) Hawaii. The flight, a distance of 2,043 miles, the in insert conferring with his pilots. Downing . In this city, January 6, Walter F. Downing. Survived by a bro ther, Robert Downing of Salem, and a sister, Mrs. C. A. Sehlbrede of Corvallls. Private funeral ser vices Monday at 1:30 p. m. from Rigdon's mortuary. Entombment Mt. Crest mausoleum. Rev. Guy Drill officiating. Kaigbin , At a local hospital, J. A. Kaig hi, aged 77 years,' resident of 129S North Commercial street. Survived by widow, : and daugh ter. Miss Luella Kaighin, both of Salem. Funeral services from the chapel of Clough-Barrick company, Tuesday, January 9, at 2 p.- m. .Interment City View cemetery. Rev. H. Q. Humphrey officiating. Gibson Danie Currle Gibson, at the age of 78 years and 4 months, at the residence, 2205 North 5th street, Saturday, January 6. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Agnes Miller and Mrs. K. Smith, both of Sa lem; a sister, Mrs. Agnes Nairn of Salem; brothers, Thomas, Jobn and Hugh Gibson, all of North Dakota; four grandchildren in Sa lem, Bunny Miller, Mrs. Tyler Brown, Thelma Jean Smith and Glenn Smith; four grandchildren in the east and one great grand child. Funeral announcements la ter f r o m Clough-Barrick com pany. - RatcUff Effie Reedy Ratcliff, age' 48. die dat a local hospital January 6. She is survived by widower, Charles A. Ratcliff of Morning side, route, 4 Salem; father and mother, Mr. and Mrs; M. Reedy of Long Beach, Cal., and nephew, Billy McReynolds of Salem. Fu neral anouncements later by Rig- don's. Belle - In this city, Saturday, January 9, Claude Belle, aged -49 years. Survived by father. Henry S. Belle, sisters. Gene Belle and Mrs. Lucille Strickltn, all of Sa 1 e m. Funeral announcements later from W. T. Rigdon & Son. ii in; T When Clarence W. Reynolds, transient relief director for Ore gon, visits Salem Monday morn ing, R. R. Bob' oBardman, lo cal supervisor,, will report that the federal government's program to stop the wandering of Jobless men and. boys has already obtain ed results here. - . "There Is a very noticeable de crease In freight train riding and panhandling,? Boardman declar ed Hast night. "The migratory types are getting the- word through the grapevine that the government means business. -Interviewing railroad men -late last week; Boardman found that few men were "riding the rods," and visiting th once well - polu lated "Jungle" along the South ern Pacific tracks south of the passenger depot, be saw but one wanderer.) There were a number of hoboes of the "bum type holed up In the old shingle mill build ing Just south of the Oregon Pulp Paper- company plant, be- dis covered. , v GIVENS HAS NEW SHOP Evert GIvens, Salem barber of many years experience,' has open ed a three - chair shop at 482 Court street," Just westrof the Opera House pharmacy. GIvens, antil recently conducted the Mar inello shop on North High street, previous to which he operated his own. shop on State street. J FEWER ME DS HOW 0 Grating L: (Continued from paga 1) last night. Proceeding systemati cally, the board plans to set mini mum prices for the entire state. It announced it was not concerned with maximum prices: The skim milk and buttermilk schedule includes: Wholesale Retail Skim milk, quarts.. .05 .08 do gallon ...... .15 .20 Buttermilk, quarts. .05 .OS do gallon 15 .20 Bulgarian, pints .. . .06 .07 do quarts OS .10 Cream prices: Commercial cream, based on 20 to 24 per cent butterfat: Wholesale Retail Half pint .10 .12 Pint 20 .24 Quart 30 .35 Gallon 1.15 Whipping eream, based on 30 to 36 per cent butterfat: Wholesale Retail Half pint 14 Pint 27 Quart .52 Gallon . ..1.95 .16 .32 .60 E E GBANTED TO STATE (Caatlnntd f mm oat 1) delegation in Washington for weeks. In addition to the bridges, Sen ator Steiwer said be bad been in formed 1 5 0,0 00 has been allo cated by the board to the recla mation service for investigation of water storage facilities on the Deschutes river and a loan of 138,210 made by the Reconstrnc tion Finance corporation to the Gold Hill irrigation project. Completion of the bridges along the Oregon coast will give the Pa cifle states a highway from the Columbia river to the Mexican border without a ferry, and will provide a coast highway from the Mexican border on the south to the straits of Juan de Fuca at the northern tip of Washington's Olympic . peninsula. Claude Belle is Called; Pioneer Restaurant Man Claude Belle, for the major part of the last 30 years interested In the restaurant business in Salem, died