The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 31, 1933, Page 7, Image 7

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Stmday Morning, December 31, 1933 '
- -
Marion County Has Most by
Wide Margin; 3726 in
1929 Says Census
Here is good news for the Sa
lem Cherrians who were so named
fa 1913 because Salem was then
known as "The Cherry City".
Marion county, in 1929, had
more farms reported as growing
cherries than any county in the
state and chances are, the figures
etlli hold good. Figures of t h e
,1930 U. S. census prove ft.
And here is something more of
good cheer for Cherrians. The U.
S. census reports 3276 farms in
i Marlon county growing cherries
In 1929 and that is a lot more
farms than reported by any other
county in the United States.
Of the SO leading cherry grow
ing counties in the United States,
with Marion ranking first In num
ber of farms reported, Westmore
land county, Pennsylvania, ranked
second with 2975 farms.
But the fact is, Door county,
Wisconsin, ranked first, accord
ing to the 1930 census in the
number of cherry1 trees, but that
county had only 4S9 farms report
ing, compared to 3276 for Mar
lon. Marion county ranked first in
cherry farms, due to the many
small tracts which are regarded
as farms in a U. S. census.
Polk county was credited with
1009 farms producing cherries in
19 29. The census gave Polk coun
ty 69,778 bearing cherry trees and
Marlon county, 71,399 bearing
Bank Debit History of Salem Last Five Years, 1929 to 1933
January .
November -
December -
Prepared by Chamber of Commercft
TOTALS 6177.047.208 3165,358,217 8141,001.121
1981 ' lilt
I 9,180.623 6,852.658
7.920,973 5,704,769
9,147,014 5.772.878
8.843,838 . 7,695,266
8.606,719 9,484,305
.8,861.863 9.396,380
9,199,405 10,869,301
9.088,47ft 9,798,400
8.638.919 9.710.296
10,335.221 ' .10.952,477
8.782,812 10,709.623
7.907,918 10,257,398
8105,933,69 J107,i03,651
warn mm
Maurice Klinger is Recalled
As First Beer Maker;
Plant Built 1877
RICKREALL, Dec. 30. Mrs.
H. A. Dempsey and son, Ralph,
were In t CorvalHs Wednesday
making arrangements for Ralph's
entrance into the Agricultural
college as a freshman next week.
Junior Harmony Club
Has Meeting
The Junior Harmony club met
in the studio of Mrs. Walter Den
ton Friday afternoon and named
officers for the coming year.
Miss Marjorie Know is the new
president; Miss Margaret Clare,
Tlce - president: Miss Lucy Fish
er, secretary; Miss Martha Cox,
treasurer, and Miss Doris Gute
kunst, sergeant-of-arms.
Standing committees will be an
nounced after the next meeting
to the club. Mrs. Denton is ad
visor for the group.
Jefferson Guy Epperly, Bon
of Mr. and Mrs. Crook Epperly
of Jefferson and Miss Genevieve
Hoppe, diughter of Mf. and Mrs.
Emil Hoppe were quietly married
Saturday at Vancouver, Wash.
They were accompanied by Miss
Marjorie Hoppe and Otto Hoppe,
sister and brother of the bride,
and C. . Epperly, brother of
the bridegroom. They will live
at Scottsburgh, wher Mr. Epper
ly Is employed in highway con
struction work.
The Leslie Ladies' Aid will have
a short business meeting follow
ed by a silver tea Wednesday af
ternoon in the church parlors at
2 o'clock. Mrs. E. T. Barkus is
chairman of the affair, assisted
by Mrs. Charles Lucas and Mrs.
E. J. Tucker.,
The Hayesville Woman's club
will hear Rev. Britton Ross tell
of his triD through the Holy Land
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. -Claude Taimage, una
Center street.
Jefferson Mrs. Agnes Mar
tin arrived from Juneau Alaska
the first of the week for aan ex
tended visit at the home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Cobb.
Mr. and "Mrs. Joseph Wlkibal
of Montana, have been house
guests of Mrs. C. W. Baeschen for
the past two weeks. They left
Thursday for southern California
to spend the winter.
The manv friends of Mrs. T. B.
Tfav will b glad to learn that
she is Improved from her recent
itlnAAs. Mrs Kav will go to Port
land Tuesday to enter a hospital
to recuperate.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Delaney have
hniisA met Mr. and Mrs. v.
P. McNamara of Olympia, Wash.
Miss Helen Bristow and Miss
Nancy Thompson are spending
the week end in Eugene.
With repeal of the prohibition
amendment centering much inter
est the past year on breweries
and their output, and with Salem
herself once more inhaling the
brewery exodus of barley, some
one calls to mind the inscription
on the tombstone of Maurice
Klinger. Said epitaph in part be
ing: He also built the first lager
beer brewery in Salem August 1,
This first brewery occupied
part of the Bite now in use at the
northeast corner of Commercial
and Trade streets. Klinger and
Beck operated the plant until
Beck died and Mrs. Beck bought
out the Klinger interests. In a
short period, 1903 to be exact.
