'. I ' V r Imoms Mo .Salem as Hop- Prices Soar ' in ' 1933 Rnnrihf nnftiiiM - 1 ' ' ! ; ; ' ' ' i L : Winter's Flurry on Fuggles, England's Return as Market, Features1 i Thank to nation - wide sentl tnent which led this fall to ob solescence, ot the 18th amend ment, hop men ot the Willam ette Taller are -among the few ag riculture dependents who are no longer shooting "wolf, wolf." (Sato ot course that portion ot the growers who are "stock" with contracts in the extremely low brackets from 11 to 20 cents.) The value ot the 1933 hop crop In Oregon is estimated at $7, 000,000. , - - With Oregon producing nearly 100,000 bales of hops in 1933. from about 19,000 acres, and two-thirds of that acreage in Ma rion and Polk counties, It -may readily be grasped how much the hop industry and Its upturn means to. the Salem trading area. Just how much the upturn means Is further evident from some fig ures recently compiled on the 1933 crop by F. E. Needham, grower and dealer. To harvest the crop In Oregon alone it requires 650 cords of Jeg timber and 19,000 cords of dryer and camp wood all bought and cut at home. 60,000 Employed, Hops' Hops give work and wages to SO 00 men from March 1 to No vember 1 and during the picking season 60,000 men, women and children are employed. These workers use a half million can vas gloves each fall. Enough cotton twine (66.000 miles) to circle the globe three times is used each season; 400. 000 pounds of sulphur; 3.000.000 feet of linen twine is used to sew the bales: 200,000 sacks with average life of three years cost 110,000; and baskets, with aver age life of three years also, cost $120,000: $19,000 Is expended for 320,000 pounds of soap, and $14,400 for 240,000 pounds of soap chips. The 32,000 miles of wire in the hop yards of Oregon cost $800,000; and 600,000 trellis p o 1 e represent expenditure of $168,000. The burlap used, 1, 600,000 yards, would make a car pet 44 feet wide and 300 miles loug and costs annually $200, 00; in addition, three-quarters ot a million dollars Is spent for buildings, stoves, hardware, pipe and other needs incidental to growing and harvest la 1933, Oregon produced 52 per cent of the coast hop crop and one-seventh of Ihe world's output. Marion and Folk county tad 7061 and 3811 acres, respec tively, In 1932, and the past year 8961 and 4105 acres, respectively. 150 New Growers Reported" Boom In the market caused at least 150 new growers to rush into the hop business, bringing about 800 growers at the end of the year and Increasing the Ore gon planting to between 18,000 and 19.000 acres, compared to 14,787 in 1932 Exact figures on acreage, new growers and the 1933 crop hare not been assem bled, but hop experts give the above estimates. The hop market boom, kindled by the Roosevelt promise of beer, started the middle of March, when the price went up to 25 cents. Prior to that time and from the first of the year, only 40 bales had been sold, at 24 cents to complete a carload. From the 25 cent figure of March, a real flurry developed, reaching the pinnacle the week May 14 to 20. when 586 bales were sold at the price of 75 cents a pound or $150 a bale. The price then drop ped to 70 and 71 cents where it held until the middle of June, when buying ceased and contract ing opened. By the middle ot June, 14,029 bales of Oregon hops were sold. Up to December 20, about 35, 000 bales of the 1934 crop had been contracted, including the holdover contracts in the lower brackets. Various prices ruled on the new contracts, with the best from a grower point of view the five years which average 33 cents a pound during the entire period. The- highest paid for a one-year contract at 52 cents. Market Qaiet, 25c-35c 1 The year closes with the mar ket quiet, as is usual at this -: time and prices from 25 to "35 cents per pound, depending on Quality, as on a 35 cent market 'some lots will draw only 25 cents due to the mold and weather con ditions which prevailed at the time of picking. The 1933 grow ing season was unusually tine but a considerable portion of the har vest period unfavorable. On December 1, there were 9,- (Sll more bales ot hops of all ages In growers hands than for the same date In 1932 but grower-dealers had 6700 bales lees on band than a year ago, making In reality only 3200 more bales on hand than last year. On the coast, however, there ar 27,000 more bales on hand than last year as . the year closes. December 1, 1983, there were 34,313 bales In bands of - grower . and dealers -in Ore v gon. : . -i-- i . As unusual feature of the buy ing this year was an early winter fl u rry on fuggles, with England the main buyer. Off era on tug-, gles at this period ran as high as 40 cents. By far the balk ot Ore gon hops are clusters, with only i a little more4 h a w 1080 acres planted to toggles and less than '2500 acres to. early clusters. Executive Office at Statehouse Lists Accomplishments of 1933 jp Meier Sets Bonneville Dam Project as Outstanding Result; Steady Lowering of Deficit Pleases; Relief Activity Outlined The state of Oregon should be gratified with its achievements in 1933 as a commonwealth, the executive offices announced here yesterday with a statement cov ering major activities for the last 12 months. The outstanding achievement listed was the breaking ot ground for the Bonnevilie power - dam. This marked the initial step in the; great federal power and navi gation development which has long been a cherished dream of Governor Meier for the state. Governor Meier pointed out that for the first time in many years the s-ate ot Oregon not only lived within Its income for 193 3 'but mt.de substantial strides toward reducing the state deficit, which has long proved a bur densome and expensive incum brance. Records show that in Decem ber, 1932, the Btate deficit ag gregated $4,500,0 0. At the regu lar 1933 legislative session Gov ernor Meier submitted a budget recommendation in which he urg ed that the appropriations for the previous biennium be reduced by $6,000,000. Although the legisla ture exceeded the governor's budget by $327,000, which brought the total appropriations up to $9,600,000. a saving was effected of approximately $5,500. 