,TnmmmmmMmmm'mm',mm','i?'- HI-.. ,-. B i .. i j.. i.i I I .1 I j i l I I IJ I. I. ,1. Ill I .IJIUPIIL " ' "" - " T - - v' " pApr PIPIIT - 1 . 4 t The OREGON STATESMAN. Sakm. Oregon. Sanday Morning, December 31. 1933 i - ii 9 . : i.- Pi I 1LL1CHSES f SALEM OUTPUT Wages Raised by Codes but Increase Also Reflects Greater Activity Trobably the largest payroll distributed among the employee ot the Salem canneries daring a year's time was disbarsed i n 19SJ, with the best available fig ures shewing that more than 1533,700 was paid to the thou sands of men and women em- - ployed In the seven major can neries and the five other fresh and dried trait packing establish ment. v : While the payroll was boosted considerably- by the coast ca li ners' agreements for a 27 4 cents "wage, and the NRA code wage of 30 cents per hour both of which prenlled for women dur ing the season the more than half million dollars spent for la bor alone also reflected increased packing over 1932. The 1933 cannin season which started June 5 when Reid Murdoch opened on gooseber ries, saw about 1,000,000 cases put in cans in the seven Salem canneries. This is about 200,090 cases more than in 1932, and about comparable to the 1931 j pack. Added to the Salem Dark. other Marion county canneries at Woodburn and Stayton. put up sizeable packs and the Wood burn cannery smashed all pay roll records there. Outlook Is Good Canneries enter the new year in a laore optimistic mood than has prevailed for the past three seasons, and as one veteran ob server remarked: "The red on the cannery ledger Is a lot light er shade to begin 1934 than it has been for the last three years." Two other hopeful signs for the new year in the canning in dustry generally are first, in creased reservations for the an iiual national canners' convention in Chicago in January, marking the greatest interest in a num ber of years. Also, contrary to practices of the last three years when canners have taken ,b i , losses in liquidation of inven tories, "rock bottom" is now re ported on this phase, with "indi cations of a p.ck-up. On the canners' soles end, bus iness, too a lively spurt in Julie and July, but sagged materially after that, though, as indicated above, the year ei.ds with a healthier tone. T Tariff Is Factor Contrary to wh- might be ex pected here, the devaluation of the do..ar hat h.d little or no fffect open I icreaslng (he canned . gools sales, inasmuch as heavy tariff barriers exclude canned goods from export to all coun tries except the United Kingdom, there has been some increase exDort of pa s. peaches and apri cots, cf which onl pears are canned locally. Inflation helped to some ex tent export of dried fruits, espe cially prune? in which deal Salem packers got - gooi share of busi ness, and of resh apples and pears. The Salem area lent no fig ure in the apple and . pear ship- L UL III I IK I uremia, uui neavy shipments or uriea prun:, rrom here wer made through the Port of Port land fr many foreign lands an-t the unusual situ, iion prevailed o: the bul" of the drieo prune hold ings here being cleaned out be fore the end of the,, ear. f PruneCrop Slight The dried prun- production in the Salem area was only about 25 per cent of 1932 s crop, but on the other hand Southern Ore gon bad a he '.vie.- crop, so the local packers handled only slight ly less tonnage than in V932. L : cal prunes on the hill" and high- er levels were almost a complete failure, due to ,e.ere weather . conditions last winter. '; ; On-thi fresh prune pack, in , spite of cror failure here, the lo , cal pack was probably 10 to 15 per cent heavier thai in 1932, due to shipment In of bouthern - Oregon fresh nmnx - r " " I xne disastrous freeze of a year Chamber of Commerce has Big Year; Numerous Conventions Brought Here Highlights of Each Month's Activity Listed in Report by Officials; ' B. E. Sisson Heads Work The Salem chamber of com merce has had a most active and eventful year, according to R E. Sisson, president during 1933. in the annual report as shown in inecnamDer bulletin of January 1. 1354. The report Just calls attention to a few of the high spots of the year's work, month by month, and is as follows: January Worked with state and national forest officials to have set aside primitive area south of Jeffer son. Result: Area acquired includes famous Eight Lake district, all just few miles from North San tiam highway. ' During month, 1360 attended I meetings, all of civic nature. Real service. February Appeared before the Public Serviee commissioner in behalf of Spaulding Logging company. Meeting of 80 grocerymen at dinner, resulting in better hand ling of Salem products. 