The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 31, 1933, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON STATESMAN. SalenV Oregon, Sunday Morning, December 31, 1933
j-. j.
Interest Hi,
of West and East Rmdy tor Shrine
X 1
"J !:!',! ' .. -, ' " ' ,
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at, i
55 I
Si f-
5 '
Oe Oson Himself Coming!
first, policy
Okeson Heads Committee of
" National Group; West
: May Ask Revision ;
Dec SO.' tP) Foot
ball rules for 1934 will undergd
so radical rerisiong In the opinion
of Walter Okeson; named chair
man of the football rales commit
tee at the final day's session of
the National Collegiate Athletic
association conrentlon today.
The most- important committee
selected today was the national
football rules body which will
meet in the east -in February to
consider changes In the rule, for
the coming year. -
The personnel of the commit
tee follows:
- Walter Okeson. chairman; W.
F. Langford, - secretary;- Amos
Alonso . Stagg, of the College of
the Pacific, a life member; W. G.
Crowell of Swathraore, Henry
Smith of University of Colorado;
W. J. Bingham of Harvard, Dana
X. Bible of Nebraska, H. J. Stege-
man of Georgia Tech, Ray Morri
son of Southern Methodist unlver- 1
sity, W. O. Hunter of University of
Southern California, and Field H.
Yost, University of Michigan:
' Declaring that except for' some
simplification the rules - need no
changes,' Chairman Okeson Bald:
"Generally speaking, any
changes in the rules at this time
would be a mistake. Such sugges
tions made to promote this or that
method of attack would further
complicate the rules which al
ready are too complicated. We
have a fine game in present day
football. . We are s p o r t s m en
enough to keep it. The clrmor for
a more open game which has aris-
en recently was directed to make
the game safe for boys or spec
tacular for the benefit of the spec
tators. "If the number of spectators
who attend our games and their
enjoyment is of first importance,
then our rule making must be
such as to produce a spectacle to
please them. If, however, the play
ers' safety and their enjoyment
comes first, the rules committee
has been on the right track for
the last 2? years.
"is - v.
With the close of the holiday
period and . the resumption oi
schools, the winter sports season
will get into full stride this week.
The City-T. basketball league win
get back to normalcy, both Mlnfcr
and Major leagues p laying. Minor
league games Tuesday night will
be Teachers vs. Western Paper at
7 o'clock, Kay Mills vs. Oregon
Paper at 8, Pay n' Takit ts.
Square Deal Radio at 9.
The Major league games Thurs
day night will be Pade'a ts. Wil
lamette freshmen at 7, vauey Mo
tor vs. Willamette Cardinals at
8, Parker's ts. Kay Mills at 9.
The wrestling show Tuesday
night at the armory under Am
erican Legion auspices will fea
ture the appearance here of two
strangers, men of high repute in
eastern grappling ' circles. Art
Perkins from Michigan, will meet
"Bulldog" Jackson in the main
eent. Stan Crawley who has also
headed the advice to "come west,
young man," opposes Klem Ku-
sek, who has appeared here once
Don Sugal ' Salem's young aspir
ant. is matched with "Totem
Pole" Anderson.
The two outstanding basketball
attraction of the week include
the visit here Friday of Olson's
Terrible Swedes, nationally fam
ous traveling outfit which will
Here is the celebrated Ole Olson, probably the most gifted basketball blay the YnSSSJehirTta "t
i.. t-i wi iw w Tvidav wttb his "Ol- the first appearance nere in sev
rTuZZ : Z :r L.: Ju w f.M two el years of the Ashland mgn
BUU O avtllVlV J VXIVOJ wMV V vu mm ww
years ago. He ran do more tricks with a basketball than most fans
can possibly imagine. The Swedes will play the Willamette univer
sity quintet on the Willamette floor.
Olson's Terrible Swedes to Friday;
Ashland Five Comes
Easterners Toil Last Day
Of Workouts; Warner "
' System Adopted
Apparently not yet satisfied
with their squad's performance,
coaches of the east team, that will
meet the west in. the annual char
ity football game here New Year's
day changed previous plans, and
instead of a light practice, sent
their charges through a rigorous
workout today.. t
The eastern mentors, Dick Han
ley of Northwestern and Andy
Kerr of Colgate, had indicated the
day would be confined to a drill
considerably lighter, than for the
last week. Instead, they toiled
with their 22 stars in a session
that opened In the morning and
lasted well into the afternoon.
