i The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, December 31, 1933 'PAGE FIVE ' Local N 'Trattic Bfen Active Salem's i ; traffic officers yesterday arrested fire motorists on traffic law vlola- tions. Those arrested ana charges' . against them were; Robert B. . Brennan; 740 ferry 'street, and" Owea GUstrap, route 2,' speeding. f Willie Stalnke, It 96 Mission driT- Ing with cutout open; John. Henry - Lunn, Corvallis, failing to stop,; Witten Shaw. 170. North- Sum mer, passing on an Intersection. In . municipal court. Gilatrap, pleaded. guMy and ' Judge Mark Poufcen suspended his. driving. license for . one week.- --, - - 1- '"" v- . Old time ani modern r Dancing Mellow Moon starting Wed.- Niter ainC Music f by Gordon We ley'4 popular orchestra, Adm. 25e. Ladies free till :30: Tr : Make 'Answer XTlhet T.na s Kummel and" . Mildred . Rosalie - Kummel Arvidson; execqtriees of the estata of th lata TTnn TTnm- ineL; filed answer yesterdav In clr- iuu cuuf i oert.io a suit recenuy av.er that plaintiff Is not entitled. ,. to foreclose- a. mortgage, against; the estate Inasmuch as she.agreed! Auguat21S3.4.'provided taxes were- . paid. Defendants allege their part' v of the .contract was fulfilled. , ' : H. Brown Ontario: baafiled. with the state engineer appuca- uon 10 annroDriate 4& mcnes oi ; water from Sherwood lake; trlb- ntary of -Snake river, for the ir- i - . a tr . a t M a TisLtou si it acres oi iaaa i n Malheur county.1 A. W. Johnson of- Wallowa seeks to appropriate four second feet of water from Boyd creek,, tributary of Wallowa rlTer, for the Irrigation of 10 acres tn Wallowa county. Wanted furniture phone 5110. ' Stamps Securities Stamps which the Stafford Plan, I n c, proposes to sell to merchants for the relief of needy citizens are securities wltrin the meaning of the law, and subject to supervis ion by the state corporation de partment. Attorney General Van Winkle held in an opinion hand ed down Saturday. The opinion was requested "by Charles H. Car ey, state corporation commission er. Dane old time and modern at j Mellow Moon Wed. Nite. Music everyone can dance to by Gor- don Wesley's orchestra. Adm. 25c. Ladies free till 9:30.' Simmeral Held Wayne Sim mer al, charged with non-support . of his wife and children at Silver ton, was held in the couD'r jail last night after he had waived re- - liminary hearing and had been bound to the Marion county grand Jury. " Simmeral was arrested by ' Marion county officers Saturday near Turner where he was cottinr . wood. He is said to have left his family last May. To Issue Licenses First 1934 dog licenses were applied for Sat urday at the county clerk's office. No licenses, will be officially is sued until the new year. Under existing laws, all dogn over eight months of age must be registered and the license moneys paid not later than March 1. 1934. One dollar Is the charge for males, $2 for females. Remember the Argo Sunday and New Tear's Day for that famous . toast turkey, goose, duck or chick en dinner. Only 60c. Amends Complaint - Leon V. r Childs filed an amended complaint In circuit court here yesterday k against O. H. Brougher and sev eral others. Plaintiff -asks for $145 allegedly due on a mortgage along ' with costs and accrued interest. RUPTURED? After handling trusses many" years we have decided the'; LITTLE DOCTOR TRUSS is the best on the market, and is the answer to all rupture suf f (mill, efficient. L-no steel to rust, no elastic, no . a ltla pressure on me Daca or no leg straps, weight ox. No matter how good your truss Is If interested In the newest and best see this one. Free demon stration. All work done subject to your Doctor's approval. CAPITA1- 405 State, Corner Liberty j I- '-Telephone 3118 v ; Shanzhai Cafe Chinese an American' Dishes 5 Draught .Beer r 5 Saturday open It a.ns. to S a.m. r Sunda 1 1 a.m. ta 1 a.m. ; tA2U ; N. Coo1 - , Tel- a?? Service;., ' When you have