Frank Deckebach, Sr., and Olym
pia brewery interests bought the
structure, did considerable re
modeling and enlarging, and con
tinued the operation until the
doom of wet goods in 1914. In
those earlier days the brewery
occupied a whole half block, ex
tending over to Liberty street.
Maurice Klinger also built the
first ice plant in Salem, in June,
1888, according to the record of
the tombstone. Klinger died, in
April. 1919. and is buried here.
Business Up
In Salem as
Year Closes
Salem's business year ended
with a Bwift advance over 1932,
bank debit Items complied yes
terday afternoon reveal. Decem
ber. 1933, debit items rose to
$10,257,398, an advance of 2.
349,480 over the $7,907,918
mark set in 1932, the poorest
Christmas season in a decade. Ac
cording to the chamber of com
merce which compiled the figures,
the December gain was 30 per
cent over 193 2. Bank debit Items
are held to be an accurate index
of business done.
The bank debit Items this
year increased steadly over 1932
after the early - year banking
debacle. Thus beginning with May
and each month thereafter, the
bank debit totals of 1932 were
As a result of this gain, the
year's bank debit totals went to
3107,103,000, compared to
3105,933,000 in 1932. That year
markedly exceeded 1933 In the
first four months; It dropped be
hind thereafter. ,
By December of this year, bank
debits here were 60 per cent as
large as in 1929, 65 per cent as
large as in 1930.
Holy Land is
Near Size of
Valley Here
It may be of interest, to Bible
students, as well as others, to re
alize that Palestine, or the Holy
Land is about the size of the Wil
lamette valley.
In the book of Ruth, where ft
is related that Naomi and Ruth
left the land of Moab and jour
neyed to Bethlehem in the Judean
highlands, the impression given
is that this was quite a distance
and something of an undertak
ing. When Elimelech, his wife Na
omi and two sons left Bethlehem
on account of poor crops and
journeyed to the land of Moab.
they had only 15 miles to travel
before they reached the river
Jordan and then about 15 more
miles into the land of Moab,
where they lived 10 years.
Both of the sons married wo
men of Moab, one of whom was
Ruth. Elimelech died and also
the two sons. Naomi found i t
necessary to return to her own
kinsmen near Bethlehem.
In returning to her own folks
with Ruth, they traveled only 30
miles, about the distance between
Dallas ad Silverton, or between
Salem and Newberg by way of St.
PARK'S h mm
Various Districts are Listed
As Production Centers
For Special Crops '
As one of Its annual objectives,
the Salem Kiwanis club took
charge of the formal opening of
the Silver Falls State park and
was successful in giving the event
such publicity, that the attend
ance was estimated at more than
The program included an ad
dress by Leslie M. Scott, chair
man of the state highway com
mission and then a personally
conducted "tour by trail of the
nine falls in the park.
Success of the event was due
to the work of Willis Clark, pres
ident of the Kiwanis club and a
committee under the direction of
Dr. David B. Hill, cooperating
with the chamber of commerce.
According to Howard E. Hul
sey, Kiwanis president for 1934,
Kiwanians will again take charge
of an annual picnic, working
with committees rnder the direc
tion of Dr. David B. HilL
Breitenbush Mineral Hot
Springs will be featured in the
1934 picnic and early in the year,
a conference will be held with Dr.
Mark Skiff and M. D. Bruckman
of Portland, owner of the upper
hot springs, to arrange If possi
ble, complete cooperation with
the two owners of these springs
for a picnic that will attract at
tention throughout the entire
northwest. m
Bank is Robbed; School Has
Record Attendance; lm
. . provements Made
' AfJMSVILLE, Dec. 30. (Spe
cial; Highlights of 1933 here
include two robberies, the larg
est high school attendance on re
cord and considerable Improve
ment through the CWA.
On the morning of March 27.
a pair of highwaymen entered
the Boone s store and confection
ery and took about 370 in cash.
juotn .Mr. and Mrs. Boone were
tied to their bed. The State po
lice Investigated hut to date the
bandits have never been caught.
On April 2 the district Sunday
school convention of the Christian
church was held in the school
The morning of June 21 a lone
bandit entered the State bank and
robbed it of 350. Mrs. E. T
Pierce, assistant cashier, was the
only one in the bank at the time.
The state police were called and
the robber was caught in south
ern Oregon the next day and in
a lew hours more was in the
state prison.
Friday, November 17, was the
day set aside by the P. T. A. for
the annal bazaar, which was un
usually successful. The bazaar
raised funds to furnish the school
children with hot lunches in the
There are 25 men at work now
on the streets of Aumsvllle under
the CWA project.