The fifteen or so plays that will
be run off in the Warner style
of gridiron strategy, were given
a final cneca-up wnue Diocamg
tactics and defensive work came
In for considerable attention
That Charley Soleau of Colgate
will be the starting quarterback
was taken as a foregone' conclu
sion because of his long training
in the type of game that will be
played. i -
Coaches Kerr and Hanley plan-
sons in baseball, Salem high do- ned to name their starting team
lng considerably better than the tomorrow.
Happy New. Year!
Although the old year has been
nothing to. moan about, in a sports
way hereabouts. Athletic teams
of Willamette university 'and Sa
lem high have been right, up
among the leaders in most soprts.
Suiting, early In 1033, both
of them won championships in
basketball; Willamette the
Northwest conference title and
Salem high the state title. Sa
lem fans rejoiced in both tri
umphs, though they took Wil
lamette's more or less as a mat-"
ter of course, the Bearcats bar
ing topped their conference' In '
basketball quite regularly ta'
recent years Salem high had
n't won state championship
.aiace 1926, and its return to
the top rang was doly celebrated.-
It was all the more spec
tacular for the reason that a
group of outstanding stars who
had been trying for the title
for three years, had graduated
the previous spring and Salem's .
1033 chances were considered
to be slightly below par. Par
rish Junior high also had nota
ble success in basketball.
In the spring sports Willamette
and Salem , high didn't do quite
so well. They had Just fair sea-
Trade Ma
Even up For
Four Others
Howard Made ia a modest
young man, bat it -ha ever-had
cause to look for. a hat with
larger band, it is right now. Maple
received word Saturday xnat am
had been traded by the-Chattanooga
' Southern - association club
to Albany, .in-the international
league, for two pitchers and two
catchers, presumably.-even up. r.
:Maole will welcome the change
and considers it an advancement,
not only because the International.
league is class AA but also De
cause it is considered the closest
to major league ball even of the
three leagues of that class.
' He will be called to training
camp at Barn wall, 8. C, but has
not been notified of the date.
Tdaple caught 10 Jr gamea for
Chattanooga. last, seaapn, and the
transfer to Albany Indicates that
he' gave entire satisfaction.
Phi Beta Kappa Battle to
Be Close; Indians All Set
- For Game; Weather Clears
TUCSON, Dec. 30. (JP) Col
umbia's football team left Ari
zona today and headed determin
edly toward Pasadena where New
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 30. (JP) Year's , day it matches its speed
Measures designed to speed up the
game,, make for higher scoring
and protect the players will be
advocated tomorrow by President
William H. Spaulding when the
Pacific Coast and Rockey Moun
; tain Football Coaches' association
holds its annual meeting at the
Biltmore hotel. -
The body, composed of coaches
and brains against Stanford
brains and brawn in the annual
Rose Bowl classic.
"We're ready," Coach Lou
Little said, "and we'll give Tiny
Thornhill's team the battle of its
"I'll bet Stanford hasn't seen
a smarter ball club than this,'
said Coach Biff Jones of Louisi-
from 48 institutions in the far I ana State after a brief stop here,
we&t, wil devote its confab to a
review of football trends, devel
opment and highlights during the
past season and to discussion of
many changes in the rules which
: have been proposed by mentors
throughout the country.
While the head men will have
no power to' put any of their sug
gestions into the 1934 rule book,
the . national ' rules . committee
which meets in New York in Feb
ruary will naturally be guided by
sentiment expressed by the
coaches. !
Spaulding proposes to go right
out in meeting in support of new
: passing regulations one of which
. would allow the offense to pass
out loss
; fourth down, and the other which
would permit a forward pass at
any point behind the line Of scrim
; mage. -
en route to Pasadena
Columbia coaches agreed that
if scholastic ability is any indica
tion of the lions' grid strength
Stanford will be lucky to win.