a 5 pre scription Tto fill ; ' . when, you needisome - "thing in an emergency . don't hesitate to , cab on us. , . " ' t ' Only, registered phar-; rnacists f ill yqiirphy .; r- 'sician'aiprescrjption. " YouTcan i.'rely i oif its accuracy. - - f ; . , - ; ,vOrgf.,-;:;;V , Prescriptions: : 135 N. Comsnerelal "- Dlnl 1W Th Original r Tellnw Front Candy Special Stor of Salens Schaefer Brief: CVVS; Three ', Mishaps Reported Three minor automobile collisions were - reported to city police yes terday, involving the following: Arthurs Eld,, 1065 . Eriison street, driylnf a street bus, and Warren Butleri 135 North Liberty, at High and Rural; C. . B. McCul longbV 285 West Lefelle, and Ed die Pbmeroy; Independence, at Marlon and Higjfj; Edna Head rlck, Monmouth, and Mrs. M. A. Cable, on Commercial near State. Schett Posts Bond George Schett, route 2, posted a property bond for 500 In municipal court yesterday to obtain his release from rtho city JaU where' he was lodged Friday night-on a charge of drunken driving. He was arrest ed at 18 th and State streets toU lowing a collision between his car and one driven by Homer Worth Ington, 705 ferry street. 55c Turkey Dinner New Tear's Day, Knight's Memorial church. Ellis to Pay S3 - Edwin H. Ellis. 2030 Xorth Commercial Street, pleaded guilty In munici pal eour yesterday - to a charge of reckless driving and then promised to pay the $5 penalty assessed by Judge MarkPoulsen within two weeks. Selchl " Yama giushi; 445 Ferry, admitting fail are to stop at a through street, paid a 12.50 fine. Bicycle Condition "Bad" Mel vin Symmonds. 994 South 21st street, in reporting to city police yesterday that his bicycle had been run over by a car driven by H. P. Welter, Stayton, at 911 Oak street, stated, "condition of bicycle bad." The bicycle was lying in the street when hit by the car, Welter reported. Time and money invested in a usable education is a safe in vestment something unusual these days. The Capital Business college is the place to secure It. Enroll this week. Extra Papers Available Addi tional copies of today's issue of The Oregon Statesman are avail able for mailing to friends in the state or elsewhere. The price Is five cents a copy. Orders will be taken by the circulation depart- ment of the paper and extra copies j mailed direct to any address eiven by the Purchaser. Extra Papers Available Addi tional copies of today's issue of The Oregon Statesman are avail able for mailing to friends in the state or elsewhere. The price is five cents a copy. Orders will be taken by the circulation depart ment of the paper and extra copies mailed direct to any address given by the purchaser. Turkey Dinner 40c. Presbyterian church. Jan. 1st, 5 to 7 p.m. Tel. 9670. Burreil Fined 3 Pleading guilty , in municipal court yester day to a charge of reckless driving on a turn, James Burreil, 500 North 20th street, promised with in ten days to pay the $5 fine 're posed by Judge Mark Poulsen. He was arrested Thursday. Estate Appraised The es tate of the late Emma W. Rod gerg has assets valued at $390", according to an appraisal filed in probate court Saturday. Preferred stock of the Oregon Pu,p & Paper company is appraised at 50 cents on the dollar of par value. Scrumptious New Year's Dinner. 60c. Spa. No Monday Luncheon Be cause of the New Year's holiday, no Monday luncheon will be held at the chamber of commerce. The regular weekly gatherings will be resumed Monday, January 8. Obituary Bowman In this city, Saturday, December 30, Ella Bowman, resident of In dependence. Survived by daughter, Mrs. L.. F. Weisse of Hebo. and son, Peter Maydole of Palisade, Minn. Funeral announcements lat er from W. T. RIgdon it Son mor tuary. Robertson Benjamin E. Robertson, at the residence, 105 East Miller street. Saturday, December 30, at the age of 77 years. Survived by wid ow, Ida Robertson of Salem ; three daughters, Mrs. M. A. Nicely and Mrs. Lena