PAGE FOURTEEN . The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, December 31, 1933 Valley, Willamette - ' ; 1 1 - ' - v - ... I ; . ,, . mnii nvnn ni raw nidi For Hubbard Youths; Berry ; Growers Report Bright V: Outlook for '34 rA By BLANCHE BROWN HUBBARD, Dec. 30. Ask any boy or girl for the outstanding event in 1933 and !i or she will say 'The building or our gym." In the fall the district purchased some land from Lena Kester thus enlarging the Bchool grounds. On November 13 at a special schoel meeting the voters decided to build a gym on this newly acquir ed land, which was accordingly done and Is now In the process of construction and will be complet ed about February 1. The gymnasium, which: will le 82 feet long by 80 feet wide by 44 feet high, is being built Just north of the school house and will bo equipped at the present time with a basketball court, Btage, and dressing rooms. The labor for the gym is being paid for largely by CWA funds. To Beautify Grounds Between the gym and the. Pa cific highway two standard dou ble tennis courts are Demg uum with CWA funds. Some of the shrubs had to be moved tempo rarily but as soon as the building is completed the Woman's club "will put in a much larger plant ing as the money saved for tennis courts may now be used The approach to the school grounds is being improved by til ing the ditch and filling It. Short white .posts will be set to keep cars off of the lawn. Highway Is Widened Another improvement for the city of Hubbard and contingent territory was the widening of the Pacific highway and improving the crossings into the town. Now peo ple can easily motor to Salem In 30 minutes and to Portland In 45 minutes. Further proof that prosperity has struck Hubbard is the fact that a new grocery store has. been opened with Joe "Hicks as proprietor. John Yoder h a r built a new shoe shop next door to his residence, which he will oc cupy soon. - 'In the main, the crops of the past year; with the exception ot .berries, have been bumper ones. The outlook for berries In 1934 seems bright. The hop acreage has been increased about 20 per cent . and new hop houses have been and are being built. Ungrateful River May Quit Salem ; Ought to be Law Now that Hedda Swart (sounds like a movie star name) says the Willamette; river is likely some time to eat away its banks west of Salem and incidentally refuse to honor Salem with its peaceful . flow, it Is i high time that some one proposes a law to prevent . such Ingratitude. Salem Is .honored by the "Beau tiful Willamette" (see poem) but the chances are more people know how to pronounce Salem than they do Willamette. However, here is one for the river: There is onlv one Willamette river In the Uni ted States while there -are 27 cities and towns by the name of Salem. Abraham Lincoln and William Jennings Bryan once lived in an Illinois town by the name of Sa- lotn Child Health at High Peak Here Due to Program - In 1924: when the. .ehamber ot commerce succeeded In havine the Commonwealth Fund of New York city select Salem for its five, year health, program, many thought It ' Just. some new fansled idea on iaealtn to be tried out on western folks. : - I ' Instead, the Marion County Child Health demonstration, dur ' fng its five years of work, brought Marion county to the highest rank . In health. -This was done by the expenditure of 1899. 0 nit im by the .'Commonwealth Fund of .: New ;york city. As the Drozram advanced and work Increased. Salem and Mar. - ion county contributed to the great neaith work program. EUENTjN1933 MAY the flame of success sky-rocket 1934 into a future of only good things. Here's looking at you, , hoping with you, and wishing, for you an the good things life can hold. That is Happy- New - Year. ; Olson, Florist Court at High ' Treasury Emergency Advances WASHINGTON. Between July 1 and December 8 the Untted States treasury paid out la advances for emergency relief a total of $828,627,109.72, including the following: : Reconstruction Finance corporation .'. .-...