This year there is the largest
enrollment of students In high
school since the school house was
built in 1922. Four teachers are
hired in the high school now. The
auditorium has been made over
into an assembly hall.
All the vacant lots and corners
that have for years gone to weeds
and brier bushes, vere cleaned up
and gardens planted. A number
of old buildings have been torn
down and some moved, which all
goes to help the looks of the
city. .
Churches Note Spiritual Gain;
; - Few Changes in Salem Pulpits
State Christian Endeavor, Catholic Central
Society to Meet Here
Outstanding Barley Production
Here Not Generally Recognized
Marion and Polk Counties Have 781 2 Acres;
Linn Leads Both
Scenic Beauties
To be Found in
Salem Vicinity
For a three or four hour view
of fertile prairie lands, rollinr
hill lands and scenery not to be
found elsewhere, try this on your
visiting friends, or even a Salem
friend who hasn't seen anything
Drive to Silverton. On south'-
east to Silver Falls State Park,
stopping at the North Falls.
Then continue on to the big
South Falls and walk down, un
derneath and around. Absorb a
most wonderful view, standing
right at the bottom of the South
Falls and loop up. One famous
traveler said these falls seemed
almost like a fountain, when
viewed from below.
Then return to Salem by way
of Waldo Hills. The view of the
Willamette valley Is much more
Interesting when traveling to
wards Salem from the foothill
country, than If the trip to the
Park is taken In the reverse. The
view is more inspiring when look
ing over Into the Salem district
from the high foothill country.
As Salem Is In the center of
a great fruit, berry and nut dis
trict, it may be ot Interest to
know where things grow and what
counties in the United States rank
first in certain lines. So here is
the information, which is official,
referring to the 1929 crop:
Sweet Corn: Iroquois county,
Illinois, had the greatest acreage,
but Burlington county, N. J..
grew the most valuable crop that
Cucumbers: Vicomlce county,
Maryland, ranked first in acreage
and value of crop.
Lettuce: Imperial county, Cal.,
first In value of crop and acreage.
This county had 25,194 acres and
Monterey county, Calif., 20,404
acres In 1929.
Mixed vegetables: Hidalgo
county, Texas, ranked first i n
the United States In acreage but
the county in which Chicago is
located, produced the most valu
able crop.
Peas: Dodge county, Wiscon
sin, ranked first in acreage, but
Imperial county, Calif., produced
the crop of greatest value.
Potatoes: Aroostook county.
Maine, ranked first in the entire
country with an avreage of 132,'
887. The average yield was 314
bushels to the acre, compared to
a United States average in 1929
of 109 bushels. That year, 1929,
Taklma county, Washington, av
eraged 258 bushels to the acre.
Tomatoes: Dorchester county,
Maryland. and Dade county, Flor
ida, had about 13.000 acres each,
but the Florida crop was worth
twice that of Maryland.
Apples: Yakima county, Wash
ington, with crop valued In 1929,
at 311,627,000. Hood River coun
ty, Oregon, had an apple crop
that year valued at 3877,260.
Pears: Yakima county, Wash
ington, ranked first In bearing
trees and value of crop. Jack
son county (Medford) ranked
fifth in the United States with a
crop valued at Just a little less
than Yakima county.
Celery: Marion county ranked
28th In the United States with
Los Angeles county producing the
most valuable crop in 1929.
Waterfalls and
Mineral Springs
Are Attractions
When you can't think of any
thing else to say of Marion coun
ty, you may Impart this inform
ation :
Has the most wonder scenic
falls in the Northwest, referring
to the Silver Falls State Park,
where a trail walk of few hours
will bring the hiker to nine falls.
That the most famous mineral
hot springs in the northwest are
in Marlon county, referring to the
Breitenbush Mineral Hot Springs,
only 70 miles from Salem.
witnessed few; changes in Salem
ministries, no new church struc
tures and few state of district
conventions. But almost without
exception the many Salem pastors
declare a greater spiritual growth
and feeling has been evident
even more so than hasf been re
flected In membership Increases
in the individual denominations.
As customary for a number of
years now, tire ministerial associa
tion functioned, contributing its
part to the church life and also
to civic endeavors. The associa
tion sponsored the annual union
Thanksgiving services and recep
tion for teachers in the Salem
schools. Rev. Fletcher Galloway
has been-president, with Rev. R.
V. Wilson and Rev. C. C. Haworth
serving as secretaries.