Comeron of Portland and Mrs. E. L. Ashford of Scio; two sons. A. E. Robertson of Tur ner and H. H. Robertson of Salem; one stepson, Claude Lyons of Portland, 12 grandchildren and two gTeat-grandchildren. Funeral announcements later by dough Barflck company. Dr. B. H. White ' No Charge for Consultation Night and Day Calls ..,; Osteopathic Physician and Sargeon Office: 855 North Capitol St -Telephone 5030, Salem, Oregon ' CROQUlNOl.fi PUSH WAVE Ringlet Ends r Complete1 $1,00 Castle - Permanent Wavers Co 807 Est Kat'l Dank Bid?.. 3663 Vacuum Cleaners; "arid Rbor Waxers; -.' to Rent Call ' 11 0, ' Used Faraltnr Department 151 North High KE UK, EYED McNary Investigates Reason Fop Setting Value at ; Only $75 an Acre ; Alleged discrimination on part of the Federal Land bank of Spo kane against the Marion county prune industry- Is being - given careful attention of Senator Charles L. McNary, the senator has indicated in a telegram to the chamber of commerce here.1 . The. chamber outlined to Sena tor McNary the situation recent ly brought to light, In which It is alleged local appraisers have instructions from ' the Spokane federal land bank to disregard the value of prune lands and to appraise only on the basis of what the bare land will yield in wheat, potatoes and alfalfa; ' ' The appraisers' claim Is that bearing prune orchards are ' of no value. This Is In the face of a short crop last season and heavy exports which are giving the 1934 prune outlook the most healthy tone Jn years. Prune experts, hold that prospects were never better and that prune trees 'were never in better condition than right now. ' Apparently the maximum al lowed on bearing prune orchards now by the federal land bank loan is $75 an acre, despite the fact that the same orchards cost around $200 per acre to bring to production and in " normal times sell for $250 per acre or more. Pleasant View Gets Share of Good Roads PLEASANT VIEW, Dec. 30. The county roads in this district are being wonderfully Improved by the road workers under the di rection of L. E. Hennies. All un sightly brush and trees are being removed, ditches are being dug to carry off all excess water,' o n d new bridges put in where needed. Mrs. Harold Smith (Babe Cook) is spending the holidays at Sedro Woolley, Wash., with her mother and aunt, Mrs. Oscar Bu channon. HAS SCARLET FEVER INDEPENDENCE, Dec. 30. Mrs. Loren Mort is confined to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Irvine, with scarlet fever. The case is very light and the only one in town. Miss Armold HI Little I m -provement was noted yesterday In the condition of Miss Harriet Arm old, who has been seriously 111 since Sunday morning at the fam ily home, 407 South 18th. Miss Armold is teaching at Yamhill, and became 111 shortly after com ing here to spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs., Jessie Arm old and other relatives. Scrumptious New Year's Dinner, 60c. Spa. More AffklaTit8 In Addition al and reply affidavits in the case of Sam C. Looney vs. Joan Looney were inea in circuit court Satur day. Plaintiff in his affidavit al leges defendant showed little in terest In their child and was in capable of caring for it. Similar declarations are made in the af fidavit filed by Emma M. Looney. Lemley Estate Valued The late William Lemley letf an estate valued at 14479 according to an appraisal rued In probate court Saturday. Principal asset consists of 65 sections In Belcrest Memor ial park, appraised at $1825. Sev eral accounts In local banks are included in the appraisal. Halla D. Gillespie is administratrix. Motions to be Heard Tues day, January 2, will be motion day for Judge L. G. Le welling who will hear counsel on various pending cases in addition to fur ther proceedings in the Klamath Falls vs the state liquor commis sion suit. Seek License One Applica tion for a marriage license was filed Saturday with the county clerk. Math M. Gllles. 