The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 31, 1933, Page 10, Image 10

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    o- National
Gbpernment Fig
First-Aid to Needy Given;
"Farmer Aid Sought; NRA
Z Lines up Industry
months of "Roosevelt recovery"
has carried a new national aware-
ness of government to the hearth
stones of every home in the land.
""The Influence of the White House,
once-looked upon a an intangi
ble majesty enshrined away off
at Washington, D. C enters al-
most dally into every sphere of
t .'life. "
; - The entire recovery . program is
i " headed up by the executive coun-
. cil composed of the president and
I his' cabinet and is coordinated by
the National Emergency council.
1 . r 1 Aside from direct congressional
? appropriations the chief credit
i source is the Reconstruction, Fi
t , nance corporation. The main bat
teries for rehabilitation have been
the National Recovery adminis
tration, the Agricultural Adjust
ment administration, the Public
Works administration, the Farm
Credit administration, the Federal
Emergency Relief administration,
and the Civil Works administra
tion, f
Y. W. C. A. Service Follows Trend of
Times; Employment Help is Featured
Oyer 500 Women and Girls Daily Receive Some Benefit at Christian
Association Headquarters Here
1 'First Aid' CCC Object
One phase of the process start
ed with the .Civilian conservation
corps, directed at immediate re
lief, and another phase, the Ten
nessee Valley Authority's exper
iment in social and economic
planning, has an estimated life of
20 years before it is completed.
Sandwiched between is a score
of new governmentfunctions aim
ed first at emergency relief and
then at a new sociology based on
realignment of industry and ag
riculture. Included are such
groups as the National Industrial
Recovery board. National Board
of Public Works, National Plan
ning board. Labor Advisory board
and State Recovery board.
There is a central statistical
board and an advisory board to
direct the scientific research on I
governmental projects.
The National Labor board seeks
to adjudicate the relations of em
ployer and employed, the Nation
al Compliance board to enforce
fair practices in industry and
trade and the Consumers' Advis
ory board to protect the interests
of the public.
General Secretary
Business is good at the Young
Women's , Christian association
because the T. W. meets the needs
of women and girls.
The Y. W. C A. has on ifa
membership and constituency
girls and women of all groups
and Interests, so it is inevitable
that the present economic inse
curity and consequent unemploy
ment have been of vital concern
to its organization. Every out
side visitor is amazed to find that
from 500 to 800 women and girls
are served dally by the Y. W.
C. A. through its various depart
ments. . The large lobby provides a
place where girls may bring their
lunches; a place to read and
write; a convenient waiting place
for out-of-town and Salem per
sons. The rest room is in use con
stantly and often there are calls
for emergency treatment for sick
The employment department
placed 783 girls and women dur
ing the past year. If necessary,
the association helped by giving
credit or making other adjust
ment in cases where employment
could not be found.
Information of . all kinds is
sought constantly at the Y. W
and there la someone on -duty
ready to aid and talk to any girl
or woman about her problems.
Recreation and an opportunity
for cultural growth is given
through the various clubs spon
sored, which Include 12 units of
the Girl Reserves in the high,
Junior high and grade schools
here; the Cadena club, a group of
girls employed in household ser
vices; the Escalero -club for Jun
ior business girls; and the Encln
itis club for senior business girls.
A stringed orchestra for men
and women meets Monday nights
for group instruction and from
this training and association
many women and girli are deriv
ing pleasure and benefit. Classes
in swimming and -gymnasium are
conducted in cooperation with the
Young Men's . Christian associa
tion. A summer camp on the Santlam
river above Mehama is used by
various groups for weekend and
summer outings and an organized
camp fire .conducted during July
and August by trained workers.
The work of the .Y. W. C. A. is
carried on by a board pf directors
elected by the membership and
this year has as its president Mrs
Jj. O. Clement. Any woman or
girl from age of eight years up
may be a member if she accepts
its purpose.
r That the Y. W. C. A. in Salem
has been able to weather and
Overcome all difficulties, and
carry on an even larger program
of service than in normal years,
is due to the loyal support of the
people in Salem, who by their
Lhearty cooperation and . in some
instances known sacrifices, have
shown their earnest desire to
help the women and girls here,
Many associations in other cities
have curtailed their work or
closed their doors, and Salem cit
izens are to be commended on
their broad vision.
Through the entire association
movement, opportunities have
been given for growth which
makes for finer womanhood and
better citizenship.