000 over the previous two year period. Three and a half million dol lars of this savinr went to wipe out old deficiencies. According to the tax levy made in 1933, the deficit will be reduced in Decem ber. 1934, to $1,475,000, and by the end of 1935, if the present schedule of expenditures is main tained, the r.tate will be out of the "red" for the first time since 1925. Foremost among the serious problems of 1933 was that of un employment relieJ. Ever since 1931 Governor Meier has been working with . lofficial local committees to meet unemploy ment relief needs and cooperat ing with the county groups through the highway department and other state agencies. State Relief Set Up Upon the governor's recommen dation, the regular 1933 legisla ture provided statutory authority for a state relief committee and for a local reliet committee in each county As a result of this $5,246,315 has been made avail able to the state by the federal government and dispensed under the supei.ision o the state and county committees for relief of the needy and distressed. Thfs state and county eommittees are now administering the civil works program which is bringing a pay roll of C3 00,000 a week into the state of Oregon. Facing a deman.' from the fed eral govern: lent that the state make provision for carrying its share of the relief load, the governor recommended to the sec ond special legislative session the University Maintains Standard While Others Forced to Curtail Willamette Enrollment of 530 Deemed Ideal; Campus Improvements Made While other denominational schools and colleges in the north west have been cutting their bud gets by curbing educational equip ment and opportunities. Willam ette university, oldest institution of learning west of tie Rockies, has during the past year main tained an even keel. Financial conditions there are reported as "excellent" and although even the soundest investments have failed to pay heavy dividends, all cuts in the budget have been taken care of by trimming expenses rather than services. No cuts in the size of the fac ulty or the curriculum have been made during 1933. Recommenda tions of the national educational board made a few years ago from a purely educational standpoint have been closely followed out with a resultant cutting of ex penses in most of the changes. A. registration of 530 students, deemed an ideal sized student body for the classroom and re creational space on the Willam ette campus, is recorded in the registrar's office. While no building "program has been entered into during a per iod of financial stress,- mainten ance ot present equipment has been kept strictly up to standard. Student employment projects last summer made possible the laying of new floors in the two upper atories of Eaton hall, ad ministration building, re-roofing ot portions of the gymnasium, im provement of the campus lawn and general repair and replace ment work about other buildings. The law school, which with the college of liberal arts and the school of music makes up the uni ing - Storing - Crating Larmer Transfer & Storage PHONE 3131 T We Also Handle Fuel Oil, Coal and Briquets and High Grade Diesel Oil for Tractor Engines and OU Darners Tha OREGON allocation to relief purposes of all revenues raised in connection with the sale and control of al coholic liquor. The legislature set aside tor relief purposes $3, 000,000 to be derived from liquor revenues. When i became apparent that repeal of the eighteenth amend ment was imml: ent. Governor Meier appointed a committee ot representative citizens to conduct a study and make recommenda tions for a plan ot liquor control that would eliminate tho evils of the old-time saloon and the boot legger. Board Non-Political The result was the so - called Knox plan which places all traf fic in liquor containing more than 14 per cent by volume of alcohol in the hands ot state dispensaries conducted under a non-salaried, non-political commission ot three members. The legislature, after receiving a strong recommenda tion from the exeoutlre depart ment, enacted a law closely fol lowing the provisions of the com mittee's report. The state liquOr control rommission appointed by Governor Meier is now engaged in preliminary preparation for operation soon after January 1. After the relief emergency has passed the revenues derived from the sale of alcoholic beverags will be divided cn the basis ot 25 per cent to the state and 75 per. cent to the counties, while license fees will be returned to the incorpor ated cities and counties from which such tees are derived. Finding in the distressed finan cial condition of the public ele mentary and high schools cause for serious concern. Governor Meier called to attention