23. Wood burn, a laborer, asks permission to wed Lucille M. Welsenberg, 23, wooaburn, a domestic. Police Find Skiff City police yesterday were seeking the owner of a skiff found on the Willam ette river. Discovery of the runa way or stolen boat was reported to them late in the day. Goes to Lo Angeles J a m e s Robert Prultt, who has been em ployed at Kerfnell-Ellls here, left Saturday for Los Angeles, where he hopes to obtain a position. Going to Beach Mr. and Mr. Hal Patton will leave Salem to day to Bpend a week or 10 dara at their cottage at Agate beach. . PILES CURED . Without Oparttloa ar Loaa sTtaM ' DR. MARSHALL S3 Oracoa BIS. Phaaa S50 Federal Farm Loan Applications Should Be Filed with I.-:, , . E. K. Piasecki - Ladd A Bush Bank' Building ' ' - SALEM, OREGON CHARLIE CHAN Chinese Medicina - Company , dEALTH HERBS or kidney bladder S. B Kong stomach, catarrh, constipation, glands. Every Ailment Disorder ' . 122 N. Commerclmal St. Over Salem Hardware Store Daily t to Sunday 9 to 11 Consultation Free - LioSs CAM WES TO SCREEN IT STATE Eddie Cantor, In tThe Kid from, Spain." begins Its engage ment at the State theatre. today. It Is Samuel Ooldwyn's annual presentation of Cantor songand dance, following last year's "Pal my ' Days' ' and "Whoopee the year before. In ."The Kid from Spain," Ed die inarches out, neither bravely nor willingly, to show his skill and grace as a matador. Escape from the police who are. pursuing him, protection from the Mexican thugs about to put him on the spot, the adoring eyes of the elon gated blonde menace, and solving his roommate's difficult love af fairs are all among. the reasons that bolt Eddie into the arena in the thrilling, colorful climax to the story. Cantor tops himself as the bouncing, bubbling minstrel. He has never been better. Lyda Rob ert! is a wonder as a refrain for his song and as a second for his comedy. Robert Young and Ruth HaU have the romantic leads and John Miljan and Carroll Kalsh are more than properly menacing as the Mexican bad men. THREE TRUE BILLS DALLAS, Dec. 30 Three true bills, one secret, and two not true bills were returned by the Polk county grand Jury last night fol lowing a two-day session, rnoi true bills were returned in the cases of Carl Frakes, charged with threatening to commit a felony, and Ernest Phillips, charg ed with concealing stolen prop erty. Russell Henry of North Dallas, was indicted on a charge of driv ing a car on the highway, while under the Influence of liquor. He was arrested at Independence on December 10 and is in jail here. Ray Martin was Indicted on a forgery charge, r.e is in Jail here. Dates for trials have not been set but the Jury is ordered to re port for duty on January 15. Coming Events January 4 Dairy Coop erative association meets chamber of commerce, 1:30 p. in. January 5 - Municipal league, chamber of com. merce, 8 p.m. January 5 Willamette vs. Terrible Swedes, basket ball. January fl Marlon coun ty convention of Farmers Union meets at Mt. Angel. January 0 -Joint meet lng, Marion . nd Polk coun ty nut growers, chamber of commerce. January 8 Monthly meet ing Salem Garden club at chamber of commerce, 8 p. m. January 9 Willamette vs. Celtics, basketball. January 11 Willamette vs. Oregon Normal, basket ball. January 15 Salem school district election on 825,000 bond issue. January 16 Salem vs. Albany high, basketball. January 10 Eaieii Gleemen. February 1ft Reserve Of ficers association of Marion and Polk Com. ties, formal military ball honoring Ma Jor General George A White. GRAND JURY FILES Dancers Attention! STARTING NEXT Ill.TraraiCanjrJoClOI?ni will b riven at Mellow Wednesday Night starting sharp at 9 o'clock; Music; will be famished by that well known and popular orchestra under the direction of GORDON4 WESLEY.! Admission 25c i- F. N. .. . ClEirimns Needy Children at Christmas -ii Clnb xnemben of the Salem den in being hosts