Foreign Trade Studied
The administration's future
foreign trade policy, important to
the pattern for recovery of a
great creditor nation is drawing
contributions from the accumu
lated knowledge of the interde
partmental board on reciprocal
treaties, the executive commer
cial policy committee, the inter
departmental trade policy com
mittee and the temporary com
mittee on foreign trade.
The Federal Home Loan Bank
board and the Federal Home
Owners' Loan corporation consti
tute the first attempt of the gov
ernment to relieve mortgage dis
tress threatening dispossession of
families. The RFC on December
4 had advanced loans of 868,545,
700 to purchase Home Loan Bank
stock and 814,000,000 to pur
chase Home Owners' Loan corpor
ation stock. Officials reported 19.
972 loans to taling $57,548,536 to
borrowers as of the close of bus
iness on December 8.
; There is a community of inter
est in operations of the Commod
' ity credit corporation and the
Federal surplus relief corporation
in- their loans to, farmers to hold
surpluses off the market and in
the diversion of burdensome mar
ket supplies Into channels for re
lief of the unemployed.
Farmers Get Advances "
The RFC has advanced $30,
927,594 to the Commodity Cre
dit corporation, and it in torn has
been making advances of 10 cents
a pound on cotton to be held for !
higher prices and 45 cents a bush
el on -corn sealed in cribs against
future demand. The Federal Sur
plus Relief corporation functions
chiefly as a purchasing agent for
the Federal Emergency Relief
Regional committees of rail
ways officials have been set up
under the Federal coordinator of
transportation to avoid duplica
tion of service, effect economies
in operation and advance capa
city use of facilities. It is said the
savings planned for operating
costs would have given the na
tion's railroads a profit of nearly
$500,000,000 in 1932 Instead of
a 8250,000,000 deficit.
The Deposit Liquidation board
set up jn October was a colorful
assault of the campaign against
frozen bank credit. Its immedi
ate problem was to thaw out ap
proximately 81.800,000,000 of de
posits in some 2,500 banks
throughout the country. Since
state banks report to state offi
cials estimates are lacking as to
their liquidation progress but
the federal treasury showed that
on November 30 only 526 of the
some 8,000 national banks re
mained closed with deposits of
about $446,000,000.
16,000 Banks Reopen
It is estimated that about 16,-
000 of the country's some 18,000
banks have been reopened since
the bank holiday and that 10,348
of them are sound enough to be
eligible to applications for mem
bership in the Federal Deposit In
surance corporation created by
congress last summer to guard
against recurrence of defaults
such as accompanied bank runs
early in 1933.
The federal alcohol control ad
ministration is designed to bridge
the gap between repeal of the
eighteenth amendment and new
liquor control legislation by con
gress. It sets up a code authority
for distillers and brewers and
provides licensing of imports from
foreign customers for American
tured and distributed. Another
provided for flood control and im
proved navigation.
It was a long time process and
Mr. Roosevelt saw ample oppor
tunity to harness natural resour
ces to the proper balancing of in
dustry and agriculture. He pic
tured reclamation of marginal
and worthless land, development
of part-time industries producing
for domestic consumption and a
readjustment of agriculture
which would make for a comfort
able existence. The program Is
expected to require 20 years for
1 Providing Farm Credits
It was one of the Roosevelt
campaign pledgee to centralize
the sources of farm credit and fa
cilitate the refinancing of mort
gages. The FCA brought together the
functions of the three main lend
ing agencies, the Federal Land
Banks, the Joint-Stock Land
Banks and the Intermediate Cre
dit Banks along with the other
credit sources including the co
operative marketing, section of
the dismantled farm board.
Total FCA loans were report
ed past the 8100,000,000 mark
by the first of December. They in
cluded new first mortgage loans.
refinanced mortgages, and second
mortgage loans to liquidate ac
crued indebtedness on- a read
justed valuation basis.
Nearly BOD, 000 farmers applied
for $1,700,000,000 in mortgage
loans between May 12 and De
cember 1. By the end of Novem
ber mortgage loans were being
made at the rate of $3,000,000 a
As of December 8, the federal
treasury had advanced emergency
funds totaling $57,223,606 for
use in farm credit expansion.
From December 2, 1932, to De
cember 4, 1933, the reconstruc
tion finance corporation had ad'
vanced loans of $349,691,067 for
the same purpose, $138,071,987
of which had been repaid.
on cotton stored for higher prices
the AAA succeeded in getting an
estimated 10,400,000 acres of tb.9
1933 crop destroyed.
From a processing tax on wheat,
checks expected to total about
$102,000,000 In benefits started
going out to farmers in Novem
oer on their agreement to cut
next year's crop by about 8,000,
000 acres.