Coach Little was told that
Stanford has one full fledged Phi
Beta Kappa in Chuck White, two
others almost sure to get the cov
eted keys in Bill Corbus and Dave
Packard and perhaps one or two
others close to the high scholar
ship mark.
"So," said Lou, "Tiny has some
potential Phi Beta Kappa stu
dents on his squad.
"All right, I'll put Al Barabas,
onintet. now coached by Don
Faber, former Bearcat star. Ash
land high will play Salem high
Thursday night.
Salem high was to have played
Dallas this week but the game
was cancelled. During the past
week Coach Hollis Huntington
has kept his squad practicing
steadily, part of the time on the
Y. M. C. A. floor because of re
pairs under way in the high school
gym, and it may exhibit en
hanced smoothness in the open-
llnvtilvh u)innl nmA aealnst Ash-
Bill Nevel, Otto Schwarts, Glaco- h .howine made aeainst
the alumni recently indicated that
year before while Willamette fail
ed for the first time in four years,
to win the western division title
in the Northwest conference. Wil
lamette did have a strong team,
defeating both Oregon State and
Oregon at least once, and winning
mo Migliore and Michael Dem
share up against them in any
class room. And we have some
Salem will have another contend
er this year but Thursday night's
other boys almost as studious in- contegt wU1 be tQJ first tefit of itg
eluding Cliff Montgomery and Ed'
mund Furey. They'll all do pretty
well on the football field."
PASADENA, Dec. 30. ()
Stanford's football players placed
their last practice of the 1933
season under their belts today and
were ready for Monday and Col- gome way to Bpeed p the offen8e,
ability against high school opposi
tion. Ashland will have the ad
vantage of more games behind it,
having made a good showing
against several California teams.
The Bearcats have locked none
too impressive in games with the
Webfeet and the Beavers, and
Coach "Spec' Keene is seeking
The final drill was brief and
light but it marked the first ap-
Loss of Bill Lemmon, who injured
an ankle while on a trip to Ta
coma has been one handicap; an
pearance of every player in uni- othef ,g the lack g0 , of an
riir'Z Ura center, the veteran Kloostra
."V"i-o7" 'D being apparently unable to main
into Pasadena.
Bobby Grayson, Wes Muller
and Claude Callaway, cold vic
tims, and Monk Moscrip and Lyle
Smith, casualties In action, were
ready to start if necessary and
some of them can go the whole
Light rains in the night soften
ed the turf at the Rose bowl hut
the weather forecast over the
week end called for dear skies
tain a fast pace throughout a
regular game, a least so early in
the season
mow tne offense to pass v
ete Into the end sone with- UOUShDOVS L0S6
s of the ball except on J :
or r irst i tme
At Grand Ronde
Parrish Quintet
Beats Silverton
Cubs Here 30-16
Mill City Gets
Early Lead and
The Grand Ronde basketball
team came from behind to hand
the Doughboys of the Cherry City
Baking company their first' defeat
av. n a svm 91 tA 9fi Cotn,A,v
Beats Salem 5 h,ght at Grand Ronde-
The Doughboys lea 12 to 4 at
the end of the first quarter but
HILL CITY, Dec. 30 Mill were held to one point in the sec-
City ' town basketball team de- ond and Grand Ronde reduced the
feated Pay n Takit of Salem 32 margin to 13-12, forging ahead in
to 25 here Friday night, taking a the second half.
10 to'l lead in the first quarter The Doughboys will play Mt.
after which the game was prac- Angel at Mt. Angel today.
tically even. Summary:
Mill City ' Paf'n Takit Doughboys Grand Ronde
Kellej 4 ... .j.. . F .... . 1 . Becon Sachtler 8 F . . . . 2 Quenelle
Moravee 8......F. .; 12 Hale Allison 2. ... ..F. . J .16 Simmons
Seims 9. ...... .C... Heamann Eckman 1 1 ... .C ..... 4 A. Doom
Wachter 8 ..... .G Park I Speck G ... 1 Quenelle
BalImore3.....G.... ? Morgan Maw 2... G. 8 Turman
Catherwood 2.. .8 . - I Vanderhoot 3. .3. . . . . ..B Gibson
. Stan
,. Bulldog , ,
Don Sugai vs. "Totem Pole" Anderson
:f ' - PRICES"'- - "V--'.'' ,
(No' Tax)
Ticket at Cliff Parker's ; .-". Auspicea American Legion
The western boys, under
Coaches Orin Hollingbery
of Washington State and Percy
Locey of Denver, let down on
their practice as planned. Dummy
scrimmage, ironing out of defen
sive play and work with indi
also from Oregon Normal, Colum- vidual players to cosrect blocking
bia and all of its western division
rivals in the conference; but it
dropped one game to Linfield and
one to Pacific and the latter
nosed In ahead for the division
chalmplonship. Both Willamette
and Salem high broke at least even
with all opponnts.