to 14 needy boys ner, candy, note and gifts consisting mainly of articles of clothing such as It had been determined each child was In need of. The wheel chair pictured was purchased by the club and reconditioned for loaning oat to persons needing one bat m liable to pay the naoal rent. POST HE BRIGHT Prospects of Capital Post No. 9, American Legion, for 1934 appear better than a year ago since the post now has 256 members who have paid their 1934 fees in con trast with 147 at this time in 1932, Adjutant William Bllven stated yesterday. Legion member ship is being stressed for 1934 as veterans seek restoration of bene fits cut out by President Roose velt's economy program. In Bliven's opinion the out standing achievement of the post in 1933 has been the taking over of the management of boxing matches here. Since the Legion undertook the mat show supervi sion, the game has returned S385 in profits to the post treasury After ten years of winning high honors, the Capital Post drum corps was officially disbanded fol lowing the 1933 Armistice day celebration. This and the July 4 celebrations and the drum corps trip to Chicago were other high lights of the Legion's year. .P. James Nutter, assistant In the Associated Press bureau here for the last 16 months, leaves today for Portland where he will be advanced to editor of the night wire for upstate Associated Press papers. Nutter came to Salem from Ashland, entering Willamette uni versity. Subsequently he worked on The Statesman and In 1932 took the local A. P. position. Nut ter takes the place in Portland of William Warren, also a former Willamette student, who goes to the Associated Press bureau 1 n San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Nutter are to remove to Portland this weekend His successor here has not been announced. - WESTENHOUSE VISITS LYONS. Dec. 30. Kenneth Westenhouse of Scio was a bus! ness caller at the John Neal farm Wednesday. Mr. Westenhouse Is teaching in Washington this year, NEIGHBORS SEE PAGEANT LYONS, Dec. 30. Quite a few Lyons folks attended the Chris tian church Christmas pageant at Stayton. It waa given two eve nings in order . that everyone might see it. Moon Dance PavlHion each Ladies Free tin 9:30 WOODRY Mgr.- : -' ' NLITTEF PROMOTED I T T " i ' - r -'. . - , 'it.; i'n and their wives Joined December 21 and girls, providing them with din Bids Up Slowly To Little Slam By MRS. WILLIAM H. cftjINN Statesman Tournament Conductor Mrs. William H. Qulnn, Culbert son associate, today explains the bidding and play of hand 14, one played at the recent Statesman tournament. The hand: , North 4 A 6 5 V AKQ J 8 6 AK3 West East A J 10 9 3 2 V 10 2 10 9 8 Q7 6 A 7 V 9 3 A KT J 5 4 3 4b J 10 9 8 South 4 K Q 8 4 V 7 5 4 Q7 2 5 4 2 East, dealer. Suggested bidding: East South West North 2V(1) 3V(3) 6V(5) pass pass 24.(2) 3NT(4) pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass Analysis of the bidding accord ing to the Culbertson system: (1) Forcing bid nine tricas are a certainty. (2) An encouraging response shows at least 1 plus honor tricks or South would have bid 2 no- trumu. f 3) North Is trying not to crowd the bidding. He wants t- get more information while the adding Is at a low level. (4) South has already given the full strength of his hand. (5) Many of the teams used tno no-trnmn connection here 10 show three aces and a partnership king the bid Is correct but Is not necessary, as it is apparent tnai South will bid the 6 hearts so North might Just as well make the bid himself. The play: Ouening lead. 10 of diamonds. North sluffs , the second diamond, then leads five rounds of trumps. He leaves in during tour spades one club and the Queen of dia monds. East must discard one or his clubs to protect his spades. De clarer leads three rounds of spades (the suit will not break) but West will have to discard the high dia mond or club. This was one of the world Olympic