1245 attended meetings in the chamber rooms, discussing c ! 1 e affairs. March Headquarters for seed loan ap plications, Marion county farmers receding $49,000. Worked with G. A. R. commit tees for state meeting. 760 attended meetings at Cham ber. April Held meetings with several cit ies in the valley relative to river improvement. Cooperated with the Cherrians to observe annual Blossom day. . Sent delegation to Corvallis to get annual convention Oregon Building congress, 1934. Got It. Entertained two state conven tions. .rgo put a hundred per cent crimp in the Ktte nurg canning pack, with.Lon of this variet canned here. Marshall strawberries came through the freese better but only about 25 cent of the heavy barrelling done in 1932 was complished in 19 3. Prob ably not more a 500 tons of Marshalls were put In cold pack. Scarcitv of strawberries boosted the market price abo' e the low? of 1932. an- last snrink the Sub limity strawberry pool went for 5 V' cents per pound. The near nack. built chieflv on pears irought in from Wash inton end Southern Oregon, was the heaviest individual pack made by the Salem plants, pears can ned here ran close to 7,800 tons, or about a 30 per cent increase ever 1932. The three major items of the 1933 paek were pears, prunes and cherries. Loganberries, - not in them selves a heavy crop here, showed a 25 per cent greater amount go ing into cans than in 1932. with about 25 tons handled the past season. Black raspberries pro duced a greater quantity than in 1932, but the red raspberry deal was shorter. Bumper Cherry Crop Cherries proved a bumper crop in the Salem area, with double the quantity of 1932 ripening the t 'k Pt year, but the canned pack I - - was oniy siigniiy largea man m 193 2, when about 1,000 tons went through the cannery boilers. The great surplus in the cherry deal went Into brine, with several thousand tons of Royal Annes be ing handled this way. Early in the season it was estimated as high as 100 tons of black cher ries vould be shipped out as fresh fruit, but shipments were way. under this. In fact, the black cherry deal was largelr disas trous, as the fruit did not hold up in transit to eastern and mid-west points. Heavy losses were reported by some shippers of the blacks. .Canners have Mttle comment to make on 1934 prospects for the grower, as tonnages of course are dependent upon weather con ditions between now and ripen ing, and prices for various fruits are dependent upon demand be tween now and harvest and other conditions It is entirely likely, however. that the producers u ViltUCJJ 11 will akare . New Year's Greetings GEO. R WATERS May Worked with Salem plumbers in state convention. Result: Best one ever held in Oregon. Cooperated Oregon Fox Breed ers for annual show to be held in Salem, 1934. Telegraphed full and complete Information regarding need o f maintaining Salem Indian school to representatives In congress. Kept up the fight for the school. Result: Instead of closing, there are 300 students at Chem awa. Juno Took up fight to keep annual high school basketball tourna ment in Salem. Cooperated with Klwanis club In planning state picnic at Silver Falls State Park. During May and June, 2387 people attended meetings at the chamber, all for good of com munity. July Principal work was in organiz ing the local NRA aa rennpstad by the President. Also in call ing various meet in en to dinpuRa NRA problems. All rooms of the chamber given to this important work. August Entire month given to cooper ating with those working out the NRA code. Helped organize the Salem Retail Merchants' associa tion. Retail Meat Dealers' associ ation, and others. Total of 25 large NRA meet ings held during month with at tendance of more than 1,000 In this work. Wm. P. Ellis elected general in charge. Worked with County Court and State Highway commission to ad vance opening of the North San tiam highway. September Worked for establishment of Federal Re-Employment bureau least in recovery benefits as far as canneries go, for another year. This is because virtually every item the canner Uses In his busi ness, except the fruits, is regu lated by stringent NRA codes, and the only basis for price shav ing left is the fruit itself. For after all, "the canner has to sell in a competitive market," as one buyer remarks. Prune and pear prices showed good increases In 1933 over ear ly