here last night at the age of 49 years. Early in his business career, he owned what was then known as the Belle confectionery on State street; later be held an Interest in the Gray Belle restau rant, which still bears his name, and only recently was Interested in a coffee shop on South Higb street, , " - Vv , . His death followed a severe til ness of a tew weeks which In turn was preceded by several years of failing health. Belle Is survived by his father, Henry 8. Belle, two sisters. Gene Belle and Mrs. Lu cille Strickltn, all of Salem. Fu neral announcements will be made later from Rigdon's. , v TRAFFIC ARREST MADE City police last night arrested Ben, Wilson, Senator hotel, on a charge of making a reverse turn with bis automobile, they report ed. He was cited to appear in mu nicipal court Monday. . n OF MILK BR DO FUNDS flR A FEU FEED ITEMS... - .V-"'. .! - ' .- . " i " V.. 1 Just a reminder that we haildle all kinds of feed and . that .our prices are extremely low. v Ground Barley, i i g ' Rd. Oats, - " : 'j'm 196-lb. bag.'.... 9lel3 I CO lb. bag ......... I OC Feed Wheat, ... $1.15 100 lbs. Mill Runi . A 80-lb. bag .j....... OUC iJib! bag 40c The Above Prices are-Strictly Cash' Free Delivery - ,' . the City , " - B. A. VmWSE GONG Set State St. " " PhoM'4054 wJJ" '4 Reaching Game In Minor Suit By MRS WILLIAM H. QUINN Statesman Tournament Conductor . Mrs. "William H. Quinn. Culbert son associate, today discusses board 18 played in a recent States man tournament. East and west were vulnerable. West was the dealer. The hand: North Kj 9 5 KQJ? 6 4 3 2 West East 4 9 7 4 A 10 6 VAKQ7 2 A J 10 8 5 3 KQ 9 4 8 4 A 10 9 South - Q 8 6 4 3 2 V J 10 S 4 3 7 2 Suggested bidding (Culbertson system): , West North East South 14(1) 2(2) 3(3) pass4) 3(6) pass 6() Pass (t) West has a sound vulner able opening bid. He has two bid dable suits, a six-card minor and a four-card major. We always pre fer the longer, although the short er suit may be stronger in honors. Whenever possible,' it is wise to bid your six-card suit at least twice before showing your tour card suit. . (2) A natural overcall. (3) East has three honor tricks (five playing tricks) so gives a double raise In diamonds. A dou ble raise in a "minor Is almost a forcing bid. It frequently la used as a deliberate underbid, hoping not to shut out a three no-trump from partner. (4) . South's hand does not Jus tify a defensive bid. (5) Inferential forcing bid. West reopens the bidding with a new suit after a raise from his partner of his previous bid. The bidding must now be kept open until game; (6) East has the choice of bid ding four no-trnmp (showing two aces and the king of diamonds) or five- diamonds. East is not confi dent that the two bands will pro duce a slam, so he prefers the five diamond response. You have to learn when to use the no-trump convention and when not to nse it. m Remembering the- three honor tricks and the fit In dia monds, . west must bid six dia monds. The play of this board will be explained in the next bridge ar ticle. OUT HIS LIFE TERM Continued from pete 11 O'Neal. 28-year-old mine worker who had been deputized to put handcuffs on him. Finally captured and tried for the murder of Fee, Underbill was sentenced to life Imprisonment June 2, 1927. An escape plot the following September failed, but Underbill got away July 4, 1931. Resolved, he said later, never to be taken alive, Underbill kill ed Merle Colver, Wichita police man. Just one month later. He was sent to Kansas state prison for life, but escaped with Harvey Bailey and nine other desperate criminals la a break over the w a 1 1 last Memorial day.-. , . - Ground Oata, . . OO 80 1b. bag ......... 9UC , Smoked Salt, QC 10 lb. can . . . . . . . . . ; Op C Egg Mash, , C 1 fi H 10 lb. bag . . . V lw V KILL SERVES Means Eight Millions to Be r Spent cn Highways! in : Oregon, Declared I- : 1 - tContbMMd from page.l). soon aa be returns, the state high way commission will -convene, ratify the contract and ; send it east. 'As r soon as it Is - approved there, probab)y . within .. a fort night, bids can be-called for on the . bridges. , - " Mr7 Baldock said yesterday the plan for letting, the bridge con tracts would be to allow bidders 30 days from the time the bids are called ' for. before they aro submitted.