hands illustrating the triple squeeze. , .f. ,:,:v.i-a.op-i.o-. r - k 37 JJnim age Timing the past months Jias made our new station a success.' We hope . . . and we shaH make every effort; ; . to merit your ; patronage dunng JJSDDQ CHemeketa at Liberty ' Not content Srlth hating nf- ready set an all-time rain Tecord for any month s la Salem; the raio-t jnaser last, night; tipped ' another cloud over' Salem and 'promised; according to the, weather bureau, to supply more precipitation to dayr " The 17.58 Inches of rain record ed here la December exceeds the bid record for any month since 1880 by 0.89 Inch. The former record of 16.69 Inches waa set in November; 189 C. The previous top December for rain came in 1917 when 14.03 inches of precipitation was recorded. The average mean rainiau lor December is only 5.51 inches. Five other Decembers have bad rainfall exceeding ten inches: 11.18 Inches In 1895 and 1890, 10.41 inches In 192J, and 10.48 inches 1931. December, 1932, brought 7.77 inches of rain and December, 1930, 3.30 inches. Over an Inch of rain fell on five days of the present month: 4.30 inches on the sixth. 2.10 inches on the 18th, 1.20 inches on the istn, 1.03 inches on the 21st and 1.86 inches on the- 22nd. Floor Finished At Fire Station Working for 12 hours Satnrda the civil works crew employed at central fire station in the city hall finished pouring concrete for the new floor costing 12800 of which the city will contribute approxi mately $700. If test samples of the mix prove satisfactory, the floor will be ready for use by January 27 and the Engine Com pany No. 1 crew will move back from Its present temporary quar ters on High street across from the city hall. K1RKWOOD ELECTED CHICAGO, Dec. 30. 6F Dean Marlon R. KIrkwood. of Stan ford university law school was elected president today of the Association of American Law Schools. i We sell and service all makes. Special prices on fam 1 ous Easy, Maytag and Automatic These are new washers Guaranteed used Maytag square tub cast aluminum washer Refrigerator Grunow, Crosley and Frlgidaire. Tew left at the old low price Sewing 14 t T White Rotary Walnut Console Model Electric Guaranteed Used Treadles Phone 6013 APPIJANCE STORE 4 and take this opportun ity to wish every . one a mighty - Happy New , T ar We" especially .'wish . to thank those of . . you, whose . patron- 194. Ye FUL IS TOW E - DALLAS. Dec. 30 Ruth Ada line Embree, 85, passed away at the home of her son at. Lewis-. ; villLabout 2:30 Friday afternoon , She was a daughter , of a pioneer! family and" hadHved in Polk county , since ? she was 13 years old- - -v I She wa born near Des Moines, Iowa, on May 13, 1845, and crossed' the plains .with her par ents In -1861, . settling Mn Polk county;, 0.a July;! 3, 1865 she waa nnited in.marriage toMarcus Em hteei -tev. which, unloV eight, chil dren ? were born: Mr Embree passed away: in: 1912.: and .Mrs. Embree- had made her home with her son, Cecil, . at - Lewlsvlll for the past 13 .years. -' She . is survived by one- sister. ' Tabitha Simpson of Portland ; a brother; C. L. iiorrison ot Elk City; two sons, 'Cecil f Lewis-, ville, and Elton - of .'Woodland, i California;': a' grandchild, Arthur ' Hardiaon of Dallis whom she. rais ed ' front infancy; and 13. tbfcr grtjadchliffreB. ;: ' . ' .-. : . . i.- -.ruaeralf services' will be held - I at. theEvangtlfca! church In Dal las at -Z, p-.m. Sunday, with Rev. C. P. Gates of Portland officiat ing, assisted , by Rev. M" B. Young. The body Is at the Hec kle and Thomas Funeral. Homo here.' Interment ''will be-in the Smith cemetery at Lewlsville. New Year,$ DINNER Turkey and many other entrees to se lect from, with all the holiday trim mings. Served SUNDAY & MONDAY 12 to 9 P. M. The New Gray -Belle Restaurant 1 I $49.50 up . $99.95 up Machines T ..$59.50 $11.50 , 19 456 State St. Telephone 341 2 FOR RUTH IRE:;!-. mm 12; u a a - - . . . 1 i y 1: T