$449,020,158 . Public Works administration . Emergency conservation work Farm Credit administration .... .. - Agricnltnral adjustment administration Federal land bank subscriptions For Industrial recovery Tennessee Valley Authority Federal Deposit Insurance corporation Father Time Looks Back U pon "Ups" and "Downs" Silverton n Building and Business Spurt Come up to Drown Early Blues By LILLIB L. MADSEN SILVERTON, Dec. 30. An other year rolled up, hesitated and moved swiftly away to the haven of goneby years. Father Time, riding on its crest, beaten and down a year ago, was able to smile faintly, albeit still wear ing a worried expression, as he neared Silverton midnight Satur day. In January Silverton's new mayor, E. W. Garver, took the oath of office; Silverton Hills strawberry growers formed a co operative marketing association: E. L. McCleary was named sup erintendent of the city water de partment; Mayor Garver reduc ed city salaries. February brought a dividend totalling 330,000 from the de funct First National bank, whose closing saddened Father Time the previous year. Hop Sales Lighten Days March, with Its bank mora torium on the second, again brought a cloud to Silverton which only darkened when at the close of the moratorium the Coolidge and McClaine bank, sil verton's one fuctlonlng bank, an nounced a 5 per cent restricted basis. March. 29 brought a ray of light when hop sales total ling nearly $40,000 enriched the community. Two days later the city council enacted laws to gov ern the local sale of "non-intoxicating" beer. April, a busy month, brought on the mm me nrsi siorm warnings - of the approaching school board hurricane whih was to last until June 19. This date Alf O. Nelson, Norris Ames and I. D. Word en at a school board meeting asked for lower school costs. The American Legion spon sored Silv&rton script to help ease the financial embarrassment of local teachers. The 15th of the month was a gala day with the high school band, tinder the di rection of Hal Campbell, retaining the state championship title in its - class, and the typing and bookkeeping departments winning first and second in the Marion county bookkeeping and typing contest. Band Makes Mark Later in the month the victor ious band was feted, but there are no Indications that the other two h.,;h school divisions were thus treated. On A.jril 26, the school board announced reduc tions exceeding $10,000 and on the 28th C. A. Handy was ap pointed to sueceeri J. F. Conrad on the city council. May ushered In the first ser ious wind of the Bchool board storm with movement to recall Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge and R. Bt Duncan launched. On the last day of the month the Silver Falls Timber company was awarded damages aggregating J258.432.75 in its suit against the Eastern and Western Lumber company, June f etched" summer, the successful' pet parade and the end of .the school board storm. Recall petitions were defeated at the - annual school election. The beautiful dedication services were held on June 24 at the sight of the aBttle of the Abiqua. Chem- eketa chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was responsible for the services. June ze the Silverton postoffice re ceived a perfect r: ting. Taken all in all July was a pleasant month and it was likely then that Father Time's visage first assumed a happier expres sion. The - biggest event of the year occurred on July with 23 Please Accept... our sincere good wishes for success and happiness during 1934 together with our thanks for your patronage in 1 9 3 3. I We'll have exciting nwi rVtw fl SOON! W. L ANDERSON, Inc. PLYMOUTH - DeSOTO 360 Marion St 1 TeL 7703 150,462,506 129,025,846 40,000,000 89,484324 17,223,606 2,007,895 931,406 470,366 the dedication of the Silver Falls state park. Silverton . business men furnished the city nation wide publicity when they delib erately took off an extra day in connection with the Fourth and went fishing. Eight hundred persons visited the W. S. Jack flower gardens one day in July. On the 21st, voters empowered the city council to enter into neg otiations on a proposed sewage disposal project. Pick-op Noticeable The outlook at Silverton was to improve still further in Aug ust. On the first day, two new opticians. Dr. Charles O. Ander son of Corvalils, and Dr. R. M. Stewart of McMInnville, opened offices. The Pomona grange held an enormous picnic in the city park with even a larger group gathering for the Rooseveltlan picnic on the 27th. It was In the month of August also that the Silverton ball club reached its climax by defeating the colorful House of David nine from Il linois. In September, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Toney of Vancouver, Wash., re-opened the Cozy restaurant, another of the previous year's moments. Reductions and fairs were the order of October days, with one dark blot the death of Matt Hage, which a coroner's Jury said came about by a blow struck on the head by person or per sons unknown marring the autumn sunshine. Both the city and the school budget commit tees annoui ced big