- Contracts will be Jet as soon ' as bids are opened and work on the bridges is expected to begin within two weeks, there after. Alsea Bridge at Waldport First tThe first bridge to be let will be the one over the Alsea river at Waldport. The next will be the bridge over Coos bay at North Bend. The third will be the bridge over Yaquina bay at Newport. The fourth and fifth bridges, to be let simultaneously, will . be over the Umpqua river at Reedsport and over the Siuslaw river , at Florence. ' Approximately 45 per cent of the cost of the bridges' of flclally set at 35.102,620, will go for direct iaoor on. me. project, iai dock said. That will make a pay roll oL about 12,295,000 directly accruing from the bridges, in ad dltion to other work resulting from preparation of materials. Estimated costs of the bridges are: Waldport, 1711,000: Coos bay, 32,225,052; Newport, 31.- 128,418; Reedsport, 3537,700; Florence $470,450. Costs include interest charges on money used during construction period. Construction of the bridges Is expected to require approximately two years. Their cost, with other works planned, will give the high way commission an operating bud get in 1934 of more than 38,- 000,000. largest In many years. Workers will be selected from unemployed men registered at federal bureaus. Men from the counties in which the bridges are located will be given first choice, until all eapable workers on th unemployed lists are exhausted. IT LABISH CEHTEB LABISH CENTER. Jan. 6. Bill Braxeau and bis group of 18 talented young folk, the Holly wood Cowboy band, were a dis tinct hit at the Friday night com munity club gathering, judging from' the many encores the en semble and individual entertain ers scored. Dressed in character istic regalia, the group made a colorful showing to the fall house of specators. The 45 - minute program by the band followed a business meeting of the club. H. B. Aker speaking for road committee reported that no funds were available for further road work. The Question of the local club coming under county federation- classification was re ferred to the executive commit tee. Next month's program will start the program competition and will be given by the men of the com munity. February appointments Include program, August Harris, W. A. Starker and Yalemr Klampe; refreshments, Harvey Aker, Arlo Pugh and Harry Lovre. Burglars Cause School Damage Cost of repairing done to the Woodburn high school buflding by burglars who ransacked the struc ture sometime Friday ' night probably will be greater than the value of the loot, it was indicated yesterday. Using "jimmies" and chisels the burglars gained . en transe through a basement door theb proceeded to pry tr cut open, approximately half of the doors in the building, al of which were securely' locked. The loot consisted of an undertermined, amount of -money. ! I BAND HEARD Specialized ChOTolet Wheel Alignment . Especially designed front end equipment ' and factory trained" operators enable us to girt the utmost in wheel aliening service to Chevrolet owners in -Salem and vicinity;. . FREE INSPECTION - u ouglas Chevrolet 430 INUUTU l-UAMlUUUlAf Reunion in Paris, by Jiminy! 4 0' T 4f '1 - IS . v. J" 9 , Jt J- , .-.w.' .o v- T- Art'- Two well-known Jimmies whose faces are, familiar to eery" American, are pictured strolling in Paris.. They are former Mayor James J. Walker, of New York, and Postmaster General James A. Farley, who is vacationing in Europe., Presumably politics was not discussed; hence ' the aerions looks. Willamette Freshmen Rate On Par With Others; Tall Students Scores Better Willamette university's fresh men class, which enrolled here September, 1933, stands almost exactly at the median of other freshman classes in general men tal, aptitude of similar 'colleges and universities throughout the United States. Preliminary figures released Saturday by Dean Frank- M. Erickson show that the average of the Willamette '37 class is 156 v. hile the median for the average of 12,757 students throughout the nation who took the test is 157. For four years Willamette uni versity has submitted its students to the Thurstom Psychological exam, a test administered to freshmen classes in 205 schools throughout the country. The aim of the test is not to determine ad mission of students but to assist teachers in guiding the students during their college courses. The figures tor all the schools in the 1933 exams are not com pleted. In 1932 Willamette's stu dents ranked weir above the na tional median obtaining an aver age of 172 while the national median was 163. One interesting factor regard ing student height developed last year. It was found that freshmen taller than the average bad an aptitude score 2.5 points aboTe the