In track both Willamette and
Salem high made better show
ings than they had for several
years. Salem high took -second
in the Willamette valley
meet at Eugene, and second also
to Chemawa In the district
meet here, which, incidentally,
marked a new high spot in the
upbuilding of track Interest
here. Two Salem high athletes
placed in the state meet.
Thogh wluamTtte's track
team was stronger than usual, it
found College of .Paget Sound,
strengthened and wound up in its
usual fourth place in the confer
ence meet.
Salem high won Its second
successive state championship
in golf and also had outstand
ing swimming and tennis teams,
winning the valley tennis title,
but failing to book up with the
Portland champs for a possible
state title match.
A new development in the
spring of 1933 was a city base
ball league for teams of the two
faults, composed the workout.
The west will try for its sixth
victory in nine games with a se
ries of twenty plays, run off from
the single ; wing back and punt
formations, coacn iocey saia ne
and Hollingbery were pleased with
the team play developed In slight
ly more than a week's practice.
The rival coaches declined to
predict the game's outcome but
all agreed it was a "toss-up.
Rain attended both the east's
workout at Stanford university
and the west's practice at the Uni
versity of California.
Ticket sales continued at a good
pace and officials made plans to
accommodate a crowd of 50,000
"Bit '
BUCHAREST. Rumania Dee.
30 UP) A decree-invoking ar-
Ml law and rigid newspaper ?;
cenaorsbio was promulgated to
night as th government prepar
ed' for relentless action against
any Violent aftermath of the as-
sasslnatlda or Premier ion u.r.
Duca and an attempt on .the May
ers me.- " .
The entire country was made
subject to martial law order, ef
fective at midnight and military
surveillance was provided for
Newspapers so that provisional
Premier Constantme Angeiescu,
Duca's successor would have a
free hand in quelling the anti-
Semitic iron guard party. -
The body of the slain liberal
leader . was1 brought .here from
Slnaia;? where he was killed yes
terday by an . iron guard adher
ent, after an explosion in tha-
royal pavilion at Slnaia threw
mourners at the railroad station
Into a panic and injured one child
Shortly afterward jRadu .PolK
tu, the brother-in-law of the late
prime minister, entered ' the sta
tion guardroom, seized -a pistol
and fired several shots at the
assassin, Nicholas Constantinescu,
but did not hit him.
CORVALLIS, Dec. 0 (Ore
gon State college defeated South
ern Oregon Normal school, 40 to
30, in a basketball' game here to
night, flashing a speedy offensive
after the Teachers had staged a
second half rally that brought
them within three points of tying
the score. The Orangemen won
from the Teachers here last night,
71 to 29.
The StaterB stepped away to an
early lead and were in front, 20
tO 7, at half time, lea Dy lU ntt f 1933 It w 1tnnn.
Yandle, snapshooting guard, the la6t nlgnt from records In
Teacners came oaca in me secona Bchooi clerk W. H. Rnrliftrdt'
The warrant indebtedness of
Salem school district stands ap
proximately 83250 higher at the
start of 1934 than it stood at the
half to score 12 points in quick
succession while the Orange of
fensive was bogged down. Then
the Staters began clicking and
four quick field goals gave them
As of December 30, 1933, the
district's warrant idebt was nearly
8150.000: December 30. 1932.
It was 8148,746. The district has
a margin the Teachers couldn't cut Jngt recclTed ,ii,i09 taxes from
down again
Liquor Control
To be Topic at
Cities Meeting
EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 30. (P)
Liquor control as it applies to
municipalities will be one of the
chief topics at a regional meeting
of the league of Oregon cities to
be held at Medford January 4,
Executive Secretary Herman
Kehrli announced today.