To reduce the pork surplus the
government paw i3i,uoo,000 to
farmers for 6,200,000 pies and
220,000 sows. Commitment was
made to lend up to $150,000,000
at 45 cents a bushel on corn held
on the farm.
Benefits from processing taxes
are expected to add $300,000,000
to the 1933 farm income and Sec
retary Wallace estimates higher
(Turn to Page 14)
The TV A Project T
The TV A is a small board of
citizens appointed by the presi
dent to experiment with his long
cherished idea of a planned social
and economic order.
One reason the Tennessee basin
was selected as a test laboratory
was the fact that congress, after
years at cross-purposes, had voted
public peace time pursuits for the
government's huge nitrate and
power plants at Muscle Shoals.
Part of the program was to de-
The Purpose of the AAA
Processing taxes, benefit pay
ments to farmers, reduced pro
duction and marketing agree
ments evidence the efforts of the
AAA to adjust domestic produc
tion to domestic consumption.
Secretary Wallace has est!
mated there are 50,000,000 acres
of surplus crops In the United
By paying farmers $110,000,
000 in benefits from a fund cre
ated by a processing tax of a few
cents a pound on cotton manurac
tured for domestic consumption
and advancing about $200,000.'
termine bow cheanlv fertiliser
and electricity could be manufac- 000 in loans of 10 cents a pound
Wishing Our Friends in Marion and
Polk Counties a Happy and
Prosperous New Year
The rewards of 1 934 will come to LOW COST operation.
Demonstrations and experience prove that the most econ
omical Power Plant for farming, logging, construction
work is the
Bancroft Improvement la-
sues Hold at Old Level;
One Issue Refunded .
During 19 33 the City of Sa
lem reduced its general obligation
bond debt from $907,500 to
$824,500 and sold no new bonds
of this type. Attempted sale of a
$25,000-block of unissued sewer
bonds failed.
The new year will bring a $17,-
500 reduction in payments of
principal on general obligation
bonds of the city. Principal pay
ments will during the year
amount to $65,500 as against
$33,000 the past year.
As the year turns, the city's in
debtedness in Bancroft improve'
ment bonds is $848,085.93, the
same as one year ago, and Interest
payments falling due during the
new year will be approximately
the same as during the old, or
$50,885.17. No Bancroft bond
principal payments come due dur
ing 1934.
The city will open its new year
by clearing its books of another
issue of term bonds through sale
of $60,000 worth of six per cent
serial bonds to refund the old
term issue of 1914. The old issue
refunded a part of the original
bonds sold to pay for building the
city hall and for a Willamette
river bridge since replaced by the
present highway structure.
Because the new refunding is
sue was bid in at 95, in spite of
the fact that it was for six per
cent, one per cent higher than the
old, the city council will have to
transfer $3000 from some other
fund to pay off the expiring $60,
000 issue. The new issue will be
paid off at the rate of $3000
District Gathering
Of Rebekahs Planned
RICKREALL, Dec. 30. Mrs,
Mary Adams spent Wednesday and
Thursday in Falls City making
plans for the convention of Dis
trict No. 9 which is comprised of
the Folk county Rebekah lodges.
and the president, Mrs. Esther
Bond, has set the date, for Feb
ruary 7. The Falls City Rebekah
lodge Magnolia No. 140, is host
ess for this meeting and Mrs. Ad
ams is chairman of the convention.
In 1929, Marion county was one
of the greatest strawberry pro
ducing counties in the United
States, with 3498 acres in bear
ing, according to the 1930 census
of tne department or commerce.
TaBgipahoa county, Louisiana,
about; 40 miles north of New
Orleans, - with a population of
about 47,000, mostly colored
folks, ranked first in 1929 with
14,090 acres in bearing, produc
ing a crop valued at $14,755,057.
Washington county,- Arkansas,
was.- second with 8128 acres;
White county. Arkansas, third,
with 6345 acres and Livingston
county, Louisiana, fourth with
4471 acres.
For Missourians who live in
this part of Oregon it may be of
comfort to ' know that Barry
county, Missouri, ranked eighth
and Newton county, Missouri,
ranked ninth in the production of
strawberries in 1929.
And then Marlon county rank
ed 10th of all counties In the
United States with a crop in 1929
valued at $553,066.
growing blackberries, 18 states
were represented.
But Marlon county stands right
near the top, with 395 farms re
ported growing blackberries, val
ued in 1929 at $126,748. Prob
ably if the road-side blackberries
had been included, the value of
the crop might have exceeded .that
of Camden county. New Jersey, es
timated at $207.774..