season prognostications, but canners hold these boosts were due not so much to the recovery aeai as supply and demand and increased exportation on prunes; and to worms cutting the sur plus out of the pear crop. vegetable packing here rot some impetus during the year, witn comparatively heaw bean and tomato packs put np in the West Salem plant for the West Stayton growers' cooperative aeai; Paulns Brothers handled a large carrot pack, this work ex tending toward the end of the year; and Oregon Pacling han dled a quantity of pumpkins and beans. PRUNE CHOP LEAD IS KEN Br POLK Here is one Dlace where Pnlk county leads handily over Mar ion county ana auihoritv for ih sia.it: men t is tne u. s. census of 1930. It is in prunes. Of the 50 lead. ing prune growing counties In the United- States. Oregon ha ten nf them. When it comes to nrnnes. the. 1930 census gave Polk county 1, 017,011 trees in bearinr and Mar. ion county. 945.364. nnnriai county, (Roseburg District) made a gooa snowing with 1,060,363 trees reported in bearing when the 1930 census was taken. Marion COUntT Was rennrted with 3104 farms nroducinsr prunes, while Polk count v credited with 1171 farms. Polk countr ranked aeeonii In value Of Its 1929 croon of nranM in Oregon, with Douglas county ursi. xamniii county third and aianon county- iourtn. in Salem for convenience of Mar ion and Polk counties. Cooper ated with Federal agent and farmers In reducing wheat acre age. Before Highway commission, protesting against proposed plan to. take 84 per cent of road funds already allotted to various parts of state. October Issued 1934 edition of cham ber farm booklet, "Come to Ore gone," advertising Marion coun ty. . Helped truckmen by giving free use of auditorium for many Important meetings. With interest in truck meet ings and NRA special meetings, total attendance at chamber rooms during month was 1835. November Meetings with Marion county delegation in legislature, relative to legislation affecting Marion county. Conferring with C. C. Hockley, state engineer for the PWA, rela tive to building of dock. Good work in the legislature on the proposed PWA building plans. If approved, will include $875,600 building in Salem. In state liquor bill, appeared before committees and changed headquarters of commission from Portland to Salem. 1237 attended meetings at chamber. December More work with the legislature Cooperated with Civic Works administration, creating special work in Salem. Appealed to Senator McN'dfi tnr help in having prune tracts prop erly appraised for federal farm loans. During month, 1075 attended meetings in chamber rooms, all WOrkintr for e-nol nf ilum an A Vicinity. The Oregon state highway de partment, during 1933. approximately $12,400,000 tn tm. prove and maintain its highways, according to a tentative survey completed Dy otflcials. This amount Included $4,425, 000 for construction, $1,765,000 for maintenance. S3.S70 onn fn. bond expenses, $1,600,000 contri- Dution to counties, $780,000 for secondary highways, $280,000 contribution to the state police, $50,000 for miscellaneous expense ana zdu,voo for administration The department paved approxi mately u miles or highway dur ing the year, graded 65 miles and surfaced 70 miles with roct An additional 65 miles of high way were treated with bituminous macaaam, 25 miles with new oil and 75 miles regrading. The department maintained 4125 miles of main highways and 1962 miles of secondare rnaH Officials said they were able to maintain the state's rnni nf a re duction of $220,000, compared wun i3J, due to increased effi ciency. This record- was Tnada deanlra that" 170 miles of highway were nuuea to me roaa system during me year. Only one fourth of the fAmai in Salem over the age of 10 years are gainfully employed, or rath er, were, as this firure i fmm the U. S. CenSUS taken In Anrll of 1930. TO be exact. th ft. ore is 25.4 ner cent- At, the same time. 4 u. ner cent of all males in Salem 10 years of age and older were gain fully employed. When it comes to the numW the census says 2,891 females 10 years of age and older were work ing when the. 1930 . en ana iv,7o males LARG E EXPENDITURE ON IDS IS SHOWN niiii iir-aiiir u ; i. tiAIIv Ml IN RECENTVEARS Total for f933 53i2 Inches Setting Record; Last 3 Months Damp During the past few years. Jup iter with his sprinkling can, has been giving Salem a lot of at tention, especially during the last three months of the past three years. During the year 1931, the to tal Salem rainfall was 48.85 inch es