Uniform ordinances for liquor
control, municipal revenue,, feder
al aid projects, civil works and
the activities of the league will
be discussed. Kehrli said there
the county treasurer In contrast
with a turnover of 833,858.63
at the same time, a year ago. Of
the latest turnover 81.391.70 wis
on the 1930 tax roll, 85,398.90
on the 1931 roll, and 84,318.40
on tne 1932 rolL
The 811,109 will be used this
week to redeeming warrants.
which now date back to May 24,
ES ' T
Temple Baptists defeated Jason
Lee Scouts 51 to 6, Presbyterian
defeated South Salem Friends 28
to 22 aand Lutheran defeated J a- 1
son Lee 39 to ll, in senior sun- r-. JLf
day school league basketball IT I lgl Coo HI all C
Saturday night at the Y.
M. C. league xor teams or ine two z. " ,
Junior highs and Sacred Heart s5?ntt 6 5 rae
Basketball, teams of the Junior
Sunday school league played
four games Saturday afternoon.
St Paul's defeated Temple Bap
tist 15 to 9, Knight Memorial
won 28 to 7 over Calvary Bap
tist, and Jason Lee Aces defeat
ed the Presbyterians 21 to . The
Maccabees, not a league team,
steam-rollered Jason Lee Juniors
59 to 1. First Methodist won
Parrish Junior high school's
basketball team turned in a 80
to 18 victory over the Silverton from rjnited Brethren by default
Temple (9)
Cubs Friday night on the Par
rish floor, the game being a pre
liminary to the Pade's-DeNeffe's
Coach Frank Brown s Parrish !
(16) fit. Paul's
Nyberg 2 F... 2 Arbuckle
Seamster2 F... 3 Sweigert
Harrison 5 C 4 Slade
Doys are dow smaii ana roexper- Butte Q g Quamme
lencea mis year, ana ne aoes not i
hope for the success which his kq i TM Jm.
team had in the 1933 "oik Stelnbock U....T.. . . . . Kanrler
SESmo F I.Papkoff21....F...... Burris
Skopll 1 F.. . . . 5 Sawyer w..o1- . - p -m-a
Freeman 2 F....... 2 Wills " a i T.,nom
Chiles 10 C, . . . . . 5 Brady r V ' 7. m.,v
Hoffertl G.... 1 Jenkins sauBierw"" " ,xx
TTmjImhai. r XT T V . . n I
Hershf elt 2 S 1 Cross Ki.mpIe 4 ' 2
Curry 6 C Roen
Warren 11 0. . 2 J, Taylor
Curry ..G. ..... . Ostrin
8, , . . . 2 Harms
academy. Parrish won the champ
ionship but the teams were well
The summer season was
marked by a notable Increase ta
golf activity with more formal
competition than ever before.
The Salem Golf club team de
feated all opponents bat lost
one of Its two matches with
Eugene. Forty - 01811 teams
played in some of these inter
city matches, instead of the 20
maa teams which were the rule
previously. Initiation of compe
tition between industrial and or
ganization teams locally was
another development which
proved highly popular and re
sulted In the formation of an
Industrial league which is play
ing medal score matches this
winter and may turn to match
play competition on an organ
ized basis in the spring. The
club's tournaments had larger
entry lists and closer competi
tion than ever before.
Jefferson Beats
Stayton Hoopers
Presbyterian 0 21 Jason Lee Aces
STAVTOV . TlPi. . A 0 StAvtan 1 Phillips IT. ....9 Clara
high school boys and. girls team Nichols 2 F... J Medley
lOBt to Jefferson Friday night by unamoerz a o"""
eorea of 11 to 10 for th harm McKay. ....... .O...... Benson
and 8 to 8 for the girls. wiper o uaumgarwier
Stayton will open its county Robertson 2....S. l.Low
league schedule Friday, January wuiiams a. ...a
when Mill City comes to the
local floor. Staytyra previously de
feated Mill City 28 to 20 on
their floor in a pre-season game.