arerage while fresh men below the average height were 1.4 points below the apti tude average. Willamette had one student in this year's testa whose score was surpassed by only 26 of the 12, 7S7 students tested throughout the nation. More Safe Miles in Smooth Tires Retreading smooth tires- is insurance against skidding. RE-TREADING A SPECIALTY Tears of experience has taught as how to retread tires correctly.! See as to day. Short &i Ward 255 FERRY - - " -w ' Between Commercial and Front Every Service for YOUR CHEVROLET Body. Fender and Radiator Repairs ' j Motor and Chassis Washing and Polishing : Complete Lubrication Glass Replacement . Brake Service ' , ' Battery and Ignition Parts and Accessories . Duco Retlnlshlog r i Front Wheel Alignment la the moat complete k CHEVROLET Service Department . - In the Valley McKay Company TE1V3819 r Service i ' , " - I - w . ?: :::. ' ; ( " , - . .'. v - ' r r mm?tmm v . 4 Of the ten highest scores of Willamette students, the average age of the examinanta was two years below the average age of the students who secured the ten lowest ranks. Of the ten students who scored the lowest in the aptitude tests four years ago, three of the. stu dents remain in the university here -but none will graduate in 1934. MISS JEXSEX LEAVES BRUSH CREEK. Jan. ft fl Then Jensen of Paso Robles, Cal ifornia, who has been spending tne past two weeks here left Thursday for the south. Miss Jen sen, who was formerly employed as nurse in the offices of Dr. C. W. Keene at Silverton, has been at Paso Robles for the nast two years. Her sister, Miss Alice Jen sen, wno went to Paso Robles last June and remained nntil the two came bome for the holidays, did not return to California. Joins iexaco The Texaco Service Station formerly own-" ed and operated by R.D. Woodrow J Has Been Purchased by .... . . -MS Many years experience in automobile Service makes Mr. Zobel well qualified to serve the motoring public in this new position. . COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE AND ALL TEXACO PRODUCTS SERVICE STATION COURT AT CHURCH - ' r TEL. 3773 Ft) ni tot"- -J fern Slanufacturers of BOND LEDGER GLASSINE GREASEPROOF. ENVELOPES ;' Support Oregon Products ; r' 'A Specify 'Salem filade Paper for ,Yonr - ; Office Stationery, ; ' J . .... . ",' . T LB7 BUGIIT HU Oil F1LBEBTS HERE l'- JCearlyi.40 ,nut growers of Mar- Ion and Polk counties gathered at the chamber of commerce rooms Saturday ", morning to .bear ad- dressesy Prof..C. E. Schuster o Corvallls -'and Dr., Miller, ' both- federal department of agriculture employes engagea in ine siuay oi iW3ProwlBs-ii-;?i;i; 1 : Mr. Schuster talked on pruning : and cultivating of. 'orchards. : It was brought out that walnut trees have, very extensive 'root systems which should not be disturbed by deep cultivation, . .Roots extend far, - William ' Blake, grower on Mission. ' Bottom,' ; brought . in r a root ' which ,Waa 43 feet ; long, 'to show, the length of walnut roots. t Dr, Miller talked on diseased of. nuts.' He - discussed spraying for walnut blight which has been experimented with at the college. Two sprayings are required, an l must be done at Just the correct time-to be of value. He reported a new blight on filberts for which treatment bad not been - found yet; and recommended that farm ers cut off . trees found . afflicted with the disease. ' J. R. Beck, Polk county agent, presided. Open discussion follow ed the talks. - . '. Bailey Brought Here; Held for Cascara Theft Earl Baiiey, third of a trio of men sought for theft of 300 pounds of cascara hark- tmm th& N. Blanagre warehouse near West woodburn' last October, was brought to the county Jail her yesterday after he had waUed grand Jury hearing and failed to post 3500 ball set by Justice of the Peace Overton at Woodburn. Ho was arrested Friday by state police. Roy Allphin, another of the trio, is now serving a six months' sentence in the county Jail for onion theft and Jay Munger is in the state penitentiary. Monger's parole from a three-year term In the state prison was revoked by Circuit Judge Lusk at Portland last week when he was arrested in connection with the warehouse burglary. State police said he ad mitted complicity In 14 crimes. YOUR EYES Have your eyes examined every year. Corrected eves safeguard your health and happiness. May we advise you in the care Of your eyes? - Thompson - Glutsch Optometrists 333 State St. o; die' ..- ." Ap 'Veil. " P ' . I " " 7 i v -v t - 1 S. - - '':.::V':; -' ;iT"':..-:M.::S'v-, - s , ' s I m T r S L