reductions, the "former a 16 "per cent de crease and the latter a reduc tion from $91,794.63 to $75, 031.21. Community fairs were held in Union Hill and Silverton Hills communities, and over 100 boys and girls took part in the second annual flower and vege table show sponsored by the PTA. The. Valley Farmers' Cooperative association opened a gas and oil branch station at Silverton. Henry Aim was elected to the presi dency of the Silverton chamber of commerce, and Dad's quartet suddenly became cognizant of be ing Granddad's quartet. CWA Brings Smiles 1 Father Time's smile widened in November with the beginning of CWA work. It was hen too that the Ladd & Bush bank of Salem agreed to advance up to 75 per cent on local school warrants. November 9 an open house was held in public schools. Silverton contributed $400 to the Red Cross. Mrs. 3. F. DeWltt and daughter Connie re-opened the Reo restaurant and Urlin Page of Salem, opened law offices here. Mrs. Lida Usher was elected president of Silverton Woman's Relief corps early In December. The school board elected T. T. Leonard to fill the vacancy of Custer E. Ross. Walter Morgan was made chairman of the local chapter of the 4-L. Father Time will hesitate Sun day night,, slightly bewildered. Silverton is not the san-e town as a year ago. A new feed and Beed store earing the familiar Conrad name, occupies the erst while Ford garage .building which ha stood empty .many a month; a beautiful new residence Is under constri ction on . the Dr. C. R. Wilson property on Cool idge street; interesting improve ments are being made on the Roy Morley house on Second street; th Main street bridge has become re-decked; several back streets have been graveled; many shovels picks, indicating rm ' ' ' ' BROAD FRONTS First-Aid to Needy Given; Farmer Aid Sought; NRA Lines up Industry (Continued from Page 10) prices In almost all commodity brackets will add. another $1, 257,000,000. Between December 2, 1933, and December 3, 1933, the RFC had advanced $143,529,960 for emergency relief loans to agri culture. The PWA Steps In PWA was the first card in the new deal to stimulate reemploy ment. It had an appropriation of $3,300,000,000 from which to finance work on federal projects and advance secured loans for development of self - liquidating projects. The latter were in tended for various divisions of government or qualified interests which first invested some of their own funds in such things as bridges, tunnels, harbors and housing projects designed to earn an income. As of December 1, approxi mately 10,000 projects covering almost every geographical divi sion of the country were report ed approved, 9000 of which were federal in character It was re ported that the number of per sons employed on public works directly financed by PWA total ed 3,179,528. Enlisting Civil Works It was the purpose of CWA to meet unemployment needs un til the slower moving non-federal projects of PWA could ab sorb the idle workmen. An appropriation of $400,000, 000 was made from PWA funds for out-right grants to states, cities, counties and other political divisions to pay for work they normally would finance from tax receipts. . Any bona fide project which would give 30-hour work weeks at prevailing wages for that type of employment was to be consid ered. It was officially estimated on December 9 that approximately 2,500.000 persons had been giv en CWA jobs. NRA Nears First Goal The end of the year finds NRA nearing its first goal placing all industry and trade under gov-ernmen-supervised collective rule by codes of fair competition. A total of 150 industrial groups have been codified in cluding the biggest manufactur ing industries, all the Important natural resourse industries, vir tually all wholesale and retail trade and a huge portion of. the "service" trades and industries from banking to dry cleaning. Between 250 and 300 addition al industries are in the process of codification. Codes vary according to the nature of the industry but pres cribed set regulations for all units of the same Industry. That Is to prevent cut - throat com petition among business of the same nature. All require that labor condi tions be controlled for reem ployment and higher wage pur chasing power. The latter, it is said, has been increased more than 20 per cent. CCC A Job-Maker f More than 300,000 men have been established in 1600 camps for the development of 600,000, 000 acres of timberland, construc tion ot forest roads and trails and prevention of soli erosion. Workers receive a cash allow ance of $30 a month with