of the special legislature the fact that mounting tax delinquencies had caused more than 400 school dis tricts, with 32,000 children en rolled, to fall more than a year behind in the payment, of war rants tor current expenses. To avert the danger of closing the schools to thousands of boys and girls and at the same time lighten the staggering tax burden on real property, the governor recommended and the legislature enacted a cue and one-half per cent tax on retail sales of tan gible personal property and util ity service. All of the. proceeds from the operation of this law will go for the suppcrt of the schools "and to offset real prop erty taxes. Unless subjected to the referendum by its opopnents, this tax law will become ef fective March 18, 1934. Specific accomplishments back ed by Governor Meier: Steady Improvement of the state's financial status. Enactment of a liquor control act free from the elements of private profit or political influ ence and supported by the press and the public. Provision to cooperate with the tederal government in the reliet of the needy and distressed. versity, under a new system of in struction whereby recognized at torneys of the city and surround ing territory offer classes in their favorite fields of law, has shown a gain in Interest and enrollment. Large additions have been made to the university library's excel lent selection of books and maga zines, while overflow space in the basement of Waller hall has been remodeled to accommodate a more thoroughly catalogued collection of government publications and religious materials. The most notable changes in the faculty have been in the school of music where Clara Eness suc ceeds Frances Vlrginie Melton, re signed, to conduct a private stu dio and Mary; Sennits follows William Wallace Graham, also re signed, to conduct a private stu dio. Onion Output in County is Heavy; 27thRankTaken You can't down Marlon, county, even when getting out figures on onions, for the 1930 TJ. S. cen sus gave Marlon county 27th rank In counties of the United States in acreage, but gave it 17th place in value of the onion crop. Cook county, Illinois, which is mostly Chicago, ranked first in the value of its 1929 onion crop, although Hardin county, Ohio, had a little larger acreage. Webb county, Texas, ranked second In onion acreage. STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, December 31. 1933 4 Taittal atM .... 'u4u me con- struction of the Bonneville dam rJ" m,lan that Oregon should receive tbet cheapest power rate In tho country and open the way for renewed industrial activity A means of reducing property taxes and making It possible tJ n"n Oregon's elementary and high school system. SCDUTiNG LEADERS HOPE FOR FUTURE Rough-Weather Year Ends; Haag Takes Up Reins For 1934 Work Cascade area council, the adult organisation responsible for car rying on the Boy Scout program in Marion, Polk and Linn counties, enters 1934 with new vigor and hopes of returning scouting here to a Bound activity and financial ". accormng to A. c. Haag, r"fc-.-Tj.. -r x -. V . a vs.-"' "rr VIEW Mew Year LADD & COMMERCIAL SAVINGS president-elect, (who will be In stalled at the anual meeting here January 12 Mr. Haag, who held this office three years ago, follows Irl S. McCherery, who carried the organization through a rough weather year. "There will be no mistake about it; we are going to put the pro gram across so the citizens of Sa lem and vicinity wills support it both financially and by giving their time to scout work," Mr. Haag declared. "When the people understand the scope and results of the scout program, they sup port it. The scout movement is bigger than any one Individual." Despite financial adversities and accompanying administrative dif ficulties, scouting in Cascade area weathered 1933 with the loss, of but three troops. The area now nas Z3 active troops averaging ap 's Greetings EXTERIOR OF BANK BUILDING ' . v ... , ft : . i INTERIOR OP BANKING BUSH, Bankers Established in proximately 20 members each or a total scout membership of about 460 boys. There .are eight scout troops in Salem, four In Albany and one each in Silverton, Stayton, Turner, Liberty, Keizer, Monmouth, Dal las, Falls City, Tangent, Halsey and West Salem. "A good summer camp was held in 1933," F. Howard Zinser. who is serving as scout commissioner, area administrative officer, pend ing restoration of a paid executive ship, said. "Each month of the year we held a court ot honor at which hundreds of advancements were received by the boys, and we staged successfnl spring and fall rallies. "I believe there Is more real In terest in scourting now than for a long time. V 1 V. -.'"-'",.- .... " ..i;-" JiM KftnaeUrttUia paoio -. . Kennell-Ellis Photo ROOM 1868 9 1 SAFE DEPOSITS TRUST - PAGE NINE Teachers Spending Holiday Week with' Aumsville Parents AUMSVILLE. Dec 30. Those visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hein are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Munkers, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lamb ot Cascadia and Mrs. Ethel Wright and children, Al len and Marcia, of Eugene. . Miss Gwendolyn Martin, teach er at Mission, and Merle Martin, teacher at Forest Grove, are spending their vacation at tho homo of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Martin. Thursday evening an enjoyable party was given by Miss Marcia Wright at Hein's hall. Mrs. Eth el Wright and Mrs. Mae Lamb chaperoned.