of which 22.84 inches fell durine ftrtnhar ?lT..n. I. j A. T till UCI SOU December. Then in 1932, with a total rainfall of 42.06 inches, the to tal for the last three months of the year was 20.06 inches. a rainraii or 6S50 Inches during 1933 nrnveA rDVMl niton 1 ing. December, with nreMn tion to date nf 17 ce down as the rainiest month on iccura nere since 1880. . I5f,annnal avepage for Salem is 37 inches. In 1930, the to tal in Salem was in nc i,.v yet the next year, the total rain- "'"uuiea io 48.85 inches. Old timers can remember Feb ruary and March nf -tana v tor 58 davs it mind nj and the sun remained behind a cloud, it Just didn't quit rain ing for 58 days, which easily xTrvkettne record attributed to Noahs heavy rainfall, figured at 40 days and 40 nights. Now, years hence, when mld-dle-agers are old timers, they perhaps will recall the heavy rain lo,i T tm durlnS December of 1933 when Salem was given more water in one week than eastern Oregon receives during the whole year. y Raspberries Not Main Crop Here; Ranking is 21st Marion rnnnn tor.' - i , . j iou i cuusiaereu TPrr tvh,K v 1 ui b iaiuerry Dearing county, yet in 1929, it ranked 21st in the United States. Muunoman county ranked fourth. Vamtim n m , ...... wuui mum, ana Clackamas county 15th. The Vli .....I "v "6 eiiuerry acreage in 1929 was in Berrien county, Mich igan, reporting 4574 acres, with Pierce rnnnlv Ttriigiiii,n ing second with 2366 acres. "iitujgtto ana unio are tne two lead In- rec Manufacturers of Daily Capacity 1 Watermarked and Unwater- I marked Bond 180,000 lbs. Bleached J Bleached and Unbleached SulrSiite I Sulphite I Glassine, Greaseproof, White 24,000 lbs. Unbleached and Colored cs i i. . i oulphite I Posting Ledger, and Light- weight Specialties 220,000 lbs. Paper Fountain of Eternal Youth Seen In County's Hot Mineral Springs Breitenbush Discovered Them in 1 640 After Ponce de Leon Failed - , Even in ancient times, they were hunting for hot mineral springs and hot baths and of course every high school student knows all about Ponce oa Lcnn who was looking, for the hot springs that would give eternal youth. Chances are Ponce de T heading towards the Hot Springs 01 Arkansas, as the far western country waa unknown to those hardy Spanish explorers and hence he never heard of the Breitenbush Mineral Hot Springs. In fact, no one else of them until along in 1840, a one-armed Dutchman by the name of Breitenbush happened to hear irom Indians about the famous Make this a happy New Year by making ft a safe New year. Resolve to drive carefully and keep your car in a safe condition to drive at all times. , The brakes and steering are the two most impor tant factors of safety about your automobile. . . ?itkw 11 habtt t0 have tbem InsPeted regularly, at least every three months whether yon think they are all right or not. Brakes and steering are my specialties and I will gladly in spect them for you free of charge. Start a good habit now. mi&E !IPA&JIK. THE BRAKE SPECIALIST 275 South Commercial SI. i 2 Blocks South of Sf ate St -SEE MIKE PANEK AND AVOID A PANIC 1 (M(mm ' . . 52e ; Qnib& springs that would cure almost anything. Now we have the famous Brei tenbush Mineral Hot Springs with in 70 miles of Salem and physi cians who know, say these springs will come a lot nearer restoring health and youth than any min eral springs in the United States. At the Breitenbush springs yon may take mud baths, drink a lot of water with plenty of chlorin and sodium in it, get massaged to your heart's content and then sleep in the high mountain coun try, breathing air that is 2100 feet higher than the kind yon breath in Salem. Within a year, the forest road from Olallie butte will be com I Wish you a Prosperous and a Happy New Year pleted arid, then Portland people will have ashort -drive into these famous springs, returning by way Of Salem, Viewing some ot the most Interesting scenery In Ore gon, - And they do say that if you will stay at the Breitenbush springs a month, you will get exactly what Ponce de Leon was after. That i. good healthy rest. and renewed youth. .ft Fishing Regions Here Extensive Marion county has 1196 square miles of territory. Also 1100 lakes for fishing. Almost a fishing lake to every square mile. And then there is an awful lot of river bank in the county adding fact to the statement that Marion is and should be a fisherman's paradise.. Some people go fishing right within the city limits of Sa lem along Mill creek. Why leave home when you can fish right in the cityT JL 1