Anyhow, when-you think of
blackbarries, please remember
that Marion U one Of the banner
counties of the United States.
H. F. Wlekhara, Jr., Cap Gir
ardeau. Mo., sportsman, brought
down a wild S0 yards
away with a $0-30 rifle.
Blackberry Crop
Here Near Peak;
Sixth Nationally
The blackberry Isn't very care
ful as to where it grows and al
though only five counties in the
United States showed a greater
acreage than Marion county, as
compiled by the U. S. 19&0 cen
sus, yet in the list of the lead
ing 50 counties in the country
December Biggest Month tor Boys
In History oi Community Y.M.C.A.
Statistics Cited to Show Great Is Daily Use of
Service Institution
Reference to the "depression" Is
decidedly in the past tense at the
Young Men's Christian association
building on Court street where
December, 1933, was the busiest
month on record. Not only did
more boys avail themselves of the
T. privileges, which during the
week from Christmas to New
Year's day were offered free to
school boys, but a greater num
ber Joined the association than
during any other December.
G y m n a s ium and swimming
classes, which in the past have
usually show a lowered attend
ance in direct ratio to lowered
temperature, have increased phe
nominally during the fall and win
ter. October an attendance of
1672 was recorded in men's class
es compared with 2,616 In No
vember! statistics for December
not yet compiled Indicate that
even during the holidays there
was no slump. October's 9 9 3
boys in classes Jumped to 1045 in
November; 718 women and girls
were in October classes compared
with 902 in November. With the
addition of special class and swim
ming party groups the grand total
In October reached 3,746, in No
vember, 4986.
... Varsity Boys Housed
The Y management boasts that
both gymnasiums, swimming pool.
both lobbies and smaller meeting
rooms during 1933 were used to
a greater extent than ever before,
while the 4-room dormitory ar
ranged to accommodate 44 men
and boys has had a consistently
large patronage. Twelve univers
ity students are housed there this
winter; the Y. serves in the ab
sence of a university dormitory
for men.
Not only does the Y. M. C. A
serve as a social center for many
church and inter-church organlza
tions, the local association also
sponsors a recreational program
for. city and churches which has
made marked strides during 1933.
The kitball league, outgrowth of
the once popular Twilight league
loaf aw vasr. nf its ATififanM
ganized a year, ago and com
posed of teams from industrial
and other groups was voted such
a success that bv common de
mand among its participants a
similar city-wide basketball pro
gram is now under way with the
Y. as central sponsor.
Six church and 1 Junior church
league basketball teams are or
ganized into oae of the major win
ter activities at the Y.
WITZEL, Dec. 30. The Yule
program given at the school here
consisted of songs, pageants, read
ings and exercises, with finale in
appearance of Santa. Those tak
ing part were Dorothy Niccolsen,
Dawn Bates, Reva Washburn, Pa
tricia Powers, Anna Thomas, Her
bert Bates, Edward McGovern,
Blossom Bates, Gene Powers and
Richard Thomas, 1 announcer.
When you are think
ing of moving .think
of our telephone num
ber. You can reach us
in a hurry and you
can be sure of rapid
response to your call.
Telephone 7773
Wishes You and Yours
A Happy and Prosperous New Year I
We hope that the encouragement
which has gripped the nation has
filled you, as it has us, with a whole
hearted determination to go forward
with 1934. v
Center at Liberty .
Loggers & Contractors Machinery
211 S.E. Madison St, Portland 345 Center St, Salem
The Salem Automobile Co.
.435 North Commercial
Extends Its New Year Greeting
Wefeel confident the new year
' will .bring-to you all you expected
a year ago ... or two years ago. J .
All indications, as the new year ' .
rings in, are indicative of a new ;
prosperity. Good luck to you!
e Are More than Grateful for Your
Patronage D uring the Past Year !
lt$ the kick-off to 4
New Year that will bring
back oil the good times,
and busy times "that will
reach our goaL
Capital Bedding Co. Inc.
TeL 4069 3030 N. Pacifie Highway
May 1934 bring you
-"1 possible happiness
and prosperity.
160 N. Liberty
Electrical Appliances
1 Westinghouse $50.00
1 Westinghouse .. $20.00
2 " 319-i, ea. $15.00
1 Acorn, $15.00
1 Etate $15.00
2 Universals, ea. $12.00
1 Standard ..... $20 00
1 Fuel Range $30.00
All in Good Condition
Portland General Electric Co.
i Manufacturers of
Support Oregon Products
. Specify "Salem Made Paper for Your
Office Stationery