Among the conventions in the
church realm already slated for
Salem for 1934 are the annual
conference of the state Christian
Endeavor society to be held, here
April 24-29 i the yearly gathering
ot tne catnolic Central society of
Oregon, dates not set: and the
conference of the Pacific synod of
the Luther league, which will
meet in the fall at the American
Lutheran church and bring dele
gates from Wasington, Idaho and
The Methodist 1934 conference
which had been set for Salem has
been switched to Portland, it was
announced the past week.
t Ministers who took up duties in
sai em pulpits the past year in
Rev. M. H. Pitcher, who in
August succeeded Rev. J. R. Stew.
art as pastor of the Free Metho
dist church. Rev. Pitcher came
here from Grants Pass and Stew
art went to the Portland First
The June Methodist conference
placed Rev. K. K. Clark at West
Salem, retiring Rev. A. u uara
who had served the alloted time.
Rev. T. Clio Brown, coming from
Sherwood, September 1, succeed
ed Rev. Glen Rinard as pastor of
Highland Friends church.
One demise in the local pastor
ates in the year has to be record
ed. Rev. Fred Alban Weu or tne
Unitarian church passed away,
since which time visiting minis
ters have supplied that pulpit.
III 1931
'Conventions and conferences
already lined up for Salem for the
year 19 S 4 are listed at the cham
ber of commerce as follows:
Disabled American Veterans of
the World War.
Catholic Central Society of Ore
Pacific Northwest Veterinarian
Medical association.
Annual Congregational confer
ence. Oregon Rural Letter Carriera
Oregon State Christian Endeav
or society, April 24-29.
Oregon Building congress, prob
ably in March.
Luther league conference of
Pacific Synod in fall.
Helpful Hints for Healthful Living
While Marion county ranks
first in the production of cher
ries in Oregon and has high Vank
In the United States as a fruit,
berry and nut country, it is .not
generally known that Marion and
Polk counties, with Salem in the
center, is a great barley produc
ing district.
According to the United States
department of commerce survey
of 1930, there were 3.441 acres
planted that year in barley in
Tuesday, January t
Order of Eastern Star, installation of officers fol
lowing business meeting. Installation at 9 p. m.
? Mrs J. D. Foley, 845 D. street, entertain Yomarco
Cl"8Mrs3p.r?; bible rfa. P- t her home.
Wedn esdajfc January S
' . Leslie Ladies Aid, silver tea in church parlors, 2
p m. Short business meeting, social after.
Thursday, January
Hayesville Woman's club at home Mrs. Claude Tai
mage. 1765 Center street Rev. Britton Ross, speaker.
Friday, January 5
-t..v tj .nA p. w lub with Mrs. Winifred
Herrick and Miss Helen Louise Crosby,
296 Richmond
A Happy and Prosperous
New Year
To the Homes of Salem
I. Saffron 1 S. Kline '
Marion county and 4,371 acres in
Polk county.
So there you have Salem right
in the center of 7.812 acres oi
barley, producing in 1930, a to
tal of 230,500 bushels and that
would all be within a short haul
of a malting house should one be
established in Salem.
Linn county is a' great produ
cer or barley witn 5.650 acres
planted in 1929. Washington
county was credited with 3,751
acres. Yamhill county with 3,863
acres and Benton county with 1,-
877 acres the same year.
The 1930 survey of the U. S.
department ot commerce shows
that in these five counties, Salem
being about the geographical cen
ter, there were 23,353 acres
planted in barley producing that
year, 643,432 Bushels.
Wishes You
A Very
Happy New Year
There are no stop
lights on the road
back to prosperity.
May 1 934 find the
path smooth, clean
and full of happy
crossroads to a hap
py landing.
173 N. Liberty;
Best wishes to yon,
everybody and plen
ty of them!
Thank you for
your patronage
during: the past
Herbert J.
Ostlind Garage
352 n. High-
Wishing You a
List of Persons
Failing to Gain
Divorces Asked
Judge M. S. Flores, Euvo Lar
edo, Mexico, so-called divorce
specialist and legal adviser for
the state of Tamaulipas in Mexi
co, has written U. G. Boyer, Mar
ion county clerk, for a list of
all couples who have attempted to
secure divorces in the local
courts but have failed.
Judge Flores said permanent
relief could be offered to the
hundreds of persons whose cases
have been dismissed or denied in
the United States.
Boyer declared that names of
the couples requested by Judges
Flores would not be sent to him.
The old year chang
eth, yielding rilace to
the new year.
What could be more
symbolic than a new
born babe! Consider
a moment the advan
tages our proficient
physicians offer us in
this century.
Where Science and Ethics Reign
Capital Drug Store
J. H. Willett
405 State St.
Ask for
Adding Machine Paper Typewriter Paper
Mimeograph and Second Sheets
Ruled School Composition Books, Tablets, Fillers
Fancy Glassine Fruit Box Curtains
Cellophane Wrappers, Bags Glassine and Candy Bag
Many Paper Specialties
For Sale in Salem by
Rahn-McWhorter Paper Co.
Rogers Paper Co,