Yew Park Beats
Airlie Cagemen
Jones Tours in
Four Under Par
On New Course
Bobby. Jones showed the home
folks today there still was magic
Yew Park basketeers defeated
the Airlie town team at Airlie in his dubs.
Friday night 39 to 20. Tew Park I Atlanta named Its newest-and
led . all the way. - ' r I only 18-hole municipal golf course
Yew Park r Airlie I In honor of the former grand
Craig 12...... F. 13 L. Herron Islam champion and, in playing
SIscbo 6.. ... ..F. 2 Taedemeir I the . first dedicatory round over
Parrish 8. ...... C: 1 McKlbbenjthe layout this afternoon, Bobby
Lewis 8.. ...... G.. ; Wilson t spanked out a 87, four under par,
Helser..m...(.G.... Wilson (to give his pay-as-you-go public
Heiser......M.G- 3H Herron (links Imitators a record to shoot
Simple,...S... .. 1 Brown I at for some time.
Lapschles 1.....F... 23 Tucker
Black .r, . ; . . . 7 Pero
Keuscher 1 C . . 8 Chapelle
Douris 2. . . . . ,.G. . . . 4 Gwynn
Duncan 2 G. . 4 Robertson
S, . . . 8 Winslow
In the face of a reported grow-
was still much for the cities to ing sentiment for remonetization
do toward solving the liquor of silver. Speaker Rainey said to
problem in an orderly manner, day that such a more would not
reach sufficient strength to gain
enactment unless President Roose
velt gave It his support.
senator Thomas fD.-Okla.l. a
leading inflation advocate, made
three mi rrmsiinns Inotnrtfn
Of Armory Here SfSS;j2js?Lsi L2XL
issue. -
Thomas suggestions were:
"Bid up g o I d to 41.34 an
Place an open bid to accept
On Re-Flooring
Friends (22)
Pemberton 6 . .
Pearson 2 . . . .
P. Cammack 10..C.
F. Cammack. . . .G.
Harmon. ... ..G.
Sebern 4 .... . .S
(28) Preebyterian
.F... 4 Williams
F . . 2 Robertson
. . 6 Mohr
A crew of eight carpenters have
made noteworthy progress his
week in laying a new maple floor
in the Salem armory, the, job be- j
n7nA.4 v-j. .k. all gold, at designated noints in
large floor has been covered. I m pa-
Thla is the first rrfavin 4oh wmca wouia StaDlllze
done in the armory since that "e ?ep doVr terms of
structure was built 27 veara am. . riua pius.
Jason Lee (11) (30) Lutheran
Heseman 2. . . . .F. . 12 Mathews
Miller 7 F . . . 10 Ritchie
Baumgartner. . ,C. . . 9 Bahlburg
Watson2..,....G...... B Bush
Garner. ........ .G . . 6 Stockwell
iw r The walls of the building are to i , Acce?i au BUTer fr free
. . 4 Barrett De redecorated and the seats in I COInaKe " necessary at the pres
the gallery repaired. The maple eu weignt or tne sllTer dollar),
flooring used is sawed and tongue- p a y 1 n for li Bllver certifl-
ana-grooved as It comes from the I vfcCO'
The football season Just closed
was one "of triumph for Salem
high which emerged from a slump
or several years' duration to fig
ure once more among the leaders
in Oregon. Salem high went an-
Gates Defeats
Turner Hoopers
In Close Battle
GATES, Dec. 30. The Gates
town basketball team. attlreA tn
defeated in its regular season and I new and distinctive snltn. defeat.
was chosen to represent nnstato ed the Turner town (Mm yo i.-f
The Salem Senators had Just Oregon In the Shrine crame at nlaht 28 to S7 Th mA . .
a fair season in the State league, Portland, losing there to Wash- flashy . battle all ihronrh th in
but attendance improved and the ington high but making a better I minutes of play. The score was
league itself prospered and. is showing, than any upstate team tied 11 to 11 at the end of the
now wen esuiuusueu. iu oeua- i naa since 19Z9.
tors hare prospects of a ball park
better adapted, to their needs,' for
the coming summer. Another but
standing development In summer
baseball was the Mid-Willamette
Valley Baseball association, boast
ing four leagues with 28 teams
active, all heading toward a final
playoff which was won by Stay-ton.