small additional allowance up to $45 many hands at work, are resting tonight along water-pipe line con structions on Silverton streets, and there is a smell of beer up on the air. 1934 Prosperity May you enjoy your full share of good for tune in the New Year. But, remember pros perity begins at home, so to speak, and is dependent largely upon those three funda mentals ENERGY PERSEVERENCE THRIFT. : And In the important matter ot planning a banking connection, we should like to ex plain how this Branch of Oregon's largest bank can assist you. D. W. EYRE L. C. SMITH. Salem Branch of the United Stotes National Banb I Portland Head Office: Portland, Oregon Remember These Events ot '33? They MaddlO Best News Stories NEW YOIQL (ff) The Itf most outstanding; and Interesting news development of 1033, as chosen by J. M. Kendrick, executive news editor. The Associated Pre, follow: 1. The Roosevelt administration, including his inaugural Address, the bank holiday, the monetary policy, the National Recovery act and other recovery measures, recognition of Russia, legal ization of beer, repeal of the eighteenth amendment and many other governmental actions. i 2. The unsuccessful attempt to assassinate Roosevelt and the fa tal wounding of Mayor Anton Cermak, of Chicago, by Zan gara at Miami In February. S. The crash of the United States dirigible Akron in the Atlantic ocean, April 4, killing 74, Including Rear Admiral William A. Moffett, chief of the navy bnreaa of aeronautics. 4. The record a round-the-world flight by Wiley Post. 5. The California earthquake, which killed approximately IN persons and caused millions of dollars property-damage, in March. e. The lynching of Holme and Thurmond In San Jose following their arrest on charges of kidnaping and murdering Brooke Hart, and the controversy which was aroused by Governor Itolph's approval of the lynching. . 7. The Urschel, McMath, McElroy, O'ConnelL Ha nun and Factor kidnaping, marked by the state and federal governments drive against kidnapers and the heavy sentences given the criminals in the first three cases. " - 8. The sudden death of former President Calvin Coolidge Jan nary 5. 9. The rise to power of "Hitler in Germany and the controversy caused by his treatment of the Jews, withdrawal from the League of Nations and other policies. 10. Huey Long's Sands Point, Long Island, New York, affair, be cause it was one of the most amusing stories of the year and kept the country chuckling for days. as an inducement to good work. They frequently assign from, $22 to $25 a month to their depen dents or destitute families. Corps officials estimate the number of dependents benefited from cash allowances have ranged as high as 1,500,000 persons. Some fig ures on the total cost of the corps' first year of work run as high as $400,000,000. Emergency Relief Caring for the destitute not absorbed by reemployment pro cesses Is. the concern of the FER A and its activities and sources of finances are interwoven with the major recovery projects. According to its October esti mate the number of families on relief rolls had diminished from a peak of 4,500,000 in March to possibly 3,000,000 before the CWA was inaugurated. In guiding the distribution of necessities the FERA has arrang ed for the purchase of 11,500,000 bushels ot wheat, has warehous ed 19,000,000 pounds of butter, distributed 55,000.000 pounds of pork, approved the purchase of 12,000,000 dozens of eggs and 10,000,000 tons ot coal. It start ed with an appropriation of $500,000,000. The RFC a Nerve Center Nerve center of all recovery processes not having specific con gressional appropriation, the RFC is an enlargement of the credit establishment set up by the Hoov er administration. It has authority to issue and sell its own bonds for the funds it needs and since its creation had made cash advances of $3, 543,913,394 at the close of busi ness on December 4 and borrow ers had repaid $986,844,212. Of the 32 separate types of loans, the following are the larg est: Banki and trust companies $1,357,688,506 Railroads 890.117,767 DON'T THROW OLD TIRES AWAY! LET US RE-TREAD them. We'll give yon thou sands of extra, SAFE miles. We Know How See Us Today Short & Ward 25S FERRY Between Commercial and Front , ........Manager ...Asst. Manager Mortgage loan eoinpanies 195,295,525 Regional gricnltnral credit corporation . U 152,224,899 For crop loani to farmers . ; 135,000,000 BuiMnig and loaa " associations '; Jt 112,025,136 Insurance companiei j f 87,292,350 Under the federal jemergency relief act of 1933 the RFC ad vanced to states for relief pur poses upon certificates from the federal emergency relief admin istration, a total or $272,38&,0e5. VISITS FROM CANADA HOLLYWOOD. Dec. 30. Mrs Dan Muir of Starr City, Canada, is making an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. W. M. Davis, of this district. Miss Laura Hedlne of Falls City is a guest at the home of Mrs. O. A. Forgard. Miss Hedine was a former resident of this district. ' ; NYE PHILLIPS: HOME MEHAMA, Dec. 30l Nye Phil lips arrived-here -last night from Buckley, Wash., to spend a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Phillips. Hgh wa ter prevented -Ms coming for Christmas. He la professor ot the Buckley high EtOiool. CAUGHT WITH A CRUSHING OVERLOAD FORCED STARTING TUESDAY, JAN. 2, 10 A.M. With a Tremendous, Store Wide TOSELL This high' grade stock of newest yard goods consisting of beautiful Silks, i Draperies, Curtaining, Prints, Woolens, Fine Linens, Curtains,. Hosiery. Blankets, ett, at a fraction f actual worth. It must be done it will be done and if real bargains thrill yoii, you will get them here at this sale. ? CROWDS WILL COME! WEIL LOOK if Y( A Birds Eye View of How You Can Opemng Day .Thrillers Opetg thaler One Lot Children's to flJS9 113 T TTJ TT SWEATERS. se Wool and part wool discontinuing entire DfAGe I At4rvlT ' stock, complete close-out. Broken sixes, but IflJGOO JLiCl IfJ ITS ' a wonderful value. While any remain, ' W r ''" 0 ' whBOe- z to Women1 Fast Color, Vat Dyed A real thriller to women. When the dow PERCALES 'ilia S'ftf SaXSs: . material! and patterns - ABSOLUTELY One big lot to select from. 38 Inches wide, FREE! Limit one to a woman no efctl4 I all new patterns. For this sale only lie yd. served. . ' T . ""7 Hundreds of Bargains Throughout the ELLIOTT -DR 357 Court St. FOR JEFFEHSD Parent - Teachers Organize And Water System is V Changed in tear 7 By MRS. NETTIE REEVES JEFFERSON,. Dec 30. The little city of Jefferson on tte banks of the Santiam river, tl 5 miles south of Salem, on the Pa cific highway i$ still on the map. Although the depression has pre vailed,, it is still holding its own. and some1" improvements hive been made.! which are a credit to any community. Chief of these is the new bridge which spans the Santiam. The school house wait made to look like new, with calclmlning walls and repainting wbodwark. The roof was repaired, and the basement was converted into a serving room, for serving hot lnncbes in the winter month s. rA Parent Teachers association has been organized, and credit is due them for the hot lunch project. Two new modern bungalows have been built in the souUi part of town: one owned by Clarende Thurston, the other that of Mr.' Chester. 3 A large corrugated steel stor age building was put up on the R. C. Thomas place. Crops i n 1 general were good Added acre age of berries, and hops hare been planted on farms near Jef ferson. The water system has been changed, instead of getting water from the river; the city is getting it$ water supply from a deep well across the Santiam riv er. Doing CWA Work Twenty-two men are working 0 QUICK OUT - L0SEOUT.SiA as. the result t the appferral of Marion county's : CWA t program. Draining ditches are being dur where needed, and ,tne, will, laidifor drainage Brash tord-. erlng on the atreeta is .being cleared away. - . ' Jefferson la certainly proud of the -newbrldge which spans thd Santiam river and was complet ed during the summer, and dedi cated on August 3, as the Con ser -bridge. , City Situated In 2 Counties Mill City Is the only town or city of any aise In Marion eounty that is not incorporated. The raging Santiam. so called 'a f t e r heavy rains, divides the city and on April 1, 1930, 847 of the people in that eity livedlB Unn county and 450 In Marion, coaaty. - - ' - ' -" - DAFFODILS COMING UP GATES, Dec. SO. After the past week .of rain and storm the sun came -oa bright and -warm the middle of the week, shining aH day. like spring. Daffodils and poppies are coming through the soil while buds and catkins are for advanced.. Thursday the rain and wind resnmed its business, of making this a typical Oregon win ter. ' ' SIGNS OF i BETTER TIMFsf Don't let poor vision stand in the way of a new break for you in 1934. Have your , eyes examined every year. Thompson - Glutsch Optometrists 533 State St. MaV the iNew Year sparkle with pros perity, go down smooth; ly in our business re- , cords, and leave a ting- , ; Ijng after -taste that makes us ask for 'more.'. Marion Hotel ACT1W Save at This Sale Store Await You! CO Just Opposite Miner's on Court St.