The outstanding achievement
of the summer season was the
kltball program, carried on la
organised fashion for the sec
end season and greatly In
creased ta scope and patron
age. The summer league played
at Bight with the aid of Sweet
land field lights, and large
crowds . turned out, especially
for the final playoff games.
The climax was reached In the '
staging of a state tournament
here in which Oregon City won
the championship but the Sa
lem entry, Parker's, was in the
race' up to the last inning of
the final game. The kitball pro
gram was developed from a .
civic entertainment standpoint
and as such was highly sac-,
cessful. A companion endeav
or the Of ty-T. basketball
league, seems destined to equal
Raspberry Tinea wlfh firm Tin
berries of uniform size and good
flavor were brought to The
Statesman office reaterdaT br
Charles Norrls of route three,
box 246 A. Norrts' exhibit falls in
line with the many, unusual flow-
Gates Turner KiT - -"ca tw D. at i
CJ Ball II . . ,.F. ..... .2 Martin I Nmrt. t ...u v. .
P - ' n.v I , V TT " uu" b easy w
...... ...I Gatn I Tllrlr .allnn r, .1.. ull.
W.Bali 8....C.....15 Pearson i from this thre - on.Vt.. .r
Wriglesworth 8 G ...... .4 Givens
Klutko .......O. ........ Webb
naywara .s
Bowes s
patch now, He has cut about 17,
000 plants this week and 1 A p.
livering them for planting now.
uioasn normally raspberries are
not set out until February.
He believes there Is: good out-
look for this cron in 1SS1. n
aays he refused six cents for his
ia crop at the close of the last
growing season.
- Triumphs were mingled with
a few disappointments la Wil
lamette's football camnahm.
The old rivals, Pacific and Whit
man.: were Tanqulshed,- Pacific
xor tne first time ia several
years; Whitman which has us
ually held the upper band, was
trounced 4 to o. Oregon State
was held scoreless for three ne
riods, and surprise victories
were scored orer Oregon Nor
mal ana Southern Oregon Nor
maL But the Bearcats lost a
close game to CoDetre of Pa
ges Booaa, thus, being forced
into second place ia the North
west conference, and with the
backfleld riddled by injuries,
dropped a game also to Colum
bia of Portland. - ' i when a
game with lAtvttm win .t...
iv, .. . .... 7, . . -----w
xutci jkuiiiK comuaerea. it n a a i eu. uanoii i nrat loarn.
I V. a . - , . . . . I ... . . oo
lus Busiest ana most vu oe at iMewDerg Thursdav Jan.
nu.uH.MH v w" jcro lau era- i uu
: iem has ever enjoyed. Further I ; - i
progress is promised by the pres
ent program or bullalng tennis I f I . .. l""WBf wnen tne Nona
courts anaer CWA auspices, and 1 w" mic to ViasSlrV l """" nou- sups were,
the prospect of a gymnasium for 1 - - -"- i . . . j waa. . opt DT a Kale.
Leslie junior high; Both the high w.iVf .BS&7 - .,, Ionns "r area was rap
school and tfa T.fvmit I .!!"tarrV,'l to help hi borne. Writ. I idly recovering tod fm .
prospects of stfll stronger teams I ama' " - '''' floJ conditions prevalent tor two
in some sports particularly foot- I S?te?3r axperieBcM miuer. tol S68 Sereral arms tn tha
nau, ior tne coming year. I inVmoM wnir Sr?. r0? "luwo ana svensen areas
t r - hi, swieasao.' were reported still under water-
Dayton to Open
Season Tuesday
DAYTON, Dec' 30 The Davton I ColllTTlhia JPrrxt
TTnf sit. .f.1. . t I a. J
son wUl open in the local gyrana- At AStOriA iVOW,
Slum .Tuesday niche. Jtamrv l - - 7 "TT
when a pre-ieague VonbUiiMtiiml '. . Pnann Cit,A
A5TORU, Dec. jo. (,1Ferry
service tor automobiles was re-,
sumed across the Columbia river A
here yesterday for, the first timo
since December 17 when the North
r. a
i. t